changeset 39347 50dec19e682b
parent 39346 d837998f1e60
child 39348 6f9c9899f99f
--- a/src/Tools/Metis/src/Useful.sml	Mon Sep 13 20:27:40 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,672 +0,0 @@
-(* ========================================================================= *)
-(* ML UTILITY FUNCTIONS                                                      *)
-(* Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the BSD License *)
-(* ========================================================================= *)
-structure Useful :> Useful =
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Exceptions                                                                *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-exception Error of string;
-exception Bug of string;
-fun errorToString (Error message) = "\nError: " ^ message ^ "\n"
-  | errorToString _ = raise Bug "errorToString: not an Error exception";
-fun bugToString (Bug message) = "\nBug: " ^ message ^ "\n"
-  | bugToString _ = raise Bug "bugToString: not a Bug exception";
-fun total f x = SOME (f x) handle Error _ => NONE;
-fun can f = Option.isSome o total f;
-fun partial (e as Error _) f x = (case f x of SOME y => y | NONE => raise e)
-  | partial _ _ _ = raise Bug "partial: must take an Error exception";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Tracing                                                                   *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val tracePrint = ref print;
-fun trace message = !tracePrint message;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Combinators                                                               *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun C f x y = f y x;
-fun I x = x;
-fun K x y = x;
-fun S f g x = f x (g x);
-fun W f x = f x x;
-fun funpow 0 _ x = x
-  | funpow n f x = funpow (n - 1) f (f x);
-fun exp m =
-    let
-      fun f _ 0 z = z
-        | f x y z = f (m (x,x)) (y div 2) (if y mod 2 = 0 then z else m (z,x))
-    in
-      f
-    end;
-val equal = fn x => fn y => x = y;
-val notEqual = fn x => fn y => x <> y;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Pairs                                                                     *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun fst (x,_) = x;
-fun snd (_,y) = y;
-fun pair x y = (x,y);
-fun swap (x,y) = (y,x);
-fun curry f x y = f (x,y);
-fun uncurry f (x,y) = f x y;
-val op## = fn (f,g) => fn (x,y) => (f x, g y);
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* State transformers                                                        *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val unit : 'a -> 's -> 'a * 's = pair;
-fun bind f (g : 'a -> 's -> 'b * 's) = uncurry g o f;
-fun mmap f (m : 's -> 'a * 's) = bind m (unit o f);
-fun mjoin (f : 's -> ('s -> 'a * 's) * 's) = bind f I;
-fun mwhile c b = let fun f a = if c a then bind (b a) f else unit a in f end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Lists                                                                     *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun cons x y = x :: y;
-fun hdTl l = (hd l, tl l);
-fun append xs ys = xs @ ys;
-fun singleton a = [a];
-fun first f [] = NONE
-  | first f (x :: xs) = (case f x of NONE => first f xs | s => s);
-fun index p =
-  let
-    fun idx _ [] = NONE
-      | idx n (x :: xs) = if p x then SOME n else idx (n + 1) xs
-  in
-    idx 0
-  end;
-fun maps (_ : 'a -> 's -> 'b * 's) [] = unit []
-  | maps f (x :: xs) =
-    bind (f x) (fn y => bind (maps f xs) (fn ys => unit (y :: ys)));
-fun mapsPartial (_ : 'a -> 's -> 'b option * 's) [] = unit []
-  | mapsPartial f (x :: xs) =
-    bind
-      (f x)
-      (fn yo =>
-          bind
-            (mapsPartial f xs)
-            (fn ys => unit (case yo of NONE => ys | SOME y => y :: ys)));
-fun enumerate l = fst (maps (fn x => fn m => ((m, x), m + 1)) l 0);
-fun zipwith f =
-    let
-      fun z l [] [] = l
-        | z l (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = z (f x y :: l) xs ys
-        | z _ _ _ = raise Error "zipwith: lists different lengths";
-    in
-      fn xs => fn ys => rev (z [] xs ys)
-    end;
-fun zip xs ys = zipwith pair xs ys;
-fun unzip ab =
-    foldl (fn ((x, y), (xs, ys)) => (x :: xs, y :: ys)) ([], []) (rev ab);
-fun cartwith f =
-  let
-    fun aux _ res _ [] = res
-      | aux xsCopy res [] (y :: yt) = aux xsCopy res xsCopy yt
-      | aux xsCopy res (x :: xt) (ys as y :: _) =
-        aux xsCopy (f x y :: res) xt ys
-  in
-    fn xs => fn ys =>
-    let val xs' = rev xs in aux xs' [] xs' (rev ys) end
-  end;
-fun cart xs ys = cartwith pair xs ys;
-  fun revDiv acc l 0 = (acc,l)
-    | revDiv _ [] _ = raise Subscript
-    | revDiv acc (h :: t) n = revDiv (h :: acc) t (n - 1);
-  fun revDivide l = revDiv [] l;
-fun divide l n = let val (a,b) = revDivide l n in (rev a, b) end;
-fun updateNth (n,x) l =
-    let
-      val (a,b) = revDivide l n
-    in
-      case b of [] => raise Subscript | _ :: t => List.revAppend (a, x :: t)
-    end;
-fun deleteNth n l =
-    let
-      val (a,b) = revDivide l n
-    in
-      case b of [] => raise Subscript | _ :: t => List.revAppend (a,t)
-    end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Sets implemented with lists                                               *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun mem x = List.exists (equal x);
-fun insert x s = if mem x s then s else x :: s;
-fun delete x s = List.filter (not o equal x) s;
-fun setify s = rev (foldl (fn (v,x) => if mem v x then x else v :: x) [] s);
-fun union s t = foldl (fn (v,x) => if mem v t then x else v :: x) t (rev s);
-fun intersect s t =
-    foldl (fn (v,x) => if mem v t then v :: x else x) [] (rev s);
-fun difference s t =
-    foldl (fn (v,x) => if mem v t then x else v :: x) [] (rev s);
-fun subset s t = List.all (fn x => mem x t) s;
-fun distinct [] = true
-  | distinct (x :: rest) = not (mem x rest) andalso distinct rest;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Comparisons.                                                              *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun mapCompare f cmp (a,b) = cmp (f a, f b);
-fun revCompare cmp x_y =
-    case cmp x_y of LESS => GREATER | EQUAL => EQUAL | GREATER => LESS;
-fun prodCompare xCmp yCmp ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) =
-    case xCmp (x1,x2) of
-      LESS => LESS
-    | EQUAL => yCmp (y1,y2)
-fun lexCompare cmp =
-    let
-      fun lex ([],[]) = EQUAL
-        | lex ([], _ :: _) = LESS
-        | lex (_ :: _, []) = GREATER
-        | lex (x :: xs, y :: ys) =
-          case cmp (x,y) of
-            LESS => LESS
-          | EQUAL => lex (xs,ys)
-          | GREATER => GREATER
-    in
-      lex
-    end;
-fun optionCompare _ (NONE,NONE) = EQUAL
-  | optionCompare _ (NONE,_) = LESS
-  | optionCompare _ (_,NONE) = GREATER
-  | optionCompare cmp (SOME x, SOME y) = cmp (x,y);
-fun boolCompare (true,false) = LESS
-  | boolCompare (false,true) = GREATER
-  | boolCompare _ = EQUAL;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Sorting and searching.                                                    *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Finding the minimum and maximum element of a list, wrt some order. *)
-fun minimum cmp =
-    let
-      fun min (l,m,r) _ [] = (m, List.revAppend (l,r))
-        | min (best as (_,m,_)) l (x :: r) =
-          min (case cmp (x,m) of LESS => (l,x,r) | _ => best) (x :: l) r
-    in
-      fn [] => raise Empty
-       | h :: t => min ([],h,t) [h] t
-    end;
-fun maximum cmp = minimum (revCompare cmp);
-(* Merge (for the following merge-sort, but generally useful too). *)
-fun merge cmp =
-    let
-      fun mrg acc [] ys = List.revAppend (acc,ys)
-        | mrg acc xs [] = List.revAppend (acc,xs)
-        | mrg acc (xs as x :: xt) (ys as y :: yt) =
-          (case cmp (x,y) of
-             GREATER => mrg (y :: acc) xs yt
-           | _ => mrg (x :: acc) xt ys)
-    in
-      mrg []
-    end;
-(* Merge sort (stable). *)
-fun sort cmp =
-    let
-      fun findRuns acc r rs [] = rev (rev (r :: rs) :: acc)
-        | findRuns acc r rs (x :: xs) =
-          case cmp (r,x) of
-            GREATER => findRuns (rev (r :: rs) :: acc) x [] xs
-          | _ => findRuns acc x (r :: rs) xs
-      fun mergeAdj acc [] = rev acc
-        | mergeAdj acc (xs as [_]) = List.revAppend (acc,xs)
-        | mergeAdj acc (x :: y :: xs) = mergeAdj (merge cmp x y :: acc) xs
-      fun mergePairs [xs] = xs
-        | mergePairs l = mergePairs (mergeAdj [] l)
-    in
-      fn [] => []
-       | l as [_] => l
-       | h :: t => mergePairs (findRuns [] h [] t)
-    end;
-fun sortMap _ _ [] = []
-  | sortMap _ _ (l as [_]) = l
-  | sortMap f cmp xs =
-    let
-      fun ncmp ((m,_),(n,_)) = cmp (m,n)
-      val nxs = map (fn x => (f x, x)) xs
-      val nys = sort ncmp nxs
-    in
-      map snd nys
-    end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Integers.                                                                 *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun interval m 0 = []
-  | interval m len = m :: interval (m + 1) (len - 1);
-fun divides _ 0 = true
-  | divides 0 _ = false
-  | divides a b = b mod (Int.abs a) = 0;
-  fun hcf 0 n = n
-    | hcf 1 _ = 1
-    | hcf m n = hcf (n mod m) m;
-  fun gcd m n =
-      let
-        val m = Int.abs m
-        and n = Int.abs n
-      in
-        if m < n then hcf m n else hcf n m
-      end;
-  fun both f g n = f n andalso g n;
-  fun next f = let fun nx x = if f x then x else nx (x + 1) in nx end;
-  fun looking res 0 _ _ = rev res
-    | looking res n f x =
-      let
-        val p = next f x
-        val res' = p :: res
-        val f' = both f (not o divides p)
-      in
-        looking res' (n - 1) f' (p + 1)
-      end;
-  fun calcPrimes n = looking [] n (K true) 2
-  val primesList = ref (calcPrimes 10);
-  fun primes n = CRITICAL (fn () =>
-      if length (!primesList) <= n then List.take (!primesList,n)
-      else
-        let
-          val l = calcPrimes n
-          val () = primesList := l
-        in
-          l
-        end);
-  fun primesUpTo n = CRITICAL (fn () =>
-      let
-        fun f k [] =
-            let
-              val l = calcPrimes (2 * k)
-              val () = primesList := l
-            in
-              f k (List.drop (l,k))
-            end
-          | f k (p :: ps) =
-            if p <= n then f (k + 1) ps else List.take (!primesList, k)
-      in
-        f 0 (!primesList)
-      end);
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Strings.                                                                  *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  fun len l = (length l, l)
-  val upper = len (explode "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ");
-  val lower = len (explode "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
-  fun rotate (n,l) c k =
-      List.nth (l, (k + Option.valOf (index (equal c) l)) mod n);
-  fun rot k c =
-      if Char.isLower c then rotate lower c k
-      else if Char.isUpper c then rotate upper c k
-      else c;
-fun charToInt #"0" = SOME 0
-  | charToInt #"1" = SOME 1
-  | charToInt #"2" = SOME 2
-  | charToInt #"3" = SOME 3
-  | charToInt #"4" = SOME 4
-  | charToInt #"5" = SOME 5
-  | charToInt #"6" = SOME 6
-  | charToInt #"7" = SOME 7
-  | charToInt #"8" = SOME 8
-  | charToInt #"9" = SOME 9
-  | charToInt _ = NONE;
-fun charFromInt 0 = SOME #"0"
-  | charFromInt 1 = SOME #"1"
-  | charFromInt 2 = SOME #"2"
-  | charFromInt 3 = SOME #"3"
-  | charFromInt 4 = SOME #"4"
-  | charFromInt 5 = SOME #"5"
-  | charFromInt 6 = SOME #"6"
-  | charFromInt 7 = SOME #"7"
-  | charFromInt 8 = SOME #"8"
-  | charFromInt 9 = SOME #"9"
-  | charFromInt _ = NONE;
-fun nChars x =
-    let
-      fun dup 0 l = l | dup n l = dup (n - 1) (x :: l)
-    in
-      fn n => implode (dup n [])
-    end;
-fun chomp s =
-    let
-      val n = size s
-    in
-      if n = 0 orelse String.sub (s, n - 1) <> #"\n" then s
-      else String.substring (s, 0, n - 1)
-    end;
-  fun chop [] = []
-    | chop (l as (h :: t)) = if Char.isSpace h then chop t else l;
-  val trim = implode o chop o rev o chop o rev o explode;
-fun join _ [] = "" | join s (h :: t) = foldl (fn (x,y) => y ^ s ^ x) h t;
-  fun match [] l = SOME l
-    | match _ [] = NONE
-    | match (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = if x = y then match xs ys else NONE;
-  fun stringify acc [] = acc
-    | stringify acc (h :: t) = stringify (implode h :: acc) t;
-  fun split sep =
-      let
-        val pat = String.explode sep
-        fun div1 prev recent [] = stringify [] (rev recent :: prev)
-          | div1 prev recent (l as h :: t) =
-            case match pat l of
-              NONE => div1 prev (h :: recent) t
-            | SOME rest => div1 (rev recent :: prev) [] rest
-      in
-        fn s => div1 [] [] (explode s)
-      end;
-fun pluralize {singular,plural} = fn 1 => singular | _ => plural;
-fun mkPrefix p s = p ^ s;
-fun destPrefix p =
-    let
-      fun check s = String.isPrefix p s orelse raise Error "destPrefix"
-      val sizeP = size p
-    in
-      fn s => (check s; String.extract (s,sizeP,NONE))
-    end;
-fun isPrefix p = can (destPrefix p);
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Tables.                                                                   *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-type columnAlignment = {leftAlign : bool, padChar : char}
-fun alignColumn {leftAlign,padChar} column =
-    let
-      val (n,_) = maximum (map size column)
-      fun pad entry row =
-          let
-            val padding = nChars padChar (n - size entry)
-          in
-            if leftAlign then entry ^ padding ^ row
-            else padding ^ entry ^ row
-          end
-    in
-      zipwith pad column
-    end;
-fun alignTable [] rows = map (K "") rows
-  | alignTable [{leftAlign = true, padChar = #" "}] rows = map hd rows
-  | alignTable (align :: aligns) rows =
-    alignColumn align (map hd rows) (alignTable aligns (map tl rows));
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Reals.                                                                    *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val realToString = Real.toString;
-fun percentToString x = Int.toString (Real.round (100.0 * x)) ^ "%";
-fun pos r = Real.max (r,0.0);
-  val invLn2 = 1.0 / Math.ln 2.0;
-  fun log2 x = invLn2 * Math.ln x;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Sums.                                                                     *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype ('a,'b) sum = Left of 'a | Right of 'b
-fun destLeft (Left l) = l
-  | destLeft _ = raise Error "destLeft";
-fun isLeft (Left _) = true
-  | isLeft (Right _) = false;
-fun destRight (Right r) = r
-  | destRight _ = raise Error "destRight";
-fun isRight (Left _) = false
-  | isRight (Right _) = true;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Useful impure features.                                                   *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  val generator = ref 0
-  fun newInt () = CRITICAL (fn () =>
-      let
-        val n = !generator
-        val () = generator := n + 1
-      in
-        n
-      end);
-  fun newInts 0 = []
-    | newInts k = CRITICAL (fn () =>
-      let
-        val n = !generator
-        val () = generator := n + k
-      in
-        interval n k
-      end);
-fun withRef (r,new) f x =
-  let
-    val old = !r
-    val () = r := new
-    val y = f x handle e => (r := old; raise e)
-    val () = r := old
-  in
-    y
-  end;
-fun cloneArray a =
-    let
-      fun index i = Array.sub (a,i)
-    in
-      Array.tabulate (Array.length a, index)
-    end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Environment.                                                              *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun host () = Option.getOpt (OS.Process.getEnv "HOSTNAME", "unknown");
-fun time () = Date.fmt "%H:%M:%S" (Date.fromTimeLocal ( ()));
-fun date () = Date.fmt "%d/%m/%Y" (Date.fromTimeLocal ( ()));
-fun readTextFile {filename} =
-  let
-    open TextIO
-    val h = openIn filename
-    val contents = inputAll h
-    val () = closeIn h
-  in
-    contents
-  end;
-fun writeTextFile {filename,contents} =
-  let
-    open TextIO
-    val h = openOut filename
-    val () = output (h,contents)
-    val () = closeOut h
-  in
-    ()
-  end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Profiling                                                                 *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  fun err x s = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, x ^ ": " ^ s ^ "\n");
-  fun try f x = f x
-      handle e as Error _ => (err "try" (errorToString e); raise e)
-           | e as Bug _ => (err "try" (bugToString e); raise e)
-           | e => (err "try" "strange exception raised"; raise e);
-  val warn = err "WARNING";
-  fun die s = (err "\nFATAL ERROR" s; OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure);
-fun timed f a =
-  let
-    val tmr = Timer.startCPUTimer ()
-    val res = f a
-    val {usr,sys,...} = Timer.checkCPUTimer tmr
-  in
-    (Time.toReal usr + Time.toReal sys, res)
-  end;
-  val MIN = 1.0;
-  fun several n t f a =
-    let
-      val (t',res) = timed f a
-      val t = t + t'
-      val n = n + 1
-    in
-      if t > MIN then (t / Real.fromInt n, res) else several n t f a
-    end;
-  fun timedMany f a = several 0 0.0 f a
-val executionTime =
-    let
-      val startTime = Time.toReal ( ())
-    in
-      fn () => Time.toReal ( ()) - startTime
-    end;