changeset 42288 2074b31650e6
parent 42268 01401287c3f7
child 42293 6cca0343ea48
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/syntax_ext.ML	Fri Apr 08 15:02:11 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/syntax_ext.ML
+    Author:     Markus Wenzel and Carsten Clasohm, TU Muenchen
+Syntax extension.
+signature SYNTAX_EXT =
+  val dddot_indexname: indexname
+  val logic: string
+  val args: string
+  val cargs: string
+  val typeT: typ
+  val any: string
+  val sprop: string
+  val spropT: typ
+  val max_pri: int
+  datatype mfix = Mfix of string * typ * string * int list * int
+  val err_in_mfix: string -> mfix -> 'a
+  val typ_to_nonterm: typ -> string
+  datatype xsymb =
+    Delim of string |
+    Argument of string * int |
+    Space of string |
+    Bg of int | Brk of int | En
+  datatype xprod = XProd of string * xsymb list * string * int
+  val chain_pri: int
+  val delims_of: xprod list -> string list list
+  datatype syn_ext =
+    Syn_Ext of {
+      xprods: xprod list,
+      consts: string list,
+      parse_ast_translation: (string * ((Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list,
+      parse_rules: (Ast.ast * Ast.ast) list,
+      parse_translation: (string * ((Proof.context -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list,
+      print_translation: (string * ((Proof.context -> typ -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list,
+      print_rules: (Ast.ast * Ast.ast) list,
+      print_ast_translation: (string * ((Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list}
+  val mfix_delims: string -> string list
+  val mfix_args: string -> int
+  val escape: string -> string
+  val syn_ext': bool -> (string -> bool) -> mfix list ->
+    string list -> (string * ((Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((Proof.context -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((Proof.context -> typ -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list ->
+    (Ast.ast * Ast.ast) list * (Ast.ast * Ast.ast) list -> syn_ext
+  val syn_ext: mfix list -> string list ->
+    (string * ((Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((Proof.context -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((Proof.context -> typ -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list ->
+    (Ast.ast * Ast.ast) list * (Ast.ast * Ast.ast) list -> syn_ext
+  val syn_ext_const_names: string list -> syn_ext
+  val syn_ext_rules: (Ast.ast * Ast.ast) list * (Ast.ast * Ast.ast) list -> syn_ext
+  val syn_ext_trfuns:
+    (string * ((Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((term list -> term) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((typ -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list -> syn_ext
+  val syn_ext_advanced_trfuns:
+    (string * ((Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((Proof.context -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((Proof.context -> typ -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list -> syn_ext
+  val stamp_trfun: stamp -> string * 'a -> string * ('a * stamp)
+  val mk_trfun: string * 'a -> string * ('a * stamp)
+  val eq_trfun: ('a * stamp) * ('a * stamp) -> bool
+  val token_markers: string list
+  val pure_ext: syn_ext
+structure Syntax_Ext: SYNTAX_EXT =
+(** misc definitions **)
+val dddot_indexname = ("dddot", 0);
+(* syntactic categories *)
+val logic = "logic";
+val logicT = Type (logic, []);
+val args = "args";
+val cargs = "cargs";
+val typeT = Type ("type", []);
+val sprop = "#prop";
+val spropT = Type (sprop, []);
+val any = "any";
+val anyT = Type (any, []);
+(** datatype xprod **)
+(*Delim s: delimiter s
+  Argument (s, p): nonterminal s requiring priority >= p, or valued token
+  Space s: some white space for printing
+  Bg, Brk, En: blocks and breaks for pretty printing*)
+datatype xsymb =
+  Delim of string |
+  Argument of string * int |
+  Space of string |
+  Bg of int | Brk of int | En;
+fun is_delim (Delim _) = true
+  | is_delim _ = false;
+fun is_terminal (Delim _) = true
+  | is_terminal (Argument (s, _)) = Lexicon.is_terminal s
+  | is_terminal _ = false;
+fun is_argument (Argument _) = true
+  | is_argument _ = false;
+fun is_index (Argument ("index", _)) = true
+  | is_index _ = false;
+val index = Argument ("index", 1000);
+(*XProd (lhs, syms, c, p):
+    lhs: name of nonterminal on the lhs of the production
+    syms: list of symbols on the rhs of the production
+    c: head of parse tree
+    p: priority of this production*)
+datatype xprod = XProd of string * xsymb list * string * int;
+val max_pri = 1000;   (*maximum legal priority*)
+val chain_pri = ~1;   (*dummy for chain productions*)
+fun delims_of xprods =
+  fold (fn XProd (_, xsymbs, _, _) =>
+    fold (fn Delim s => insert (op =) s | _ => I) xsymbs) xprods []
+  |> map Symbol.explode;
+(** datatype mfix **)
+(*Mfix (sy, ty, c, ps, p):
+    sy: rhs of production as symbolic string
+    ty: type description of production
+    c: head of parse tree
+    ps: priorities of arguments in sy
+    p: priority of production*)
+datatype mfix = Mfix of string * typ * string * int list * int;
+fun err_in_mfix msg (Mfix (sy, _, const, _, _)) =
+  cat_error msg ("in mixfix annotation " ^ quote sy ^ " for " ^ quote const);
+(* typ_to_nonterm *)
+fun typ_to_nt _ (Type (c, _)) = c
+  | typ_to_nt default _ = default;
+(*get nonterminal for rhs*)
+val typ_to_nonterm = typ_to_nt any;
+(*get nonterminal for lhs*)
+val typ_to_nonterm1 = typ_to_nt logic;
+(* read mixfix annotations *)
+val is_meta = member (op =) ["(", ")", "/", "_", "\\<index>"];
+val scan_delim_char =
+  $$ "'" |-- ((not o Symbol.is_blank) andf Symbol.is_regular) ||
+ ((not o is_meta) andf (not o Symbol.is_blank) andf Symbol.is_regular);
+fun read_int ["0", "0"] = ~1
+  | read_int cs = #1 (Library.read_int cs);
+val scan_sym =
+  $$ "_" >> K (Argument ("", 0)) ||
+  $$ "\\<index>" >> K index ||
+  $$ "(" |-- Scan.many Symbol.is_digit >> (Bg o read_int) ||
+  $$ ")" >> K En ||
+  $$ "/" -- $$ "/" >> K (Brk ~1) ||
+  $$ "/" |-- Scan.many Symbol.is_blank >> (Brk o length) ||
+  Scan.many1 Symbol.is_blank >> (Space o implode) ||
+  Scan.repeat1 scan_delim_char >> (Delim o implode);
+val scan_symb =
+  scan_sym >> SOME ||
+  $$ "'" -- Symbol.is_blank >> K NONE;
+val scan_symbs = Scan.repeat scan_symb --| Scan.ahead (~$$ "'");
+val read_symbs = map_filter I o the o Symbol.stopper scan_symbs;
+fun unique_index xsymbs =
+  if length (filter is_index xsymbs) <= 1 then xsymbs
+  else error "Duplicate index arguments (\\<index>)";
+val read_mfix = unique_index o read_symbs o Symbol.explode;
+fun mfix_delims sy = fold_rev (fn Delim s => cons s | _ => I) (read_mfix sy) [];
+val mfix_args = length o filter is_argument o read_mfix;
+val escape = implode o map (fn s => if is_meta s then "'" ^ s else s) o Symbol.explode;
+(* mfix_to_xprod *)
+fun mfix_to_xprod convert is_logtype (mfix as Mfix (sy, typ, const, pris, pri)) =
+  let
+    fun check_pri p =
+      if p >= 0 andalso p <= max_pri then ()
+      else err_in_mfix ("Precedence out of range: " ^ string_of_int p) mfix;
+    fun blocks_ok [] 0 = true
+      | blocks_ok [] _ = false
+      | blocks_ok (Bg _ :: syms) n = blocks_ok syms (n + 1)
+      | blocks_ok (En :: _) 0 = false
+      | blocks_ok (En :: syms) n = blocks_ok syms (n - 1)
+      | blocks_ok (_ :: syms) n = blocks_ok syms n;
+    fun check_blocks syms =
+      if blocks_ok syms 0 then ()
+      else err_in_mfix "Unbalanced block parentheses" mfix;
+    val cons_fst = apfst o cons;
+    fun add_args [] ty [] = ([], typ_to_nonterm1 ty)
+      | add_args [] _ _ = err_in_mfix "Too many precedences" mfix
+      | add_args ((arg as Argument ("index", _)) :: syms) ty ps =
+          cons_fst arg (add_args syms ty ps)
+      | add_args (Argument _ :: syms) (Type ("fun", [ty, tys])) [] =
+          cons_fst (Argument (typ_to_nonterm ty, 0)) (add_args syms tys [])
+      | add_args (Argument _ :: syms) (Type ("fun", [ty, tys])) (p :: ps) =
+          cons_fst (Argument (typ_to_nonterm ty, p)) (add_args syms tys ps)
+      | add_args (Argument _ :: _) _ _ =
+          err_in_mfix "More arguments than in corresponding type" mfix
+      | add_args (sym :: syms) ty ps = cons_fst sym (add_args syms ty ps);
+    fun rem_pri (Argument (s, _)) = Argument (s, chain_pri)
+      | rem_pri sym = sym;
+    fun logify_types (a as (Argument (s, p))) =
+          if s <> "prop" andalso is_logtype s then Argument (logic, p) else a
+      | logify_types a = a;
+    val raw_symbs = read_mfix sy handle ERROR msg => err_in_mfix msg mfix;
+    val args = filter (fn Argument _ => true | _ => false) raw_symbs;
+    val (const', typ', parse_rules) =
+      if not (exists is_index args) then (const, typ, [])
+      else
+        let
+          val indexed_const =
+            if const <> "" then const ^ "_indexed"
+            else err_in_mfix "Missing constant name for indexed syntax" mfix;
+          val rangeT = Term.range_type typ handle Match =>
+            err_in_mfix "Missing structure argument for indexed syntax" mfix;
+          val xs = map Ast.Variable (Name.invent_list [] "xa" (length args - 1));
+          val (xs1, xs2) = chop (find_index is_index args) xs;
+          val i = Ast.Variable "i";
+          val lhs = Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant indexed_const)
+            (xs1 @ [Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_index") [i]] @ xs2);
+          val rhs = Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant const) (i :: xs);
+        in (indexed_const, rangeT, [(lhs, rhs)]) end;
+    val (symbs, lhs) = add_args raw_symbs typ' pris;
+    val copy_prod =
+      (lhs = "prop" orelse lhs = "logic")
+        andalso const <> ""
+        andalso not (null symbs)
+        andalso not (exists is_delim symbs);
+    val lhs' =
+      if convert andalso not copy_prod then
+       (if lhs = "prop" then sprop else if is_logtype lhs then logic else lhs)
+      else lhs;
+    val symbs' = map logify_types symbs;
+    val xprod = XProd (lhs', symbs', const', pri);
+    val _ = ( check_pri pris; check_pri pri; check_blocks symbs');
+    val xprod' =
+      if Lexicon.is_terminal lhs' then err_in_mfix ("Illegal lhs: " ^ lhs') mfix
+      else if const <> "" then xprod
+      else if length (filter is_argument symbs') <> 1 then
+        err_in_mfix "Copy production must have exactly one argument" mfix
+      else if exists is_terminal symbs' then xprod
+      else XProd (lhs', map rem_pri symbs', "", chain_pri);
+  in (xprod', parse_rules) end;
+(** datatype syn_ext **)
+datatype syn_ext =
+  Syn_Ext of {
+    xprods: xprod list,
+    consts: string list,
+    parse_ast_translation: (string * ((Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list,
+    parse_rules: (Ast.ast * Ast.ast) list,
+    parse_translation: (string * ((Proof.context -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list,
+    print_translation: (string * ((Proof.context -> typ -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list,
+    print_rules: (Ast.ast * Ast.ast) list,
+    print_ast_translation: (string * ((Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list};
+(* syn_ext *)
+fun syn_ext' convert is_logtype mfixes consts trfuns (parse_rules, print_rules) =
+  let
+    val (parse_ast_translation, parse_translation, print_translation,
+      print_ast_translation) = trfuns;
+    val (xprods, parse_rules') = map (mfix_to_xprod convert is_logtype) mfixes
+      |> split_list |> apsnd (rev o flat);
+    val mfix_consts =
+      distinct (op =) (map (fn Mfix x => #3 x) mfixes @ map (fn XProd x => #3 x) xprods);
+  in
+    Syn_Ext {
+      xprods = xprods,
+      consts = union (op =) consts mfix_consts,
+      parse_ast_translation = parse_ast_translation,
+      parse_rules = parse_rules' @ parse_rules,
+      parse_translation = parse_translation,
+      print_translation = print_translation,
+      print_rules = map swap parse_rules' @ print_rules,
+      print_ast_translation = print_ast_translation}
+  end;
+val syn_ext = syn_ext' true (K false);
+fun syn_ext_const_names cs = syn_ext [] cs ([], [], [], []) ([], []);
+fun syn_ext_rules rules = syn_ext [] [] ([], [], [], []) rules;
+fun syn_ext_advanced_trfuns trfuns = syn_ext [] [] trfuns ([], []);
+fun syn_ext_trfuns (atrs, trs, tr's, atr's) =
+  let fun simple (name, (f, s)) = (name, (K f, s)) in
+    syn_ext_advanced_trfuns (map simple atrs, map simple trs, map simple tr's, map simple atr's)
+  end;
+fun stamp_trfun s (c, f) = (c, (f, s));
+fun mk_trfun tr = stamp_trfun (stamp ()) tr;
+fun eq_trfun ((_, s1: stamp), (_, s2)) = s1 = s2;
+(* pure_ext *)
+val token_markers =
+  ["_tfree", "_tvar", "_free", "_bound", "_var", "_numeral", "_inner_string"];
+val pure_ext = syn_ext' false (K false)
+  [Mfix ("_", spropT --> propT, "", [0], 0),
+   Mfix ("_", logicT --> anyT, "", [0], 0),
+   Mfix ("_", spropT --> anyT, "", [0], 0),
+   Mfix ("'(_')", logicT --> logicT, "", [0], max_pri),
+   Mfix ("'(_')", spropT --> spropT, "", [0], max_pri),
+   Mfix ("_::_",  [logicT, typeT] ---> logicT, "_constrain", [4, 0], 3),
+   Mfix ("_::_",  [spropT, typeT] ---> spropT, "_constrain", [4, 0], 3)]
+  token_markers
+  ([], [], [], [])
+  ([], []);