changeset 48985 5386df44a037
parent 48984 f51d4a302962
child 48986 037d32448e29
--- a/doc-src/IsarRef/Outer_Syntax.thy	Tue Aug 28 18:46:15 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-theory Outer_Syntax
-imports Base Main
-chapter {* Outer syntax --- the theory language \label{ch:outer-syntax} *}
-text {*
-  The rather generic framework of Isabelle/Isar syntax emerges from
-  three main syntactic categories: \emph{commands} of the top-level
-  Isar engine (covering theory and proof elements), \emph{methods} for
-  general goal refinements (analogous to traditional ``tactics''), and
-  \emph{attributes} for operations on facts (within a certain
-  context).  Subsequently we give a reference of basic syntactic
-  entities underlying Isabelle/Isar syntax in a bottom-up manner.
-  Concrete theory and proof language elements will be introduced later
-  on.
-  \medskip In order to get started with writing well-formed
-  Isabelle/Isar documents, the most important aspect to be noted is
-  the difference of \emph{inner} versus \emph{outer} syntax.  Inner
-  syntax is that of Isabelle types and terms of the logic, while outer
-  syntax is that of Isabelle/Isar theory sources (specifications and
-  proofs).  As a general rule, inner syntax entities may occur only as
-  \emph{atomic entities} within outer syntax.  For example, the string
-  @{verbatim "\"x + y\""} and identifier @{verbatim z} are legal term
-  specifications within a theory, while @{verbatim "x + y"} without
-  quotes is not.
-  Printed theory documents usually omit quotes to gain readability
-  (this is a matter of {\LaTeX} macro setup, say via @{verbatim
-  "\\isabellestyle"}, see also \cite{isabelle-sys}).  Experienced
-  users of Isabelle/Isar may easily reconstruct the lost technical
-  information, while mere readers need not care about quotes at all.
-  \medskip Isabelle/Isar input may contain any number of input
-  termination characters ``@{verbatim ";"}'' (semicolon) to separate
-  commands explicitly.  This is particularly useful in interactive
-  shell sessions to make clear where the current command is intended
-  to end.  Otherwise, the interpreter loop will continue to issue a
-  secondary prompt ``@{verbatim "#"}'' until an end-of-command is
-  clearly recognized from the input syntax, e.g.\ encounter of the
-  next command keyword.
-  More advanced interfaces such as Proof~General \cite{proofgeneral}
-  do not require explicit semicolons, the amount of input text is
-  determined automatically by inspecting the present content of the
-  Emacs text buffer.  In the printed presentation of Isabelle/Isar
-  documents semicolons are omitted altogether for readability.
-  \begin{warn}
-    Proof~General requires certain syntax classification tables in
-    order to achieve properly synchronized interaction with the
-    Isabelle/Isar process.  These tables need to be consistent with
-    the Isabelle version and particular logic image to be used in a
-    running session (common object-logics may well change the outer
-    syntax).  The standard setup should work correctly with any of the
-    ``official'' logic images derived from Isabelle/HOL (including
-    HOLCF etc.).  Users of alternative logics may need to tell
-    Proof~General explicitly, e.g.\ by giving an option @{verbatim "-k ZF"}
-    (in conjunction with @{verbatim "-l ZF"}, to specify the default
-    logic image).  Note that option @{verbatim "-L"} does both
-    of this at the same time.
-  \end{warn}
-section {* Lexical matters \label{sec:outer-lex} *}
-text {* The outer lexical syntax consists of three main categories of
-  syntax tokens:
-  \begin{enumerate}
-  \item \emph{major keywords} --- the command names that are available
-  in the present logic session;
-  \item \emph{minor keywords} --- additional literal tokens required
-  by the syntax of commands;
-  \item \emph{named tokens} --- various categories of identifiers etc.
-  \end{enumerate}
-  Major keywords and minor keywords are guaranteed to be disjoint.
-  This helps user-interfaces to determine the overall structure of a
-  theory text, without knowing the full details of command syntax.
-  Internally, there is some additional information about the kind of
-  major keywords, which approximates the command type (theory command,
-  proof command etc.).
-  Keywords override named tokens.  For example, the presence of a
-  command called @{verbatim term} inhibits the identifier @{verbatim
-  term}, but the string @{verbatim "\"term\""} can be used instead.
-  By convention, the outer syntax always allows quoted strings in
-  addition to identifiers, wherever a named entity is expected.
-  When tokenizing a given input sequence, the lexer repeatedly takes
-  the longest prefix of the input that forms a valid token.  Spaces,
-  tabs, newlines and formfeeds between tokens serve as explicit
-  separators.
-  \medskip The categories for named tokens are defined once and for
-  all as follows.
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{supertabular}{rcl}
-    @{syntax_def ident} & = & @{text "letter quasiletter\<^sup>*"} \\
-    @{syntax_def longident} & = & @{text "ident("}@{verbatim "."}@{text "ident)\<^sup>+"} \\
-    @{syntax_def symident} & = & @{text "sym\<^sup>+  |  "}@{verbatim "\\"}@{verbatim "<"}@{text ident}@{verbatim ">"} \\
-    @{syntax_def nat} & = & @{text "digit\<^sup>+"} \\
-    @{syntax_def float} & = & @{syntax_ref nat}@{verbatim "."}@{syntax_ref nat}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "-"}@{syntax_ref nat}@{verbatim "."}@{syntax_ref nat} \\
-    @{syntax_def var} & = & @{verbatim "?"}@{text "ident  |  "}@{verbatim "?"}@{text ident}@{verbatim "."}@{text nat} \\
-    @{syntax_def typefree} & = & @{verbatim "'"}@{text ident} \\
-    @{syntax_def typevar} & = & @{verbatim "?"}@{text "typefree  |  "}@{verbatim "?"}@{text typefree}@{verbatim "."}@{text nat} \\
-    @{syntax_def string} & = & @{verbatim "\""} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim "\""} \\
-    @{syntax_def altstring} & = & @{verbatim "`"} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim "`"} \\
-    @{syntax_def verbatim} & = & @{verbatim "{*"} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim "*"}@{verbatim "}"} \\[1ex]
-    @{text letter} & = & @{text "latin  |  "}@{verbatim "\\"}@{verbatim "<"}@{text latin}@{verbatim ">"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\\"}@{verbatim "<"}@{text "latin latin"}@{verbatim ">"}@{text "  |  greek  |"} \\
-          &   & @{verbatim "\<^isub>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<^isup>"} \\
-    @{text quasiletter} & = & @{text "letter  |  digit  |  "}@{verbatim "_"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "'"} \\
-    @{text latin} & = & @{verbatim a}@{text "  | \<dots> |  "}@{verbatim z}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim A}@{text "  |  \<dots> |  "}@{verbatim Z} \\
-    @{text digit} & = & @{verbatim "0"}@{text "  |  \<dots> |  "}@{verbatim "9"} \\
-    @{text sym} & = & @{verbatim "!"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "#"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "$"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "%"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "&"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "*"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "+"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "-"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "/"}@{text "  |"} \\
-    & & @{verbatim "<"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "="}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim ">"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "?"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "@"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "^"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "_"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "|"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "~"} \\
-    @{text greek} & = & @{verbatim "\<alpha>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<beta>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<gamma>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<delta>"}@{text "  |"} \\
-          &   & @{verbatim "\<epsilon>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<zeta>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<eta>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<theta>"}@{text "  |"} \\
-          &   & @{verbatim "\<iota>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<kappa>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<mu>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<nu>"}@{text "  |"} \\
-          &   & @{verbatim "\<xi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<pi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<rho>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<sigma>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<tau>"}@{text "  |"} \\
-          &   & @{verbatim "\<upsilon>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<phi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<chi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<psi>"}@{text "  |"} \\
-          &   & @{verbatim "\<omega>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Gamma>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Delta>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Theta>"}@{text "  |"} \\
-          &   & @{verbatim "\<Lambda>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Xi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Pi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Sigma>"}@{text "  |"} \\
-          &   & @{verbatim "\<Upsilon>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Phi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Psi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Omega>"} \\
-  \end{supertabular}
-  \end{center}
-  A @{syntax_ref var} or @{syntax_ref typevar} describes an unknown,
-  which is internally a pair of base name and index (ML type @{ML_type
-  indexname}).  These components are either separated by a dot as in
-  @{text "?x.1"} or @{text "?x7.3"} or run together as in @{text
-  "?x1"}.  The latter form is possible if the base name does not end
-  with digits.  If the index is 0, it may be dropped altogether:
-  @{text "?x"} and @{text "?x0"} and @{text "?x.0"} all refer to the
-  same unknown, with basename @{text "x"} and index 0.
-  The syntax of @{syntax_ref string} admits any characters, including
-  newlines; ``@{verbatim "\""}'' (double-quote) and ``@{verbatim
-  "\\"}'' (backslash) need to be escaped by a backslash; arbitrary
-  character codes may be specified as ``@{verbatim "\\"}@{text ddd}'',
-  with three decimal digits.  Alternative strings according to
-  @{syntax_ref altstring} are analogous, using single back-quotes
-  instead.
-  The body of @{syntax_ref verbatim} may consist of any text not
-  containing ``@{verbatim "*"}@{verbatim "}"}''; this allows
-  convenient inclusion of quotes without further escapes.  There is no
-  way to escape ``@{verbatim "*"}@{verbatim "}"}''.  If the quoted
-  text is {\LaTeX} source, one may usually add some blank or comment
-  to avoid the critical character sequence.
-  Source comments take the form @{verbatim "(*"}~@{text
-  "\<dots>"}~@{verbatim "*)"} and may be nested, although the user-interface
-  might prevent this.  Note that this form indicates source comments
-  only, which are stripped after lexical analysis of the input.  The
-  Isar syntax also provides proper \emph{document comments} that are
-  considered as part of the text (see \secref{sec:comments}).
-  Common mathematical symbols such as @{text \<forall>} are represented in
-  Isabelle as @{verbatim \<forall>}.  There are infinitely many Isabelle
-  symbols like this, although proper presentation is left to front-end
-  tools such as {\LaTeX}, Proof~General, or Isabelle/jEdit.  A list of
-  predefined Isabelle symbols that work well with these tools is given
-  in \appref{app:symbols}.  Note that @{verbatim "\<lambda>"} does not belong
-  to the @{text letter} category, since it is already used differently
-  in the Pure term language.  *}
-section {* Common syntax entities *}
-text {*
-  We now introduce several basic syntactic entities, such as names,
-  terms, and theorem specifications, which are factored out of the
-  actual Isar language elements to be described later.
-subsection {* Names *}
-text {* Entity @{syntax name} usually refers to any name of types,
-  constants, theorems etc.\ that are to be \emph{declared} or
-  \emph{defined} (so qualified identifiers are excluded here).  Quoted
-  strings provide an escape for non-identifier names or those ruled
-  out by outer syntax keywords (e.g.\ quoted @{verbatim "\"let\""}).
-  Already existing objects are usually referenced by @{syntax
-  nameref}.
-  @{rail "
-    @{syntax_def name}: @{syntax ident} | @{syntax symident} |
-      @{syntax string} | @{syntax nat}
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def parname}: '(' @{syntax name} ')'
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def nameref}: @{syntax name} | @{syntax longident}
-  "}
-subsection {* Numbers *}
-text {* The outer lexical syntax (\secref{sec:outer-lex}) admits
-  natural numbers and floating point numbers.  These are combined as
-  @{syntax int} and @{syntax real} as follows.
-  @{rail "
-    @{syntax_def int}: @{syntax nat} | '-' @{syntax nat}
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def real}: @{syntax float} | @{syntax int}
-  "}
-  Note that there is an overlap with the category @{syntax name},
-  which also includes @{syntax nat}.
-subsection {* Comments \label{sec:comments} *}
-text {* Large chunks of plain @{syntax text} are usually given
-  @{syntax verbatim}, i.e.\ enclosed in @{verbatim "{"}@{verbatim
-  "*"}~@{text "\<dots>"}~@{verbatim "*"}@{verbatim "}"}.  For convenience,
-  any of the smaller text units conforming to @{syntax nameref} are
-  admitted as well.  A marginal @{syntax comment} is of the form
-  @{verbatim "--"}~@{syntax text}.  Any number of these may occur
-  within Isabelle/Isar commands.
-  @{rail "
-    @{syntax_def text}: @{syntax verbatim} | @{syntax nameref}
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def comment}: '--' @{syntax text}
-  "}
-subsection {* Type classes, sorts and arities *}
-text {*
-  Classes are specified by plain names.  Sorts have a very simple
-  inner syntax, which is either a single class name @{text c} or a
-  list @{text "{c\<^sub>1, \<dots>, c\<^sub>n}"} referring to the
-  intersection of these classes.  The syntax of type arities is given
-  directly at the outer level.
-  @{rail "
-    @{syntax_def classdecl}: @{syntax name} (('<' | '\<subseteq>') (@{syntax nameref} + ','))?
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def sort}: @{syntax nameref}
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def arity}: ('(' (@{syntax sort} + ',') ')')? @{syntax sort}
-  "}
-subsection {* Types and terms \label{sec:types-terms} *}
-text {*
-  The actual inner Isabelle syntax, that of types and terms of the
-  logic, is far too sophisticated in order to be modelled explicitly
-  at the outer theory level.  Basically, any such entity has to be
-  quoted to turn it into a single token (the parsing and type-checking
-  is performed internally later).  For convenience, a slightly more
-  liberal convention is adopted: quotes may be omitted for any type or
-  term that is already atomic at the outer level.  For example, one
-  may just write @{verbatim x} instead of quoted @{verbatim "\"x\""}.
-  Note that symbolic identifiers (e.g.\ @{verbatim "++"} or @{text
-  "\<forall>"} are available as well, provided these have not been superseded
-  by commands or other keywords already (such as @{verbatim "="} or
-  @{verbatim "+"}).
-  @{rail "
-    @{syntax_def type}: @{syntax nameref} | @{syntax typefree} |
-      @{syntax typevar}
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def term}: @{syntax nameref} | @{syntax var}
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def prop}: @{syntax term}
-  "}
-  Positional instantiations are indicated by giving a sequence of
-  terms, or the placeholder ``@{text _}'' (underscore), which means to
-  skip a position.
-  @{rail "
-    @{syntax_def inst}: '_' | @{syntax term}
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def insts}: (@{syntax inst} *)
-  "}
-  Type declarations and definitions usually refer to @{syntax
-  typespec} on the left-hand side.  This models basic type constructor
-  application at the outer syntax level.  Note that only plain postfix
-  notation is available here, but no infixes.
-  @{rail "
-    @{syntax_def typespec}:
-      (() | @{syntax typefree} | '(' ( @{syntax typefree} + ',' ) ')') @{syntax name}
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def typespec_sorts}:
-      (() | (@{syntax typefree} ('::' @{syntax sort})?) |
-        '(' ( (@{syntax typefree} ('::' @{syntax sort})?) + ',' ) ')') @{syntax name}
-  "}
-subsection {* Term patterns and declarations \label{sec:term-decls} *}
-text {* Wherever explicit propositions (or term fragments) occur in a
-  proof text, casual binding of schematic term variables may be given
-  specified via patterns of the form ``@{text "(\<IS> p\<^sub>1 \<dots> p\<^sub>n)"}''.
-  This works both for @{syntax term} and @{syntax prop}.
-  @{rail "
-    @{syntax_def term_pat}: '(' (@'is' @{syntax term} +) ')'
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def prop_pat}: '(' (@'is' @{syntax prop} +) ')'
-  "}
-  \medskip Declarations of local variables @{text "x :: \<tau>"} and
-  logical propositions @{text "a : \<phi>"} represent different views on
-  the same principle of introducing a local scope.  In practice, one
-  may usually omit the typing of @{syntax vars} (due to
-  type-inference), and the naming of propositions (due to implicit
-  references of current facts).  In any case, Isar proof elements
-  usually admit to introduce multiple such items simultaneously.
-  @{rail "
-    @{syntax_def vars}: (@{syntax name} +) ('::' @{syntax type})?
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def props}: @{syntax thmdecl}? (@{syntax prop} @{syntax prop_pat}? +)
-  "}
-  The treatment of multiple declarations corresponds to the
-  complementary focus of @{syntax vars} versus @{syntax props}.  In
-  ``@{text "x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>n :: \<tau>"}'' the typing refers to all variables, while
-  in @{text "a: \<phi>\<^sub>1 \<dots> \<phi>\<^sub>n"} the naming refers to all propositions
-  collectively.  Isar language elements that refer to @{syntax vars}
-  or @{syntax props} typically admit separate typings or namings via
-  another level of iteration, with explicit @{keyword_ref "and"}
-  separators; e.g.\ see @{command "fix"} and @{command "assume"} in
-  \secref{sec:proof-context}.
-subsection {* Attributes and theorems \label{sec:syn-att} *}
-text {* Attributes have their own ``semi-inner'' syntax, in the sense
-  that input conforming to @{syntax args} below is parsed by the
-  attribute a second time.  The attribute argument specifications may
-  be any sequence of atomic entities (identifiers, strings etc.), or
-  properly bracketed argument lists.  Below @{syntax atom} refers to
-  any atomic entity, including any @{syntax keyword} conforming to
-  @{syntax symident}.
-  @{rail "
-    @{syntax_def atom}: @{syntax nameref} | @{syntax typefree} |
-      @{syntax typevar} | @{syntax var} | @{syntax nat} | @{syntax float} |
-      @{syntax keyword}
-    ;
-    arg: @{syntax atom} | '(' @{syntax args} ')' | '[' @{syntax args} ']'
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def args}: arg *
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def attributes}: '[' (@{syntax nameref} @{syntax args} * ',') ']'
-  "}
-  Theorem specifications come in several flavors: @{syntax axmdecl}
-  and @{syntax thmdecl} usually refer to axioms, assumptions or
-  results of goal statements, while @{syntax thmdef} collects lists of
-  existing theorems.  Existing theorems are given by @{syntax thmref}
-  and @{syntax thmrefs}, the former requires an actual singleton
-  result.
-  There are three forms of theorem references:
-  \begin{enumerate}
-  \item named facts @{text "a"},
-  \item selections from named facts @{text "a(i)"} or @{text "a(j - k)"},
-  \item literal fact propositions using @{syntax_ref altstring} syntax
-  @{verbatim "`"}@{text "\<phi>"}@{verbatim "`"} (see also method
-  @{method_ref fact}).
-  \end{enumerate}
-  Any kind of theorem specification may include lists of attributes
-  both on the left and right hand sides; attributes are applied to any
-  immediately preceding fact.  If names are omitted, the theorems are
-  not stored within the theorem database of the theory or proof
-  context, but any given attributes are applied nonetheless.
-  An extra pair of brackets around attributes (like ``@{text
-  "[[simproc a]]"}'') abbreviates a theorem reference involving an
-  internal dummy fact, which will be ignored later on.  So only the
-  effect of the attribute on the background context will persist.
-  This form of in-place declarations is particularly useful with
-  commands like @{command "declare"} and @{command "using"}.
-  @{rail "
-    @{syntax_def axmdecl}: @{syntax name} @{syntax attributes}? ':'
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def thmdecl}: thmbind ':'
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def thmdef}: thmbind '='
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def thmref}:
-      (@{syntax nameref} selection? | @{syntax altstring}) @{syntax attributes}? |
-      '[' @{syntax attributes} ']'
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def thmrefs}: @{syntax thmref} +
-    ;
-    thmbind: @{syntax name} @{syntax attributes} | @{syntax name} | @{syntax attributes}
-    ;
-    selection: '(' ((@{syntax nat} | @{syntax nat} '-' @{syntax nat}?) + ',') ')'
-  "}