changeset 39348 6f9c9899f99f
child 39349 2d0a4361c3ef
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/KnuthBendixOrder.sml	Mon Sep 13 21:09:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* KNUTH-BENDIX TERM ORDERING CONSTRAINTS                                    *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure KnuthBendixOrder :> KnuthBendixOrder =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun notEqualTerm (x,y) = not (Term.equal x y);
+fun firstNotEqualTerm f l =
+    case List.find notEqualTerm l of
+      SOME (x,y) => f x y
+    | NONE => raise Bug "firstNotEqualTerm";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The weight of all constants must be at least 1, and there must be at most *)
+(* one unary function with weight 0.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type kbo =
+     {weight : Term.function -> int,
+      precedence : Term.function * Term.function -> order};
+(* Default weight = uniform *)
+val uniformWeight : Term.function -> int = K 1;
+(* Default precedence = by arity *)
+val arityPrecedence : Term.function * Term.function -> order =
+    fn ((f1,n1),(f2,n2)) =>
+       case (n1,n2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => (f1,f2)
+       | GREATER => GREATER;
+(* The default order *)
+val default = {weight = uniformWeight, precedence = arityPrecedence};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Term weight-1 represented as a linear function of the weight-1 of the     *)
+(* variables in the term (plus a constant).                                  *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Note that the conditions on weight functions ensure that all weights are  *)
+(* at least 1, so all weight-1s are at least 0.                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype weight = Weight of int * int;
+val weightEmpty : int = ();
+val weightZero = Weight (weightEmpty,0);
+fun weightIsZero (Weight (m,c)) = c = 0 andalso NameMap.null m;
+fun weightNeg (Weight (m,c)) = Weight (NameMap.transform ~ m, ~c);
+  fun add ((_,n1),(_,n2)) =
+      let
+        val n = n1 + n2
+      in
+        if n = 0 then NONE else SOME n
+      end;
+  fun weightAdd (Weight (m1,c1)) (Weight (m2,c2)) =
+      Weight (NameMap.union add m1 m2, c1 + c2);
+fun weightSubtract w1 w2 = weightAdd w1 (weightNeg w2);
+fun weightTerm weight =
+    let
+      fun wt m c [] = Weight (m,c)
+        | wt m c (Term.Var v :: tms) =
+          let
+            val n = Option.getOpt (NameMap.peek m v, 0)
+          in
+            wt (NameMap.insert m (v, n + 1)) (c + 1) tms
+          end
+        | wt m c (Term.Fn (f,a) :: tms) =
+          wt m (c + weight (f, length a)) (a @ tms)
+    in
+      fn tm => wt weightEmpty ~1 [tm]
+    end;
+fun weightLowerBound (w as Weight (m,c)) =
+    if NameMap.exists (fn (_,n) => n < 0) m then NONE else SOME c;
+val ppWeightList =
+    let
+      fun ppCoeff n =
+          if n < 0 then Print.sequence (Print.addString "~") (ppCoeff (~n))
+          else if n = 1 then Print.skip
+          else Print.ppInt n
+      fun pp_tm (NONE,n) = Print.ppInt n
+        | pp_tm (SOME v, n) = Print.sequence (ppCoeff n) (Name.pp v)
+    in
+      fn [] => Print.ppInt 0
+       | tms => Print.ppOpList " +" pp_tm tms
+    end;
+fun ppWeight (Weight (m,c)) =
+    let
+      val l = NameMap.toList m
+      val l = map (fn (v,n) => (SOME v, n)) l
+      val l = if c = 0 then l else l @ [(NONE,c)]
+    in
+      ppWeightList l
+    end;
+val weightToString = Print.toString ppWeight;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The Knuth-Bendix term order.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun compare {weight,precedence} =
+    let
+      fun weightDifference tm1 tm2 =
+          let
+            val w1 = weightTerm weight tm1
+            and w2 = weightTerm weight tm2
+          in
+            weightSubtract w2 w1
+          end
+      fun weightLess tm1 tm2 =
+          let
+            val w = weightDifference tm1 tm2
+          in
+            if weightIsZero w then precedenceLess tm1 tm2
+            else weightDiffLess w tm1 tm2
+          end
+      and weightDiffLess w tm1 tm2 =
+          case weightLowerBound w of
+            NONE => false
+          | SOME 0 => precedenceLess tm1 tm2
+          | SOME n => n > 0
+      and precedenceLess (Term.Fn (f1,a1)) (Term.Fn (f2,a2)) =
+          (case precedence ((f1, length a1), (f2, length a2)) of
+             LESS => true
+           | EQUAL => firstNotEqualTerm weightLess (zip a1 a2)
+           | GREATER => false)
+        | precedenceLess _ _ = false
+      fun weightDiffGreater w tm1 tm2 = weightDiffLess (weightNeg w) tm2 tm1
+      fun weightCmp tm1 tm2 =
+          let
+            val w = weightDifference tm1 tm2
+          in
+            if weightIsZero w then precedenceCmp tm1 tm2
+            else if weightDiffLess w tm1 tm2 then SOME LESS
+            else if weightDiffGreater w tm1 tm2 then SOME GREATER
+            else NONE
+          end
+      and precedenceCmp (Term.Fn (f1,a1)) (Term.Fn (f2,a2)) =
+          (case precedence ((f1, length a1), (f2, length a2)) of
+             LESS => SOME LESS
+           | EQUAL => firstNotEqualTerm weightCmp (zip a1 a2)
+           | GREATER => SOME GREATER)
+        | precedenceCmp _ _ = raise Bug "kboOrder.precendenceCmp"
+    in
+      fn (tm1,tm2) =>
+         if Term.equal tm1 tm2 then SOME EQUAL else weightCmp tm1 tm2
+    end;
+val compare = fn kbo => fn (tm1,tm2) =>
+    let
+      val () = Print.trace Term.pp " tm1" tm1
+      val () = Print.trace Term.pp " tm2" tm2
+      val result = compare kbo (tm1,tm2)
+      val () =
+          case result of
+            NONE => trace " result = Incomparable\n"
+          | SOME x =>
+            Print.trace Print.ppOrder " result" x
+    in
+      result
+    end;