changeset 15347 14585bc8fa09
child 15390 87f78411f7c9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML	Tue Nov 30 18:25:55 2004 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+(*  Author: Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+    ID: $Id$
+    Copyright 2004 University of Cambridge
+ML data structure for storing/printing FOL clauses and arity clauses.
+Typed equality is treated differently.
+signature RES_CLAUSE =
+  sig
+    exception ARCLAUSE of string
+    exception CLAUSE of string
+    type arityClause 
+    type classrelClause
+    val classrelClauses_of :
+       string * string list -> classrelClause list
+    type clause
+    val keep_types : bool ref
+    val make_axiom_arity_clause :
+       string * (string * string list list) -> arityClause
+    val make_axiom_classrelClause :
+       string * string Library.option -> classrelClause
+    val make_axiom_clause : Term.term -> string * int -> clause
+    val make_axiom_clause_thm : Thm.thm -> string * int -> clause
+    val make_conjecture_clause : Term.term -> clause
+    val make_conjecture_clause_thm : Thm.thm -> clause
+    val make_hypothesis_clause : Term.term -> clause
+    val make_hypothesis_clause_thm : Thm.thm -> clause
+    val special_equal : bool ref
+    val tptp_arity_clause : arityClause -> string
+    val tptp_classrelClause : classrelClause -> string
+    val tptp_clause : clause -> string list
+    val tptp_clauses2str : string list -> string
+    val typed : unit -> unit
+    val untyped : unit -> unit
+  end;
+structure ResClause : RES_CLAUSE =
+(* Added for typed equality *)
+val special_equal = ref false; (* by default,equality does not carry type information *)
+val eq_typ_wrapper = "typeinfo"; (* default string *)
+val schematic_var_prefix = "V_";
+val fixed_var_prefix = "v_";
+val tvar_prefix = "Typ_";
+val tfree_prefix = "typ_";
+val clause_prefix = "cls_"; 
+val arclause_prefix = "arcls_" 
+val const_prefix = "const_";
+val tconst_prefix = "tconst_"; 
+val class_prefix = "clas_"; 
+(**** some useful functions ****)
+val const_trans_table =
+      Symtab.make [("op =", "equal"),
+	  	   ("op <=", "lessequals"),
+		   ("op <", "less"),
+		   ("op &", "and"),
+		   ("op |", "or"),
+		   ("op -->", "implies"),
+		   ("op :", "in"),
+		   ("op Un", "union"),
+		   ("op Int", "inter")];
+fun ascii_of_c c =
+    let val n = ord c
+    in
+	(if ((n < 48) orelse (n > 57 andalso n < 65) orelse 
+	   (n > 90 andalso n < 97) orelse (n > 122)) then ("_asc" ^ string_of_int n ^ "_")
+							 else c)
+    end;
+fun ascii_of s = implode(map ascii_of_c (explode s));
+(* another version of above functions that remove chars that may not be allowed by Vampire *)
+fun make_schematic_var v = schematic_var_prefix ^ (ascii_of v);
+fun make_fixed_var x = fixed_var_prefix ^ (ascii_of x);
+fun make_schematic_type_var v = tvar_prefix ^ (ascii_of v);
+fun make_fixed_type_var x = tfree_prefix ^ (ascii_of x);
+fun make_fixed_const c = const_prefix ^ (ascii_of c);
+fun make_fixed_type_const c = tconst_prefix ^ (ascii_of c);
+fun make_type_class clas = class_prefix ^ (ascii_of clas);
+fun lookup_const c =
+    case Symtab.lookup (const_trans_table,c) of
+        Some c' => c'
+      | None =>  make_fixed_const c;
+(***** definitions and functions for FOL clauses, prepared for conversion into TPTP format or SPASS format. *****)
+val keep_types = ref true; (* default is true *)
+fun untyped () = (keep_types := false);
+fun typed () = (keep_types := true);
+datatype kind = Axiom | Hypothesis | Conjecture;
+fun name_of_kind Axiom = "axiom"
+  | name_of_kind Hypothesis = "hypothesis"
+  | name_of_kind Conjecture = "conjecture";
+type clause_id = int;
+type axiom_name = string;
+type polarity = bool;
+type indexname = Term.indexname;
+(* "tag" is used for vampire specific syntax  *)
+type tag = bool; 
+fun string_of_indexname (name,index) = name ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int index);
+val id_ref = ref 0;
+fun generate_id () = 
+     let val id = !id_ref
+     in
+	 (id_ref:=id + 1; id)
+     end;
+(**** Isabelle FOL clauses ****)
+(* by default it is false *)
+val tagged = ref false;
+type pred_name = string;
+type sort = Term.sort;
+type fol_type = string;
+datatype type_literal = LTVar of string | LTFree of string;
+datatype folTerm = UVar of string * fol_type| Fun of string * fol_type * folTerm list;
+datatype predicate = Predicate of pred_name * fol_type * folTerm list;
+datatype literal = Literal of polarity * predicate * tag;
+datatype typ_var = FOLTVar of indexname | FOLTFree of string;
+(* ML datatype used to repsent one single clause: disjunction of literals. *)
+datatype clause = 
+	 Clause of {clause_id: clause_id,
+		    axiom_name: axiom_name,
+		    kind: kind,
+		    literals: literal list,
+		    types_sorts: (typ_var * sort) list, 
+                    tvar_type_literals: type_literal list, 
+                    tfree_type_literals: type_literal list };
+exception CLAUSE of string;
+(*** make clauses ***)
+fun make_clause (clause_id,axiom_name,kind,literals,types_sorts,tvar_type_literals,tfree_type_literals) =
+     Clause {clause_id = clause_id, axiom_name = axiom_name, kind = kind, literals = literals, types_sorts = types_sorts,tvar_type_literals = tvar_type_literals,tfree_type_literals = tfree_type_literals};
+fun type_of (Type (a, [])) = (make_fixed_type_const a,[]) 
+  | type_of (Type (a, Ts)) = 
+    let val foltyps_ts = map type_of Ts
+        val (folTyps,ts) = ResLib.unzip foltyps_ts
+        val ts' = ResLib.flat_noDup ts
+    in    
+        (((make_fixed_type_const a) ^ (ResLib.list_to_string folTyps)),ts') 
+    end
+  | type_of (TFree (a, s)) = (make_fixed_type_var a, [((FOLTFree a),s)])
+  | type_of (TVar (v, s))  = (make_schematic_type_var (string_of_indexname v), [((FOLTVar v),s)]);
+fun pred_name_type (Const(c,T)) = (lookup_const c,type_of T)
+  | pred_name_type (Free(x,T))  = (make_fixed_var x,type_of T)
+  | pred_name_type (Var(_,_))   = raise CLAUSE("Predicate Not First Order")
+  | pred_name_type _          = raise CLAUSE("Predicate input unexpected");
+fun fun_name_type (Const(c,T)) = (lookup_const c,type_of T)
+  | fun_name_type (Free(x,T)) = (make_fixed_var x,type_of T)
+  | fun_name_type _ = raise CLAUSE("Function Not First Order");
+fun term_of (Var(ind_nm,T)) = 
+    let val (folType,ts) = type_of T
+    in
+	(UVar(make_schematic_var(string_of_indexname ind_nm),folType),ts)
+    end
+  | term_of (Free(x,T)) = 
+    let val (folType,ts) = type_of T
+    in
+        (Fun(make_fixed_var x,folType,[]),ts)
+    end
+  | term_of (Const(c,T)) = 
+    let val (folType,ts) = type_of T
+     in
+        (Fun(lookup_const c,folType,[]),ts)
+    end    
+  | term_of (app as (t $ a)) = 
+    let val (f,args) = strip_comb app
+        fun term_of_aux () = 
+            let val (funName,(funType,ts1)) = fun_name_type f
+                 val (args',ts2) = ResLib.unzip (map term_of args)
+                 val ts3 = ResLib.flat_noDup (ts1::ts2)
+            in
+		(Fun(funName,funType,args'),ts3)
+            end
+    in
+        case f of Const(_,_) => term_of_aux ()
+                | Free(_,_)  => term_of_aux ()
+                | _          => raise CLAUSE("Function Not First Order")
+    end
+  | term_of _ = raise CLAUSE("Function Not First Order");        
+(* For type equality *)
+(* here "arg_typ" is the type of "="'s argument's type, not the type of the equality *)
+(* Find type of equality arg *)
+fun eq_arg_type (Type("fun",[T,_])) = 
+    let val (folT,_) = type_of T;
+    in
+	folT
+    end;
+fun pred_of_eq ((Const ("op =", typ)),args) =
+    let val arg_typ = eq_arg_type typ 
+	val (args',ts) = ResLib.unzip (map term_of args)
+	val equal_name = lookup_const "op ="
+    in
+	(Predicate(equal_name,arg_typ,args'),ResLib.flat_noDup ts)
+    end;
+(* changed for non-equality predicate *)
+(* The input "pred" cannot be an equality *)
+fun pred_of_nonEq (pred,args) = 
+    let val (predName,(predType,ts1)) = pred_name_type pred
+	val (args',ts2) = ResLib.unzip (map term_of args)
+	val ts3 = ResLib.flat_noDup (ts1::ts2)
+    in
+	(Predicate(predName,predType,args'),ts3)
+    end;
+(* Changed for typed equality *)
+(* First check if the predicate is an equality or not, then call different functions for equality and non-equalities *)
+fun predicate_of term =
+    let val (pred,args) = strip_comb term
+    in
+	case pred of (Const ("op =", _)) => pred_of_eq (pred,args)
+		   | _ => pred_of_nonEq (pred,args)
+    end;
+fun literals_of_term ((Const("Trueprop",_) $ P),lits_ts) = literals_of_term(P,lits_ts)
+  | literals_of_term ((Const("op |",_) $ P $ Q),(lits,ts)) = 
+    let val (lits',ts') = literals_of_term(P,(lits,ts))
+    in
+        literals_of_term(Q,(lits',ts'))
+    end
+  | literals_of_term ((Const("Not",_) $ P),(lits,ts)) = 
+    let val (pred,ts') = predicate_of P
+        val lits' = Literal(false,pred,false) :: lits
+        val ts'' = ResLib.no_rep_app ts ts'
+    in
+        (lits',ts'')
+    end
+  | literals_of_term (P,(lits,ts)) = 
+    let val (pred,ts') = predicate_of P
+        val lits' = Literal(true,pred,false) :: lits
+        val ts'' = ResLib.no_rep_app ts ts' 
+    in
+        (lits',ts'')
+    end
+  | literals_of_term _ = raise CLAUSE("Unexpected clause format");
+fun literals_of_thm thm = 
+    let val term_of_thm = prop_of thm
+    in
+	literals_of_term (term_of_thm,([],[]))
+    end;
+fun sorts_on_typs (_, []) = []
+  | sorts_on_typs ((FOLTVar(indx)), [s]) = [LTVar((make_type_class s) ^ "(" ^ (make_schematic_type_var(string_of_indexname indx)) ^ ")")]
+  | sorts_on_typs ((FOLTVar(indx)), (s::ss))=  LTVar((make_type_class s) ^ "(" ^ (make_schematic_type_var(string_of_indexname indx)) ^ ")") :: (sorts_on_typs ((FOLTVar(indx)), ss))
+  | sorts_on_typs ((FOLTFree(x)), [s]) = [LTFree((make_type_class s) ^ "(" ^ (make_fixed_type_var(x)) ^ ")")]
+  | sorts_on_typs ((FOLTFree(x)), (s::ss)) = LTFree((make_type_class s) ^ "(" ^ (make_fixed_type_var(x)) ^ ")") :: (sorts_on_typs ((FOLTFree(x)), ss));
+fun add_typs_aux [] = ([],[])
+  | add_typs_aux ((FOLTVar(indx),s)::tss) = 
+    let val vs = sorts_on_typs (FOLTVar(indx),s)
+        val (vss,fss) = add_typs_aux tss
+    in
+        (ResLib.no_rep_app vs vss,fss)
+    end
+  | add_typs_aux ((FOLTFree(x),s)::tss) =
+    let val fs = sorts_on_typs (FOLTFree(x),s)
+        val (vss,fss) = add_typs_aux tss
+    in
+        (vss,ResLib.no_rep_app fs fss)
+    end;
+fun add_typs (Clause cls) = 
+    let val ts = #types_sorts cls
+    in
+	add_typs_aux ts
+    end;    
+(** make axiom clauses, hypothesis clauses and conjecture clauses. **)
+    fun replace_dot "." = "_"
+      | replace_dot c = c;
+fun proper_ax_name ax_name = 
+    let val chars = explode ax_name
+    in
+	implode (map replace_dot chars)
+    end;
+fun make_axiom_clause_thm thm (name,number)=
+    let val (lits,types_sorts) = literals_of_thm thm
+	val cls_id = number
+	val (tvar_lits,tfree_lits) = add_typs_aux types_sorts
+	val ax_name = proper_ax_name name
+    in 
+	make_clause(cls_id,ax_name,Axiom,lits,types_sorts,tvar_lits,tfree_lits)
+    end;
+fun make_hypothesis_clause_thm thm =
+    let val (lits,types_sorts) = literals_of_thm thm
+	val cls_id = generate_id()
+	val (tvar_lits,tfree_lits) = add_typs_aux types_sorts
+    in
+	make_clause(cls_id,"",Hypothesis,lits,types_sorts,tvar_lits,tfree_lits)
+    end;
+fun make_conjecture_clause_thm thm =
+    let val (lits,types_sorts) = literals_of_thm thm
+	val cls_id = generate_id()
+	val (tvar_lits,tfree_lits) = add_typs_aux types_sorts
+    in
+	make_clause(cls_id,"",Conjecture,lits,types_sorts,tvar_lits,tfree_lits)
+    end;
+fun make_axiom_clause term (name,number)=
+    let val (lits,types_sorts) = literals_of_term (term,([],[]))
+	val cls_id = number
+	val (tvar_lits,tfree_lits) = add_typs_aux types_sorts
+	val ax_name = proper_ax_name name
+    in 
+	make_clause(cls_id,ax_name,Axiom,lits,types_sorts,tvar_lits,tfree_lits)
+    end;
+fun make_hypothesis_clause term =
+    let val (lits,types_sorts) = literals_of_term (term,([],[]))
+	val cls_id = generate_id()
+	val (tvar_lits,tfree_lits) = add_typs_aux types_sorts
+    in
+	make_clause(cls_id,"",Hypothesis,lits,types_sorts,tvar_lits,tfree_lits)
+    end;
+fun make_conjecture_clause term =
+    let val (lits,types_sorts) = literals_of_term (term,([],[]))
+	val cls_id = generate_id()
+	val (tvar_lits,tfree_lits) = add_typs_aux types_sorts
+    in
+	make_clause(cls_id,"",Conjecture,lits,types_sorts,tvar_lits,tfree_lits)
+    end;
+(**** Isabelle arities ****)
+exception ARCLAUSE of string;
+type class = string; 
+type tcons = string; 
+datatype arLit = TConsLit of bool * (class * tcons * string list) | TVarLit of bool * (class * string);
+datatype arityClause =  
+	 ArityClause of {clause_id: clause_id,
+			 kind: kind,
+			 conclLit: arLit,
+			 premLits: arLit list};
+fun get_TVars 0 = []
+  | get_TVars n = ("T_" ^ (string_of_int n)) :: get_TVars (n-1);
+fun pack_sort(_,[])  = raise ARCLAUSE("Empty Sort Found") 
+  | pack_sort(tvar, [cls]) = [(make_type_class cls, tvar)] 
+  | pack_sort(tvar, cls::srt) =  (make_type_class cls,tvar) :: (pack_sort(tvar, srt));
+fun make_TVarLit (b,(cls,str)) = TVarLit(b,(cls,str));
+fun make_TConsLit (b,(cls,tcons,tvars)) = TConsLit(b,(make_type_class cls,make_fixed_type_const tcons,tvars));
+fun make_arity_clause (clause_id,kind,conclLit,premLits) =
+    ArityClause {clause_id = clause_id, kind = kind, conclLit = conclLit, premLits = premLits};
+fun make_axiom_arity_clause (tcons,(res,args)) =
+     let val cls_id = generate_id()
+	 val nargs = length args
+	 val tvars = get_TVars nargs
+	 val conclLit = make_TConsLit(true,(res,tcons,tvars))
+         val tvars_srts = tvars args
+	 val tvars_srts' = ResLib.flat_noDup(map pack_sort tvars_srts)
+         val false_tvars_srts' = ResLib.pair_ins false tvars_srts'
+	 val premLits = map make_TVarLit false_tvars_srts'
+     in
+	 make_arity_clause (cls_id,Axiom,conclLit,premLits)
+     end;
+(**** Isabelle class relations ****)
+datatype classrelClause = 
+	 ClassrelClause of {clause_id: clause_id,
+			    subclass: class,
+			    superclass: class Library.option};
+fun make_classrelClause (clause_id,subclass,superclass) =
+    ClassrelClause {clause_id = clause_id,subclass = subclass, superclass = superclass};
+fun make_axiom_classrelClause (subclass,superclass) =
+    let val cls_id = generate_id()
+	val sub = make_type_class subclass
+	val sup = case superclass of None => None 
+				   | Some s => Some (make_type_class s)
+    in
+	make_classrelClause(cls_id,sub,sup)
+    end;
+fun classrelClauses_of_aux (sub,[]) = []
+  | classrelClauses_of_aux (sub,(sup::sups)) = make_axiom_classrelClause(sub,Some sup) :: (classrelClauses_of_aux (sub,sups));
+fun classrelClauses_of (sub,sups) = 
+    case sups of [] => [make_axiom_classrelClause (sub,None)]
+	       | _ => classrelClauses_of_aux (sub, sups);
+(***** convert clauses to tptp format *****)
+fun string_of_clauseID (Clause cls) = clause_prefix ^ (string_of_int (#clause_id cls));
+fun string_of_kind (Clause cls) = name_of_kind (#kind cls);
+fun string_of_axiomName (Clause cls) = #axiom_name cls;
+fun string_of_term (UVar(x,_)) = x
+  | string_of_term (Fun (name,typ,[])) = name
+  | string_of_term (Fun (name,typ,terms)) = 
+    let val terms' = map string_of_term terms
+    in
+        if (!keep_types) then name ^ (ResLib.list_to_string (typ :: terms'))
+        else name ^ (ResLib.list_to_string terms')
+    end;
+(****!!!! Changed for typed equality !!!!****)
+fun wrap_eq_type typ t = eq_typ_wrapper ^"(" ^ t ^ "," ^ typ ^ ")";
+(****!!!! Changed for typed equality !!!!****)
+(* Only need to wrap equality's arguments with "typeinfo" if the output clauses are typed && if we specifically ask for types to be included.   *)
+fun string_of_equality (typ,terms) =
+    let val [tstr1,tstr2] = map string_of_term terms
+    in
+	if ((!keep_types) andalso (!special_equal)) then 
+	    "equal(" ^ (wrap_eq_type typ tstr1) ^ "," ^ (wrap_eq_type typ tstr2) ^ ")"
+	else
+	    "equal(" ^ tstr1 ^ "," ^ tstr2 ^ ")"
+    end;
+(* Changed for typed equality *)
+(* before output the string of the predicate, check if the predicate corresponds to an equality or not. *)
+fun string_of_predicate (Predicate("equal",typ,terms)) = string_of_equality(typ,terms)
+  | string_of_predicate (Predicate(name,_,[])) = name 
+  | string_of_predicate (Predicate(name,typ,terms)) = 
+    let val terms_as_strings = map string_of_term terms
+    in
+        if (!keep_types) then name ^ (ResLib.list_to_string  (typ :: terms_as_strings))
+        else name ^ (ResLib.list_to_string terms_as_strings) 
+    end;
+fun tptp_literal (Literal(pol,pred,tag)) =
+    let val pred_string = string_of_predicate pred
+	val tagged_pol = if (tag andalso !tagged) then (if pol then "+++" else "---")
+                         else (if pol then "++" else "--")
+     in
+	tagged_pol ^ pred_string
+    end;
+fun tptp_of_typeLit (LTVar x) = "--" ^ x
+  | tptp_of_typeLit (LTFree x) = "++" ^ x;
+fun gen_tptp_cls (cls_id,ax_name,knd,lits) = 
+    let val ax_str = (if ax_name = "" then "" else ("_" ^ ax_name))
+    in
+	"input_clause(" ^ cls_id ^ ax_str ^ "," ^ knd ^ "," ^ lits ^ ")."
+    end;
+fun gen_tptp_type_cls (cls_id,knd,tfree_lit,idx) = "input_clause(" ^ cls_id ^ "_tcs" ^ (string_of_int idx) ^ "," ^ knd ^ ",[" ^ tfree_lit ^ "]).";
+fun tptp_clause_aux (Clause cls) = 
+    let val lits = map tptp_literal (#literals cls)
+	val tvar_lits_strs = if (!keep_types) then (map tptp_of_typeLit (#tvar_type_literals cls)) else []
+	val tfree_lits = if (!keep_types) then (map tptp_of_typeLit (#tfree_type_literals cls)) else []
+    in
+	(tvar_lits_strs @ lits,tfree_lits)
+    end; 
+fun tptp_clause cls =
+    let val (lits,tfree_lits) = tptp_clause_aux cls (*"lits" includes the typing assumptions (TVars)*)
+	val cls_id = string_of_clauseID cls
+	val ax_name = string_of_axiomName cls
+	val knd = string_of_kind cls
+	val lits_str = ResLib.list_to_string' lits
+	val cls_str = gen_tptp_cls(cls_id,ax_name,knd,lits_str) 			fun typ_clss k [] = []
+          | typ_clss k (tfree :: tfrees) = 
+            (gen_tptp_type_cls(cls_id,knd,tfree,k)) ::  (typ_clss (k+1) tfrees)
+    in 
+	cls_str :: (typ_clss 0 tfree_lits)
+    end;
+val delim = "\n";
+val tptp_clauses2str = ResLib.list2str_sep delim; 
+fun string_of_arClauseID (ArityClause arcls) = arclause_prefix ^ string_of_int(#clause_id arcls);
+fun string_of_arLit (TConsLit(b,(c,t,args))) =
+    let val pol = if b then "++" else "--"
+	val  arg_strs = (case args of [] => "" | _ => ResLib.list_to_string args)
+    in 
+	pol ^ c ^ "(" ^ t ^ arg_strs ^ ")"
+    end
+  | string_of_arLit (TVarLit(b,(c,str))) =
+    let val pol = if b then "++" else "--"
+    in
+	pol ^ c ^ "(" ^ str ^ ")"
+    end;
+fun string_of_conclLit (ArityClause arcls) = string_of_arLit (#conclLit arcls);
+fun strings_of_premLits (ArityClause arcls) = map string_of_arLit (#premLits arcls);
+fun string_of_arKind (ArityClause arcls) = name_of_kind(#kind arcls);
+fun tptp_arity_clause arcls = 
+    let val arcls_id = string_of_arClauseID arcls
+	val concl_lit = string_of_conclLit arcls
+	val prems_lits = strings_of_premLits arcls
+	val knd = string_of_arKind arcls
+	val all_lits = concl_lit :: prems_lits
+    in
+	"input_clause(" ^ arcls_id ^ "," ^ knd ^ (ResLib.list_to_string' all_lits) ^ ")."
+    end;
+val clrelclause_prefix = "relcls_";
+fun tptp_classrelLits sub sup = 
+    let val tvar = "(T)"
+    in 
+	case sup of None => "[++" ^ sub ^ tvar ^ "]"
+		  | (Some supcls) =>  "[++" ^ sub ^ tvar ^ ",--" ^ supcls ^ tvar ^ "]"
+    end;
+fun tptp_classrelClause (ClassrelClause cls) =
+    let val relcls_id = clrelclause_prefix ^ string_of_int(#clause_id cls)
+	val sub = #subclass cls
+	val sup = #superclass cls
+	val lits = tptp_classrelLits sub sup
+    in
+	"input_clause(" ^ relcls_id ^ ",axiom," ^ lits ^ ")."
+    end; 