changeset 30228 2aaf339fb7c1
parent 30224 79136ce06bdb
parent 30227 853abb4853cc
child 30229 9861257b18e6
child 30243 09d5944e224e
--- a/doc-src/IsarAdvanced/Codegen/Thy/Program.thy	Tue Mar 03 17:05:18 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
-theory Program
-imports Introduction
-section {* Turning Theories into Programs \label{sec:program} *}
-subsection {* The @{text "Isabelle/HOL"} default setup *}
-text {*
-  We have already seen how by default equations stemming from
-  @{command definition}/@{command primrec}/@{command fun}
-  statements are used for code generation.  This default behaviour
-  can be changed, e.g. by providing different code equations.
-  All kinds of customisation shown in this section is \emph{safe}
-  in the sense that the user does not have to worry about
-  correctness -- all programs generatable that way are partially
-  correct.
-subsection {* Selecting code equations *}
-text {*
-  Coming back to our introductory example, we
-  could provide an alternative code equations for @{const dequeue}
-  explicitly:
-lemma %quote [code]:
-  "dequeue (AQueue xs []) =
-     (if xs = [] then (None, AQueue [] [])
-       else dequeue (AQueue [] (rev xs)))"
-  "dequeue (AQueue xs (y # ys)) =
-     (Some y, AQueue xs ys)"
-  by (cases xs, simp_all) (cases "rev xs", simp_all)
-text {*
-  \noindent The annotation @{text "[code]"} is an @{text Isar}
-  @{text attribute} which states that the given theorems should be
-  considered as code equations for a @{text fun} statement --
-  the corresponding constant is determined syntactically.  The resulting code:
-text %quote {*@{code_stmts dequeue (consts) dequeue (Haskell)}*}
-text {*
-  \noindent You may note that the equality test @{term "xs = []"} has been
-  replaced by the predicate @{term "null xs"}.  This is due to the default
-  setup in the \qn{preprocessor} to be discussed further below (\secref{sec:preproc}).
-  Changing the default constructor set of datatypes is also
-  possible.  See \secref{sec:datatypes} for an example.
-  As told in \secref{sec:concept}, code generation is based
-  on a structured collection of code theorems.
-  For explorative purpose, this collection
-  may be inspected using the @{command code_thms} command:
-code_thms %quote dequeue
-text {*
-  \noindent prints a table with \emph{all} code equations
-  for @{const dequeue}, including
-  \emph{all} code equations those equations depend
-  on recursively.
-  Similarly, the @{command code_deps} command shows a graph
-  visualising dependencies between code equations.
-subsection {* @{text class} and @{text instantiation} *}
-text {*
-  Concerning type classes and code generation, let us examine an example
-  from abstract algebra:
-class %quote semigroup =
-  fixes mult :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" (infixl "\<otimes>" 70)
-  assumes assoc: "(x \<otimes> y) \<otimes> z = x \<otimes> (y \<otimes> z)"
-class %quote monoid = semigroup +
-  fixes neutral :: 'a ("\<one>")
-  assumes neutl: "\<one> \<otimes> x = x"
-    and neutr: "x \<otimes> \<one> = x"
-instantiation %quote nat :: monoid
-primrec %quote mult_nat where
-    "0 \<otimes> n = (0\<Colon>nat)"
-  | "Suc m \<otimes> n = n + m \<otimes> n"
-definition %quote neutral_nat where
-  "\<one> = Suc 0"
-lemma %quote add_mult_distrib:
-  fixes n m q :: nat
-  shows "(n + m) \<otimes> q = n \<otimes> q + m \<otimes> q"
-  by (induct n) simp_all
-instance %quote proof
-  fix m n q :: nat
-  show "m \<otimes> n \<otimes> q = m \<otimes> (n \<otimes> q)"
-    by (induct m) (simp_all add: add_mult_distrib)
-  show "\<one> \<otimes> n = n"
-    by (simp add: neutral_nat_def)
-  show "m \<otimes> \<one> = m"
-    by (induct m) (simp_all add: neutral_nat_def)
-end %quote
-text {*
-  \noindent We define the natural operation of the natural numbers
-  on monoids:
-primrec %quote (in monoid) pow :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" where
-    "pow 0 a = \<one>"
-  | "pow (Suc n) a = a \<otimes> pow n a"
-text {*
-  \noindent This we use to define the discrete exponentiation function:
-definition %quote bexp :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat" where
-  "bexp n = pow n (Suc (Suc 0))"
-text {*
-  \noindent The corresponding code:
-text %quote {*@{code_stmts bexp (Haskell)}*}
-text {*
-  \noindent This is a convenient place to show how explicit dictionary construction
-  manifests in generated code (here, the same example in @{text SML}):
-text %quote {*@{code_stmts bexp (SML)}*}
-text {*
-  \noindent Note the parameters with trailing underscore (@{verbatim "A_"})
-    which are the dictionary parameters.
-subsection {* The preprocessor \label{sec:preproc} *}
-text {*
-  Before selected function theorems are turned into abstract
-  code, a chain of definitional transformation steps is carried
-  out: \emph{preprocessing}.  In essence, the preprocessor
-  consists of two components: a \emph{simpset} and \emph{function transformers}.
-  The \emph{simpset} allows to employ the full generality of the Isabelle
-  simplifier.  Due to the interpretation of theorems
-  as code equations, rewrites are applied to the right
-  hand side and the arguments of the left hand side of an
-  equation, but never to the constant heading the left hand side.
-  An important special case are \emph{inline theorems} which may be
-  declared and undeclared using the
-  \emph{code inline} or \emph{code inline del} attribute respectively.
-  Some common applications:
-text_raw {*
-  \begin{itemize}
-text {*
-     \item replacing non-executable constructs by executable ones:
-lemma %quote [code inline]:
-  "x \<in> set xs \<longleftrightarrow> x mem xs" by (induct xs) simp_all
-text {*
-     \item eliminating superfluous constants:
-lemma %quote [code inline]:
-  "1 = Suc 0" by simp
-text {*
-     \item replacing executable but inconvenient constructs:
-lemma %quote [code inline]:
-  "xs = [] \<longleftrightarrow> List.null xs" by (induct xs) simp_all
-text_raw {*
-  \end{itemize}
-text {*
-  \noindent \emph{Function transformers} provide a very general interface,
-  transforming a list of function theorems to another
-  list of function theorems, provided that neither the heading
-  constant nor its type change.  The @{term "0\<Colon>nat"} / @{const Suc}
-  pattern elimination implemented in
-  theory @{text Efficient_Nat} (see \secref{eff_nat}) uses this
-  interface.
-  \noindent The current setup of the preprocessor may be inspected using
-  the @{command print_codesetup} command.
-  @{command code_thms} provides a convenient
-  mechanism to inspect the impact of a preprocessor setup
-  on code equations.
-  \begin{warn}
-    The attribute \emph{code unfold}
-    associated with the @{text "SML code generator"} also applies to
-    the @{text "generic code generator"}:
-    \emph{code unfold} implies \emph{code inline}.
-  \end{warn}
-subsection {* Datatypes \label{sec:datatypes} *}
-text {*
-  Conceptually, any datatype is spanned by a set of
-  \emph{constructors} of type @{text "\<tau> = \<dots> \<Rightarrow> \<kappa> \<alpha>\<^isub>1 \<dots> \<alpha>\<^isub>n"} where @{text
-  "{\<alpha>\<^isub>1, \<dots>, \<alpha>\<^isub>n}"} is exactly the set of \emph{all} type variables in
-  @{text "\<tau>"}.  The HOL datatype package by default registers any new
-  datatype in the table of datatypes, which may be inspected using the
-  @{command print_codesetup} command.
-  In some cases, it is appropriate to alter or extend this table.  As
-  an example, we will develop an alternative representation of the
-  queue example given in \secref{sec:intro}.  The amortised
-  representation is convenient for generating code but exposes its
-  \qt{implementation} details, which may be cumbersome when proving
-  theorems about it.  Therefore, here a simple, straightforward
-  representation of queues:
-datatype %quote 'a queue = Queue "'a list"
-definition %quote empty :: "'a queue" where
-  "empty = Queue []"
-primrec %quote enqueue :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a queue \<Rightarrow> 'a queue" where
-  "enqueue x (Queue xs) = Queue (xs @ [x])"
-fun %quote dequeue :: "'a queue \<Rightarrow> 'a option \<times> 'a queue" where
-    "dequeue (Queue []) = (None, Queue [])"
-  | "dequeue (Queue (x # xs)) = (Some x, Queue xs)"
-text {*
-  \noindent This we can use directly for proving;  for executing,
-  we provide an alternative characterisation:
-definition %quote AQueue :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a queue" where
-  "AQueue xs ys = Queue (ys @ rev xs)"
-code_datatype %quote AQueue
-text {*
-  \noindent Here we define a \qt{constructor} @{const "AQueue"} which
-  is defined in terms of @{text "Queue"} and interprets its arguments
-  according to what the \emph{content} of an amortised queue is supposed
-  to be.  Equipped with this, we are able to prove the following equations
-  for our primitive queue operations which \qt{implement} the simple
-  queues in an amortised fashion:
-lemma %quote empty_AQueue [code]:
-  "empty = AQueue [] []"
-  unfolding AQueue_def empty_def by simp
-lemma %quote enqueue_AQueue [code]:
-  "enqueue x (AQueue xs ys) = AQueue (x # xs) ys"
-  unfolding AQueue_def by simp
-lemma %quote dequeue_AQueue [code]:
-  "dequeue (AQueue xs []) =
-    (if xs = [] then (None, AQueue [] [])
-    else dequeue (AQueue [] (rev xs)))"
-  "dequeue (AQueue xs (y # ys)) = (Some y, AQueue xs ys)"
-  unfolding AQueue_def by simp_all
-text {*
-  \noindent For completeness, we provide a substitute for the
-  @{text case} combinator on queues:
-definition %quote
-  aqueue_case_def: "aqueue_case = queue_case"
-lemma %quote aqueue_case [code, code inline]:
-  "queue_case = aqueue_case"
-  unfolding aqueue_case_def ..
-lemma %quote case_AQueue [code]:
-  "aqueue_case f (AQueue xs ys) = f (ys @ rev xs)"
-  unfolding aqueue_case_def AQueue_def by simp
-text {*
-  \noindent The resulting code looks as expected:
-text %quote {*@{code_stmts empty enqueue dequeue (SML)}*}
-text {*
-  \noindent From this example, it can be glimpsed that using own
-  constructor sets is a little delicate since it changes the set of
-  valid patterns for values of that type.  Without going into much
-  detail, here some practical hints:
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item When changing the constructor set for datatypes, take care
-      to provide an alternative for the @{text case} combinator
-      (e.g.~by replacing it using the preprocessor).
-    \item Values in the target language need not to be normalised --
-      different values in the target language may represent the same
-      value in the logic.
-    \item Usually, a good methodology to deal with the subtleties of
-      pattern matching is to see the type as an abstract type: provide
-      a set of operations which operate on the concrete representation
-      of the type, and derive further operations by combinations of
-      these primitive ones, without relying on a particular
-      representation.
-  \end{itemize}
-subsection {* Equality and wellsortedness *}
-text {*
-  Surely you have already noticed how equality is treated
-  by the code generator:
-primrec %quote collect_duplicates :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list" where
-  "collect_duplicates xs ys [] = xs"
-  | "collect_duplicates xs ys (z#zs) = (if z \<in> set xs
-      then if z \<in> set ys
-        then collect_duplicates xs ys zs
-        else collect_duplicates xs (z#ys) zs
-      else collect_duplicates (z#xs) (z#ys) zs)"
-text {*
-  \noindent The membership test during preprocessing is rewritten,
-  resulting in @{const List.member}, which itself
-  performs an explicit equality check.
-text %quote {*@{code_stmts collect_duplicates (SML)}*}
-text {*
-  \noindent Obviously, polymorphic equality is implemented the Haskell
-  way using a type class.  How is this achieved?  HOL introduces
-  an explicit class @{class eq} with a corresponding operation
-  @{const eq_class.eq} such that @{thm eq [no_vars]}.
-  The preprocessing framework does the rest by propagating the
-  @{class eq} constraints through all dependent code equations.
-  For datatypes, instances of @{class eq} are implicitly derived
-  when possible.  For other types, you may instantiate @{text eq}
-  manually like any other type class.
-  Though this @{text eq} class is designed to get rarely in
-  the way, a subtlety
-  enters the stage when definitions of overloaded constants
-  are dependent on operational equality.  For example, let
-  us define a lexicographic ordering on tuples
-  (also see theory @{theory Product_ord}):
-instantiation %quote "*" :: (order, order) order
-definition %quote [code del]:
-  "x \<le> y \<longleftrightarrow> fst x < fst y \<or> fst x = fst y \<and> snd x \<le> snd y"
-definition %quote [code del]:
-  "x < y \<longleftrightarrow> fst x < fst y \<or> fst x = fst y \<and> snd x < snd y"
-instance %quote proof
-qed (auto simp: less_eq_prod_def less_prod_def intro: order_less_trans)
-end %quote
-lemma %quote order_prod [code]:
-  "(x1 \<Colon> 'a\<Colon>order, y1 \<Colon> 'b\<Colon>order) < (x2, y2) \<longleftrightarrow>
-     x1 < x2 \<or> x1 = x2 \<and> y1 < y2"
-  "(x1 \<Colon> 'a\<Colon>order, y1 \<Colon> 'b\<Colon>order) \<le> (x2, y2) \<longleftrightarrow>
-     x1 < x2 \<or> x1 = x2 \<and> y1 \<le> y2"
-  by (simp_all add: less_prod_def less_eq_prod_def)
-text {*
-  \noindent Then code generation will fail.  Why?  The definition
-  of @{term "op \<le>"} depends on equality on both arguments,
-  which are polymorphic and impose an additional @{class eq}
-  class constraint, which the preprocessor does not propagate
-  (for technical reasons).
-  The solution is to add @{class eq} explicitly to the first sort arguments in the
-  code theorems:
-lemma %quote order_prod_code [code]:
-  "(x1 \<Colon> 'a\<Colon>{order, eq}, y1 \<Colon> 'b\<Colon>order) < (x2, y2) \<longleftrightarrow>
-     x1 < x2 \<or> x1 = x2 \<and> y1 < y2"
-  "(x1 \<Colon> 'a\<Colon>{order, eq}, y1 \<Colon> 'b\<Colon>order) \<le> (x2, y2) \<longleftrightarrow>
-     x1 < x2 \<or> x1 = x2 \<and> y1 \<le> y2"
-  by (simp_all add: less_prod_def less_eq_prod_def)
-text {*
-  \noindent Then code generation succeeds:
-text %quote {*@{code_stmts "op \<le> \<Colon> _ \<times> _ \<Rightarrow> _ \<times> _ \<Rightarrow> bool" (SML)}*}
-text {*
-  In some cases, the automatically derived code equations
-  for equality on a particular type may not be appropriate.
-  As example, watch the following datatype representing
-  monomorphic parametric types (where type constructors
-  are referred to by natural numbers):
-datatype %quote monotype = Mono nat "monotype list"
-lemma monotype_eq:
-  "eq_class.eq (Mono tyco1 typargs1) (Mono tyco2 typargs2) \<equiv> 
-     eq_class.eq tyco1 tyco2 \<and> eq_class.eq typargs1 typargs2" by (simp add: eq)
-text {*
-  \noindent Then code generation for SML would fail with a message
-  that the generated code contains illegal mutual dependencies:
-  the theorem @{thm monotype_eq [no_vars]} already requires the
-  instance @{text "monotype \<Colon> eq"}, which itself requires
-  @{thm monotype_eq [no_vars]};  Haskell has no problem with mutually
-  recursive @{text instance} and @{text function} definitions,
-  but the SML serialiser does not support this.
-  In such cases, you have to provide your own equality equations
-  involving auxiliary constants.  In our case,
-  @{const [show_types] list_all2} can do the job:
-lemma %quote monotype_eq_list_all2 [code]:
-  "eq_class.eq (Mono tyco1 typargs1) (Mono tyco2 typargs2) \<longleftrightarrow>
-     eq_class.eq tyco1 tyco2 \<and> list_all2 eq_class.eq typargs1 typargs2"
-  by (simp add: eq list_all2_eq [symmetric])
-text {*
-  \noindent does not depend on instance @{text "monotype \<Colon> eq"}:
-text %quote {*@{code_stmts "eq_class.eq :: monotype \<Rightarrow> monotype \<Rightarrow> bool" (SML)}*}
-subsection {* Explicit partiality *}
-text {*
-  Partiality usually enters the game by partial patterns, as
-  in the following example, again for amortised queues:
-definition %quote strict_dequeue :: "'a queue \<Rightarrow> 'a \<times> 'a queue" where
-  "strict_dequeue q = (case dequeue q
-    of (Some x, q') \<Rightarrow> (x, q'))"
-lemma %quote strict_dequeue_AQueue [code]:
-  "strict_dequeue (AQueue xs (y # ys)) = (y, AQueue xs ys)"
-  "strict_dequeue (AQueue xs []) =
-    (case rev xs of y # ys \<Rightarrow> (y, AQueue [] ys))"
-  by (simp_all add: strict_dequeue_def dequeue_AQueue split: list.splits)
-text {*
-  \noindent In the corresponding code, there is no equation
-  for the pattern @{term "AQueue [] []"}:
-text %quote {*@{code_stmts strict_dequeue (consts) strict_dequeue (Haskell)}*}
-text {*
-  \noindent In some cases it is desirable to have this
-  pseudo-\qt{partiality} more explicitly, e.g.~as follows:
-axiomatization %quote empty_queue :: 'a
-definition %quote strict_dequeue' :: "'a queue \<Rightarrow> 'a \<times> 'a queue" where
-  "strict_dequeue' q = (case dequeue q of (Some x, q') \<Rightarrow> (x, q') | _ \<Rightarrow> empty_queue)"
-lemma %quote strict_dequeue'_AQueue [code]:
-  "strict_dequeue' (AQueue xs []) = (if xs = [] then empty_queue
-     else strict_dequeue' (AQueue [] (rev xs)))"
-  "strict_dequeue' (AQueue xs (y # ys)) =
-     (y, AQueue xs ys)"
-  by (simp_all add: strict_dequeue'_def dequeue_AQueue split: list.splits)
-text {*
-  Observe that on the right hand side of the definition of @{const
-  "strict_dequeue'"} the constant @{const empty_queue} occurs
-  which is unspecified.
-  Normally, if constants without any code equations occur in a
-  program, the code generator complains (since in most cases this is
-  not what the user expects).  But such constants can also be thought
-  of as function definitions with no equations which always fail,
-  since there is never a successful pattern match on the left hand
-  side.  In order to categorise a constant into that category
-  explicitly, use @{command "code_abort"}:
-code_abort %quote empty_queue
-text {*
-  \noindent Then the code generator will just insert an error or
-  exception at the appropriate position:
-text %quote {*@{code_stmts strict_dequeue' (consts) empty_queue strict_dequeue' (Haskell)}*}
-text {*
-  \noindent This feature however is rarely needed in practice.
-  Note also that the @{text HOL} default setup already declares
-  @{const undefined} as @{command "code_abort"}, which is most
-  likely to be used in such situations.
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