changeset 74015 12b1f4649ab1
parent 74014 3b8b1da2ff29
child 74016 027fb21bdd5d
--- a/src/Tools/GraphBrowser/GraphBrowser/	Fri Jul 16 12:45:37 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-  Title:      GraphBrowser/
-  Author:     Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
-  Options:    :tabSize=4:
-  This class defines the window in which the graph is displayed. It
-  contains methods for handling events such as collapsing / uncollapsing
-  nodes of the graph.
-package GraphBrowser;
-import java.awt.*;
-import java.awt.event.*;
-import java.util.*;
-public class GraphView extends Canvas implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {
-	Graph gra, gra2;
-	GraphBrowser browser;
-	Vertex v = null;
-	Vector collapsed = new Vector(10,10);
-	Vector collapsedDirs = new Vector(10,10);
-	TreeBrowser tb;
-	long timestamp;
-	Vertex highlighted = null;
-	Dimension size;
-	boolean parent_needs_layout;
-	Font font;
-	public void setTreeBrowser(TreeBrowser br) {
-		tb=br;
-	}
-	public GraphBrowser getBrowser() { return browser; }
-	public Graph getGraph() { return gra; }
-	public Graph getOriginalGraph() { return gra2; }
-	public GraphView(Graph gr, GraphBrowser br, Font f) {
-		gra2=gr;
-		browser=br;
-		gra=(Graph)(gra2.clone());
-		parent_needs_layout = true;
-		size = new Dimension(0, 0);
-		font = f;
-		addMouseListener(this);
-		addMouseMotionListener(this);
-	}
-	public void PS(String fname,boolean printable) throws IOException {
-	    Graph gra3 = (Graph)gra.clone();
-	    gra3.layout(null);
-	    gra3.PS(fname,printable);
-	}
-	public void paint(Graphics g) {
-		g.setFont(font);
-		gra.draw(g);
-		if (highlighted!=null) highlighted.drawBox(g,Color.white);
-		size = new Dimension(gra.max_x-gra.min_x, gra.max_y-gra.min_y);
-		if (parent_needs_layout) {
-			parent_needs_layout = false;
-			getParent().doLayout();
-		}
-	}
-	public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
-		return size;
-	}
-	public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) {
-		int x = evt.getX() + gra.min_x;
-		int y = evt.getY() + gra.min_y;
-		Vertex v2=gra.vertexAt(x,y);
-		Graphics g=getGraphics();
-		g.setFont(font);
-		g.translate(-gra.min_x,-gra.min_y);
-		if (highlighted!=null) {
-			highlighted.drawBox(g,Color.lightGray);
-			highlighted=null;
-		}
-		if (v2!=v) {
-			if (v!=null) v.removeButtons(g);
-			if (v2!=null) v2.drawButtons(g);
-			v=v2;
-		}
-	}
-	public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) {}
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	/* This method is called if successor / predecessor nodes (whose */
-	/* numbers are stored in Vector c) of a certain node should be   */
-        /* displayed again                                               */
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	void uncollapse(Vector c) {
-		collapsed.removeElement(c);
-		collapseNodes();
-	}
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	/* This method is called by class TreeBrowser when directories   */
-	/* are collapsed / uncollapsed by the user                       */
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	public void collapseDir(Vector v) {
-		collapsedDirs=v;
-		collapseNodes();
-	}
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	/*                      Inflate node again                       */
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	public void inflateNode(Vector c) {
-		Enumeration e1;
-		e1=collapsedDirs.elements();
-		while (e1.hasMoreElements()) {
-			Directory d=(Directory)(e1.nextElement());
-			if (d.collapsed==c) {
-				tb.selectNode(d.getNode());
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		collapsed.removeElement(c);
-		e1=gra2.getVertices();
-		while (e1.hasMoreElements()) {
-			Vertex vx=(Vertex)(e1.nextElement());
-			if (vx.getUp()==c) vx.setUp(null);
-			if (vx.getDown()==c) vx.setDown(null);
-		}
-		collapseNodes();
-		relayout();
-	}
-	public void relayout() {
-		Graphics g = getGraphics();
-		g.setFont(font);
-		browser.showWaitMessage();
-		highlighted=null;
-		gra.layout(g);
-		v=null;
-		parent_needs_layout = true;
-		update(g);
-		browser.showReadyMessage();
-	}
-	public void focusToVertex(int n) {
-		Vertex vx=gra.getVertexByNum(n);
-		if (vx!=null) {
-			ScrollPane scrollp = (ScrollPane)(getParent());
-			Dimension vpsize = scrollp.getViewportSize();
-                        int x = vx.getX()-gra.min_x;
-                        int y = vx.getY()-gra.min_y;
-			int offset_x = Math.min(scrollp.getHAdjustable().getMaximum(),
-				Math.max(0,x-vpsize.width/2));
-			int offset_y = Math.min(scrollp.getVAdjustable().getMaximum(),
-				Math.max(0,y-vpsize.height/2));
-			Graphics g=getGraphics();
-			g.setFont(font);
-			g.translate(-gra.min_x,-gra.min_y);
-			if (highlighted!=null) highlighted.drawBox(g,Color.lightGray);
-			vx.drawBox(g,Color.white);
-			highlighted=vx;
-			scrollp.setScrollPosition(offset_x, offset_y);
-		}
-	}
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	/*             Create new graph with collapsed nodes             */
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	public void collapseNodes() {
-		Enumeration e1=collapsed.elements();
-		gra=(Graph)(gra2.clone());
-		while (e1.hasMoreElements()) {
-			Vector v1=(Vector)(e1.nextElement());
-			Vector v2=gra.decode(v1);
-			if (!v2.isEmpty()) gra.collapse(v2,"[. . . .]",v1);
-		}
-		e1=collapsedDirs.elements();
-		while (e1.hasMoreElements()) {
-			Directory d=(Directory)(e1.nextElement());
-			Vector v=gra.decode(d.getCollapsed());
-			if (!v.isEmpty())
-				gra.collapse(v,"["+d.getName()+"]",d.getCollapsed());
-		}
-	}
-	public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
-		Vector code = null;
-		Vertex v2;
-		int x = evt.getX() + gra.min_x;
-		int y = evt.getY() + gra.min_y;
-		if (v!=null) {
-			int num=v.getNumber();
-			v2=gra2.getVertexByNum(num);
-			if (v.leftButton(x,y)) {
-				if (v.getUp()!=null) {
-					code=v.getUp();
-					v2.setUp(null);
-					v=null;
-					uncollapse(code);
-					relayout();
-					focusToVertex(num);
-				} else {
-					Vector vs=v2.getPreds();
-					code=gra2.encode(vs);
-					v.setUp(code);v2.setUp(code);
-					v=null;
-					collapsed.insertElementAt(code,0);
-					collapseNodes();
-					relayout();
-					focusToVertex(num);
-				}
-			} else if (v.rightButton(x,y)) {
-				if (v.getDown()!=null) {
-					code=v.getDown();
-					v2.setDown(null);
-					v=null;
-					uncollapse(code);
-					relayout();
-					focusToVertex(num);
-				} else {
-					Vector vs=v2.getSuccs();
-					code=gra2.encode(vs);
-					v.setDown(code);v2.setDown(code);
-					v=null;
-					collapsed.insertElementAt(code,0);
-					collapseNodes();
-					relayout();
-					focusToVertex(num);
-				}
-			} else if (v.getInflate()!=null) {
-				inflateNode(v.getInflate());
-				v=null;
-			} else {
-				if (evt.getWhen()-timestamp < 400 && !(v.getPath().equals("")))
-					browser.viewFile(v.getPath());
-				timestamp=evt.getWhen();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) {
-		Graphics g=getGraphics();
-		g.setFont(font);
-		g.translate(-gra.min_x,-gra.min_y);
-		if (highlighted!=null) {
-			highlighted.drawBox(g,Color.lightGray);
-			highlighted=null;
-		}
-		if (v!=null) v.removeButtons(g);
-		v=null;
-	}
-	public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) {}
-	public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {}
-	public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) {}