changeset 26782 19363c70b5c4
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/IsarRef/Thy/Generic.thy	Mon May 05 15:23:21 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2062 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+theory Generic
+imports CPure
+chapter {* Generic tools and packages \label{ch:gen-tools} *}
+section {* Specification commands *}
+subsection {* Derived specifications *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcll}
+    @{command_def "axiomatization"} & : & \isarkeep{local{\dsh}theory} & (axiomatic!)\\
+    @{command_def "definition"} & : & \isarkeep{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+    @{attribute_def "defn"} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{command_def "abbreviation"} & : & \isarkeep{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+    @{command_def "print_abbrevs"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
+    @{command_def "notation"} & : & \isarkeep{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+    @{command_def "no_notation"} & : & \isarkeep{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  These specification mechanisms provide a slightly more abstract view
+  than the underlying primitives of @{command "consts"}, @{command
+  "defs"} (see \secref{sec:consts}), and @{command "axioms"} (see
+  \secref{sec:axms-thms}).  In particular, type-inference is commonly
+  available, and result names need not be given.
+  \begin{rail}
+    'axiomatization' target? fixes? ('where' specs)?
+    ;
+    'definition' target? (decl 'where')? thmdecl? prop
+    ;
+    'abbreviation' target? mode? (decl 'where')? prop
+    ;
+    ('notation' | 'no\_notation') target? mode? (nameref structmixfix + 'and')
+    ;
+    fixes: ((name ('::' type)? mixfix? | vars) + 'and')
+    ;
+    specs: (thmdecl? props + 'and')
+    ;
+    decl: name ('::' type)? mixfix?
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "axiomatization"}~@{text "c\<^sub>1 \<dots> c\<^sub>m
+  \<WHERE> \<phi>\<^sub>1 \<dots> \<phi>\<^sub>n"}] introduces several constants
+  simultaneously and states axiomatic properties for these.  The
+  constants are marked as being specified once and for all, which
+  prevents additional specifications being issued later on.
+  Note that axiomatic specifications are only appropriate when
+  declaring a new logical system.  Normal applications should only use
+  definitional mechanisms!
+  \item [@{command "definition"}~@{text "c \<WHERE> eq"}] produces an
+  internal definition @{text "c \<equiv> t"} according to the specification
+  given as @{text eq}, which is then turned into a proven fact.  The
+  given proposition may deviate from internal meta-level equality
+  according to the rewrite rules declared as @{attribute defn} by the
+  object-logic.  This typically covers object-level equality @{text "x
+  = t"} and equivalence @{text "A \<leftrightarrow> B"}.  End-users normally need not
+  change the @{attribute defn} setup.
+  Definitions may be presented with explicit arguments on the LHS, as
+  well as additional conditions, e.g.\ @{text "f x y = t"} instead of
+  @{text "f \<equiv> \<lambda>x y. t"} and @{text "y \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> g x y = u"} instead of an
+  unrestricted @{text "g \<equiv> \<lambda>x y. u"}.
+  \item [@{command "abbreviation"}~@{text "c \<WHERE> eq"}] introduces
+  a syntactic constant which is associated with a certain term
+  according to the meta-level equality @{text eq}.
+  Abbreviations participate in the usual type-inference process, but
+  are expanded before the logic ever sees them.  Pretty printing of
+  terms involves higher-order rewriting with rules stemming from
+  reverted abbreviations.  This needs some care to avoid overlapping
+  or looping syntactic replacements!
+  The optional @{text mode} specification restricts output to a
+  particular print mode; using ``@{text input}'' here achieves the
+  effect of one-way abbreviations.  The mode may also include an
+  ``@{keyword "output"}'' qualifier that affects the concrete syntax
+  declared for abbreviations, cf.\ @{command "syntax"} in
+  \secref{sec:syn-trans}.
+  \item [@{command "print_abbrevs"}] prints all constant abbreviations
+  of the current context.
+  \item [@{command "notation"}~@{text "c (mx)"}] associates mixfix
+  syntax with an existing constant or fixed variable.  This is a
+  robust interface to the underlying @{command "syntax"} primitive
+  (\secref{sec:syn-trans}).  Type declaration and internal syntactic
+  representation of the given entity is retrieved from the context.
+  \item [@{command "no_notation"}] is similar to @{command
+  "notation"}, but removes the specified syntax annotation from the
+  present context.
+  \end{descr}
+  All of these specifications support local theory targets (cf.\
+  \secref{sec:target}).
+subsection {* Generic declarations *}
+text {*
+  Arbitrary operations on the background context may be wrapped-up as
+  generic declaration elements.  Since the underlying concept of local
+  theories may be subject to later re-interpretation, there is an
+  additional dependency on a morphism that tells the difference of the
+  original declaration context wrt.\ the application context
+  encountered later on.  A fact declaration is an important special
+  case: it consists of a theorem which is applied to the context by
+  means of an attribute.
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command_def "declaration"} & : & \isarkeep{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+    @{command_def "declare"} & : & \isarkeep{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    'declaration' target? text
+    ;
+    'declare' target? (thmrefs + 'and')
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "declaration"}~@{text d}] adds the declaration
+  function @{text d} of ML type @{ML_type declaration}, to the current
+  local theory under construction.  In later application contexts, the
+  function is transformed according to the morphisms being involved in
+  the interpretation hierarchy.
+  \item [@{command "declare"}~@{text thms}] declares theorems to the
+  current local theory context.  No theorem binding is involved here,
+  unlike @{command "theorems"} or @{command "lemmas"} (cf.\
+  \secref{sec:axms-thms}), so @{command "declare"} only has the effect
+  of applying attributes as included in the theorem specification.
+  \end{descr}
+subsection {* Local theory targets \label{sec:target} *}
+text {*
+  A local theory target is a context managed separately within the
+  enclosing theory.  Contexts may introduce parameters (fixed
+  variables) and assumptions (hypotheses).  Definitions and theorems
+  depending on the context may be added incrementally later on.  Named
+  contexts refer to locales (cf.\ \secref{sec:locale}) or type classes
+  (cf.\ \secref{sec:class}); the name ``@{text "-"}'' signifies the
+  global theory context.
+  \begin{matharray}{rcll}
+    @{command_def "context"} & : & \isartrans{theory}{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+    @{command_def "end"} & : & \isartrans{local{\dsh}theory}{theory} \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \indexouternonterm{target}
+  \begin{rail}
+    'context' name 'begin'
+    ;
+    target: '(' 'in' name ')'
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "context"}~@{text "c \<BEGIN>"}] recommences an
+  existing locale or class context @{text c}.  Note that locale and
+  class definitions allow to include the @{keyword_ref "begin"}
+  keyword as well, in order to continue the local theory immediately
+  after the initial specification.
+  \item [@{command "end"}] concludes the current local theory and
+  continues the enclosing global theory.  Note that a non-local
+  @{command "end"} has a different meaning: it concludes the theory
+  itself (\secref{sec:begin-thy}).
+  \item [@{text "(\<IN> c)"}] given after any local theory command
+  specifies an immediate target, e.g.\ ``@{command
+  "definition"}~@{text "(\<IN> c) \<dots>"}'' or ``@{command
+  "theorem"}~@{text "(\<IN> c) \<dots>"}''.  This works both in a local or
+  global theory context; the current target context will be suspended
+  for this command only.  Note that @{text "(\<IN> -)"} will always
+  produce a global result independently of the current target context.
+  \end{descr}
+  The exact meaning of results produced within a local theory context
+  depends on the underlying target infrastructure (locale, type class
+  etc.).  The general idea is as follows, considering a context named
+  @{text c} with parameter @{text x} and assumption @{text "A[x]"}.
+  Definitions are exported by introducing a global version with
+  additional arguments; a syntactic abbreviation links the long form
+  with the abstract version of the target context.  For example,
+  @{text "a \<equiv> t[x]"} becomes @{text "c.a ?x \<equiv> t[?x]"} at the theory
+  level (for arbitrary @{text "?x"}), together with a local
+  abbreviation @{text "c \<equiv> c.a x"} in the target context (for the
+  fixed parameter @{text x}).
+  Theorems are exported by discharging the assumptions and
+  generalizing the parameters of the context.  For example, @{text "a:
+  B[x]"} becomes @{text "c.a: A[?x] \<Longrightarrow> B[?x]"} (again for arbitrary
+  @{text "?x"}).
+subsection {* Locales \label{sec:locale} *}
+text {*
+  Locales are named local contexts, consisting of a list of
+  declaration elements that are modeled after the Isar proof context
+  commands (cf.\ \secref{sec:proof-context}).
+subsubsection {* Locale specifications *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command_def "locale"} & : & \isartrans{theory}{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+    @{command_def "print_locale"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
+    @{command_def "print_locales"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
+    @{method_def intro_locales} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def unfold_locales} & : & \isarmeth \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \indexouternonterm{contextexpr}\indexouternonterm{contextelem}
+  \indexisarelem{fixes}\indexisarelem{constrains}\indexisarelem{assumes}
+  \indexisarelem{defines}\indexisarelem{notes}\indexisarelem{includes}
+  \begin{rail}
+    'locale' ('(open)')? name ('=' localeexpr)? 'begin'?
+    ;
+    'print\_locale' '!'? localeexpr
+    ;
+    localeexpr: ((contextexpr '+' (contextelem+)) | contextexpr | (contextelem+))
+    ;
+    contextexpr: nameref | '(' contextexpr ')' |
+    (contextexpr (name mixfix? +)) | (contextexpr + '+')
+    ;
+    contextelem: fixes | constrains | assumes | defines | notes
+    ;
+    fixes: 'fixes' ((name ('::' type)? structmixfix? | vars) + 'and')
+    ;
+    constrains: 'constrains' (name '::' type + 'and')
+    ;
+    assumes: 'assumes' (thmdecl? props + 'and')
+    ;
+    defines: 'defines' (thmdecl? prop proppat? + 'and')
+    ;
+    notes: 'notes' (thmdef? thmrefs + 'and')
+    ;
+    includes: 'includes' contextexpr
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "locale"}~@{text "loc = import + body"}] defines a
+  new locale @{text loc} as a context consisting of a certain view of
+  existing locales (@{text import}) plus some additional elements
+  (@{text body}).  Both @{text import} and @{text body} are optional;
+  the degenerate form @{command "locale"}~@{text loc} defines an empty
+  locale, which may still be useful to collect declarations of facts
+  later on.  Type-inference on locale expressions automatically takes
+  care of the most general typing that the combined context elements
+  may acquire.
+  The @{text import} consists of a structured context expression,
+  consisting of references to existing locales, renamed contexts, or
+  merged contexts.  Renaming uses positional notation: @{text "c
+  x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>n"} means that (a prefix of) the fixed
+  parameters of context @{text c} are named @{text "x\<^sub>1, \<dots>,
+  x\<^sub>n"}; a ``@{text _}'' (underscore) means to skip that
+  position.  Renaming by default deletes concrete syntax, but new
+  syntax may by specified with a mixfix annotation.  An exeption of
+  this rule is the special syntax declared with ``@{text
+  "(\<STRUCTURE>)"}'' (see below), which is neither deleted nor can it
+  be changed.  Merging proceeds from left-to-right, suppressing any
+  duplicates stemming from different paths through the import
+  hierarchy.
+  The @{text body} consists of basic context elements, further context
+  expressions may be included as well.
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{element "fixes"}~@{text "x :: \<tau> (mx)"}] declares a local
+  parameter of type @{text \<tau>} and mixfix annotation @{text mx} (both
+  are optional).  The special syntax declaration ``@{text
+  "(\<STRUCTURE>)"}'' means that @{text x} may be referenced
+  implicitly in this context.
+  \item [@{element "constrains"}~@{text "x :: \<tau>"}] introduces a type
+  constraint @{text \<tau>} on the local parameter @{text x}.
+  \item [@{element "assumes"}~@{text "a: \<phi>\<^sub>1 \<dots> \<phi>\<^sub>n"}]
+  introduces local premises, similar to @{command "assume"} within a
+  proof (cf.\ \secref{sec:proof-context}).
+  \item [@{element "defines"}~@{text "a: x \<equiv> t"}] defines a previously
+  declared parameter.  This is close to @{command "def"} within a
+  proof (cf.\ \secref{sec:proof-context}), but @{element "defines"}
+  takes an equational proposition instead of variable-term pair.  The
+  left-hand side of the equation may have additional arguments, e.g.\
+  ``@{element "defines"}~@{text "f x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>n \<equiv> t"}''.
+  \item [@{element "notes"}~@{text "a = b\<^sub>1 \<dots> b\<^sub>n"}]
+  reconsiders facts within a local context.  Most notably, this may
+  include arbitrary declarations in any attribute specifications
+  included here, e.g.\ a local @{attribute simp} rule.
+  \item [@{element "includes"}~@{text c}] copies the specified context
+  in a statically scoped manner.  Only available in the long goal
+  format of \secref{sec:goals}.
+  In contrast, the initial @{text import} specification of a locale
+  expression maintains a dynamic relation to the locales being
+  referenced (benefiting from any later fact declarations in the
+  obvious manner).
+  \end{descr}
+  Note that ``@{text "(\<IS> p\<^sub>1 \<dots> p\<^sub>n)"}'' patterns given
+  in the syntax of @{element "assumes"} and @{element "defines"} above
+  are illegal in locale definitions.  In the long goal format of
+  \secref{sec:goals}, term bindings may be included as expected,
+  though.
+  \medskip By default, locale specifications are ``closed up'' by
+  turning the given text into a predicate definition @{text
+  loc_axioms} and deriving the original assumptions as local lemmas
+  (modulo local definitions).  The predicate statement covers only the
+  newly specified assumptions, omitting the content of included locale
+  expressions.  The full cumulative view is only provided on export,
+  involving another predicate @{text loc} that refers to the complete
+  specification text.
+  In any case, the predicate arguments are those locale parameters
+  that actually occur in the respective piece of text.  Also note that
+  these predicates operate at the meta-level in theory, but the locale
+  packages attempts to internalize statements according to the
+  object-logic setup (e.g.\ replacing @{text \<And>} by @{text \<forall>}, and
+  @{text "\<Longrightarrow>"} by @{text "\<longrightarrow>"} in HOL; see also
+  \secref{sec:object-logic}).  Separate introduction rules @{text
+  loc_axioms.intro} and @{text loc.intro} are provided as well.
+  The @{text "(open)"} option of a locale specification prevents both
+  the current @{text loc_axioms} and cumulative @{text loc} predicate
+  constructions.  Predicates are also omitted for empty specification
+  texts.
+  \item [@{command "print_locale"}~@{text "import + body"}] prints the
+  specified locale expression in a flattened form.  The notable
+  special case @{command "print_locale"}~@{text loc} just prints the
+  contents of the named locale, but keep in mind that type-inference
+  will normalize type variables according to the usual alphabetical
+  order.  The command omits @{element "notes"} elements by default.
+  Use @{command "print_locale"}@{text "!"} to get them included.
+  \item [@{command "print_locales"}] prints the names of all locales
+  of the current theory.
+  \item [@{method intro_locales} and @{method unfold_locales}]
+  repeatedly expand all introduction rules of locale predicates of the
+  theory.  While @{method intro_locales} only applies the @{text
+  loc.intro} introduction rules and therefore does not decend to
+  assumptions, @{method unfold_locales} is more aggressive and applies
+  @{text loc_axioms.intro} as well.  Both methods are aware of locale
+  specifications entailed by the context, both from target and
+  @{element "includes"} statements, and from interpretations (see
+  below).  New goals that are entailed by the current context are
+  discharged automatically.
+  \end{descr}
+subsubsection {* Interpretation of locales *}
+text {*
+  Locale expressions (more precisely, \emph{context expressions}) may
+  be instantiated, and the instantiated facts added to the current
+  context.  This requires a proof of the instantiated specification
+  and is called \emph{locale interpretation}.  Interpretation is
+  possible in theories and locales (command @{command
+  "interpretation"}) and also within a proof body (@{command
+  "interpret"}).
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command_def "interpretation"} & : & \isartrans{theory}{proof(prove)} \\
+    @{command_def "interpret"} & : & \isartrans{proof(state) ~|~ proof(chain)}{proof(prove)} \\
+    @{command_def "print_interps"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : &  \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \indexouternonterm{interp}
+  \begin{rail}
+    'interpretation' (interp | name ('<' | subseteq) contextexpr)
+    ;
+    'interpret' interp
+    ;
+    'print\_interps' '!'? name
+    ;
+    instantiation: ('[' (inst+) ']')?
+    ;
+    interp: thmdecl? \\ (contextexpr instantiation |
+      name instantiation 'where' (thmdecl? prop + 'and'))
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "interpretation"}~@{text "expr insts \<WHERE> eqns"}]
+  The first form of @{command "interpretation"} interprets @{text
+  expr} in the theory.  The instantiation is given as a list of terms
+  @{text insts} and is positional.  All parameters must receive an
+  instantiation term --- with the exception of defined parameters.
+  These are, if omitted, derived from the defining equation and other
+  instantiations.  Use ``@{text _}'' to omit an instantiation term.
+  Free variables are automatically generalized.
+  The command generates proof obligations for the instantiated
+  specifications (assumes and defines elements).  Once these are
+  discharged by the user, instantiated facts are added to the theory
+  in a post-processing phase.
+  Additional equations, which are unfolded in facts during
+  post-processing, may be given after the keyword @{keyword "where"}.
+  This is useful for interpreting concepts introduced through
+  definition specification elements.  The equations must be proved.
+  Note that if equations are present, the context expression is
+  restricted to a locale name.
+  The command is aware of interpretations already active in the
+  theory.  No proof obligations are generated for those, neither is
+  post-processing applied to their facts.  This avoids duplication of
+  interpreted facts, in particular.  Note that, in the case of a
+  locale with import, parts of the interpretation may already be
+  active.  The command will only generate proof obligations and
+  process facts for new parts.
+  The context expression may be preceded by a name and/or attributes.
+  These take effect in the post-processing of facts.  The name is used
+  to prefix fact names, for example to avoid accidental hiding of
+  other facts.  Attributes are applied after attributes of the
+  interpreted facts.
+  Adding facts to locales has the effect of adding interpreted facts
+  to the theory for all active interpretations also.  That is,
+  interpretations dynamically participate in any facts added to
+  locales.
+  \item [@{command "interpretation"}~@{text "name \<subseteq> expr"}]
+  This form of the command interprets @{text expr} in the locale
+  @{text name}.  It requires a proof that the specification of @{text
+  name} implies the specification of @{text expr}.  As in the
+  localized version of the theorem command, the proof is in the
+  context of @{text name}.  After the proof obligation has been
+  dischared, the facts of @{text expr} become part of locale @{text
+  name} as \emph{derived} context elements and are available when the
+  context @{text name} is subsequently entered.  Note that, like
+  import, this is dynamic: facts added to a locale part of @{text
+  expr} after interpretation become also available in @{text name}.
+  Like facts of renamed context elements, facts obtained by
+  interpretation may be accessed by prefixing with the parameter
+  renaming (where the parameters are separated by ``@{text _}'').
+  Unlike interpretation in theories, instantiation is confined to the
+  renaming of parameters, which may be specified as part of the
+  context expression @{text expr}.  Using defined parameters in @{text
+  name} one may achieve an effect similar to instantiation, though.
+  Only specification fragments of @{text expr} that are not already
+  part of @{text name} (be it imported, derived or a derived fragment
+  of the import) are considered by interpretation.  This enables
+  circular interpretations.
+  If interpretations of @{text name} exist in the current theory, the
+  command adds interpretations for @{text expr} as well, with the same
+  prefix and attributes, although only for fragments of @{text expr}
+  that are not interpreted in the theory already.
+  \item [@{command "interpret"}~@{text "expr insts \<WHERE> eqns"}]
+  interprets @{text expr} in the proof context and is otherwise
+  similar to interpretation in theories.  Free variables in
+  instantiations are not generalized, however.
+  \item [@{command "print_interps"}~@{text loc}] prints the
+  interpretations of a particular locale @{text loc} that are active
+  in the current context, either theory or proof context.  The
+  exclamation point argument triggers printing of \emph{witness}
+  theorems justifying interpretations.  These are normally omitted
+  from the output.
+  \end{descr}
+  \begin{warn}
+    Since attributes are applied to interpreted theorems,
+    interpretation may modify the context of common proof tools, e.g.\
+    the Simplifier or Classical Reasoner.  Since the behavior of such
+    automated reasoning tools is \emph{not} stable under
+    interpretation morphisms, manual declarations might have to be
+    issued.
+  \end{warn}
+  \begin{warn}
+    An interpretation in a theory may subsume previous
+    interpretations.  This happens if the same specification fragment
+    is interpreted twice and the instantiation of the second
+    interpretation is more general than the interpretation of the
+    first.  A warning is issued, since it is likely that these could
+    have been generalized in the first place.  The locale package does
+    not attempt to remove subsumed interpretations.
+  \end{warn}
+subsection {* Classes \label{sec:class} *}
+text {*
+  A class is a particular locale with \emph{exactly one} type variable
+  @{text \<alpha>}.  Beyond the underlying locale, a corresponding type class
+  is established which is interpreted logically as axiomatic type
+  class \cite{Wenzel:1997:TPHOL} whose logical content are the
+  assumptions of the locale.  Thus, classes provide the full
+  generality of locales combined with the commodity of type classes
+  (notably type-inference).  See \cite{isabelle-classes} for a short
+  tutorial.
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command_def "class"} & : & \isartrans{theory}{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+    @{command_def "instantiation"} & : & \isartrans{theory}{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+    @{command_def "instance"} & : & \isartrans{local{\dsh}theory}{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+    @{command_def "subclass"} & : & \isartrans{local{\dsh}theory}{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+    @{command_def "print_classes"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
+    @{method_def intro_classes} & : & \isarmeth \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    'class' name '=' ((superclassexpr '+' (contextelem+)) | superclassexpr | (contextelem+)) \\
+      'begin'?
+    ;
+    'instantiation' (nameref + 'and') '::' arity 'begin'
+    ;
+    'instance'
+    ;
+    'subclass' target? nameref
+    ;
+    'print\_classes'
+    ;
+    superclassexpr: nameref | (nameref '+' superclassexpr)
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "class"}~@{text "c = superclasses + body"}] defines
+  a new class @{text c}, inheriting from @{text superclasses}.  This
+  introduces a locale @{text c} with import of all locales @{text
+  superclasses}.
+  Any @{element "fixes"} in @{text body} are lifted to the global
+  theory level (\emph{class operations} @{text "f\<^sub>1, \<dots>,
+  f\<^sub>n"} of class @{text c}), mapping the local type parameter
+  @{text \<alpha>} to a schematic type variable @{text "?\<alpha> :: c"}.
+  Likewise, @{element "assumes"} in @{text body} are also lifted,
+  mapping each local parameter @{text "f :: \<tau>[\<alpha>]"} to its
+  corresponding global constant @{text "f :: \<tau>[?\<alpha> :: c]"}.  The
+  corresponding introduction rule is provided as @{text
+  c_class_axioms.intro}.  This rule should be rarely needed directly
+  --- the @{method intro_classes} method takes care of the details of
+  class membership proofs.
+  \item [@{command "instantiation"}~@{text "t :: (s\<^sub>1, \<dots>,
+  s\<^sub>n) s \<BEGIN>"}] opens a theory target (cf.\
+  \secref{sec:target}) which allows to specify class operations @{text
+  "f\<^sub>1, \<dots>, f\<^sub>n"} corresponding to sort @{text s} at the
+  particular type instance @{text "(\<alpha>\<^sub>1 :: s\<^sub>1, \<dots>,
+  \<alpha>\<^sub>n :: s\<^sub>n) t"}.  An plain @{command "instance"} command
+  in the target body poses a goal stating these type arities.  The
+  target is concluded by an @{command_ref "end"} command.
+  Note that a list of simultaneous type constructors may be given;
+  this corresponds nicely to mutual recursive type definitions, e.g.\
+  in Isabelle/HOL.
+  \item [@{command "instance"}] in an instantiation target body sets
+  up a goal stating the type arities claimed at the opening @{command
+  "instantiation"}.  The proof would usually proceed by @{method
+  intro_classes}, and then establish the characteristic theorems of
+  the type classes involved.  After finishing the proof, the
+  background theory will be augmented by the proven type arities.
+  \item [@{command "subclass"}~@{text c}] in a class context for class
+  @{text d} sets up a goal stating that class @{text c} is logically
+  contained in class @{text d}.  After finishing the proof, class
+  @{text d} is proven to be subclass @{text c} and the locale @{text
+  c} is interpreted into @{text d} simultaneously.
+  \item [@{command "print_classes"}] prints all classes in the current
+  theory.
+  \item [@{method intro_classes}] repeatedly expands all class
+  introduction rules of this theory.  Note that this method usually
+  needs not be named explicitly, as it is already included in the
+  default proof step (e.g.\ of @{command "proof"}).  In particular,
+  instantiation of trivial (syntactic) classes may be performed by a
+  single ``@{command ".."}'' proof step.
+  \end{descr}
+subsubsection {* The class target *}
+text {*
+  %FIXME check
+  A named context may refer to a locale (cf.\ \secref{sec:target}).
+  If this locale is also a class @{text c}, apart from the common
+  locale target behaviour the following happens.
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Local constant declarations @{text "g[\<alpha>]"} referring to the
+  local type parameter @{text \<alpha>} and local parameters @{text "f[\<alpha>]"}
+  are accompanied by theory-level constants @{text "g[?\<alpha> :: c]"}
+  referring to theory-level class operations @{text "f[?\<alpha> :: c]"}.
+  \item Local theorem bindings are lifted as are assumptions.
+  \item Local syntax refers to local operations @{text "g[\<alpha>]"} and
+  global operations @{text "g[?\<alpha> :: c]"} uniformly.  Type inference
+  resolves ambiguities.  In rare cases, manual type annotations are
+  needed.
+  \end{itemize}
+subsection {* Axiomatic type classes \label{sec:axclass} *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command_def "axclass"} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
+    @{command_def "instance"} & : & \isartrans{theory}{proof(prove)} \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  Axiomatic type classes are Isabelle/Pure's primitive
+  \emph{definitional} interface to type classes.  For practical
+  applications, you should consider using classes
+  (cf.~\secref{sec:classes}) which provide high level interface.
+  \begin{rail}
+    'axclass' classdecl (axmdecl prop +)
+    ;
+    'instance' (nameref ('<' | subseteq) nameref | nameref '::' arity)
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "axclass"}~@{text "c \<subseteq> c\<^sub>1, \<dots>, c\<^sub>n
+  axms"}] defines an axiomatic type class as the intersection of
+  existing classes, with additional axioms holding.  Class axioms may
+  not contain more than one type variable.  The class axioms (with
+  implicit sort constraints added) are bound to the given names.
+  Furthermore a class introduction rule is generated (being bound as
+  @{text c_class.intro}); this rule is employed by method @{method
+  intro_classes} to support instantiation proofs of this class.
+  The ``class axioms'' are stored as theorems according to the given
+  name specifications, adding @{text "c_class"} as name space prefix;
+  the same facts are also stored collectively as @{text
+  c_class.axioms}.
+  \item [@{command "instance"}~@{text "c\<^sub>1 \<subseteq> c\<^sub>2"} and
+  @{command "instance"}~@{text "t :: (s\<^sub>1, \<dots>, s\<^sub>n) s"}]
+  setup a goal stating a class relation or type arity.  The proof
+  would usually proceed by @{method intro_classes}, and then establish
+  the characteristic theorems of the type classes involved.  After
+  finishing the proof, the theory will be augmented by a type
+  signature declaration corresponding to the resulting theorem.
+  \end{descr}
+subsection {* Arbitrary overloading *}
+text {*
+  Isabelle/Pure's definitional schemes support certain forms of
+  overloading (see \secref{sec:consts}).  At most occassions
+  overloading will be used in a Haskell-like fashion together with
+  type classes by means of @{command "instantiation"} (see
+  \secref{sec:class}).  Sometimes low-level overloading is desirable.
+  The @{command "overloading"} target provides a convenient view for
+  end-users.
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command_def "overloading"} & : & \isartrans{theory}{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    'overloading' \\
+    ( string ( '==' | equiv ) term ( '(' 'unchecked' ')' )? + ) 'begin'
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "overloading"}~@{text "x\<^sub>1 \<equiv> c\<^sub>1 ::
+  \<tau>\<^sub>1 \<AND> \<dots> x\<^sub>n \<equiv> c\<^sub>n :: \<tau>\<^sub>n} \<BEGIN>"}]
+  opens a theory target (cf.\ \secref{sec:target}) which allows to
+  specify constants with overloaded definitions.  These are identified
+  by an explicitly given mapping from variable names @{text
+  "x\<^sub>i"} to constants @{text "c\<^sub>i"} at particular type
+  instances.  The definitions themselves are established using common
+  specification tools, using the names @{text "x\<^sub>i"} as
+  reference to the corresponding constants.  The target is concluded
+  by @{command "end"}.
+  A @{text "(unchecked)"} option disables global dependency checks for
+  the corresponding definition, which is occasionally useful for
+  exotic overloading.  It is at the discretion of the user to avoid
+  malformed theory specifications!
+  \end{descr}
+subsection {* Configuration options *}
+text {*
+  Isabelle/Pure maintains a record of named configuration options
+  within the theory or proof context, with values of type @{ML_type
+  bool}, @{ML_type int}, or @{ML_type string}.  Tools may declare
+  options in ML, and then refer to these values (relative to the
+  context).  Thus global reference variables are easily avoided.  The
+  user may change the value of a configuration option by means of an
+  associated attribute of the same name.  This form of context
+  declaration works particularly well with commands such as @{command
+  "declare"} or @{command "using"}.
+  For historical reasons, some tools cannot take the full proof
+  context into account and merely refer to the background theory.
+  This is accommodated by configuration options being declared as
+  ``global'', which may not be changed within a local context.
+  \begin{matharray}{rcll}
+    @{command_def "print_configs"} & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    name ('=' ('true' | 'false' | int | name))?
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "print_configs"}] prints the available
+  configuration options, with names, types, and current values.
+  \item [@{text "name = value"}] as an attribute expression modifies
+  the named option, with the syntax of the value depending on the
+  option's type.  For @{ML_type bool} the default value is @{text
+  true}.  Any attempt to change a global option in a local context is
+  ignored.
+  \end{descr}
+section {* Derived proof schemes *}
+subsection {* Generalized elimination \label{sec:obtain} *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command_def "obtain"} & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(prove)} \\
+    @{command_def "guess"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(prove)} \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  Generalized elimination means that additional elements with certain
+  properties may be introduced in the current context, by virtue of a
+  locally proven ``soundness statement''.  Technically speaking, the
+  @{command "obtain"} language element is like a declaration of
+  @{command "fix"} and @{command "assume"} (see also see
+  \secref{sec:proof-context}), together with a soundness proof of its
+  additional claim.  According to the nature of existential reasoning,
+  assumptions get eliminated from any result exported from the context
+  later, provided that the corresponding parameters do \emph{not}
+  occur in the conclusion.
+  \begin{rail}
+    'obtain' parname? (vars + 'and') 'where' (props + 'and')
+    ;
+    'guess' (vars + 'and')
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  The derived Isar command @{command "obtain"} is defined as follows
+  (where @{text "b\<^sub>1, \<dots>, b\<^sub>k"} shall refer to (optional)
+  facts indicated for forward chaining).
+  \begin{matharray}{l}
+    @{text "\<langle>facts b\<^sub>1 \<dots> b\<^sub>k\<rangle>"} \\
+    @{command "obtain"}~@{text "x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>m \<WHERE> a: \<phi>\<^sub>1 \<dots> \<phi>\<^sub>n  \<langle>proof\<rangle> \<equiv>"} \\[1ex]
+    \quad @{command "have"}~@{text "\<And>thesis. (\<And>x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>m. \<phi>\<^sub>1 \<Longrightarrow> \<dots> \<phi>\<^sub>n \<Longrightarrow> thesis) \<Longrightarrow> thesis"} \\
+    \quad @{command "proof"}~@{text succeed} \\
+    \qquad @{command "fix"}~@{text thesis} \\
+    \qquad @{command "assume"}~@{text "that [Pure.intro?]: \<And>x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>m. \<phi>\<^sub>1 \<Longrightarrow> \<dots> \<phi>\<^sub>n \<Longrightarrow> thesis"} \\
+    \qquad @{command "then"}~@{command "show"}~@{text thesis} \\
+    \quad\qquad @{command "apply"}~@{text -} \\
+    \quad\qquad @{command "using"}~@{text "b\<^sub>1 \<dots> b\<^sub>k  \<langle>proof\<rangle>"} \\
+    \quad @{command "qed"} \\
+    \quad @{command "fix"}~@{text "x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>m"}~@{command "assume"}@{text "\<^sup>* a: \<phi>\<^sub>1 \<dots> \<phi>\<^sub>n"} \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  Typically, the soundness proof is relatively straight-forward, often
+  just by canonical automated tools such as ``@{command "by"}~@{text
+  simp}'' or ``@{command "by"}~@{text blast}''.  Accordingly, the
+  ``@{text that}'' reduction above is declared as simplification and
+  introduction rule.
+  In a sense, @{command "obtain"} represents at the level of Isar
+  proofs what would be meta-logical existential quantifiers and
+  conjunctions.  This concept has a broad range of useful
+  applications, ranging from plain elimination (or introduction) of
+  object-level existential and conjunctions, to elimination over
+  results of symbolic evaluation of recursive definitions, for
+  example.  Also note that @{command "obtain"} without parameters acts
+  much like @{command "have"}, where the result is treated as a
+  genuine assumption.
+  An alternative name to be used instead of ``@{text that}'' above may
+  be given in parentheses.
+  \medskip The improper variant @{command "guess"} is similar to
+  @{command "obtain"}, but derives the obtained statement from the
+  course of reasoning!  The proof starts with a fixed goal @{text
+  thesis}.  The subsequent proof may refine this to anything of the
+  form like @{text "\<And>x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>m. \<phi>\<^sub>1 \<Longrightarrow> \<dots>
+  \<phi>\<^sub>n \<Longrightarrow> thesis"}, but must not introduce new subgoals.  The
+  final goal state is then used as reduction rule for the obtain
+  scheme described above.  Obtained parameters @{text "x\<^sub>1, \<dots>,
+  x\<^sub>m"} are marked as internal by default, which prevents the
+  proof context from being polluted by ad-hoc variables.  The variable
+  names and type constraints given as arguments for @{command "guess"}
+  specify a prefix of obtained parameters explicitly in the text.
+  It is important to note that the facts introduced by @{command
+  "obtain"} and @{command "guess"} may not be polymorphic: any
+  type-variables occurring here are fixed in the present context!
+subsection {* Calculational reasoning \label{sec:calculation} *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command_def "also"} & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(state)} \\
+    @{command_def "finally"} & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(chain)} \\
+    @{command_def "moreover"} & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(state)} \\
+    @{command_def "ultimately"} & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(chain)} \\
+    @{command_def "print_trans_rules"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
+    @{attribute trans} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute sym} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute symmetric} & : & \isaratt \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  Calculational proof is forward reasoning with implicit application
+  of transitivity rules (such those of @{text "="}, @{text "\<le>"},
+  @{text "<"}).  Isabelle/Isar maintains an auxiliary fact register
+  @{fact_ref calculation} for accumulating results obtained by
+  transitivity composed with the current result.  Command @{command
+  "also"} updates @{fact calculation} involving @{fact this}, while
+  @{command "finally"} exhibits the final @{fact calculation} by
+  forward chaining towards the next goal statement.  Both commands
+  require valid current facts, i.e.\ may occur only after commands
+  that produce theorems such as @{command "assume"}, @{command
+  "note"}, or some finished proof of @{command "have"}, @{command
+  "show"} etc.  The @{command "moreover"} and @{command "ultimately"}
+  commands are similar to @{command "also"} and @{command "finally"},
+  but only collect further results in @{fact calculation} without
+  applying any rules yet.
+  Also note that the implicit term abbreviation ``@{text "\<dots>"}'' has
+  its canonical application with calculational proofs.  It refers to
+  the argument of the preceding statement. (The argument of a curried
+  infix expression happens to be its right-hand side.)
+  Isabelle/Isar calculations are implicitly subject to block structure
+  in the sense that new threads of calculational reasoning are
+  commenced for any new block (as opened by a local goal, for
+  example).  This means that, apart from being able to nest
+  calculations, there is no separate \emph{begin-calculation} command
+  required.
+  \medskip The Isar calculation proof commands may be defined as
+  follows:\footnote{We suppress internal bookkeeping such as proper
+  handling of block-structure.}
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command "also"}@{text "\<^sub>0"} & \equiv & @{command "note"}~@{text "calculation = this"} \\
+    @{command "also"}@{text "\<^sub>n\<^sub>+\<^sub>1"} & \equiv & @{command "note"}~@{text "calculation = trans [OF calculation this]"} \\[0.5ex]
+    @{command "finally"} & \equiv & @{command "also"}~@{command "from"}~@{text calculation} \\[0.5ex]
+    @{command "moreover"} & \equiv & @{command "note"}~@{text "calculation = calculation this"} \\
+    @{command "ultimately"} & \equiv & @{command "moreover"}~@{command "from"}~@{text calculation} \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    ('also' | 'finally') ('(' thmrefs ')')?
+    ;
+    'trans' (() | 'add' | 'del')
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "also"}~@{text "(a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n)"}]
+  maintains the auxiliary @{fact calculation} register as follows.
+  The first occurrence of @{command "also"} in some calculational
+  thread initializes @{fact calculation} by @{fact this}. Any
+  subsequent @{command "also"} on the same level of block-structure
+  updates @{fact calculation} by some transitivity rule applied to
+  @{fact calculation} and @{fact this} (in that order).  Transitivity
+  rules are picked from the current context, unless alternative rules
+  are given as explicit arguments.
+  \item [@{command "finally"}~@{text "(a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n)"}]
+  maintaining @{fact calculation} in the same way as @{command
+  "also"}, and concludes the current calculational thread.  The final
+  result is exhibited as fact for forward chaining towards the next
+  goal. Basically, @{command "finally"} just abbreviates @{command
+  "also"}~@{command "from"}~@{fact calculation}.  Typical idioms for
+  concluding calculational proofs are ``@{command "finally"}~@{command
+  "show"}~@{text ?thesis}~@{command "."}'' and ``@{command
+  "finally"}~@{command "have"}~@{text \<phi>}~@{command "."}''.
+  \item [@{command "moreover"} and @{command "ultimately"}] are
+  analogous to @{command "also"} and @{command "finally"}, but collect
+  results only, without applying rules.
+  \item [@{command "print_trans_rules"}] prints the list of
+  transitivity rules (for calculational commands @{command "also"} and
+  @{command "finally"}) and symmetry rules (for the @{attribute
+  symmetric} operation and single step elimination patters) of the
+  current context.
+  \item [@{attribute trans}] declares theorems as transitivity rules.
+  \item [@{attribute sym}] declares symmetry rules, as well as
+  @{attribute "Pure.elim?"} rules.
+  \item [@{attribute symmetric}] resolves a theorem with some rule
+  declared as @{attribute sym} in the current context.  For example,
+  ``@{command "assume"}~@{text "[symmetric]: x = y"}'' produces a
+  swapped fact derived from that assumption.
+  In structured proof texts it is often more appropriate to use an
+  explicit single-step elimination proof, such as ``@{command
+  "assume"}~@{text "x = y"}~@{command "then"}~@{command "have"}~@{text
+  "y = x"}~@{command ".."}''.
+  \end{descr}
+section {* Proof tools *}
+subsection {* Miscellaneous methods and attributes \label{sec:misc-meth-att} *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{method_def unfold} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def fold} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def insert} & : & \isarmeth \\[0.5ex]
+    @{method_def erule}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def drule}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def frule}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def succeed} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def fail} & : & \isarmeth \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    ('fold' | 'unfold' | 'insert') thmrefs
+    ;
+    ('erule' | 'drule' | 'frule') ('('nat')')? thmrefs
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{method unfold}~@{text "a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n"} and @{method
+  fold}~@{text "a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n"}] expand (or fold back) the
+  given definitions throughout all goals; any chained facts provided
+  are inserted into the goal and subject to rewriting as well.
+  \item [@{method insert}~@{text "a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n"}] inserts
+  theorems as facts into all goals of the proof state.  Note that
+  current facts indicated for forward chaining are ignored.
+  \item [@{method erule}~@{text "a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n"}, @{method
+  drule}~@{text "a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n"}, and @{method frule}~@{text
+  "a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n"}] are similar to the basic @{method rule}
+  method (see \secref{sec:pure-meth-att}), but apply rules by
+  elim-resolution, destruct-resolution, and forward-resolution,
+  respectively \cite{isabelle-ref}.  The optional natural number
+  argument (default 0) specifies additional assumption steps to be
+  performed here.
+  Note that these methods are improper ones, mainly serving for
+  experimentation and tactic script emulation.  Different modes of
+  basic rule application are usually expressed in Isar at the proof
+  language level, rather than via implicit proof state manipulations.
+  For example, a proper single-step elimination would be done using
+  the plain @{method rule} method, with forward chaining of current
+  facts.
+  \item [@{method succeed}] yields a single (unchanged) result; it is
+  the identity of the ``@{text ","}'' method combinator (cf.\
+  \secref{sec:syn-meth}).
+  \item [@{method fail}] yields an empty result sequence; it is the
+  identity of the ``@{text "|"}'' method combinator (cf.\
+  \secref{sec:syn-meth}).
+  \end{descr}
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{attribute_def tagged} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def untagged} & : & \isaratt \\[0.5ex]
+    @{attribute_def THEN} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def COMP} & : & \isaratt \\[0.5ex]
+    @{attribute_def unfolded} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def folded} & : & \isaratt \\[0.5ex]
+    @{attribute_def rotated} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def (Pure) elim_format} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def standard}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def no_vars}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isaratt \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    'tagged' nameref
+    ;
+    'untagged' name
+    ;
+    ('THEN' | 'COMP') ('[' nat ']')? thmref
+    ;
+    ('unfolded' | 'folded') thmrefs
+    ;
+    'rotated' ( int )?
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{attribute tagged}~@{text "name arg"} and @{attribute
+  untagged}~@{text name}] add and remove \emph{tags} of some theorem.
+  Tags may be any list of string pairs that serve as formal comment.
+  The first string is considered the tag name, the second its
+  argument.  Note that @{attribute untagged} removes any tags of the
+  same name.
+  \item [@{attribute THEN}~@{text a} and @{attribute COMP}~@{text a}]
+  compose rules by resolution.  @{attribute THEN} resolves with the
+  first premise of @{text a} (an alternative position may be also
+  specified); the @{attribute COMP} version skips the automatic
+  lifting process that is normally intended (cf.\ @{ML "op RS"} and
+  @{ML "op COMP"} in \cite[\S5]{isabelle-ref}).
+  \item [@{attribute unfolded}~@{text "a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n"} and
+  @{attribute folded}~@{text "a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n"}] expand and fold
+  back again the given definitions throughout a rule.
+  \item [@{attribute rotated}~@{text n}] rotate the premises of a
+  theorem by @{text n} (default 1).
+  \item [@{attribute Pure.elim_format}] turns a destruction rule into
+  elimination rule format, by resolving with the rule @{prop [source]
+  "PROP A \<Longrightarrow> (PROP A \<Longrightarrow> PROP B) \<Longrightarrow> PROP B"}.
+  Note that the Classical Reasoner (\secref{sec:classical}) provides
+  its own version of this operation.
+  \item [@{attribute standard}] puts a theorem into the standard form
+  of object-rules at the outermost theory level.  Note that this
+  operation violates the local proof context (including active
+  locales).
+  \item [@{attribute no_vars}] replaces schematic variables by free
+  ones; this is mainly for tuning output of pretty printed theorems.
+  \end{descr}
+subsection {* Further tactic emulations \label{sec:tactics} *}
+text {*
+  The following improper proof methods emulate traditional tactics.
+  These admit direct access to the goal state, which is normally
+  considered harmful!  In particular, this may involve both numbered
+  goal addressing (default 1), and dynamic instantiation within the
+  scope of some subgoal.
+  \begin{warn}
+    Dynamic instantiations refer to universally quantified parameters
+    of a subgoal (the dynamic context) rather than fixed variables and
+    term abbreviations of a (static) Isar context.
+  \end{warn}
+  Tactic emulation methods, unlike their ML counterparts, admit
+  simultaneous instantiation from both dynamic and static contexts.
+  If names occur in both contexts goal parameters hide locally fixed
+  variables.  Likewise, schematic variables refer to term
+  abbreviations, if present in the static context.  Otherwise the
+  schematic variable is interpreted as a schematic variable and left
+  to be solved by unification with certain parts of the subgoal.
+  Note that the tactic emulation proof methods in Isabelle/Isar are
+  consistently named @{text foo_tac}.  Note also that variable names
+  occurring on left hand sides of instantiations must be preceded by a
+  question mark if they coincide with a keyword or contain dots.  This
+  is consistent with the attribute @{attribute "where"} (see
+  \secref{sec:pure-meth-att}).
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{method_def rule_tac}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def erule_tac}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def drule_tac}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def frule_tac}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def cut_tac}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def thin_tac}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def subgoal_tac}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def rename_tac}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def rotate_tac}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def tactic}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    ( 'rule\_tac' | 'erule\_tac' | 'drule\_tac' | 'frule\_tac' | 'cut\_tac' | 'thin\_tac' ) goalspec?
+    ( insts thmref | thmrefs )
+    ;
+    'subgoal\_tac' goalspec? (prop +)
+    ;
+    'rename\_tac' goalspec? (name +)
+    ;
+    'rotate\_tac' goalspec? int?
+    ;
+    'tactic' text
+    ;
+    insts: ((name '=' term) + 'and') 'in'
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \item [@{method rule_tac} etc.] do resolution of rules with explicit
+  instantiation.  This works the same way as the ML tactics @{ML
+  res_inst_tac} etc. (see \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}).
+  Multiple rules may be only given if there is no instantiation; then
+  @{method rule_tac} is the same as @{ML resolve_tac} in ML (see
+  \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}).
+  \item [@{method cut_tac}] inserts facts into the proof state as
+  assumption of a subgoal, see also @{ML cut_facts_tac} in
+  \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}.  Note that the scope of schematic
+  variables is spread over the main goal statement.  Instantiations
+  may be given as well, see also ML tactic @{ML cut_inst_tac} in
+  \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}.
+  \item [@{method thin_tac}~@{text \<phi>}] deletes the specified
+  assumption from a subgoal; note that @{text \<phi>} may contain schematic
+  variables.  See also @{ML thin_tac} in \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}.
+  \item [@{method subgoal_tac}~@{text \<phi>}] adds @{text \<phi>} as an
+  assumption to a subgoal.  See also @{ML subgoal_tac} and @{ML
+  subgoals_tac} in \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}.
+  \item [@{method rename_tac}~@{text "x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>n"}] renames
+  parameters of a goal according to the list @{text "x\<^sub>1, \<dots>,
+  x\<^sub>n"}, which refers to the \emph{suffix} of variables.
+  \item [@{method rotate_tac}~@{text n}] rotates the assumptions of a
+  goal by @{text n} positions: from right to left if @{text n} is
+  positive, and from left to right if @{text n} is negative; the
+  default value is 1.  See also @{ML rotate_tac} in
+  \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}.
+  \item [@{method tactic}~@{text "text"}] produces a proof method from
+  any ML text of type @{ML_type tactic}.  Apart from the usual ML
+  environment and the current implicit theory context, the ML code may
+  refer to the following locally bound values:
+%FIXME check
+val ctxt  : Proof.context
+val facts : thm list
+val thm   : string -> thm
+val thms  : string -> thm list
+  Here @{ML_text ctxt} refers to the current proof context, @{ML_text
+  facts} indicates any current facts for forward-chaining, and @{ML
+  thm}~/~@{ML thms} retrieve named facts (including global theorems)
+  from the context.
+  \end{descr}
+subsection {* The Simplifier \label{sec:simplifier} *}
+subsubsection {* Simplification methods *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{method_def simp} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def simp_all} & : & \isarmeth \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \indexouternonterm{simpmod}
+  \begin{rail}
+    ('simp' | 'simp\_all') ('!' ?) opt? (simpmod *)
+    ;
+    opt: '(' ('no\_asm' | 'no\_asm\_simp' | 'no\_asm\_use' | 'asm\_lr' | 'depth\_limit' ':' nat) ')'
+    ;
+    simpmod: ('add' | 'del' | 'only' | 'cong' (() | 'add' | 'del') |
+      'split' (() | 'add' | 'del')) ':' thmrefs
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{method simp}] invokes the Simplifier, after declaring
+  additional rules according to the arguments given.  Note that the
+  \railtterm{only} modifier first removes all other rewrite rules,
+  congruences, and looper tactics (including splits), and then behaves
+  like \railtterm{add}.
+  \medskip The \railtterm{cong} modifiers add or delete Simplifier
+  congruence rules (see also \cite{isabelle-ref}), the default is to
+  add.
+  \medskip The \railtterm{split} modifiers add or delete rules for the
+  Splitter (see also \cite{isabelle-ref}), the default is to add.
+  This works only if the Simplifier method has been properly setup to
+  include the Splitter (all major object logics such HOL, HOLCF, FOL,
+  ZF do this already).
+  \item [@{method simp_all}] is similar to @{method simp}, but acts on
+  all goals (backwards from the last to the first one).
+  \end{descr}
+  By default the Simplifier methods take local assumptions fully into
+  account, using equational assumptions in the subsequent
+  normalization process, or simplifying assumptions themselves (cf.\
+  @{ML asm_full_simp_tac} in \cite[\S10]{isabelle-ref}).  In
+  structured proofs this is usually quite well behaved in practice:
+  just the local premises of the actual goal are involved, additional
+  facts may be inserted via explicit forward-chaining (via @{command
+  "then"}, @{command "from"}, @{command "using"} etc.).  The full
+  context of premises is only included if the ``@{text "!"}'' (bang)
+  argument is given, which should be used with some care, though.
+  Additional Simplifier options may be specified to tune the behavior
+  further (mostly for unstructured scripts with many accidental local
+  facts): ``@{text "(no_asm)"}'' means assumptions are ignored
+  completely (cf.\ @{ML simp_tac}), ``@{text "(no_asm_simp)"}'' means
+  assumptions are used in the simplification of the conclusion but are
+  not themselves simplified (cf.\ @{ML asm_simp_tac}), and ``@{text
+  "(no_asm_use)"}'' means assumptions are simplified but are not used
+  in the simplification of each other or the conclusion (cf.\ @{ML
+  full_simp_tac}).  For compatibility reasons, there is also an option
+  ``@{text "(asm_lr)"}'', which means that an assumption is only used
+  for simplifying assumptions which are to the right of it (cf.\ @{ML
+  asm_lr_simp_tac}).
+  Giving an option ``@{text "(depth_limit: n)"}'' limits the number of
+  recursive invocations of the simplifier during conditional
+  rewriting.
+  \medskip The Splitter package is usually configured to work as part
+  of the Simplifier.  The effect of repeatedly applying @{ML
+  split_tac} can be simulated by ``@{text "(simp only: split:
+  a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n)"}''.  There is also a separate @{text split}
+  method available for single-step case splitting.
+subsubsection {* Declaring rules *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command_def "print_simpset"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
+    @{attribute_def simp} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def cong} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def split} & : & \isaratt \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    ('simp' | 'cong' | 'split') (() | 'add' | 'del')
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "print_simpset"}] prints the collection of rules
+  declared to the Simplifier, which is also known as ``simpset''
+  internally \cite{isabelle-ref}.
+  \item [@{attribute simp}] declares simplification rules.
+  \item [@{attribute cong}] declares congruence rules.
+  \item [@{attribute split}] declares case split rules.
+  \end{descr}
+subsubsection {* Simplification procedures *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command_def "simproc_setup"} & : & \isarkeep{local{\dsh}theory} \\
+    simproc & : & \isaratt \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    'simproc\_setup' name '(' (term + '|') ')' '=' text \\ ('identifier' (nameref+))?
+    ;
+    'simproc' (('add' ':')? | 'del' ':') (name+)
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "simproc_setup"}] defines a named simplification
+  procedure that is invoked by the Simplifier whenever any of the
+  given term patterns match the current redex.  The implementation,
+  which is provided as ML source text, needs to be of type @{ML_type
+  "morphism -> simpset -> cterm -> thm option"}, where the @{ML_type
+  cterm} represents the current redex @{text r} and the result is
+  supposed to be some proven rewrite rule @{text "r \<equiv> r'"} (or a
+  generalized version), or @{ML NONE} to indicate failure.  The
+  @{ML_type simpset} argument holds the full context of the current
+  Simplifier invocation, including the actual Isar proof context.  The
+  @{ML_type morphism} informs about the difference of the original
+  compilation context wrt.\ the one of the actual application later
+  on.  The optional @{keyword "identifier"} specifies theorems that
+  represent the logical content of the abstract theory of this
+  simproc.
+  Morphisms and identifiers are only relevant for simprocs that are
+  defined within a local target context, e.g.\ in a locale.
+  \item [@{text "simproc add: name"} and @{text "simproc del: name"}]
+  add or delete named simprocs to the current Simplifier context.  The
+  default is to add a simproc.  Note that @{command "simproc_setup"}
+  already adds the new simproc to the subsequent context.
+  \end{descr}
+subsubsection {* Forward simplification *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{attribute_def simplified} & : & \isaratt \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    'simplified' opt? thmrefs?
+    ;
+    opt: '(' (noasm | noasmsimp | noasmuse) ')'
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{attribute simplified}~@{text "a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n"}]
+  causes a theorem to be simplified, either by exactly the specified
+  rules @{text "a\<^sub>1, \<dots>, a\<^sub>n"}, or the implicit Simplifier
+  context if no arguments are given.  The result is fully simplified
+  by default, including assumptions and conclusion; the options @{text
+  no_asm} etc.\ tune the Simplifier in the same way as the for the
+  @{text simp} method.
+  Note that forward simplification restricts the simplifier to its
+  most basic operation of term rewriting; solver and looper tactics
+  \cite{isabelle-ref} are \emph{not} involved here.  The @{text
+  simplified} attribute should be only rarely required under normal
+  circumstances.
+  \end{descr}
+subsubsection {* Low-level equational reasoning *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{method_def subst}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def hypsubst}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def split}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarmeth \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    'subst' ('(' 'asm' ')')? ('(' (nat+) ')')? thmref
+    ;
+    'split' ('(' 'asm' ')')? thmrefs
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  These methods provide low-level facilities for equational reasoning
+  that are intended for specialized applications only.  Normally,
+  single step calculations would be performed in a structured text
+  (see also \secref{sec:calculation}), while the Simplifier methods
+  provide the canonical way for automated normalization (see
+  \secref{sec:simplifier}).
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{method subst}~@{text eq}] performs a single substitution
+  step using rule @{text eq}, which may be either a meta or object
+  equality.
+  \item [@{method subst}~@{text "(asm) eq"}] substitutes in an
+  assumption.
+  \item [@{method subst}~@{text "(i \<dots> j) eq"}] performs several
+  substitutions in the conclusion. The numbers @{text i} to @{text j}
+  indicate the positions to substitute at.  Positions are ordered from
+  the top of the term tree moving down from left to right. For
+  example, in @{text "(a + b) + (c + d)"} there are three positions
+  where commutativity of @{text "+"} is applicable: 1 refers to the
+  whole term, 2 to @{text "a + b"} and 3 to @{text "c + d"}.
+  If the positions in the list @{text "(i \<dots> j)"} are non-overlapping
+  (e.g.\ @{text "(2 3)"} in @{text "(a + b) + (c + d)"}) you may
+  assume all substitutions are performed simultaneously.  Otherwise
+  the behaviour of @{text subst} is not specified.
+  \item [@{method subst}~@{text "(asm) (i \<dots> j) eq"}] performs the
+  substitutions in the assumptions.  Positions @{text "1 \<dots> i\<^sub>1"}
+  refer to assumption 1, positions @{text "i\<^sub>1 + 1 \<dots> i\<^sub>2"}
+  to assumption 2, and so on.
+  \item [@{method hypsubst}] performs substitution using some
+  assumption; this only works for equations of the form @{text "x =
+  t"} where @{text x} is a free or bound variable.
+  \item [@{method split}~@{text "a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n"}] performs
+  single-step case splitting using the given rules.  By default,
+  splitting is performed in the conclusion of a goal; the @{text
+  "(asm)"} option indicates to operate on assumptions instead.
+  Note that the @{method simp} method already involves repeated
+  application of split rules as declared in the current context.
+  \end{descr}
+subsection {* The Classical Reasoner \label{sec:classical} *}
+subsubsection {* Basic methods *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{method_def rule} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def contradiction} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def intro} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def elim} & : & \isarmeth \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    ('rule' | 'intro' | 'elim') thmrefs?
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{method rule}] as offered by the Classical Reasoner is a
+  refinement over the primitive one (see \secref{sec:pure-meth-att}).
+  Both versions essentially work the same, but the classical version
+  observes the classical rule context in addition to that of
+  Isabelle/Pure.
+  Common object logics (HOL, ZF, etc.) declare a rich collection of
+  classical rules (even if these would qualify as intuitionistic
+  ones), but only few declarations to the rule context of
+  Isabelle/Pure (\secref{sec:pure-meth-att}).
+  \item [@{method contradiction}] solves some goal by contradiction,
+  deriving any result from both @{text "\<not> A"} and @{text A}.  Chained
+  facts, which are guaranteed to participate, may appear in either
+  order.
+  \item [@{attribute intro} and @{attribute elim}] repeatedly refine
+  some goal by intro- or elim-resolution, after having inserted any
+  chained facts.  Exactly the rules given as arguments are taken into
+  account; this allows fine-tuned decomposition of a proof problem, in
+  contrast to common automated tools.
+  \end{descr}
+subsubsection {* Automated methods *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{method_def blast} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def fast} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def slow} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def best} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def safe} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def clarify} & : & \isarmeth \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \indexouternonterm{clamod}
+  \begin{rail}
+    'blast' ('!' ?) nat? (clamod *)
+    ;
+    ('fast' | 'slow' | 'best' | 'safe' | 'clarify') ('!' ?) (clamod *)
+    ;
+    clamod: (('intro' | 'elim' | 'dest') ('!' | () | '?') | 'del') ':' thmrefs
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{method blast}] refers to the classical tableau prover (see
+  @{ML blast_tac} in \cite[\S11]{isabelle-ref}).  The optional
+  argument specifies a user-supplied search bound (default 20).
+  \item [@{method fast}, @{method slow}, @{method best}, @{method
+  safe}, and @{method clarify}] refer to the generic classical
+  reasoner.  See @{ML fast_tac}, @{ML slow_tac}, @{ML best_tac}, @{ML
+  safe_tac}, and @{ML clarify_tac} in \cite[\S11]{isabelle-ref} for
+  more information.
+  \end{descr}
+  Any of the above methods support additional modifiers of the context
+  of classical rules.  Their semantics is analogous to the attributes
+  given before.  Facts provided by forward chaining are inserted into
+  the goal before commencing proof search.  The ``@{text
+  "!"}''~argument causes the full context of assumptions to be
+  included as well.
+subsubsection {* Combined automated methods \label{sec:clasimp} *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{method_def auto} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def force} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def clarsimp} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def fastsimp} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def slowsimp} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def bestsimp} & : & \isarmeth \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \indexouternonterm{clasimpmod}
+  \begin{rail}
+    'auto' '!'? (nat nat)? (clasimpmod *)
+    ;
+    ('force' | 'clarsimp' | 'fastsimp' | 'slowsimp' | 'bestsimp') '!'? (clasimpmod *)
+    ;
+    clasimpmod: ('simp' (() | 'add' | 'del' | 'only') |
+      ('cong' | 'split') (() | 'add' | 'del') |
+      'iff' (((() | 'add') '?'?) | 'del') |
+      (('intro' | 'elim' | 'dest') ('!' | () | '?') | 'del')) ':' thmrefs
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{method auto}, @{method force}, @{method clarsimp}, @{method
+  fastsimp}, @{method slowsimp}, and @{method bestsimp}] provide
+  access to Isabelle's combined simplification and classical reasoning
+  tactics.  These correspond to @{ML auto_tac}, @{ML force_tac}, @{ML
+  clarsimp_tac}, and Classical Reasoner tactics with the Simplifier
+  added as wrapper, see \cite[\S11]{isabelle-ref} for more
+  information.  The modifier arguments correspond to those given in
+  \secref{sec:simplifier} and \secref{sec:classical}.  Just note that
+  the ones related to the Simplifier are prefixed by \railtterm{simp}
+  here.
+  Facts provided by forward chaining are inserted into the goal before
+  doing the search.  The ``@{text "!"}'' argument causes the full
+  context of assumptions to be included as well.
+  \end{descr}
+subsubsection {* Declaring rules *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command_def "print_claset"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
+    @{attribute_def intro} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def elim} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def dest} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def rule} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def iff} & : & \isaratt \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    ('intro' | 'elim' | 'dest') ('!' | () | '?') nat?
+    ;
+    'rule' 'del'
+    ;
+    'iff' (((() | 'add') '?'?) | 'del')
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "print_claset"}] prints the collection of rules
+  declared to the Classical Reasoner, which is also known as
+  ``claset'' internally \cite{isabelle-ref}.
+  \item [@{attribute intro}, @{attribute elim}, and @{attribute dest}]
+  declare introduction, elimination, and destruction rules,
+  respectively.  By default, rules are considered as \emph{unsafe}
+  (i.e.\ not applied blindly without backtracking), while ``@{text
+  "!"}'' classifies as \emph{safe}.  Rule declarations marked by
+  ``@{text "?"}'' coincide with those of Isabelle/Pure, cf.\
+  \secref{sec:pure-meth-att} (i.e.\ are only applied in single steps
+  of the @{method rule} method).  The optional natural number
+  specifies an explicit weight argument, which is ignored by automated
+  tools, but determines the search order of single rule steps.
+  \item [@{attribute rule}~@{text del}] deletes introduction,
+  elimination, or destruction rules from the context.
+  \item [@{attribute iff}] declares logical equivalences to the
+  Simplifier and the Classical reasoner at the same time.
+  Non-conditional rules result in a ``safe'' introduction and
+  elimination pair; conditional ones are considered ``unsafe''.  Rules
+  with negative conclusion are automatically inverted (using @{text
+  "\<not>"} elimination internally).
+  The ``@{text "?"}'' version of @{attribute iff} declares rules to
+  the Isabelle/Pure context only, and omits the Simplifier
+  declaration.
+  \end{descr}
+subsubsection {* Classical operations *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{attribute_def swapped} & : & \isaratt \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{attribute swapped}] turns an introduction rule into an
+  elimination, by resolving with the classical swap principle @{text
+  "(\<not> B \<Longrightarrow> A) \<Longrightarrow> (\<not> A \<Longrightarrow> B)"}.
+  \end{descr}
+subsection {* Proof by cases and induction \label{sec:cases-induct} *}
+subsubsection {* Rule contexts *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command_def "case"} & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(state)} \\
+    @{command_def "print_cases"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarkeep{proof} \\
+    @{attribute_def case_names} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def case_conclusion} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def params} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def consumes} & : & \isaratt \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  The puristic way to build up Isar proof contexts is by explicit
+  language elements like @{command "fix"}, @{command "assume"},
+  @{command "let"} (see \secref{sec:proof-context}).  This is adequate
+  for plain natural deduction, but easily becomes unwieldy in concrete
+  verification tasks, which typically involve big induction rules with
+  several cases.
+  The @{command "case"} command provides a shorthand to refer to a
+  local context symbolically: certain proof methods provide an
+  environment of named ``cases'' of the form @{text "c: x\<^sub>1, \<dots>,
+  x\<^sub>m, \<phi>\<^sub>1, \<dots>, \<phi>\<^sub>n"}; the effect of
+  ``@{command "case"}@{text c}'' is then equivalent to ``@{command
+  "fix"}~@{text "x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>m"}~@{command "assume"}~@{text
+  "c: \<phi>\<^sub>1 \<dots> \<phi>\<^sub>n"}''.  Term bindings may be
+  covered as well, notably @{variable ?case} for the main conclusion.
+  By default, the ``terminology'' @{text "x\<^sub>1, \<dots>, x\<^sub>m"} of
+  a case value is marked as hidden, i.e.\ there is no way to refer to
+  such parameters in the subsequent proof text.  After all, original
+  rule parameters stem from somewhere outside of the current proof
+  text.  By using the explicit form ``@{command "case"}~@{text "(c
+  y\<^sub>1 \<dots> y\<^sub>m)"}'' instead, the proof author is able to
+  chose local names that fit nicely into the current context.
+  \medskip It is important to note that proper use of @{command
+  "case"} does not provide means to peek at the current goal state,
+  which is not directly observable in Isar!  Nonetheless, goal
+  refinement commands do provide named cases @{text "goal\<^sub>i"}
+  for each subgoal @{text "i = 1, \<dots>, n"} of the resulting goal state.
+  Using this extra feature requires great care, because some bits of
+  the internal tactical machinery intrude the proof text.  In
+  particular, parameter names stemming from the left-over of automated
+  reasoning tools are usually quite unpredictable.
+  Under normal circumstances, the text of cases emerge from standard
+  elimination or induction rules, which in turn are derived from
+  previous theory specifications in a canonical way (say from
+  @{command "inductive"} definitions).
+  \medskip Proper cases are only available if both the proof method
+  and the rules involved support this.  By using appropriate
+  attributes, case names, conclusions, and parameters may be also
+  declared by hand.  Thus variant versions of rules that have been
+  derived manually become ready to use in advanced case analysis
+  later.
+  \begin{rail}
+    'case' (caseref | '(' caseref ((name | underscore) +) ')')
+    ;
+    caseref: nameref attributes?
+    ;
+    'case\_names' (name +)
+    ;
+    'case\_conclusion' name (name *)
+    ;
+    'params' ((name *) + 'and')
+    ;
+    'consumes' nat?
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "case"}~@{text "(c x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>m)"}]
+  invokes a named local context @{text "c: x\<^sub>1, \<dots>, x\<^sub>m,
+  \<phi>\<^sub>1, \<dots>, \<phi>\<^sub>m"}, as provided by an appropriate
+  proof method (such as @{method_ref cases} and @{method_ref induct}).
+  The command ``@{command "case"}~@{text "(c x\<^sub>1 \<dots>
+  x\<^sub>m)"}'' abbreviates ``@{command "fix"}~@{text "x\<^sub>1 \<dots>
+  x\<^sub>m"}~@{command "assume"}~@{text "c: \<phi>\<^sub>1 \<dots>
+  \<phi>\<^sub>n"}''.
+  \item [@{command "print_cases"}] prints all local contexts of the
+  current state, using Isar proof language notation.
+  \item [@{attribute case_names}~@{text "c\<^sub>1 \<dots> c\<^sub>k"}]
+  declares names for the local contexts of premises of a theorem;
+  @{text "c\<^sub>1, \<dots>, c\<^sub>k"} refers to the \emph{suffix} of the
+  list of premises.
+  \item [@{attribute case_conclusion}~@{text "c d\<^sub>1 \<dots>
+  d\<^sub>k"}] declares names for the conclusions of a named premise
+  @{text c}; here @{text "d\<^sub>1, \<dots>, d\<^sub>k"} refers to the
+  prefix of arguments of a logical formula built by nesting a binary
+  connective (e.g.\ @{text "\<or>"}).
+  Note that proof methods such as @{method induct} and @{method
+  coinduct} already provide a default name for the conclusion as a
+  whole.  The need to name subformulas only arises with cases that
+  split into several sub-cases, as in common co-induction rules.
+  \item [@{attribute params}~@{text "p\<^sub>1 \<dots> p\<^sub>m \<AND> \<dots>
+  q\<^sub>1 \<dots> q\<^sub>n"}] renames the innermost parameters of
+  premises @{text "1, \<dots>, n"} of some theorem.  An empty list of names
+  may be given to skip positions, leaving the present parameters
+  unchanged.
+  Note that the default usage of case rules does \emph{not} directly
+  expose parameters to the proof context.
+  \item [@{attribute consumes}~@{text n}] declares the number of
+  ``major premises'' of a rule, i.e.\ the number of facts to be
+  consumed when it is applied by an appropriate proof method.  The
+  default value of @{attribute consumes} is @{text "n = 1"}, which is
+  appropriate for the usual kind of cases and induction rules for
+  inductive sets (cf.\ \secref{sec:hol-inductive}).  Rules without any
+  @{attribute consumes} declaration given are treated as if
+  @{attribute consumes}~@{text 0} had been specified.
+  Note that explicit @{attribute consumes} declarations are only
+  rarely needed; this is already taken care of automatically by the
+  higher-level @{attribute cases}, @{attribute induct}, and
+  @{attribute coinduct} declarations.
+  \end{descr}
+subsubsection {* Proof methods *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{method_def cases} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def induct} & : & \isarmeth \\
+    @{method_def coinduct} & : & \isarmeth \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  The @{method cases}, @{method induct}, and @{method coinduct}
+  methods provide a uniform interface to common proof techniques over
+  datatypes, inductive predicates (or sets), recursive functions etc.
+  The corresponding rules may be specified and instantiated in a
+  casual manner.  Furthermore, these methods provide named local
+  contexts that may be invoked via the @{command "case"} proof command
+  within the subsequent proof text.  This accommodates compact proof
+  texts even when reasoning about large specifications.
+  The @{method induct} method also provides some additional
+  infrastructure in order to be applicable to structure statements
+  (either using explicit meta-level connectives, or including facts
+  and parameters separately).  This avoids cumbersome encoding of
+  ``strengthened'' inductive statements within the object-logic.
+  \begin{rail}
+    'cases' (insts * 'and') rule?
+    ;
+    'induct' (definsts * 'and') \\ arbitrary? taking? rule?
+    ;
+    'coinduct' insts taking rule?
+    ;
+    rule: ('type' | 'pred' | 'set') ':' (nameref +) | 'rule' ':' (thmref +)
+    ;
+    definst: name ('==' | equiv) term | inst
+    ;
+    definsts: ( definst *)
+    ;
+    arbitrary: 'arbitrary' ':' ((term *) 'and' +)
+    ;
+    taking: 'taking' ':' insts
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{method cases}~@{text "insts R"}] applies method @{method
+  rule} with an appropriate case distinction theorem, instantiated to
+  the subjects @{text insts}.  Symbolic case names are bound according
+  to the rule's local contexts.
+  The rule is determined as follows, according to the facts and
+  arguments passed to the @{method cases} method:
+  \medskip
+  \begin{tabular}{llll}
+    facts    &                 & arguments & rule \\\hline
+             & @{method cases} &           & classical case split \\
+             & @{method cases} & @{text t} & datatype exhaustion (type of @{text t}) \\
+    @{text "\<turnstile> A t"} & @{method cases} & @{text "\<dots>"} & inductive predicate/set elimination (of @{text A}) \\
+    @{text "\<dots>"} & @{method cases} & @{text "\<dots> rule: R"} & explicit rule @{text R} \\
+  \end{tabular}
+  \medskip
+  Several instantiations may be given, referring to the \emph{suffix}
+  of premises of the case rule; within each premise, the \emph{prefix}
+  of variables is instantiated.  In most situations, only a single
+  term needs to be specified; this refers to the first variable of the
+  last premise (it is usually the same for all cases).
+  \item [@{method induct}~@{text "insts R"}] is analogous to the
+  @{method cases} method, but refers to induction rules, which are
+  determined as follows:
+  \medskip
+  \begin{tabular}{llll}
+    facts    &        & arguments & rule \\\hline
+             & @{method induct} & @{text "P x \<dots>"} & datatype induction (type of @{text x}) \\
+    @{text "\<turnstile> A x"} & @{method induct} & @{text "\<dots>"} & predicate/set induction (of @{text A}) \\
+    @{text "\<dots>"} & @{method induct} & @{text "\<dots> rule: R"} & explicit rule @{text R} \\
+  \end{tabular}
+  \medskip
+  Several instantiations may be given, each referring to some part of
+  a mutual inductive definition or datatype --- only related partial
+  induction rules may be used together, though.  Any of the lists of
+  terms @{text "P, x, \<dots>"} refers to the \emph{suffix} of variables
+  present in the induction rule.  This enables the writer to specify
+  only induction variables, or both predicates and variables, for
+  example.
+  Instantiations may be definitional: equations @{text "x \<equiv> t"}
+  introduce local definitions, which are inserted into the claim and
+  discharged after applying the induction rule.  Equalities reappear
+  in the inductive cases, but have been transformed according to the
+  induction principle being involved here.  In order to achieve
+  practically useful induction hypotheses, some variables occurring in
+  @{text t} need to be fixed (see below).
+  The optional ``@{text "arbitrary: x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>m"}''
+  specification generalizes variables @{text "x\<^sub>1, \<dots>,
+  x\<^sub>m"} of the original goal before applying induction.  Thus
+  induction hypotheses may become sufficiently general to get the
+  proof through.  Together with definitional instantiations, one may
+  effectively perform induction over expressions of a certain
+  structure.
+  The optional ``@{text "taking: t\<^sub>1 \<dots> t\<^sub>n"}''
+  specification provides additional instantiations of a prefix of
+  pending variables in the rule.  Such schematic induction rules
+  rarely occur in practice, though.
+  \item [@{method coinduct}~@{text "inst R"}] is analogous to the
+  @{method induct} method, but refers to coinduction rules, which are
+  determined as follows:
+  \medskip
+  \begin{tabular}{llll}
+    goal     &          & arguments & rule \\\hline
+             & @{method coinduct} & @{text "x \<dots>"} & type coinduction (type of @{text x}) \\
+    @{text "A x"} & @{method coinduct} & @{text "\<dots>"} & predicate/set coinduction (of @{text A}) \\
+    @{text "\<dots>"} & @{method coinduct} & @{text "\<dots> R"} & explicit rule @{text R} \\
+  \end{tabular}
+  Coinduction is the dual of induction.  Induction essentially
+  eliminates @{text "A x"} towards a generic result @{text "P x"},
+  while coinduction introduces @{text "A x"} starting with @{text "B
+  x"}, for a suitable ``bisimulation'' @{text B}.  The cases of a
+  coinduct rule are typically named after the predicates or sets being
+  covered, while the conclusions consist of several alternatives being
+  named after the individual destructor patterns.
+  The given instantiation refers to the \emph{suffix} of variables
+  occurring in the rule's major premise, or conclusion if unavailable.
+  An additional ``@{text "taking: t\<^sub>1 \<dots> t\<^sub>n"}''
+  specification may be required in order to specify the bisimulation
+  to be used in the coinduction step.
+  \end{descr}
+  Above methods produce named local contexts, as determined by the
+  instantiated rule as given in the text.  Beyond that, the @{method
+  induct} and @{method coinduct} methods guess further instantiations
+  from the goal specification itself.  Any persisting unresolved
+  schematic variables of the resulting rule will render the the
+  corresponding case invalid.  The term binding @{variable ?case} for
+  the conclusion will be provided with each case, provided that term
+  is fully specified.
+  The @{command "print_cases"} command prints all named cases present
+  in the current proof state.
+  \medskip Despite the additional infrastructure, both @{method cases}
+  and @{method coinduct} merely apply a certain rule, after
+  instantiation, while conforming due to the usual way of monotonic
+  natural deduction: the context of a structured statement @{text
+  "\<And>x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>m. \<phi>\<^sub>1 \<Longrightarrow> \<dots> \<phi>\<^sub>n \<Longrightarrow> \<dots>"}
+  reappears unchanged after the case split.
+  The @{method induct} method is fundamentally different in this
+  respect: the meta-level structure is passed through the
+  ``recursive'' course involved in the induction.  Thus the original
+  statement is basically replaced by separate copies, corresponding to
+  the induction hypotheses and conclusion; the original goal context
+  is no longer available.  Thus local assumptions, fixed parameters
+  and definitions effectively participate in the inductive rephrasing
+  of the original statement.
+  In induction proofs, local assumptions introduced by cases are split
+  into two different kinds: @{text hyps} stemming from the rule and
+  @{text prems} from the goal statement.  This is reflected in the
+  extracted cases accordingly, so invoking ``@{command "case"}~@{text
+  c}'' will provide separate facts @{text c.hyps} and @{text c.prems},
+  as well as fact @{text c} to hold the all-inclusive list.
+  \medskip Facts presented to either method are consumed according to
+  the number of ``major premises'' of the rule involved, which is
+  usually 0 for plain cases and induction rules of datatypes etc.\ and
+  1 for rules of inductive predicates or sets and the like.  The
+  remaining facts are inserted into the goal verbatim before the
+  actual @{text cases}, @{text induct}, or @{text coinduct} rule is
+  applied.
+subsubsection {* Declaring rules *}
+text {*
+  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
+    @{command_def "print_induct_rules"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
+    @{attribute_def cases} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def induct} & : & \isaratt \\
+    @{attribute_def coinduct} & : & \isaratt \\
+  \end{matharray}
+  \begin{rail}
+    'cases' spec
+    ;
+    'induct' spec
+    ;
+    'coinduct' spec
+    ;
+    spec: ('type' | 'pred' | 'set') ':' nameref
+    ;
+  \end{rail}
+  \begin{descr}
+  \item [@{command "print_induct_rules"}] prints cases and induct
+  rules for predicates (or sets) and types of the current context.
+  \item [@{attribute cases}, @{attribute induct}, and @{attribute
+  coinduct}] (as attributes) augment the corresponding context of
+  rules for reasoning about (co)inductive predicates (or sets) and
+  types, using the corresponding methods of the same name.  Certain
+  definitional packages of object-logics usually declare emerging
+  cases and induction rules as expected, so users rarely need to
+  intervene.
+  Manual rule declarations usually refer to the @{attribute
+  case_names} and @{attribute params} attributes to adjust names of
+  cases and parameters of a rule; the @{attribute consumes}
+  declaration is taken care of automatically: @{attribute
+  consumes}~@{text 0} is specified for ``type'' rules and @{attribute
+  consumes}~@{text 1} for ``predicate'' / ``set'' rules.
+  \end{descr}