--- a/src/Pure/pure_thy.ML Tue Oct 28 17:34:12 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/pure_thy.ML Tue Oct 28 17:36:16 1997 +0100
@@ -5,13 +5,25 @@
Init 'theorems' data. The Pure theories.
+signature BASIC_PURE_THY =
+ val get_thm: theory -> xstring -> thm
+ val get_thms: theory -> xstring -> thm list
+ val thms_of: theory -> (string * thm) list
signature PURE_THY =
- val store_thms: (bstring * thm) list -> theory -> theory (*DESTRUCTIVE*)
- val store_thmss: (bstring * thm list) list -> theory -> theory (*DESTRUCTIVE*)
- val smart_store_thm: (bstring * thm) -> thm (*DESTRUCTIVE*)
- val get_thm: theory -> xstring -> thm
- val get_thms: theory -> xstring -> thm list
+ include BASIC_PURE_THY
+ val ignored_consts: string list
+ val thms_containing: theory -> string list -> (string * thm) list
+ val store_thms: (bstring * thm) list -> theory -> theory
+ val store_thmss: (bstring * thm list) list -> theory -> theory
+ val smart_store_thm: (bstring * thm) -> thm
+ val add_store_axioms: (bstring * string) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_store_axioms_i: (bstring * term) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_store_defs: (bstring * string) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_store_defs_i: (bstring * term) list -> theory -> theory
val proto_pure: theory
val pure: theory
val cpure: theory
@@ -21,30 +33,27 @@
-(** init theorems data **)
+(*** init theorems data ***)
-(* data kind theorems *)
+(** data kind theorems **)
val theorems = "theorems";
exception Theorems of
- {space: NameSpace.T, thms_tab: thm list Symtab.table} ref;
+ {space: NameSpace.T,
+ thms_tab: thm list Symtab.table,
+ const_idx: int * (int * thm) list Symtab.table} ref;
(* methods *)
-val empty =
- Theorems (ref {space = NameSpace.empty, thms_tab = Symtab.null});
+fun mk_empty _ =
+ Theorems (ref {space = NameSpace.empty,
+ thms_tab = Symtab.null, const_idx = (0, Symtab.null)});
-fun ext (Theorems (ref {space, ...})) =
- Theorems (ref {space = space, thms_tab = Symtab.null});
-fun merge (Theorems (ref {space = space1, ...}), Theorems (ref {space = space2, ...})) =
- Theorems (ref {space = NameSpace.merge (space1, space2), thms_tab = Symtab.null});
-fun print (Theorems (ref {space, thms_tab})) =
+fun print (Theorems (ref {space, thms_tab, const_idx = _})) =
val prt_thm = Pretty.quote o pretty_thm;
fun prt_thms (name, [th]) =
@@ -61,50 +70,110 @@
-val theorems_methods = (empty, ext, merge, print);
+val theorems_methods = (mk_empty (), mk_empty, mk_empty, print);
(* get data record *)
-fun get_theorems sg =
+fun get_theorems_sg sg =
(case Sign.get_data sg theorems of
Theorems r => r
- | _ => sys_error "get_theorems");
+ | _ => sys_error "get_theorems_sg");
+val get_theorems = get_theorems_sg o sign_of;
-(* retrieve theorems *)
+(** retrieve theorems **)
-fun lookup_thms theory full_name =
+(* get_thm(s) *)
+fun local_thms thy name =
- val tab_of = #thms_tab o ! o get_theorems o sign_of;
- fun lookup [] = raise Match
- | lookup (thy :: thys) =
- (case Symtab.lookup (tab_of thy, full_name) of
- Some thms => thms
- | None => lookup (Theory.parents_of thy) handle Match => lookup thys)
- in
- lookup [theory] handle Match
- => raise THEORY ("No theorems " ^ quote full_name ^ " stored in theory", [theory])
- end;
+ val ref {space, thms_tab, ...} = get_theorems thy;
+ val full_name = NameSpace.intern space name;
+ in Symtab.lookup (thms_tab, full_name) end;
+fun all_local_thms [] _ = None
+ | all_local_thms (thy :: thys) name =
+ (case local_thms thy name of
+ None => all_local_thms thys name
+ | some => some);
fun get_thms thy name =
- let
- val ref {space, ...} = get_theorems (sign_of thy);
- val full_name = NameSpace.intern space name;
- in lookup_thms thy full_name end;
+ (case all_local_thms (thy :: Theory.ancestors_of thy) name of
+ None => raise THEORY ("Theorems " ^ quote name ^ " not stored in theory", [thy])
+ | Some thms => thms);
fun get_thm thy name =
(case get_thms thy name of
[thm] => thm
- | _ => raise THEORY ("Singleton theorem list expected " ^ quote name, [thy]));
+ | _ => raise THEORY ("Singleton list of theorems expected " ^ quote name, [thy]));
+(* thms_of *)
+fun attach_name thm = (Thm.name_of_thm thm, thm);
+fun thms_of thy =
+ let val ref {thms_tab, ...} = get_theorems thy in
+ map attach_name (flat (map snd (Symtab.dest thms_tab)))
+ end;
-(* store theorems *) (*DESTRUCTIVE*)
+(** theorems indexed by constants **)
+(* make index *)
+val ignored_consts = ["Trueprop", "all", "==>", "=="];
+fun add_const_idx ((next, table), thm) =
+ let
+ val {hyps, prop, ...} = Thm.rep_thm thm;
+ val consts =
+ foldr add_term_consts (hyps, add_term_consts (prop, [])) \\ ignored_consts;
+ fun add (tab, c) =
+ Symtab.update ((c, (next, thm) :: Symtab.lookup_multi (tab, c)), tab);
+ in (next + 1, foldl add (table, consts)) end;
+fun make_const_idx thm_tab =
+ foldl (foldl add_const_idx) ((0, Symtab.null), map snd (Symtab.dest thm_tab));
+(* lookup index *)
-fun err_dup name =
- error ("Duplicate theorems " ^ quote name);
+(*search locally*)
+fun containing [] thy = thms_of thy
+ | containing consts thy =
+ let
+ fun intr ([], _) = []
+ | intr (_, []) = []
+ | intr (xxs as ((x as (i:int, _)) :: xs), yys as ((y as (j, _)) :: ys)) =
+ if i = j then x :: intr (xs, ys)
+ else if i > j then intr (xs, yys)
+ else intr (xxs, ys);
+ fun intrs [xs] = xs
+ | intrs xss = if exists null xss then [] else foldl intr (hd xss, tl xss);
+ val ref {const_idx = (_, ctab), ...} = get_theorems thy;
+ val ithmss = map (fn c => Symtab.lookup_multi (ctab, c)) consts;
+ in
+ map (attach_name o snd) (intrs ithmss)
+ end;
+(*search globally*)
+fun thms_containing thy consts =
+ flat (map (containing consts) (thy :: Theory.ancestors_of thy));
+(** store theorems **) (*DESTRUCTIVE*)
fun warn_overwrite name =
warning ("Replaced old copy of theorems " ^ quote name);
@@ -123,20 +192,24 @@
val named_thms = ListPair.map Thm.name_thm (names, thms);
val eq_thms = ListPair.all Thm.eq_thm;
- val r as ref {space, thms_tab = tab} = get_theorems sg;
+ val r as ref {space, thms_tab, const_idx} = get_theorems_sg sg;
+ val overwrite =
+ (case Symtab.lookup (thms_tab, name) of
+ None => false
+ | Some thms' =>
+ if length thms' = len andalso eq_thms (thms', named_thms) then
+ (warn_same name; false)
+ else (warn_overwrite name; true));
+ val space' = NameSpace.extend ([name], space);
+ val thms_tab' = Symtab.update ((name, named_thms), thms_tab);
+ val const_idx' =
+ if overwrite then make_const_idx thms_tab'
+ else foldl add_const_idx (const_idx, named_thms);
- (case Symtab.lookup (tab, name) of
- None =>
- if NameSpace.declared space name then err_dup name else ()
- | Some thms' =>
- if length thms' = len andalso eq_thms (thms', named_thms) then
- warn_same name
- else warn_overwrite name);
- r :=
- {space = NameSpace.extend ([name], space),
- thms_tab = Symtab.update ((name, named_thms), tab)};
+ r := {space = space', thms_tab = thms_tab', const_idx = const_idx'};
@@ -155,6 +228,20 @@
in named_thm end;
+(* store axioms as theorems *)
+fun add_store add named_axs thy =
+ let
+ val thy' = add named_axs thy;
+ val named_thms = map (fn name => (name, get_axiom thy' name)) (map fst named_axs);
+ in store_thms named_thms thy' end;
+val add_store_axioms = add_store Theory.add_axioms;
+val add_store_axioms_i = add_store Theory.add_axioms_i;
+val add_store_defs = add_store Theory.add_defs;
+val add_store_defs_i = add_store Theory.add_defs_i;
(** the Pure theories **)
@@ -184,21 +271,30 @@
("==>", "[prop, prop] => prop", Mixfix ("(_/ ==> _)", [2, 1], 1)),
("all", "('a => prop) => prop", Binder ("!!", 0, 0)),
("TYPE", "'a itself", NoSyn)]
- |> Theory.add_defs [("flexpair_def", "(t =?= u) == (t == u::'a::{})")]
+ |> Theory.add_path "ProtoPure"
+ |> add_store_defs [("flexpair_def", "(t =?= u) == (t == u::'a::{})")]
|> Theory.add_name "ProtoPure";
-val pure = proto_pure
+val pure =
+ Theory.prep_ext_merge [proto_pure]
|> Theory.add_syntax Syntax.pure_appl_syntax
+ |> Theory.add_path "Pure"
|> Theory.add_name "Pure";
-val cpure = proto_pure
+val cpure =
+ Theory.prep_ext_merge [proto_pure]
|> Theory.add_syntax Syntax.pure_applC_syntax
+ |> Theory.add_path "CPure"
|> Theory.add_name "CPure";
+structure BasicPureThy: BASIC_PURE_THY = PureThy;
+open BasicPureThy;
(** theory structures **)