changeset 60119 54bea620e54f
child 60248 f7e4294216d2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Eisbach/eisbach_rule_insts.ML	Fri Apr 17 17:49:19 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+(*  Title:      eisbach_rule_insts.ML
+    Author:     Daniel Matichuk, NICTA/UNSW
+Eisbach-aware variants of the "where" and "of" attributes.
+Alternate syntax for rule_insts.ML participates in token closures by
+examining the behaviour of Rule_Insts.where_rule and instantiating token
+values accordingly. Instantiations in re-interpretation are done with
+structure Eisbach_Rule_Insts : sig end =
+fun restore_tags thm = Thm.map_tags (K (Thm.get_tags thm));
+fun add_thm_insts thm =
+  let
+    val thy = Thm.theory_of_thm thm;
+    val tyvars = Thm.fold_terms Term.add_tvars thm [];
+    val tyvars' = tyvars |> map (Logic.mk_term o Logic.mk_type o TVar);
+    val tvars = Thm.fold_terms Term.add_vars thm [];
+    val tvars' = tvars  |> map (Logic.mk_term o Var);
+    val conj =
+      Logic.mk_conjunction_list (tyvars' @ tvars') |> Thm.global_cterm_of thy |> Drule.mk_term;
+  in
+    ((tyvars, tvars), Conjunction.intr thm conj)
+  end;
+fun get_thm_insts thm =
+  let
+    val (thm', insts) = Conjunction.elim thm;
+    val insts' = insts
+      |> Drule.dest_term
+      |> Thm.term_of
+      |> Logic.dest_conjunction_list
+      |> map Logic.dest_term
+      |> (fn f => fold (fn t => fn (tys, ts) =>
+          (case try Logic.dest_type t of
+            SOME T => (T :: tys, ts)
+          | NONE => (tys, t :: ts))) f ([], []))
+      ||> rev
+      |>> rev;
+  in
+    (thm', insts')
+  end;
+fun instantiate_xis insts thm =
+  let
+    val tyvars = Thm.fold_terms Term.add_tvars thm [];
+    val tvars = Thm.fold_terms Term.add_vars thm [];
+    val cert = Thm.global_cterm_of (Thm.theory_of_thm thm);
+    val certT = Thm.global_ctyp_of (Thm.theory_of_thm thm);
+    fun add_inst (xi, t) (Ts, ts) =
+      (case AList.lookup (op =) tyvars xi of
+        SOME S => ((certT (TVar (xi, S)), certT (Logic.dest_type t)) :: Ts, ts)
+      | NONE =>
+          (case AList.lookup (op =) tvars xi of
+            SOME T => (Ts, (cert (Var (xi, T)), cert t) :: ts)
+          | NONE => error "indexname not found in thm"));
+    val (cTinsts, cinsts) = fold add_inst insts ([], []);
+  in
+    (Thm.instantiate (cTinsts, []) thm
+    |> Drule.cterm_instantiate cinsts
+    COMP_INCR asm_rl)
+    |> Thm.adjust_maxidx_thm ~1
+    |> restore_tags thm
+  end;
+datatype rule_inst =
+  Named_Insts of ((indexname * string) * (term -> unit)) list
+| Term_Insts of (indexname * term) list;
+fun embed_indexname ((xi,s),f) =
+  let
+    fun wrap_xi xi t = Logic.mk_conjunction (Logic.mk_term (Var (xi,fastype_of t)),Logic.mk_term t);
+  in ((xi,s),f o wrap_xi xi) end;
+fun unembed_indexname t =
+  let
+    val (t, t') = apply2 Logic.dest_term (Logic.dest_conjunction t);
+    val (xi, _) = Term.dest_Var t;
+  in (xi, t') end;
+fun read_where_insts toks =
+  let
+    val parser =
+      Parse.!!!
+        (Parse.and_list1 (Args.var -- (Args.$$$ "=" |-- Parse_Tools.name_term)) -- Parse.for_fixes)
+          --| Scan.ahead Parse.eof;
+    val (insts, fixes) = the ( Token.stopper parser toks);
+    val insts' =
+      if forall (fn (_, v) => Parse_Tools.is_real_val v) insts
+      then Term_Insts (map (fn (_,t) => unembed_indexname (Parse_Tools.the_real_val t)) insts)
+      else Named_Insts (map (fn (xi, p) => embed_indexname
+            ((xi,Parse_Tools.the_parse_val p),Parse_Tools.the_parse_fun p)) insts);
+  in
+    (insts', fixes)
+  end;
+fun of_rule thm  (args, concl_args) =
+  let
+    fun zip_vars _ [] = []
+      | zip_vars (_ :: xs) (NONE :: rest) = zip_vars xs rest
+      | zip_vars ((x, _) :: xs) (SOME t :: rest) = (x, t) :: zip_vars xs rest
+      | zip_vars [] _ = error "More instantiations than variables in theorem";
+    val insts =
+      zip_vars (rev (Term.add_vars (Thm.full_prop_of thm) [])) args @
+      zip_vars (rev (Term.add_vars (Thm.concl_of thm) [])) concl_args;
+  in insts end;
+val inst =  Args.maybe Parse_Tools.name_term;
+val concl = Args.$$$ "concl" -- Args.colon;
+fun read_of_insts toks thm =
+  let
+    val parser =
+      Parse.!!!
+        ((Scan.repeat (Scan.unless concl inst) -- Scan.optional (concl |-- Scan.repeat inst) [])
+          -- Parse.for_fixes) --| Scan.ahead Parse.eof;
+    val ((insts, concl_insts), fixes) =
+      the ( Token.stopper parser toks);
+    val insts' =
+      if forall (fn SOME t => Parse_Tools.is_real_val t | NONE => true) (insts @ concl_insts)
+      then
+        Term_Insts
+          (map_filter ( (Parse_Tools.the_real_val #> unembed_indexname)) (insts @ concl_insts))
+      else
+        Named_Insts
+          (apply2 (map ( (fn p => (Parse_Tools.the_parse_val p,Parse_Tools.the_parse_fun p))))
+            (insts, concl_insts)
+            |> of_rule thm |> map ((fn (xi, (nm, tok)) => embed_indexname ((xi, nm), tok))));
+  in
+    (insts', fixes)
+  end;
+fun read_instantiate_closed ctxt ((Named_Insts insts), fixes) thm  =
+      let
+        val insts' = map (fn ((v, t), _) => ((v, Position.none), t)) insts;
+        val (thm_insts, thm') = add_thm_insts thm
+        val (thm'', thm_insts') =
+          Rule_Insts.where_rule ctxt insts' fixes thm'
+          |> get_thm_insts;
+        val tyinst =
+ (fst thm_insts, fst thm_insts') |> map (fn ((xi, _), typ) => (xi, typ));
+        val tinst =
+ (snd thm_insts, snd thm_insts') |> map (fn ((xi, _), t) => (xi, t));
+        val _ =
+          map (fn ((xi, _), f) =>
+            (case AList.lookup (op =) tyinst xi of
+              SOME typ => f (Logic.mk_type typ)
+            | NONE =>
+                (case AList.lookup (op =) tinst xi of
+                  SOME t => f t
+                | NONE => error "Lost indexname in instantiated theorem"))) insts;
+      in
+        (thm'' |> restore_tags thm)
+      end
+  | read_instantiate_closed _ ((Term_Insts insts), _) thm = instantiate_xis insts thm;
+val parse_all : Token.T list context_parser = Scan.lift (Scan.many Token.not_eof);
+val _ =
+  Theory.setup
+    (Attrib.setup @{binding "where"} (parse_all >>
+      (fn toks => Thm.rule_attribute (fn context =>
+        read_instantiate_closed (Context.proof_of context) (read_where_insts toks))))
+      "named instantiation of theorem");
+val _ =
+  Theory.setup
+    (Attrib.setup @{binding "of"} (parse_all >>
+      (fn toks => Thm.rule_attribute (fn context => fn thm =>
+        read_instantiate_closed (Context.proof_of context) (read_of_insts toks thm) thm)))
+      "positional instantiation of theorem");