changeset 66267 04b626416eae
parent 66262 4a2c9d32e7aa
child 66453 cc19f7ca2ed6
--- a/src/HOL/Probability/Fin_Map.thy	Tue Jul 11 12:24:27 2017 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Probability/Fin_Map.thy	Tue Jul 11 15:34:35 2017 +0200
@@ -44,26 +44,6 @@
-subsection \<open>Countable Finite Maps\<close>
-instance fmap :: (countable, countable) countable
-  obtain mapper where mapper: "\<And>fm :: 'a \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>F 'b. set (mapper fm) = domain fm"
-    by (metis finite_list[OF finite_domain])
-  have "inj (\<lambda>fm. map (\<lambda>i. (i, (fm)\<^sub>F i)) (mapper fm))" (is "inj ?F")
-  proof (rule inj_onI)
-    fix f1 f2 assume "?F f1 = ?F f2"
-    then have "map fst (?F f1) = map fst (?F f2)" by simp
-    then have "mapper f1 = mapper f2" by (simp add: comp_def)
-    then have "domain f1 = domain f2" by (simp add: mapper[symmetric])
-    with \<open>?F f1 = ?F f2\<close> show "f1 = f2"
-      unfolding \<open>mapper f1 = mapper f2\<close> map_eq_conv mapper
-      by (simp add: finmap_eq_iff)
-  qed
-  then show "\<exists>to_nat :: 'a \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>F 'b \<Rightarrow> nat. inj to_nat"
-    by (intro exI[of _ "to_nat \<circ> ?F"] inj_comp) auto
 subsection \<open>Constructor of Finite Maps\<close>
 lift_definition finmap_of::"'i set \<Rightarrow> ('i \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> ('i \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>F 'a)" is