changeset 33055 5a733f325939
parent 33054 dd1192a96968
parent 33052 6f071d92960b
child 33056 791a4655cae3
--- a/src/HOL/SET-Protocol/Cardholder_Registration.thy	Wed Oct 21 16:54:04 2009 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1052 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Auth/SET/Cardholder_Registration
-    Authors:    Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci, Lawrence C Paulson,
-                Piero Tramontano
-header{*The SET Cardholder Registration Protocol*}
-theory Cardholder_Registration imports PublicSET begin
-text{*Note: nonces seem to consist of 20 bytes.  That includes both freshness
-challenges (Chall-EE, etc.) and important secrets (CardSecret, PANsecret)
-text{*Simplifications involving @{text analz_image_keys_simps} appear to
-have become much slower. The cause is unclear. However, there is a big blow-up
-and the rewriting is very sensitive to the set of rewrite rules given.*}
-subsection{*Predicate Formalizing the Encryption Association between Keys *}
-  KeyCryptKey :: "[key, key, event list] => bool"
-  "KeyCryptKey DK K [] = False"
-      --{*Says is the only important case.
-	1st case: CR5, where KC3 encrypts KC2.
-	2nd case: any use of priEK C.
-	Revision 1.12 has a more complicated version with separate treatment of
-	  the dependency of KC1, KC2 and KC3 on priEK (CA i.)  Not needed since
-	  priEK C is never sent (and so can't be lost except at the start). *}
-  "KeyCryptKey DK K (ev # evs) =
-   (KeyCryptKey DK K evs |
-    (case ev of
-      Says A B Z =>
-       ((\<exists>N X Y. A \<noteq> Spy &
-	         DK \<in> symKeys &
-		 Z = {|Crypt DK {|Agent A, Nonce N, Key K, X|}, Y|}) |
-	(\<exists>C. DK = priEK C))
-    | Gets A' X => False
-    | Notes A' X => False))"
-subsection{*Predicate formalizing the association between keys and nonces *}
-  KeyCryptNonce :: "[key, key, event list] => bool"
-  "KeyCryptNonce EK K [] = False"
-  --{*Says is the only important case.
-    1st case: CR3, where KC1 encrypts NC2 (distinct from CR5 due to EXH);
-    2nd case: CR5, where KC3 encrypts NC3;
-    3rd case: CR6, where KC2 encrypts NC3;
-    4th case: CR6, where KC2 encrypts NonceCCA;
-    5th case: any use of @{term "priEK C"} (including CardSecret).
-    NB the only Nonces we need to keep secret are CardSecret and NonceCCA.
-    But we can't prove @{text Nonce_compromise} unless the relation covers ALL
-	nonces that the protocol keeps secret.
-  *}
-  "KeyCryptNonce DK N (ev # evs) =
-   (KeyCryptNonce DK N evs |
-    (case ev of
-      Says A B Z =>
-       A \<noteq> Spy &
-       ((\<exists>X Y. DK \<in> symKeys &
-	       Z = (EXHcrypt DK X {|Agent A, Nonce N|} Y)) |
-	(\<exists>X Y. DK \<in> symKeys &
-	       Z = {|Crypt DK {|Agent A, Nonce N, X|}, Y|}) |
-	(\<exists>K i X Y.
-	  K \<in> symKeys &
-          Z = Crypt K {|sign (priSK (CA i)) {|Agent B, Nonce N, X|}, Y|} &
-	  (DK=K | KeyCryptKey DK K evs)) |
-	(\<exists>K C NC3 Y.
-	  K \<in> symKeys &
-          Z = Crypt K
- 	        {|sign (priSK C) {|Agent B, Nonce NC3, Agent C, Nonce N|},
-                  Y|} &
-	  (DK=K | KeyCryptKey DK K evs)) |
-	(\<exists>C. DK = priEK C))
-    | Gets A' X => False
-    | Notes A' X => False))"
-subsection{*Formal protocol definition *}
-  set_cr :: "event list set"
-  Nil:    --{*Initial trace is empty*}
-	  "[] \<in> set_cr"
-| Fake:    --{*The spy MAY say anything he CAN say.*}
-	   "[| evsf \<in> set_cr; X \<in> synth (analz (knows Spy evsf)) |]
-	    ==> Says Spy B X  # evsf \<in> set_cr"
-| Reception: --{*If A sends a message X to B, then B might receive it*}
-	     "[| evsr \<in> set_cr; Says A B X \<in> set evsr |]
-              ==> Gets B X  # evsr \<in> set_cr"
-| SET_CR1: --{*CardCInitReq: C initiates a run, sending a nonce to CCA*}
-	     "[| evs1 \<in> set_cr;  C = Cardholder k;  Nonce NC1 \<notin> used evs1 |]
-	      ==> Says C (CA i) {|Agent C, Nonce NC1|} # evs1 \<in> set_cr"
-| SET_CR2: --{*CardCInitRes: CA responds sending NC1 and its certificates*}
-	     "[| evs2 \<in> set_cr;
-		 Gets (CA i) {|Agent C, Nonce NC1|} \<in> set evs2 |]
-	      ==> Says (CA i) C
-		       {|sign (priSK (CA i)) {|Agent C, Nonce NC1|},
-			 cert (CA i) (pubEK (CA i)) onlyEnc (priSK RCA),
-			 cert (CA i) (pubSK (CA i)) onlySig (priSK RCA)|}
-		    # evs2 \<in> set_cr"
-| SET_CR3:
-   --{*RegFormReq: C sends his PAN and a new nonce to CA.
-   C verifies that
-    - nonce received is the same as that sent;
-    - certificates are signed by RCA;
-    - certificates are an encryption certificate (flag is onlyEnc) and a
-      signature certificate (flag is onlySig);
-    - certificates pertain to the CA that C contacted (this is done by
-      checking the signature).
-   C generates a fresh symmetric key KC1.
-   The point of encrypting @{term "{|Agent C, Nonce NC2, Hash (Pan(pan C))|}"}
-   is not clear. *}
-"[| evs3 \<in> set_cr;  C = Cardholder k;
-    Nonce NC2 \<notin> used evs3;
-    Key KC1 \<notin> used evs3; KC1 \<in> symKeys;
-    Gets C {|sign (invKey SKi) {|Agent X, Nonce NC1|},
-	     cert (CA i) EKi onlyEnc (priSK RCA),
-	     cert (CA i) SKi onlySig (priSK RCA)|}
-       \<in> set evs3;
-    Says C (CA i) {|Agent C, Nonce NC1|} \<in> set evs3|]
- ==> Says C (CA i) (EXHcrypt KC1 EKi {|Agent C, Nonce NC2|} (Pan(pan C)))
-       # Notes C {|Key KC1, Agent (CA i)|}
-       # evs3 \<in> set_cr"
-| SET_CR4:
-    --{*RegFormRes:
-    CA responds sending NC2 back with a new nonce NCA, after checking that
-     - the digital envelope is correctly encrypted by @{term "pubEK (CA i)"}
-     - the entire message is encrypted with the same key found inside the
-       envelope (here, KC1) *}
-"[| evs4 \<in> set_cr;
-    Nonce NCA \<notin> used evs4;  KC1 \<in> symKeys;
-    Gets (CA i) (EXHcrypt KC1 EKi {|Agent C, Nonce NC2|} (Pan(pan X)))
-       \<in> set evs4 |]
-  ==> Says (CA i) C
-	  {|sign (priSK (CA i)) {|Agent C, Nonce NC2, Nonce NCA|},
-	    cert (CA i) (pubEK (CA i)) onlyEnc (priSK RCA),
-	    cert (CA i) (pubSK (CA i)) onlySig (priSK RCA)|}
-       # evs4 \<in> set_cr"
-| SET_CR5:
-   --{*CertReq: C sends his PAN, a new nonce, its proposed public signature key
-       and its half of the secret value to CA.
-       We now assume that C has a fixed key pair, and he submits (pubSK C).
-       The protocol does not require this key to be fresh.
-       The encryption below is actually EncX.*}
-"[| evs5 \<in> set_cr;  C = Cardholder k;
-    Nonce NC3 \<notin> used evs5;  Nonce CardSecret \<notin> used evs5; NC3\<noteq>CardSecret;
-    Key KC2 \<notin> used evs5; KC2 \<in> symKeys;
-    Key KC3 \<notin> used evs5; KC3 \<in> symKeys; KC2\<noteq>KC3;
-    Gets C {|sign (invKey SKi) {|Agent C, Nonce NC2, Nonce NCA|},
-             cert (CA i) EKi onlyEnc (priSK RCA),
-             cert (CA i) SKi onlySig (priSK RCA) |}
-        \<in> set evs5;
-    Says C (CA i) (EXHcrypt KC1 EKi {|Agent C, Nonce NC2|} (Pan(pan C)))
-         \<in> set evs5 |]
-==> Says C (CA i)
-         {|Crypt KC3
-	     {|Agent C, Nonce NC3, Key KC2, Key (pubSK C),
-	       Crypt (priSK C)
-	         (Hash {|Agent C, Nonce NC3, Key KC2,
-			 Key (pubSK C), Pan (pan C), Nonce CardSecret|})|},
-           Crypt EKi {|Key KC3, Pan (pan C), Nonce CardSecret|} |}
-    # Notes C {|Key KC2, Agent (CA i)|}
-    # Notes C {|Key KC3, Agent (CA i)|}
-    # evs5 \<in> set_cr"
-  --{* CertRes: CA responds sending NC3 back with its half of the secret value,
-   its signature certificate and the new cardholder signature
-   certificate.  CA checks to have never certified the key proposed by C.
-   NOTE: In Merchant Registration, the corresponding rule (4)
-   uses the "sign" primitive. The encryption below is actually @{term EncK}, 
-   which is just @{term "Crypt K (sign SK X)"}.
-| SET_CR6:
-"[| evs6 \<in> set_cr;
-    Nonce NonceCCA \<notin> used evs6;
-    KC2 \<in> symKeys;  KC3 \<in> symKeys;  cardSK \<notin> symKeys;
-    Notes (CA i) (Key cardSK) \<notin> set evs6;
-    Gets (CA i)
-      {|Crypt KC3 {|Agent C, Nonce NC3, Key KC2, Key cardSK,
-                    Crypt (invKey cardSK)
-                      (Hash {|Agent C, Nonce NC3, Key KC2,
-			      Key cardSK, Pan (pan C), Nonce CardSecret|})|},
-        Crypt (pubEK (CA i)) {|Key KC3, Pan (pan C), Nonce CardSecret|} |}
-      \<in> set evs6 |]
-==> Says (CA i) C
-         (Crypt KC2
-	  {|sign (priSK (CA i))
-	         {|Agent C, Nonce NC3, Agent(CA i), Nonce NonceCCA|},
-	    certC (pan C) cardSK (XOR(CardSecret,NonceCCA)) onlySig (priSK (CA i)),
-	    cert (CA i) (pubSK (CA i)) onlySig (priSK RCA)|})
-      # Notes (CA i) (Key cardSK)
-      # evs6 \<in> set_cr"
-declare Says_imp_knows_Spy [THEN parts.Inj, dest]
-declare parts.Body [dest]
-declare analz_into_parts [dest]
-declare Fake_parts_insert_in_Un [dest]
-text{*A "possibility property": there are traces that reach the end.
-      An unconstrained proof with many subgoals.*}
-lemma Says_to_Gets:
-     "Says A B X # evs \<in> set_cr ==> Gets B X # Says A B X # evs \<in> set_cr"
-by (rule set_cr.Reception, auto)
-text{*The many nonces and keys generated, some simultaneously, force us to
-  introduce them explicitly as shown below.*}
-lemma possibility_CR6:
-     "[|NC1 < (NC2::nat);  NC2 < NC3;  NC3 < NCA ;
-        NCA < NonceCCA;  NonceCCA < CardSecret;
-        KC1 < (KC2::key);  KC2 < KC3;
-        KC1 \<in> symKeys;  Key KC1 \<notin> used [];
-        KC2 \<in> symKeys;  Key KC2 \<notin> used [];
-        KC3 \<in> symKeys;  Key KC3 \<notin> used [];
-        C = Cardholder k|]
-   ==> \<exists>evs \<in> set_cr.
-       Says (CA i) C
-            (Crypt KC2
-             {|sign (priSK (CA i))
-                    {|Agent C, Nonce NC3, Agent(CA i), Nonce NonceCCA|},
-               certC (pan C) (pubSK (Cardholder k)) (XOR(CardSecret,NonceCCA))
-                     onlySig (priSK (CA i)),
-               cert (CA i) (pubSK (CA i)) onlySig (priSK RCA)|})
-          \<in> set evs"
-apply (intro exI bexI)
-apply (rule_tac [2] 
-       set_cr.Nil 
-        [THEN set_cr.SET_CR1 [of concl: C i NC1], 
-         THEN Says_to_Gets, 
-	 THEN set_cr.SET_CR2 [of concl: i C NC1], 
-	 THEN Says_to_Gets,  
-	 THEN set_cr.SET_CR3 [of concl: C i KC1 _ NC2], 
-	 THEN Says_to_Gets,  
-	 THEN set_cr.SET_CR4 [of concl: i C NC2 NCA], 
-	 THEN Says_to_Gets,  
-	 THEN set_cr.SET_CR5 [of concl: C i KC3 NC3 KC2 CardSecret],
-	 THEN Says_to_Gets,  
-	 THEN set_cr.SET_CR6 [of concl: i C KC2]])
-apply basic_possibility
-apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) add: symKeys_neq_imp_neq)
-text{*General facts about message reception*}
-lemma Gets_imp_Says:
-     "[| Gets B X \<in> set evs; evs \<in> set_cr |] ==> \<exists>A. Says A B X \<in> set evs"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, auto)
-lemma Gets_imp_knows_Spy:
-     "[| Gets B X \<in> set evs; evs \<in> set_cr |]  ==> X \<in> knows Spy evs"
-by (blast dest!: Gets_imp_Says Says_imp_knows_Spy)
-declare Gets_imp_knows_Spy [THEN parts.Inj, dest]
-subsection{*Proofs on keys *}
-text{*Spy never sees an agent's private keys! (unless it's bad at start)*}
-lemma Spy_see_private_Key [simp]:
-     "evs \<in> set_cr
-      ==> (Key(invKey (publicKey b A)) \<in> parts(knows Spy evs)) = (A \<in> bad)"
-by (erule set_cr.induct, auto)
-lemma Spy_analz_private_Key [simp]:
-     "evs \<in> set_cr ==>
-     (Key(invKey (publicKey b A)) \<in> analz(knows Spy evs)) = (A \<in> bad)"
-by auto
-declare Spy_see_private_Key [THEN [2] rev_iffD1, dest!]
-declare Spy_analz_private_Key [THEN [2] rev_iffD1, dest!]
-subsection{*Begin Piero's Theorems on Certificates*}
-text{*Trivial in the current model, where certificates by RCA are secure *}
-lemma Crypt_valid_pubEK:
-     "[| Crypt (priSK RCA) {|Agent C, Key EKi, onlyEnc|}
-           \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-         evs \<in> set_cr |] ==> EKi = pubEK C"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, auto)
-lemma certificate_valid_pubEK:
-    "[| cert C EKi onlyEnc (priSK RCA) \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-        evs \<in> set_cr |]
-     ==> EKi = pubEK C"
-apply (unfold cert_def signCert_def)
-apply (blast dest!: Crypt_valid_pubEK)
-lemma Crypt_valid_pubSK:
-     "[| Crypt (priSK RCA) {|Agent C, Key SKi, onlySig|}
-           \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-         evs \<in> set_cr |] ==> SKi = pubSK C"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, auto)
-lemma certificate_valid_pubSK:
-    "[| cert C SKi onlySig (priSK RCA) \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-        evs \<in> set_cr |] ==> SKi = pubSK C"
-apply (unfold cert_def signCert_def)
-apply (blast dest!: Crypt_valid_pubSK)
-lemma Gets_certificate_valid:
-     "[| Gets A {| X, cert C EKi onlyEnc (priSK RCA),
-                      cert C SKi onlySig (priSK RCA)|} \<in> set evs;
-         evs \<in> set_cr |]
-      ==> EKi = pubEK C & SKi = pubSK C"
-by (blast dest: certificate_valid_pubEK certificate_valid_pubSK)
-text{*Nobody can have used non-existent keys!*}
-lemma new_keys_not_used:
-     "[|K \<in> symKeys; Key K \<notin> used evs; evs \<in> set_cr|]
-      ==> K \<notin> keysFor (parts (knows Spy evs))"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct)
-apply (frule_tac [8] Gets_certificate_valid)
-apply (frule_tac [6] Gets_certificate_valid, simp_all)
-apply (force dest!: usedI keysFor_parts_insert) --{*Fake*}
-apply (blast,auto)  --{*Others*}
-subsection{*New versions: as above, but generalized to have the KK argument *}
-lemma gen_new_keys_not_used:
-     "[|Key K \<notin> used evs; K \<in> symKeys; evs \<in> set_cr |]
-      ==> Key K \<notin> used evs --> K \<in> symKeys -->
-          K \<notin> keysFor (parts (Key`KK Un knows Spy evs))"
-by (auto simp add: new_keys_not_used)
-lemma gen_new_keys_not_analzd:
-     "[|Key K \<notin> used evs; K \<in> symKeys; evs \<in> set_cr |]
-      ==> K \<notin> keysFor (analz (Key`KK Un knows Spy evs))"
-by (blast intro: keysFor_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD]
-          dest: gen_new_keys_not_used)
-lemma analz_Key_image_insert_eq:
-     "[|K \<in> symKeys; Key K \<notin> used evs; evs \<in> set_cr |]
-      ==> analz (Key ` (insert K KK) \<union> knows Spy evs) =
-          insert (Key K) (analz (Key ` KK \<union> knows Spy evs))"
-by (simp add: gen_new_keys_not_analzd)
-lemma Crypt_parts_imp_used:
-     "[|Crypt K X \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-        K \<in> symKeys; evs \<in> set_cr |] ==> Key K \<in> used evs"
-apply (rule ccontr)
-apply (force dest: new_keys_not_used Crypt_imp_invKey_keysFor)
-lemma Crypt_analz_imp_used:
-     "[|Crypt K X \<in> analz (knows Spy evs);
-        K \<in> symKeys; evs \<in> set_cr |] ==> Key K \<in> used evs"
-by (blast intro: Crypt_parts_imp_used)
-subsection{*Messages signed by CA*}
-text{*Message @{text SET_CR2}: C can check CA's signature if he has received
-     CA's certificate.*}
-lemma CA_Says_2_lemma:
-     "[| Crypt (priSK (CA i)) (Hash{|Agent C, Nonce NC1|})
-           \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-         evs \<in> set_cr; (CA i) \<notin> bad |]
-     ==> \<exists>Y. Says (CA i) C {|sign (priSK (CA i)) {|Agent C, Nonce NC1|}, Y|}
-                 \<in> set evs"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, auto)
-text{*Ever used?*}
-lemma CA_Says_2:
-     "[| Crypt (invKey SK) (Hash{|Agent C, Nonce NC1|})
-           \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-         cert (CA i) SK onlySig (priSK RCA) \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-         evs \<in> set_cr; (CA i) \<notin> bad |]
-      ==> \<exists>Y. Says (CA i) C {|sign (priSK (CA i)) {|Agent C, Nonce NC1|}, Y|}
-                  \<in> set evs"
-by (blast dest!: certificate_valid_pubSK intro!: CA_Says_2_lemma)
-text{*Message @{text SET_CR4}: C can check CA's signature if he has received
-      CA's certificate.*}
-lemma CA_Says_4_lemma:
-     "[| Crypt (priSK (CA i)) (Hash{|Agent C, Nonce NC2, Nonce NCA|})
-           \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-         evs \<in> set_cr; (CA i) \<notin> bad |]
-      ==> \<exists>Y. Says (CA i) C {|sign (priSK (CA i))
-                     {|Agent C, Nonce NC2, Nonce NCA|}, Y|} \<in> set evs"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, auto)
-text{*NEVER USED*}
-lemma CA_Says_4:
-     "[| Crypt (invKey SK) (Hash{|Agent C, Nonce NC2, Nonce NCA|})
-           \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-         cert (CA i) SK onlySig (priSK RCA) \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-         evs \<in> set_cr; (CA i) \<notin> bad |]
-      ==> \<exists>Y. Says (CA i) C {|sign (priSK (CA i))
-                   {|Agent C, Nonce NC2, Nonce NCA|}, Y|} \<in> set evs"
-by (blast dest!: certificate_valid_pubSK intro!: CA_Says_4_lemma)
-text{*Message @{text SET_CR6}: C can check CA's signature if he has
-      received CA's certificate.*}
-lemma CA_Says_6_lemma:
-     "[| Crypt (priSK (CA i)) 
-               (Hash{|Agent C, Nonce NC3, Agent (CA i), Nonce NonceCCA|})
-           \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-         evs \<in> set_cr; (CA i) \<notin> bad |]
-      ==> \<exists>Y K. Says (CA i) C (Crypt K {|sign (priSK (CA i))
-      {|Agent C, Nonce NC3, Agent (CA i), Nonce NonceCCA|}, Y|}) \<in> set evs"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, auto)
-text{*NEVER USED*}
-lemma CA_Says_6:
-     "[| Crypt (invKey SK) (Hash{|Agent C, Nonce NC3, Agent (CA i), Nonce NonceCCA|})
-           \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-         cert (CA i) SK onlySig (priSK RCA) \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-         evs \<in> set_cr; (CA i) \<notin> bad |]
-      ==> \<exists>Y K. Says (CA i) C (Crypt K {|sign (priSK (CA i))
-                    {|Agent C, Nonce NC3, Agent (CA i), Nonce NonceCCA|}, Y|}) \<in> set evs"
-by (blast dest!: certificate_valid_pubSK intro!: CA_Says_6_lemma)
-subsection{*Useful lemmas *}
-text{*Rewriting rule for private encryption keys.  Analogous rewriting rules
-for other keys aren't needed.*}
-lemma parts_image_priEK:
-     "[|Key (priEK C) \<in> parts (Key`KK Un (knows Spy evs));
-        evs \<in> set_cr|] ==> priEK C \<in> KK | C \<in> bad"
-by auto
-text{*trivial proof because (priEK C) never appears even in (parts evs)*}
-lemma analz_image_priEK:
-     "evs \<in> set_cr ==>
-          (Key (priEK C) \<in> analz (Key`KK Un (knows Spy evs))) =
-          (priEK C \<in> KK | C \<in> bad)"
-by (blast dest!: parts_image_priEK intro: analz_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])
-subsection{*Secrecy of Session Keys *}
-subsubsection{*Lemmas about the predicate KeyCryptKey *}
-text{*A fresh DK cannot be associated with any other
-  (with respect to a given trace). *}
-lemma DK_fresh_not_KeyCryptKey:
-     "[| Key DK \<notin> used evs; evs \<in> set_cr |] ==> ~ KeyCryptKey DK K evs"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct)
-apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp))
-apply (blast dest: Crypt_analz_imp_used)+
-text{*A fresh K cannot be associated with any other.  The assumption that
-  DK isn't a private encryption key may be an artifact of the particular
-  definition of KeyCryptKey.*}
-lemma K_fresh_not_KeyCryptKey:
-     "[|\<forall>C. DK \<noteq> priEK C; Key K \<notin> used evs|] ==> ~ KeyCryptKey DK K evs"
-apply (induct evs)
-apply (auto simp add: parts_insert2 split add: event.split)
-text{*This holds because if (priEK (CA i)) appears in any traffic then it must
-  be known to the Spy, by @{term Spy_see_private_Key}*}
-lemma cardSK_neq_priEK:
-     "[|Key cardSK \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs);
-        Key cardSK : parts (knows Spy evs);
-        evs \<in> set_cr|] ==> cardSK \<noteq> priEK C"
-by blast
-lemma not_KeyCryptKey_cardSK [rule_format (no_asm)]:
-     "[|cardSK \<notin> symKeys;  \<forall>C. cardSK \<noteq> priEK C;  evs \<in> set_cr|] ==>
-      Key cardSK \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs) --> ~ KeyCryptKey cardSK K evs"
-by (erule set_cr.induct, analz_mono_contra, auto)
-text{*Lemma for message 5: pubSK C is never used to encrypt Keys.*}
-lemma pubSK_not_KeyCryptKey [simp]: "~ KeyCryptKey (pubSK C) K evs"
-apply (induct_tac "evs")
-apply (auto simp add: parts_insert2 split add: event.split)
-text{*Lemma for message 6: either cardSK is compromised (when we don't care)
-  or else cardSK hasn't been used to encrypt K.  Previously we treated
-  message 5 in the same way, but the current model assumes that rule
-  @{text SET_CR5} is executed only by honest agents.*}
-lemma msg6_KeyCryptKey_disj:
-     "[|Gets B {|Crypt KC3 {|Agent C, Nonce N, Key KC2, Key cardSK, X|}, Y|}
-          \<in> set evs;
-        cardSK \<notin> symKeys;  evs \<in> set_cr|]
-      ==> Key cardSK \<in> analz (knows Spy evs) |
-          (\<forall>K. ~ KeyCryptKey cardSK K evs)"
-by (blast dest: not_KeyCryptKey_cardSK intro: cardSK_neq_priEK)
-text{*As usual: we express the property as a logical equivalence*}
-lemma Key_analz_image_Key_lemma:
-     "P --> (Key K \<in> analz (Key`KK Un H)) --> (K \<in> KK | Key K \<in> analz H)
-      ==>
-      P --> (Key K \<in> analz (Key`KK Un H)) = (K \<in> KK | Key K \<in> analz H)"
-by (blast intro: analz_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])
-method_setup valid_certificate_tac = {*
-  Args.goal_spec >> (fn quant => K (SIMPLE_METHOD'' quant
-    (fn i =>
-      EVERY [ftac @{thm Gets_certificate_valid} i,
-             assume_tac i,
-             etac conjE i, REPEAT (hyp_subst_tac i)])))
-*} ""
-text{*The @{text "(no_asm)"} attribute is essential, since it retains
-  the quantifier and allows the simprule's condition to itself be simplified.*}
-lemma symKey_compromise [rule_format (no_asm)]:
-     "evs \<in> set_cr ==>
-      (\<forall>SK KK. SK \<in> symKeys \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>K \<in> KK. ~ KeyCryptKey K SK evs)   -->
-               (Key SK \<in> analz (Key`KK Un (knows Spy evs))) =
-               (SK \<in> KK | Key SK \<in> analz (knows Spy evs)))"
-apply (erule set_cr.induct)
-apply (rule_tac [!] allI) +
-apply (rule_tac [!] impI [THEN Key_analz_image_Key_lemma, THEN impI])+
-apply (valid_certificate_tac [8]) --{*for message 5*}
-apply (valid_certificate_tac [6]) --{*for message 5*}
-apply (erule_tac [9] msg6_KeyCryptKey_disj [THEN disjE])
-apply (simp_all
-         del: image_insert image_Un imp_disjL
-         add: analz_image_keys_simps analz_knows_absorb
-              analz_Key_image_insert_eq notin_image_iff
-              K_fresh_not_KeyCryptKey
-              DK_fresh_not_KeyCryptKey ball_conj_distrib
-              analz_image_priEK disj_simps)
-  --{*9 seconds on a 1.6GHz machine*}
-apply spy_analz
-apply blast  --{*3*}
-apply blast  --{*5*}
-text{*The remaining quantifiers seem to be essential.
-  NO NEED to assume the cardholder's OK: bad cardholders don't do anything
-  wrong!!*}
-lemma symKey_secrecy [rule_format]:
-     "[|CA i \<notin> bad;  K \<in> symKeys;  evs \<in> set_cr|]
-      ==> \<forall>X c. Says (Cardholder c) (CA i) X \<in> set evs -->
-                Key K \<in> parts{X} -->
-                Cardholder c \<notin> bad -->
-                Key K \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs)"
-apply (erule set_cr.induct)
-apply (frule_tac [8] Gets_certificate_valid) --{*for message 5*}
-apply (frule_tac [6] Gets_certificate_valid) --{*for message 3*}
-apply (erule_tac [11] msg6_KeyCryptKey_disj [THEN disjE])
-apply (simp_all del: image_insert image_Un imp_disjL
-         add: symKey_compromise fresh_notin_analz_knows_Spy
-              analz_image_keys_simps analz_knows_absorb
-              analz_Key_image_insert_eq notin_image_iff
-              K_fresh_not_KeyCryptKey
-              DK_fresh_not_KeyCryptKey
-              analz_image_priEK)
-  --{*2.5 seconds on a 1.6GHz machine*}
-apply spy_analz  --{*Fake*}
-apply (auto intro: analz_into_parts [THEN usedI] in_parts_Says_imp_used)
-subsection{*Primary Goals of Cardholder Registration *}
-text{*The cardholder's certificate really was created by the CA, provided the
-    CA is uncompromised *}
-text{*Lemma concerning the actual signed message digest*}
-lemma cert_valid_lemma:
-     "[|Crypt (priSK (CA i)) {|Hash {|Nonce N, Pan(pan C)|}, Key cardSK, N1|}
-          \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-        CA i \<notin> bad; evs \<in> set_cr|]
-  ==> \<exists>KC2 X Y. Says (CA i) C
-                     (Crypt KC2 
-                       {|X, certC (pan C) cardSK N onlySig (priSK (CA i)), Y|})
-                  \<in> set evs"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct)
-apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp))
-apply auto
-text{*Pre-packaged version for cardholder.  We don't try to confirm the values
-  of KC2, X and Y, since they are not important.*}
-lemma certificate_valid_cardSK:
-    "[|Gets C (Crypt KC2 {|X, certC (pan C) cardSK N onlySig (invKey SKi),
-                              cert (CA i) SKi onlySig (priSK RCA)|}) \<in> set evs;
-        CA i \<notin> bad; evs \<in> set_cr|]
-  ==> \<exists>KC2 X Y. Says (CA i) C
-                     (Crypt KC2 
-                       {|X, certC (pan C) cardSK N onlySig (priSK (CA i)), Y|})
-                   \<in> set evs"
-by (force dest!: Gets_imp_knows_Spy [THEN parts.Inj, THEN parts.Body]
-                    certificate_valid_pubSK cert_valid_lemma)
-lemma Hash_imp_parts [rule_format]:
-     "evs \<in> set_cr
-      ==> Hash{|X, Nonce N|} \<in> parts (knows Spy evs) -->
-          Nonce N \<in> parts (knows Spy evs)"
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, force)
-apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp))
-apply (blast intro: parts_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])
-lemma Hash_imp_parts2 [rule_format]:
-     "evs \<in> set_cr
-      ==> Hash{|X, Nonce M, Y, Nonce N|} \<in> parts (knows Spy evs) -->
-          Nonce M \<in> parts (knows Spy evs) & Nonce N \<in> parts (knows Spy evs)"
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, force)
-apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp))
-apply (blast intro: parts_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])
-subsection{*Secrecy of Nonces*}
-subsubsection{*Lemmas about the predicate KeyCryptNonce *}
-text{*A fresh DK cannot be associated with any other
-  (with respect to a given trace). *}
-lemma DK_fresh_not_KeyCryptNonce:
-     "[| DK \<in> symKeys; Key DK \<notin> used evs; evs \<in> set_cr |]
-      ==> ~ KeyCryptNonce DK K evs"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct)
-apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp))
-apply blast
-apply blast
-apply (auto simp add: DK_fresh_not_KeyCryptKey)
-text{*A fresh N cannot be associated with any other
-      (with respect to a given trace). *}
-lemma N_fresh_not_KeyCryptNonce:
-     "\<forall>C. DK \<noteq> priEK C ==> Nonce N \<notin> used evs --> ~ KeyCryptNonce DK N evs"
-apply (induct_tac "evs")
-apply (case_tac [2] "a")
-apply (auto simp add: parts_insert2)
-lemma not_KeyCryptNonce_cardSK [rule_format (no_asm)]:
-     "[|cardSK \<notin> symKeys;  \<forall>C. cardSK \<noteq> priEK C;  evs \<in> set_cr|] ==>
-      Key cardSK \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs) --> ~ KeyCryptNonce cardSK N evs"
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, analz_mono_contra, simp_all)
-apply (blast dest: not_KeyCryptKey_cardSK)  --{*6*}
-subsubsection{*Lemmas for message 5 and 6:
-  either cardSK is compromised (when we don't care)
-  or else cardSK hasn't been used to encrypt K. *}
-text{*Lemma for message 5: pubSK C is never used to encrypt Nonces.*}
-lemma pubSK_not_KeyCryptNonce [simp]: "~ KeyCryptNonce (pubSK C) N evs"
-apply (induct_tac "evs")
-apply (auto simp add: parts_insert2 split add: event.split)
-text{*Lemma for message 6: either cardSK is compromised (when we don't care)
-  or else cardSK hasn't been used to encrypt K.*}
-lemma msg6_KeyCryptNonce_disj:
-     "[|Gets B {|Crypt KC3 {|Agent C, Nonce N, Key KC2, Key cardSK, X|}, Y|}
-          \<in> set evs;
-        cardSK \<notin> symKeys;  evs \<in> set_cr|]
-      ==> Key cardSK \<in> analz (knows Spy evs) |
-          ((\<forall>K. ~ KeyCryptKey cardSK K evs) &
-           (\<forall>N. ~ KeyCryptNonce cardSK N evs))"
-by (blast dest: not_KeyCryptKey_cardSK not_KeyCryptNonce_cardSK
-          intro: cardSK_neq_priEK)
-text{*As usual: we express the property as a logical equivalence*}
-lemma Nonce_analz_image_Key_lemma:
-     "P --> (Nonce N \<in> analz (Key`KK Un H)) --> (Nonce N \<in> analz H)
-      ==> P --> (Nonce N \<in> analz (Key`KK Un H)) = (Nonce N \<in> analz H)"
-by (blast intro: analz_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])
-text{*The @{text "(no_asm)"} attribute is essential, since it retains
-  the quantifier and allows the simprule's condition to itself be simplified.*}
-lemma Nonce_compromise [rule_format (no_asm)]:
-     "evs \<in> set_cr ==>
-      (\<forall>N KK. (\<forall>K \<in> KK. ~ KeyCryptNonce K N evs)   -->
-               (Nonce N \<in> analz (Key`KK Un (knows Spy evs))) =
-               (Nonce N \<in> analz (knows Spy evs)))"
-apply (erule set_cr.induct)
-apply (rule_tac [!] allI)+
-apply (rule_tac [!] impI [THEN Nonce_analz_image_Key_lemma])+
-apply (frule_tac [8] Gets_certificate_valid) --{*for message 5*}
-apply (frule_tac [6] Gets_certificate_valid) --{*for message 3*}
-apply (frule_tac [11] msg6_KeyCryptNonce_disj)
-apply (erule_tac [13] disjE)
-apply (simp_all del: image_insert image_Un
-         add: symKey_compromise
-              analz_image_keys_simps analz_knows_absorb
-              analz_Key_image_insert_eq notin_image_iff
-              N_fresh_not_KeyCryptNonce
-              DK_fresh_not_KeyCryptNonce K_fresh_not_KeyCryptKey
-              ball_conj_distrib analz_image_priEK)
-  --{*14 seconds on a 1.6GHz machine*}
-apply spy_analz  --{*Fake*}
-apply blast  --{*3*}
-apply blast  --{*5*}
-txt{*Message 6*}
-apply (metis symKey_compromise)
-  --{*cardSK compromised*}
-txt{*Simplify again--necessary because the previous simplification introduces
-  some logical connectives*} 
-apply (force simp del: image_insert image_Un imp_disjL
-          simp add: analz_image_keys_simps symKey_compromise)
-subsection{*Secrecy of CardSecret: the Cardholder's secret*}
-lemma NC2_not_CardSecret:
-     "[|Crypt EKj {|Key K, Pan p, Hash {|Agent D, Nonce N|}|}
-          \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-        Key K \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs);
-        Nonce N \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs);
-       evs \<in> set_cr|]
-      ==> Crypt EKi {|Key K', Pan p', Nonce N|} \<notin> parts (knows Spy evs)"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, analz_mono_contra, simp_all)
-apply (blast dest: Hash_imp_parts)+
-lemma KC2_secure_lemma [rule_format]:
-     "[|U = Crypt KC3 {|Agent C, Nonce N, Key KC2, X|};
-        U \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-        evs \<in> set_cr|]
-  ==> Nonce N \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs) -->
-      (\<exists>k i W. Says (Cardholder k) (CA i) {|U,W|} \<in> set evs & 
-               Cardholder k \<notin> bad & CA i \<notin> bad)"
-apply (erule_tac P = "U \<in> ?H" in rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct)
-apply (valid_certificate_tac [8])  --{*for message 5*}
-apply (simp_all del: image_insert image_Un imp_disjL
-         add: analz_image_keys_simps analz_knows_absorb
-              analz_knows_absorb2 notin_image_iff)
-  --{*4 seconds on a 1.6GHz machine*}
-apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp)) --{*leaves 4 subgoals*}
-apply (blast intro!: analz_insertI)+
-lemma KC2_secrecy:
-     "[|Gets B {|Crypt K {|Agent C, Nonce N, Key KC2, X|}, Y|} \<in> set evs;
-        Nonce N \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs);  KC2 \<in> symKeys;
-        evs \<in> set_cr|]
-       ==> Key KC2 \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs)"
-by (force dest!: refl [THEN KC2_secure_lemma] symKey_secrecy)
-text{*Inductive version*}
-lemma CardSecret_secrecy_lemma [rule_format]:
-     "[|CA i \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> set_cr|]
-      ==> Key K \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs) -->
-          Crypt (pubEK (CA i)) {|Key K, Pan p, Nonce CardSecret|}
-             \<in> parts (knows Spy evs) -->
-          Nonce CardSecret \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs)"
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, analz_mono_contra)
-apply (valid_certificate_tac [8]) --{*for message 5*}
-apply (valid_certificate_tac [6]) --{*for message 5*}
-apply (frule_tac [9] msg6_KeyCryptNonce_disj [THEN disjE])
-apply (simp_all
-         del: image_insert image_Un imp_disjL
-         add: analz_image_keys_simps analz_knows_absorb
-              analz_Key_image_insert_eq notin_image_iff
-              EXHcrypt_def Crypt_notin_image_Key
-              N_fresh_not_KeyCryptNonce DK_fresh_not_KeyCryptNonce
-              ball_conj_distrib Nonce_compromise symKey_compromise
-              analz_image_priEK)
-  --{*2.5 seconds on a 1.6GHz machine*}
-apply spy_analz  --{*Fake*}
-apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp))
-apply blast  --{*1*}
-apply (blast dest!: Gets_imp_knows_Spy [THEN analz.Inj])  --{*2*}
-apply blast  --{*3*}
-apply (blast dest: NC2_not_CardSecret Gets_imp_knows_Spy [THEN analz.Inj] analz_symKeys_Decrypt)  --{*4*}
-apply blast  --{*5*}
-apply (blast dest: KC2_secrecy)+  --{*Message 6: two cases*}
-text{*Packaged version for cardholder*}
-lemma CardSecret_secrecy:
-     "[|Cardholder k \<notin> bad;  CA i \<notin> bad;
-        Says (Cardholder k) (CA i)
-           {|X, Crypt EKi {|Key KC3, Pan p, Nonce CardSecret|}|} \<in> set evs;
-        Gets A {|Z, cert (CA i) EKi onlyEnc (priSK RCA),
-                    cert (CA i) SKi onlySig (priSK RCA)|} \<in> set evs;
-        KC3 \<in> symKeys;  evs \<in> set_cr|]
-      ==> Nonce CardSecret \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs)"
-apply (frule Gets_certificate_valid, assumption)
-apply (subgoal_tac "Key KC3 \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs) ")
-apply (blast dest: CardSecret_secrecy_lemma)
-apply (rule symKey_secrecy)
-apply (auto simp add: parts_insert2)
-subsection{*Secrecy of NonceCCA [the CA's secret] *}
-lemma NC2_not_NonceCCA:
-     "[|Hash {|Agent C', Nonce N', Agent C, Nonce N|}
-          \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
-        Nonce N \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs);
-       evs \<in> set_cr|]
-      ==> Crypt KC1 {|{|Agent B, Nonce N|}, Hash p|} \<notin> parts (knows Spy evs)"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, analz_mono_contra, simp_all)
-apply (blast dest: Hash_imp_parts2)+
-text{*Inductive version*}
-lemma NonceCCA_secrecy_lemma [rule_format]:
-     "[|CA i \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> set_cr|]
-      ==> Key K \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs) -->
-          Crypt K
-            {|sign (priSK (CA i))
-                   {|Agent C, Nonce N, Agent(CA i), Nonce NonceCCA|},
-              X, Y|}
-             \<in> parts (knows Spy evs) -->
-          Nonce NonceCCA \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs)"
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, analz_mono_contra)
-apply (valid_certificate_tac [8]) --{*for message 5*}
-apply (valid_certificate_tac [6]) --{*for message 5*}
-apply (frule_tac [9] msg6_KeyCryptNonce_disj [THEN disjE])
-apply (simp_all
-         del: image_insert image_Un imp_disjL
-         add: analz_image_keys_simps analz_knows_absorb sign_def
-              analz_Key_image_insert_eq notin_image_iff
-              EXHcrypt_def Crypt_notin_image_Key
-              N_fresh_not_KeyCryptNonce DK_fresh_not_KeyCryptNonce
-              ball_conj_distrib Nonce_compromise symKey_compromise
-              analz_image_priEK)
-  --{*3 seconds on a 1.6GHz machine*}
-apply spy_analz  --{*Fake*}
-apply blast  --{*1*}
-apply (blast dest!: Gets_imp_knows_Spy [THEN analz.Inj])  --{*2*}
-apply blast  --{*3*}
-apply (blast dest: NC2_not_NonceCCA)  --{*4*}
-apply blast  --{*5*}
-apply (blast dest: KC2_secrecy)+  --{*Message 6: two cases*}
-text{*Packaged version for cardholder*}
-lemma NonceCCA_secrecy:
-     "[|Cardholder k \<notin> bad;  CA i \<notin> bad;
-        Gets (Cardholder k)
-           (Crypt KC2
-            {|sign (priSK (CA i)) {|Agent C, Nonce N, Agent(CA i), Nonce NonceCCA|},
-              X, Y|}) \<in> set evs;
-        Says (Cardholder k) (CA i)
-           {|Crypt KC3 {|Agent C, Nonce NC3, Key KC2, X'|}, Y'|} \<in> set evs;
-        Gets A {|Z, cert (CA i) EKi onlyEnc (priSK RCA),
-                    cert (CA i) SKi onlySig (priSK RCA)|} \<in> set evs;
-        KC2 \<in> symKeys;  evs \<in> set_cr|]
-      ==> Nonce NonceCCA \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs)"
-apply (frule Gets_certificate_valid, assumption)
-apply (subgoal_tac "Key KC2 \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs) ")
-apply (blast dest: NonceCCA_secrecy_lemma)
-apply (rule symKey_secrecy)
-apply (auto simp add: parts_insert2)
-text{*We don't bother to prove guarantees for the CA.  He doesn't care about
-  the PANSecret: it isn't his credit card!*}
-subsection{*Rewriting Rule for PANs*}
-text{*Lemma for message 6: either cardSK isn't a CA's private encryption key,
-  or if it is then (because it appears in traffic) that CA is bad,
-  and so the Spy knows that key already.  Either way, we can simplify
-  the expression @{term "analz (insert (Key cardSK) X)"}.*}
-lemma msg6_cardSK_disj:
-     "[|Gets A {|Crypt K {|c, n, k', Key cardSK, X|}, Y|}
-          \<in> set evs;  evs \<in> set_cr |]
-      ==> cardSK \<notin> range(invKey o pubEK o CA) | Key cardSK \<in> knows Spy evs"
-by auto
-lemma analz_image_pan_lemma:
-     "(Pan P \<in> analz (Key`nE Un H)) --> (Pan P \<in> analz H)  ==>
-      (Pan P \<in> analz (Key`nE Un H)) =   (Pan P \<in> analz H)"
-by (blast intro: analz_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])
-lemma analz_image_pan [rule_format]:
-     "evs \<in> set_cr ==>
-       \<forall>KK. KK <= - invKey ` pubEK ` range CA -->
-            (Pan P \<in> analz (Key`KK Un (knows Spy evs))) =
-            (Pan P \<in> analz (knows Spy evs))"
-apply (erule set_cr.induct)
-apply (rule_tac [!] allI impI)+
-apply (rule_tac [!] analz_image_pan_lemma)
-apply (valid_certificate_tac [8]) --{*for message 5*}
-apply (valid_certificate_tac [6]) --{*for message 5*}
-apply (erule_tac [9] msg6_cardSK_disj [THEN disjE])
-apply (simp_all
-         del: image_insert image_Un
-         add: analz_image_keys_simps disjoint_image_iff
-              notin_image_iff analz_image_priEK)
-  --{*6 seconds on a 1.6GHz machine*}
-apply spy_analz
-apply (simp add: insert_absorb)  --{*6*}
-lemma analz_insert_pan:
-     "[| evs \<in> set_cr;  K \<notin> invKey ` pubEK ` range CA |] ==>
-          (Pan P \<in> analz (insert (Key K) (knows Spy evs))) =
-          (Pan P \<in> analz (knows Spy evs))"
-by (simp del: image_insert image_Un
-         add: analz_image_keys_simps analz_image_pan)
-text{*Confidentiality of the PAN\@.  Maybe we could combine the statements of
-  this theorem with @{term analz_image_pan}, requiring a single induction but
-  a much more difficult proof.*}
-lemma pan_confidentiality:
-     "[| Pan (pan C) \<in> analz(knows Spy evs); C \<noteq>Spy; evs :set_cr|]
-    ==> \<exists>i X K HN.
-        Says C (CA i) {|X, Crypt (pubEK (CA i)) {|Key K, Pan (pan C), HN|} |}
-           \<in> set evs
-      & (CA i) \<in> bad"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct)
-apply (valid_certificate_tac [8]) --{*for message 5*}
-apply (valid_certificate_tac [6]) --{*for message 5*}
-apply (erule_tac [9] msg6_cardSK_disj [THEN disjE])
-apply (simp_all
-         del: image_insert image_Un
-         add: analz_image_keys_simps analz_insert_pan analz_image_pan
-              notin_image_iff analz_image_priEK)
-  --{*3.5 seconds on a 1.6GHz machine*}
-apply spy_analz  --{*fake*}
-apply blast  --{*3*}
-apply blast  --{*5*}
-apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: insert_absorb)  --{*6*}
-lemma CR6_Says_imp_Notes:
-     "[|Says (CA i) C (Crypt KC2
-          {|sign (priSK (CA i)) {|Agent C, Nonce NC3, Agent (CA i), Nonce Y|},
-            certC (pan C) cardSK X onlySig (priSK (CA i)),
-            cert (CA i) (pubSK (CA i)) onlySig (priSK RCA)|})  \<in> set evs;
-        evs \<in> set_cr |]
-      ==> Notes (CA i) (Key cardSK) \<in> set evs"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct)
-apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp))
-text{*Unicity of cardSK: it uniquely identifies the other components.  
-      This holds because a CA accepts a cardSK at most once.*}
-lemma cardholder_key_unicity:
-     "[|Says (CA i) C (Crypt KC2
-          {|sign (priSK (CA i)) {|Agent C, Nonce NC3, Agent (CA i), Nonce Y|},
-            certC (pan C) cardSK X onlySig (priSK (CA i)),
-            cert (CA i) (pubSK (CA i)) onlySig (priSK RCA)|})
-          \<in> set evs;
-        Says (CA i) C' (Crypt KC2'
-          {|sign (priSK (CA i)) {|Agent C', Nonce NC3', Agent (CA i), Nonce Y'|},
-            certC (pan C') cardSK X' onlySig (priSK (CA i)),
-            cert (CA i) (pubSK (CA i)) onlySig (priSK RCA)|})
-          \<in> set evs;
-        evs \<in> set_cr |] ==> C=C' & NC3=NC3' & X=X' & KC2=KC2' & Y=Y'"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct)
-apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp))
-apply (blast dest!: CR6_Says_imp_Notes)
-text{*UNUSED unicity result*}
-lemma unique_KC1:
-     "[|Says C B {|Crypt KC1 X, Crypt EK {|Key KC1, Y|}|}
-          \<in> set evs;
-        Says C B' {|Crypt KC1 X', Crypt EK' {|Key KC1, Y'|}|}
-          \<in> set evs;
-        C \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> set_cr|] ==> B'=B & Y'=Y"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, auto)
-text{*UNUSED unicity result*}
-lemma unique_KC2:
-     "[|Says C B {|Crypt K {|Agent C, nn, Key KC2, X|}, Y|} \<in> set evs;
-        Says C B' {|Crypt K' {|Agent C, nn', Key KC2, X'|}, Y'|} \<in> set evs;
-        C \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> set_cr|] ==> B'=B & X'=X"
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule rev_mp)
-apply (erule set_cr.induct, auto)
-text{*Cannot show cardSK to be secret because it isn't assumed to be fresh
-  it could be a previously compromised cardSK [e.g. involving a bad CA]*}