changeset 13462 56610e2ba220
parent 12975 d796a2fd6c69
child 13485 acf39e924091
--- a/src/HOL/Integ/int_arith1.ML	Tue Aug 06 11:20:47 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Integ/int_arith1.ML	Tue Aug 06 11:22:05 2002 +0200
@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@
 (** For cancel_numerals **)
 val rel_iff_rel_0_rls = map (inst "y" "?u+?v")
-                          [zless_iff_zdiff_zless_0, eq_iff_zdiff_eq_0, 
-			   zle_iff_zdiff_zle_0] @
-		        map (inst "y" "n")
-                          [zless_iff_zdiff_zless_0, eq_iff_zdiff_eq_0, 
-			   zle_iff_zdiff_zle_0];
+                          [zless_iff_zdiff_zless_0, eq_iff_zdiff_eq_0,
+                           zle_iff_zdiff_zle_0] @
+                        map (inst "y" "n")
+                          [zless_iff_zdiff_zless_0, eq_iff_zdiff_eq_0,
+                           zle_iff_zdiff_zle_0];
 Goal "!!i::int. (i*u + m = j*u + n) = ((i-j)*u + m = n)";
 by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [zdiff_def, zadd_zmult_distrib]@
-		                     zadd_ac@rel_iff_rel_0_rls) 1);
+                                     zadd_ac@rel_iff_rel_0_rls) 1);
 qed "eq_add_iff1";
 Goal "!!i::int. (i*u + m = j*u + n) = (m = (j-i)*u + n)";
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 val numeral_syms = [int_numeral_0_eq_0 RS sym, int_numeral_1_eq_1 RS sym];
 val numeral_sym_ss = HOL_ss addsimps numeral_syms;
-fun rename_numerals th = 
+fun rename_numerals th =
     simplify numeral_sym_ss (Thm.transfer (the_context ()) th);
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@
 (*Decodes a binary INTEGER*)
 fun dest_numeral (Const("0", _)) = 0
   | dest_numeral (Const("1", _)) = 1
-  | dest_numeral (Const("Numeral.number_of", _) $ w) = 
+  | dest_numeral (Const("Numeral.number_of", _) $ w) =
      (HOLogic.dest_binum w
       handle TERM _ => raise TERM("Int_Numeral_Simprocs.dest_numeral:1", [w]))
   | dest_numeral t = raise TERM("Int_Numeral_Simprocs.dest_numeral:2", [t]);
 fun find_first_numeral past (t::terms) =
-	((dest_numeral t, rev past @ terms)
-	 handle TERM _ => find_first_numeral (t::past) terms)
+        ((dest_numeral t, rev past @ terms)
+         handle TERM _ => find_first_numeral (t::past) terms)
   | find_first_numeral past [] = raise TERM("find_first_numeral", []);
 val zero = mk_numeral 0;
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
   | dest_summing (pos, Const ("op -", _) $ t $ u, ts) =
         dest_summing (pos, t, dest_summing (not pos, u, ts))
   | dest_summing (pos, t, ts) =
-	if pos then t::ts else uminus_const$t :: ts;
+        if pos then t::ts else uminus_const$t :: ts;
 fun dest_sum t = dest_summing (true, t, []);
@@ -139,29 +139,29 @@
 val dest_times = HOLogic.dest_bin "op *" HOLogic.intT;
 fun dest_prod t =
-      let val (t,u) = dest_times t 
+      let val (t,u) = dest_times t
       in  dest_prod t @ dest_prod u  end
       handle TERM _ => [t];
-(*DON'T do the obvious simplifications; that would create special cases*) 
+(*DON'T do the obvious simplifications; that would create special cases*)
 fun mk_coeff (k, ts) = mk_times (mk_numeral k, ts);
 (*Express t as a product of (possibly) a numeral with other sorted terms*)
 fun dest_coeff sign (Const ("uminus", _) $ t) = dest_coeff (~sign) t
   | dest_coeff sign t =
     let val ts = sort Term.term_ord (dest_prod t)
-	val (n, ts') = find_first_numeral [] ts
+        val (n, ts') = find_first_numeral [] ts
                           handle TERM _ => (1, ts)
     in (sign*n, mk_prod ts') end;
 (*Find first coefficient-term THAT MATCHES u*)
-fun find_first_coeff past u [] = raise TERM("find_first_coeff", []) 
+fun find_first_coeff past u [] = raise TERM("find_first_coeff", [])
   | find_first_coeff past u (t::terms) =
-	let val (n,u') = dest_coeff 1 t
-	in  if u aconv u' then (n, rev past @ terms)
-			  else find_first_coeff (t::past) u terms
-	end
-	handle TERM _ => find_first_coeff (t::past) u terms;
+        let val (n,u') = dest_coeff 1 t
+        in  if u aconv u' then (n, rev past @ terms)
+                          else find_first_coeff (t::past) u terms
+        end
+        handle TERM _ => find_first_coeff (t::past) u terms;
 (*Simplify Numeral0+n, n+Numeral0, Numeral1*n, n*Numeral1*)
@@ -172,24 +172,24 @@
 (*To perform binary arithmetic.  The "left" rewriting handles patterns
   created by the simprocs, such as 3 * (5 * x). *)
 val bin_simps = [int_numeral_0_eq_0 RS sym, int_numeral_1_eq_1 RS sym,
-                 add_number_of_left, mult_number_of_left] @ 
+                 add_number_of_left, mult_number_of_left] @
                 bin_arith_simps @ bin_rel_simps;
 (*To evaluate binary negations of coefficients*)
 val zminus_simps = NCons_simps @
-                   [zminus_1_eq_m1, number_of_minus RS sym, 
-		    bin_minus_1, bin_minus_0, bin_minus_Pls, bin_minus_Min,
-		    bin_pred_1, bin_pred_0, bin_pred_Pls, bin_pred_Min];
+                   [zminus_1_eq_m1, number_of_minus RS sym,
+                    bin_minus_1, bin_minus_0, bin_minus_Pls, bin_minus_Min,
+                    bin_pred_1, bin_pred_0, bin_pred_Pls, bin_pred_Min];
 (*To let us treat subtraction as addition*)
 val diff_simps = [zdiff_def, zminus_zadd_distrib, zminus_zminus];
 (*push the unary minus down: - x * y = x * - y *)
-val int_minus_mult_eq_1_to_2 = 
+val int_minus_mult_eq_1_to_2 =
     [zmult_zminus, zmult_zminus_right RS sym] MRS trans |> standard;
 (*to extract again any uncancelled minuses*)
-val int_minus_from_mult_simps = 
+val int_minus_from_mult_simps =
     [zminus_zminus, zmult_zminus, zmult_zminus_right];
 (*combine unary minus with numeric literals, however nested within a product*)
@@ -206,19 +206,19 @@
 structure CancelNumeralsCommon =
-  val mk_sum    	= mk_sum
-  val dest_sum		= dest_sum
-  val mk_coeff		= mk_coeff
-  val dest_coeff	= dest_coeff 1
-  val find_first_coeff	= find_first_coeff []
+  val mk_sum            = mk_sum
+  val dest_sum          = dest_sum
+  val mk_coeff          = mk_coeff
+  val dest_coeff        = dest_coeff 1
+  val find_first_coeff  = find_first_coeff []
   val trans_tac         = trans_tac
-  val norm_tac = 
+  val norm_tac =
      ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps numeral_syms@add_0s@mult_1s@
      THEN ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps bin_simps@int_mult_minus_simps))
      THEN ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps int_minus_from_mult_simps@
-  val numeral_simp_tac	= ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps add_0s@bin_simps))
+  val numeral_simp_tac  = ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps add_0s@bin_simps))
   val simplify_meta_eq  = simplify_meta_eq (add_0s@mult_1s)
@@ -250,55 +250,51 @@
   val bal_add2 = le_add_iff2 RS trans
-val cancel_numerals = 
+val cancel_numerals =
   map Bin_Simprocs.prep_simproc
-     Bin_Simprocs.prep_pats
-               ["(l::int) + m = n", "(l::int) = m + n", 
-		"(l::int) - m = n", "(l::int) = m - n", 
-		"(l::int) * m = n", "(l::int) = m * n"], 
+     ["(l::int) + m = n", "(l::int) = m + n",
+      "(l::int) - m = n", "(l::int) = m - n",
+      "(l::int) * m = n", "(l::int) = m * n"],
-    ("intless_cancel_numerals", 
-     Bin_Simprocs.prep_pats
-               ["(l::int) + m < n", "(l::int) < m + n", 
-		"(l::int) - m < n", "(l::int) < m - n", 
-		"(l::int) * m < n", "(l::int) < m * n"], 
+    ("intless_cancel_numerals",
+     ["(l::int) + m < n", "(l::int) < m + n",
+      "(l::int) - m < n", "(l::int) < m - n",
+      "(l::int) * m < n", "(l::int) < m * n"],
-    ("intle_cancel_numerals", 
-     Bin_Simprocs.prep_pats
-               ["(l::int) + m <= n", "(l::int) <= m + n", 
-		"(l::int) - m <= n", "(l::int) <= m - n", 
-		"(l::int) * m <= n", "(l::int) <= m * n"], 
+    ("intle_cancel_numerals",
+     ["(l::int) + m <= n", "(l::int) <= m + n",
+      "(l::int) - m <= n", "(l::int) <= m - n",
+      "(l::int) * m <= n", "(l::int) <= m * n"],
 structure CombineNumeralsData =
-  val add		= op + : int*int -> int 
-  val mk_sum    	= long_mk_sum    (*to work for e.g. 2*x + 3*x *)
-  val dest_sum		= dest_sum
-  val mk_coeff		= mk_coeff
-  val dest_coeff	= dest_coeff 1
-  val left_distrib	= left_zadd_zmult_distrib RS trans
+  val add               = op + : int*int -> int
+  val mk_sum            = long_mk_sum    (*to work for e.g. 2*x + 3*x *)
+  val dest_sum          = dest_sum
+  val mk_coeff          = mk_coeff
+  val dest_coeff        = dest_coeff 1
+  val left_distrib      = left_zadd_zmult_distrib RS trans
   val prove_conv        = Bin_Simprocs.prove_conv_nohyps "int_combine_numerals"
   val trans_tac          = trans_tac
-  val norm_tac = 
+  val norm_tac =
      ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps numeral_syms@add_0s@mult_1s@
      THEN ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps bin_simps@int_mult_minus_simps))
      THEN ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps int_minus_from_mult_simps@
-  val numeral_simp_tac	= ALLGOALS 
+  val numeral_simp_tac  = ALLGOALS
                     (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps add_0s@bin_simps))
   val simplify_meta_eq  = simplify_meta_eq (add_0s@mult_1s)
 structure CombineNumerals = CombineNumeralsFun(CombineNumeralsData);
-val combine_numerals = Bin_Simprocs.prep_simproc
-                 ("int_combine_numerals",
-		  Bin_Simprocs.prep_pats ["(i::int) + j", "(i::int) - j"],
-		  CombineNumerals.proc);
+val combine_numerals =
+  Bin_Simprocs.prep_simproc
+    ("int_combine_numerals", ["(i::int) + j", "(i::int) - j"], CombineNumerals.proc);
@@ -312,7 +308,7 @@
 print_depth 22;
 set timing;
 set trace_simp;
-fun test s = (Goal s, by (Simp_tac 1)); 
+fun test s = (Goal s, by (Simp_tac 1));
 test "l + 2 + 2 + 2 + (l + 2) + (oo + 2) = (uu::int)";
@@ -355,10 +351,10 @@
 structure Int_Times_Assoc_Data : ASSOC_FOLD_DATA =
-  val ss		= HOL_ss
-  val eq_reflection	= eq_reflection
+  val ss                = HOL_ss
+  val eq_reflection     = eq_reflection
   val sg_ref = Sign.self_ref (Theory.sign_of (the_context ()))
-  val T	     = HOLogic.intT
+  val T      = HOLogic.intT
   val plus   = Const ("op *", [HOLogic.intT,HOLogic.intT] ---> HOLogic.intT);
   val add_ac = zmult_ac
@@ -372,10 +368,10 @@
 structure Nat_Times_Assoc_Data : ASSOC_FOLD_DATA =
-  val ss		= HOL_ss
-  val eq_reflection	= eq_reflection
+  val ss                = HOL_ss
+  val eq_reflection     = eq_reflection
   val sg_ref = Sign.self_ref (Theory.sign_of (the_context ()))
-  val T	     = HOLogic.natT
+  val T      = HOLogic.natT
   val plus   = Const ("op *", [HOLogic.natT,HOLogic.natT] ---> HOLogic.natT);
   val add_ac = mult_ac
@@ -399,19 +395,19 @@
 (* reduce contradictory <= to False *)
-val add_rules = 
-    simp_thms @ bin_arith_simps @ bin_rel_simps @ 
+val add_rules =
+    simp_thms @ bin_arith_simps @ bin_rel_simps @
     [int_numeral_0_eq_0, int_numeral_1_eq_1,
      zminus_0, zadd_0, zadd_0_right, zdiff_def,
-     zadd_zminus_inverse, zadd_zminus_inverse2, 
-     zmult_0, zmult_0_right, 
+     zadd_zminus_inverse, zadd_zminus_inverse2,
+     zmult_0, zmult_0_right,
      zmult_1, zmult_1_right,
      zmult_zminus, zmult_zminus_right,
      zminus_zadd_distrib, zminus_zminus, zmult_assoc,
      int_0, int_1, zadd_int RS sym, int_Suc];
 val simprocs = [Int_Times_Assoc.conv, Int_Numeral_Simprocs.combine_numerals]@
-               Int_Numeral_Simprocs.cancel_numerals @ 
+               Int_Numeral_Simprocs.cancel_numerals @
 val add_mono_thms_int =
@@ -440,16 +436,12 @@
-val int_arith_simproc_pats =
-  map (fn s => Thm.read_cterm (Theory.sign_of (the_context())) (s, HOLogic.boolT))
-      ["(m::int) < n","(m::int) <= n", "(m::int) = n"];
+val fast_int_arith_simproc =
+  Simplifier.simproc (Theory.sign_of (the_context()))
+  "fast_int_arith" ["(m::int) < n","(m::int) <= n", "(m::int) = n"] Fast_Arith.lin_arith_prover;
-val fast_int_arith_simproc = mk_simproc
-  "fast_int_arith" int_arith_simproc_pats Fast_Arith.lin_arith_prover;
 Addsimprocs [fast_int_arith_simproc]
 (* Some test data
 Goal "!!a::int. [| a <= b; c <= d; x+y<z |] ==> a+c <= b+d";