changeset 20270 3abe7dae681e
child 20289 ba7a7c56bed5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/function_package/pattern_split.ML	Mon Jul 31 18:07:42 2006 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/function_package/fundef_package.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
+A package for general recursive function definitions. 
+Automatic splitting of overlapping constructor patterns. This is a preprocessing step which 
+turns a specification with overlaps into an overlap-free specification.
+signature FUNDEF_SPLIT = 
+  val split_some_equations : ProofContext.context -> (('a * ('b * bool)) * Term.term) list 
+                             -> (('a * 'b) * Term.term list) list
+structure FundefSplit : FUNDEF_SPLIT = 
+(* We use proof context for the variable management *)
+(* FIXME: no __ *)
+fun new_var ctx vs T = 
+    let 
+      val [v] = Variable.variant_frees ctx vs [("v", T)]
+    in
+      (Free v :: vs, Free v)
+    end
+fun saturate ctx vs t =
+    fold (fn T => fn (vs, t) => new_var ctx vs T |> apsnd (curry op $ t))
+         (binder_types (fastype_of t)) (vs, t)
+(* This is copied from "fundef_datatype.ML" *)
+fun inst_constrs_of thy (T as Type (name, _)) =
+	map (fn (Cn,CT) => Envir.subst_TVars (Type.typ_match (Sign.tsig_of thy) (body_type CT, T) Vartab.empty) (Const (Cn, CT)))
+	    (the (DatatypePackage.get_datatype_constrs thy name))
+  | inst_constrs_of thy t = (print t; sys_error "inst_constrs_of")
+fun pattern_subtract_subst ctx vs _ (Free v2) = []
+  | pattern_subtract_subst ctx vs (v as (Free (_, T))) t' =
+    let 
+      fun foo constr = 
+          let 
+            val (vs', t) = saturate ctx vs constr
+            val substs = pattern_subtract_subst ctx vs' t t'
+          in
+            map (cons (v, t)) substs
+          end
+    in
+      flat (map foo (inst_constrs_of (ProofContext.theory_of ctx) T))
+    end
+  | pattern_subtract_subst ctx vs t t' =
+    let
+      val (C, ps) = strip_comb t
+      val (C', qs) = strip_comb t'
+    in
+      if C = C'
+      then flat (map2 (pattern_subtract_subst ctx vs) ps qs)
+      else [[]]
+    end
+fun pattern_subtract_parallel ctx vs ps qs =
+    flat (map2 (pattern_subtract_subst ctx vs) ps qs)
+(* ps - qs *)
+fun pattern_subtract ctx eq2 eq1 =
+    let
+      val _ $ (_ $ lhs1 $ _) = eq1
+      val _ $ (_ $ lhs2 $ _) = eq2
+      val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctx
+      val vs = term_frees eq1
+    in
+      map (fn sigma => Pattern.rewrite_term thy sigma [] eq1) (pattern_subtract_subst ctx vs lhs1 lhs2)
+    end
+(* ps - p' *)
+fun pattern_subtract_from_many ctx p'=
+    flat o map (pattern_subtract ctx p')
+(* in reverse order *)
+fun pattern_subtract_many ctx ps' =
+    fold_rev (pattern_subtract_from_many ctx) ps'
+fun split_all_equations ctx eqns =
+    let 
+      fun split_aux prev [] = []
+        | split_aux prev (e::es) = pattern_subtract_many ctx prev [e] @ split_aux (e::prev) es
+    in
+      split_aux [] eqns
+fun split_some_equations ctx eqns =
+    let
+      fun split_aux prevs [] = []
+        | split_aux prev (((n, (att, true)), eq) :: es) = ((n, att), pattern_subtract_many ctx prev [eq])
+                                                          :: split_aux (eq :: prev) es
+        | split_aux prev (((n, (att, false)), eq) :: es) = ((n, att), [eq]) 
+                                                                :: split_aux (eq :: prev) es
+    in
+      split_aux [] eqns
+    end