changeset 298 3a0485439396
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOLCF/dlist.thy	Thu Mar 24 13:43:45 1994 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+(*  Title: 	HOLCF/dlist.thy
+    Author: 	Franz Regensburger
+    ID:         $ $
+    Copyright   1994 Technische Universitaet Muenchen
+Theory for lists
+Dlist = Stream2 +
+types dlist 1
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* arity axiom is validated by semantic reasoning                          *)
+(* partial ordering is implicit in the isomorphism axioms and their cont.  *)
+arities dlist::(pcpo)pcpo
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* essential constants                                                     *)
+dlist_rep	:: "('a dlist) -> (one ++ 'a ** 'a dlist)"
+dlist_abs	:: "(one ++ 'a ** 'a dlist) -> ('a dlist)"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* abstract constants and auxiliary constants                              *)
+dlist_copy	:: "('a dlist -> 'a dlist) ->'a dlist -> 'a dlist"
+dnil            :: "'a dlist"
+dcons		:: "'a -> 'a dlist -> 'a dlist"
+dlist_when	:: " 'b -> ('a -> 'a dlist -> 'b) -> 'a dlist -> 'b"
+is_dnil    	:: "'a dlist -> tr"
+is_dcons	:: "'a dlist -> tr"
+dhd		:: "'a dlist -> 'a"
+dtl		:: "'a dlist -> 'a dlist"
+dlist_take	:: "nat => 'a dlist -> 'a dlist"
+dlist_finite	:: "'a dlist => bool"
+dlist_bisim	:: "('a dlist => 'a dlist => bool) => bool"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* axiomatization of recursive type 'a dlist                               *)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ('a dlist,dlist_abs) is the initial F-algebra where                     *)
+(* F is the locally continuous functor determined by domain equation       *)
+(* X = one ++ 'a ** X                                                      *)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* dlist_abs is an isomorphism with inverse dlist_rep                      *)
+(* identity is the least endomorphism on 'a dlist                          *)
+dlist_abs_iso	"dlist_rep[dlist_abs[x]] = x"
+dlist_rep_iso	"dlist_abs[dlist_rep[x]] = x"
+dlist_copy_def	"dlist_copy == (LAM f. dlist_abs oo \
+\ 		(when[sinl][sinr oo (ssplit[LAM x y. x ## f[y]])])\
+\                                oo dlist_rep)"
+dlist_reach	"(fix[dlist_copy])[x]=x"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* properties of additional constants                                      *)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* constructors                                                            *)
+dnil_def	"dnil  == dlist_abs[sinl[one]]"
+dcons_def	"dcons == (LAM x l. dlist_abs[sinr[x##l]])"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* discriminator functional                                                *)
+"dlist_when == (LAM f1 f2 l.\
+\   when[LAM x.f1][ssplit[LAM x l.f2[x][l]]][dlist_rep[l]])"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* discriminators and selectors                                            *)
+is_dnil_def	"is_dnil  == dlist_when[TT][LAM x l.FF]"
+is_dcons_def	"is_dcons == dlist_when[FF][LAM x l.TT]"
+dhd_def		"dhd == dlist_when[UU][LAM x l.x]"
+dtl_def		"dtl == dlist_when[UU][LAM x l.l]"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* the taker for dlists                                                   *)
+dlist_take_def "dlist_take == (%n.iterate(n,dlist_copy,UU))"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+dlist_finite_def	"dlist_finite == (%s.? n.dlist_take(n)[s]=s)"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* definition of bisimulation is determined by domain equation             *)
+(* simplification and rewriting for abstract constants yields def below    *)
+dlist_bisim_def "dlist_bisim ==\
+\ ( %R.!l1 l2.\
+\ 	R(l1,l2) -->\
+\  ((l1=UU & l2=UU) |\
+\   (l1=dnil & l2=dnil) |\
+\   (? x l11 l21. x~=UU & l11~=UU & l21~=UU & \
+\               l1=dcons[x][l11] & l2 = dcons[x][l21] & R(l11,l21))))"