changeset 77566 2a99fcb283ee
parent 77565 fd87490429aa
child 77567 b975f5aaf6b8
--- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_jedit.scala	Tue Mar 07 22:28:48 2023 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-/*  Title:      Pure/Admin/build_jedit.scala
-    Author:     Makarius
-Build component for jEdit text-editor.
-package isabelle
-import java.nio.charset.Charset
-import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
-object Build_JEdit {
-  /* modes */
-  object Mode {
-    val empty: Mode = new Mode("", "", Nil)
-    val init: Mode =
-      empty +
-        ("noWordSep" -> """_'?⇩\^<>""") +
-        ("unalignedOpenBrackets" -> "{[(«‹⟨⌈⌊⦇⟦⦃⦉") +
-        ("unalignedCloseBrackets" -> "⦊⦄⟧⦈⌋⌉⟩›»)]}") +
-        ("tabSize" -> "2") +
-        ("indentSize" -> "2")
-    val list: List[Mode] = {
-      val isabelle_news: Mode = init.define("isabelle-news", "Isabelle NEWS")
-      val isabelle: Mode =
-        init.define("isabelle", "Isabelle theory") +
-          ("commentStart" -> "(*") +
-          ("commentEnd" -> "*)")
-      val isabelle_ml: Mode = isabelle.define("isabelle-ml", "Isabelle/ML")
-      val isabelle_root: Mode = isabelle.define("isabelle-root", "Isabelle session root")
-      val isabelle_options: Mode = isabelle.define("isabelle-options", "Isabelle options")
-      val sml: Mode =
-        init.define("sml", "Standard ML") +
-          ("commentStart" -> "(*") +
-          ("commentEnd" -> "*)") +
-          ("noWordSep" -> "_'")
-      List(isabelle_news, isabelle, isabelle_ml, isabelle_root, isabelle_options, sml)
-    }
-  }
-  final case class Mode private(name: String, description: String, rev_props: Properties.T) {
-    override def toString: String = name
-    def define(a: String, b: String): Mode = new Mode(a, b, rev_props)
-    def + (entry: Properties.Entry): Mode =
-      new Mode(name, description, Properties.put(rev_props, entry))
-    def write(dir: Path): Unit = {
-      require(name.nonEmpty && description.nonEmpty, "Bad Isabelle/jEdit mode content")
-      val properties =
- =>
-          Symbol.spaces(4) +
-          XML.string_of_tree(XML.elem(Markup("PROPERTY", List("NAME" -> p._1, "VALUE" -> p._2)))))
-      File.write(dir + Path.basic(name).xml,
-"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE MODE SYSTEM "xmode.dtd">
-<!-- """ + XML.text(description) + """ mode -->
-  <PROPS>""" + properties.mkString("\n", "\n", "") + """
-  </PROPS>
-    }
-  }
-  /* build jEdit component */
-  private val download_jars: List[(String, String)] =
-    List(
-      "" ->
-      "jsr305-3.0.2.jar")
-  private val download_plugins: List[(String, String)] =
-    List(
-      "Code2HTML" -> "0.7",
-      "CommonControls" -> "1.7.4",
-      "Console" -> "5.1.4",
-      "ErrorList" -> "2.4.0",
-      "Highlight" -> "2.5",
-      "Navigator" -> "2.7",
-      "SideKick" -> "1.8")
-  private def exclude_package(name: String): Boolean =
-    name.startsWith("de.masters_of_disaster.ant") ||
-    name == "doclet" ||
-    name == "installer"
-  def build_jedit(
-    component_path: Path,
-    version: String,
-    original: Boolean = false,
-    java_home: Path = default_java_home,
-    progress: Progress = new Progress
-  ): Unit = {
-    Isabelle_System.require_command("ant", test = "-version")
-    Isabelle_System.require_command("patch")
-    val component_dir = Components.Directory(component_path).create(progress = progress)
-    /* jEdit directory */
-    val jedit = "jedit" + version
-    val jedit_patched = jedit + "-patched"
-    val jedit_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_path + Path.basic(jedit))
-    val jedit_patched_dir = component_path + Path.basic(jedit_patched)
-    def download_jedit(dir: Path, name: String, target_name: String = ""): Path = {
-      val jedit_name = jedit + name
-      val url =
-        "" +
-          version + "/" + jedit_name + "/download"
-      val path = dir + Path.basic(proper_string(target_name) getOrElse jedit_name)
-      Isabelle_System.download_file(url, path, progress = progress)
-      path
-    }
-    Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { tmp_dir =>
-      /* original version */
-      val install_path = download_jedit(tmp_dir, "install.jar")
-      Isabelle_System.bash("""export CLASSPATH=""
-isabelle_java java -Duser.home=""" + File.bash_platform_path(tmp_dir) +
-        " -jar " + File.bash_platform_path(install_path) + " auto " +
-        File.bash_platform_path(jedit_dir) + " unix-script=off unix-man=off").check
-      val source_path = download_jedit(tmp_dir, "source.tar.bz2")
-      Isabelle_System.extract(source_path, jedit_dir)
-      /* patched version */
-      Isabelle_System.copy_dir(jedit_dir, jedit_patched_dir)
-      val source_dir = jedit_patched_dir + Path.basic("jEdit")
-      val org_source_dir = source_dir + Path.basic("org")
-      val tmp_source_dir = tmp_dir + Path.basic("jEdit")
-      progress.echo("Patching jEdit sources ...")
-      for {
-        file <- File.find_files(Path.explode("~~/src/Tools/jEdit/patches").file).sortBy(_.getName)
-        name = file.getName
-        if !File.is_backup(name)
-      } {
-        progress.bash("patch -p2 < " + File.bash_path(File.path(file)),
-          cwd = source_dir.file, echo = true).check
-      }
-      for { theme <- List("classic", "tango") } {
-        val path = Path.explode("org/gjt/sp/jedit/icons/themes/" + theme + "/32x32/apps/isabelle.gif")
-        Isabelle_System.copy_file(Path.explode("~~/lib/logo/isabelle_transparent-32.gif"),
-          source_dir + path)
-      }
-      progress.echo("Building jEdit ...")
-      Isabelle_System.copy_dir(source_dir, tmp_source_dir)
-      progress.bash("env JAVA_HOME=" + File.bash_platform_path(java_home) + " ant",
-        cwd = tmp_source_dir.file, echo = true).check
-      Isabelle_System.copy_file(tmp_source_dir + Path.explode("build/jedit.jar"), jedit_patched_dir)
-      val java_sources =
-        (for {
-          file <- File.find_files(org_source_dir.file, file => File.is_java(file.getName))
-          package_name <- Scala_Project.package_name(File.path(file))
-          if !exclude_package(package_name)
-        } yield File.path(component_path.java_path.relativize(file.toPath).toFile).implode).sorted
-      File.write(component_dir.build_props,
-        "module = " + jedit_patched + "/jedit.jar\n" +
-        "no_build = true\n" +
-        "requirements = env:JEDIT_JARS\n" +
-        ("sources =" ::"  " + _)).mkString("", " \\\n", "\n"))
-    }
-    /* jars */
-    val jars_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(jedit_patched_dir + Path.basic("jars"))
-    for { (url, name) <- download_jars } {
-      Isabelle_System.download_file(url, jars_dir + Path.basic(name), progress = progress)
-    }
-    for { (name, vers) <- download_plugins } {
-      Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("tmp", ext = "zip") { zip_path =>
-        val url =
-          "" + name + "/" + vers + "/" +
-            name + "-" + vers + ""
-        Isabelle_System.download_file(url, zip_path, progress = progress)
-        Isabelle_System.extract(zip_path, jars_dir)
-      }
-    }
-    /* resources */
-    val keep_encodings = List("ISO-8859-1", "ISO-8859-15", "US-ASCII", "UTF-8", "windows-1252")
-    val drop_encodings =
-      Charset.availableCharsets().keySet().asScala.toList.sorted.filterNot(keep_encodings.contains)
-    File.write(jedit_patched_dir + Path.explode("properties/jEdit.props"),
-"""#jEdit properties
-close-docking-area.shortcut2=C+e C+CIRCUMFLEX
-console.font=Isabelle DejaVu Sans Mono
-""" + => "encoding.opt-out." + a + "=true").mkString("\n") + """
-encodingDetectors=BOM XML-PI buffer-local-property
-fallbackEncodings=UTF-8 ISO-8859-15 US-ASCII
-helpviewer.font=Isabelle DejaVu Serif
-isabelle-export-browser.label=Browse theory exports
-isabelle-session-browser.label=Browse session information
-isabelle.antiquoted_cartouche.label=Make antiquoted cartouche
-isabelle.complete-word.label=Complete word
-isabelle.complete.label=Complete Isabelle text
-isabelle.control-bold.label=Control bold
-isabelle.control-bold.shortcut=C+e RIGHT
-isabelle.control-emph.label=Control emphasized
-isabelle.control-emph.shortcut=C+e LEFT
-isabelle.control-reset.label=Control reset
-isabelle.control-reset.shortcut=C+e BACK_SPACE
-isabelle.control-sub.label=Control subscript
-isabelle.control-sub.shortcut=C+e DOWN
-isabelle.control-sup.label=Control superscript
-isabelle.control-sup.shortcut=C+e UP
-isabelle.decrease-font-size.label=Decrease font size
-isabelle.decrease-font-size2.label=Decrease font size (clone)
-isabelle.draft.label=Show draft in browser
-isabelle.exclude-word-permanently.label=Exclude word permanently
-isabelle.exclude-word.label=Exclude word
-isabelle.first-error.label=Go to first error
-isabelle.goto-entity.label=Go to definition of formal entity at caret
-isabelle.include-word-permanently.label=Include word permanently
-isabelle.include-word.label=Include word
-isabelle.increase-font-size.label=Increase font size
-isabelle.increase-font-size2.label=Increase font size (clone)
-isabelle.increase-font-size2.shortcut=C+EQUALS monitor
-isabelle.last-error.label=Go to last error
-isabelle.message.label=Show message
-isabelle.newline.label=Newline with indentation of Isabelle keywords
-isabelle.newline.shortcut=ENTER to next error
-isabelle.options.label=Isabelle options
-isabelle.prev-error.label=Go to previous error
-isabelle.preview.label=Show preview in browser
-isabelle.reset-continuous-checking.label=Reset continuous checking
-isabelle.reset-font-size.label=Reset font size
-isabelle.reset-node-required.label=Reset node required
-isabelle.reset-words.label=Reset non-permanent words all occurences of formal entity at caret
-isabelle.set-continuous-checking.label=Set continuous checking
-isabelle.set-node-required.label=Set node required
-isabelle.toggle-breakpoint.label=Toggle Breakpoint
-isabelle.toggle-continuous-checking.label=Toggle continuous checking
-isabelle.toggle-continuous-checking.shortcut=C+e ENTER
-isabelle.toggle-node-required.label=Toggle node required
-isabelle.toggle-node-required.shortcut=C+e SPACE
-isabelle.tooltip.label=Show tooltip
-isabelle.update-state.label=Update state output
-metal.primary.font=Isabelle DejaVu Sans
-metal.secondary.font=Isabelle DejaVu Sans
-next-bracket.shortcut2=C+e C+9
-options.shortcuts.duplicatekeymap.dialog.title=Keymap name
-options.shortcuts.resetkeymap.dialog.title=Reset keymap
-prev-bracket.shortcut2=C+e C+8
-print.font=Isabelle DejaVu Sans Mono
-view.antiAlias=subpixel HRGB
-view.font=Isabelle DejaVu Sans Mono
-view.gutter.font=Isabelle DejaVu Sans Mono
-view.status=( mode , fold , encoding ) locked wrap multiSelect rectSelect overwrite lineSep buffersets task-monitor java-status ml-status errors clock
-    val modes_dir = jedit_patched_dir + Path.basic("modes")
-    Mode.list.foreach(_.write(modes_dir))
-    File.change_lines(modes_dir + Path.basic("catalog")) { _.flatMap(line =>
-      if (line.containsSlice("FILE=\"ml.xml\"") ||
-        line.containsSlice("FILE_NAME_GLOB=\"*.{sml,ml}\"") ||
-        line.containsSlice("FILE_NAME_GLOB=\"*.ftl\"")) Nil
-      else if (line.containsSlice("NAME=\"jamon\"")) {
-        List(
-          """<MODE NAME="isabelle" FILE="isabelle.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="{*.thy,ROOT0.ML,ROOT.ML}"/>""",
-          "",
-          """<MODE NAME="isabelle-ml" FILE="isabelle-ml.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.ML"/>""",
-          "",
-          """<MODE NAME="isabelle-news" FILE="isabelle-news.xml"/>""",
-          "",
-          """<MODE NAME="isabelle-options" FILE="isabelle-options.xml"/>""",
-          "",
-          """<MODE NAME="isabelle-root" FILE="isabelle-root.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="ROOT"/>""",
-          "",
-          line)
-      }
-      else if (line.containsSlice("NAME=\"sqr\"")) {
-        List(
-          """<MODE NAME="sml" FILE="sml.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.{sml,sig}"/>""",
-          "",
-          line)
-      }
-      else List(line))
-    }
-    /* doc */
-    val doc_dir = jedit_patched_dir + Path.basic("doc")
-    download_jedit(doc_dir, "manual-a4.pdf", target_name = "jedit-manual.pdf")
-    Isabelle_System.copy_file(
-      doc_dir + Path.basic("CHANGES.txt"), doc_dir + Path.basic("jedit-changes"))
-    File.write(doc_dir + Path.basic("Contents"),
-"""Original jEdit Documentation
-  jedit-manual    jEdit User's Guide
-  jedit-changes   jEdit Version History
-    /* make patch */
-    File.write(component_path + Path.basic(jedit).patch,
-      Isabelle_System.make_patch(component_path, Path.basic(jedit), Path.basic(jedit_patched)))
-    if (!original) Isabelle_System.rm_tree(jedit_dir)
-    /* settings */
-    component_dir.write_settings("""
-JEDIT_HOME="$COMPONENT/""" + jedit_patched + """"
-JEDIT_JARS=""" + quote(File.read_dir(jars_dir).map("$JEDIT_HOME/jars/" + _).mkString(":")) + """
-classpath "$JEDIT_JAR"
-JEDIT_OPTIONS="-reuseview -nobackground -nosplash -log=9"
-JEDIT_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms512m -Xmx4g -Xss16m"
-JEDIT_JAVA_SYSTEM_OPTIONS="-Duser.language=en -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true -Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true"
-    /* README */
-    File.write(component_dir.README,
-"""This is a slightly patched version of jEdit """ + version + """ from
- with some
-additional plugins jars from
-        Makarius
-        """ + + "\n")
-  }
-  /** Isabelle tool wrappers **/
-  val default_version = "5.6.0"
-  def default_java_home: Path = Path.explode("$JAVA_HOME").expand
-  val isabelle_tool =
-    Isabelle_Tool("build_jedit", "build Isabelle component from the jEdit text-editor",
-      { args =>
-        var target_dir = Path.current
-        var java_home = default_java_home
-        var original = false
-        var version = default_version
-        val getopts = Getopts("""
-Usage: isabelle build_jedit [OPTIONS]
-  Options are:
-    -D DIR       target directory (default ".")
-    -J JAVA_HOME Java version for building jedit.jar (e.g. version 11)
-    -O           retain copy of original jEdit directory
-    -V VERSION   jEdit version (default: """ + quote(default_version) + """)
-  Build auxiliary jEdit component from original sources, with some patches.
-          "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)),
-          "J:" -> (arg => java_home = Path.explode(arg)),
-          "O" -> (_ => original = true),
-          "V:" -> (arg => version = arg))
-        val more_args = getopts(args)
-        if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
-        val component_dir = target_dir + Path.basic("jedit-" + Date.Format.alt_date(
-        val progress = new Console_Progress()
-        build_jedit(component_dir, version, original = original,
-          java_home = java_home, progress = progress)
-      })