changeset 23385 0ef4f9fc0d09
parent 23075 69e30a7e8880
child 23881 851c74f1bb69
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML	Thu Jun 14 13:16:44 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML	Thu Jun 14 13:18:24 2007 +0200
@@ -7,40 +7,28 @@
 (*FIXME: is this signature necessary? Or maybe define and open a Basic_ResClause?*)
+(*FIXME: combine with res_hol_clause!*)
 signature RES_CLAUSE =
   exception CLAUSE of string * term
-  type clause and arityClause and classrelClause
+  type arityClause and classrelClause
   datatype fol_type = AtomV of string
                     | AtomF of string
                     | Comp of string * fol_type list;
-  datatype fol_term = UVar of string
-                    | Fun of string * fol_type list * fol_term list;
-  datatype predicate = Predicate of string * fol_type list * fol_term list;
   datatype kind = Axiom | Conjecture;
   val name_of_kind : kind -> string
-  type typ_var and type_literal and literal
-  val literals_of_term: Term.term -> literal list * (typ_var * Term.sort) list
+  type typ_var and type_literal 
   val add_typs_aux : (typ_var * string list) list -> type_literal list * type_literal list
   val ascii_of : string -> string
   val tptp_pack : string list -> string
   val make_arity_clauses: theory -> (class list * arityClause list)
   val make_classrel_clauses: theory -> class list -> class list -> classrelClause list 
   val clause_prefix : string 
-  val clause2tptp : clause -> string * string list
   val const_prefix : string
-  val dfg_write_file:  thm list -> string -> 
-       ((thm * (string * int)) list * classrelClause list * arityClause list) -> string list
   val fixed_var_prefix : string
   val gen_tptp_cls : int * string * string * string list -> string
-  val get_axiomName : clause ->  string
-  val get_literals : clause -> literal list
   val init : theory -> unit
   val isMeta : string -> bool
-  val isTaut : clause -> bool
-  val list_ord : ('a * 'b -> order) -> 'a list * 'b list -> order
-  val make_axiom_clause : thm -> string * int -> clause option
-  val make_conjecture_clauses : thm list -> clause list
   val make_fixed_const : string -> string		
   val make_fixed_type_const : string -> string   
   val make_fixed_type_var : string -> string
@@ -59,8 +47,6 @@
   val tptp_classrelClause : classrelClause -> string
   val tptp_of_typeLit : type_literal -> string
   val tptp_tfree_clause : string -> string
-  val tptp_write_file: thm list -> string -> 
-       ((thm * (string * int)) list * classrelClause list * arityClause list) -> string list
   val union_all : ''a list list -> ''a list
   val writeln_strs: TextIO.outstream -> TextIO.vector list -> unit
   val dfg_sign: bool -> string -> string
@@ -209,12 +195,11 @@
 (***** definitions and functions for FOL clauses, for conversion to TPTP or DFG format. *****)
 datatype kind = Axiom | Conjecture;
 fun name_of_kind Axiom = "axiom"
   | name_of_kind Conjecture = "negated_conjecture";
-type clause_id = int;
 type axiom_name = string;
-type polarity = bool;
 (**** Isabelle FOL clauses ****)
@@ -233,43 +218,12 @@
 (*First string is the type class; the second is a TVar or TFfree*)
 datatype type_literal = LTVar of string * string | LTFree of string * string;
-datatype fol_term = UVar of string
-                  | Fun of string * fol_type list * fol_term list;
-datatype predicate = Predicate of string * fol_type list * fol_term list;
-datatype literal = Literal of polarity * predicate;
 fun mk_typ_var_sort (TFree(a,s)) = (FOLTFree a,s)
   | mk_typ_var_sort (TVar(v,s)) = (FOLTVar v,s);
-(*A clause has first-order literals and other, type-related literals*)
-datatype clause = 
-	 Clause of {clause_id: clause_id,
-		    axiom_name: axiom_name,
-		    th: thm,
-		    kind: kind,
-		    literals: literal list,
-		    types_sorts: (typ_var * sort) list};
-fun get_axiomName (Clause cls) = #axiom_name cls;
-fun get_literals (Clause cls) = #literals cls;
 exception CLAUSE of string * term;
-fun isFalse (Literal (pol, Predicate(pname,_,[]))) =
-      (pol andalso pname = "c_False") orelse
-      (not pol andalso pname = "c_True")
-  | isFalse _ = false;
-fun isTrue (Literal (pol, Predicate(pname,_,[]))) =
-      (pol andalso pname = "c_True") orelse
-      (not pol andalso pname = "c_False")
-  | isTrue _ = false;
-fun isTaut (Clause {literals,...}) = exists isTrue literals;  
 (*Declarations of the current theory--to allow suppressing types.*)
 val const_typargs = ref (Library.K [] : (string*typ -> typ list));
@@ -300,77 +254,6 @@
    universal vars, although it is represented as "Free(...)" by Isabelle *)
 val isMeta = String.isPrefix "METAHYP1_"
-fun pred_name_type (Const(c,T)) = (make_fixed_const c, const_types_of (c,T))
-  | pred_name_type (Free(x,T))  = 
-      if isMeta x then raise CLAUSE("Predicate Not First Order 1", Free(x,T)) 
-      else (make_fixed_var x, ([],[]))
-  | pred_name_type (v as Var _) = raise CLAUSE("Predicate Not First Order 2", v)
-  | pred_name_type t        = raise CLAUSE("Predicate input unexpected", t);
-fun fun_name_type (Const(c,T)) args = (make_fixed_const c, const_types_of (c,T))
-  | fun_name_type (Free(x,T)) args  = 
-       if isMeta x then raise CLAUSE("Function Not First Order", Free(x,T))
-       else (make_fixed_var x, ([],[]))
-  | fun_name_type f args = raise CLAUSE("Function Not First Order 1", f);
-(*Convert a term to a fol_term while accumulating sort constraints on the TFrees and
-  TVars it contains.*)    
-fun term_of (Var(ind_nm,T)) = 
-      let val (_,ts) = type_of T
-      in (UVar(make_schematic_var ind_nm), ts) end
-  | term_of (Free(x,T)) = 
-      let val (_,ts) = type_of T
-      in
-	  if isMeta x then (UVar(make_schematic_var(x,0)), ts)
-	  else (Fun(make_fixed_var x, [], []), ts)
-      end
-  | term_of app = 
-      let val (f,args) = strip_comb app
-	  val (funName,(contys,ts1)) = fun_name_type f args
-	  val (args',ts2) = terms_of args
-      in
-	  (Fun(funName,contys,args'), union_all (ts1::ts2))
-      end
-and terms_of ts = ListPair.unzip (map term_of ts)
-(*Create a predicate value, again accumulating sort constraints.*)    
-fun pred_of (Const("op =", typ), args) =
-      let val (args',ts) = terms_of args
-      in
-	  (Predicate(make_fixed_const "op =", [], args'),
-	   union_all ts)
-      end
-  | pred_of (pred,args) = 
-      let val (pname, (predType,ts1)) = pred_name_type pred
-	  val (args',ts2) = terms_of args
-      in
-	  (Predicate(pname,predType,args'), union_all (ts1::ts2))
-      end;
-(*Treatment of literals, possibly negated*)
-fun predicate_of ((Const("Not",_) $ P), polarity) = predicate_of (P, not polarity)
-  | predicate_of (term,polarity) = (pred_of (strip_comb term), polarity);
-fun literals_of_term1 args (Const("Trueprop",_) $ P) = literals_of_term1 args P
-  | literals_of_term1 args (Const("op |",_) $ P $ Q) = 
-      literals_of_term1 (literals_of_term1 args P) Q
-  | literals_of_term1 (lits, ts) P =
-      let val ((pred, ts'), polarity) = predicate_of (P,true)
-	  val lits' = Literal(polarity,pred) :: lits
-      in
-	  (lits', ts union ts')
-      end;
-val literals_of_term = literals_of_term1 ([],[]);
-fun list_ord _ ([],[]) = EQUAL
-  | list_ord _ ([],_) = LESS
-  | list_ord _ (_,[]) = GREATER
-  | list_ord ord (x::xs, y::ys) = 
-      (case ord(x,y) of EQUAL => list_ord ord (xs,ys)
-	 	      | xy_ord => xy_ord);
 (*Make literals for sorted type variables*) 
 fun sorts_on_typs (_, [])   = []
   | sorts_on_typs (v,  s::ss) = 
@@ -391,57 +274,21 @@
   | add_typs_aux ((FOLTVar indx, s) :: tss) = 
       let val vs = sorts_on_typs (FOLTVar indx, s)
 	  val (vss,fss) = add_typs_aux tss
-      in
-	  (vs union vss, fss)
-      end
+      in  (vs union vss, fss)  end
   | add_typs_aux ((FOLTFree x, s) :: tss) =
       let val fs = sorts_on_typs (FOLTFree x, s)
 	  val (vss,fss) = add_typs_aux tss
-      in
-	  (vss, fs union fss)
-      end;
+      in  (vss, fs union fss)  end;
 (** make axiom and conjecture clauses. **)
-exception MAKE_CLAUSE;
-fun make_clause (clause_id, axiom_name, th, kind) =
-  let val (lits,types_sorts) = literals_of_term (prop_of th)
-  in if forall isFalse lits 
-     then error "Problem too trivial for resolution (empty clause)"
-     else Clause {clause_id = clause_id, axiom_name = axiom_name, th = th, 
-                  kind = kind, literals = lits, types_sorts = types_sorts}
-  end;		     
 fun get_tvar_strs [] = []
   | get_tvar_strs ((FOLTVar indx,s)::tss) = 
       insert (op =) (make_schematic_type_var indx) (get_tvar_strs tss)
   | get_tvar_strs((FOLTFree x,s)::tss) = get_tvar_strs tss
-(* check if a clause is first-order before making a conjecture clause*)
-fun make_conjecture_clause n th =
-  if Meson.is_fol_term (theory_of_thm th) (prop_of th) 
-  then make_clause(n, "conjecture", th, Conjecture)
-  else raise CLAUSE("Goal is not FOL", prop_of th);
-fun make_conjecture_clauses_aux _ [] = []
-  | make_conjecture_clauses_aux n (t::ts) =
-      make_conjecture_clause n t :: make_conjecture_clauses_aux (n+1) ts
-val make_conjecture_clauses = make_conjecture_clauses_aux 0
-(*before converting an axiom clause to "clause" format, check if it is FOL*)
-fun make_axiom_clause th (ax_name,cls_id) =
-  if Meson.is_fol_term (theory_of_thm th) (prop_of th) 
-  then (SOME (make_clause(cls_id, ax_name, th, Axiom)) handle MAKE_CLAUSE => NONE)
-  else (Output.debug (fn () => ("Omitting " ^ ax_name ^ ": Axiom is not FOL")); NONE)
-fun make_axiom_clauses [] = []
-  | make_axiom_clauses ((th,(name,id))::thms) =
-      case make_axiom_clause th (name,id) of 
-          SOME cls => if isTaut cls then make_axiom_clauses thms 
-                      else (name,cls) :: make_axiom_clauses thms
-        | NONE => make_axiom_clauses thms;
 (**** Isabelle arities ****)
@@ -553,21 +400,11 @@
 fun update_many (tab, keypairs) = foldl (uncurry Symtab.update) tab keypairs;
-fun add_predicate_preds (Predicate(pname,tys,tms), preds) = 
-  if pname = "equal" then preds (*equality is built-in and requires no declaration*)
-  else Symtab.update (pname, length tys + length tms) preds
-fun add_literal_preds (Literal(_,pred), preds) = add_predicate_preds (pred,preds)
 fun add_type_sort_preds ((FOLTVar indx,s), preds) = 
       update_many (preds, map pred_of_sort (sorts_on_typs (FOLTVar indx, s)))
   | add_type_sort_preds ((FOLTFree x,s), preds) =
       update_many (preds, map pred_of_sort (sorts_on_typs (FOLTFree x, s)));
-fun add_clause_preds (Clause {literals, types_sorts, ...}, preds) =
-  foldl add_literal_preds (foldl add_type_sort_preds preds types_sorts) literals
-  handle Symtab.DUP a => raise ERROR ("predicate " ^ a ^ " has multiple arities")
 fun add_classrelClause_preds (ClassrelClause {subclass,superclass,...}, preds) =
   Symtab.update (subclass,1) (Symtab.update (superclass,1) preds);
@@ -579,14 +416,6 @@
       fun upd (class,preds) = Symtab.update (class,1) preds
   in  foldl upd preds classes  end;
-fun preds_of_clauses clauses clsrel_clauses arity_clauses = 
-  Symtab.dest
-    (foldl add_classrelClause_preds 
-      (foldl add_arityClause_preds
-        (foldl add_clause_preds Symtab.empty clauses)
-        arity_clauses)
-      clsrel_clauses)
 (*** Find occurrences of functions in clauses ***)
 fun add_foltype_funcs (AtomV _, funcs) = funcs
@@ -594,18 +423,6 @@
   | add_foltype_funcs (Comp(a,tys), funcs) = 
       foldl add_foltype_funcs (Symtab.update (a, length tys) funcs) tys;
-fun add_folterm_funcs (UVar _, funcs) = funcs
-  | add_folterm_funcs (Fun(a,tys,tms), funcs) = 
-      foldl add_foltype_funcs 
-	    (foldl add_folterm_funcs (Symtab.update (a, length tys + length tms) funcs) 
-	           tms) 
-	    tys
-fun add_predicate_funcs (Predicate(_,tys,tms), funcs) = 
-    foldl add_foltype_funcs (foldl add_folterm_funcs funcs tms) tys;
-fun add_literal_funcs (Literal(_,pred), funcs) = add_predicate_funcs (pred,funcs)
 (*TFrees are recorded as constants*)
 fun add_type_sort_funcs ((FOLTVar _, _), funcs) = funcs
   | add_type_sort_funcs ((FOLTFree a, _), funcs) = 
@@ -615,44 +432,15 @@
   let val TConsLit (_, tcons, tvars) = conclLit
   in  Symtab.update (tcons, length tvars) funcs  end;
-fun add_clause_funcs (Clause {literals, types_sorts, ...}, funcs) =
-  foldl add_literal_funcs (foldl add_type_sort_funcs funcs types_sorts)
-       literals
-  handle Symtab.DUP a => raise ERROR ("function " ^ a ^ " has multiple arities")
 (*This type can be overlooked because it is built-in...*)
 val init_functab = Symtab.update ("tc_itself", 1) Symtab.empty;
-fun funcs_of_clauses clauses arity_clauses = 
-  Symtab.dest (foldl add_arityClause_funcs 
-                     (foldl add_clause_funcs init_functab clauses)
-                     arity_clauses)
 (**** String-oriented operations ****)
-fun string_of_term (UVar x) = x
-  | string_of_term (Fun (name,typs,terms)) = 
-      name ^ (paren_pack (map string_of_term terms @ map string_of_fol_type typs));
-fun string_of_pair [t1,t2] = (string_of_term t1, string_of_term t2)
-  | string_of_pair _ = raise ERROR ("equality predicate requires two arguments");
-fun string_of_equality ts =
-  let val (s1,s2) = string_of_pair ts
-  in "equal(" ^ s1 ^ "," ^ s2 ^ ")" end;
-(* before output the string of the predicate, check if the predicate corresponds to an equality or not. *)
-fun string_of_predicate (Predicate("equal",_,ts)) = string_of_equality ts
-  | string_of_predicate (Predicate(name,typs,ts)) = 
-      name ^ (paren_pack (map string_of_term ts @ map string_of_fol_type typs));
 fun string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) = 
     clause_prefix ^ ascii_of ax_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString cls_id;
-fun clause_name_of (cls_id,ax_name) = 
-    ascii_of ax_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString cls_id;
 fun string_of_type_clsname (cls_id,ax_name,idx) = 
     string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) ^ "_tcs" ^ (Int.toString idx);
@@ -666,8 +454,6 @@
 fun dfg_sign true s = s
   | dfg_sign false s = "not(" ^ s ^ ")"  
-fun dfg_literal (Literal(pol,pred)) = dfg_sign pol (string_of_predicate pred)
 fun dfg_of_typeLit (LTVar (s,ty)) = "not(" ^ s ^ "(" ^ ty ^ "))"
   | dfg_of_typeLit (LTFree (s,ty)) = s ^ "(" ^ ty ^ ")";
@@ -680,31 +466,6 @@
     dfg_forall vars ("or(" ^ lits ^ ")") ^ ",\n" ^ 
     string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) ^  ").\n\n";
-fun dfg_clause_aux (Clause{literals, types_sorts, ...}) = 
-  let val (tvar_lits,tfree_lits) = add_typs_aux types_sorts
-  in  (map dfg_of_typeLit tvar_lits @ map dfg_literal literals, 
-       map dfg_of_typeLit tfree_lits)
-  end; 
-fun dfg_folterms (Literal(pol,pred)) = 
-  let val Predicate (_, _, folterms) = pred
-  in  folterms  end
-fun get_uvars (UVar a) = [a] 
-  | get_uvars (Fun (_,typ,tlist)) = union_all(map get_uvars tlist)
-fun dfg_vars (Clause {literals,...}) =
-  union_all (map get_uvars (List.concat (map dfg_folterms literals)))
-fun clause2dfg (cls as Clause{axiom_name,clause_id,kind,types_sorts,...}) =
-    let val (lits,tfree_lits) = dfg_clause_aux cls 
-            (*"lits" includes the typing assumptions (TVars)*)
-        val vars = dfg_vars cls
-        val tvars = get_tvar_strs types_sorts
-	val cls_str = gen_dfg_cls(clause_id, axiom_name, name_of_kind kind, 
-	                           commas lits, tvars@vars) 
-    in (cls_str, tfree_lits) end;
 fun string_of_arity (name, num) =  "(" ^ name ^ "," ^ Int.toString num ^ ")"
 fun string_of_preds [] = ""
@@ -747,37 +508,6 @@
       string_of_ar axiom_name ^ ").\n\n"
-(* write out a subgoal in DFG format to the file "xxxx_N"*)
-fun dfg_write_file thms filename (ax_tuples,classrel_clauses,arity_clauses) = 
-  let 
-    val _ = Output.debug (fn () => ("Preparing to write the DFG file " ^ filename))
-    val _ = dfg_format := true
-    val conjectures = make_conjecture_clauses thms
-    val (clnames,axclauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses ax_tuples)
-    val (dfg_clss, tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map clause2dfg conjectures)
-    val clss = conjectures @ axclauses
-    val funcs = funcs_of_clauses clss arity_clauses
-    and preds = preds_of_clauses clss classrel_clauses arity_clauses
-    and probname = Path.implode (Path.base (Path.explode filename))
-    val (axstrs, _) = ListPair.unzip (map clause2dfg axclauses)
-    val tfree_clss = map dfg_tfree_clause (union_all tfree_litss) 
-    val out = TextIO.openOut filename
-  in
-    TextIO.output (out, string_of_start probname); 
-    TextIO.output (out, string_of_descrip probname); 
-    TextIO.output (out, string_of_symbols (string_of_funcs funcs) (string_of_preds preds)); 
-    TextIO.output (out, "list_of_clauses(axioms,cnf).\n");
-    writeln_strs out axstrs;
- (curry TextIO.output out o dfg_classrelClause) classrel_clauses;
- (curry TextIO.output out o dfg_arity_clause) arity_clauses;
-    TextIO.output (out, "end_of_list.\n\nlist_of_clauses(conjectures,cnf).\n");
-    writeln_strs out tfree_clss;
-    writeln_strs out dfg_clss;
-    TextIO.output (out, "end_of_list.\n\nend_problem.\n");
-    TextIO.closeOut out;
-    clnames
-  end;
 (**** Produce TPTP files ****)
@@ -785,14 +515,6 @@
 fun tptp_sign true s = s
   | tptp_sign false s = "~ " ^ s
-fun tptp_of_equality pol ts =
-  let val (s1,s2) = string_of_pair ts
-      val eqop = if pol then " = " else " != "
-  in  s1 ^ eqop ^ s2  end;
-fun tptp_literal (Literal(pol,Predicate("equal",_,ts))) = tptp_of_equality pol ts
-  | tptp_literal (Literal(pol,pred)) = tptp_sign pol (string_of_predicate pred);
 fun tptp_of_typeLit (LTVar (s,ty))  = tptp_sign false (s ^ "(" ^ ty ^ ")")
   | tptp_of_typeLit (LTFree (s,ty)) = tptp_sign true  (s ^ "(" ^ ty ^ ")");
@@ -800,21 +522,6 @@
     "cnf(" ^ string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) ^ "," ^ 
     name_of_kind knd ^ "," ^ tptp_pack lits ^ ").\n";
-fun tptp_type_lits (Clause {literals, types_sorts, ...}) = 
-  let val (tvar_lits,tfree_lits) = add_typs_aux types_sorts
-  in
-      (map tptp_of_typeLit tvar_lits @ map tptp_literal literals,
-       map tptp_of_typeLit tfree_lits)
-  end; 
-fun clause2tptp (cls as Clause {clause_id, axiom_name, kind, ...}) =
-    let val (lits,tfree_lits) = tptp_type_lits cls 
-            (*"lits" includes the typing assumptions (TVars)*)
-	val cls_str = gen_tptp_cls(clause_id, axiom_name, kind, lits) 
-    in
-	(cls_str,tfree_lits) 
-    end;
 fun tptp_tfree_clause tfree_lit =
     "cnf(" ^ "tfree_tcs," ^ "negated_conjecture" ^ "," ^ tptp_pack[tfree_lit] ^ ").\n";
@@ -834,24 +541,4 @@
 fun tptp_classrelClause (ClassrelClause {axiom_name,subclass,superclass,...}) =
   "cnf(" ^ axiom_name ^ ",axiom," ^ tptp_classrelLits subclass superclass ^ ").\n" 
-(* write out a subgoal as tptp clauses to the file "xxxx_N"*)
-fun tptp_write_file thms filename (ax_tuples,classrel_clauses,arity_clauses) =
-  let
-    val _ = Output.debug (fn () => ("Preparing to write the TPTP file " ^ filename))
-    val _ = dfg_format := false
-    val clss = make_conjecture_clauses thms
-    val (clnames,axclauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses ax_tuples)
-    val (tptp_clss,tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map clause2tptp clss)
-    val tfree_clss = map tptp_tfree_clause (foldl (op union_string) [] tfree_litss)
-    val out = TextIO.openOut filename
-  in
- (curry TextIO.output out o #1 o clause2tptp) axclauses;
-    writeln_strs out tfree_clss;
-    writeln_strs out tptp_clss;
- (curry TextIO.output out o tptp_classrelClause) classrel_clauses;
- (curry TextIO.output out o tptp_arity_clause) arity_clauses;
-    TextIO.closeOut out;
-    clnames
-  end;