changeset 516 1957113f0d7d
parent 484 70b789956bd3
child 525 e62519a8497d
--- a/src/ZF/List.ML	Fri Aug 12 12:28:46 1994 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/List.ML	Fri Aug 12 12:51:34 1994 +0200
@@ -6,52 +6,42 @@
 Datatype definition of Lists
-structure List = Datatype_Fun
- (val thy        = Univ.thy
-  val thy_name   = "List"
-  val rec_specs  = [("list", "univ(A)",
-                      [(["Nil"],    "i", 	NoSyn), 
-                       (["Cons"],   "[i,i]=>i",	NoSyn)])]
-  val rec_styp   = "i=>i"
-  val sintrs     = ["Nil : list(A)",
-                    "[| a: A;  l: list(A) |] ==> Cons(a,l) : list(A)"]
-  val monos      = []
-  val type_intrs = datatype_intrs
-  val type_elims = datatype_elims);
+open List;
-val [NilI, ConsI] = List.intrs;
+(*** Aspects of the datatype definition ***)
 (*An elimination rule, for type-checking*)
-val ConsE = List.mk_cases List.con_defs "Cons(a,l) : list(A)";
+val ConsE = list.mk_cases list.con_defs "Cons(a,l) : list(A)";
 (*Proving freeness results*)
-val Cons_iff     = List.mk_free "Cons(a,l)=Cons(a',l') <-> a=a' & l=l'";
-val Nil_Cons_iff = List.mk_free "~ Nil=Cons(a,l)";
+val Cons_iff     = list.mk_free "Cons(a,l)=Cons(a',l') <-> a=a' & l=l'";
+val Nil_Cons_iff = list.mk_free "~ Nil=Cons(a,l)";
 (*Perform induction on l, then prove the major premise using prems. *)
 fun list_ind_tac a prems i = 
-    EVERY [res_inst_tac [("x",a)] List.induct i,
+    EVERY [res_inst_tac [("x",a)] list.induct i,
 	   rename_last_tac a ["1"] (i+2),
 	   ares_tac prems i];
 goal List.thy "list(A) = {0} + (A * list(A))";
-by (rtac (List.unfold RS trans) 1);
-bws List.con_defs;
-by (fast_tac (sum_cs addIs ([equalityI] @ datatype_intrs)
-		     addDs [List.dom_subset RS subsetD]
- 	             addEs [A_into_univ]) 1);
+by (rtac (list.unfold RS trans) 1);
+bws list.con_defs;
+br equalityI 1;
+by (fast_tac sum_cs 1);
+by (fast_tac (sum_cs addIs datatype_intrs
+		     addDs [list.dom_subset RS subsetD]) 1);
 val list_unfold = result();
 (**  Lemmas to justify using "list" in other recursive type definitions **)
-goalw List.thy List.defs "!!A B. A<=B ==> list(A) <= list(B)";
+goalw List.thy list.defs "!!A B. A<=B ==> list(A) <= list(B)";
 by (rtac lfp_mono 1);
-by (REPEAT (rtac List.bnd_mono 1));
+by (REPEAT (rtac list.bnd_mono 1));
 by (REPEAT (ares_tac (univ_mono::basic_monos) 1));
 val list_mono = result();
 (*There is a similar proof by list induction.*)
-goalw List.thy (List.defs@List.con_defs) "list(univ(A)) <= univ(A)";
+goalw List.thy (list.defs@list.con_defs) "list(univ(A)) <= univ(A)";
 by (rtac lfp_lowerbound 1);
 by (rtac (A_subset_univ RS univ_mono) 2);
 by (fast_tac (ZF_cs addSIs [zero_in_univ, Inl_in_univ, Inr_in_univ,
@@ -69,18 +59,374 @@
 \       c: C(Nil);       \
 \       !!x y. [| x: A;  y: list(A) |] ==> h(x,y): C(Cons(x,y))  \
 \    |] ==> list_case(c,h,l) : C(l)";
-by (rtac (major RS List.induct) 1);
-by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (ZF_ss addsimps (List.case_eqns @ prems))));
+by (rtac (major RS list.induct) 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (ZF_ss addsimps (list.case_eqns @ prems))));
 val list_case_type = result();
 (** For recursion **)
-goalw List.thy List.con_defs "rank(a) < rank(Cons(a,l))";
+goalw List.thy list.con_defs "rank(a) < rank(Cons(a,l))";
 by (simp_tac rank_ss 1);
 val rank_Cons1 = result();
-goalw List.thy List.con_defs "rank(l) < rank(Cons(a,l))";
+goalw List.thy list.con_defs "rank(l) < rank(Cons(a,l))";
 by (simp_tac rank_ss 1);
 val rank_Cons2 = result();
+(*** List functions ***)
+(** hd and tl **)
+goalw List.thy [hd_def] "hd(Cons(a,l)) = a";
+by (resolve_tac list.case_eqns 1);
+val hd_Cons = result();
+goalw List.thy [tl_def] "tl(Nil) = Nil";
+by (resolve_tac list.case_eqns 1);
+val tl_Nil = result();
+goalw List.thy [tl_def] "tl(Cons(a,l)) = l";
+by (resolve_tac list.case_eqns 1);
+val tl_Cons = result();
+goal List.thy "!!l. l: list(A) ==> tl(l) : list(A)";
+by (etac list.elim 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (ZF_ss addsimps (list.intrs @ [tl_Nil,tl_Cons]))));
+val tl_type = result();
+(** drop **)
+goalw List.thy [drop_def] "drop(0, l) = l";
+by (rtac rec_0 1);
+val drop_0 = result();
+goalw List.thy [drop_def] "!!i. i:nat ==> drop(i, Nil) = Nil";
+by (etac nat_induct 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [tl_Nil])));
+val drop_Nil = result();
+goalw List.thy [drop_def]
+    "!!i. i:nat ==> drop(succ(i), Cons(a,l)) = drop(i,l)";
+by (etac nat_induct 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [tl_Cons])));
+val drop_succ_Cons = result();
+goalw List.thy [drop_def] 
+    "!!i l. [| i:nat; l: list(A) |] ==> drop(i,l) : list(A)";
+by (etac nat_induct 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [tl_type])));
+val drop_type = result();
+(** list_rec -- by Vset recursion **)
+goal List.thy "list_rec(Nil,c,h) = c";
+by (rtac (list_rec_def RS def_Vrec RS trans) 1);
+by (simp_tac (ZF_ss addsimps list.case_eqns) 1);
+val list_rec_Nil = result();
+goal List.thy "list_rec(Cons(a,l), c, h) = h(a, l, list_rec(l,c,h))";
+by (rtac (list_rec_def RS def_Vrec RS trans) 1);
+by (simp_tac (rank_ss addsimps (rank_Cons2::list.case_eqns)) 1);
+val list_rec_Cons = result();
+(*Type checking -- proved by induction, as usual*)
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "[| l: list(A);    \
+\       c: C(Nil);       \
+\       !!x y r. [| x:A;  y: list(A);  r: C(y) |] ==> h(x,y,r): C(Cons(x,y))  \
+\    |] ==> list_rec(l,c,h) : C(l)";
+by (list_ind_tac "l" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac
+	      (ZF_ss addsimps (prems@[list_rec_Nil,list_rec_Cons]))));
+val list_rec_type = result();
+(** Versions for use with definitions **)
+val [rew] = goal List.thy
+    "[| !!l. j(l)==list_rec(l, c, h) |] ==> j(Nil) = c";
+by (rewtac rew);
+by (rtac list_rec_Nil 1);
+val def_list_rec_Nil = result();
+val [rew] = goal List.thy
+    "[| !!l. j(l)==list_rec(l, c, h) |] ==> j(Cons(a,l)) = h(a,l,j(l))";
+by (rewtac rew);
+by (rtac list_rec_Cons 1);
+val def_list_rec_Cons = result();
+fun list_recs def = map standard
+    	([def] RL [def_list_rec_Nil, def_list_rec_Cons]);
+(** map **)
+val [map_Nil,map_Cons] = list_recs map_def;
+val prems = goalw List.thy [map_def] 
+    "[| l: list(A);  !!x. x: A ==> h(x): B |] ==> map(h,l) : list(B)";
+by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems @ list.intrs @ [list_rec_type]) 1));
+val map_type = result();
+val [major] = goal List.thy "l: list(A) ==> map(h,l) : list({h(u). u:A})";
+by (rtac (major RS map_type) 1);
+by (etac RepFunI 1);
+val map_type2 = result();
+(** length **)
+val [length_Nil,length_Cons] = list_recs length_def;
+goalw List.thy [length_def] 
+    "!!l. l: list(A) ==> length(l) : nat";
+by (REPEAT (ares_tac [list_rec_type, nat_0I, nat_succI] 1));
+val length_type = result();
+(** app **)
+val [app_Nil,app_Cons] = list_recs app_def;
+goalw List.thy [app_def] 
+    "!!xs ys. [| xs: list(A);  ys: list(A) |] ==> xs@ys : list(A)";
+by (REPEAT (ares_tac [list_rec_type, list.Cons_I] 1));
+val app_type = result();
+(** rev **)
+val [rev_Nil,rev_Cons] = list_recs rev_def;
+goalw List.thy [rev_def] 
+    "!!xs. xs: list(A) ==> rev(xs) : list(A)";
+by (REPEAT (ares_tac (list.intrs @ [list_rec_type, app_type]) 1));
+val rev_type = result();
+(** flat **)
+val [flat_Nil,flat_Cons] = list_recs flat_def;
+goalw List.thy [flat_def] 
+    "!!ls. ls: list(list(A)) ==> flat(ls) : list(A)";
+by (REPEAT (ares_tac (list.intrs @ [list_rec_type, app_type]) 1));
+val flat_type = result();
+(** list_add **)
+val [list_add_Nil,list_add_Cons] = list_recs list_add_def;
+goalw List.thy [list_add_def] 
+    "!!xs. xs: list(nat) ==> list_add(xs) : nat";
+by (REPEAT (ares_tac [list_rec_type, nat_0I, add_type] 1));
+val list_add_type = result();
+(** List simplification **)
+val list_typechecks =
+    list.intrs @
+    [list_rec_type, map_type, map_type2, app_type, length_type, 
+     rev_type, flat_type, list_add_type];
+val list_ss = arith_ss 
+    addsimps list.case_eqns
+    addsimps [list_rec_Nil, list_rec_Cons, 
+	      map_Nil, map_Cons, app_Nil, app_Cons,
+	      length_Nil, length_Cons, rev_Nil, rev_Cons,
+	      flat_Nil, flat_Cons, list_add_Nil, list_add_Cons]
+    setsolver (type_auto_tac list_typechecks);
+(*** theorems about map ***)
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "l: list(A) ==> map(%u.u, l) = l";
+by (list_ind_tac "l" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac list_ss));
+val map_ident = result();
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "l: list(A) ==> map(h, map(j,l)) = map(%u.h(j(u)), l)";
+by (list_ind_tac "l" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac list_ss));
+val map_compose = result();
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "xs: list(A) ==> map(h, xs@ys) = map(h,xs) @ map(h,ys)";
+by (list_ind_tac "xs" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac list_ss));
+val map_app_distrib = result();
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "ls: list(list(A)) ==> map(h, flat(ls)) = flat(map(map(h),ls))";
+by (list_ind_tac "ls" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [map_app_distrib])));
+val map_flat = result();
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "l: list(A) ==> \
+\    list_rec(map(h,l), c, d) = \
+\    list_rec(l, c, %x xs r. d(h(x), map(h,xs), r))";
+by (list_ind_tac "l" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac list_ss));
+val list_rec_map = result();
+(** theorems about list(Collect(A,P)) -- used in ex/term.ML **)
+(* c : list(Collect(B,P)) ==> c : list(B) *)
+val list_CollectD = standard (Collect_subset RS list_mono RS subsetD);
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "l: list({x:A. h(x)=j(x)}) ==> map(h,l) = map(j,l)";
+by (list_ind_tac "l" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac list_ss));
+val map_list_Collect = result();
+(*** theorems about length ***)
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "xs: list(A) ==> length(map(h,xs)) = length(xs)";
+by (list_ind_tac "xs" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac list_ss));
+val length_map = result();
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "xs: list(A) ==> length(xs@ys) = length(xs) #+ length(ys)";
+by (list_ind_tac "xs" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac list_ss));
+val length_app = result();
+(* [| m: nat; n: nat |] ==> m #+ succ(n) = succ(n) #+ m 
+   Used for rewriting below*)
+val add_commute_succ = nat_succI RSN (2,add_commute);
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "xs: list(A) ==> length(rev(xs)) = length(xs)";
+by (list_ind_tac "xs" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [length_app, add_commute_succ])));
+val length_rev = result();
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "ls: list(list(A)) ==> length(flat(ls)) = list_add(map(length,ls))";
+by (list_ind_tac "ls" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [length_app])));
+val length_flat = result();
+(** Length and drop **)
+(*Lemma for the inductive step of drop_length*)
+goal List.thy
+    "!!xs. xs: list(A) ==> \
+\          ALL x.  EX z zs. drop(length(xs), Cons(x,xs)) = Cons(z,zs)";
+by (etac list.induct 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [drop_0,drop_succ_Cons])));
+by (fast_tac ZF_cs 1);
+val drop_length_Cons_lemma = result();
+val drop_length_Cons = standard (drop_length_Cons_lemma RS spec);
+goal List.thy
+    "!!l. l: list(A) ==> ALL i: length(l).  EX z zs. drop(i,l) = Cons(z,zs)";
+by (etac list.induct 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps bquant_simps)));
+by (rtac conjI 1);
+by (etac drop_length_Cons 1);
+by (rtac ballI 1);
+by (rtac natE 1);
+by (etac ([asm_rl, length_type, Ord_nat] MRS Ord_trans) 1);
+by (assume_tac 1);
+by (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [drop_0]) 1);
+by (fast_tac ZF_cs 1);
+by (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [drop_succ_Cons]) 1);
+by (dtac bspec 1);
+by (fast_tac ZF_cs 2);
+by (fast_tac (ZF_cs addEs [succ_in_naturalD,length_type]) 1);
+val drop_length_lemma = result();
+val drop_length = standard (drop_length_lemma RS bspec);
+(*** theorems about app ***)
+val [major] = goal List.thy "xs: list(A) ==> xs@Nil=xs";
+by (rtac (major RS list.induct) 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac list_ss));
+val app_right_Nil = result();
+val prems = goal List.thy "xs: list(A) ==> (xs@ys)@zs = xs@(ys@zs)";
+by (list_ind_tac "xs" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac list_ss));
+val app_assoc = result();
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "ls: list(list(A)) ==> flat(ls@ms) = flat(ls)@flat(ms)";
+by (list_ind_tac "ls" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [app_assoc])));
+val flat_app_distrib = result();
+(*** theorems about rev ***)
+val prems = goal List.thy "l: list(A) ==> rev(map(h,l)) = map(h,rev(l))";
+by (list_ind_tac "l" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [map_app_distrib])));
+val rev_map_distrib = result();
+(*Simplifier needs the premises as assumptions because rewriting will not
+  instantiate the variable ?A in the rules' typing conditions; note that
+  rev_type does not instantiate ?A.  Only the premises do.
+goal List.thy
+    "!!xs. [| xs: list(A);  ys: list(A) |] ==> rev(xs@ys) = rev(ys)@rev(xs)";
+by (etac list.induct 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [app_right_Nil,app_assoc])));
+val rev_app_distrib = result();
+val prems = goal List.thy "l: list(A) ==> rev(rev(l))=l";
+by (list_ind_tac "l" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [rev_app_distrib])));
+val rev_rev_ident = result();
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "ls: list(list(A)) ==> rev(flat(ls)) = flat(map(rev,rev(ls)))";
+by (list_ind_tac "ls" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps 
+       [map_app_distrib, flat_app_distrib, rev_app_distrib, app_right_Nil])));
+val rev_flat = result();
+(*** theorems about list_add ***)
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "[| xs: list(nat);  ys: list(nat) |] ==> \
+\    list_add(xs@ys) = list_add(ys) #+ list_add(xs)";
+by (cut_facts_tac prems 1);
+by (list_ind_tac "xs" prems 1);
+    (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [add_0_right, add_assoc RS sym])));
+by (rtac (add_commute RS subst_context) 1);
+by (REPEAT (ares_tac [refl, list_add_type] 1));
+val list_add_app = result();
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "l: list(nat) ==> list_add(rev(l)) = list_add(l)";
+by (list_ind_tac "l" prems 1);
+    (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [list_add_app, add_0_right])));
+val list_add_rev = result();
+val prems = goal List.thy
+    "ls: list(list(nat)) ==> list_add(flat(ls)) = list_add(map(list_add,ls))";
+by (list_ind_tac "ls" prems 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [list_add_app])));
+by (REPEAT (ares_tac [refl, list_add_type, map_type, add_commute] 1));
+val list_add_flat = result();
+(** New induction rule **)
+val major::prems = goal List.thy
+    "[| l: list(A);  \
+\       P(Nil);        \
+\       !!x y. [| x: A;  y: list(A);  P(y) |] ==> P(y @ [x]) \
+\    |] ==> P(l)";
+by (rtac (major RS rev_rev_ident RS subst) 1);
+by (rtac (major RS rev_type RS list.induct) 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps prems)));
+val list_append_induct = result();