--- a/src/Pure/Tools/update_imports.scala Thu Apr 20 17:34:31 2017 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/update_imports.scala Thu Apr 20 17:45:42 2017 +0200
@@ -7,26 +7,132 @@
package isabelle
+import java.io.{File => JFile}
object Update_Imports
/* update imports */
+ sealed case class Update(range: Text.Range, old_text: String, new_text: String)
+ {
+ def edits: List[Text.Edit] =
+ Text.Edit.replace(range.start, old_text, new_text)
+ override def toString: String =
+ range.toString + ": " + old_text + " -> " + new_text
+ }
+ def update_name(keywords: Keyword.Keywords, pos: Position.T, update: String => String)
+ : Option[(JFile, Update)] =
+ {
+ val file =
+ pos match {
+ case Position.File(file) => Path.explode(file).file.getCanonicalFile
+ case _ => error("Missing file in position" + Position.here(pos))
+ }
+ val text = File.read(file)
+ val range =
+ pos match {
+ case Position.Range(symbol_range) => Symbol.Text_Chunk(text).decode(symbol_range)
+ case _ => error("Missing range in position" + Position.here(pos))
+ }
+ Token.read_name(keywords, range.substring(text)) match {
+ case Some(tok) =>
+ val s1 = tok.source
+ val s2 = Token.quote_name(keywords, update(tok.content))
+ if (s1 == s2) None else Some((file, Update(range, s1, s2)))
+ case None => error("Name token expected" + Position.here(pos))
+ }
+ }
def update_imports(
options: Options,
progress: Progress = No_Progress,
selection: Sessions.Selection = Sessions.Selection.empty,
dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
- verbose: Boolean = false)
+ verbose: Boolean = false): List[(JFile, Update)] =
val full_sessions = Sessions.load(options, dirs, select_dirs)
val (selected, selected_sessions) = full_sessions.selection(selection)
val deps =
Sessions.deps(selected_sessions, progress = progress, verbose = verbose,
global_theories = full_sessions.global_theories)
- // FIXME
- selected.foreach(progress.echo(_))
+ selected.flatMap(session_name =>
+ {
+ val info = full_sessions(session_name)
+ val session_base = deps(session_name)
+ val resources = new Resources(session_base, default_qualifier = info.theory_qualifier)
+ val local_theories = session_base.known.theories_local.iterator.map(_._2).toSet
+ def standard_import(qualifier: String, s: String): String =
+ {
+ val name = resources.import_name(qualifier, "", s)
+ if (!local_theories.contains(name)) s
+ if (resources.theory_qualifier(name) != qualifier) name.theory
+ else if (Thy_Header.is_base_name(s)) name.theory_base_name
+ else s
+ }
+ val updates_root =
+ for {
+ (_, pos) <- info.theories.flatMap(_._2)
+ upd <- update_name(Sessions.root_syntax.keywords, pos,
+ standard_import(info.theory_qualifier, _))
+ } yield upd
+ val updates_theories =
+ for {
+ (_, name) <- session_base.known.theories_local.toList
+ (_, pos) <-
+ // FIXME proper UTF8 positions for check_thy
+ resources.check_thy_reader(name,
+ Scan.char_reader(File.read(Path.explode(name.node))),
+ Token.Pos.file(name.node)).imports
+ upd <- update_name(session_base.syntax.keywords, pos,
+ standard_import(resources.theory_qualifier(name), _))
+ } yield upd
+ updates_root ::: updates_theories
+ })
+ }
+ def apply_updates(updates: List[(JFile, Update)])
+ {
+ val file_updates = (Multi_Map.empty[JFile, Update] /: updates)(_ + _)
+ val conflicts =
+ file_updates.iterator_list.flatMap({ case (file, upds) =>
+ Library.duplicates(upds.sortBy(_.range.start),
+ (x: Update, y: Update) => x.range overlaps y.range) match
+ {
+ case Nil => None
+ case bad => Some((file, bad))
+ }
+ })
+ if (conflicts.nonEmpty)
+ error(cat_lines(
+ conflicts.map({ case (file, bad) =>
+ "Conflicting updates for file " + file + bad.mkString("\n ", "\n ", "") })))
+ for ((file, upds) <- file_updates.iterator_list) {
+ val edits =
+ upds.sortBy(upd => - upd.range.start).flatMap(upd =>
+ Text.Edit.replace(upd.range.start, upd.old_text, upd.new_text))
+ val new_text =
+ (File.read(file) /: edits)({ case (text, edit) =>
+ edit.edit(text, 0) match {
+ case (None, text1) => text1
+ case (Some(_), _) => error("Failed to apply edit " + edit + " to file " + file)
+ }
+ })
+ File.write_backup(Path.explode(File.standard_path(file)), new_text)
+ }
@@ -82,7 +188,10 @@
val progress = new Console_Progress(verbose = verbose)
- update_imports(options, progress = progress, selection = selection,
- dirs = dirs, select_dirs = select_dirs, verbose = verbose)
+ val updates =
+ update_imports(options, progress = progress, selection = selection,
+ dirs = dirs, select_dirs = select_dirs, verbose = verbose)
+ apply_updates(updates)