changeset 29354 6ef5ddf22d3a
parent 29353 3d2e35c23c66
parent 29350 c7735554d291
child 29355 642cac18e155
child 29371 bab4e907d881
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_edit.ML	Mon Dec 29 11:04:27 2008 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Thy/thy_edit.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Makarius
-Basic editor operations on theory sources.
-signature THY_EDIT =
-  val token_source: Scan.lexicon * Scan.lexicon -> Position.T -> (string, 'a) Source.source ->
-    (OuterLex.token, (SymbolPos.T, Position.T * (Symbol.symbol, (string, 'a)
-      Source.source) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source
-  val parse_tokens: Scan.lexicon * Scan.lexicon -> Position.T -> string -> OuterLex.token list
-  val present_token: OuterLex.token -> output
-  val report_token: OuterLex.token -> unit
-  datatype span_kind = Command of string | Ignored | Malformed
-  type span
-  val span_kind: span -> span_kind
-  val span_content: span -> OuterLex.token list
-  val span_range: span -> Position.range
-  val span_source: (OuterLex.token, 'a) Source.source ->
-    (span, (OuterLex.token, 'a) Source.source) Source.source
-  val parse_spans: Scan.lexicon * Scan.lexicon -> Position.T -> string -> span list
-  val present_span: span -> output
-  val report_span: span -> unit
-  val unit_source: (span, 'a) Source.source ->
-    (span * span list * bool, (span, 'a) Source.source) Source.source
-structure ThyEdit: THY_EDIT =
-structure K = OuterKeyword;
-structure T = OuterLex;
-structure P = OuterParse;
-(** tokens **)
-(* parse *)
-fun token_source lexs pos src =
-  Symbol.source {do_recover = true} src
-  |> T.source {do_recover = SOME false} (K lexs) pos;
-fun parse_tokens lexs pos str =
-  Source.of_string str
-  |> token_source lexs pos
-  |> Source.exhaust;
-(* present *)
-val token_kind_markup =
- fn T.Command       => (Markup.commandN, [])
-  | T.Keyword       => (Markup.keywordN, [])
-  | T.Ident         => Markup.ident
-  | T.LongIdent     => Markup.ident
-  | T.SymIdent      => Markup.ident
-  | T.Var           => Markup.ident
-  | T.TypeIdent     => Markup.ident
-  | T.TypeVar       => Markup.ident
-  | T.Nat           => Markup.ident
-  | T.String        => Markup.string
-  | T.AltString     => Markup.altstring
-  | T.Verbatim      => Markup.verbatim
-  | T.Space         => Markup.none
-  | T.Comment       => Markup.comment
-  | T.InternalValue => Markup.none
-  | T.Malformed     => Markup.malformed
-  | T.Error _       => Markup.malformed
-  | T.Sync          => Markup.control
-  | T.EOF           => Markup.control;
-fun present_token tok =
-  Markup.enclose (token_kind_markup (T.kind_of tok)) (Output.output (T.unparse tok));
-fun report_token tok =
- (token_kind_markup (T.kind_of tok)) (T.position_of tok);
-(** spans **)
-(* type span *)
-datatype span_kind = Command of string | Ignored | Malformed;
-datatype span = Span of span_kind * OuterLex.token list;
-fun span_kind (Span (k, _)) = k;
-fun span_content (Span (_, toks)) = toks;
-fun span_range span =
-  (case span_content span of
-    [] => (Position.none, Position.none)
-  | toks =>
-      let
-        val start_pos = T.position_of (hd toks);
-        val end_pos = T.end_position_of (List.last toks);
-      in (start_pos, end_pos) end);
-(* parse *)
-val is_whitespace = T.is_kind T.Space orf T.is_kind T.Comment;
-val body = Scan.unless (Scan.many is_whitespace -- Scan.ahead (P.command || P.eof)) P.not_eof;
-val span =
-  Scan.ahead P.command -- P.not_eof -- Scan.repeat body
-    >> (fn ((name, c), bs) => Span (Command name, c :: bs)) ||
-  Scan.many1 is_whitespace >> (fn toks => Span (Ignored, toks)) ||
-  Scan.repeat1 body >> (fn toks => Span (Malformed, toks));
-fun span_source src = Source.source T.stopper (Scan.bulk span) NONE src;
-fun parse_spans lexs pos str =
-  Source.of_string str
-  |> token_source lexs pos
-  |> span_source
-  |> Source.exhaust;
-(* present *)
-fun kind_markup (Command name) = Markup.command_span name
-  | kind_markup Ignored = Markup.ignored_span
-  | kind_markup Malformed = Markup.malformed_span;
-fun present_span span =
-  Markup.enclose (kind_markup (span_kind span)) (implode (map present_token (span_content span)));
-fun report_span span =
- (kind_markup (span_kind span)) (Position.encode_range (span_range span));
-(** units: commands with proof **)
-(* scanning spans *)
-val eof = Span (Command "", []);
-fun is_eof (Span (Command "", _)) = true
-  | is_eof _ = false;
-val not_eof = not o is_eof;
-val stopper = Scan.stopper (K eof) is_eof;
-(* unit_source *)
-fun command_with pred = (fn (Span (Command name, _)) => pred name | _ => false);
-val proof = Scan.pass 1 (Scan.repeat (Scan.depend (fn d =>
-  if d <= 0 then
-  else
-    command_with K.is_qed_global >> pair ~1 ||
-    command_with K.is_proof_goal >> pair (d + 1) ||
-    (if d = 0 then else command_with K.is_qed >> pair (d - 1)) ||
-    Scan.unless (command_with K.is_theory) ( not_eof) >> pair d)) -- Scan.state);
-val unit =
-  command_with K.is_theory_goal -- proof >> (fn (a, (bs, d)) => (a, bs, d >= 0)) ||
- not_eof >> (fn a => (a, [], true));
-fun unit_source src = Source.source stopper (Scan.bulk unit) NONE src;