changeset 13798 4c1a53627500
parent 13786 ab8f39f48a6f
child 14114 e97ca1034caa
--- a/src/HOL/UNITY/Comp/AllocBase.thy	Thu Jan 30 18:08:09 2003 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/UNITY/Comp/AllocBase.thy	Fri Jan 31 20:12:44 2003 +0100
@@ -3,29 +3,124 @@
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
     Copyright   1998  University of Cambridge
-Common declarations for Chandy and Charpentier's Allocator
-AllocBase = UNITY_Main + 
+header{*Common Declarations for Chandy and Charpentier's Allocator*}
+theory AllocBase = UNITY_Main:
   NbT      :: nat       (*Number of tokens in system*)
   Nclients :: nat       (*Number of clients*)
-  NbT_pos  "0 < NbT"
+  NbT_pos:  "0 < NbT"
 (*This function merely sums the elements of a list*)
-consts tokens     :: nat list => nat
+consts tokens     :: "nat list => nat"
   "tokens [] = 0"
   "tokens (x#xs) = x + tokens xs"
-  bag_of :: 'a list => 'a multiset
+  bag_of :: "'a list => 'a multiset"
   "bag_of []     = {#}"
   "bag_of (x#xs) = {#x#} + bag_of xs"
+lemma setsum_fun_mono [rule_format]:
+     "!!f :: nat=>nat.  
+      (ALL i. i<n --> f i <= g i) -->  
+      setsum f (lessThan n) <= setsum g (lessThan n)"
+apply (induct_tac "n")
+apply (auto simp add: lessThan_Suc)
+apply (drule_tac x = n in spec, arith)
+lemma tokens_mono_prefix [rule_format]:
+     "ALL xs. xs <= ys --> tokens xs <= tokens ys"
+apply (induct_tac "ys")
+apply (auto simp add: prefix_Cons)
+lemma mono_tokens: "mono tokens"
+apply (unfold mono_def)
+apply (blast intro: tokens_mono_prefix)
+(** bag_of **)
+lemma bag_of_append [simp]: "bag_of (l@l') = bag_of l + bag_of l'"
+apply (induct_tac "l", simp)
+ apply (simp add: plus_ac0)
+lemma mono_bag_of: "mono (bag_of :: 'a list => ('a::order) multiset)"
+apply (rule monoI)
+apply (unfold prefix_def)
+apply (erule genPrefix.induct, auto)
+apply (simp add: union_le_mono)
+apply (erule order_trans)
+apply (rule union_upper1)
+(** setsum **)
+declare setsum_cong [cong]
+lemma bag_of_sublist_lemma:
+     "(\<Sum>i: A Int lessThan k. {#if i<k then f i else g i#}) =  
+      (\<Sum>i: A Int lessThan k. {#f i#})"
+apply (rule setsum_cong, auto)
+lemma bag_of_sublist:
+     "bag_of (sublist l A) =  
+      (\<Sum>i: A Int lessThan (length l). {# l!i #})"
+apply (rule_tac xs = l in rev_induct, simp)
+apply (simp add: sublist_append Int_insert_right lessThan_Suc nth_append 
+                 bag_of_sublist_lemma plus_ac0)
+lemma bag_of_sublist_Un_Int:
+     "bag_of (sublist l (A Un B)) + bag_of (sublist l (A Int B)) =  
+      bag_of (sublist l A) + bag_of (sublist l B)"
+apply (subgoal_tac "A Int B Int {..length l (} = (A Int {..length l (}) Int (B Int {..length l (}) ")
+apply (simp add: bag_of_sublist Int_Un_distrib2 setsum_Un_Int, blast)
+lemma bag_of_sublist_Un_disjoint:
+     "A Int B = {}  
+      ==> bag_of (sublist l (A Un B)) =  
+          bag_of (sublist l A) + bag_of (sublist l B)"
+apply (simp add: bag_of_sublist_Un_Int [symmetric])
+lemma bag_of_sublist_UN_disjoint [rule_format]:
+     "[| finite I; ALL i:I. ALL j:I. i~=j --> A i Int A j = {} |]  
+      ==> bag_of (sublist l (UNION I A)) =   
+          (\<Sum>i:I. bag_of (sublist l (A i)))"
+apply (simp del: UN_simps 
+            add: UN_simps [symmetric] add: bag_of_sublist)
+apply (subst setsum_UN_disjoint, auto)
+val NbT_pos = thm "NbT_pos";
+val setsum_fun_mono = thm "setsum_fun_mono";
+val tokens_mono_prefix = thm "tokens_mono_prefix";
+val mono_tokens = thm "mono_tokens";
+val bag_of_append = thm "bag_of_append";
+val mono_bag_of = thm "mono_bag_of";
+val bag_of_sublist_lemma = thm "bag_of_sublist_lemma";
+val bag_of_sublist = thm "bag_of_sublist";
+val bag_of_sublist_Un_Int = thm "bag_of_sublist_Un_Int";
+val bag_of_sublist_Un_disjoint = thm "bag_of_sublist_Un_disjoint";
+val bag_of_sublist_UN_disjoint = thm "bag_of_sublist_UN_disjoint";