changeset 19836 5181e317e9ff
parent 19835 81d6dc597559
child 19837 a2e93327daa3
--- a/src/Pure/IsaPlanner/focus_term_lib.ML	Sun Jun 11 00:28:18 2006 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
-(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *) 
-(*  Title:      Pure/IsaPlanner/focus_term_lib.ML
-    ID:		$Id$
-    Author:     Lucas Dixon, University of Edinburgh
-    Date:       16 April 2003
-(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *) 
-    Generic Foucs terms (like Zippers), which allows modification and
-    manipulation of term keeping track of how we got to the position
-    in the term. We provide a signature for terms, ie any kind of
-    lamda calculus with abs and application, and some notion of types
-    and naming of abstracted vars. 
-    FIXME: at some point in the future make a library to work simply
-    with polymorphic upterms - that way if I want to use them without
-    the focus part, then I don't need to include all the focus stuff.
-(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
-(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
-(*  to endoce and decode general terms into the type needed by focus
-term, this is an easy thing to write, but needs to be done for each
-type that is going to be used with focus terms. *)
-signature F_ENCODE_TERM_SIG = 
-  type term (* type of term to be encoded into TermT for focus term manip *)
-  type TypeT (* type annotation for abstractions *)
-  type LeafT (* type for other leaf types in term sturcture *)
-  (* the type to be encoded into *)
-  datatype TermT = $ of TermT * TermT
-    | Abs of string * TypeT * TermT
-    | lf of LeafT
-  (* the encode and decode functions *)
-  val fakebounds : string * TypeT -> term -> term
-  val encode : term -> TermT
-  val decode : TermT -> term
-(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
-signature FOCUS_TERM_SIG = 
-     structure MinTermS : F_ENCODE_TERM_SIG
-     exception focus_term_exp of string;
-     exception out_of_term_exception of string;
-     type Term (* = MinTermS.TermT *)
-     type Type (* = MinTermS.TypeT *)
-     type UpTerm (* = (Term,Type) UpTermLib.T *)
-(*   datatype
-       UpTerm =
-           abs of string * Type * UpTerm
-         | appl of Term * UpTerm
-         | appr of Term * UpTerm
-         | root *)
-     datatype FcTerm = focus of Term * UpTerm
-     (* translating *)
-     val fcterm_of_term : MinTermS.term -> FcTerm
-     val term_of_fcterm : FcTerm -> MinTermS.term
-     (* editing/constrution *)
-     val enc_appl : (MinTermS.term * UpTerm) -> UpTerm
-     val enc_appr : (MinTermS.term * UpTerm) -> UpTerm
-     (* upterm creatioin *)
-     val upterm_of : FcTerm -> UpTerm
-     val add_upterm : UpTerm -> FcTerm -> FcTerm
-     val mk_term_of_upterm : (MinTermS.term * UpTerm) -> MinTermS.term
-     val mk_termf_of_upterm : UpTerm -> 
-            (((string * Type) list) * 
-             (MinTermS.term -> MinTermS.term))
-     val pure_mk_termf_of_upterm : (MinTermS.term, Type) UpTermLib.T -> 
-                                   (((string * Type) list) * 
-                                    (MinTermS.term -> MinTermS.term))
-     (* focusing, throws exceptions *)
-     val focus_bot_left_leaf : FcTerm -> FcTerm
-     val focus_bot_left_nonabs_leaf : FcTerm -> FcTerm
-     val focus_left : FcTerm -> FcTerm
-     val focus_strict_left : FcTerm -> FcTerm
-     val focus_right : FcTerm -> FcTerm
-     val focus_abs : FcTerm -> FcTerm
-     val focus_fake_abs : FcTerm -> FcTerm
-     val focus_to_top : FcTerm -> FcTerm
-     val focus_up : FcTerm -> FcTerm
-     val focus_up_right : FcTerm -> FcTerm
-     val focus_up_right1 : FcTerm -> FcTerm
-     (* optional focus changes *)
-     val focus_up_abs : FcTerm -> FcTerm option
-     val focus_up_appr : FcTerm -> FcTerm option
-     val focus_up_appl : FcTerm -> FcTerm option
-     val focus_up_abs_or_appr : FcTerm -> FcTerm option
-     val tyenv_of_focus : FcTerm -> (string * Type) list
-     val tyenv_of_focus' : FcTerm -> Type list
-     (* set/get the focus term *)
-     val set_focus_of_fcterm : FcTerm -> MinTermS.term -> FcTerm
-     val focus_of_fcterm : FcTerm -> MinTermS.term
-     (* leaf navigation *) 
-     val leaf_seq_of_fcterm : FcTerm -> FcTerm Seq.seq
-     val next_leaf_fcterm : FcTerm -> FcTerm
-     val next_leaf_of_fcterm_seq : FcTerm -> FcTerm Seq.seq
-     (* analysis *)
-     val upsize_of_fcterm : FcTerm -> int
-(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
-   NOTE!!! I think this can be done in a purely functional way with a
-   pair of a term (the focus) and a function, that when applied
-   unfocuses one level... maybe think about this as it would be a very
-   nice generic consrtuction, without the need for encoding/decoding
-   strutcures.
-functor FocusTermFUN(structure EncodeTerm : F_ENCODE_TERM_SIG)
-structure MinTermS = EncodeTerm;
-local open MinTermS open UpTermLib in
-  type Term = MinTermS.TermT;
-  type Type = MinTermS.TypeT;
-  exception focus_term_exp of string;
-  exception out_of_term_exception of string;
-  infix 9 $
-  (* datatype to hold a term tree and the path to where you are in the term *)
-(*   datatype UpTerm = root
-                  | appl of (Term * UpTerm)
-                  | appr of (Term * UpTerm)
-                  | abs of (string * Type * UpTerm); *)
-  type UpTerm = (Term,Type) UpTermLib.T;
-  fun enc_appl (t,u) = appl((MinTermS.encode t),u);
-  fun enc_appr (t,u) = appr((MinTermS.encode t),u);
-  datatype FcTerm = focus of (Term * UpTerm);
-  (* the the term of the upterm *)
-  fun mk_term_of_upt_aux (t, root) = MinTermS.decode t
-    | mk_term_of_upt_aux (t, appl (l,m)) =  mk_term_of_upt_aux(l$t, m)
-    | mk_term_of_upt_aux (t, appr (r,m)) =  mk_term_of_upt_aux(t$r, m)
-    | mk_term_of_upt_aux (t, abs (s,ty,m)) = mk_term_of_upt_aux(Abs(s,ty,t),m);
-  fun mk_term_of_upterm (t, ut) = mk_term_of_upt_aux (MinTermS.encode t, ut);
-  (* a function version of the above, given an upterm it returns:
-     a function on that given a term puts it in the context of the upterm,
-     and a list of bound variables that are in the upterm, added as 
-     we go up - so in reverse order from that typiclaly used by top-down
-     parsing of terms. *)
-  fun mk_termf_of_upt_aux (f, bs, root) = 
-      (bs, fn t => MinTermS.decode (f t))
-    | mk_termf_of_upt_aux (f, bs, appl (l,m)) =  
-      mk_termf_of_upt_aux (fn t => l $ (f t), bs, m)
-    | mk_termf_of_upt_aux (f, bs, appr (r,m)) =  
-      mk_termf_of_upt_aux (fn t => (f t) $ r, bs, m)
-    | mk_termf_of_upt_aux (f, bs, abs (s,ty,m)) = 
-      mk_termf_of_upt_aux (fn t => Abs(s,ty,(f t)), (s,ty)::bs, m);
-  fun mk_termf_of_upterm ut = mk_termf_of_upt_aux (MinTermS.encode, [], ut);
-  fun upterm_of (focus(t, u)) = u;
-  (* put a new upterm at the start of our current term *)
-  fun add_upterm u2 (focus(t, u)) = focus(t, UpTermLib.apply u2 u);
-  (* As above but work on the pure originial upterm type *)
-  fun pure_mk_termf_of_upterm ut = 
-      mk_termf_of_upt_aux 
-        (encode, [], (map_to_upterm_parts (encode, I) ut));
-  fun fcterm_of_term t = focus(encode t, root);
-  fun term_of_fcterm (focus (t, m)) = mk_term_of_upt_aux (t, m);
-(*  fun term_of_fcterm (focus (t, root)) = mk_term_of_upt_aux (t, root)
-    | term_of_fcterm _ = raise focus_term_exp "term_of_fcterm: something bad has happened here."; *)
-  fun focus_of_fcterm (focus(t, _)) = MinTermS.decode t;
-  (* replace the focus term with a new term... *)
-  fun set_focus_of_fcterm (focus(_, m)) nt = focus(MinTermS.encode nt, m);
-  fun focus_left (focus(a $ b, m)) = focus(a, appr(b, m))
-    | focus_left (focus(Abs(s,ty,t), m)) = focus_left (focus(t, abs(s,ty,m)))
-    | focus_left (focus(l, m)) = raise out_of_term_exception "focus_left";
-  fun focus_strict_left (focus(a $ b, m)) = focus(a, appr(b, m))
-    | focus_strict_left (focus(l, m)) = raise out_of_term_exception "focus_left";
-(* Note: ":" is standard for faked bound vars... see: EQStepTacTermTools *)
-  fun focus_fake_abs (focus(Abs(s,ty,t), m)) = 
-      let val t' = MinTermS.encode (fakebounds (s,ty) (MinTermS.decode t))
-      in focus(t', abs(s,ty,m)) end
-    | focus_fake_abs (focus(l, m)) = raise out_of_term_exception "focus_fake_abs";
-  fun focus_abs (focus(Abs(s,ty,t), m)) = focus(t, abs(s,ty,m))
-    | focus_abs (focus(l, m)) = raise out_of_term_exception "focus_abs";
-  fun focus_right (focus(a $ b, m)) = focus(b, appl(a, m))
-    | focus_right (focus(Abs(s,ty,t), m)) = focus_right (focus(t, abs(s,ty,m)))
-    | focus_right (focus(l, m)) = raise out_of_term_exception "focus_right";
-  fun focus_up (focus(t, appl(l,m))) = focus(l$t, m)
-    | focus_up (focus(t, appr(r,m))) = focus(t$r, m)
-    | focus_up (focus(t, abs(s,ty,m))) = focus_up (focus(Abs(s,ty,t), m))
-    | focus_up (focus(t, root)) = raise out_of_term_exception "focus_up";
-  fun focus_to_top t = 
-    focus_to_top (focus_up t) handle out_of_term_exception _ => t;
-  (* focus up until you can move right, and then do so *)
-  fun focus_up_right (focus(t, appl(l,m))) = 
-      focus_up_right (focus(l$t, m))
-    | focus_up_right (focus(t, appr(r,m))) = 
-      focus(r, appl(t,m))
-    | focus_up_right (focus(t, abs(s,ty,m))) = 
-      focus_up_right (focus(Abs(s,ty,t), m))
-    | focus_up_right (focus(t, root)) = 
-      raise out_of_term_exception "focus_up_right";
-  (* as above, but do not move up over a left application *)
-  fun focus_up_right1 (focus(t, appl(l,m))) = 
-      raise out_of_term_exception "focus_up_right1"
-    | focus_up_right1 (focus(t, appr(r,m))) = 
-      focus(r, appl(t,m))
-    | focus_up_right1 (focus(t, abs(s,ty,m))) = 
-      focus_up_right (focus(Abs(s,ty,t), m))
-    | focus_up_right1 (focus(t, root)) = 
-      raise out_of_term_exception "focus_up_right1";
-  (* move focus to the bottom left through abstractions *)
-  fun focus_bot_left_leaf (ft as focus(t, _)) = 
-        focus_bot_left_leaf (focus_left ft) 
-        handle out_of_term_exception  _=> ft;
-  (* move focus to the bottom left, but not into abstractions *)
-  fun focus_bot_left_nonabs_leaf (ft as focus(t, _)) = 
-        focus_bot_left_nonabs_leaf (focus_strict_left ft) 
-        handle out_of_term_exception  _=> ft;
-  (* focus tools for working directly with the focus representation *)
-  fun focus_up_appr (focus(t, appl(l,m))) = NONE
-    | focus_up_appr (focus(t, appr(r,m))) = SOME (focus(t$r, m))
-    | focus_up_appr (focus(t, abs(s,ty,m))) = NONE
-    | focus_up_appr (focus(t, root)) = NONE;
-  fun focus_up_appl (focus(t, appl(l,m))) = SOME (focus(l$t, m))
-    | focus_up_appl (focus(t, appr(r,m))) = NONE
-    | focus_up_appl (focus(t, abs(s,ty,m))) = NONE
-    | focus_up_appl (focus(t, root)) = NONE;
-  fun focus_up_abs (focus(t, appl(l,m))) = NONE
-    | focus_up_abs (focus(t, appr(r,m))) = NONE
-    | focus_up_abs (focus(t, abs(s,ty,m))) = 
-      SOME (focus_up (focus(Abs(s,ty,t), m)))
-    | focus_up_abs (focus(t, root)) = NONE;
-  fun focus_up_abs_or_appr (focus(t, appl(l,m))) = NONE
-    | focus_up_abs_or_appr (focus(t, appr(r,m))) = SOME (focus(t$r, m))
-    | focus_up_abs_or_appr (focus(t, abs(s,ty,m))) = 
-      SOME (focus(Abs(s,ty,t), m))
-    | focus_up_abs_or_appr (focus(t, root)) = NONE;
-  fun tyenv_of_focus (focus(t, u)) = tyenv_of_upterm u;
-  fun tyenv_of_focus' (focus(t, u)) = tyenv_of_upterm' u;
-  (* return the Term.type of the focus term, computes bound vars type,
-     does a quick check only. *)
-(*  fun fastype_of_focus (focus(t, m)) = 
-       let 
-         fun boundtypes_of_upterm (abs(s,ty,m)) = 
-         ty::(boundtypes_of_upterm m)
-           | boundtypes_of_upterm (appl(t,m)) = 
-         boundtypes_of_upterm m
-           | boundtypes_of_upterm (appr(t,m)) = 
-         boundtypes_of_upterm m
-           | boundtypes_of_upterm (root) = []
-       in
-         fastype_of1 ((boundtypes_of_upterm m), t)
-       end; *)
-  (* gets the next left hand side term, or throws an exception *)
-  fun next_leaf_fcterm ft = focus_bot_left_leaf (focus_up_right ft);
-  fun next_leaf_of_fcterm_seq_aux t () = 
-    let val nextt = next_leaf_fcterm t
-    in 
-        SOME (nextt, Seq.make (next_leaf_of_fcterm_seq_aux nextt))
-    end handle out_of_term_exception _ => NONE;
-  (* sequence of next upterms from start upterm... 
-     ie a sequence of all leafs after this one*)
-  fun next_leaf_of_fcterm_seq in_t = 
-    Seq.make (next_leaf_of_fcterm_seq_aux in_t);
-  (* returns a sequence of all leaf up terms from term, ie DFS on 
-   leafs of term, ie uses time O(n), n = sizeof term. *)
-  fun leaf_seq_of_fcterm in_t = 
-    let 
-      val botleft = (focus_bot_left_leaf in_t)
-    in
-      Seq.cons botleft (Seq.make (next_leaf_of_fcterm_seq_aux botleft))
-    end;
-  fun upsize_of_fcterm (focus(t, ut)) = upsize_of_upterm ut;
-end; (* local *)
-end; (* functor *)
-(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
-(* focus term encoding sturcture for isabelle terms *)
-structure EncodeIsaFTerm : F_ENCODE_TERM_SIG = 
-  infix 9 $;
-  type term = Term.term;
-  type TypeT = Term.typ;
-  datatype LeafT = lConst of string * Term.typ
-     | lVar of ((string * int) * Term.typ)
-     | lFree of (string * Term.typ)
-     | lBound of int;
-  datatype TermT = op $ of TermT * TermT
-    | Abs of string * TypeT * TermT
-    | lf of LeafT;
-  fun fakebounds (s, ty) t = subst_bound (Free(":" ^ s, ty), t);
-  fun encode (Term.$(a,b)) = (encode a) $ (encode b)
-    | encode (Term.Abs(s,ty,t)) = Abs(s,ty,(encode t))
-    | encode (Term.Const(s,ty)) = lf(lConst(s,ty))
-    | encode (Term.Var((s,i),ty)) = lf(lVar((s,i),ty))
-    | encode (Term.Free(s,ty)) = lf(lFree(s,ty))
-    | encode (Term.Bound i) = lf(lBound i);
-  fun decode (a $ b) = Term.$(decode a, decode b)
-    | decode (Abs(s,ty,t)) = (Term.Abs(s,ty,decode t))
-    | decode (lf(lConst(s,ty))) = Term.Const(s,ty)
-    | decode (lf(lVar((s,i),ty))) = Term.Var((s,i),ty)
-    | decode (lf(lFree(s,ty))) = (Term.Free(s,ty))
-    | decode (lf(lBound i)) = (Term.Bound i);