changeset 29590 479a2fce65e6
parent 29588 6cccea7c94d4
child 30534 0ac3db5a59a8
--- a/contrib/SystemOnTPTP/remote	Mon Jan 19 20:24:10 2009 +0100
+++ b/contrib/SystemOnTPTP/remote	Tue Jan 20 16:05:57 2009 +0100
@@ -3,86 +3,137 @@
 # Wrapper for custom remote provers on SystemOnTPTP
 # Author: Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
-# Usage: ./remote prover timelimit problemfile
-# where prover should be the name of the System from
-# tested and working with the standard settings: 
-# ./remote Vampire---9.0 timelimit file
-# ./remote SPASS---3.01 timelimit file
-# ./remote EP---1.0 timelimit file
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use Getopt::Std;
 use HTTP::Request::Common;
-use LWP::UserAgent;
+use LWP;
-# address of proof-server
 my $SystemOnTPTPFormReplyURL = "";
-if(scalar(@ARGV) != 3) {
-    print "usage: ";
-    exit -1;
-my $prover = shift(@ARGV);
-my $timelimit = shift(@ARGV);
-my $problem = [shift(@ARGV)];
-# fill in form
+# default parameters
 my %URLParameters = (
     "NoHTML" => 1,
     "QuietFlag" => "-q01",
     "X2TPTP" => "-S",
     "SubmitButton" => "RunSelectedSystems",
     "ProblemSource" => "UPLOAD",
-    "UPLOADProblem" => $problem,
-    "System___$prover" => "$prover",
-    "TimeLimit___$prover" => "$timelimit",
+    );
+# check connection
+my $TestAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+my $TestRequest = GET($SystemOnTPTPFormReplyURL);
+my $TestResponse = $TestAgent->request($TestRequest);
+if(! $TestResponse->is_success) {
+  print "HTTP-Error: " . $TestResponse->message . "\n";
+  exit(-1);
+#----Get format and transform options if specified
+my %Options;
+if (exists($Options{'h'})) {
+    print("Usage: remote <options> [<File name>]\n");
+    print("    <options> are ...\n");
+    print("    -h            - print this help\n");
+    print("    -w            - list available ATP systems\n");
+    print("    -s<system>    - specified system to use\n");
+    print("    -t<timelimit> - CPU time limit for system\n");
+    print("    -c<command>   - custom command for system\n");
+    print("    <File name>   - TPTP problem file\n");
+    exit(0);
+#----What systems flag
+if (exists($Options{'w'})) {
+    $URLParameters{"SubmitButton"} = "ListSystems";
+    delete($URLParameters{"ProblemSource"});
+#----Selected system
+my $System;
+if (exists($Options{'s'})) {
+    $System = $Options{'s'};
+} else {
+    # use Vampire as default
+    $System = "Vampire---9.0";
+$URLParameters{"System___$System"} = $System;
+#----Time limit
+if (exists($Options{'t'})) {
+    $URLParameters{"TimeLimit___$System"} = $Options{'t'};
+#----Custom command
+if (exists($Options{'c'})) {
+    $URLParameters{"Command___$System"} = $Options{'c'};
+#----Get single file name
+if (exists($URLParameters{"ProblemSource"})) {
+    if (scalar(@ARGV) >= 1) {
+        $URLParameters{"UPLOADProblem"} = [shift(@ARGV)];
+    } else {
+die("Missing problem file");
+    }
 # Query Server
 my $Agent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+if (exists($Options{'t'})) {
+  # give server more time to respond
+  $Agent->timeout($Options{'t'} * 2 + 10);
 my $Request = POST($SystemOnTPTPFormReplyURL,
 	Content_Type => 'form-data',Content => \%URLParameters);
 my $Response = $Agent->request($Request);
-#catch errors, let isabelle/watcher know
-if($Response->is_success && $Response->content !~ /NO SOLUTION OUTPUT BY SYSTEM/
-&& $Response->content =~ m/%\s*Result\s*:\s*Unsatisfiable.*?\n%\s*Output\s*:\s*.*?Refutation.*?\n/){
-    # convert to isabelle-friendly format
-    my @lines = split( /%\s*Result\s*:\s*Unsatisfiable.*?\n%\s*Output\s*:\s*.*?Refutation.*?\n/, $Response->content);
-    @lines = split( /\n/, $lines[1]);    my $extract = "";
-    my $inproof = 0 > 1;
-    my $ende = 0 > 1;
+#catch errors / failure
+if(! $Response->is_success){
+  	print "HTTP-Error: " . $Response->message . "\n";
+    exit(-1);
+} elsif (exists($Options{'w'})) {
+  print $Response->content;
+  exit (0);
+} elsif ($Response->content =~ /NO SOLUTION OUTPUT BY SYSTEM/){
+  if ($Response->content =~ /%\s*Result\s*:(.*)\n%\s*Output\s*:(.*)\n%/) {
+    print "No Solution Output\nResult: $1\nOutput: $2\n";
+  } else {
+    print "No Solution Output\n";
+  }
+  exit(-1);
+} elsif ($Response->content =~ /ERROR: Could not form TPTP format derivation/) {
+  print "Could not form TPTP format derivation\n";
+  exit(-1);
+} elsif ($Response->content =~ /WARNING: (\S*) does not exist/) {
+  print "Specified System $1 does not exist\n";
+  exit(-1);
+} elsif ($Response->content =~ /^\s*$/) {
+  print "Empty response (specified bad system? Inappropriate problem file format?)\n";
+  exit(-1);
+} elsif ($Response->content !~ /%\s*Result\s*:(.*)\n%\s*Output\s*:(.*)\n%/) {
+  print "Bad response: \n".$Response->content;
+  exit(-1);
+} else {
+    my @lines = split( /\n/, $Response->content);
+    my $extract = "";
     foreach my $line (@lines){
-        if(! $ende){
-            #ignore comments
-            if(! $inproof){
-                if ($line !~ /^%/ && !($line eq "")) {
-                    $extract .= "$line";
-                    $inproof = 1;
-                }
-            } else {
-                if ($line !~ /^%/) {
-                    $extract .= "$line";
-                } else {
-                    $ende = 1;
-                }
-            }
+        #ignore comments
+        if ($line !~ /^%/ && !($line eq "")) {
+            $extract .= "$line";
-    # insert newlines after '.'
+    # insert newlines after ').'
     $extract =~ s/\s//g;
     $extract =~ s/\)\.cnf/\)\.\ncnf/g;
+    # orientation for res_reconstruct.ML
     print "# SZS output start CNFRefutation.\n";
     print "$extract\n";
     print "# SZS output end CNFRefutation.\n";
-} else {
-	print "HTTP-Request: " . $Response->message;
-	print "\nResponse: " . $Response->content;
-	print "\nCANNOT PROVE: \n";
-  print $Response->content;
+    exit(0);