changeset 22964 2284e0d02e7f
child 23261 85f27f79232f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Real/float_arith.ML	Mon May 14 12:52:56 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+(*  Title: HOL/Real/Float.ML
+    ID:    $Id$
+    Author: Steven Obua
+signature FLOAT_ARITH =
+  exception Destruct_floatstr of string
+  val destruct_floatstr: (char -> bool) -> (char -> bool) -> string -> bool * string * string * bool * string
+  exception Floating_point of string
+  val approx_dec_by_bin: -> Float.float -> Float.float * Float.float
+  val approx_decstr_by_bin: int -> string -> Float.float * Float.float
+  val mk_float: Float.float -> term
+  val dest_float: term -> Float.float
+  val approx_float: int -> (Float.float * Float.float -> Float.float * Float.float)
+    -> string -> term * term
+structure FloatArith : FLOAT_ARITH =
+exception Destruct_floatstr of string;
+fun destruct_floatstr isDigit isExp number =
+  let
+    val numlist = filter (not o Char.isSpace) (String.explode number)
+    fun countsigns ((#"+")::cs) = countsigns cs
+      | countsigns ((#"-")::cs) =
+      let
+        val (positive, rest) = countsigns cs
+      in
+        (not positive, rest)
+      end
+      | countsigns cs = (true, cs)
+    fun readdigits [] = ([], [])
+      | readdigits (q as c::cs) =
+      if (isDigit c) then
+        let
+          val (digits, rest) = readdigits cs
+        in
+          (c::digits, rest)
+        end
+      else
+        ([], q)
+    fun readfromexp_helper cs =
+      let
+        val (positive, rest) = countsigns cs
+        val (digits, rest') = readdigits rest
+      in
+        case rest' of
+          [] => (positive, digits)
+          | _ => raise (Destruct_floatstr number)
+      end
+    fun readfromexp [] = (true, [])
+      | readfromexp (c::cs) =
+      if isExp c then
+        readfromexp_helper cs
+      else
+        raise (Destruct_floatstr number)
+    fun readfromdot [] = ([], readfromexp [])
+      | readfromdot ((#".")::cs) =
+      let
+        val (digits, rest) = readdigits cs
+        val exp = readfromexp rest
+      in
+        (digits, exp)
+      end
+      | readfromdot cs = readfromdot ((#".")::cs)
+    val (positive, numlist) = countsigns numlist
+    val (digits1, numlist) = readdigits numlist
+     val (digits2, exp) = readfromdot numlist
+  in
+    (positive, String.implode digits1, String.implode digits2, fst exp, String.implode (snd exp))
+  end
+exception Floating_point of string;
+val ln2_10 = Math.ln 10.0 / Math.ln 2.0;
+val exp5 = Intt.pow ( 5);
+val exp10 = Intt.pow ( 10);
+fun intle a b = not (Intt.cmp (a, b) = GREATER);
+fun intless a b = Intt.cmp (a, b) = LESS;
+fun find_most_significant q r =
+  let
+    fun int2real i =
+      case (Real.fromString o Intt.string_of_int) i of
+        SOME r => r
+        | NONE => raise (Floating_point "int2real")
+    fun subtract (q, r) (q', r') =
+      if intle r r' then
+        (Intt.sub q (Intt.mult q' (exp10 (Intt.sub r' r))), r)
+      else
+        (Intt.sub (Intt.mult q (exp10 (Intt.sub r r'))) q', r')
+    fun bin2dec d =
+      if intle d then
+        (Intt.exp d,
+      else
+        (exp5 (Intt.neg d), d)
+    val L = (Real.floor (int2real (Intt.log q) + int2real r * ln2_10))
+    val L1 = L
+    val (q1, r1) = subtract (q, r) (bin2dec L1) 
+  in
+    if intle q1 then
+      let
+        val (q2, r2) = subtract (q, r) (bin2dec ( L1))
+      in
+        if intle q2 then
+          raise (Floating_point "find_most_significant")
+        else
+          (L1, (q1, r1))
+      end
+    else
+      let
+        val (q0, r0) = subtract (q, r) (bin2dec L)
+      in
+        if intle q0 then
+          (L, (q0, r0))
+        else
+          raise (Floating_point "find_most_significant")
+      end
+  end
+fun approx_dec_by_bin n (q,r) =
+  let
+    fun addseq acc d' [] = acc
+      | addseq acc d' (d::ds) = addseq (Intt.add acc (Intt.exp (Intt.sub d d'))) d' ds
+    fun seq2bin [] = (,
+      | seq2bin (d::ds) = ( (addseq d ds), d)
+    fun approx d_seq d0 precision (q,r) =
+      if q = then
+        let val x = seq2bin d_seq in
+          (x, x)
+        end
+      else
+        let
+          val (d, (q', r')) = find_most_significant q r
+        in
+          if intless precision (Intt.sub d0 d) then
+            let
+              val d' = Intt.sub d0 precision
+              val x1 = seq2bin (d_seq)
+              val x2 = (
+                (Intt.mult (fst x1)
+                (Intt.exp (Intt.sub (snd x1) d'))),  d') (* = seq2bin (d'::d_seq) *)
+            in
+              (x1, x2)
+            end
+          else
+            approx (d::d_seq) d0 precision (q', r')
+        end
+    fun approx_start precision (q, r) =
+      if q = then
+        ((,, (,
+      else
+        let
+          val (d, (q', r')) = find_most_significant q r
+        in
+          if intle precision then
+            let
+              val x1 = seq2bin [d]
+            in
+              if q' = then
+                (x1, x1)
+              else
+                (x1, seq2bin [ d])
+            end
+          else
+            approx [d] d precision (q', r')
+        end
+  in
+    if intle q then
+      approx_start n (q,r)
+    else
+      let
+        val ((a1,b1), (a2, b2)) = approx_start n (Intt.neg q, r)
+      in
+        ((Intt.neg a2, b2), (Intt.neg a1, b1))
+      end
+  end
+fun approx_decstr_by_bin n decstr =
+  let
+    fun str2int s = the_default (Intt.int_of_string s);
+    fun signint p x = if p then x else Intt.neg x
+    val (p, d1, d2, ep, e) = destruct_floatstr Char.isDigit (fn e => e = #"e" orelse e = #"E") decstr
+    val s = (size d2)
+    val q = signint p (Intt.add (Intt.mult (str2int d1) (exp10 s)) (str2int d2))
+    val r = Intt.sub (signint ep (str2int e)) s
+  in
+    approx_dec_by_bin ( n) (q,r)
+  end
+fun mk_float (a, b) = @{term "float"} $
+  HOLogic.mk_prod (pairself (HOLogic.mk_number HOLogic.intT) (a, b));
+fun dest_float (Const ("Float.float", _) $ (Const ("Pair", _) $ a $ b)) =
+      pairself (snd o HOLogic.dest_number) (a, b)
+  | dest_float t = ((snd o HOLogic.dest_number) t,;
+fun approx_float prec f value =
+  let
+    val interval = approx_decstr_by_bin prec value
+    val (flower, fupper) = f interval
+  in
+    (mk_float flower, mk_float fupper)
+  end;