changeset 62145 5b946c81dfbf
parent 62042 6c6ccf573479
child 62390 842917225d56
--- a/src/HOL/MicroJava/J/TypeRel.thy	Mon Jan 11 21:20:44 2016 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/MicroJava/J/TypeRel.thy	Mon Jan 11 21:21:02 2016 +0100
@@ -176,14 +176,18 @@
     by(rule finite_acyclic_wf_converse[OF finite_subcls1])
-  "method" :: "'c prog \<times> cname => ( sig   \<rightharpoonup> cname \<times> ty \<times> 'c)" (* ###curry *)
-  field  :: "'c prog \<times> cname => ( vname \<rightharpoonup> cname \<times> ty     )" (* ###curry *)
-  fields :: "'c prog \<times> cname => ((vname \<times> cname) \<times> ty) list" (* ###curry *)
+definition "method" :: "'c prog \<times> cname => (sig \<rightharpoonup> cname \<times> ty \<times> 'c)"
+  \<comment> "methods of a class, with inheritance, overriding and hiding, cf. 8.4.6"
+  where [code]: "method \<equiv> \<lambda>(G,C). class_rec G C empty (\<lambda>C fs ms ts.
+                           ts ++ map_of (map (\<lambda>(s,m). (s,(C,m))) ms))"
-\<comment> "methods of a class, with inheritance, overriding and hiding, cf. 8.4.6"
-defs method_def [code]: "method \<equiv> \<lambda>(G,C). class_rec G C empty (\<lambda>C fs ms ts.
-                           ts ++ map_of (map (\<lambda>(s,m). (s,(C,m))) ms))"
+definition fields :: "'c prog \<times> cname => ((vname \<times> cname) \<times> ty) list"
+  \<comment> "list of fields of a class, including inherited and hidden ones"
+  where [code]: "fields \<equiv> \<lambda>(G,C). class_rec G C [] (\<lambda>C fs ms ts.
+                           map (\<lambda>(fn,ft). ((fn,C),ft)) fs @ ts)"
+definition field :: "'c prog \<times> cname => (vname \<rightharpoonup> cname \<times> ty)"
+  where [code]: "field == map_of o (map (\<lambda>((fn,fd),ft). (fn,(fd,ft)))) o fields"
 lemma method_rec_lemma: "[|class G C = Some (D,fs,ms); wf ((subcls1 G)^-1)|] ==>
   method (G,C) = (if C = Object then empty else method (G,D)) ++  
@@ -194,11 +198,6 @@
 apply auto
-\<comment> "list of fields of a class, including inherited and hidden ones"
-defs fields_def [code]: "fields \<equiv> \<lambda>(G,C). class_rec G C []    (\<lambda>C fs ms ts.
-                           map (\<lambda>(fn,ft). ((fn,C),ft)) fs @ ts)"
 lemma fields_rec_lemma: "[|class G C = Some (D,fs,ms); wf ((subcls1 G)^-1)|] ==>
  fields (G,C) = 
   map (\<lambda>(fn,ft). ((fn,C),ft)) fs @ (if C = Object then [] else fields (G,D))"
@@ -208,9 +207,6 @@
 apply auto
-defs field_def [code]: "field == map_of o (map (\<lambda>((fn,fd),ft). (fn,(fd,ft)))) o fields"
 lemma field_fields: 
 "field (G,C) fn = Some (fd, fT) \<Longrightarrow> map_of (fields (G,C)) (fn, fd) = Some fT"
 apply (unfold field_def)