changeset 57431 02c408aed5ee
parent 57272 fd539459a112
child 57463 d6df9b63d385
--- a/src/Doc/Sledgehammer/document/root.tex	Sat Jun 28 22:13:23 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/Sledgehammer/document/root.tex	Sun Jun 29 18:28:27 2014 +0200
@@ -1059,14 +1059,11 @@
 The MaSh machine learner. Three learning engines are provided:
-\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{sml\_nb}} (also called \textbf{\textit{sml}}
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{nb}} (also called \textbf{\textit{sml}}
 and \textbf{\textit{yes}}) is a Standard ML implementation of naive Bayes.
-\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{sml\_knn}} is a Standard ML implementation of
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{knn}} is a Standard ML implementation of
 $k$-nearest neighbors.
-\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{py}} is a Python implementation of naive Bayes.
-The program is included with Isabelle as \texttt{}.
 In addition, the special value \textit{none} is used to disable machine learning by
@@ -1077,10 +1074,7 @@
 \texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER/etc/settings} file, or via the ``MaSh'' option
 under ``Plugins > Plugin Options > Isabelle > General'' in Isabelle/jEdit.
 Persistent data for both engines is stored in the directory
-\texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER/mash}. When switching to the \textit{py} engine,
-you will need to invoke the \textit{relearn\_isar} subcommand
-(\S\ref{sledgehammer}) to synchronize the persistent databases on the
-Python side.
 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{mesh}:} The MeSh filter, which combines the
 rankings from MePo and MaSh.