changeset 13062 4b1edf2f6bd2
parent 13006 51c5f3f11d16
child 13071 f538a1dba7ee
--- a/src/HOL/MicroJava/BV/LBVSpec.thy	Mon Mar 18 11:47:03 2002 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/MicroJava/BV/LBVSpec.thy	Wed Mar 20 13:21:07 2002 +0100
@@ -6,154 +6,215 @@
 header {* \isaheader{The Lightweight Bytecode Verifier} *}
-theory LBVSpec = Effect + Kildall:
+theory LBVSpec = SemilatAlg + Opt:
+  "@lesuberropt" :: "'a option err \<Rightarrow> 'a ord \<Rightarrow> 'a option err \<Rightarrow> 'a option err ord"
+  ("_ \<le>|_ _" [50,50,51] 50) 
-text {* 
-  The Lightweight Bytecode Verifier with exceptions has not 
-  made it completely into the Isabelle 2001 release. Currently 
-  there is only the specification itself available. The proofs of
-  soundness and completeness are broken (they still need to be
-  ported to the exception version). Both theories are included
-  for documentation (but they don't work for this specification), 
-  please see the Isabelle 99-2 release for a working copy, or
-  \url{} for the most recent
-  development of \mJava.
+  "@superropt" :: "'a option err \<Rightarrow> 'a ebinop \<Rightarrow> 'a option err \<Rightarrow> 'a option err binop"
+  ("_ +|_ _" [50,50,51] 50)
+  "@supsuperropt" :: "'a option err list \<Rightarrow> 'a ebinop \<Rightarrow> 'a option err \<Rightarrow> 'a option err binop"
+  ("_ ++|_ _" [50,50,51] 50)
+  "a \<le>|r b" == "a <=_(Err.le (Opt.le r)) b"  
+  "a +|f b" == "a +_(Err.lift2 (Opt.sup f)) b"
+  "a ++|f b" == "a ++_(Err.lift2 (Opt.sup f)) b"
-  certificate       = "state_type option list" 
-  class_certificate = "sig \<Rightarrow> certificate"
-  prog_certificate  = "cname \<Rightarrow> class_certificate"
+  's certificate = "'s option list"   
+  's steptype    = "'s option err step_type"
-  merge :: "[jvm_prog, p_count, nat, nat, p_count, certificate, (nat \<times> (state_type option)) list, state] \<Rightarrow> state"
+merge :: "'s certificate \<Rightarrow> 's ebinop \<Rightarrow> 's ord \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 
+          (nat \<times> 's option err) list \<Rightarrow> 's option err \<Rightarrow> 's option err"
-  "merge G pc mxs mxr max_pc cert []     x = x"
-  "merge G pc mxs mxr max_pc cert (s#ss) x = (let (pc',s') = s in 
-                                       if pc' < max_pc \<and> pc' = pc+1 then 
-                                         merge G pc mxs mxr max_pc cert ss (OK s' +_(sup G mxs mxr) x) 
-                                       else if pc' < max_pc \<and> G \<turnstile> s' <=' cert!pc' then 
-                                         merge G pc mxs mxr max_pc cert ss x
-                                       else Err)"
+"merge cert f r pc []     x = x"
+"merge cert f r pc (s#ss) x = (let (pc',s') = s in
+                               merge cert f r pc ss (if pc'=pc+1 then (s' +|f x)
+                                                     else if s' \<le>|r (OK (cert!pc')) then x
+                                                     else Err))"
-  wtl_inst :: "[instr,jvm_prog,ty,state_type option,certificate,nat,nat,p_count,exception_table,p_count] 
-               \<Rightarrow> state_type option err" 
-  "wtl_inst i G rT s cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc == 
-     if app i G maxs rT pc et s then 
-       merge G pc maxs maxr max_pc cert (eff i G pc et s) (OK (cert!(pc+1)))
-     else Err"
+wtl_inst :: "'s certificate \<Rightarrow> 's ebinop \<Rightarrow> 's ord \<Rightarrow> 
+             's steptype \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 's option \<Rightarrow> 's option err"
+"wtl_inst cert f r step pc s \<equiv> merge cert f r pc (step pc (OK s)) (OK (cert!(pc+1)))"
-  wtl_cert :: "[instr,jvm_prog,ty,state_type option,certificate,nat,nat,p_count,exception_table,p_count] 
-               \<Rightarrow> state_type option err"  
-  "wtl_cert i G rT s cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc ==
-     case cert!pc of
-        None    \<Rightarrow> wtl_inst i G rT s cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc
-      | Some s' \<Rightarrow> if G \<turnstile> s <=' (Some s') then 
-                    wtl_inst i G rT (Some s') cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc 
-                  else Err"
+wtl_cert :: "'s certificate \<Rightarrow> 's ebinop \<Rightarrow> 's ord \<Rightarrow> 
+             's steptype \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 's option \<Rightarrow> 's option err"
+"wtl_cert cert f r step pc s \<equiv>
+  case cert!pc of 
+    None    \<Rightarrow> wtl_inst cert f r step pc s
+  | Some s' \<Rightarrow> if OK s \<le>|r (OK (Some s')) then wtl_inst cert f r step pc (Some s') else Err"
-  wtl_inst_list :: "[instr list,jvm_prog,ty,certificate,nat,nat,p_count,exception_table,p_count,
-                     state_type option] \<Rightarrow> state_type option err"
+wtl_inst_list :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 's certificate \<Rightarrow> 's ebinop \<Rightarrow> 's ord \<Rightarrow> 
+                  's steptype \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 's option \<Rightarrow> 's option err"
-  "wtl_inst_list []     G rT cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc s = OK s"
-  "wtl_inst_list (i#is) G rT cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc s = 
-    (let s' = wtl_cert i G rT s cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc in
-     strict (wtl_inst_list is G rT cert maxs maxr max_pc et (pc+1)) s')"
+"wtl_inst_list []      cert f r step pc s = OK s"
+"wtl_inst_list (i#ins) cert f r step pc s = 
+  (let s' = wtl_cert cert f r step pc s in
+   strict (wtl_inst_list ins cert f r step (pc+1)) s')"
- wtl_method :: "[jvm_prog,cname,ty list,ty,nat,nat,exception_table,instr list,certificate] \<Rightarrow> bool"  
- "wtl_method G C pTs rT mxs mxl et ins cert ==  
-	let max_pc = length ins  
-  in 
-  0 < max_pc \<and>   
-  wtl_inst_list ins G rT cert mxs mxl max_pc et 0 
-                (Some ([],(OK (Class C))#((map OK pTs))@(replicate mxl Err))) \<noteq> Err"
+  cert_ok :: "'s certificate \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 's set \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  "cert_ok cert n A \<equiv> \<forall>i < n. cert!i \<in> opt A"
+lemma cert_okD:
+  "cert_ok cert n A \<Longrightarrow> pc < n \<Longrightarrow> cert!pc \<in> opt A"
+  by (unfold cert_ok_def) fast
+declare Let_def [simp]
+section "more semilattice lemmas"
+lemma sup_top [simp]:
+  assumes sl:  "semilat (A,r,f)" 
+  assumes set: "x \<in> A"  "t \<in> A"  
+  assumes top: "top r t" 
+  shows "x +_f t = t"
+proof -
+  from sl have "order r" ..
+  moreover from top have "x +_f t <=_r t" ..
+  moreover from sl set have "t <=_r x +_f t" by simp 
+  ultimately show ?thesis by (rule order_antisym)
+lemma plusplussup_top:
+  "semilat (A,r,f) \<Longrightarrow> top r Err \<Longrightarrow> set xs \<subseteq> A \<Longrightarrow> Err \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> xs ++_f Err = Err"
+  by (induct xs) auto
+lemma err_semilatDorderI [simp, intro]:
+  "err_semilat (A,r,f) \<Longrightarrow> order r"
+  apply (simp add: Err.sl_def)
+  apply (rule order_le_err [THEN iffD1])
+  apply (rule semilatDorderI)
+  apply assumption
+  done
+lemma err_opt_semilat [simp,elim]:
+  "err_semilat (A,r,f) \<Longrightarrow> semilat (err (opt A), Err.le (Opt.le r), lift2 (Opt.sup f))"
+proof -
+  assume "err_semilat (A,r,f)"
+  hence "err_semilat (Opt.esl (A,r,f))" ..
+  thus ?thesis by (simp add: Err.sl_def Opt.esl_def)
+lemma plusplus_erropt_Err [simp]:
+  "xs ++|f Err = Err"
+  by (induct xs) auto
+section "merge"
+lemma merge_Err [simp]:
+  "merge cert f r pc ss Err = Err"
+  by (induct ss) auto
- wtl_jvm_prog :: "[jvm_prog,prog_certificate] \<Rightarrow> bool" 
- "wtl_jvm_prog G cert ==  
-  wf_prog (\<lambda>G C (sig,rT,maxs,maxl,b,et). wtl_method G C (snd sig) rT maxs maxl et b (cert C sig)) G"
+lemma merge_ok:
+  "\<And>x. merge cert f r pc ss x = OK s \<Longrightarrow> 
+  \<forall>(pc',s') \<in> set ss. (pc' \<noteq> pc+1 \<longrightarrow> s' \<le>|r (OK (cert!pc')))"
+  (is "\<And>x. ?merge ss x \<Longrightarrow> ?P ss")
+proof (induct ss)
+  show "?P []" by simp
+  fix x l ls assume merge: "?merge (l#ls) x"
+  moreover
+  obtain pc' s' where [simp]: "l = (pc',s')" by (cases l)
+  ultimately
+  obtain x' where "?merge ls x'" by simp  
+  assume "\<And>x. ?merge ls x \<Longrightarrow> ?P ls" hence "?P ls" .
+  moreover
+  from merge
+  have "pc' \<noteq> pc+1 \<longrightarrow> s' \<le>|r (OK (cert!pc'))" by (simp split: split_if_asm)
+  ultimately
+  show "?P (l#ls)" by simp
+lemma merge_def:
+  assumes semi: "err_semilat (A,r,f)" 
+  shows 
+  "\<And>x. x \<in> err (opt A) \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>(pc', s') \<in> set ss. s' \<in> err (opt A) \<Longrightarrow>
+  merge cert f r pc ss x = 
+  (if \<forall>(pc',s') \<in> set ss. (pc' \<noteq> pc+1 \<longrightarrow> s' \<le>|r (OK (cert!pc'))) then
+    map snd [(p',t') \<in> ss. p'=pc+1] ++|f x
+  else Err)" 
+  (is "\<And>x. _ \<Longrightarrow> _ \<Longrightarrow> ?merge ss x = ?if ss x" is "\<And>x. _ \<Longrightarrow> _ \<Longrightarrow> ?P ss x")
+proof (induct ss)
+  fix x show "?P [] x" by simp
+  fix x assume x: "x \<in> err (opt A)" 
+  fix l::"nat \<times> 'a option err" and ls  
+  assume "\<forall>(pc', s') \<in> set (l#ls). s' \<in> err (opt A)"
+  then obtain l: "snd l \<in> err (opt A)" and ls: "\<forall>(pc', s') \<in> set ls. s' \<in> err (opt A)" by auto
+  assume "\<And>x. x \<in> err (opt A) \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>(pc',s') \<in> set ls. s' \<in> err (opt A) \<Longrightarrow> ?P ls x" 
+  hence IH: "\<And>x. x \<in> err (opt A) \<Longrightarrow> ?P ls x" .
+  obtain pc' s' where [simp]: "l = (pc',s')" by (cases l)
+  hence "?merge (l#ls) x = ?merge ls 
+    (if pc'=pc+1 then s' +|f x else if s' \<le>|r (OK (cert!pc')) then x else Err)"
+    (is "?merge (l#ls) x = ?merge ls ?if'")
+    by simp 
+  also have "\<dots> = ?if ls ?if'" 
+  proof -
+    from l have "s' \<in> err (opt A)" by simp
+    with x semi have "(s' +|f x) \<in> err (opt A)" by (fast intro: closedD)
+    with x have "?if' \<in> err (opt A)" by auto
+    hence "?P ls ?if'" by (rule IH) thus ?thesis by simp
+  qed
+  also have "\<dots> = ?if (l#ls) x"
+    proof (cases "\<forall>(pc', s')\<in>set (l#ls). pc' \<noteq> pc + 1 \<longrightarrow> s' \<le>|r OK (cert ! pc')")
+      case True
+      hence "\<forall>(pc', s')\<in>set ls. pc' \<noteq> pc + 1 \<longrightarrow> s' \<le>|r (OK (cert ! pc'))" by auto
+      moreover
+      from True have 
+        "map snd [(p',t')\<in>ls . p'=pc+1] ++|f ?if' = 
+        (map snd [(p',t')\<in>l#ls . p'=pc+1] ++|f x)"
+        by simp
+      ultimately
+      show ?thesis using True by simp
+    next
+      case False thus ?thesis by auto
+    qed
+  finally show "?P (l#ls) x" .
+lemma merge_ok_s:
+  assumes sl: "err_semilat (A,r,f)" 
+  assumes x:  "x \<in> err (opt A)"
+  assumes ss: "\<forall>(pc', s') \<in> set ss. s' \<in> err (opt A)"
+  assumes m:  "merge cert f r pc ss x = OK s"
+  shows "merge cert f r pc ss x = (map snd [(p',t') \<in> ss. p'=pc+1] ++|f x)"
+proof -
+  from m have "\<forall>(pc',s') \<in> set ss. (pc' \<noteq> pc+1 \<longrightarrow> s' \<le>|r (OK (cert!pc')))" 
+    by (rule merge_ok)
+  with sl x ss m show ?thesis by - (drule merge_def, auto split: split_if_asm)
+section "wtl-inst-list"
 lemmas [iff] = not_Err_eq
-lemma if_eq_cases:
-  "(P \<Longrightarrow> x = z) \<Longrightarrow> (\<not>P \<Longrightarrow> y = z) \<Longrightarrow> (if P then x else y) = z"
-  by simp
-lemma merge_def:
-  "\<And>x. merge G pc mxs mxr max_pc cert ss x = 
-  (if \<forall>(pc',s') \<in> set ss. pc' < max_pc \<and> (pc' \<noteq> pc+1 \<longrightarrow> G \<turnstile> s' <=' cert!pc') then
-    map (OK \<circ> snd) [(p',t') \<in> ss. p'=pc+1] ++_(sup G mxs mxr) x
-  else Err)" (is "\<And>x. ?merge ss x = ?if ss x" is "\<And>x. ?P ss x")
-proof (induct ss)
-  show "\<And>x. ?P [] x" by simp
-  have OK_snd: "(\<lambda>u. OK (snd u)) = OK \<circ> snd" by (rule ext) auto
-  fix x ss and s::"nat \<times> (state_type option)"
-  assume IH: "\<And>x. ?P ss x"
-  obtain pc' s' where s: "s = (pc',s')" by (cases s)  
-  hence "?merge (s#ss) x = ?merge ((pc',s')#ss) x" by hypsubst (rule refl)
-  also
-  have "\<dots> = (if pc' < max_pc \<and> pc' = pc+1 then 
-               ?merge ss (OK s' +_(sup G mxs mxr) x)
-             else if pc' < max_pc \<and> G \<turnstile> s' <=' cert!pc' then 
-               ?merge ss x
-             else Err)" 
-    (is "_ = (if ?pc' then ?merge ss (_ +_?f _) else if ?G then _ else _)")
-    by simp 
-  also 
-  let "if ?all ss then _ else _" = "?if ss x"    
-  have "\<dots> = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x"
-  proof (cases "?pc'")    
-    case True
-    hence "?all (((pc',s')#ss)) = (pc+1 < max_pc \<and> ?all ss)" by simp
-    with True
-    have "?if ss (OK s' +_?f x) = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x" by (auto simp add: OK_snd)
-    hence "?merge ss (OK s' +_?f x) = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x" by (simp only: IH)
-    with True show ?thesis by (fast intro: if_eq_cases)
-  next
-    case False
-    have "(if ?G then ?merge ss x else Err) = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x" 
-    proof (cases ?G)
-      assume G: ?G with False
-      have "?if ss x = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x" by (auto simp add: OK_snd)
-      hence "?merge ss x = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x" by (simp only: IH)
-      with G show ?thesis by (fast intro: if_eq_cases)
-    next
-      assume G: "\<not>?G"
-      with False have "Err = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x" by auto
-      with G show ?thesis by (fast intro: if_eq_cases)
-    qed
-    with False show ?thesis by (fast intro: if_eq_cases)
-  qed
-  also from s have "\<dots> = ?if (s#ss) x" by hypsubst (rule refl)
-  finally show "?P (s#ss) x" .
-lemma wtl_inst_OK:
-"(wtl_inst i G rT s cert mxs mxr max_pc et pc = OK s') = (
- app i G mxs rT pc et s \<and> 
-  (\<forall>(pc',r) \<in> set (eff i G pc et s). 
-  pc' < max_pc \<and> (pc' \<noteq> pc+1 \<longrightarrow> G \<turnstile> r <=' cert!pc')) \<and> 
-  map (OK \<circ> snd) [(p',t') \<in> (eff i G pc et s). p'=pc+1] 
-  ++_(sup G mxs mxr) (OK (cert!(pc+1))) = OK s')"
-  by (auto simp add: wtl_inst_def merge_def split: split_if_asm)
 lemma wtl_Cons:
-  "wtl_inst_list (i#is) G rT cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc s \<noteq> Err = 
-  (\<exists>s'. wtl_cert i G rT s cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc = OK s' \<and> 
-        wtl_inst_list is G rT cert maxs maxr max_pc et (pc+1) s' \<noteq> Err)"
+  "wtl_inst_list (i#is) cert f r step pc s \<noteq> Err = 
+  (\<exists>s'. wtl_cert cert f r step pc s = OK s' \<and> 
+        wtl_inst_list is cert f r step (pc+1) s' \<noteq> Err)"
   by (auto simp del: split_paired_Ex)
 lemma wtl_append:
-"\<forall> s pc. (wtl_inst_list (a@b) G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et pc s = OK s') =
-   (\<exists>s''. wtl_inst_list a G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et pc s = OK s'' \<and> 
-          wtl_inst_list b G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et (pc+length a) s'' = OK s')" 
-  (is "\<forall> s pc. ?C s pc a" is "?P a")
+"\<forall>s pc. (wtl_inst_list (a@b) cert f r step pc s = OK s') =
+   (\<exists>s''. wtl_inst_list a cert f r step pc s = OK s'' \<and> 
+          wtl_inst_list b cert f r step (pc+length a) s'' = OK s')" 
+  (is "\<forall>s pc. ?C s pc a" is "?P a")
 proof (induct ?P a)
   show "?P []" by simp
@@ -162,28 +223,28 @@
   proof (intro allI)
     fix s pc 
     show "?C s pc (x#xs)"
-    proof (cases "wtl_cert x G rT s cert mxs mxr mpc et pc")
+    proof (cases "wtl_cert cert f r step pc s")
       case Err thus ?thesis by simp
-      fix s0 assume "wtl_cert x G rT s cert mxs mxr mpc et pc = OK s0"      
-      with IH have "?C s0 (Suc pc) xs" by blast
+      case (OK s0)
+      with IH have "?C s0 (pc+1) xs" by blast
       thus ?thesis by (simp!)
 lemma wtl_take:
-  "wtl_inst_list is G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et pc s = OK s'' \<Longrightarrow>
-   \<exists>s'. wtl_inst_list (take pc' is) G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et pc s = OK s'"
+  "wtl_inst_list is cert f r step pc s = OK s'' \<Longrightarrow>
+   \<exists>s'. wtl_inst_list (take pc' is) cert f r step pc s = OK s'"
+  (is "?wtl is = _ \<Longrightarrow> _")
 proof -
-  assume "wtl_inst_list is G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et pc s = OK s''"
-  hence "wtl_inst_list (take pc' is @ drop pc' is) G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et pc s = OK s''"
-    by simp
+  assume "?wtl is = OK s''"
+  hence "?wtl (take pc' is @ drop pc' is) = OK s''" by simp
   thus ?thesis by (auto simp add: wtl_append simp del: append_take_drop_id)
 lemma take_Suc:
-  "\<forall>n. n < length l \<longrightarrow> take (Suc n) l = (take n l)@[l!n]" (is "?P l")
+  "\<forall>n. n < length l --> take (Suc n) l = (take n l)@[l!n]" (is "?P l")
 proof (induct l)
   show "?P []" by simp
@@ -197,39 +258,137 @@
 lemma wtl_Suc:
- "\<lbrakk> wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s = OK s'; 
-     wtl_cert (is!pc) G rT s' cert maxs maxr (length is) et pc = OK s'';
-     Suc pc < length is \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
-  wtl_inst_list (take (Suc pc) is) G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s = OK s''" 
+  assumes "wtl_inst_list (take pc is) cert f r step 0 s = OK s'"
+           "wtl_cert cert f r step pc s' = OK s''" and
+      suc: "pc+1 < length is"
+  shows "wtl_inst_list (take (pc+1) is) cert f r step 0 s = OK s''"    
 proof -
-  assume "wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s = OK s'"
-         "wtl_cert (is!pc) G rT s' cert maxs maxr (length is) et pc = OK s''"
-         "Suc pc < length is"
-  hence "take (Suc pc) is = (take pc is)@[is!pc]" by (simp add: take_Suc)
+  from suc have "take (pc+1) is=(take pc is)@[is!pc]" by (simp add: take_Suc)
   thus ?thesis by (simp! add: wtl_append min_def)
 lemma wtl_all:
-  "\<lbrakk> wtl_inst_list is G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s \<noteq> Err;
-      pc < length is \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> 
-   \<exists>s' s''. wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s = OK s' \<and> 
-            wtl_cert (is!pc) G rT s' cert maxs maxr (length is) et pc = OK s''"
+  assumes
+  all: "wtl_inst_list is cert f r step 0 s \<noteq> Err" (is "?wtl is \<noteq> _") and
+  pc:  "pc < length is"
+  shows
+  "\<exists>s' s''. wtl_inst_list (take pc is) cert f r step 0 s = OK s' \<and> 
+            wtl_cert cert f r step pc s' = OK s''"
 proof -
-  assume all: "wtl_inst_list is G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s \<noteq> Err"
-  assume pc: "pc < length is"
-  hence  "0 < length (drop pc is)" by simp
+  from pc have "0 < length (drop pc is)" by simp
   then  obtain i r where Cons: "drop pc is = i#r" 
     by (auto simp add: neq_Nil_conv simp del: length_drop)
   hence "i#r = drop pc is" ..
-  with all have take: 
-    "wtl_inst_list (take pc is@i#r) G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s \<noteq> Err"
-    by simp
+  with all have take: "?wtl (take pc is@i#r) \<noteq> Err" by simp 
   from pc have "is!pc = drop pc is ! 0" by simp
   with Cons have "is!pc = i" by simp
   with take pc show ?thesis by (auto simp add: wtl_append min_def)
+section "preserves-type"
+lemma merge_pres:
+  assumes semi: "err_semilat (A,r,f)"
+  assumes s0_A: "\<forall>(pc', s')\<in>set ss. s' \<in> err (opt A)"
+  assumes x_A:  "x \<in> err (opt A)"
+  assumes merge:"merge cert f r pc ss x = OK s'"
+  shows "s' \<in> opt A"
+proof -
+  from s0_A
+  have "set (map snd [(p', t')\<in>ss . p'=pc+1]) \<subseteq> err (opt A)" by auto
+  with semi x_A
+  have "(map snd [(p', t')\<in>ss . p'=pc+1] ++|f x) \<in> err (opt A)"
+    by (auto intro!: plusplus_closed)
+  also {
+    note merge
+    also from semi x_A s0_A
+    have "merge cert f r pc ss x = 
+      (if \<forall>(pc', s')\<in>set ss. pc' \<noteq> pc + 1 \<longrightarrow> s' \<le>|r (OK (cert!pc'))
+      then map snd [(p', t')\<in>ss . p'=pc+1] ++|f x else Err)"
+      by (rule merge_def)
+    finally have "(map snd [(p', t')\<in>ss . p'=pc+1] ++|f x) = OK s'" 
+      by (simp split: split_if_asm)
+  } 
+  finally show ?thesis by simp
+lemma wtl_inst_pres [intro?]:
+  assumes semi: "err_semilat (A,r,f)"
+  assumes pres: "pres_type step n (err (opt A))" 
+  assumes cert: "cert!(pc+1) \<in> opt A"
+  assumes s_A:  "s \<in> opt A"
+  assumes pc:   "pc < n"
+  assumes wtl:  "wtl_inst cert f r step pc s = OK s'"
+  shows "s' \<in> opt A"
+proof -
+  from pres pc s_A
+  have "\<forall>(q, s')\<in>set (step pc (OK s)). s' \<in> err (opt A)"
+    by (unfold pres_type_def) blast
+  moreover
+  from cert have "OK (cert!(pc+1)) \<in> err (opt A)" by simp
+  moreover
+  from wtl
+  have "merge cert f r pc (step pc (OK s)) (OK (cert!(pc+1))) = OK s'"  
+    by (unfold wtl_inst_def) simp
+  ultimately
+  show "s' \<in> opt A" using semi by - (rule merge_pres)
+lemma wtl_cert_pres:
+  assumes "err_semilat (A,r,f)"
+  assumes "pres_type step n (err (opt A))"
+  assumes "cert!pc \<in> opt A" and "cert!(pc+1) \<in> opt A"
+  assumes "s \<in> opt A" and "pc < n"
+  assumes wtc: "wtl_cert cert f r step pc s = OK s'"
+  shows "s' \<in> opt A"            
+proof -
+  have "wtl_inst cert f r step pc s = OK s' \<Longrightarrow> s' \<in> opt A" ..
+  moreover
+  have "wtl_inst cert f r step pc (cert!pc) = OK s' \<Longrightarrow> s' \<in> opt A" ..
+  ultimately
+  show ?thesis using wtc
+    by (unfold wtl_cert_def) (simp split: option.splits split_if_asm)
+lemma wtl_inst_list_pres:
+  assumes semi: "err_semilat (A,r,f)"
+  assumes pres: "pres_type step (length is) (err (opt A))"
+  assumes cert: "cert_ok cert (length is) A"
+  assumes s:    "s \<in> opt A" 
+  assumes all:  "wtl_inst_list is cert f r step 0 s \<noteq> Err"
+  shows "\<And>s'. pc < length is \<Longrightarrow> wtl_inst_list (take pc is) cert f r step 0 s = OK s'
+         \<Longrightarrow> s' \<in> opt A" (is "\<And>s'. ?len pc \<Longrightarrow> ?wtl pc s' \<Longrightarrow> ?A s'")
+proof (induct pc)
+  from s show "\<And>s'. ?wtl 0 s' \<Longrightarrow> ?A s'" by simp
+  fix s' n
+  assume "Suc n < length is" 
+  then obtain "n < length is" by simp  
+  with all obtain s1 s2 where
+    "wtl_inst_list (take n is) cert f r step 0 s = OK s1" 
+    "wtl_cert cert f r step n s1 = OK s2"
+    by - (drule wtl_all, auto)
+  assume "?wtl (Suc n) s'"
+  moreover
+  have n1: "n+1 < length is" by simp
+  hence "?wtl (n+1) s2" by - (rule wtl_Suc)
+  ultimately
+  have [simp]: "s2 = s'" by simp
+  assume IH: "\<And>s'. n < length is \<Longrightarrow> ?wtl n s' \<Longrightarrow> s' \<in> opt A"
+  hence "s1 \<in> opt A" .
+  moreover
+  from cert have "cert!n \<in> opt A" by (rule cert_okD)
+  moreover
+  from cert n1 have "cert!(n+1) \<in> opt A" by (rule cert_okD)
+  ultimately
+  have "s2 \<in> opt A" using semi pres by - (rule wtl_cert_pres)
+  thus "s' \<in> opt A" by simp