changeset 39348 6f9c9899f99f
child 39349 2d0a4361c3ef
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Parse.sml	Mon Sep 13 21:09:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PARSING                                                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2      *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Parse :> Parse =
+open Useful;
+infixr 9 >>++
+infixr 8 ++
+infixr 7 >>
+infixr 6 ||
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A "cannot parse" exception.                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+exception NoParse;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Recursive descent parsing combinators.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val error : 'a -> 'b * 'a = fn _ => raise NoParse;
+fun op ++ (parser1,parser2) input =
+    let
+      val (result1,input) = parser1 input
+      val (result2,input) = parser2 input
+    in
+      ((result1,result2),input)
+    end;
+fun op >> (parser : 'a -> 'b * 'a, treatment) input =
+    let
+      val (result,input) = parser input
+    in
+      (treatment result, input)
+    end;
+fun op >>++ (parser,treatment) input =
+    let
+      val (result,input) = parser input
+    in
+      treatment result input
+    end;
+fun op || (parser1,parser2) input =
+    parser1 input handle NoParse => parser2 input;
+fun first [] _ = raise NoParse
+  | first (parser :: parsers) input = (parser || first parsers) input;
+fun mmany parser state input =
+    let
+      val (state,input) = parser state input
+    in
+      mmany parser state input
+    end
+    handle NoParse => (state,input);
+fun many parser =
+    let
+      fun sparser l = parser >> (fn x => x :: l)
+    in
+      mmany sparser [] >> rev
+    end;
+fun atLeastOne p = (p ++ many p) >> op::;
+fun nothing input = ((),input);
+fun optional p = (p >> SOME) || (nothing >> K NONE);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream-based parsers.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type ('a,'b) parser = 'a -> 'b * 'a
+fun maybe p Stream.Nil = raise NoParse
+  | maybe p (Stream.Cons (h,t)) =
+    case p h of SOME r => (r, t ()) | NONE => raise NoParse;
+fun finished Stream.Nil = ((), Stream.Nil)
+  | finished (Stream.Cons _) = raise NoParse;
+fun some p = maybe (fn x => if p x then SOME x else NONE);
+fun any input = some (K true) input;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing whole streams.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun fromStream parser input =
+    let
+      val (res,_) = (parser ++ finished >> fst) input
+    in
+      res
+    end;
+fun fromList parser l = fromStream parser (Stream.fromList l);
+fun everything parser =
+    let
+      fun parserOption input =
+          SOME (parser input)
+          handle e as NoParse => if Stream.null input then NONE else raise e
+      fun parserList input =
+          case parserOption input of
+            NONE => Stream.Nil
+          | SOME (result,input) =>
+            Stream.append (Stream.fromList result) (fn () => parserList input)
+    in
+      parserList
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing lines of text.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun initialize {lines} =
+    let
+      val lastLine = ref (~1,"","","")
+      val chars =
+          let
+            fun saveLast line =
+                let
+                  val ref (n,_,l2,l3) = lastLine
+                  val () = lastLine := (n + 1, l2, l3, line)
+                in
+                  explode line
+                end
+          in
+            Stream.memoize ( saveLast lines)
+          end
+      fun parseErrorLocation () =
+          let
+            val ref (n,l1,l2,l3) = lastLine
+          in
+            (if n <= 0 then "at start"
+             else "around line " ^ Int.toString n) ^
+            chomp (":\n" ^ l1 ^ l2 ^ l3)
+          end
+    in
+      {chars = chars,
+       parseErrorLocation = parseErrorLocation}
+    end;
+fun exactChar (c : char) = some (equal c) >> K ();
+fun exactCharList cs =
+    case cs of
+      [] => nothing
+    | c :: cs => (exactChar c ++ exactCharList cs) >> snd;
+fun exactString s = exactCharList (explode s);
+fun escapeString {escape} =
+    let
+      fun isEscape c = mem c escape
+      fun isNormal c =
+          case c of
+            #"\\" => false
+          | #"\n" => false
+          | #"\t" => false
+          | _ => not (isEscape c)
+      val escapeParser =
+          (exactChar #"\\" >> K #"\\") ||
+          (exactChar #"n" >> K #"\n") ||
+          (exactChar #"t" >> K #"\t") ||
+          some isEscape
+      val charParser =
+          ((exactChar #"\\" ++ escapeParser) >> snd) ||
+          some isNormal
+    in
+      many charParser >> implode
+    end;
+  val isSpace = Char.isSpace;
+  val space = some isSpace;
+  val manySpace = many space >> K ();
+  val atLeastOneSpace = atLeastOne space >> K ();
+fun fromString parser s = fromList parser (explode s);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Infix operators.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun parseGenInfix update sof toks parse inp =
+    let
+      val (e,rest) = parse inp
+      val continue =
+          case rest of
+            Stream.Nil => NONE
+          | Stream.Cons (h_t as (h,_)) =>
+            if StringSet.member h toks then SOME h_t else NONE
+    in
+      case continue of
+        NONE => (sof e, rest)
+      | SOME (h,t) => parseGenInfix update (update sof h e) toks parse (t ())
+    end;
+  fun add ({leftSpaces = _, token = t, rightSpaces = _}, s) = StringSet.add s t;
+  fun parse leftAssoc toks con =
+      let
+        val update =
+            if leftAssoc then (fn f => fn t => fn a => fn b => con (t, f a, b))
+            else (fn f => fn t => fn a => fn b => f (con (t, a, b)))
+      in
+        parseGenInfix update I toks
+      end;
+  fun parseLayeredInfixes {tokens,leftAssoc} =
+      let
+        val toks = List.foldl add StringSet.empty tokens
+      in
+        parse leftAssoc toks
+      end;
+fun parseInfixes ops =
+    let
+      val layeredOps = Print.layerInfixes ops
+      val iparsers = parseLayeredInfixes layeredOps
+    in
+      fn con => fn subparser => foldl (fn (p,sp) => p con sp) subparser iparsers
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Quotations.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a quotation = 'a frag list;
+fun parseQuotation printer parser quote =
+  let
+    fun expand (QUOTE q, s) = s ^ q
+      | expand (ANTIQUOTE a, s) = s ^ printer a
+    val string = foldl expand "" quote
+  in
+    parser string
+  end;