--- a/src/Pure/search.ML Tue Jun 20 11:53:35 2000 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/search.ML Tue Jun 20 11:54:07 2000 +0200
@@ -37,6 +37,23 @@
val QUIET_BREADTH_FIRST : (thm -> bool) -> tactic -> tactic
+(** Instantiation of leftist heaps for best-first search **)
+(*Termless makes the ordering total, allowing duplicates to be found*)
+structure MeasureThm : ORDERED =
+ type T = int * thm
+ fun eq ((m,th):T, (m',th')) = (m=m' andalso eq_thm(th,th'))
+ fun lt ((m,th):T, (m',th')) =
+ (m<m' orelse
+ m=m' andalso Term.termless (#prop(rep_thm th), #prop(rep_thm th')))
+ fun leq (mth, mth') = not (lt (mth',mth))
+structure MeasureThmHeap = LeftistHeap(MeasureThm);
structure Search : SEARCH =
@@ -184,18 +201,16 @@
val trace_BEST_FIRST = ref false;
-(*Insertion into priority queue of states *)
-fun insert (nth: int*thm, []) = [nth]
- | insert ((m,th), (n,th')::nths) =
- if n<m then (n,th') :: insert ((m,th), nths)
- else if n=m andalso eq_thm(th,th')
- then (n,th')::nths
- else (m,th)::(n,th')::nths;
(*For creating output sequence*)
fun some_of_list [] = None
| some_of_list (x::l) = Some (x, Seq.make (fn () => some_of_list l));
+(*Check for and delete duplicate proof states*)
+fun deleteAllMin prf heap =
+ if MeasureThmHeap.isEmpty heap then heap
+ else if eq_thm (prf, #2 (MeasureThmHeap.findMin heap))
+ then deleteAllMin prf (MeasureThmHeap.deleteMin heap)
+ else heap;
(*Best-first search for a state that satisfies satp (incl initial state)
Function sizef estimates size of problem remaining (smaller means better).
@@ -203,19 +218,22 @@
fun THEN_BEST_FIRST tac0 (satp, sizef) tac1 =
let val tac = tracify trace_BEST_FIRST tac1
fun pairsize th = (sizef th, th);
- fun bfs (news,nprfs) =
+ fun bfs (news,nprf_heap) =
(case partition satp news of
- ([],nonsats) => next(foldr insert
- (map pairsize nonsats, nprfs))
+ ([],nonsats) => next(foldr MeasureThmHeap.insert
+ (map pairsize nonsats, nprf_heap))
| (sats,_) => some_of_list sats)
- and next [] = None
- | next ((n,prf)::nprfs) =
- (if !trace_BEST_FIRST
- then writeln("state size = " ^ string_of_int n ^
- " queue length =" ^ string_of_int (length nprfs))
+ and next nprf_heap =
+ if MeasureThmHeap.isEmpty nprf_heap then None
+ else
+ let val (n,prf) = MeasureThmHeap.findMin nprf_heap
+ in if !trace_BEST_FIRST
+ then writeln("state size = " ^ string_of_int n)
else ();
- bfs (Seq.list_of (tac prf), nprfs))
- fun btac st = bfs (Seq.list_of (tac0 st), [])
+ bfs (Seq.list_of (tac prf),
+ deleteAllMin prf (MeasureThmHeap.deleteMin nprf_heap))
+ end
+ fun btac st = bfs (Seq.list_of (tac0 st), MeasureThmHeap.empty)
in traced_tac btac end;
(*Ordinary best-first search, with no initial tactic*)