changeset 34965 3b4762c1052c
child 34974 18b41bba42b5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Mutabelle/mutabelle_extra.ML	Mon Jan 25 16:19:42 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+    Title:      HOL/Mutabelle/mutabelle_extra.ML
+    Author:     Stefan Berghofer, Jasmin Blanchette, Lukas Bulwahn, TU Muenchen
+    Invokation of Counterexample generators
+signature MUTABELLE_EXTRA =
+val take_random : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
+datatype outcome = GenuineCex | PotentialCex | NoCex | Donno | Timeout | Error
+type mtd = string * (theory -> term -> outcome)
+type mutant_subentry = term * (string * outcome) list
+type detailed_entry = string * bool * term * mutant_subentry list
+type subentry = string * int * int * int * int * int * int
+type entry = string * bool * subentry list
+type report = entry list
+val quickcheck_mtd : string -> mtd
+val refute_mtd : mtd
+val nitpick_mtd : mtd
+val freezeT : term -> term
+val thms_of : bool -> theory -> thm list
+val string_for_report : report -> string
+val write_report : string -> report -> unit
+val mutate_theorems_and_write_report :
+  theory -> mtd list -> thm list -> string -> unit
+val random_seed : real Unsynchronized.ref
+structure MutabelleExtra : MUTABELLE_EXTRA =
+(* Own seed; can't rely on the Isabelle one to stay the same *)
+val random_seed = Unsynchronized.ref 1.0;
+(* mutation options *)
+val max_mutants = 4
+val num_mutations = 1
+(* soundness check: *)
+val max_mutants = 1
+val num_mutations = 0
+(* quickcheck options *)
+(*val quickcheck_generator = "SML"*)
+val iterations = 100
+val size = 5
+exception RANDOM;
+fun rmod x y = x - y * Real.realFloor (x / y);
+  val a = 16807.0;
+  val m = 2147483647.0;
+fun random () = CRITICAL (fn () =>
+  let val r = rmod (a * ! random_seed) m
+  in (random_seed := r; r) end);
+fun random_range l h =
+  if h < l orelse l < 0 then raise RANDOM
+  else l + Real.floor (rmod (random ()) (real (h - l + 1)));
+datatype outcome = GenuineCex | PotentialCex | NoCex | Donno | Timeout | Error
+type mtd = string * (theory -> term -> outcome)
+type mutant_subentry = term * (string * outcome) list
+type detailed_entry = string * bool * term * mutant_subentry list
+type subentry = string * int * int * int * int * int * int
+type entry = string * bool * subentry list
+type report = entry list
+fun inst_type insts (Type (s, Ts)) = Type (s, map (inst_type insts) Ts)
+  | inst_type insts T = the_default HOLogic.intT (AList.lookup op = insts T)
+fun preprocess thy insts t = ObjectLogic.atomize_term thy
+ (map_types (inst_type insts) (Mutabelle.freeze t));
+fun invoke_quickcheck quickcheck_generator thy t =
+  TimeLimit.timeLimit (Time.fromSeconds (! Auto_Counterexample.time_limit))
+      (fn _ =>
+          case Quickcheck.test_term (ProofContext.init thy) false (SOME quickcheck_generator)
+                                    size iterations (preprocess thy [] t) of
+            NONE => NoCex
+          | SOME _ => GenuineCex) ()
+  handle TimeLimit.TimeOut => Timeout
+fun quickcheck_mtd quickcheck_generator =
+  ("quickcheck_" ^ quickcheck_generator, invoke_quickcheck quickcheck_generator)
+  (*
+fun invoke_refute thy t =
+  let
+    val res = MyRefute.refute_term thy [] t
+    val _ = priority ("Refute: " ^ res)
+  in
+    case res of
+      "genuine" => GenuineCex
+    | "likely_genuine" => GenuineCex
+    | "potential" => PotentialCex
+    | "none" => NoCex
+    | "unknown" => Donno
+    | _ => Error
+  end
+  handle MyRefute.REFUTE (loc, details) =>
+         (error ("Unhandled Refute error (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^ details ^
+                   "."))
+val refute_mtd = ("refute", invoke_refute)
+open Nitpick_Util
+open Nitpick_Rep
+open Nitpick_Nut
+fun invoke_nitpick thy t =
+  let
+    val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy
+    val state = Proof.init ctxt
+  in
+    let
+      val (res, _) = Nitpick.pick_nits_in_term state (Nitpick_Isar.default_params thy []) false [] t
+      val _ = priority ("Nitpick: " ^ res)
+    in
+      case res of
+        "genuine" => GenuineCex
+      | "likely_genuine" => GenuineCex
+      | "potential" => PotentialCex
+      | "none" => NoCex
+      | "unknown" => Donno
+      | _ => Error
+    end
+    handle ARG (loc, details) =>
+           (error ("Bad argument(s) to " ^ quote loc ^ ": " ^ details ^ "."))
+         | BAD (loc, details) =>
+           (error ("Internal error (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^ details ^ "."))
+         | LIMIT (_, details) =>
+           (warning ("Limit reached: " ^ details ^ "."); Donno)
+         | NOT_SUPPORTED details =>
+           (warning ("Unsupported case: " ^ details ^ "."); Donno)
+         | NUT (loc, us) =>
+           (error ("Invalid nut" ^ plural_s_for_list us ^
+                   " (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^
+                  commas (map (string_for_nut ctxt) us) ^ "."))
+         | REP (loc, Rs) =>
+           (error ("Invalid representation" ^ plural_s_for_list Rs ^
+                   " (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^
+                   commas (map string_for_rep Rs) ^ "."))
+         | TERM (loc, ts) =>
+           (error ("Invalid term" ^ plural_s_for_list ts ^
+                   " (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^
+                   commas (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) ts) ^ "."))
+         | TYPE (loc, Ts, ts) =>
+           (error ("Invalid type" ^ plural_s_for_list Ts ^
+                   (if null ts then
+                      ""
+                    else
+                      " for term" ^ plural_s_for_list ts ^ " " ^
+                      commas (map (quote o Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) ts)) ^
+                   " (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^
+                   commas (map (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt) Ts) ^ "."))
+         | Kodkod.SYNTAX (_, details) =>
+           (warning ("Ill-formed Kodkodi output: " ^ details ^ "."); Error)
+         | Refute.REFUTE (loc, details) =>
+           (error ("Unhandled Refute error (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^ details ^
+                   "."))
+         | Exn.Interrupt => raise Exn.Interrupt
+         | _ => (priority ("Unknown error in Nitpick"); Error)
+  end
+val nitpick_mtd = ("nitpick", invoke_nitpick)
+val comms = [@{const_name "op ="}, @{const_name "op |"}, @{const_name "op &"}]
+val forbidden =
+ [(* (@{const_name "power"}, "'a"), *)
+  ("HOL.induct_equal", "'a"),
+  ("HOL.induct_implies", "'a"),
+  ("HOL.induct_conj", "'a"),
+  (@{const_name "undefined"}, "'a"),
+  (@{const_name "default"}, "'a"),
+  (@{const_name "dummy_pattern"}, "'a::{}") (*,
+  (@{const_name "uminus"}, "'a"),
+  (@{const_name "Nat.size"}, "'a"),
+  (@{const_name "HOL.abs"}, "'a") *)]
+val forbidden_thms =
+ ["finite_intvl_succ_class",
+  "nibble"]
+val forbidden_consts =
+ [@{const_name nibble_pair_of_char}]
+fun is_forbidden_theorem (s, th) =
+  let val consts = Term.add_const_names (prop_of th) [] in
+    exists (fn s' => s' mem space_explode "." s) forbidden_thms orelse
+    exists (fn s' => s' mem forbidden_consts) consts orelse
+    length (space_explode "." s) <> 2 orelse
+    String.isPrefix "type_definition" (List.last (space_explode "." s)) orelse
+    String.isSuffix "_def" s orelse
+    String.isSuffix "_raw" s
+  end
+fun is_forbidden_mutant t =
+  let val consts = Term.add_const_names t [] in
+    exists (String.isPrefix "Nitpick") consts orelse
+    exists (String.isSubstring "_sumC") consts (* internal function *)
+  end
+fun is_executable_term thy t = can (TimeLimit.timeLimit (Time.fromMilliseconds 2000) (Quickcheck.test_term
+ (ProofContext.init thy) false (SOME "SML") 1 0)) (preprocess thy [] t)
+fun is_executable_thm thy th = is_executable_term thy (prop_of th)
+val freezeT =
+  map_types (map_type_tvar (fn ((a, i), S) =>
+    TFree (if i = 0 then a else a ^ "_" ^ string_of_int i, S)))
+fun thms_of all thy =
+  filter
+    (fn th => (all orelse Context.theory_name (theory_of_thm th) = Context.theory_name thy)
+      (* andalso is_executable_thm thy th *))
+    (map snd (filter_out is_forbidden_theorem (Mutabelle.all_unconcealed_thms_of thy)))
+val count = length oo filter o equal
+fun take_random 0 _ = []
+  | take_random _ [] = []
+  | take_random n xs =
+    let val j = random_range 0 (length xs - 1) in
+      Library.nth xs j :: take_random (n - 1) (nth_drop j xs)
+    end
+fun safe_invoke_mtd thy (mtd_name, invoke_mtd) t =
+  let
+    val _ = priority ("Invoking " ^ mtd_name)
+    val res = case try (invoke_mtd thy) t of
+                SOME res => res
+              | NONE => (priority ("**** PROBLEMS WITH " ^
+                                 Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t); Error)
+    val _ = priority (" Done")
+  in res end
+(* theory -> term list -> mtd -> subentry *)
+fun test_mutants_using_one_method thy mutants (mtd_name, invoke_mtd) =
+  let
+     val res = map (safe_invoke_mtd thy (mtd_name, invoke_mtd)) mutants
+  in
+    (mtd_name, count GenuineCex res, count PotentialCex res, count NoCex res,
+     count Donno res, count Timeout res, count Error res)
+  end
+fun create_entry thy thm exec mutants mtds =
+  (Thm.get_name thm, exec, map (test_mutants_using_one_method thy mutants) mtds)
+fun create_detailed_entry thy thm exec mutants mtds =
+  let
+    fun create_mutant_subentry mutant = (mutant,
+      map (fn (mtd_name, invoke_mtd) =>
+        (mtd_name, safe_invoke_mtd thy (mtd_name, invoke_mtd) mutant)) mtds)
+  in
+    (Thm.get_name thm, exec, prop_of thm, map create_mutant_subentry mutants)
+  end
+(* (theory -> thm -> bool -> term list -> mtd list -> 'a) -> theory -> mtd list -> thm -> 'a *)
+fun mutate_theorem create_entry thy mtds thm =
+  let
+    val pp = Syntax.pp_global thy
+    val exec = is_executable_thm thy thm
+    val _ = priority (if exec then "EXEC" else "NOEXEC")
+    val mutants =
+          (if num_mutations = 0 then
+             [Thm.prop_of thm]
+           else
+             Mutabelle.mutate_mix (Thm.prop_of thm) thy comms forbidden
+                                  num_mutations)
+             |> filter_out is_forbidden_mutant
+    val mutants =
+      if exec then
+        let
+          val _ = priority ("BEFORE PARTITION OF " ^
+                            Int.toString (length mutants) ^ " MUTANTS")
+          val (execs, noexecs) = List.partition (is_executable_term thy) (take_random (20 * max_mutants) mutants)
+          val _ = tracing ("AFTER PARTITION (" ^ Int.toString (length execs) ^
+                           " vs " ^ Int.toString (length noexecs) ^ ")")
+        in
+          execs @ take_random (Int.max (0, max_mutants - length execs)) noexecs
+        end
+      else
+        mutants
+    val mutants = mutants
+          |> take_random max_mutants
+          |> map Mutabelle.freeze |> map freezeT
+(*          |> filter (not o is_forbidden_mutant) *)
+          |> List.mapPartial (try (Sign.cert_term thy))
+    val _ = map (fn t => priority ("MUTANT: " ^ Pretty.string_of (Pretty.term pp t))) mutants
+  in
+    create_entry thy thm exec mutants mtds
+  end
+(* theory -> mtd list -> thm list -> report *)
+val mutate_theorems = map ooo mutate_theorem
+fun string_of_outcome GenuineCex = "GenuineCex"
+  | string_of_outcome PotentialCex = "PotentialCex"
+  | string_of_outcome NoCex = "NoCex"
+  | string_of_outcome Donno = "Donno"
+  | string_of_outcome Timeout = "Timeout"
+  | string_of_outcome Error = "Error"
+fun string_of_mutant_subentry thy (t, results) =
+  "mutant: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t ^ "\n" ^
+  space_implode "; " (map (fn (mtd_name, outcome) => mtd_name ^ ": " ^ string_of_outcome outcome) results) ^
+  "\n"
+fun string_of_detailed_entry thy (thm_name, exec, t, mutant_subentries) = 
+   thm_name ^ " " ^ (if exec then "[exe]" else "[noexe]") ^ ": " ^
+   Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t ^ "\n" ^
+   cat_lines (map (string_of_mutant_subentry thy) mutant_subentries) ^ "\n"
+(* subentry -> string *)
+fun string_for_subentry (mtd_name, genuine_cex, potential_cex, no_cex, donno,
+                         timeout, error) =
+  "    " ^ mtd_name ^ ": " ^ Int.toString genuine_cex ^ "+ " ^
+  Int.toString potential_cex ^ "= " ^ Int.toString no_cex ^ "- " ^
+  Int.toString donno ^ "? " ^ Int.toString timeout ^ "T " ^
+  Int.toString error ^ "!"
+(* entry -> string *)
+fun string_for_entry (thm_name, exec, subentries) =
+  thm_name ^ " " ^ (if exec then "[exe]" else "[noexe]") ^ ":\n" ^
+  cat_lines (map string_for_subentry subentries) ^ "\n"
+(* report -> string *)
+fun string_for_report report = cat_lines (map string_for_entry report)
+(* string -> report -> unit *)
+fun write_report file_name =
+  File.write (Path.explode file_name) o string_for_report
+(* theory -> mtd list -> thm list -> string -> unit *)
+fun mutate_theorems_and_write_report thy mtds thms file_name =
+  let
+    val _ = priority "Starting Mutabelle..."
+    val path = Path.explode file_name
+    (* for normal report: *)
+    (*val (gen_create_entry, gen_string_for_entry) = (create_entry, string_for_entry)*)
+    (*for detailled report: *)
+    val (gen_create_entry, gen_string_for_entry) =
+      (create_detailed_entry, string_of_detailed_entry thy)
+  in
+    File.write path (
+    "Mutation options = "  ^
+      "max_mutants: " ^ string_of_int max_mutants ^
+      "; num_mutations: " ^ string_of_int num_mutations ^ "\n" ^
+    "QC options = " ^
+      (*"quickcheck_generator: " ^ quickcheck_generator ^ ";*)
+      "size: " ^ string_of_int size ^
+      "; iterations: " ^ string_of_int iterations ^ "\n");
+    map (File.append path o gen_string_for_entry o mutate_theorem gen_create_entry thy mtds) thms;
+    ()
+  end