changeset 48985 5386df44a037
parent 42765 aec61b60ff7b
child 58305 57752a91eec4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Doc/Tutorial/CodeGen/CodeGen.thy	Tue Aug 28 18:57:32 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+theory CodeGen imports Main begin
+section{*Case Study: Compiling Expressions*}
+\index{compiling expressions example|(}%
+The task is to develop a compiler from a generic type of expressions (built
+from variables, constants and binary operations) to a stack machine.  This
+generic type of expressions is a generalization of the boolean expressions in
+\S\ref{sec:boolex}.  This time we do not commit ourselves to a particular
+type of variables or values but make them type parameters.  Neither is there
+a fixed set of binary operations: instead the expression contains the
+appropriate function itself.
+type_synonym 'v binop = "'v \<Rightarrow> 'v \<Rightarrow> 'v";
+datatype ('a,'v)expr = Cex 'v
+                     | Vex 'a
+                     | Bex "'v binop"  "('a,'v)expr"  "('a,'v)expr";
+The three constructors represent constants, variables and the application of
+a binary operation to two subexpressions.
+The value of an expression with respect to an environment that maps variables to
+values is easily defined:
+primrec "value" :: "('a,'v)expr \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> 'v) \<Rightarrow> 'v" where
+"value (Cex v) env = v" |
+"value (Vex a) env = env a" |
+"value (Bex f e1 e2) env = f (value e1 env) (value e2 env)"
+The stack machine has three instructions: load a constant value onto the
+stack, load the contents of an address onto the stack, and apply a
+binary operation to the two topmost elements of the stack, replacing them by
+the result. As for @{text"expr"}, addresses and values are type parameters:
+datatype ('a,'v) instr = Const 'v
+                       | Load 'a
+                       | Apply "'v binop";
+The execution of the stack machine is modelled by a function
+@{text"exec"} that takes a list of instructions, a store (modelled as a
+function from addresses to values, just like the environment for
+evaluating expressions), and a stack (modelled as a list) of values,
+and returns the stack at the end of the execution --- the store remains
+primrec exec :: "('a,'v)instr list \<Rightarrow> ('a\<Rightarrow>'v) \<Rightarrow> 'v list \<Rightarrow> 'v list"
+"exec [] s vs = vs" |
+"exec (i#is) s vs = (case i of
+    Const v  \<Rightarrow> exec is s (v#vs)
+  | Load a   \<Rightarrow> exec is s ((s a)#vs)
+  | Apply f  \<Rightarrow> exec is s ((f (hd vs) (hd(tl vs)))#(tl(tl vs))))"
+Recall that @{term"hd"} and @{term"tl"}
+return the first element and the remainder of a list.
+Because all functions are total, \cdx{hd} is defined even for the empty
+list, although we do not know what the result is. Thus our model of the
+machine always terminates properly, although the definition above does not
+tell us much about the result in situations where @{term"Apply"} was executed
+with fewer than two elements on the stack.
+The compiler is a function from expressions to a list of instructions. Its
+definition is obvious:
+primrec compile :: "('a,'v)expr \<Rightarrow> ('a,'v)instr list" where
+"compile (Cex v)       = [Const v]" |
+"compile (Vex a)       = [Load a]" |
+"compile (Bex f e1 e2) = (compile e2) @ (compile e1) @ [Apply f]"
+Now we have to prove the correctness of the compiler, i.e.\ that the
+execution of a compiled expression results in the value of the expression:
+theorem "exec (compile e) s [] = [value e s]";
+This theorem needs to be generalized:
+theorem "\<forall>vs. exec (compile e) s vs = (value e s) # vs";
+It will be proved by induction on @{term"e"} followed by simplification.  
+First, we must prove a lemma about executing the concatenation of two
+instruction sequences:
+lemma exec_app[simp]:
+  "\<forall>vs. exec (xs@ys) s vs = exec ys s (exec xs s vs)"; 
+This requires induction on @{term"xs"} and ordinary simplification for the
+base cases. In the induction step, simplification leaves us with a formula
+that contains two @{text"case"}-expressions over instructions. Thus we add
+automatic case splitting, which finishes the proof:
+apply(induct_tac xs, simp, simp split: instr.split);
+Note that because both \methdx{simp_all} and \methdx{auto} perform simplification, they can
+be modified in the same way as @{text simp}.  Thus the proof can be
+rewritten as
+declare exec_app[simp del];
+lemma [simp]: "\<forall>vs. exec (xs@ys) s vs = exec ys s (exec xs s vs)"; 
+apply(induct_tac xs, simp_all split: instr.split);
+Although this is more compact, it is less clear for the reader of the proof.
+We could now go back and prove @{prop"exec (compile e) s [] = [value e s]"}
+merely by simplification with the generalized version we just proved.
+However, this is unnecessary because the generalized version fully subsumes
+its instance.%
+\index{compiling expressions example|)}
+theorem "\<forall>vs. exec (compile e) s vs = (value e s) # vs";
+by(induct_tac e, auto);