changeset 48985 5386df44a037
parent 48984 f51d4a302962
child 48986 037d32448e29
--- a/doc-src/IsarImplementation/Prelim.thy	Tue Aug 28 18:46:15 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1237 +0,0 @@
-theory Prelim
-imports Base
-chapter {* Preliminaries *}
-section {* Contexts \label{sec:context} *}
-text {*
-  A logical context represents the background that is required for
-  formulating statements and composing proofs.  It acts as a medium to
-  produce formal content, depending on earlier material (declarations,
-  results etc.).
-  For example, derivations within the Isabelle/Pure logic can be
-  described as a judgment @{text "\<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^sub>\<Theta> \<phi>"}, which means that a
-  proposition @{text "\<phi>"} is derivable from hypotheses @{text "\<Gamma>"}
-  within the theory @{text "\<Theta>"}.  There are logical reasons for
-  keeping @{text "\<Theta>"} and @{text "\<Gamma>"} separate: theories can be
-  liberal about supporting type constructors and schematic
-  polymorphism of constants and axioms, while the inner calculus of
-  @{text "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<phi>"} is strictly limited to Simple Type Theory (with
-  fixed type variables in the assumptions).
-  \medskip Contexts and derivations are linked by the following key
-  principles:
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item Transfer: monotonicity of derivations admits results to be
-  transferred into a \emph{larger} context, i.e.\ @{text "\<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^sub>\<Theta>
-  \<phi>"} implies @{text "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile>\<^sub>\<Theta>\<^sub>' \<phi>"} for contexts @{text "\<Theta>'
-  \<supseteq> \<Theta>"} and @{text "\<Gamma>' \<supseteq> \<Gamma>"}.
-  \item Export: discharge of hypotheses admits results to be exported
-  into a \emph{smaller} context, i.e.\ @{text "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile>\<^sub>\<Theta> \<phi>"}
-  implies @{text "\<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^sub>\<Theta> \<Delta> \<Longrightarrow> \<phi>"} where @{text "\<Gamma>' \<supseteq> \<Gamma>"} and
-  @{text "\<Delta> = \<Gamma>' - \<Gamma>"}.  Note that @{text "\<Theta>"} remains unchanged here,
-  only the @{text "\<Gamma>"} part is affected.
-  \end{itemize}
-  \medskip By modeling the main characteristics of the primitive
-  @{text "\<Theta>"} and @{text "\<Gamma>"} above, and abstracting over any
-  particular logical content, we arrive at the fundamental notions of
-  \emph{theory context} and \emph{proof context} in Isabelle/Isar.
-  These implement a certain policy to manage arbitrary \emph{context
-  data}.  There is a strongly-typed mechanism to declare new kinds of
-  data at compile time.
-  The internal bootstrap process of Isabelle/Pure eventually reaches a
-  stage where certain data slots provide the logical content of @{text
-  "\<Theta>"} and @{text "\<Gamma>"} sketched above, but this does not stop there!
-  Various additional data slots support all kinds of mechanisms that
-  are not necessarily part of the core logic.
-  For example, there would be data for canonical introduction and
-  elimination rules for arbitrary operators (depending on the
-  object-logic and application), which enables users to perform
-  standard proof steps implicitly (cf.\ the @{text "rule"} method
-  \cite{isabelle-isar-ref}).
-  \medskip Thus Isabelle/Isar is able to bring forth more and more
-  concepts successively.  In particular, an object-logic like
-  Isabelle/HOL continues the Isabelle/Pure setup by adding specific
-  components for automated reasoning (classical reasoner, tableau
-  prover, structured induction etc.) and derived specification
-  mechanisms (inductive predicates, recursive functions etc.).  All of
-  this is ultimately based on the generic data management by theory
-  and proof contexts introduced here.
-subsection {* Theory context \label{sec:context-theory} *}
-text {* A \emph{theory} is a data container with explicit name and
-  unique identifier.  Theories are related by a (nominal) sub-theory
-  relation, which corresponds to the dependency graph of the original
-  construction; each theory is derived from a certain sub-graph of
-  ancestor theories.  To this end, the system maintains a set of
-  symbolic ``identification stamps'' within each theory.
-  In order to avoid the full-scale overhead of explicit sub-theory
-  identification of arbitrary intermediate stages, a theory is
-  switched into @{text "draft"} mode under certain circumstances.  A
-  draft theory acts like a linear type, where updates invalidate
-  earlier versions.  An invalidated draft is called \emph{stale}.
-  The @{text "checkpoint"} operation produces a safe stepping stone
-  that will survive the next update without becoming stale: both the
-  old and the new theory remain valid and are related by the
-  sub-theory relation.  Checkpointing essentially recovers purely
-  functional theory values, at the expense of some extra internal
-  bookkeeping.
-  The @{text "copy"} operation produces an auxiliary version that has
-  the same data content, but is unrelated to the original: updates of
-  the copy do not affect the original, neither does the sub-theory
-  relation hold.
-  The @{text "merge"} operation produces the least upper bound of two
-  theories, which actually degenerates into absorption of one theory
-  into the other (according to the nominal sub-theory relation).
-  The @{text "begin"} operation starts a new theory by importing
-  several parent theories and entering a special mode of nameless
-  incremental updates, until the final @{text "end"} operation is
-  performed.
-  \medskip The example in \figref{fig:ex-theory} below shows a theory
-  graph derived from @{text "Pure"}, with theory @{text "Length"}
-  importing @{text "Nat"} and @{text "List"}.  The body of @{text
-  "Length"} consists of a sequence of updates, working mostly on
-  drafts internally, while transaction boundaries of Isar top-level
-  commands (\secref{sec:isar-toplevel}) are guaranteed to be safe
-  checkpoints.
-  \begin{figure}[htb]
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{rcccl}
-        &            & @{text "Pure"} \\
-        &            & @{text "\<down>"} \\
-        &            & @{text "FOL"} \\
-        & $\swarrow$ &              & $\searrow$ & \\
-  @{text "Nat"} &    &              &            & @{text "List"} \\
-        & $\searrow$ &              & $\swarrow$ \\
-        &            & @{text "Length"} \\
-        &            & \multicolumn{3}{l}{~~@{keyword "imports"}} \\
-        &            & \multicolumn{3}{l}{~~@{keyword "begin"}} \\
-        &            & $\vdots$~~ \\
-        &            & @{text "\<bullet>"}~~ \\
-        &            & $\vdots$~~ \\
-        &            & @{text "\<bullet>"}~~ \\
-        &            & $\vdots$~~ \\
-        &            & \multicolumn{3}{l}{~~@{command "end"}} \\
-  \end{tabular}
-  \caption{A theory definition depending on ancestors}\label{fig:ex-theory}
-  \end{center}
-  \end{figure}
-  \medskip There is a separate notion of \emph{theory reference} for
-  maintaining a live link to an evolving theory context: updates on
-  drafts are propagated automatically.  Dynamic updating stops when
-  the next @{text "checkpoint"} is reached.
-  Derived entities may store a theory reference in order to indicate
-  the formal context from which they are derived.  This implicitly
-  assumes monotonic reasoning, because the referenced context may
-  become larger without further notice.
-text %mlref {*
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML_type theory} \\
-  @{index_ML Theory.eq_thy: "theory * theory -> bool"} \\
-  @{index_ML Theory.subthy: "theory * theory -> bool"} \\
-  @{index_ML Theory.checkpoint: "theory -> theory"} \\
-  @{index_ML Theory.copy: "theory -> theory"} \\
-  @{index_ML Theory.merge: "theory * theory -> theory"} \\
-  @{index_ML Theory.begin_theory: "string * Position.T -> theory list -> theory"} \\
-  @{index_ML Theory.parents_of: "theory -> theory list"} \\
-  @{index_ML Theory.ancestors_of: "theory -> theory list"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML_type theory_ref} \\
-  @{index_ML Theory.deref: "theory_ref -> theory"} \\
-  @{index_ML Theory.check_thy: "theory -> theory_ref"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item Type @{ML_type theory} represents theory contexts.  This is
-  essentially a linear type, with explicit runtime checking.
-  Primitive theory operations destroy the original version, which then
-  becomes ``stale''.  This can be prevented by explicit checkpointing,
-  which the system does at least at the boundary of toplevel command
-  transactions \secref{sec:isar-toplevel}.
-  \item @{ML "Theory.eq_thy"}~@{text "(thy\<^sub>1, thy\<^sub>2)"} check strict
-  identity of two theories.
-  \item @{ML "Theory.subthy"}~@{text "(thy\<^sub>1, thy\<^sub>2)"} compares theories
-  according to the intrinsic graph structure of the construction.
-  This sub-theory relation is a nominal approximation of inclusion
-  (@{text "\<subseteq>"}) of the corresponding content (according to the
-  semantics of the ML modules that implement the data).
-  \item @{ML "Theory.checkpoint"}~@{text "thy"} produces a safe
-  stepping stone in the linear development of @{text "thy"}.  This
-  changes the old theory, but the next update will result in two
-  related, valid theories.
-  \item @{ML "Theory.copy"}~@{text "thy"} produces a variant of @{text
-  "thy"} with the same data.  The copy is not related to the original,
-  but the original is unchanged.
-  \item @{ML "Theory.merge"}~@{text "(thy\<^sub>1, thy\<^sub>2)"} absorbs one theory
-  into the other, without changing @{text "thy\<^sub>1"} or @{text "thy\<^sub>2"}.
-  This version of ad-hoc theory merge fails for unrelated theories!
-  \item @{ML "Theory.begin_theory"}~@{text "name parents"} constructs
-  a new theory based on the given parents.  This ML function is
-  normally not invoked directly.
-  \item @{ML "Theory.parents_of"}~@{text "thy"} returns the direct
-  ancestors of @{text thy}.
-  \item @{ML "Theory.ancestors_of"}~@{text "thy"} returns all
-  ancestors of @{text thy} (not including @{text thy} itself).
-  \item Type @{ML_type theory_ref} represents a sliding reference to
-  an always valid theory; updates on the original are propagated
-  automatically.
-  \item @{ML "Theory.deref"}~@{text "thy_ref"} turns a @{ML_type
-  "theory_ref"} into an @{ML_type "theory"} value.  As the referenced
-  theory evolves monotonically over time, later invocations of @{ML
-  "Theory.deref"} may refer to a larger context.
-  \item @{ML "Theory.check_thy"}~@{text "thy"} produces a @{ML_type
-  "theory_ref"} from a valid @{ML_type "theory"} value.
-  \end{description}
-text %mlantiq {*
-  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
-  @{ML_antiquotation_def "theory"} & : & @{text ML_antiquotation} \\
-  \end{matharray}
-  @{rail "
-  @@{ML_antiquotation theory} nameref?
-  "}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{text "@{theory}"} refers to the background theory of the
-  current context --- as abstract value.
-  \item @{text "@{theory A}"} refers to an explicitly named ancestor
-  theory @{text "A"} of the background theory of the current context
-  --- as abstract value.
-  \end{description}
-subsection {* Proof context \label{sec:context-proof} *}
-text {* A proof context is a container for pure data with a
-  back-reference to the theory from which it is derived.  The @{text
-  "init"} operation creates a proof context from a given theory.
-  Modifications to draft theories are propagated to the proof context
-  as usual, but there is also an explicit @{text "transfer"} operation
-  to force resynchronization with more substantial updates to the
-  underlying theory.
-  Entities derived in a proof context need to record logical
-  requirements explicitly, since there is no separate context
-  identification or symbolic inclusion as for theories.  For example,
-  hypotheses used in primitive derivations (cf.\ \secref{sec:thms})
-  are recorded separately within the sequent @{text "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<phi>"}, just to
-  make double sure.  Results could still leak into an alien proof
-  context due to programming errors, but Isabelle/Isar includes some
-  extra validity checks in critical positions, notably at the end of a
-  sub-proof.
-  Proof contexts may be manipulated arbitrarily, although the common
-  discipline is to follow block structure as a mental model: a given
-  context is extended consecutively, and results are exported back
-  into the original context.  Note that an Isar proof state models
-  block-structured reasoning explicitly, using a stack of proof
-  contexts internally.  For various technical reasons, the background
-  theory of an Isar proof state must not be changed while the proof is
-  still under construction!
-text %mlref {*
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML_type Proof.context} \\
-  @{index_ML Proof_Context.init_global: "theory -> Proof.context"} \\
-  @{index_ML Proof_Context.theory_of: "Proof.context -> theory"} \\
-  @{index_ML Proof_Context.transfer: "theory -> Proof.context -> Proof.context"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item Type @{ML_type Proof.context} represents proof contexts.
-  Elements of this type are essentially pure values, with a sliding
-  reference to the background theory.
-  \item @{ML Proof_Context.init_global}~@{text "thy"} produces a proof context
-  derived from @{text "thy"}, initializing all data.
-  \item @{ML Proof_Context.theory_of}~@{text "ctxt"} selects the
-  background theory from @{text "ctxt"}, dereferencing its internal
-  @{ML_type theory_ref}.
-  \item @{ML Proof_Context.transfer}~@{text "thy ctxt"} promotes the
-  background theory of @{text "ctxt"} to the super theory @{text
-  "thy"}.
-  \end{description}
-text %mlantiq {*
-  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
-  @{ML_antiquotation_def "context"} & : & @{text ML_antiquotation} \\
-  \end{matharray}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{text "@{context}"} refers to \emph{the} context at
-  compile-time --- as abstract value.  Independently of (local) theory
-  or proof mode, this always produces a meaningful result.
-  This is probably the most common antiquotation in interactive
-  experimentation with ML inside Isar.
-  \end{description}
-subsection {* Generic contexts \label{sec:generic-context} *}
-text {*
-  A generic context is the disjoint sum of either a theory or proof
-  context.  Occasionally, this enables uniform treatment of generic
-  context data, typically extra-logical information.  Operations on
-  generic contexts include the usual injections, partial selections,
-  and combinators for lifting operations on either component of the
-  disjoint sum.
-  Moreover, there are total operations @{text "theory_of"} and @{text
-  "proof_of"} to convert a generic context into either kind: a theory
-  can always be selected from the sum, while a proof context might
-  have to be constructed by an ad-hoc @{text "init"} operation, which
-  incurs a small runtime overhead.
-text %mlref {*
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML_type Context.generic} \\
-  @{index_ML Context.theory_of: "Context.generic -> theory"} \\
-  @{index_ML Context.proof_of: "Context.generic -> Proof.context"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item Type @{ML_type Context.generic} is the direct sum of @{ML_type
-  "theory"} and @{ML_type "Proof.context"}, with the datatype
-  constructors @{ML "Context.Theory"} and @{ML "Context.Proof"}.
-  \item @{ML Context.theory_of}~@{text "context"} always produces a
-  theory from the generic @{text "context"}, using @{ML
-  "Proof_Context.theory_of"} as required.
-  \item @{ML Context.proof_of}~@{text "context"} always produces a
-  proof context from the generic @{text "context"}, using @{ML
-  "Proof_Context.init_global"} as required (note that this re-initializes the
-  context data with each invocation).
-  \end{description}
-subsection {* Context data \label{sec:context-data} *}
-text {* The main purpose of theory and proof contexts is to manage
-  arbitrary (pure) data.  New data types can be declared incrementally
-  at compile time.  There are separate declaration mechanisms for any
-  of the three kinds of contexts: theory, proof, generic.
-  \paragraph{Theory data} declarations need to implement the following
-  SML signature:
-  \medskip
-  \begin{tabular}{ll}
-  @{text "\<type> T"} & representing type \\
-  @{text "\<val> empty: T"} & empty default value \\
-  @{text "\<val> extend: T \<rightarrow> T"} & re-initialize on import \\
-  @{text "\<val> merge: T \<times> T \<rightarrow> T"} & join on import \\
-  \end{tabular}
-  \medskip
-  The @{text "empty"} value acts as initial default for \emph{any}
-  theory that does not declare actual data content; @{text "extend"}
-  is acts like a unitary version of @{text "merge"}.
-  Implementing @{text "merge"} can be tricky.  The general idea is
-  that @{text "merge (data\<^sub>1, data\<^sub>2)"} inserts those parts of @{text
-  "data\<^sub>2"} into @{text "data\<^sub>1"} that are not yet present, while
-  keeping the general order of things.  The @{ML Library.merge}
-  function on plain lists may serve as canonical template.
-  Particularly note that shared parts of the data must not be
-  duplicated by naive concatenation, or a theory graph that is like a
-  chain of diamonds would cause an exponential blowup!
-  \paragraph{Proof context data} declarations need to implement the
-  following SML signature:
-  \medskip
-  \begin{tabular}{ll}
-  @{text "\<type> T"} & representing type \\
-  @{text "\<val> init: theory \<rightarrow> T"} & produce initial value \\
-  \end{tabular}
-  \medskip
-  The @{text "init"} operation is supposed to produce a pure value
-  from the given background theory and should be somehow
-  ``immediate''.  Whenever a proof context is initialized, which
-  happens frequently, the the system invokes the @{text "init"}
-  operation of \emph{all} theory data slots ever declared.  This also
-  means that one needs to be economic about the total number of proof
-  data declarations in the system, i.e.\ each ML module should declare
-  at most one, sometimes two data slots for its internal use.
-  Repeated data declarations to simulate a record type should be
-  avoided!
-  \paragraph{Generic data} provides a hybrid interface for both theory
-  and proof data.  The @{text "init"} operation for proof contexts is
-  predefined to select the current data value from the background
-  theory.
-  \bigskip Any of the above data declarations over type @{text "T"}
-  result in an ML structure with the following signature:
-  \medskip
-  \begin{tabular}{ll}
-  @{text "get: context \<rightarrow> T"} \\
-  @{text "put: T \<rightarrow> context \<rightarrow> context"} \\
-  @{text "map: (T \<rightarrow> T) \<rightarrow> context \<rightarrow> context"} \\
-  \end{tabular}
-  \medskip
-  These other operations provide exclusive access for the particular
-  kind of context (theory, proof, or generic context).  This interface
-  observes the ML discipline for types and scopes: there is no other
-  way to access the corresponding data slot of a context.  By keeping
-  these operations private, an Isabelle/ML module may maintain
-  abstract values authentically.  *}
-text %mlref {*
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML_functor Theory_Data} \\
-  @{index_ML_functor Proof_Data} \\
-  @{index_ML_functor Generic_Data} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{ML_functor Theory_Data}@{text "(spec)"} declares data for
-  type @{ML_type theory} according to the specification provided as
-  argument structure.  The resulting structure provides data init and
-  access operations as described above.
-  \item @{ML_functor Proof_Data}@{text "(spec)"} is analogous to
-  @{ML_functor Theory_Data} for type @{ML_type Proof.context}.
-  \item @{ML_functor Generic_Data}@{text "(spec)"} is analogous to
-  @{ML_functor Theory_Data} for type @{ML_type Context.generic}.
-  \end{description}
-text %mlex {*
-  The following artificial example demonstrates theory
-  data: we maintain a set of terms that are supposed to be wellformed
-  wrt.\ the enclosing theory.  The public interface is as follows:
-ML {*
-  signature WELLFORMED_TERMS =
-  sig
-    val get: theory -> term list
-    val add: term -> theory -> theory
-  end;
-text {* The implementation uses private theory data internally, and
-  only exposes an operation that involves explicit argument checking
-  wrt.\ the given theory. *}
-ML {*
-  structure Wellformed_Terms: WELLFORMED_TERMS =
-  struct
-  structure Terms = Theory_Data
-  (
-    type T = term Ord_List.T;
-    val empty = [];
-    val extend = I;
-    fun merge (ts1, ts2) =
-      Ord_List.union Term_Ord.fast_term_ord ts1 ts2;
-  );
-  val get = Terms.get;
-  fun add raw_t thy =
-    let
-      val t = Sign.cert_term thy raw_t;
-    in
- (Ord_List.insert Term_Ord.fast_term_ord t) thy
-    end;
-  end;
-text {* Type @{ML_type "term Ord_List.T"} is used for reasonably
-  efficient representation of a set of terms: all operations are
-  linear in the number of stored elements.  Here we assume that users
-  of this module do not care about the declaration order, since that
-  data structure forces its own arrangement of elements.
-  Observe how the @{ML_text merge} operation joins the data slots of
-  the two constituents: @{ML Ord_List.union} prevents duplication of
-  common data from different branches, thus avoiding the danger of
-  exponential blowup.  Plain list append etc.\ must never be used for
-  theory data merges!
-  \medskip Our intended invariant is achieved as follows:
-  \begin{enumerate}
-  \item @{ML Wellformed_Terms.add} only admits terms that have passed
-  the @{ML Sign.cert_term} check of the given theory at that point.
-  \item Wellformedness in the sense of @{ML Sign.cert_term} is
-  monotonic wrt.\ the sub-theory relation.  So our data can move
-  upwards in the hierarchy (via extension or merges), and maintain
-  wellformedness without further checks.
-  \end{enumerate}
-  Note that all basic operations of the inference kernel (which
-  includes @{ML Sign.cert_term}) observe this monotonicity principle,
-  but other user-space tools don't.  For example, fully-featured
-  type-inference via @{ML Syntax.check_term} (cf.\
-  \secref{sec:term-check}) is not necessarily monotonic wrt.\ the
-  background theory, since constraints of term constants can be
-  modified by later declarations, for example.
-  In most cases, user-space context data does not have to take such
-  invariants too seriously.  The situation is different in the
-  implementation of the inference kernel itself, which uses the very
-  same data mechanisms for types, constants, axioms etc.
-subsection {* Configuration options \label{sec:config-options} *}
-text {* A \emph{configuration option} is a named optional value of
-  some basic type (Boolean, integer, string) that is stored in the
-  context.  It is a simple application of general context data
-  (\secref{sec:context-data}) that is sufficiently common to justify
-  customized setup, which includes some concrete declarations for
-  end-users using existing notation for attributes (cf.\
-  \secref{sec:attributes}).
-  For example, the predefined configuration option @{attribute
-  show_types} controls output of explicit type constraints for
-  variables in printed terms (cf.\ \secref{sec:read-print}).  Its
-  value can be modified within Isar text like this:
-declare [[show_types = false]]
-  -- {* declaration within (local) theory context *}
-  note [[show_types = true]]
-    -- {* declaration within proof (forward mode) *}
-  term x
-  have "x = x"
-    using [[show_types = false]]
-      -- {* declaration within proof (backward mode) *}
-    ..
-text {* Configuration options that are not set explicitly hold a
-  default value that can depend on the application context.  This
-  allows to retrieve the value from another slot within the context,
-  or fall back on a global preference mechanism, for example.
-  The operations to declare configuration options and get/map their
-  values are modeled as direct replacements for historic global
-  references, only that the context is made explicit.  This allows
-  easy configuration of tools, without relying on the execution order
-  as required for old-style mutable references.  *}
-text %mlref {*
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML Config.get: "Proof.context -> 'a Config.T -> 'a"} \\
-  @{index_ML "'a Config.T -> ('a -> 'a) -> Proof.context -> Proof.context"} \\
-  @{index_ML Attrib.setup_config_bool: "binding -> (Context.generic -> bool) ->
-  bool Config.T"} \\
-  @{index_ML Attrib.setup_config_int: "binding -> (Context.generic -> int) ->
-  int Config.T"} \\
-  @{index_ML Attrib.setup_config_real: "binding -> (Context.generic -> real) ->
-  real Config.T"} \\
-  @{index_ML Attrib.setup_config_string: "binding -> (Context.generic -> string) ->
-  string Config.T"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{ML Config.get}~@{text "ctxt config"} gets the value of
-  @{text "config"} in the given context.
-  \item @{ML}~@{text "config f ctxt"} updates the context
-  by updating the value of @{text "config"}.
-  \item @{text "config ="}~@{ML Attrib.setup_config_bool}~@{text "name
-  default"} creates a named configuration option of type @{ML_type
-  bool}, with the given @{text "default"} depending on the application
-  context.  The resulting @{text "config"} can be used to get/map its
-  value in a given context.  There is an implicit update of the
-  background theory that registers the option as attribute with some
-  concrete syntax.
-  \item @{ML Attrib.config_int}, @{ML Attrib.config_real}, and @{ML
-  Attrib.config_string} work like @{ML Attrib.config_bool}, but for
-  types @{ML_type int} and @{ML_type string}, respectively.
-  \end{description}
-text %mlex {* The following example shows how to declare and use a
-  Boolean configuration option called @{text "my_flag"} with constant
-  default value @{ML false}.  *}
-ML {*
-  val my_flag =
-    Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding my_flag} (K false)
-text {* Now the user can refer to @{attribute my_flag} in
-  declarations, while ML tools can retrieve the current value from the
-  context via @{ML Config.get}.  *}
-ML_val {* @{assert} (Config.get @{context} my_flag = false) *}
-declare [[my_flag = true]]
-ML_val {* @{assert} (Config.get @{context} my_flag = true) *}
-  {
-    note [[my_flag = false]]
-    ML_val {* @{assert} (Config.get @{context} my_flag = false) *}
-  }
-  ML_val {* @{assert} (Config.get @{context} my_flag = true) *}
-text {* Here is another example involving ML type @{ML_type real}
-  (floating-point numbers). *}
-ML {*
-  val airspeed_velocity =
-    Attrib.setup_config_real @{binding airspeed_velocity} (K 0.0)
-declare [[airspeed_velocity = 10]]
-declare [[airspeed_velocity = 9.9]]
-section {* Names \label{sec:names} *}
-text {* In principle, a name is just a string, but there are various
-  conventions for representing additional structure.  For example,
-  ``@{text ""}'' is considered as a long name consisting of
-  qualifier @{text ""} and base name @{text "baz"}.  The
-  individual constituents of a name may have further substructure,
-  e.g.\ the string ``\verb,\,\verb,<alpha>,'' encodes as a single
-  symbol.
-  \medskip Subsequently, we shall introduce specific categories of
-  names.  Roughly speaking these correspond to logical entities as
-  follows:
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item Basic names (\secref{sec:basic-name}): free and bound
-  variables.
-  \item Indexed names (\secref{sec:indexname}): schematic variables.
-  \item Long names (\secref{sec:long-name}): constants of any kind
-  (type constructors, term constants, other concepts defined in user
-  space).  Such entities are typically managed via name spaces
-  (\secref{sec:name-space}).
-  \end{itemize}
-subsection {* Strings of symbols \label{sec:symbols} *}
-text {* A \emph{symbol} constitutes the smallest textual unit in
-  Isabelle --- raw ML characters are normally not encountered at all!
-  Isabelle strings consist of a sequence of symbols, represented as a
-  packed string or an exploded list of strings.  Each symbol is in
-  itself a small string, which has either one of the following forms:
-  \begin{enumerate}
-  \item a single ASCII character ``@{text "c"}'', for example
-  ``\verb,a,'',
-  \item a codepoint according to UTF8 (non-ASCII byte sequence),
-  \item a regular symbol ``\verb,\,\verb,<,@{text "ident"}\verb,>,'',
-  for example ``\verb,\,\verb,<alpha>,'',
-  \item a control symbol ``\verb,\,\verb,<^,@{text "ident"}\verb,>,'',
-  for example ``\verb,\,\verb,<^bold>,'',
-  \item a raw symbol ``\verb,\,\verb,<^raw:,@{text text}\verb,>,''
-  where @{text text} consists of printable characters excluding
-  ``\verb,.,'' and ``\verb,>,'', for example
-  ``\verb,\,\verb,<^raw:$\sum_{i = 1}^n$>,'',
-  \item a numbered raw control symbol ``\verb,\,\verb,<^raw,@{text
-  n}\verb,>, where @{text n} consists of digits, for example
-  ``\verb,\,\verb,<^raw42>,''.
-  \end{enumerate}
-  The @{text "ident"} syntax for symbol names is @{text "letter
-  (letter | digit)\<^sup>*"}, where @{text "letter = A..Za..z"} and @{text
-  "digit = 0..9"}.  There are infinitely many regular symbols and
-  control symbols, but a fixed collection of standard symbols is
-  treated specifically.  For example, ``\verb,\,\verb,<alpha>,'' is
-  classified as a letter, which means it may occur within regular
-  Isabelle identifiers.
-  The character set underlying Isabelle symbols is 7-bit ASCII, but
-  8-bit character sequences are passed-through unchanged.  Unicode/UCS
-  data in UTF-8 encoding is processed in a non-strict fashion, such
-  that well-formed code sequences are recognized
-  accordingly.\footnote{Note that ISO-Latin-1 differs from UTF-8 only
-  in some special punctuation characters that even have replacements
-  within the standard collection of Isabelle symbols.  Text consisting
-  of ASCII plus accented letters can be processed in either encoding.}
-  Unicode provides its own collection of mathematical symbols, but
-  within the core Isabelle/ML world there is no link to the standard
-  collection of Isabelle regular symbols.
-  \medskip Output of Isabelle symbols depends on the print mode
-  (\cite{isabelle-isar-ref}).  For example, the standard {\LaTeX}
-  setup of the Isabelle document preparation system would present
-  ``\verb,\,\verb,<alpha>,'' as @{text "\<alpha>"}, and
-  ``\verb,\,\verb,<^bold>,\verb,\,\verb,<alpha>,'' as @{text "\<^bold>\<alpha>"}.
-  On-screen rendering usually works by mapping a finite subset of
-  Isabelle symbols to suitable Unicode characters.
-text %mlref {*
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML_type "Symbol.symbol": string} \\
-  @{index_ML Symbol.explode: "string -> Symbol.symbol list"} \\
-  @{index_ML Symbol.is_letter: "Symbol.symbol -> bool"} \\
-  @{index_ML Symbol.is_digit: "Symbol.symbol -> bool"} \\
-  @{index_ML Symbol.is_quasi: "Symbol.symbol -> bool"} \\
-  @{index_ML Symbol.is_blank: "Symbol.symbol -> bool"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML_type "Symbol.sym"} \\
-  @{index_ML Symbol.decode: "Symbol.symbol -> Symbol.sym"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item Type @{ML_type "Symbol.symbol"} represents individual Isabelle
-  symbols.
-  \item @{ML "Symbol.explode"}~@{text "str"} produces a symbol list
-  from the packed form.  This function supersedes @{ML
-  "String.explode"} for virtually all purposes of manipulating text in
-  Isabelle!\footnote{The runtime overhead for exploded strings is
-  mainly that of the list structure: individual symbols that happen to
-  be a singleton string do not require extra memory in Poly/ML.}
-  \item @{ML "Symbol.is_letter"}, @{ML "Symbol.is_digit"}, @{ML
-  "Symbol.is_quasi"}, @{ML "Symbol.is_blank"} classify standard
-  symbols according to fixed syntactic conventions of Isabelle, cf.\
-  \cite{isabelle-isar-ref}.
-  \item Type @{ML_type "Symbol.sym"} is a concrete datatype that
-  represents the different kinds of symbols explicitly, with
-  constructors @{ML "Symbol.Char"}, @{ML "Symbol.Sym"}, @{ML
-  "Symbol.UTF8"}, @{ML "Symbol.Ctrl"}, @{ML "Symbol.Raw"}.
-  \item @{ML "Symbol.decode"} converts the string representation of a
-  symbol into the datatype version.
-  \end{description}
-  \paragraph{Historical note.} In the original SML90 standard the
-  primitive ML type @{ML_type char} did not exists, and the @{ML_text
-  "explode: string -> string list"} operation would produce a list of
-  singleton strings as does @{ML "raw_explode: string -> string list"}
-  in Isabelle/ML today.  When SML97 came out, Isabelle did not adopt
-  its slightly anachronistic 8-bit characters, but the idea of
-  exploding a string into a list of small strings was extended to
-  ``symbols'' as explained above.  Thus Isabelle sources can refer to
-  an infinite store of user-defined symbols, without having to worry
-  about the multitude of Unicode encodings.  *}
-subsection {* Basic names \label{sec:basic-name} *}
-text {*
-  A \emph{basic name} essentially consists of a single Isabelle
-  identifier.  There are conventions to mark separate classes of basic
-  names, by attaching a suffix of underscores: one underscore means
-  \emph{internal name}, two underscores means \emph{Skolem name},
-  three underscores means \emph{internal Skolem name}.
-  For example, the basic name @{text "foo"} has the internal version
-  @{text "foo_"}, with Skolem versions @{text "foo__"} and @{text
-  "foo___"}, respectively.
-  These special versions provide copies of the basic name space, apart
-  from anything that normally appears in the user text.  For example,
-  system generated variables in Isar proof contexts are usually marked
-  as internal, which prevents mysterious names like @{text "xaa"} to
-  appear in human-readable text.
-  \medskip Manipulating binding scopes often requires on-the-fly
-  renamings.  A \emph{name context} contains a collection of already
-  used names.  The @{text "declare"} operation adds names to the
-  context.
-  The @{text "invents"} operation derives a number of fresh names from
-  a given starting point.  For example, the first three names derived
-  from @{text "a"} are @{text "a"}, @{text "b"}, @{text "c"}.
-  The @{text "variants"} operation produces fresh names by
-  incrementing tentative names as base-26 numbers (with digits @{text
-  "a..z"}) until all clashes are resolved.  For example, name @{text
-  "foo"} results in variants @{text "fooa"}, @{text "foob"}, @{text
-  "fooc"}, \dots, @{text "fooaa"}, @{text "fooab"} etc.; each renaming
-  step picks the next unused variant from this sequence.
-text %mlref {*
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML Name.internal: "string -> string"} \\
-  @{index_ML Name.skolem: "string -> string"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML_type Name.context} \\
-  @{index_ML Name.context: Name.context} \\
-  @{index_ML Name.declare: "string -> Name.context -> Name.context"} \\
-  @{index_ML Name.invent: "Name.context -> string -> int -> string list"} \\
-  @{index_ML Name.variant: "string -> Name.context -> string * Name.context"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML Variable.names_of: "Proof.context -> Name.context"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{ML Name.internal}~@{text "name"} produces an internal name
-  by adding one underscore.
-  \item @{ML Name.skolem}~@{text "name"} produces a Skolem name by
-  adding two underscores.
-  \item Type @{ML_type Name.context} represents the context of already
-  used names; the initial value is @{ML "Name.context"}.
-  \item @{ML Name.declare}~@{text "name"} enters a used name into the
-  context.
-  \item @{ML Name.invent}~@{text "context name n"} produces @{text
-  "n"} fresh names derived from @{text "name"}.
-  \item @{ML Name.variant}~@{text "name context"} produces a fresh
-  variant of @{text "name"}; the result is declared to the context.
-  \item @{ML Variable.names_of}~@{text "ctxt"} retrieves the context
-  of declared type and term variable names.  Projecting a proof
-  context down to a primitive name context is occasionally useful when
-  invoking lower-level operations.  Regular management of ``fresh
-  variables'' is done by suitable operations of structure @{ML_struct
-  Variable}, which is also able to provide an official status of
-  ``locally fixed variable'' within the logical environment (cf.\
-  \secref{sec:variables}).
-  \end{description}
-text %mlex {* The following simple examples demonstrate how to produce
-  fresh names from the initial @{ML Name.context}. *}
-ML {*
-  val list1 = Name.invent Name.context "a" 5;
-  @{assert} (list1 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]);
-  val list2 =
-    #1 (fold_map Name.variant ["x", "x", "a", "a", "'a", "'a"] Name.context);
-  @{assert} (list2 = ["x", "xa", "a", "aa", "'a", "'aa"]);
-text {* \medskip The same works relatively to the formal context as
-  follows. *}
-locale ex = fixes a b c :: 'a
-ML {*
-  val names = Variable.names_of @{context};
-  val list1 = Name.invent names "a" 5;
-  @{assert} (list1 = ["d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]);
-  val list2 =
-    #1 (fold_map Name.variant ["x", "x", "a", "a", "'a", "'a"] names);
-  @{assert} (list2 = ["x", "xa", "aa", "ab", "'aa", "'ab"]);
-subsection {* Indexed names \label{sec:indexname} *}
-text {*
-  An \emph{indexed name} (or @{text "indexname"}) is a pair of a basic
-  name and a natural number.  This representation allows efficient
-  renaming by incrementing the second component only.  The canonical
-  way to rename two collections of indexnames apart from each other is
-  this: determine the maximum index @{text "maxidx"} of the first
-  collection, then increment all indexes of the second collection by
-  @{text "maxidx + 1"}; the maximum index of an empty collection is
-  @{text "-1"}.
-  Occasionally, basic names are injected into the same pair type of
-  indexed names: then @{text "(x, -1)"} is used to encode the basic
-  name @{text "x"}.
-  \medskip Isabelle syntax observes the following rules for
-  representing an indexname @{text "(x, i)"} as a packed string:
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item @{text "?x"} if @{text "x"} does not end with a digit and @{text "i = 0"},
-  \item @{text "?xi"} if @{text "x"} does not end with a digit,
-  \item @{text "?x.i"} otherwise.
-  \end{itemize}
-  Indexnames may acquire large index numbers after several maxidx
-  shifts have been applied.  Results are usually normalized towards
-  @{text "0"} at certain checkpoints, notably at the end of a proof.
-  This works by producing variants of the corresponding basic name
-  components.  For example, the collection @{text "?x1, ?x7, ?x42"}
-  becomes @{text "?x, ?xa, ?xb"}.
-text %mlref {*
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML_type indexname: "string * int"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item Type @{ML_type indexname} represents indexed names.  This is
-  an abbreviation for @{ML_type "string * int"}.  The second component
-  is usually non-negative, except for situations where @{text "(x,
-  -1)"} is used to inject basic names into this type.  Other negative
-  indexes should not be used.
-  \end{description}
-subsection {* Long names \label{sec:long-name} *}
-text {* A \emph{long name} consists of a sequence of non-empty name
-  components.  The packed representation uses a dot as separator, as
-  in ``@{text "A.b.c"}''.  The last component is called \emph{base
-  name}, the remaining prefix is called \emph{qualifier} (which may be
-  empty).  The qualifier can be understood as the access path to the
-  named entity while passing through some nested block-structure,
-  although our free-form long names do not really enforce any strict
-  discipline.
-  For example, an item named ``@{text "A.b.c"}'' may be understood as
-  a local entity @{text "c"}, within a local structure @{text "b"},
-  within a global structure @{text "A"}.  In practice, long names
-  usually represent 1--3 levels of qualification.  User ML code should
-  not make any assumptions about the particular structure of long
-  names!
-  The empty name is commonly used as an indication of unnamed
-  entities, or entities that are not entered into the corresponding
-  name space, whenever this makes any sense.  The basic operations on
-  long names map empty names again to empty names.
-text %mlref {*
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML Long_Name.base_name: "string -> string"} \\
-  @{index_ML Long_Name.qualifier: "string -> string"} \\
-  @{index_ML Long_Name.append: "string -> string -> string"} \\
-  @{index_ML Long_Name.implode: "string list -> string"} \\
-  @{index_ML Long_Name.explode: "string -> string list"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{ML Long_Name.base_name}~@{text "name"} returns the base name
-  of a long name.
-  \item @{ML Long_Name.qualifier}~@{text "name"} returns the qualifier
-  of a long name.
-  \item @{ML Long_Name.append}~@{text "name\<^isub>1 name\<^isub>2"} appends two long
-  names.
-  \item @{ML Long_Name.implode}~@{text "names"} and @{ML
-  Long_Name.explode}~@{text "name"} convert between the packed string
-  representation and the explicit list form of long names.
-  \end{description}
-subsection {* Name spaces \label{sec:name-space} *}
-text {* A @{text "name space"} manages a collection of long names,
-  together with a mapping between partially qualified external names
-  and fully qualified internal names (in both directions).  Note that
-  the corresponding @{text "intern"} and @{text "extern"} operations
-  are mostly used for parsing and printing only!  The @{text
-  "declare"} operation augments a name space according to the accesses
-  determined by a given binding, and a naming policy from the context.
-  \medskip A @{text "binding"} specifies details about the prospective
-  long name of a newly introduced formal entity.  It consists of a
-  base name, prefixes for qualification (separate ones for system
-  infrastructure and user-space mechanisms), a slot for the original
-  source position, and some additional flags.
-  \medskip A @{text "naming"} provides some additional details for
-  producing a long name from a binding.  Normally, the naming is
-  implicit in the theory or proof context.  The @{text "full"}
-  operation (and its variants for different context types) produces a
-  fully qualified internal name to be entered into a name space.  The
-  main equation of this ``chemical reaction'' when binding new
-  entities in a context is as follows:
-  \medskip
-  \begin{tabular}{l}
-  @{text "binding + naming \<longrightarrow> long name + name space accesses"}
-  \end{tabular}
-  \bigskip As a general principle, there is a separate name space for
-  each kind of formal entity, e.g.\ fact, logical constant, type
-  constructor, type class.  It is usually clear from the occurrence in
-  concrete syntax (or from the scope) which kind of entity a name
-  refers to.  For example, the very same name @{text "c"} may be used
-  uniformly for a constant, type constructor, and type class.
-  There are common schemes to name derived entities systematically
-  according to the name of the main logical entity involved, e.g.\
-  fact @{text "c.intro"} for a canonical introduction rule related to
-  constant @{text "c"}.  This technique of mapping names from one
-  space into another requires some care in order to avoid conflicts.
-  In particular, theorem names derived from a type constructor or type
-  class should get an additional suffix in addition to the usual
-  qualification.  This leads to the following conventions for derived
-  names:
-  \medskip
-  \begin{tabular}{ll}
-  logical entity & fact name \\\hline
-  constant @{text "c"} & @{text "c.intro"} \\
-  type @{text "c"} & @{text "c_type.intro"} \\
-  class @{text "c"} & @{text "c_class.intro"} \\
-  \end{tabular}
-text %mlref {*
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML_type binding} \\
-  @{index_ML Binding.empty: binding} \\
-  @{index_ML "string -> binding"} \\
-  @{index_ML Binding.qualify: "bool -> string -> binding -> binding"} \\
-  @{index_ML Binding.prefix: "bool -> string -> binding -> binding"} \\
-  @{index_ML Binding.conceal: "binding -> binding"} \\
-  @{index_ML Binding.print: "binding -> string"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML_type Name_Space.naming} \\
-  @{index_ML Name_Space.default_naming: Name_Space.naming} \\
-  @{index_ML Name_Space.add_path: "string -> Name_Space.naming -> Name_Space.naming"} \\
-  @{index_ML Name_Space.full_name: "Name_Space.naming -> binding -> string"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{mldecls}
-  @{index_ML_type Name_Space.T} \\
-  @{index_ML Name_Space.empty: "string -> Name_Space.T"} \\
-  @{index_ML Name_Space.merge: "Name_Space.T * Name_Space.T -> Name_Space.T"} \\
-  @{index_ML Name_Space.declare: "Context.generic -> bool ->
-  binding -> Name_Space.T -> string * Name_Space.T"} \\
-  @{index_ML Name_Space.intern: "Name_Space.T -> string -> string"} \\
-  @{index_ML Name_Space.extern: "Proof.context -> Name_Space.T -> string -> string"} \\
-  @{index_ML Name_Space.is_concealed: "Name_Space.T -> string -> bool"}
-  \end{mldecls}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item Type @{ML_type binding} represents the abstract concept of
-  name bindings.
-  \item @{ML Binding.empty} is the empty binding.
-  \item @{ML}~@{text "name"} produces a binding with base
-  name @{text "name"}.  Note that this lacks proper source position
-  information; see also the ML antiquotation @{ML_antiquotation
-  binding}.
-  \item @{ML Binding.qualify}~@{text "mandatory name binding"}
-  prefixes qualifier @{text "name"} to @{text "binding"}.  The @{text
-  "mandatory"} flag tells if this name component always needs to be
-  given in name space accesses --- this is mostly @{text "false"} in
-  practice.  Note that this part of qualification is typically used in
-  derived specification mechanisms.
-  \item @{ML Binding.prefix} is similar to @{ML Binding.qualify}, but
-  affects the system prefix.  This part of extra qualification is
-  typically used in the infrastructure for modular specifications,
-  notably ``local theory targets'' (see also \chref{ch:local-theory}).
-  \item @{ML Binding.conceal}~@{text "binding"} indicates that the
-  binding shall refer to an entity that serves foundational purposes
-  only.  This flag helps to mark implementation details of
-  specification mechanism etc.  Other tools should not depend on the
-  particulars of concealed entities (cf.\ @{ML
-  Name_Space.is_concealed}).
-  \item @{ML Binding.print}~@{text "binding"} produces a string
-  representation for human-readable output, together with some formal
-  markup that might get used in GUI front-ends, for example.
-  \item Type @{ML_type Name_Space.naming} represents the abstract
-  concept of a naming policy.
-  \item @{ML Name_Space.default_naming} is the default naming policy.
-  In a theory context, this is usually augmented by a path prefix
-  consisting of the theory name.
-  \item @{ML Name_Space.add_path}~@{text "path naming"} augments the
-  naming policy by extending its path component.
-  \item @{ML Name_Space.full_name}~@{text "naming binding"} turns a
-  name binding (usually a basic name) into the fully qualified
-  internal name, according to the given naming policy.
-  \item Type @{ML_type Name_Space.T} represents name spaces.
-  \item @{ML Name_Space.empty}~@{text "kind"} and @{ML Name_Space.merge}~@{text
-  "(space\<^isub>1, space\<^isub>2)"} are the canonical operations for
-  maintaining name spaces according to theory data management
-  (\secref{sec:context-data}); @{text "kind"} is a formal comment
-  to characterize the purpose of a name space.
-  \item @{ML Name_Space.declare}~@{text "context strict binding
-  space"} enters a name binding as fully qualified internal name into
-  the name space, using the naming of the context.
-  \item @{ML Name_Space.intern}~@{text "space name"} internalizes a
-  (partially qualified) external name.
-  This operation is mostly for parsing!  Note that fully qualified
-  names stemming from declarations are produced via @{ML
-  "Name_Space.full_name"} and @{ML "Name_Space.declare"}
-  (or their derivatives for @{ML_type theory} and
-  @{ML_type Proof.context}).
-  \item @{ML Name_Space.extern}~@{text "ctxt space name"} externalizes a
-  (fully qualified) internal name.
-  This operation is mostly for printing!  User code should not rely on
-  the precise result too much.
-  \item @{ML Name_Space.is_concealed}~@{text "space name"} indicates
-  whether @{text "name"} refers to a strictly private entity that
-  other tools are supposed to ignore!
-  \end{description}
-text %mlantiq {*
-  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
-  @{ML_antiquotation_def "binding"} & : & @{text ML_antiquotation} \\
-  \end{matharray}
-  @{rail "
-  @@{ML_antiquotation binding} name
-  "}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{text "@{binding name}"} produces a binding with base name
-  @{text "name"} and the source position taken from the concrete
-  syntax of this antiquotation.  In many situations this is more
-  appropriate than the more basic @{ML} function.
-  \end{description}
-text %mlex {* The following example yields the source position of some
-  concrete binding inlined into the text:
-ML {* Binding.pos_of @{binding here} *}
-text {* \medskip That position can be also printed in a message as
-  follows: *}
-ML_command {*
-  writeln
-    ("Look here" ^ Position.str_of (Binding.pos_of @{binding here}))
-text {* This illustrates a key virtue of formalized bindings as
-  opposed to raw specifications of base names: the system can use this
-  additional information for feedback given to the user (error
-  messages etc.). *}