changeset 28224 10487d954a8f
child 28238 398bf960d3d4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/System/Thy/Misc.thy	Mon Sep 15 20:22:38 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+theory Misc
+imports Pure
+chapter {* Miscellaneous tools \label{ch:tools} *}
+text {*
+  Subsequently we describe various Isabelle related utilities, given
+  in alphabetical order.
+section {* Displaying documents *}
+text {*
+  The @{tool_def display} utility displays documents in DVI or PDF
+  format:
+Usage: display [OPTIONS] FILE
+  Options are:
+    -c           cleanup -- remove FILE after use
+  Display document FILE (in DVI format).
+  \medskip The @{verbatim "-c"} option causes the input file to be
+  removed after use.  The program for viewing @{verbatim dvi} files is
+  determined by the @{setting DVI_VIEWER} setting.
+section {* Viewing documentation \label{sec:tool-doc} *}
+text {*
+  The @{tool_def doc} utility displays online documentation:
+Usage: doc [DOC]
+  View Isabelle documentation DOC, or show list of available documents.
+  If called without arguments, it lists all available documents. Each
+  line starts with an identifier, followed by a short description. Any
+  of these identifiers may be specified as the first argument in order
+  to have the corresponding document displayed.
+  \medskip The @{setting ISABELLE_DOCS} setting specifies the list of
+  directories (separated by colons) to be scanned for documentations.
+  The program for viewing @{verbatim dvi} files is determined by the
+  @{setting DVI_VIEWER} setting.
+section {* Getting logic images *}
+text {*
+  The @{tool_def findlogics} utility traverses all directories
+  specified in @{setting ISABELLE_PATH}, looking for Isabelle logic
+  images. Its usage is:
+Usage: findlogics
+  Collect heap file names from ISABELLE_PATH.
+  The base names of all files found on the path are printed --- sorted
+  and with duplicates removed. Also note that lookup in @{setting
+  ISABELLE_PATH} includes the current values of @{setting ML_SYSTEM}
+  and @{setting ML_PLATFORM}. Thus switching to another ML compiler
+  may change the set of logic images available.
+section {* Inspecting the settings environment \label{sec:tool-getenv} *}
+text {*
+  The Isabelle settings environment --- as provided by the
+  site-default and user-specific settings files --- can be inspected
+  with the @{tool_def getenv} utility:
+Usage: getenv [OPTIONS] [VARNAMES ...]
+  Options are:
+    -a           display complete environment
+    -b           print values only (doesn't work for -a)
+  Get value of VARNAMES from the Isabelle settings.
+  With the @{verbatim "-a"} option, one may inspect the full process
+  environment that Isabelle related programs are run in. This usually
+  contains much more variables than are actually Isabelle settings.
+  Normally, output is a list of lines of the form @{text
+  name}@{verbatim "="}@{text value}. The @{verbatim "-b"} option
+  causes only the values to be printed.
+subsubsection {* Examples *}
+text {*
+  Get the ML system name and the location where the compiler binaries
+  are supposed to reside as follows:
+isatool getenv ML_SYSTEM ML_HOME
+{\out ML_SYSTEM=polyml}
+{\out ML_HOME=/usr/share/polyml/x86-linux}
+  The next one peeks at the output directory for Isabelle logic
+  images:
+isatool getenv -b ISABELLE_OUTPUT
+{\out /home/me/isabelle/heaps/polyml_x86-linux}
+  Here we have used the @{verbatim "-b"} option to suppress the
+  @{verbatim "ISABELLE_OUTPUT="} prefix.  The value above is what
+  became of the following assignment in the default settings file:
+  Note how the @{setting ML_IDENTIFIER} value got appended
+  automatically to each path component. This is a special feature of
+  @{setting ISABELLE_OUTPUT}.
+section {* Installing standalone Isabelle executables \label{sec:tool-install} *}
+text {*
+  By default, the Isabelle binaries (@{executable isabelle},
+  @{executable isatool} etc.) are just run from their location within
+  the distribution directory, probably indirectly by the shell through
+  its @{verbatim PATH}.  Other schemes of installation are supported
+  by the @{tool_def install} utility:
+Usage: install [OPTIONS]
+  Options are:
+    -d DISTDIR   use DISTDIR as Isabelle distribution
+                 (default ISABELLE_HOME)
+    -p DIR       install standalone binaries in DIR
+  Install Isabelle executables with absolute references to the current
+  distribution directory.
+  The @{verbatim "-d"} option overrides the current Isabelle
+  distribution directory as determined by @{setting ISABELLE_HOME}.
+  The @{verbatim "-p"} option installs executable wrapper scripts for
+  @{executable isabelle}, @{executable isatool}, @{executable
+  Isabelle}, containing proper absolute references to the Isabelle
+  distribution directory.  A typical @{verbatim DIR} specification
+  would be some directory expected to be in the shell's @{verbatim
+  PATH}, such as @{verbatim "/usr/local/bin"}.  It is important to
+  note that a plain manual copy of the original Isabelle executables
+  does not work, since it disrupts the integrity of the Isabelle
+  distribution.
+section {* Creating instances of the Isabelle logo *}
+text {*
+  The @{tool_def logo} utility creates any instance of the generic
+  Isabelle logo as an Encapsuled Postscript file (EPS):
+Usage: logo [OPTIONS] NAME
+  Create instance NAME of the Isabelle logo (as EPS).
+  Options are:
+    -o OUTFILE   set output file (default determined from NAME)
+    -q           quiet mode
+  You are encouraged to use this to create a derived logo for your
+  Isabelle project.  For example, @{verbatim "isatool logo Bali"}
+  creates @{verbatim isabelle_bali.eps}.
+section {* Isabelle's version of make \label{sec:tool-make} *}
+text {*
+  The Isabelle @{tool_def make} utility is a very simple wrapper for
+  ordinary Unix @{executable make}:
+Usage: make [ARGS ...]
+  Compile the logic in current directory using IsaMakefile.
+  ARGS are directly passed to the system make program.
+  Note that the Isabelle settings environment is also active. Thus one
+  may refer to its values within the @{verbatim IsaMakefile}, e.g.\
+  @{verbatim "$(ISABELLE_OUTPUT)"}. Furthermore, programs started from
+  the make file also inherit this environment.  Typically, @{verbatim
+  IsaMakefile}s defer the real work to the @{tool_ref usedir} utility.
+  \medskip The basic @{verbatim IsaMakefile} convention is that the
+  default target builds the actual logic, including its parents if
+  appropriate.  The @{verbatim images} target is intended to build all
+  local logic images, while the @{verbatim test} target shall build
+  all related examples.  The @{verbatim all} target shall do
+  @{verbatim images} and @{verbatim test}.
+subsubsection {* Examples *}
+text {*
+  Refer to the @{verbatim IsaMakefile}s of the Isabelle distribution's
+  object-logics as a model for your own developments.  For example,
+  see @{verbatim "src/FOL/IsaMakefile"}.
+section {* Make all logics *}
+text {*
+  The @{tool_def makeall} utility applies Isabelle make to all logic
+  directories of the distribution:
+Usage: makeall [ARGS ...]
+  Apply isatool make to all logics (passing ARGS).
+  The arguments @{verbatim ARGS} are just passed verbatim to each
+  @{tool make} invocation.
+section {* Printing documents *}
+text {*
+  The @{tool_def print} utility prints documents:
+Usage: print [OPTIONS] FILE
+  Options are:
+    -c           cleanup -- remove FILE after use
+  Print document FILE.
+  The @{verbatim "-c"} option causes the input file to be removed
+  after use.  The printer spool command is determined by the @{setting
+  PRINT_COMMAND} setting.
+section {* Run Isabelle with plain tty interaction \label{sec:tool-tty} *}
+text {*
+  The @{tool_def tty} utility runs the Isabelle process interactively
+  within a plain terminal session:
+Usage: tty [OPTIONS]
+  Options are:
+    -l NAME      logic image name (default ISABELLE_LOGIC)
+    -m MODE      add print mode for output
+    -p NAME      line editor program name (default ISABELLE_LINE_EDITOR)
+  Run Isabelle process with plain tty interaction, and optional line editor.
+  The @{verbatim "-l"} option specifies the logic image.  The
+  @{verbatim "-m"} option specifies additional print modes.  The The
+  @{verbatim "-p"} option specifies an alternative line editor (such
+  as the @{executable rlwrap} wrapper for GNU readline); the fall-back
+  is to use raw standard input.
+section {* Remove awkward symbol names from theory sources *}
+text {*
+  The @{tool_def unsymbolize} utility tunes Isabelle theory sources to
+  improve readability for plain ASCII output (e.g.\ in email
+  communication).  Most notably, @{tool unsymbolize} replaces awkward
+  arrow symbols such as @{verbatim "\\"}@{verbatim "<Longrightarrow>"}
+  by @{verbatim "==>"}.
+Usage: unsymbolize [FILES|DIRS...]
+  Recursively find .thy/.ML files, removing unreadable symbol names.
+  Note: this is an ad-hoc script; there is no systematic way to replace
+  symbols independently of the inner syntax of a theory!
+  Renames old versions of FILES by appending "~~".
+section {* Output the version identifier of the Isabelle distribution *}
+text {*
+  The @{tool_def version} utility outputs the full version string of
+  the Isabelle distribution being used, e.g.\ ``@{verbatim
+  "Isabelle2008: June 2008"}.  There are no options nor arguments.
+section {* Convert XML to YXML *}
+text {*
+  The @{tool_def yxml} tool converts a standard XML document (stdin)
+  to the much simpler and more efficient YXML format of Isabelle
+  (stdout).  The YXML format is defined as follows.
+  \begin{enumerate}
+  \item The encoding is always UTF-8.
+  \item Body text is represented verbatim (no escaping, no special
+  treatment of white space, no named entities, no CDATA chunks, no
+  comments).
+  \item Markup elements are represented via ASCII control characters
+  @{text "\<^bold>X = 5"} and @{text "\<^bold>Y = 6"} as follows:
+  \begin{tabular}{ll}
+    XML & YXML \\\hline
+    @{verbatim "<"}@{text "name attribute"}@{verbatim "="}@{text "value \<dots>"}@{verbatim ">"} &
+    @{text "\<^bold>X\<^bold>Yname\<^bold>Yattribute"}@{verbatim "="}@{text "value\<dots>\<^bold>X"} \\
+    @{verbatim "</"}@{text name}@{verbatim ">"} & @{text "\<^bold>X\<^bold>Y\<^bold>X"} \\
+  \end{tabular}
+  There is no special case for empty body text, i.e.\ @{verbatim
+  "<foo/>"} is treated like @{verbatim "<foo></foo>"}.  Also note that
+  @{text "\<^bold>X"} and @{text "\<^bold>Y"} may never occur in
+  well-formed XML documents.
+  \end{enumerate}
+  Parsing YXML is pretty straight-forward: split the text into chunks
+  separated by @{text "\<^bold>X"}, then split each chunk into
+  sub-chunks separated by @{text "\<^bold>Y"}.  Markup chunks start
+  with an empty sub-chunk, and a second empty sub-chunk indicates
+  close of an element.  Any other non-empty chunk consists of plain
+  text.
+  YXML documents may be detected quickly by checking that the first
+  two characters are @{text "\<^bold>X\<^bold>Y"}.
\ No newline at end of file