changeset 39347 50dec19e682b
parent 39346 d837998f1e60
child 39348 6f9c9899f99f
--- a/src/Tools/Metis/src/Normalize.sml	Mon Sep 13 20:27:40 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1062 +0,0 @@
-(* ========================================================================= *)
-(* NORMALIZING FORMULAS                                                      *)
-(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the BSD License *)
-(* ========================================================================= *)
-structure Normalize :> Normalize =
-open Useful;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Counting the clauses that would be generated by conjunctive normal form.  *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype count = Count of {positive : real, negative : real};
-fun positive (Count {positive = p, ...}) = p;
-fun negative (Count {negative = n, ...}) = n;
-fun countNegate (Count {positive = p, negative = n}) =
-    Count {positive = n, negative = p};
-fun countEqualish count1 count2 =
-    let
-      val Count {positive = p1, negative = n1} = count1
-      and Count {positive = p2, negative = n2} = count2
-    in
-      Real.abs (p1 - p2) < 0.5 andalso Real.abs (n1 - n2) < 0.5
-    end;
-val countTrue = Count {positive = 0.0, negative = 1.0};
-val countFalse = Count {positive = 1.0, negative = 0.0};
-val countLiteral = Count {positive = 1.0, negative = 1.0};
-fun countAnd2 (count1,count2) =
-    let
-      val Count {positive = p1, negative = n1} = count1
-      and Count {positive = p2, negative = n2} = count2
-      val p = p1 + p2
-      and n = n1 * n2
-    in
-      Count {positive = p, negative = n}
-    end;
-fun countOr2 (count1,count2) =
-    let
-      val Count {positive = p1, negative = n1} = count1
-      and Count {positive = p2, negative = n2} = count2
-      val p = p1 * p2
-      and n = n1 + n2
-    in
-      Count {positive = p, negative = n}
-    end;
-(*** Is this associative? ***)
-fun countXor2 (count1,count2) =
-    let
-      val Count {positive = p1, negative = n1} = count1
-      and Count {positive = p2, negative = n2} = count2
-      val p = p1 * p2 + n1 * n2
-      and n = p1 * n2 + n1 * p2
-    in
-      Count {positive = p, negative = n}
-    end;
-fun countDefinition body_count = countXor2 (countLiteral,body_count);
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* A type of normalized formula.                                             *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype formula =
-    True
-  | False
-  | Literal of NameSet.set * Literal.literal
-  | And of NameSet.set * count * formula Set.set
-  | Or of NameSet.set * count * formula Set.set
-  | Xor of NameSet.set * count * bool * formula Set.set
-  | Exists of NameSet.set * count * NameSet.set * formula
-  | Forall of NameSet.set * count * NameSet.set * formula;
-fun compare f1_f2 =
-    case f1_f2 of
-      (True,True) => EQUAL
-    | (True,_) => LESS
-    | (_,True) => GREATER
-    | (False,False) => EQUAL
-    | (False,_) => LESS
-    | (_,False) => GREATER
-    | (Literal (_,l1), Literal (_,l2)) => (l1,l2)
-    | (Literal _, _) => LESS
-    | (_, Literal _) => GREATER
-    | (And (_,_,s1), And (_,_,s2)) => (s1,s2)
-    | (And _, _) => LESS
-    | (_, And _) => GREATER
-    | (Or (_,_,s1), Or (_,_,s2)) => (s1,s2)
-    | (Or _, _) => LESS
-    | (_, Or _) => GREATER
-    | (Xor (_,_,p1,s1), Xor (_,_,p2,s2)) =>
-      (case boolCompare (p1,p2) of
-         LESS => LESS
-       | EQUAL => (s1,s2)
-       | GREATER => GREATER)
-    | (Xor _, _) => LESS
-    | (_, Xor _) => GREATER
-    | (Exists (_,_,n1,f1), Exists (_,_,n2,f2)) =>
-      (case (n1,n2) of
-         LESS => LESS
-       | EQUAL => compare (f1,f2)
-       | GREATER => GREATER)
-    | (Exists _, _) => LESS
-    | (_, Exists _) => GREATER
-    | (Forall (_,_,n1,f1), Forall (_,_,n2,f2)) =>
-      (case (n1,n2) of
-         LESS => LESS
-       | EQUAL => compare (f1,f2)
-       | GREATER => GREATER);
-val empty = Set.empty compare;
-val singleton = Set.singleton compare;
-  fun neg True = False
-    | neg False = True
-    | neg (Literal (fv,lit)) = Literal (fv, Literal.negate lit)
-    | neg (And (fv,c,s)) = Or (fv, countNegate c, neg_set s)
-    | neg (Or (fv,c,s)) = And (fv, countNegate c, neg_set s)
-    | neg (Xor (fv,c,p,s)) = Xor (fv, c, not p, s)
-    | neg (Exists (fv,c,n,f)) = Forall (fv, countNegate c, n, neg f)
-    | neg (Forall (fv,c,n,f)) = Exists (fv, countNegate c, n, neg f)
-  and neg_set s = Set.foldl neg_elt empty s
-  and neg_elt (f,s) = Set.add s (neg f);
-  val negate = neg;
-  val negateSet = neg_set;
-fun negateMember x s = Set.member (negate x) s;
-  fun member s x = negateMember x s;
-  fun negateDisjoint s1 s2 =
-      if Set.size s1 < Set.size s2 then not (Set.exists (member s2) s1)
-      else not (Set.exists (member s1) s2);
-fun polarity True = true
-  | polarity False = false
-  | polarity (Literal (_,(pol,_))) = not pol
-  | polarity (And _) = true
-  | polarity (Or _) = false
-  | polarity (Xor (_,_,pol,_)) = pol
-  | polarity (Exists _) = true
-  | polarity (Forall _) = false;
-val polarity = fn f =>
-    let
-      val res1 = compare (f, negate f) = LESS
-      val res2 = polarity f
-      val _ = res1 = res2 orelse raise Bug "polarity"
-    in
-      res2
-    end;
-fun applyPolarity true fm = fm
-  | applyPolarity false fm = negate fm;
-fun freeVars True = NameSet.empty
-  | freeVars False = NameSet.empty
-  | freeVars (Literal (fv,_)) = fv
-  | freeVars (And (fv,_,_)) = fv
-  | freeVars (Or (fv,_,_)) = fv
-  | freeVars (Xor (fv,_,_,_)) = fv
-  | freeVars (Exists (fv,_,_,_)) = fv
-  | freeVars (Forall (fv,_,_,_)) = fv;
-fun freeIn v fm = NameSet.member v (freeVars fm);
-val freeVarsSet =
-    let
-      fun free (fm,acc) = NameSet.union (freeVars fm) acc
-    in
-      Set.foldl free NameSet.empty
-    end;
-fun count True = countTrue
-  | count False = countFalse
-  | count (Literal _) = countLiteral
-  | count (And (_,c,_)) = c
-  | count (Or (_,c,_)) = c
-  | count (Xor (_,c,p,_)) = if p then c else countNegate c
-  | count (Exists (_,c,_,_)) = c
-  | count (Forall (_,c,_,_)) = c;
-val countAndSet =
-    let
-      fun countAnd (fm,c) = countAnd2 (count fm, c)
-    in
-      Set.foldl countAnd countTrue
-    end;
-val countOrSet =
-    let
-      fun countOr (fm,c) = countOr2 (count fm, c)
-    in
-      Set.foldl countOr countFalse
-    end;
-val countXorSet =
-    let
-      fun countXor (fm,c) = countXor2 (count fm, c)
-    in
-      Set.foldl countXor countFalse
-    end;
-fun And2 (False,_) = False
-  | And2 (_,False) = False
-  | And2 (True,f2) = f2
-  | And2 (f1,True) = f1
-  | And2 (f1,f2) =
-    let
-      val (fv1,c1,s1) =
-          case f1 of
-            And fv_c_s => fv_c_s
-          | _ => (freeVars f1, count f1, singleton f1)
-      and (fv2,c2,s2) =
-          case f2 of
-            And fv_c_s => fv_c_s
-          | _ => (freeVars f2, count f2, singleton f2)
-    in
-      if not (negateDisjoint s1 s2) then False
-      else
-        let
-          val s = Set.union s1 s2
-        in
-          case Set.size s of
-            0 => True
-          | 1 => Set.pick s
-          | n =>
-            if n = Set.size s1 + Set.size s2 then
-              And (NameSet.union fv1 fv2, countAnd2 (c1,c2), s)
-            else
-              And (freeVarsSet s, countAndSet s, s)
-        end
-    end;
-val AndList = foldl And2 True;
-val AndSet = Set.foldl And2 True;
-fun Or2 (True,_) = True
-  | Or2 (_,True) = True
-  | Or2 (False,f2) = f2
-  | Or2 (f1,False) = f1
-  | Or2 (f1,f2) =
-    let
-      val (fv1,c1,s1) =
-          case f1 of
-            Or fv_c_s => fv_c_s
-          | _ => (freeVars f1, count f1, singleton f1)
-      and (fv2,c2,s2) =
-          case f2 of
-            Or fv_c_s => fv_c_s
-          | _ => (freeVars f2, count f2, singleton f2)
-    in
-      if not (negateDisjoint s1 s2) then True
-      else
-        let
-          val s = Set.union s1 s2
-        in
-          case Set.size s of
-            0 => False
-          | 1 => Set.pick s
-          | n =>
-            if n = Set.size s1 + Set.size s2 then
-              Or (NameSet.union fv1 fv2, countOr2 (c1,c2), s)
-            else
-              Or (freeVarsSet s, countOrSet s, s)
-        end
-    end;
-val OrList = foldl Or2 False;
-val OrSet = Set.foldl Or2 False;
-fun pushOr2 (f1,f2) =
-    let
-      val s1 = case f1 of And (_,_,s) => s | _ => singleton f1
-      and s2 = case f2 of And (_,_,s) => s | _ => singleton f2
-      fun g x1 (x2,acc) = And2 (Or2 (x1,x2), acc)
-      fun f (x1,acc) = Set.foldl (g x1) acc s2
-    in
-      Set.foldl f True s1
-    end;
-val pushOrList = foldl pushOr2 False;
-  fun normalize fm =
-      let
-        val p = polarity fm
-        val fm = applyPolarity p fm
-      in
-        (freeVars fm, count fm, p, singleton fm)
-      end;
-  fun Xor2 (False,f2) = f2
-    | Xor2 (f1,False) = f1
-    | Xor2 (True,f2) = negate f2
-    | Xor2 (f1,True) = negate f1
-    | Xor2 (f1,f2) =
-      let
-        val (fv1,c1,p1,s1) = case f1 of Xor x => x | _ => normalize f1
-        and (fv2,c2,p2,s2) = case f2 of Xor x => x | _ => normalize f2
-        val s = Set.symmetricDifference s1 s2
-        val fm =
-            case Set.size s of
-              0 => False
-            | 1 => Set.pick s
-            | n =>
-              if n = Set.size s1 + Set.size s2 then
-                Xor (NameSet.union fv1 fv2, countXor2 (c1,c2), true, s)
-              else
-                Xor (freeVarsSet s, countXorSet s, true, s)
-        val p = p1 = p2
-      in
-        applyPolarity p fm
-      end;
-val XorList = foldl Xor2 False;
-val XorSet = Set.foldl Xor2 False;
-fun XorPolarityList (p,l) = applyPolarity p (XorList l);
-fun XorPolaritySet (p,s) = applyPolarity p (XorSet s);
-fun destXor (Xor (_,_,p,s)) =
-    let
-      val (fm1,s) = Set.deletePick s
-      val fm2 =
-          if Set.size s = 1 then applyPolarity p (Set.pick s)
-          else Xor (freeVarsSet s, countXorSet s, p, s)
-    in
-      (fm1,fm2)
-    end
-  | destXor _ = raise Error "destXor";
-fun pushXor fm =
-    let
-      val (f1,f2) = destXor fm
-      val f1' = negate f1
-      and f2' = negate f2
-    in
-      And2 (Or2 (f1,f2), Or2 (f1',f2'))
-    end;
-fun Exists1 (v,init_fm) =
-    let
-      fun exists_gen fm =
-          let
-            val fv = NameSet.delete (freeVars fm) v
-            val c = count fm
-            val n = NameSet.singleton v
-          in
-            Exists (fv,c,n,fm)
-          end
-      fun exists fm = if freeIn v fm then exists_free fm else fm
-      and exists_free (Or (_,_,s)) = OrList (Set.transform exists s)
-        | exists_free (fm as And (_,_,s)) =
-          let
-            val sv = Set.filter (freeIn v) s
-          in
-            if Set.size sv <> 1 then exists_gen fm
-            else
-              let
-                val fm = Set.pick sv
-                val s = Set.delete s fm
-              in
-                And2 (exists_free fm, AndSet s)
-              end
-          end
-        | exists_free (Exists (fv,c,n,f)) =
-          Exists (NameSet.delete fv v, c, NameSet.add n v, f)
-        | exists_free fm = exists_gen fm
-    in
-      exists init_fm
-    end;
-fun ExistsList (vs,f) = foldl Exists1 f vs;
-fun ExistsSet (n,f) = NameSet.foldl Exists1 f n;
-fun Forall1 (v,init_fm) =
-    let
-      fun forall_gen fm =
-          let
-            val fv = NameSet.delete (freeVars fm) v
-            val c = count fm
-            val n = NameSet.singleton v
-          in
-            Forall (fv,c,n,fm)
-          end
-      fun forall fm = if freeIn v fm then forall_free fm else fm
-      and forall_free (And (_,_,s)) = AndList (Set.transform forall s)
-        | forall_free (fm as Or (_,_,s)) =
-          let
-            val sv = Set.filter (freeIn v) s
-          in
-            if Set.size sv <> 1 then forall_gen fm
-            else
-              let
-                val fm = Set.pick sv
-                val s = Set.delete s fm
-              in
-                Or2 (forall_free fm, OrSet s)
-              end
-          end
-        | forall_free (Forall (fv,c,n,f)) =
-          Forall (NameSet.delete fv v, c, NameSet.add n v, f)
-        | forall_free fm = forall_gen fm
-    in
-      forall init_fm
-    end;
-fun ForallList (vs,f) = foldl Forall1 f vs;
-fun ForallSet (n,f) = NameSet.foldl Forall1 f n;
-  fun subst_fv fvSub =
-      let
-        fun add_fv (v,s) = NameSet.union (NameMap.get fvSub v) s
-      in
-        NameSet.foldl add_fv NameSet.empty
-      end;
-  fun subst_rename (v,(avoid,bv,sub,domain,fvSub)) =
-      let
-        val v' = Term.variantPrime avoid v
-        val avoid = NameSet.add avoid v'
-        val bv = NameSet.add bv v'
-        val sub = Subst.insert sub (v, Term.Var v')
-        val domain = NameSet.add domain v
-        val fvSub = NameMap.insert fvSub (v, NameSet.singleton v')
-      in
-        (avoid,bv,sub,domain,fvSub)
-      end;
-  fun subst_check sub domain fvSub fm =
-      let
-        val domain = NameSet.intersect domain (freeVars fm)
-      in
-        if NameSet.null domain then fm
-        else subst_domain sub domain fvSub fm
-      end
-  and subst_domain sub domain fvSub fm =
-      case fm of
-        Literal (fv,lit) =>
-        let
-          val fv = NameSet.difference fv domain
-          val fv = NameSet.union fv (subst_fv fvSub domain)
-          val lit = Literal.subst sub lit
-        in
-          Literal (fv,lit)
-        end
-      | And (_,_,s) =>
-        AndList (Set.transform (subst_check sub domain fvSub) s)
-      | Or (_,_,s) =>
-        OrList (Set.transform (subst_check sub domain fvSub) s)
-      | Xor (_,_,p,s) =>
-        XorPolarityList (p, Set.transform (subst_check sub domain fvSub) s)
-      | Exists fv_c_n_f => subst_quant Exists sub domain fvSub fv_c_n_f
-      | Forall fv_c_n_f => subst_quant Forall sub domain fvSub fv_c_n_f
-      | _ => raise Bug "subst_domain"
-  and subst_quant quant sub domain fvSub (fv,c,bv,fm) =
-      let
-        val sub_fv = subst_fv fvSub domain
-        val fv = NameSet.union sub_fv (NameSet.difference fv domain)
-        val captured = NameSet.intersect bv sub_fv
-        val bv = NameSet.difference bv captured
-        val avoid = NameSet.union fv bv
-        val (_,bv,sub,domain,fvSub) =
-            NameSet.foldl subst_rename (avoid,bv,sub,domain,fvSub) captured
-        val fm = subst_domain sub domain fvSub fm
-      in
-        quant (fv,c,bv,fm)
-      end;
-  fun subst sub =
-      let
-        fun mk_dom (v,tm,(d,fv)) =
-            (NameSet.add d v, NameMap.insert fv (v, Term.freeVars tm))
-        val domain_fvSub = (NameSet.empty, ())
-        val (domain,fvSub) = Subst.foldl mk_dom domain_fvSub sub
-      in
-        subst_check sub domain fvSub
-      end;
-fun fromFormula fm =
-    case fm of
-      Formula.True => True
-    | Formula.False => False
-    | Formula.Atom atm => Literal (Atom.freeVars atm, (true,atm))
-    | Formula.Not p => negateFromFormula p
-    | Formula.And (p,q) => And2 (fromFormula p, fromFormula q)
-    | Formula.Or (p,q) => Or2 (fromFormula p, fromFormula q)
-    | Formula.Imp (p,q) => Or2 (negateFromFormula p, fromFormula q)
-    | Formula.Iff (p,q) => Xor2 (negateFromFormula p, fromFormula q)
-    | Formula.Forall (v,p) => Forall1 (v, fromFormula p)
-    | Formula.Exists (v,p) => Exists1 (v, fromFormula p)
-and negateFromFormula fm =
-    case fm of
-      Formula.True => False
-    | Formula.False => True
-    | Formula.Atom atm => Literal (Atom.freeVars atm, (false,atm))
-    | Formula.Not p => fromFormula p
-    | Formula.And (p,q) => Or2 (negateFromFormula p, negateFromFormula q)
-    | Formula.Or (p,q) => And2 (negateFromFormula p, negateFromFormula q)
-    | Formula.Imp (p,q) => And2 (fromFormula p, negateFromFormula q)
-    | Formula.Iff (p,q) => Xor2 (fromFormula p, fromFormula q)
-    | Formula.Forall (v,p) => Exists1 (v, negateFromFormula p)
-    | Formula.Exists (v,p) => Forall1 (v, negateFromFormula p);
-  fun lastElt (s : formula Set.set) =
-      case Set.findr (K true) s of
-        NONE => raise Bug "lastElt: empty set"
-      | SOME fm => fm;
-  fun negateLastElt s =
-      let
-        val fm = lastElt s
-      in
-        Set.add (Set.delete s fm) (negate fm)
-      end;
-  fun form fm =
-      case fm of
-        True => Formula.True
-      | False => Formula.False
-      | Literal (_,lit) => Literal.toFormula lit
-      | And (_,_,s) => Formula.listMkConj (Set.transform form s)
-      | Or (_,_,s) => Formula.listMkDisj (Set.transform form s)
-      | Xor (_,_,p,s) =>
-        let
-          val s = if p then negateLastElt s else s
-        in
-          Formula.listMkEquiv (Set.transform form s)
-        end
-      | Exists (_,_,n,f) => Formula.listMkExists (NameSet.toList n, form f)
-      | Forall (_,_,n,f) => Formula.listMkForall (NameSet.toList n, form f);
-  val toFormula = form;
-val pp = Parser.ppMap toFormula Formula.pp;
-val toString = Parser.toString pp;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Negation normal form.                                                     *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun nnf fm = toFormula (fromFormula fm);
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Simplifying with definitions.                                             *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype simplify =
-    Simplify of
-      {formula : (formula,formula),
-       andSet : (formula Set.set * formula) list,
-       orSet : (formula Set.set * formula) list,
-       xorSet : (formula Set.set * formula) list};
-val simplifyEmpty =
-    Simplify {formula = compare, andSet = [], orSet = [], xorSet = []};
-  fun simpler fm s =
-      Set.size s <> 1 orelse
-      case Set.pick s of
-        True => false
-      | False => false
-      | Literal _ => false
-      | _ => true;
-  fun addSet set_defs body_def =
-      let
-        fun def_body_size (body,_) = Set.size body
-        val body_size = def_body_size body_def
-        val (body,_) = body_def
-        fun add acc [] = List.revAppend (acc,[body_def])
-          | add acc (l as (bd as (b,_)) :: bds) =
-            case (def_body_size bd, body_size) of
-              LESS => List.revAppend (acc, body_def :: l)
-            | EQUAL => if Set.equal b body then List.revAppend (acc,l)
-                       else add (bd :: acc) bds
-            | GREATER => add (bd :: acc) bds
-      in
-        add [] set_defs
-      end;
-  fun add simp (body,False) = add simp (negate body, True)
-    | add simp (True,_) = simp
-    | add (Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) (And (_,_,s), def) =
-      let
-        val andSet = addSet andSet (s,def)
-        and orSet = addSet orSet (negateSet s, negate def)
-      in
-        Simplify
-          {formula = formula,
-           andSet = andSet, orSet = orSet, xorSet = xorSet}
-      end
-    | add (Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) (Or (_,_,s), def) =
-      let
-        val orSet = addSet orSet (s,def)
-        and andSet = addSet andSet (negateSet s, negate def)
-      in
-        Simplify
-          {formula = formula,
-           andSet = andSet, orSet = orSet, xorSet = xorSet}
-      end
-    | add simp (Xor (_,_,p,s), def) =
-      let
-        val simp = addXorSet simp (s, applyPolarity p def)
-      in
-        case def of
-          True =>
-          let
-            fun addXorLiteral (fm as Literal _, simp) =
-                let
-                  val s = Set.delete s fm
-                in
-                  if not (simpler fm s) then simp
-                  else addXorSet simp (s, applyPolarity (not p) fm)
-                end
-              | addXorLiteral (_,simp) = simp
-          in
-            Set.foldl addXorLiteral simp s
-          end
-        | _ => simp
-      end
-    | add (simp as Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) (body,def) =
-      if Map.inDomain body formula then simp
-      else
-        let
-          val formula = Map.insert formula (body,def)
-          val formula = Map.insert formula (negate body, negate def)
-        in
-          Simplify
-            {formula = formula,
-             andSet = andSet, orSet = orSet, xorSet = xorSet}
-        end
-  and addXorSet (simp as Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) (s,def) =
-      if Set.size s = 1 then add simp (Set.pick s, def)
-      else
-        let
-          val xorSet = addSet xorSet (s,def)
-        in
-          Simplify
-            {formula = formula,
-             andSet = andSet, orSet = orSet, xorSet = xorSet}
-        end;
-  fun simplifyAdd simp fm = add simp (fm,True);
-  fun simplifySet set_defs set =
-      let
-        fun pred (s,_) = Set.subset s set
-      in
-        case List.find pred set_defs of
-          NONE => NONE
-        | SOME (s,f) => SOME (Set.add (Set.difference set s) f)
-      end;
-  fun simplify (Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) =
-      let
-        fun simp fm = simp_top (simp_sub fm)
-        and simp_top (changed_fm as (_, And (_,_,s))) =
-            (case simplifySet andSet s of
-               NONE => changed_fm
-             | SOME s => simp_top (true, AndSet s))
-          | simp_top (changed_fm as (_, Or (_,_,s))) =
-            (case simplifySet orSet s of
-               NONE => changed_fm
-             | SOME s => simp_top (true, OrSet s))
-          | simp_top (changed_fm as (_, Xor (_,_,p,s))) =
-            (case simplifySet xorSet s of
-               NONE => changed_fm
-             | SOME s => simp_top (true, XorPolaritySet (p,s)))
-          | simp_top (changed_fm as (_,fm)) =
-            (case Map.peek formula fm of
-               NONE => changed_fm
-             | SOME fm => simp_top (true,fm))
-        and simp_sub fm =
-            case fm of
-              And (_,_,s) =>
-              let
-                val l = Set.transform simp s
-                val changed = List.exists fst l
-                val fm = if changed then AndList (map snd l) else fm
-              in
-                (changed,fm)
-              end
-            | Or (_,_,s) =>
-              let
-                val l = Set.transform simp s
-                val changed = List.exists fst l
-                val fm = if changed then OrList (map snd l) else fm
-              in
-                (changed,fm)
-              end
-            | Xor (_,_,p,s) =>
-              let
-                val l = Set.transform simp s
-                val changed = List.exists fst l
-                val fm = if changed then XorPolarityList (p, map snd l) else fm
-              in
-                (changed,fm)
-              end
-            | Exists (_,_,n,f) =>
-              let
-                val (changed,f) = simp f
-                val fm = if changed then ExistsSet (n,f) else fm
-              in
-                (changed,fm)
-              end
-            | Forall (_,_,n,f) =>
-              let
-                val (changed,f) = simp f
-                val fm = if changed then ForallSet (n,f) else fm
-              in
-                (changed,fm)
-              end
-            | _ => (false,fm);
-      in
-        fn fm => snd (simp fm)
-      end;
-val simplify = fn simp => fn fm =>
-    let
-      val fm' = simplify simp fm
-      val () = if compare (fm,fm') = EQUAL then ()
-               else (Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.simplify: fm" fm;
-                     Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.simplify: fm'" fm')
-    in
-      fm'
-    end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Basic conjunctive normal form.                                            *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val newSkolemFunction =
-    let
-      val counter : int ref = ref ( ())
-    in
-      fn n => CRITICAL (fn () =>
-      let
-        val ref m = counter
-        val i = Option.getOpt (NameMap.peek m n, 0)
-        val () = counter := NameMap.insert m (n, i + 1)
-      in
-        "skolem_" ^ n ^ (if i = 0 then "" else "_" ^ Int.toString i)
-      end)
-    end;
-fun skolemize fv bv fm =
-    let
-      val fv = NameSet.transform Term.Var fv
-      fun mk (v,s) = Subst.insert s (v, Term.Fn (newSkolemFunction v, fv))
-    in
-      subst (NameSet.foldl mk Subst.empty bv) fm
-    end;
-  fun rename avoid fv bv fm =
-      let
-        val captured = NameSet.intersect avoid bv
-      in
-        if NameSet.null captured then fm
-        else
-          let
-            fun ren (v,(a,s)) =
-                let
-                  val v' = Term.variantPrime a v
-                in
-                  (NameSet.add a v', Subst.insert s (v, Term.Var v'))
-                end
-            val avoid = NameSet.union (NameSet.union avoid fv) bv
-            val (_,sub) = NameSet.foldl ren (avoid,Subst.empty) captured
-          in
-            subst sub fm
-          end
-      end;
-  fun cnf avoid fm =
-      let
-        val fm' = cnf' avoid fm
-        val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.cnf: fm" fm
-        val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.cnf: fm'" fm'
-      in
-        fm'
-      end
-  and cnf' avoid fm =
-      case fm of
-        True => True
-      | False => False
-      | Literal _ => fm
-      | And (_,_,s) => AndList (Set.transform (cnf avoid) s)
-      | Or (_,_,s) => pushOrList (snd (Set.foldl cnfOr (avoid,[]) s))
-      | Xor _ => cnf avoid (pushXor fm)
-      | Exists (fv,_,n,f) => cnf avoid (skolemize fv n f)
-      | Forall (fv,_,n,f) => cnf avoid (rename avoid fv n f)
-  and cnfOr (fm,(avoid,acc)) =
-      let
-        val fm = cnf avoid fm
-      in
-        (NameSet.union (freeVars fm) avoid, fm :: acc)
-      end;
-  val basicCnf = cnf NameSet.empty;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Finding the formula definition that minimizes the number of clauses.      *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  type best = real * formula option;
-  fun minBreak countClauses fm best =
-      case fm of
-        True => best
-      | False => best
-      | Literal _ => best
-      | And (_,_,s) =>
-        minBreakSet countClauses countAnd2 countTrue AndSet s best
-      | Or (_,_,s) =>
-        minBreakSet countClauses countOr2 countFalse OrSet s best
-      | Xor (_,_,_,s) =>
-        minBreakSet countClauses countXor2 countFalse XorSet s best
-      | Exists (_,_,_,f) => minBreak countClauses f best
-      | Forall (_,_,_,f) => minBreak countClauses f best
-  and minBreakSet countClauses count2 count0 mkSet fmSet best =
-      let
-        fun cumulatives fms =
-            let
-              fun fwd (fm,(c1,s1,l)) =
-                  let
-                    val c1' = count2 (count fm, c1)
-                    and s1' = Set.add s1 fm
-                  in
-                    (c1', s1', (c1,s1,fm) :: l)
-                  end
-              fun bwd ((c1,s1,fm),(c2,s2,l)) =
-                  let
-                    val c2' = count2 (count fm, c2)
-                    and s2' = Set.add s2 fm
-                  in
-                    (c2', s2', (c1,s1,fm,c2,s2) :: l)
-                  end
-              val (c1,_,fms) = foldl fwd (count0,empty,[]) fms
-              val (c2,_,fms) = foldl bwd (count0,empty,[]) fms
-              val _ = countEqualish c1 c2 orelse raise Bug "cumulativeCounts"
-            in
-              fms
-            end
-        fun breakSing ((c1,_,fm,c2,_),best) =
-            let
-              val cFms = count2 (c1,c2)
-              fun countCls cFm = countClauses (count2 (cFms,cFm))
-            in
-              minBreak countCls fm best
-            end
-        val breakSet1 =
-            let
-              fun break c1 s1 fm c2 (best as (bcl,_)) =
-                  if Set.null s1 then best
-                  else
-                    let
-                      val cDef = countDefinition (count2 (c1, count fm))
-                      val cFm = count2 (countLiteral,c2)
-                      val cl = positive cDef + countClauses cFm
-                      val better = cl < bcl - 0.5
-                    in
-                      if better then (cl, SOME (mkSet (Set.add s1 fm)))
-                      else best
-                    end
-            in
-              fn ((c1,s1,fm,c2,s2),best) =>
-                 break c1 s1 fm c2 (break c2 s2 fm c1 best)
-            end
-        val fms = Set.toList fmSet
-        fun breakSet measure best =
-            let
-              val fms = sortMap (measure o count) fms
-            in
-              foldl breakSet1 best (cumulatives fms)
-            end
-        val best = foldl breakSing best (cumulatives fms)
-        val best = breakSet positive best
-        val best = breakSet negative best
-        val best = breakSet countClauses best
-      in
-        best
-      end
-  fun minimumDefinition fm =
-      let
-        val countClauses = positive
-        val cl = countClauses (count fm)
-      in
-        if cl < 1.5 then NONE
-        else
-          let
-            val (cl',def) = minBreak countClauses fm (cl,NONE)
-            val () =
-                case def of
-                  NONE => ()
-                | SOME d =>
-                  Parser.ppTrace pp ("defCNF: before = " ^ Real.toString cl ^
-                                     ", after = " ^ Real.toString cl' ^
-                                     ", definition") d
-          in
-            def
-          end
-      end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Conjunctive normal form.                                                  *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val newDefinitionRelation =
-    let
-      val counter : int ref = ref 0
-    in
-      fn () => CRITICAL (fn () =>
-      let
-        val ref i = counter
-        val () = counter := i + 1
-      in
-        "defCNF_" ^ Int.toString i
-      end)
-    end;
-fun newDefinition def =
-    let
-      val fv = freeVars def
-      val atm = (newDefinitionRelation (), NameSet.transform Term.Var fv)
-      val lit = Literal (fv,(true,atm))
-    in
-      Xor2 (lit,def)
-    end;
-  fun def_cnf acc [] = acc
-    | def_cnf acc ((prob,simp,fms) :: probs) =
-      def_cnf_problem acc prob simp fms probs
-  and def_cnf_problem acc prob _ [] probs = def_cnf (prob :: acc) probs
-    | def_cnf_problem acc prob simp (fm :: fms) probs =
-      def_cnf_formula acc prob simp (simplify simp fm) fms probs
-  and def_cnf_formula acc prob simp fm fms probs =
-      case fm of
-        True => def_cnf_problem acc prob simp fms probs
-      | False => def_cnf acc probs
-      | And (_,_,s) => def_cnf_problem acc prob simp (Set.toList s @ fms) probs
-      | Exists (fv,_,n,f) =>
-        def_cnf_formula acc prob simp (skolemize fv n f) fms probs
-      | Forall (_,_,_,f) => def_cnf_formula acc prob simp f fms probs
-      | _ =>
-        case minimumDefinition fm of
-          NONE =>
-          let
-            val prob = fm :: prob
-            and simp = simplifyAdd simp fm
-          in
-            def_cnf_problem acc prob simp fms probs
-          end
-        | SOME def =>
-          let
-            val def_fm = newDefinition def
-            and fms = fm :: fms
-          in
-            def_cnf_formula acc prob simp def_fm fms probs
-          end;
-  fun cnf_prob prob = toFormula (AndList (map basicCnf prob));
-  fun cnf fm =
-      let
-        val fm = fromFormula fm
-        val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.cnf: fm" fm
-        val probs = def_cnf [] [([],simplifyEmpty,[fm])]
-      in
-        map cnf_prob probs
-      end;