--- a/src/Pure/sign.ML Thu Jun 19 21:14:30 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/sign.ML Thu Jun 19 22:05:01 2008 +0200
@@ -78,12 +78,6 @@
val read_class: theory -> xstring -> class
val read_arity: theory -> xstring * string list * string -> arity
val cert_arity: theory -> arity -> arity
- val get_sort: theory ->
- (indexname -> sort option) -> (indexname * sort) list -> indexname -> sort
- val read_def_typ: theory * (indexname -> sort option) -> string -> typ
- val read_typ: theory -> string -> typ
- val read_typ_syntax: theory -> string -> typ
- val read_typ_abbrev: theory -> string -> typ
val add_defsort: string -> theory -> theory
val add_defsort_i: sort -> theory -> theory
val add_types: (bstring * int * mixfix) list -> theory -> theory
@@ -427,53 +421,6 @@
val cert_arity = prep_arity (K I) certify_sort;
-(* types *)
-fun get_sort thy def_sort raw_env =
- let
- val tsig = tsig_of thy;
- fun eq ((xi, S), (xi', S')) =
- Term.eq_ix (xi, xi') andalso Type.eq_sort tsig (S, S');
- val env = distinct eq raw_env;
- val _ = (case duplicates (eq_fst (op =)) env of [] => ()
- | dups => error ("Inconsistent sort constraints for type variable(s) "
- ^ commas_quote (map (Term.string_of_vname' o fst) dups)));
- fun get xi =
- (case (AList.lookup (op =) env xi, def_sort xi) of
- (NONE, NONE) => Type.defaultS tsig
- | (NONE, SOME S) => S
- | (SOME S, NONE) => S
- | (SOME S, SOME S') =>
- if Type.eq_sort tsig (S, S') then S'
- else error ("Sort constraint inconsistent with default for type variable " ^
- quote (Term.string_of_vname' xi)));
- in get end;
-fun gen_read_typ mode (thy, def_sort) str =
- let
- val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
- val syn = syn_of thy;
- val T = intern_tycons thy
- (Syntax.standard_parse_typ ctxt syn (get_sort thy def_sort) (intern_sort thy) str);
- in certify_typ_mode mode thy T handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg end
- handle ERROR msg => cat_error msg ("The error(s) above occurred in type " ^ quote str);
-fun no_def_sort thy = (thy: theory, K NONE);
-val read_def_typ = gen_read_typ Type.mode_default;
-val read_typ = gen_read_typ Type.mode_default o no_def_sort;
-val read_typ_syntax = gen_read_typ Type.mode_syntax o no_def_sort;
-val read_typ_abbrev = gen_read_typ Type.mode_abbrev o no_def_sort;
(** signature extension functions **) (*exception ERROR/TYPE*)