changeset 30184 37969710e61f
parent 30183 048fd5b942ae
child 30185 6889bfc03804
--- a/doc-src/Ref/goals.tex	Sun Mar 01 12:37:59 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,722 +0,0 @@
-%% $Id$
-\chapter{Proof Management: The Subgoal Module}
-\index{subgoal module|(}
-\index{reading!goals|see{proofs, starting}}
-The subgoal module stores the current proof state\index{proof state} and
-many previous states; commands can produce new states or return to previous
-ones.  The {\em state list\/} at level $n$ is a list of pairs
-\[ [(\psi@n,\Psi@n),\; (\psi@{n-1},\Psi@{n-1}),\; \ldots,\; (\psi@0,[])] \]
-where $\psi@n$ is the current proof state, $\psi@{n-1}$ is the previous
-one, \ldots, and $\psi@0$ is the initial proof state.  The $\Psi@i$ are
-sequences (lazy lists) of proof states, storing branch points where a
-tactic returned a list longer than one.  The state lists permit various
-forms of backtracking.
-Chopping elements from the state list reverts to previous proof states.
-Besides this, the \ttindex{undo} command keeps a list of state lists.  The
-module actually maintains a stack of state lists, to support several
-proofs at the same time.
-The subgoal module always contains some proof state.  At the start of the
-Isabelle session, this state consists of a dummy formula.
-\section{Basic commands}
-Most proofs begin with \texttt{Goal} or \texttt{Goalw} and require no other
-commands than \texttt{by}, \texttt{chop} and \texttt{undo}.  They typically end
-with a call to \texttt{qed}.
-\subsection{Starting a backward proof}
-Goal        :                       string -> thm list
-Goalw       :           thm list -> string -> thm list
-goal        : theory ->             string -> thm list 
-goalw       : theory -> thm list -> string -> thm list 
-goalw_cterm :           thm list -> cterm  -> thm list 
-premises    : unit -> thm list
-The goal commands start a new proof by setting the goal.  They replace
-the current state list by a new one consisting of the initial proof
-state.  They also empty the \ttindex{undo} list; this command cannot
-be undone!
-They all return a list of meta-hypotheses taken from the main goal.  If
-this list is non-empty, bind its value to an \ML{} identifier by typing
-something like
-val prems = goal{\it theory\/ formula};
-\end{ttbox}\index{assumptions!of main goal}
-These assumptions typically serve as the premises when you are
-deriving a rule.  They are also stored internally and can be retrieved
-later by the function \texttt{premises}.  When the proof is finished,
-\texttt{qed} compares the stored assumptions with the actual
-assumptions in the proof state.
-The capital versions of \texttt{Goal} are the basic user level
-commands and should be preferred over the more primitive lowercase
-\texttt{goal} commands.  Apart from taking the current theory context
-as implicit argument, the former ones try to be smart in handling
-meta-hypotheses when deriving rules.  Thus \texttt{prems} have to be
-seldom bound explicitly, the effect is as if \texttt{cut_facts_tac}
-had been called automatically.
-Some of the commands unfold definitions using meta-rewrite rules.  This
-expansion affects both the initial subgoal and the premises, which would
-otherwise require use of \texttt{rewrite_goals_tac} and
-\item[\ttindexbold{Goal} {\it formula};] begins a new proof, where
-  {\it formula\/} is written as an \ML\ string.
-\item[\ttindexbold{Goalw} {\it defs} {\it formula};] is like
-  \texttt{Goal} but also applies the list of {\it defs\/} as
-  meta-rewrite rules to the first subgoal and the premises.
-  \index{meta-rewriting}
-\item[\ttindexbold{goal} {\it theory} {\it formula};] 
-begins a new proof, where {\it theory} is usually an \ML\ identifier
-and the {\it formula\/} is written as an \ML\ string.
-\item[\ttindexbold{goalw} {\it theory} {\it defs} {\it formula};] 
-is like \texttt{goal} but also applies the list of {\it defs\/} as
-meta-rewrite rules to the first subgoal and the premises.
-\item[\ttindexbold{goalw_cterm} {\it defs} {\it ct};] is
-  a version of \texttt{goalw} intended for programming.  The main
-  goal is supplied as a cterm, not as a string.  See also
-  \texttt{prove_goalw_cterm}, \S\ref{sec:executing-batch}. 
-returns the list of meta-hypotheses associated with the current proof (in
-case you forgot to bind them to an \ML{} identifier).
-\subsection{Applying a tactic}
-\index{tactics!commands for applying}
-by   : tactic -> unit
-byev : tactic list -> unit
-These commands extend the state list.  They apply a tactic to the current
-proof state.  If the tactic succeeds, it returns a non-empty sequence of
-next states.  The head of the sequence becomes the next state, while the
-tail is retained for backtracking (see~\texttt{back}).
-\begin{ttdescription} \item[\ttindexbold{by} {\it tactic};] 
-applies the {\it tactic\/} to the proof state.
-\item[\ttindexbold{byev} {\it tactics};] 
-applies the list of {\it tactics}, one at a time.  It is useful for testing
-calls to \texttt{prove_goal}, and abbreviates \texttt{by (EVERY {\it
-\noindent{\it Error indications:}\nobreak
-\item {\footnotesize\tt "by:\ tactic failed"} means that the tactic
-  returned an empty sequence when applied to the current proof state.
-\item {\footnotesize\tt "Warning:\ same as previous level"} means that the
-  new proof state is identical to the previous state.
-\item{\footnotesize\tt "Warning:\ signature of proof state has changed"}
-  means that some rule was applied whose theory is outside the theory of
-  the initial proof state.  This could signify a mistake such as expressing
-  the goal in intuitionistic logic and proving it using classical logic.
-\subsection{Extracting and storing the proved theorem}
-\index{theorems!extracting proved}
-qed        : string -> unit
-no_qed     : unit -> unit
-result     : unit -> thm
-uresult    : unit -> thm
-bind_thm   : string * thm -> unit
-bind_thms  : string * thm list -> unit
-store_thm  : string * thm -> thm
-store_thms : string * thm list -> thm list
-\item[\ttindexbold{qed} $name$;] is the usual way of ending a proof.
-  It combines \texttt{result} and \texttt{bind_thm}: it gets the theorem
-  using \texttt{result()} and stores it the theorem database associated
-  with its theory.  See below for details.
-\item[\ttindexbold{no_qed}();] indicates that the proof is not concluded by a
-  proper \texttt{qed} command.  This is a do-nothing operation, it merely
-  helps user interfaces such as Proof~General \cite{proofgeneral} to figure
-  out the structure of the {\ML} text.
-\item[\ttindexbold{result}()]\index{assumptions!of main goal}
-  returns the final theorem, after converting the free variables to
-  schematics.  It discharges the assumptions supplied to the matching 
-  \texttt{goal} command.  
-  It raises an exception unless the proof state passes certain checks.  There
-  must be no assumptions other than those supplied to \texttt{goal}.  There
-  must be no subgoals.  The theorem proved must be a (first-order) instance
-  of the original goal, as stated in the \texttt{goal} command.  This allows
-  {\bf answer extraction} --- instantiation of variables --- but no other
-  changes to the main goal.  The theorem proved must have the same signature
-  as the initial proof state.
-  These checks are needed because an Isabelle tactic can return any proof
-  state at all.
-\item[\ttindexbold{uresult}()] is like \texttt{result()} but omits the checks.
-  It is needed when the initial goal contains function unknowns, when
-  definitions are unfolded in the main goal (by calling
-  \ttindex{rewrite_tac}),\index{definitions!unfolding} or when
-  \ttindex{assume_ax} has been used.
-\item[\ttindexbold{bind_thm} ($name$, $thm$);]\index{theorems!storing}
-  stores \texttt{standard $thm$} (see \S\ref{MiscellaneousForwardRules})
-  in the theorem database associated with its theory and in the {\ML}
-  variable $name$.  The theorem can be retrieved from the database
-  using \texttt{get_thm} (see \S\ref{BasicOperationsOnTheories}).
-\item[\ttindexbold{store_thm} ($name$, $thm$)]\index{theorems!storing}
-  stores $thm$ in the theorem database associated with its theory and
-  returns that theorem.
-\item[\ttindexbold{bind_thms} \textrm{and} \ttindexbold{store_thms}] are similar to
-  \texttt{bind_thm} and \texttt{store_thm}, but store lists of theorems.
-The name argument of \texttt{qed}, \texttt{bind_thm} etc.\ may be the empty
-string as well; in that case the result is \emph{not} stored, but proper
-checks and presentation of the result still apply.
-\subsection{Extracting axioms and stored theorems}
-\index{theories!axioms of}\index{axioms!extracting}
-\index{theories!theorems of}\index{theorems!extracting}
-thm       : xstring -> thm
-thms      : xstring -> thm list
-get_axiom : theory -> xstring -> thm
-get_thm   : theory -> xstring -> thm
-get_thms  : theory -> xstring -> thm list
-axioms_of : theory -> (string * thm) list
-thms_of   : theory -> (string * thm) list
-assume_ax : theory -> string -> thm
-\item[\ttindexbold{thm} $name$] is the basic user function for
-  extracting stored theorems from the current theory context.
-\item[\ttindexbold{thms} $name$] is like \texttt{thm}, but returns a
-  whole list associated with $name$ rather than a single theorem.
-  Typically this will be collections stored by packages, e.g.\ 
-  \verb|list.simps|.
-\item[\ttindexbold{get_axiom} $thy$ $name$] returns an axiom with the
-  given $name$ from $thy$ or any of its ancestors, raising exception
-  \xdx{THEORY} if none exists.  Merging theories can cause several
-  axioms to have the same name; {\tt get_axiom} returns an arbitrary
-  one.  Usually, axioms are also stored as theorems and may be
-  retrieved via \texttt{get_thm} as well.
-\item[\ttindexbold{get_thm} $thy$ $name$] is analogous to {\tt
-    get_axiom}, but looks for a theorem stored in the theory's
-  database.  Like {\tt get_axiom} it searches all parents of a theory
-  if the theorem is not found directly in $thy$.
-\item[\ttindexbold{get_thms} $thy$ $name$] is like \texttt{get_thm}
-  for retrieving theorem lists stored within the theory.  It returns a
-  singleton list if $name$ actually refers to a theorem rather than a
-  theorem list.
-\item[\ttindexbold{axioms_of} $thy$] returns the axioms of this theory
-  node, not including the ones of its ancestors.
-\item[\ttindexbold{thms_of} $thy$] returns all theorems stored within
-  the database of this theory node, not including the ones of its
-  ancestors.
-\item[\ttindexbold{assume_ax} $thy$ $formula$] reads the {\it formula}
-  using the syntax of $thy$, following the same conventions as axioms
-  in a theory definition.  You can thus pretend that {\it formula} is
-  an axiom and use the resulting theorem like an axiom.  Actually {\tt
-    assume_ax} returns an assumption; \ttindex{qed} and
-  \ttindex{result} complain about additional assumptions, but
-  \ttindex{uresult} does not.
-For example, if {\it formula} is
-\hbox{\tt a=b ==> b=a} then the resulting theorem has the form
-\hbox{\verb'?a=?b ==> ?b=?a  [!!a b. a=b ==> b=a]'}
-\subsection{Retrieving theorems}
-The following functions retrieve theorems (together with their names)
-from the theorem database that is associated with the current proof
-state's theory.  They can only find theorems that have explicitly been
-stored in the database using \ttindex{qed}, \ttindex{bind_thm} or
-related functions.
-findI           :          int -> (string * thm) list
-findE           :   int -> int -> (string * thm) list
-findEs          :          int -> (string * thm) list
-thms_containing : xstring list -> (string * thm) list
-\item[\ttindexbold{findI} $i$]\index{assumptions!of main goal}
-  returns all ``introduction rules'' applicable to subgoal $i$ --- all
-  theorems whose conclusion matches (rather than unifies with) subgoal
-  $i$.  Useful in connection with \texttt{resolve_tac}.
-\item[\ttindexbold{findE} $n$ $i$] returns all ``elimination rules''
-  applicable to premise $n$ of subgoal $i$ --- all those theorems whose
-  first premise matches premise $n$ of subgoal $i$.  Useful in connection with
-  \texttt{eresolve_tac} and \texttt{dresolve_tac}.
-\item[\ttindexbold{findEs} $i$] returns all ``elimination rules'' applicable
-  to subgoal $i$ --- all those theorems whose first premise matches some
-  premise of subgoal $i$.  Useful in connection with \texttt{eresolve_tac} and
-  \texttt{dresolve_tac}.
-\item[\ttindexbold{thms_containing} $consts$] returns all theorems that
-  contain \emph{all} of the given constants.
-\subsection{Undoing and backtracking}
-chop    : unit -> unit
-choplev : int -> unit
-back    : unit -> unit
-undo    : unit -> unit
-deletes the top level of the state list, cancelling the last \ttindex{by}
-command.  It provides a limited undo facility, and the \texttt{undo} command
-can cancel it.
-\item[\ttindexbold{choplev} {\it n};] 
-truncates the state list to level~{\it n}, if $n\geq0$.  A negative value
-of~$n$ refers to the $n$th previous level: 
-\hbox{\verb|choplev ~1|} has the same effect as \texttt{chop}.
-searches the state list for a non-empty branch point, starting from the top
-level.  The first one found becomes the current proof state --- the most
-recent alternative branch is taken.  This is a form of interactive
-cancels the most recent change to the proof state by the commands \ttindex{by},
-\texttt{chop}, \texttt{choplev}, and~\texttt{back}.  It {\bf cannot}
-cancel \texttt{goal} or \texttt{undo} itself.  It can be repeated to
-cancel a series of commands.
-\noindent{\it Error indications for {\tt back}:}\par\nobreak
-\item{\footnotesize\tt"Warning:\ same as previous choice at this level"}
-  means \texttt{back} found a non-empty branch point, but that it contained
-  the same proof state as the current one.
-\item{\footnotesize\tt "Warning:\ signature of proof state has changed"}
-  means the signature of the alternative proof state differs from that of
-  the current state.
-\item {\footnotesize\tt "back:\ no alternatives"} means \texttt{back} could
-  find no alternative proof state.
-\subsection{Printing the proof state}\label{sec:goals-printing}
-\index{proof state!printing of}
-pr    : unit -> unit
-prlev : int -> unit
-prlim : int -> unit
-goals_limit: int ref \hfill{\bf initially 10}
-See also the printing control options described 
-prints the current proof state.
-\item[\ttindexbold{prlev} {\it n};] 
-prints the proof state at level {\it n}, if $n\geq0$.  A negative value
-of~$n$ refers to the $n$th previous level.  This command allows
-you to review earlier stages of the proof.
-\item[\ttindexbold{prlim} {\it k};] 
-prints the current proof state, limiting the number of subgoals to~$k$.  It
-updates \texttt{goals_limit} (see below) and is helpful when there are many
-\item[\ttindexbold{goals_limit} := {\it k};] 
-specifies~$k$ as the maximum number of subgoals to print.
-\index{timing statistics}\index{proofs!timing}
-timing: bool ref \hfill{\bf initially false}
-\item[set \ttindexbold{timing};] enables global timing in Isabelle.  In
-  particular, this makes the \ttindex{by} and \ttindex{prove_goal} commands
-  display how much processor time was spent.  This information is
-  compiler-dependent.
-\section{Shortcuts for applying tactics}
-\index{shortcuts!for \texttt{by} commands}
-These commands call \ttindex{by} with common tactics.  Their chief purpose
-is to minimise typing, although the scanning shortcuts are useful in their
-own right.  Chapter~\ref{tactics} explains the tactics themselves.
-\subsection{Refining a given subgoal}
-ba  :             int -> unit
-br  : thm      -> int -> unit
-be  : thm      -> int -> unit
-bd  : thm      -> int -> unit
-brs : thm list -> int -> unit
-bes : thm list -> int -> unit
-bds : thm list -> int -> unit
-\item[\ttindexbold{ba} {\it i};] 
-performs \texttt{by (assume_tac {\it i});}
-\item[\ttindexbold{br} {\it thm} {\it i};] 
-performs \texttt{by (resolve_tac [{\it thm}] {\it i});}
-\item[\ttindexbold{be} {\it thm} {\it i};] 
-performs \texttt{by (eresolve_tac [{\it thm}] {\it i});}
-\item[\ttindexbold{bd} {\it thm} {\it i};] 
-performs \texttt{by (dresolve_tac [{\it thm}] {\it i});}
-\item[\ttindexbold{brs} {\it thms} {\it i};] 
-performs \texttt{by (resolve_tac {\it thms} {\it i});}
-\item[\ttindexbold{bes} {\it thms} {\it i};] 
-performs \texttt{by (eresolve_tac {\it thms} {\it i});}
-\item[\ttindexbold{bds} {\it thms} {\it i};] 
-performs \texttt{by (dresolve_tac {\it thms} {\it i});}
-\subsection{Scanning shortcuts}
-These shortcuts scan for a suitable subgoal (starting from subgoal~1).
-They refine the first subgoal for which the tactic succeeds.  Thus, they
-require less typing than \texttt{br}, etc.  They display the selected
-subgoal's number; please watch this, for it may not be what you expect!
-fa  : unit     -> unit
-fr  : thm      -> unit
-fe  : thm      -> unit
-fd  : thm      -> unit
-frs : thm list -> unit
-fes : thm list -> unit
-fds : thm list -> unit
-solves some subgoal by assumption.
-\item[\ttindexbold{fr} {\it thm};] 
-refines some subgoal using \texttt{resolve_tac [{\it thm}]}
-\item[\ttindexbold{fe} {\it thm};] 
-refines some subgoal using \texttt{eresolve_tac [{\it thm}]}
-\item[\ttindexbold{fd} {\it thm};] 
-refines some subgoal using \texttt{dresolve_tac [{\it thm}]}
-\item[\ttindexbold{frs} {\it thms};] 
-refines some subgoal using \texttt{resolve_tac {\it thms}}
-\item[\ttindexbold{fes} {\it thms};] 
-refines some subgoal using \texttt{eresolve_tac {\it thms}} 
-\item[\ttindexbold{fds} {\it thms};] 
-refines some subgoal using \texttt{dresolve_tac {\it thms}} 
-\subsection{Other shortcuts}
-bw  : thm -> unit
-bws : thm list -> unit
-ren : string -> int -> unit
-\item[\ttindexbold{bw} {\it def};] performs \texttt{by
-    (rewrite_goals_tac [{\it def}]);} It unfolds definitions in the
-  subgoals (but not the main goal), by meta-rewriting with the given
-  definition (see also \S\ref{sec:rewrite_goals}).
-  \index{meta-rewriting}
-is like \texttt{bw} but takes a list of definitions.
-\item[\ttindexbold{ren} {\it names} {\it i};] 
-performs \texttt{by (rename_tac {\it names} {\it i});} it renames
-parameters in subgoal~$i$.  (Ignore the message {\footnotesize\tt Warning:\
-  same as previous level}.)
-\section{Executing batch proofs}\label{sec:executing-batch}
-\index{batch execution}%
-To save space below, let type \texttt{tacfn} abbreviate \texttt{thm list ->
-  tactic list}, which is the type of a tactical proof.
-prove_goal :           theory ->             string -> tacfn -> thm
-qed_goal   : string -> theory ->             string -> tacfn -> unit
-prove_goalw:           theory -> thm list -> string -> tacfn -> thm
-qed_goalw  : string -> theory -> thm list -> string -> tacfn -> unit
-prove_goalw_cterm:               thm list -> cterm  -> tacfn -> thm
-These batch functions create an initial proof state, then apply a tactic to
-it, yielding a sequence of final proof states.  The head of the sequence is
-returned, provided it is an instance of the theorem originally proposed.
-The forms \texttt{prove_goal}, \texttt{prove_goalw} and
-\texttt{prove_goalw_cterm} are analogous to \texttt{goal}, \texttt{goalw} and
-The tactic is specified by a function from theorem lists to tactic lists.
-The function is applied to the list of meta-assumptions taken from
-the main goal.  The resulting tactics are applied in sequence (using {\tt
-  EVERY}).  For example, a proof consisting of the commands
-val prems = goal {\it theory} {\it formula};
-by \(tac@1\);  \ldots  by \(tac@n\);
-qed "my_thm";
-can be transformed to an expression as follows:
-qed_goal "my_thm" {\it theory} {\it formula}
- (fn prems=> [ \(tac@1\), \ldots, \(tac@n\) ]);
-The methods perform identical processing of the initial {\it formula} and
-the final proof state.  But \texttt{prove_goal} executes the tactic as a
-atomic operation, bypassing the subgoal module; the current interactive
-proof is unaffected.
-\item[\ttindexbold{prove_goal} {\it theory} {\it formula} {\it tacsf};] 
-executes a proof of the {\it formula\/} in the given {\it theory}, using
-the given tactic function.
-\item[\ttindexbold{qed_goal} $name$ $theory$ $formula$ $tacsf$;] acts
-  like \texttt{prove_goal} but it also stores the resulting theorem in the
-  theorem database associated with its theory and in the {\ML}
-  variable $name$ (see \S\ref{ExtractingAndStoringTheProvedTheorem}).
-\item[\ttindexbold{prove_goalw} {\it theory} {\it defs} {\it formula} 
-      {\it tacsf};]\index{meta-rewriting}
-is like \texttt{prove_goal} but also applies the list of {\it defs\/} as
-meta-rewrite rules to the first subgoal and the premises.
-\item[\ttindexbold{qed_goalw} $name$ $theory$ $defs$ $formula$ $tacsf$;]
-is analogous to \texttt{qed_goal}.
-\item[\ttindexbold{prove_goalw_cterm} {\it defs} {\it ct}
-      {\it tacsf};] 
-is a version of \texttt{prove_goalw} intended for programming.  The main
-goal is supplied as a cterm, not as a string.  A cterm carries a theory with
-      it, and can be created from a term~$t$ by
-cterm_of (sign_of thy) \(t\)        
-  \index{*cterm_of}\index{*sign_of}
-\section{Internal proofs}
-Tactic.prove: -> string list -> term list -> term ->
-  (thm list -> tactic) -> thm
-Tactic.prove_standard: -> string list -> term list -> term ->
-  (thm list -> tactic) -> thm
-These functions provide a clean internal interface for programmed proofs.  The
-special overhead of top-level statements (cf.\ \verb,prove_goalw_cterm,) is
-omitted.  Statements may be established within a local contexts of fixed
-variables and assumptions, which are the only hypotheses to be discharged in
-the result.
-\item[\ttindexbold{Tactic.prove}~$sg~xs~As~C~tacf$] establishes the result
-  $\Forall xs. As \Imp C$ via the given tactic (which is a function taking the
-  assumptions as local premises).
-\item[\ttindexbold{Tactic.prove_standard}] is simular to \verb,Tactic.prove,,
-  but performs the \verb,standard, operation on the result, essentially
-  turning it into a top-level statement.  Never do this for local proofs
-  within other proof tools!
-\section{Managing multiple proofs}
-\index{proofs!managing multiple}
-You may save the current state of the subgoal module and resume work on it
-later.  This serves two purposes.  
-\item At some point, you may be uncertain of the next step, and
-wish to experiment.
-\item During a proof, you may see that a lemma should be proved first.
-Each saved proof state consists of a list of levels; \ttindex{chop} behaves
-independently for each of the saved proofs.  In addition, each saved state
-carries a separate \ttindex{undo} list.
-\subsection{The stack of proof states}
-push_proof   : unit -> unit
-pop_proof    : unit -> thm list
-rotate_proof : unit -> thm list
-The subgoal module maintains a stack of proof states.  Most subgoal
-commands affect only the top of the stack.  The \ttindex{Goal} command {\em
-replaces\/} the top of the stack; the only command that pushes a proof on the
-stack is \texttt{push_proof}.
-To save some point of the proof, call \texttt{push_proof}.  You may now
-state a lemma using \texttt{goal}, or simply continue to apply tactics.
-Later, you can return to the saved point by calling \texttt{pop_proof} or 
-To view the entire stack, call \texttt{rotate_proof} repeatedly; as it rotates
-the stack, it prints the new top element.
-duplicates the top element of the stack, pushing a copy of the current
-proof state on to the stack.
-discards the top element of the stack.  It returns the list of
-assumptions associated with the new proof;  you should bind these to an
-\ML\ identifier.  They can also be obtained by calling \ttindex{premises}.
-\index{assumptions!of main goal}
-rotates the stack, moving the top element to the bottom.  It returns the
-list of assumptions associated with the new proof.
-\subsection{Saving and restoring proof states}
-\index{proofs!saving and restoring}
-save_proof    : unit -> proof
-restore_proof : proof -> thm list
-States of the subgoal module may be saved as \ML\ values of
-type~\mltydx{proof}, and later restored.
-returns the current state, which is on top of the stack.
-\item[\ttindexbold{restore_proof} {\it prf};]\index{assumptions!of main goal}
-  replaces the top of the stack by~{\it prf}.  It returns the list of
-  assumptions associated with the new proof.
-\section{*Debugging and inspecting}
-These functions can be useful when you are debugging a tactic.  They refer
-to the current proof state stored in the subgoal module.  A tactic
-should never call them; it should operate on the proof state supplied as its
-\subsection{Reading and printing terms}
-\index{terms!reading of}\index{terms!printing of}\index{types!printing of}
-read    : string -> term
-prin    : term -> unit
-printyp : typ -> unit
-These read and print terms (or types) using the syntax associated with the
-proof state.
-\item[\ttindexbold{read} {\it string}]  
-reads the {\it string} as a term, without type-checking.
-\item[\ttindexbold{prin} {\it t};]  
-prints the term~$t$ at the terminal.
-\item[\ttindexbold{printyp} {\it T};]  
-prints the type~$T$ at the terminal.
-\subsection{Inspecting the proof state}
-\index{proofs!inspecting the state}
-topthm  : unit -> thm
-getgoal : int -> term
-gethyps : int -> thm list
-returns the proof state as an Isabelle theorem.  This is what \ttindex{by}
-would supply to a tactic at this point.  It omits the post-processing of
-\ttindex{result} and \ttindex{uresult}.
-\item[\ttindexbold{getgoal} {\it i}]  
-returns subgoal~$i$ of the proof state, as a term.  You may print
-this using \texttt{prin}, though you may have to examine the internal
-data structure in order to locate the problem!
-\item[\ttindexbold{gethyps} {\it i}]
-  returns the hypotheses of subgoal~$i$ as meta-level assumptions.  In
-  these theorems, the subgoal's parameters become free variables.  This
-  command is supplied for debugging uses of \ttindex{METAHYPS}.
-\subsection{Filtering lists of rules}
-filter_goal: (term*term->bool) -> thm list -> int -> thm list
-\item[\ttindexbold{filter_goal} {\it could} {\it ths} {\it i}] 
-applies \texttt{filter_thms {\it could}} to subgoal~$i$ of the proof
-state and returns the list of theorems that survive the filtering. 
-\index{subgoal module|)}
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