changeset 15697 681bcb7f0389
parent 15696 1da4ce092c0b
child 15698 95deeda57341
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_reconstruct_proof.ML	Mon Apr 11 12:34:34 2005 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-(* Reconstruct an axiom resolution step *)
- fun reconstruct_axiom clauses (clausenum:int) thml (numlist, symlist, nsymlist ) =  
-                                     let val this_axiom =(assoc  clausenum clauses)
-                                         val symmed = (apply_rule sym  symlist this_axiom)
-                                         val nsymmed = (apply_rule not_sym nsymlist  symmed )
-                                     in
-                                         rearrange_prems numlist nsymmed
-                                     end
-(* Reconstruct a binary resolution step *)
-fun reconstruct_binary ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2)) thml (numlist, symlist, nsymlist )
-        = let
-              val thm1 =  select_literal (lit1 + 1) (assoc  clause1 thml)
-              val thm2 =  assoc  clause2 thml
-              val res =   thm1 RSN ((lit2 +1), thm2)
-              val symmed = (apply_rule sym  symlist res)
-              val nsymmed = (apply_rule not_sym nsymlist  symmed )
-          in
-              rearrange_prems numlist nsymmed
-          end
-(* Reconstruct a binary resolution step *)
-fun reconstruct_mrr ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2)) thml (numlist, symlist, nsymlist )
-        = let
-              val thm1 =  select_literal (lit1 + 1) (assoc  clause1 thml)
-              val thm2 =  assoc  clause2 thml
-              val res =   thm1 RSN ((lit2 +1), thm2)
-              val symmed = (apply_rule sym  symlist res)
-              val nsymmed = (apply_rule not_sym nsymlist  symmed )
-          in
-              rearrange_prems numlist nsymmed
-          end
-(* Reconstruct a factoring resolution step *)
-fun reconstruct_factor (clause,  lit1, lit2) thml (numlist, symlist, nsymlist )= 
-                          let 
-                            val th =  assoc clause thml
-                            val prems = prems_of th
-                            val fac1 = get_nth (lit1+1) prems
-                            val fac2 = get_nth (lit2+1) prems
-                            val unif_env = unifiers (Mainsign,Envir.empty 0, [(fac1, fac2)])
-                            val newenv = getnewenv unif_env
-                            val envlist = alist_of newenv
-                            val newsubsts = mksubstlist envlist []
-                          in 
-                            if (is_Var (fst(hd(newsubsts))))
-                            then
-                                let 
-                                   val str1 = lit_string_with_nums (fst (hd newsubsts));
-                                   val str2 = lit_string_with_nums (snd (hd newsubsts));
-                                   val facthm = read_instantiate [(str1,str2)] th;
-                                   val res = hd (Seq.list_of(delete_assump_tac  facthm (lit1 + 1)))
-                                   val symmed = (apply_rule sym  symlist res)
-                                   val nsymmed = (apply_rule not_sym nsymlist  symmed )
-                                in 
-                                   rearrange_prems numlist nsymmed
-                                end
-                            else
-                                let
-                                   val str2 = lit_string_with_nums (fst (hd newsubsts));
-                                   val str1 = lit_string_with_nums (snd (hd newsubsts));
-                                   val facthm = read_instantiate [(str1,str2)] th;
-                                   val res = hd (Seq.list_of(delete_assump_tac  facthm (lit1 + 1)))
-                                   val symmed = (apply_rule sym  symlist res)
-                                   val nsymmed = (apply_rule not_sym nsymlist  symmed )
-                                in 
-                                    rearrange_prems numlist nsymmed    
-                                end
-                         end;
-(* Reconstruct a paramodulation step    *)
-                          (* clause1, lit1 is thing to rewrite with *)
-fun reconstruct_standard_para_left ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2)) thml (numlist, symlist, nsymlist )= 
-                          let 
-                              val newthm = para_left ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))  thml 
-                              val symmed = (apply_rule sym  symlist newthm)
-                              val nsymmed = (apply_rule not_sym nsymlist  symmed )
-                         in
-                              rearrange_prems numlist nsymmed  
-                         end
-                        (* clause1, lit1 is thing to rewrite with *)
-fun reconstruct_standard_para_right ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2)) thml (numlist, symlist, nsymlist )= 
-                          let 
-                              val newthm = para_right ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))  thml 
-                              val symmed = (apply_rule sym  symlist newthm)
-                              val nsymmed = (apply_rule not_sym nsymlist  symmed )
-                         in
-                              rearrange_prems numlist nsymmed  
-                         end
-                        (*  let 
-                            val th1 =  assoc clause1 thml
-                            val th2 =  assoc clause2 thml 
-                            val prems1 = prems_of th1
-                            val prems2 = prems_of th2
-                            (* want to get first element of equality *)
-                            val fac1 = get_nth (lit1+1) prems1
-                            val {lhs, rhs} = dest_eq(dest_Trueprop fac1)
-                                             handle ERR _ => dest_eq(dest_neg (dest_Trueprop fac1))
-                            (* get other literal involved in the paramodulation *)
-                            val fac2 = get_nth (lit2+1) prems2
-                           (* get bit of th2 to unify with lhs of th1 *)
-                            val unif_lit = get_unif_lit (dest_Trueprop fac2) lhs
-                            val unif_env = unifiers (Mainsign,Envir.empty 0, [(unif_lit, lhs)])
-                            val newenv = getnewenv unif_env
-                            val envlist = alist_of newenv
-                            val newsubsts = mksubstlist envlist []
-                           (* instantiate th2 with unifiers *)
-                            val newth1 =  
-                              if (is_Var (fst(hd(newsubsts))))
-                              then
-                                  let 
-                                     val str1 = lit_string_with_nums (fst (hd newsubsts));
-                                     val str2 = lit_string_with_nums (snd (hd newsubsts));
-                                     val facthm = read_instantiate [(str1,str2)] th1
-                                  in 
-                                     hd (Seq.list_of(distinct_subgoals_tac facthm))
-                                  end
-                              else
-                                  let
-                                     val str2 = lit_string_with_nums (fst (hd newsubsts));
-                                     val str1 = lit_string_with_nums  (snd (hd newsubsts));
-                                     val facthm = read_instantiate [(str1,str2)] th1
-                                  in 
-                                     hd (Seq.list_of(distinct_subgoals_tac facthm))
-                                  end
-                           (*rewrite th2 with the equality bit of th2 i.e. lit2 *)
-                              val facthm' = select_literal  (lit1 + 1) newth1
-                              val equal_lit = concl_of facthm'
-                              val cterm_eq = cterm_of Mainsign equal_lit  
-                              val eq_thm = assume cterm_eq
-                              val meta_eq_thm = mk_meta_eq eq_thm
-                              val newth2= rewrite_rule [meta_eq_thm] th2
-                           (*thin lit2 from th2 *)
-                           (* get th1 with lit one as concl, then resolve with thin_rl *)
-                              val thm' = facthm' RS thin_rl
-                           (* now resolve th2 with last premise of thm' *)
-                              val newthm = newth2  RSN ((length prems1), thm')
-                              val symmed = (apply_rule sym  symlist newthm)
-                              val nsymmed = (apply_rule not_sym nsymlist  symmed )
-                         in
-                              rearrange_prems numlist nsymmed  
-                         end
-(* Reconstruct a rewrite step               *)
-(* does rewriting involve every literal in rewritten clause? *)
-                    (* clause1, lit1 is thing to rewrite with *)
-fun reconstruct_rewrite (clause1, lit1, clause2) thml  (numlist, symlist, nsymlist )=
-                          let val th1 =  assoc clause1 thml
-                              val th2 =  assoc clause2 thml 
-                              val eq_lit_th = select_literal (lit1+1) th1
-                              val equal_lit = concl_of eq_lit_th
-                              val cterm_eq = cterm_of Mainsign  equal_lit 
-                              val eq_thm = assume cterm_eq
-                              val meta_eq_thm = mk_meta_eq eq_thm
-                              val newth2= rewrite_rule [meta_eq_thm] th2
-                             val symmed = (apply_rule sym  symlist newth2)
-                              val nsymmed = (apply_rule not_sym nsymlist  symmed )
-                           in
-                              rearrange_prems numlist nsymmed  
-                           end
-(* Reconstruct an obvious reduction step *)
-fun reconstruct_obvious  (clause1, lit1)  allvars thml clause_strs= 
-                           let val th1 =  assoc clause1 thml
-                               val prems1 = prems_of th1
-                               val newthm = refl RSN ((lit1+ 1), th1)
-                                               handle THM _ =>  hd (Seq.list_of(delete_assump_tac  th1 (lit1 + 1)))
-                               val symmed = (apply_rule sym  symlist newthm)
-                               val nsymmed = (apply_rule not_sym nsymlist  symmed )
-                           in 
-                               rearrange_prems numlist nsymmed  
-                           end
-(* reconstruct a single step of the res. proof - depending on what sort of proof step it was*)
- fun reconstruct_proof clauses clausenum thml  Axiom (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-        = reconstruct_axiom clauses clausenum thml  (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-      | reconstruct_proof clauses clausenum  thml (Binary (a, b)) (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-        = reconstruct_binary (a, b) thml (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-       | reconstruct_proof clauses clausenum  thml (MRR (a, b)) (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-        = reconstruct_mrr (a, b) thml (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-      | reconstruct_proof clauses clausenum  thml (Factor (a, b, c)) (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-         = reconstruct_factor (a ,b ,c) thml (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-      | reconstruct_proof clauses clausenum  thml (Para (a, b)) (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-        = reconstruct_standard_para (a, b) thml (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-      | reconstruct_proof clauses clausenum thml (Rewrite (a,b,c)) (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-        = reconstruct_rewrite (a,b,c) thml (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-      | reconstruct_proof clauses clausenum thml (Obvious (a,b)) (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-        = reconstruct_obvious (a,b) thml (numlist, symlist, nsymlist)
-      (*| reconstruct_proof clauses  clausenum thml (Hyper l)
-        = reconstruct_hyper l thml*)
-      | reconstruct_proof clauses clausenum  thml _ _ =
-          raise ASSERTION  "proof step not implemented"
-(* reconstruct a single line of the res. proof - at the moment do only inference steps      *)
-    fun reconstruct_line clauses thml (clause_num, (proof_step, numlist, symlist,nsymlist))
-        = let
-            val thm = reconstruct_proof clauses clause_num thml proof_step (numlist, symlist,nsymlist)
-          in
-            (clause_num, thm)::thml
-          end
-(* reconstruct through the res. proof, creating an Isabelle theorem *)
-fun reconstruct clauses [] thml  = ((snd( hd thml)))
-      | reconstruct clauses (h::t) thml  
-        = let
-            val (thml') = reconstruct_line clauses thml h 
-            val  (thm) = reconstruct clauses t thml' 
-          in
-             (thm)
-          end
-(* Assume we have the cnf clauses as a list of (clauseno, clause) *)
- (* and the proof as a list of the proper datatype *)
-(* take the cnf clauses of the goal and the proof from the res. prover *)
-(* as a list of type Proofstep and return the thm goal ==> False *)
-fun first_pair (a,b,c) = (a,b);
-fun second_pair (a,b,c) = (b,c);
-(* reconstruct res proof *)
-fun reconstruct_proof clauses proof
-        = let val thm = reconstruct clauses proof [] 
-          in
-             thm
-          end