changeset 11024 23bf8d787b04
parent 8522 581dfabf22dd
child 11626 0dbfb578bf75
--- a/src/HOL/ex/Recdefs.thy	Thu Feb 01 20:48:58 2001 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/Recdefs.thy	Thu Feb 01 20:51:13 2001 +0100
@@ -6,88 +6,126 @@
 Examples of recdef definitions.  Most, but not all, are handled automatically.
-Recdefs = Main +
+header {* Examples of recdef definitions *}
+theory Recdefs = Main:
 consts fact :: "nat => nat"
-recdef fact "less_than"
-    "fact x = (if (x = 0) then 1 else x * fact (x - 1))"
+recdef fact  less_than
+  "fact x = (if x = 0 then 1 else x * fact (x - 1))"
 consts Fact :: "nat => nat"
-recdef Fact "less_than"
-    "Fact 0 = 1"
-    "Fact (Suc x) = (Fact x * Suc x)"
+recdef Fact  less_than
+  "Fact 0 = 1"
+  "Fact (Suc x) = Fact x * Suc x"
 consts map2 :: "('a => 'b => 'c) * 'a list * 'b list => 'c list"
-recdef map2 "measure(%(f,l1,l2).size l1)"
-    "map2(f, [], [])  = []"
-    "map2(f, h#t, []) = []"
-    "map2(f, h1#t1, h2#t2) = f h1 h2 # map2 (f, t1, t2)"
+recdef map2  "measure(\<lambda>(f, l1, l2). size l1)"
+  "map2 (f, [], [])  = []"
+  "map2 (f, h # t, []) = []"
+  "map2 (f, h1 # t1, h2 # t2) = f h1 h2 # map2 (f, t1, t2)"
-consts finiteRchain :: "(['a,'a] => bool) * 'a list => bool"
-recdef finiteRchain "measure (%(R,l).size l)"
-    "finiteRchain(R,  []) = True"
-    "finiteRchain(R, [x]) = True"
-    "finiteRchain(R, x#y#rst) = (R x y & finiteRchain(R, y#rst))"
+consts finiteRchain :: "('a => 'a => bool) * 'a list => bool"
+recdef finiteRchain  "measure (\<lambda>(R, l). size l)"
+  "finiteRchain(R,  []) = True"
+  "finiteRchain(R, [x]) = True"
+  "finiteRchain(R, x # y # rst) = (R x y \<and> finiteRchain (R, y # rst))"
-(*Not handled automatically: too complicated.*)
+text {* Not handled automatically: too complicated. *}
 consts variant :: "nat * nat list => nat"
-recdef variant "measure(%(n::nat, ns). size(filter(%y. n <= y) ns))"
-    "variant(x, L) = (if (x mem L) then variant(Suc x, L) else x)"
+recdef variant  "measure (\<lambda>(n::nat, ns). size (filter (\<lambda>y. n \<le> y) ns))"
+  "variant (x, L) = (if x mem L then variant (Suc x, L) else x)"
 consts gcd :: "nat * nat => nat"
-recdef gcd "measure (%(x,y).x+y)"
-    "gcd (0,y)          = y"
-    "gcd (Suc x, 0)     = Suc x"
-    "gcd (Suc x, Suc y) = (if (y <= x) then gcd(x - y, Suc y)  
-                                       else gcd(Suc x, y - x))"
+recdef gcd  "measure (\<lambda>(x, y). x + y)"
+  "gcd (0, y) = y"
+  "gcd (Suc x, 0) = Suc x"
+  "gcd (Suc x, Suc y) =
+    (if y \<le> x then gcd (x - y, Suc y) else gcd (Suc x, y - x))"
+text {*
+  \medskip The silly @{term g} function: example of nested recursion.
+  Not handled automatically.  In fact, @{term g} is the zero constant
+  function.
+ *}
-(*Not handled automatically.  In fact, g is the zero constant function.*)
-consts g   :: "nat => nat"
-recdef g "less_than"
-    "g 0 = 0"
-    "g(Suc x) = g(g x)"
+consts g :: "nat => nat"
+recdef g  less_than
+  "g 0 = 0"
+  "g (Suc x) = g (g x)"
+lemma g_terminates: "g x < Suc x"
+  apply (induct x rule: g.induct)
+   apply (auto simp add: g.simps)
+  done
+lemma g_zero: "g x = 0"
+  apply (induct x rule: g.induct)
+   apply (simp_all add: g.simps g_terminates)
+  done
 consts Div :: "nat * nat => nat * nat"
-recdef Div "measure fst"
-    "Div(0,x)      = (0,0)"
-    "Div(Suc x, y) =      
-         (let (q,r) = Div(x,y)
-          in                      
-          if (y <= Suc r) then (Suc q,0) else (q, Suc r))"
+recdef Div  "measure fst"
+  "Div (0, x) = (0, 0)"
+  "Div (Suc x, y) =
+    (let (q, r) = Div (x, y)
+    in if y \<le> Suc r then (Suc q, 0) else (q, Suc r))"
+text {*
+  \medskip Not handled automatically.  Should be the predecessor
+  function, but there is an unnecessary "looping" recursive call in
+  @{term "k 1"}.
-(*Not handled automatically.  Should be the predecessor function, but there
-  is an unnecessary "looping" recursive call in k(1) *)
-consts k   :: "nat => nat"
-recdef k "less_than"
-    "k 0 = 0"
-    "k (Suc n) = (let x = k 1  
-                  in if (0=1) then k (Suc 1) else n)"
+consts k :: "nat => nat"
+recdef k  less_than
+  "k 0 = 0"
+  "k (Suc n) =
+   (let x = k 1
+    in if 0 = 1 then k (Suc 1) else n)"
+consts part :: "('a => bool) * 'a list * 'a list * 'a list => 'a list * 'a list"
+recdef part  "measure (\<lambda>(P, l, l1, l2). size l)"
+  "part (P, [], l1, l2) = (l1, l2)"
+  "part (P, h # rst, l1, l2) =
+    (if P h then part (P, rst, h # l1, l2)
+    else part (P, rst, l1, h # l2))"
-consts part :: "('a=>bool) * 'a list * 'a list * 'a list => 'a list * 'a list"
-recdef part "measure (%(P,l,l1,l2).size l)"
-    "part(P, [], l1,l2) = (l1,l2)"
-    "part(P, h#rst, l1,l2) =  
-        (if P h then part(P,rst, h#l1,  l2)  
-                else part(P,rst,  l1,  h#l2))"
+consts fqsort :: "('a => 'a => bool) * 'a list => 'a list"
+recdef fqsort  "measure (size o snd)"
+  "fqsort (ord, []) = []"
+  "fqsort (ord, x # rst) =
+  (let (less, more) = part ((\<lambda>y. ord y x), rst, ([], []))
+  in fqsort (ord, less) @ [x] @ fqsort (ord, more))"
+text {*
+  \medskip Silly example which demonstrates the occasional need for
+  additional congruence rules (here: @{thm [source] map_cong}).  If
+  the congruence rule is removed, an unprovable termination condition
+  is generated!  Termination not proved automatically.  TFL requires
+  @{term [source] "\<lambda>x. mapf x"} instead of @{term [source] mapf}.
-consts fqsort :: "(['a,'a] => bool) * 'a list => 'a list"
-recdef fqsort "measure (size o snd)"
-    "fqsort(ord,[]) = []"
-    "fqsort(ord, x#rst) =    
-     (let (less,more) = part((%y. ord y x), rst, ([],[]))
-      in  
-      fqsort(ord,less)@[x]@fqsort(ord,more))"
+consts mapf :: "nat => nat list"
+recdef mapf  "measure (\<lambda>m. m)"
+  "mapf 0 = []"
+  "mapf (Suc n) = concat (map (\<lambda>x. mapf x) (replicate n n))"
+  (hints cong: map_cong)
-(* silly example which demonstrates the occasional need for additional
-   congruence rules (here: map_cong from List). If the congruence rule is
-   removed, an unprovable termination condition is generated!
-   Termination not proved automatically; see the ML file.
-   TFL requires (%x.mapf x) instead of mapf.
-consts mapf :: nat => nat list
-recdef mapf "measure(%m. m)"
-congs map_cong
-"mapf 0 = []"
-"mapf (Suc n) = concat(map (%x. mapf x) (replicate n n))"
+recdef_tc mapf_tc: mapf
+  apply (rule allI)
+  apply (case_tac "n = 0")
+   apply simp_all
+  done
+text {* Removing the termination condition from the generated thms: *}
+lemma "mapf (Suc n) = concat (map mapf (replicate n n))"
+  apply (simp add: mapf.simps mapf_tc)
+  done
+lemmas mapf_induct = mapf.induct [OF mapf_tc]