changeset 39347 50dec19e682b
parent 39346 d837998f1e60
child 39348 6f9c9899f99f
--- a/src/Tools/Metis/src/PP.sig	Mon Sep 13 20:27:40 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-(* ========================================================================= *)
-(* PP -- pretty-printing -- from the SML/NJ library                          *)
-(*                                                                           *)
-(* Modified for Moscow ML from SML/NJ Library version 0.2                    *)
-(*                                                                           *)
-(* COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by AT&T Bell Laboratories.                             *)
-(*                                                                           *)
-(*                                                                           *)
-(* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its     *)
-(* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,          *)
-(* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that    *)
-(* both the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty         *)
-(* disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of       *)
-(* AT&T Bell Laboratories or any AT&T entity not be used in advertising      *)
-(* or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without           *)
-(* specific, written prior permission.                                       *)
-(*                                                                           *)
-(* AT&T disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including     *)
-(* all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.  In no event       *)
-(* shall AT&T be liable for any special, indirect or consequential           *)
-(* damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or     *)
-(* profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other            *)
-(* tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or          *)
-(* performance of this software.                                             *)
-(* ========================================================================= *)
-signature PP =
-  type ppstream
-  type ppconsumer =
-       {consumer : string -> unit,
-        linewidth : int,
-        flush : unit -> unit}
-  datatype break_style = 
-  val mk_ppstream : ppconsumer -> ppstream
-  val dest_ppstream : ppstream -> ppconsumer
-  val add_break : ppstream -> int * int -> unit
-  val add_newline : ppstream -> unit
-  val add_string : ppstream -> string -> unit
-  val begin_block : ppstream -> break_style -> int -> unit
-  val end_block : ppstream -> unit
-  val clear_ppstream : ppstream -> unit
-  val flush_ppstream : ppstream -> unit
-  val with_pp : ppconsumer -> (ppstream -> unit) -> unit
-  val pp_to_string : int -> (ppstream -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> string
-   This structure provides tools for creating customized Oppen-style
-   pretty-printers, based on the type ppstream.  A ppstream is an
-   output stream that contains prettyprinting commands.  The commands
-   are placed in the stream by various function calls listed below.
-   There following primitives add commands to the stream:
-   begin_block, end_block, add_string, add_break, and add_newline.
-   All calls to add_string, add_break, and add_newline must happen
-   between a pair of calls to begin_block and end_block must be
-   properly nested dynamically.  All calls to begin_block and
-   end_block must be properly nested (dynamically).
-   [ppconsumer] is the type of sinks for pretty-printing.  A value of 
-   type ppconsumer is a record 
-                 { consumer : string -> unit,
-                   linewidth : int,
-                   flush : unit -> unit }
-   of a string consumer, a specified linewidth, and a flush function
-   which is called whenever flush_ppstream is called.
-   A prettyprinter can be called outright to print a value.  In
-   addition, a prettyprinter for a base type or nullary datatype ty
-   can be installed in the top-level system.  Then the installed
-   prettyprinter will be invoked automatically whenever a value of
-   type ty is to be printed.
-   [break_style] is the type of line break styles for blocks:
-   [CONSISTENT] specifies that if any line break occurs inside the
-   block, then all indicated line breaks occur.
-   [INCONSISTENT] specifies that breaks will be inserted to only to
-   avoid overfull lines.
-   [mk_ppstream {consumer, linewidth, flush}] creates a new ppstream
-   which invokes the consumer to output text, putting at most
-   linewidth characters on each line.
-   [dest_ppstream ppstrm] extracts the linewidth, flush function, and
-   consumer from a ppstream.
-   [add_break ppstrm (size, offset)] notifies the pretty-printer that
-   a line break is possible at this point.  
-   * When the current block style is CONSISTENT:
-      ** if the entire block fits on the remainder of the line, then
-         output size spaces; else
-      ** increase the current indentation by the block offset;
-         further indent every item of the block by offset, and add
-         one newline at every add_break in the block.
-   * When the current block style is INCONSISTENT:
-      ** if the next component of the block fits on the remainder of
-         the line, then output size spaces; else
-      ** issue a newline and indent to the current indentation level
-         plus the block offset plus the offset.
-   [add_newline ppstrm] issues a newline.
-   [add_string ppstrm str] outputs the string str to the ppstream.
-   [begin_block ppstrm style blockoffset] begins a new block and
-   level of indentation, with the given style and block offset.
-   [end_block ppstrm] closes the current block.  
-   [clear_ppstream ppstrm] restarts the stream, without affecting the
-   underlying consumer.
-   [flush_ppstream ppstrm] executes any remaining commands in the
-   ppstream (that is, flushes currently accumulated output to the
-   consumer associated with ppstrm); executes the flush function
-   associated with the consumer; and calls clear_ppstream.
-   [with_pp consumer f] makes a new ppstream from the consumer and
-   applies f (which can be thought of as a producer) to that
-   ppstream, then flushed the ppstream and returns the value of f.
-   [pp_to_string linewidth printit x] constructs a new ppstream
-   ppstrm whose consumer accumulates the output in a string s.  Then
-   evaluates (printit ppstrm x) and finally returns the string s.
-   Example 1: A simple prettyprinter for Booleans:
-       load "PP";
-       fun ppbool pps d = 
-           let open PP
-           in
-               begin_block pps INCONSISTENT 6; 
-               add_string pps (if d then "right" else "wrong");
-               end_block pps
-           end;
-   Now one may define a ppstream to print to, and exercise it:
-       val ppstrm = PP.mk_ppstream {consumer  = 
-                                    fn s => TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut, s), 
-                                    linewidth = 72,
-                                    flush     = 
-                                     fn () => TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut};
-       fun ppb b = (ppbool ppstrm b; PP.flush_ppstream ppstrm);
-       - ppb false;
-       wrong> val it = () : unit   
-   The prettyprinter may also be installed in the toplevel system;
-   then it will be used to print all expressions of type bool
-   subsequently computed:
-       - installPP ppbool;
-       > val it = () : unit
-       - 1=0;
-       > val it = wrong : bool
-       - 1=1;
-       > val it = right : bool
-   See library Meta for a description of installPP.
-   Example 2: Prettyprinting simple expressions (examples/pretty/ppexpr.sml):
-       datatype expr = 
-           Cst of int 
-         | Neg of expr
-         | Plus of expr * expr
-       fun ppexpr pps e0 = 
-           let open PP
-               fun ppe (Cst i)        = add_string pps (Int.toString i)
-                 | ppe (Neg e)        = (add_string pps "~"; ppe e)
-                 | ppe (Plus(e1, e2)) = (begin_block pps CONSISTENT 0;
-                                         add_string pps "(";
-                                         ppe e1; 
-                                         add_string pps " + ";
-                                         add_break pps (0, 1);
-                                         ppe e2; 
-                                         add_string pps ")";
-                                         end_block pps)
-           in
-               begin_block pps INCONSISTENT 0; 
-               ppe e0;
-               end_block pps
-           end
-       val _ = installPP ppexpr;
-       (* Some example values: *)
-       val e1 = Cst 1;
-       val e2 = Cst 2;
-       val e3 = Plus(e1, Neg e2);
-       val e4 = Plus(Neg e3, e3);
-       val e5 = Plus(Neg e4, e4);
-       val e6 = Plus(e5, e5);
-       val e7 = Plus(e6, e6);
-       val e8 = 
-           Plus(e3, Plus(e3, Plus(e3, Plus(e3, Plus(e3, Plus(e3, e7))))));