changeset 19601 299d4cd2ef51
parent 19380 b808efaa5828
child 19656 09be06943252
--- a/src/HOL/Integ/NatBin.thy	Tue May 09 10:10:12 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Integ/NatBin.thy	Tue May 09 10:10:28 2006 +0200
@@ -781,6 +781,77 @@
      "(k*m) div (k*n) = (if k = (0::nat) then 0 else m div n)"
 by (simp add: nat_mult_div_cancel1)
+subsection {* code generator setup *}
+lemma number_of_eval [code fun]:
+  "number_of Numeral.Pls = (0::int)"
+  and "number_of Numeral.Min = uminus (1::int)"
+  and "number_of (n BIT bit.B0) = (2::int) * number_of n"
+  and "number_of (n BIT bit.B1) = (2::int) * number_of n + 1"
+  by simp_all
+lemma elim_nat [code unfolt]:
+  "(number_of n :: nat) = nat (number_of n)"
+  by simp
+lemma elim_zero [code unfolt]:
+  "(0::int) = number_of (Numeral.Pls)" 
+  by simp
+lemma elim_one [code unfolt]:
+  "(1::int) = number_of (Numeral.Pls BIT bit.B1)" 
+  by simp
+lemmas [code unfolt] =
+  bin_minus_Pls bin_minus_Min bin_minus_1 bin_minus_0
+  bin_pred_Pls  bin_pred_Min  bin_pred_1  bin_pred_0
+lemma elim_negate:
+  "(number_of n :: int) == - number_of (bin_minus n)"
+  unfolding number_of_minus IntDef.zminus_zminus by (rule reflexive)
+ML {*
+  val elim_negate_thm = thm "elim_negate";
+in fun elim_negate thy thms =
+  let
+    fun bins_of (Const _) =
+          I
+      | bins_of (Var _) =
+          I
+      | bins_of (Free _) =
+          I
+      | bins_of (Bound _) =
+          I
+      | bins_of (Abs (_, _, t)) =
+          bins_of t
+      | bins_of (t as _ $ _) =
+          case strip_comb t
+           of (Const ("Numeral.number_of", _), [bin]) => cons bin
+            | (t', ts) => bins_of t' #> fold bins_of ts;
+    fun is_negative bin = case try HOLogic.dest_binum bin
+     of SOME i => i < 0
+      | _ => false;
+    fun instantiate_with bin =
+      Drule.instantiate' [] [(SOME o cterm_of thy) bin] elim_negate_thm;
+    val rewrites  =
+      []
+      |> fold (bins_of o prop_of) thms
+      |> filter is_negative
+      |> map instantiate_with
+  in
+    thms
+    |> map (rewrite_rule rewrites)
+  end;
+end; (*local*)
+setup {*
+  CodegenTheorems.add_preproc elim_negate
+subsection {* legacy ML bindings *}
 val eq_nat_nat_iff = thm"eq_nat_nat_iff";