changeset 45044 2fae15f8984d
child 46725 d34ec0512dfb
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/SPARK/Manual/Reference.thy	Thu Sep 22 16:50:23 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+theory Reference
+imports SPARK
+syntax (my_constrain output)
+  "_constrain" :: "logic => type => logic" ("_ \<Colon> _" [4, 0] 3)
+chapter {* HOL-\SPARK{} Reference *}
+text {*
+This section is intended as a quick reference for the HOL-\SPARK{} verification
+environment. In \secref{sec:spark-commands}, we give a summary of the commands
+provided by the HOL-\SPARK{}, while \secref{sec:spark-types} contains a description
+of how particular types of \SPARK{} and FDL are modelled in Isabelle.
+section {* Commands *}
+text {*
+This section describes the syntax and effect of each of the commands provided
+by HOL-\SPARK{}.
+@{rail "@'spark_open' name ('(' name ')')?"}
+Opens a new \SPARK{} verification environment and loads a file with VCs. The file can be either
+a \texttt{*.vcg} or a \texttt{*.siv} file. The corresponding \texttt{*.fdl} and \texttt{*.rls}
+files must reside in the same directory as the file given as an argument to the command.
+This command also generates records and datatypes for the types specified in the
+\texttt{*.fdl} file, unless they have already been associated with user-defined
+Isabelle types (see below).
+Since the full package name currently cannot be determined from the files generated by the
+\SPARK{} Examiner, the command also allows to specify an optional package prefix in the
+format \texttt{$p_1$\_\_$\ldots$\_\_$p_n$}. When working with projects consisting of several
+packages, this is necessary in order for the verification environment to be able to map proof
+functions and types defined in Isabelle to their \SPARK{} counterparts.
+@{rail "@'spark_proof_functions' ((name '=' term)+)"}
+Associates a proof function with the given name to a term. The name should be the full name
+of the proof function as it appears in the \texttt{*.fdl} file, including the package prefix.
+This command can be used both inside and outside a verification environment. The latter
+variant is useful for introducing proof functions that are shared by several procedures
+or packages, whereas the former allows the given term to refer to the types generated
+by \isa{\isacommand{spark\_open}} for record or enumeration types specified in the
+\texttt{*.fdl} file.
+@{rail "@'spark_types' ((name '=' type)+)"}
+Associates a \SPARK{} type with the given name with an Isabelle type. This command can
+only be used outside a verification environment. The given type must be either a record
+or a datatype, where the field names and constructors must match those of the corresponding
+\SPARK{} types (modulo casing). This command is useful when having to define
+proof functions referring to record or enumeration types that are shared by several
+procedures or packages. First, the types required by the proof functions can be introduced
+using Isabelle's commands for defining records or datatypes. Having introduced the
+types, the proof functions can be defined in Isabelle. Finally, both the proof
+functions and the types can be associated with their \SPARK{} counterparts.
+@{rail "@'spark_status' (('(proved)' | '(unproved)')?)"}
+Outputs the variables declared in the \texttt{*.fdl} file, the rules declared in
+the \texttt{*.rls} file, and all VCs, together with their status (proved, unproved).
+The output can be restricted to the proved or unproved VCs by giving the corresponding
+option to the command.
+@{rail "@'spark_vc' name"}
+Initiates the proof of the VC with the given name. Similar to the standard
+\isa{\isacommand{lemma}} or \isa{\isacommand{theorem}} commands, this command
+must be followed by a sequence of proof commands. The command introduces the
+hypotheses \texttt{H1} \dots \texttt{H$n$}, as well as the identifiers
+\texttt{?C1} \dots \texttt{?C$m$} corresponding to the conclusions of the VC.
+@{rail "@'spark_end'"}
+Closes the current verification environment. All VCs must have been proved,
+otherwise the command issues an error message. As a side effect, the command
+generates a proof review (\texttt{*.prv}) file to inform POGS of the proved
+section {* Types *}
+text {*
+The main types of FDL are integers, enumeration types, records, and arrays.
+In the following sections, we describe how these types are modelled in
+subsection {* Integers *}
+text {*
+The FDL type \texttt{integer} is modelled by the Isabelle type @{typ int}.
+While the FDL \texttt{mod} operator behaves in the same way as its Isabelle
+counterpart, this is not the case for the \texttt{div} operator. As has already
+been mentioned in \secref{sec:proving-vcs}, the \texttt{div} operator of \SPARK{}
+always truncates towards zero, whereas the @{text div} operator of Isabelle
+truncates towards minus infinity. Therefore, the FDL \texttt{div} operator is
+mapped to the @{text sdiv} operator in Isabelle. The characteristic theorems
+of @{text sdiv}, in particular those describing the relationship with the standard
+@{text div} operator, are shown in \figref{fig:sdiv-properties}
+@{text sdiv_def}: & @{thm sdiv_def} \\
+@{text sdiv_minus_dividend}: & @{thm sdiv_minus_dividend} \\
+@{text sdiv_minus_divisor}: & @{thm sdiv_minus_divisor} \\
+@{text sdiv_pos_pos}: & @{thm [mode=no_brackets] sdiv_pos_pos} \\
+@{text sdiv_pos_neg}: & @{thm [mode=no_brackets] sdiv_pos_neg} \\
+@{text sdiv_neg_pos}: & @{thm [mode=no_brackets] sdiv_neg_pos} \\
+@{text sdiv_neg_neg}: & @{thm [mode=no_brackets] sdiv_neg_neg} \\
+\caption{Characteristic properties of @{text sdiv}}
+@{text AND_lower}: & @{thm [mode=no_brackets] AND_lower} \\
+@{text OR_lower}: & @{thm [mode=no_brackets] OR_lower} \\
+@{text XOR_lower}: & @{thm [mode=no_brackets] XOR_lower} \\
+@{text AND_upper1}: & @{thm [mode=no_brackets] AND_upper1} \\
+@{text AND_upper2}: & @{thm [mode=no_brackets] AND_upper2} \\
+@{text OR_upper}: & @{thm [mode=no_brackets] OR_upper} \\
+@{text XOR_upper}: & @{thm [mode=no_brackets] XOR_upper} \\
+@{text AND_mod}: & @{thm [mode=no_brackets] AND_mod}
+\caption{Characteristic properties of bitwise operators}
+The bitwise logical operators of \SPARK{} and FDL are modelled by the operators
+@{text AND}, @{text OR} and @{text XOR} from Isabelle's @{text Word} library,
+all of which have type @{typ "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"}. A list of properties of these
+operators that are useful in proofs about \SPARK{} programs are shown in
+subsection {* Enumeration types *}
+text {*
+The FDL enumeration type
+type \(t\) = (\(e\sb{1}\), \(e\sb{2}\), \dots, \(e\sb{n}\));
+is modelled by the Isabelle datatype
+\isacommand{datatype}\ $t$\ =\ $e_1$\ $\mid$\ $e_2$\ $\mid$\ \dots\ $\mid$\ $e_n$
+The HOL-\SPARK{} environment defines a type class @{class spark_enum} that captures
+the characteristic properties of all enumeration types. It provides the following
+polymorphic functions and constants for all types @{text "'a"} of this type class:
+@{term_type [mode=my_constrain] pos} \\
+@{term_type [mode=my_constrain] val} \\
+@{term_type [mode=my_constrain] succ} \\
+@{term_type [mode=my_constrain] pred} \\
+@{term_type [mode=my_constrain] first_el} \\
+@{term_type [mode=my_constrain] last_el}
+In addition, @{class spark_enum} is a subclass of the @{class linorder} type class,
+which allows the comparison operators @{text "<"} and @{text "\<le>"} to be used on
+enumeration types. The polymorphic operations shown above enjoy a number of
+generic properties that hold for all enumeration types. These properties are
+listed in \figref{fig:enum-generic-properties}.
+Moreover, \figref{fig:enum-specific-properties} shows a list of properties
+that are specific to each enumeration type $t$, such as the characteristic
+equations for @{term val} and @{term pos}.
+@{text range_pos}: & @{thm range_pos} \\
+@{text less_pos}: & @{thm less_pos} \\
+@{text less_eq_pos}: & @{thm less_eq_pos} \\
+@{text val_def}: & @{thm val_def} \\
+@{text succ_def}: & @{thm succ_def} \\
+@{text pred_def}: & @{thm pred_def} \\
+@{text first_el_def}: & @{thm first_el_def} \\
+@{text last_el_def}: & @{thm last_el_def} \\
+@{text inj_pos}: & @{thm inj_pos} \\
+@{text val_pos}: & @{thm val_pos} \\
+@{text pos_val}: & @{thm pos_val} \\
+@{text first_el_smallest}: & @{thm first_el_smallest} \\
+@{text last_el_greatest}: & @{thm last_el_greatest} \\
+@{text pos_succ}: & @{thm pos_succ} \\
+@{text pos_pred}: & @{thm pos_pred} \\
+@{text succ_val}: & @{thm succ_val} \\
+@{text pred_val}: & @{thm pred_val}
+\caption{Generic properties of functions on enumeration types}
+\begin{tabular}{ll@ {\hspace{2cm}}ll}
+\texttt{$t$\_val}: & \isa{val\ $0$\ =\ $e_1$} & \texttt{$t$\_pos}: & pos\ $e_1$\ =\ $0$ \\
+                   & \isa{val\ $1$\ =\ $e_2$} &                    & pos\ $e_2$\ =\ $1$ \\
+                   & \hspace{1cm}\vdots       &                    & \hspace{1cm}\vdots \\
+                   & \isa{val\ $(n-1)$\ =\ $e_n$} &                & pos\ $e_n$\ =\ $n-1$
+\end{tabular} \\[3ex]
+\texttt{$t$\_card}: & \isa{card($t$)\ =\ $n$} \\
+\texttt{$t$\_first\_el}: & \isa{first\_el\ =\ $e_1$} \\
+\texttt{$t$\_last\_el}: & \isa{last\_el\ =\ $e_n$}
+\caption{Type-specific properties of functions on enumeration types}
+subsection {* Records *}
+text {*
+The FDL record type
+type \(t\) = record
+      \(f\sb{1}\) : \(t\sb{1}\);
+       \(\vdots\)
+      \(f\sb{n}\) : \(t\sb{n}\)
+   end;
+is modelled by the Isabelle record type
+\isacommand{record}\ t\ = \isanewline
+\ \ $f_1$\ ::\ $t_1$ \isanewline
+\ \ \ \vdots \isanewline
+\ \ $f_n$\ ::\ $t_n$
+Records are constructed using the notation
+\isa{\isasymlparr$f_1$\ =\ $v_1$,\ $\ldots$,\ $f_n$\ =\ $v_n$\isasymrparr},
+a field $f_i$ of a record $r$ is selected using the notation $f_i~r$, and the
+fields $f$ and $f'$ of a record $r$ can be updated using the notation
+\mbox{\isa{$r$\ \isasymlparr$f$\ :=\ $v$,\ $f'$\ :=\ $v'$\isasymrparr}}.
+subsection {* Arrays *}
+text {*
+The FDL array type
+type \(t\) = array [\(t\sb{1}\), \(\ldots\), \(t\sb{n}\)] of \(u\);
+is modelled by the Isabelle function type $t_1 \times \cdots \times t_n \Rightarrow u$.
+Array updates are written as \isa{$A$($x_1$\ := $y_1$,\ \dots,\ $x_n$\ :=\ $y_n$)}.
+To allow updating an array at a set of indices, HOL-\SPARK{} provides the notation
+\isa{\dots\ [:=]\ \dots}, which can be combined with \isa{\dots\ :=\ \dots} and has
+the properties
+@{thm [display,mode=no_brackets] fun_upds_in fun_upds_notin upds_singleton}
+Thus, we can write expressions like
+@{term [display] "(A::int\<Rightarrow>int) ({0..9} [:=] 42, 15 := 99, {20..29} [:=] 0)"}
+that would be cumbersome to write using single updates.
+section {* User-defined proof functions and types *}
+text {*
+To illustrate the interplay between the commands for introducing user-defined proof
+functions and types mentioned in \secref{sec:spark-commands}, we now discuss a larger
+example involving the definition of proof functions on complex types. Assume we would
+like to define an array type, whose elements are records that themselves contain
+arrays. Moreover, assume we would like to initialize all array elements and record
+fields of type \texttt{Integer} in an array of this type with the value \texttt{0}.
+The specification of package \texttt{Complex\_Types} containing the definition of
+the array type, which we call \texttt{Array\_Type2}, is shown in \figref{fig:complex-types}.
+It also contains the declaration of a proof function \texttt{Initialized} that is used
+to express that the array has been initialized. The two other proof functions
+\texttt{Initialized2} and \texttt{Initialized3} are used to reason about the
+initialization of the inner array. Since the array types and proof functions
+may be used by several packages, such as the one shown in \figref{fig:complex-types-app},
+it is advantageous to define the proof functions in a central theory that can
+be included by other theories containing proofs about packages using \texttt{Complex\_Types}.
+We show this theory in \figref{fig:complex-types-thy}. Since the proof functions
+refer to the enumeration and record types defined in \texttt{Complex\_Types},
+we need to define the Isabelle counterparts of these types using the
+\isa{\isacommand{datatype}} and \isa{\isacommand{record}} commands in order
+to be able to write down the definition of the proof functions. These types are
+linked to the corresponding \SPARK{} types using the \isa{\isacommand{spark\_types}}
+command. Note that we have to specify the full name of the \SPARK{} functions
+including the package prefix. Using the logic of Isabelle, we can then define
+functions involving the enumeration and record types introduced above, and link
+them to the corresponding \SPARK{} proof functions. It is important that the
+\isa{\isacommand{definition}} commands are preceeded by the \isa{\isacommand{spark\_types}}
+command, since the definition of @{text initialized3} uses the @{text val}
+function for enumeration types that is only available once that @{text day}
+has been declared as a \SPARK{} type.
+\caption{Nested array and record types}
+\caption{Application of \texttt{Complex\_Types} package}
+\caption{Theory defining proof functions for complex types}