changeset 39452 70a57e40f795
parent 39425 5d97fd83ab37
child 39453 1740a2d6bef9
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_reconstruct.ML	Thu Sep 16 09:59:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_reconstruct.ML	Thu Sep 16 11:12:08 2010 +0200
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 open ATP_Problem
+open ATP_Proof
 open Metis_Clauses
 open Sledgehammer_Util
 open Sledgehammer_Filter
@@ -58,31 +59,21 @@
   | s_iff (t1, @{const True}) = t1
   | s_iff (t1, t2) = HOLogic.eq_const HOLogic.boolT $ t1 $ t2
-fun mk_anot (AConn (ANot, [phi])) = phi
-  | mk_anot phi = AConn (ANot, [phi])
-fun mk_aconn c (phi1, phi2) = AConn (c, [phi1, phi2])
 fun forall_of v t = HOLogic.all_const (fastype_of v) $ lambda v t
 fun exists_of v t = HOLogic.exists_const (fastype_of v) $ lambda v t
-datatype raw_step_name = Str of string * string | Num of string
-fun raw_step_num (Str (num, _)) = num
-  | raw_step_num (Num num) = num
-fun same_raw_step s t = raw_step_num s = raw_step_num t
-fun raw_step_name_ord p =
-  let val q = pairself raw_step_num p in
-    (* The "unprefix" part is to cope with remote Vampire's output. The proper
-       solution would be to perform a topological sort, e.g. using the nice
-       "Graph" functor. *)
-    case pairself (Int.fromString o perhaps (try (unprefix "f"))) q of
-      (NONE, NONE) => string_ord q
-    | (NONE, SOME _) => LESS
-    | (SOME _, NONE) => GREATER
-    | (SOME i, SOME j) => int_ord (i, j)
-  end
+fun negate_term (Const (@{const_name All}, T) $ Abs (s, T', t')) =
+    Const (@{const_name Ex}, T) $ Abs (s, T', negate_term t')
+  | negate_term (Const (@{const_name Ex}, T) $ Abs (s, T', t')) =
+    Const (@{const_name All}, T) $ Abs (s, T', negate_term t')
+  | negate_term (@{const HOL.implies} $ t1 $ t2) =
+    @{const HOL.conj} $ t1 $ negate_term t2
+  | negate_term (@{const HOL.conj} $ t1 $ t2) =
+    @{const HOL.disj} $ negate_term t1 $ negate_term t2
+  | negate_term (@{const HOL.disj} $ t1 $ t2) =
+    @{const HOL.conj} $ negate_term t1 $ negate_term t2
+  | negate_term (@{const Not} $ t) = t
+  | negate_term t = @{const Not} $ t
 fun index_in_shape x = find_index (exists (curry (op =) x))
 fun resolve_axiom axiom_names (Str (_, s)) =
@@ -113,188 +104,6 @@
     resolve_conjecture conjecture_shape (Str (num, "")) (* HACK *)
 val is_conjecture = not o null oo resolve_conjecture
-fun negate_term (Const (@{const_name All}, T) $ Abs (s, T', t')) =
-    Const (@{const_name Ex}, T) $ Abs (s, T', negate_term t')
-  | negate_term (Const (@{const_name Ex}, T) $ Abs (s, T', t')) =
-    Const (@{const_name All}, T) $ Abs (s, T', negate_term t')
-  | negate_term (@{const HOL.implies} $ t1 $ t2) =
-    @{const HOL.conj} $ t1 $ negate_term t2
-  | negate_term (@{const HOL.conj} $ t1 $ t2) =
-    @{const HOL.disj} $ negate_term t1 $ negate_term t2
-  | negate_term (@{const HOL.disj} $ t1 $ t2) =
-    @{const HOL.conj} $ negate_term t1 $ negate_term t2
-  | negate_term (@{const Not} $ t) = t
-  | negate_term t = @{const Not} $ t
-datatype ('a, 'b, 'c) raw_step =
-  Definition of raw_step_name * 'a * 'b |
-  Inference of raw_step_name * 'c * raw_step_name list
-(*Strings enclosed in single quotes, e.g. filenames*)
-val scan_general_id =
-  $$ "'" |-- Scan.repeat (~$$ "'") --| $$ "'" >> implode
-  || Scan.repeat ($$ "$") -- Scan.many1 Symbol.is_letdig
-     >> (fn (ss1, ss2) => implode ss1 ^ implode ss2)
-fun repair_name _ "$true" = "c_True"
-  | repair_name _ "$false" = "c_False"
-  | repair_name _ "$$e" = "c_equal" (* seen in Vampire proofs *)
-  | repair_name _ "equal" = "c_equal" (* needed by SPASS? *)
-  | repair_name pool s =
-    case Symtab.lookup pool s of
-      SOME s' => s'
-    | NONE =>
-      if String.isPrefix "sQ" s andalso String.isSuffix "_eqProxy" s then
-        "c_equal" (* seen in Vampire proofs *)
-      else
-        s
-(* Generalized first-order terms, which include file names, numbers, etc. *)
-fun parse_annotation strict x =
-  ((scan_general_id ::: Scan.repeat ($$ " " |-- scan_general_id)
-      >> (strict ? filter (is_some o Int.fromString)))
-   -- Scan.optional (parse_annotation strict) [] >> op @
-   || $$ "(" |-- parse_annotations strict --| $$ ")"
-   || $$ "[" |-- parse_annotations strict --| $$ "]") x
-and parse_annotations strict x =
-  (Scan.optional (parse_annotation strict
-                  ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- parse_annotation strict)) []
-   >> flat) x
-(* Vampire proof lines sometimes contain needless information such as "(0:3)",
-   which can be hard to disambiguate from function application in an LL(1)
-   parser. As a workaround, we extend the TPTP term syntax with such detritus
-   and ignore it. *)
-fun parse_vampire_detritus x =
-  (scan_general_id |-- $$ ":" --| scan_general_id >> K []) x
-fun parse_term pool x =
-  ((scan_general_id >> repair_name pool)
-    -- Scan.optional ($$ "(" |-- (parse_vampire_detritus || parse_terms pool)
-                      --| $$ ")") []
-    --| Scan.optional ($$ "(" |-- parse_vampire_detritus --| $$ ")") []
-   >> ATerm) x
-and parse_terms pool x =
-  (parse_term pool ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- parse_term pool)) x
-fun parse_atom pool =
-  parse_term pool -- Scan.option (Scan.option ($$ "!") --| $$ "="
-                                  -- parse_term pool)
-  >> (fn (u1, NONE) => AAtom u1
-       | (u1, SOME (NONE, u2)) => AAtom (ATerm ("c_equal", [u1, u2]))
-       | (u1, SOME (SOME _, u2)) =>
-         mk_anot (AAtom (ATerm ("c_equal", [u1, u2]))))
-fun fo_term_head (ATerm (s, _)) = s
-(* TPTP formulas are fully parenthesized, so we don't need to worry about
-   operator precedence. *)
-fun parse_formula pool x =
-  (($$ "(" |-- parse_formula pool --| $$ ")"
-    || ($$ "!" >> K AForall || $$ "?" >> K AExists)
-       --| $$ "[" -- parse_terms pool --| $$ "]" --| $$ ":"
-       -- parse_formula pool
-       >> (fn ((q, ts), phi) => AQuant (q, map fo_term_head ts, phi))
-    || $$ "~" |-- parse_formula pool >> mk_anot
-    || parse_atom pool)
-   -- Scan.option ((Scan.this_string "=>" >> K AImplies
-                    || Scan.this_string "<=>" >> K AIff
-                    || Scan.this_string "<~>" >> K ANotIff
-                    || Scan.this_string "<=" >> K AIf
-                    || $$ "|" >> K AOr || $$ "&" >> K AAnd)
-                   -- parse_formula pool)
-   >> (fn (phi1, NONE) => phi1
-        | (phi1, SOME (c, phi2)) => mk_aconn c (phi1, phi2))) x
-val parse_tstp_extra_arguments =
-  Scan.optional ($$ "," |-- parse_annotation false
-                 --| Scan.option ($$ "," |-- parse_annotations false)) []
-(* Syntax: (fof|cnf)\(<num>, <formula_role>, <formula> <extra_arguments>\).
-   The <num> could be an identifier, but we assume integers. *)
- fun parse_tstp_line pool =
-   ((Scan.this_string "fof" || Scan.this_string "cnf") -- $$ "(")
-     |-- scan_general_id --| $$ "," -- Symbol.scan_id --| $$ ","
-     -- parse_formula pool -- parse_tstp_extra_arguments --| $$ ")" --| $$ "."
-    >> (fn (((num, role), phi), deps) =>
-           let
-             val (name, deps) =
-               case deps of
-                 ["file", _, s] => (Str (num, s), [])
-               | _ => (Num num, deps)
-           in
-             case role of
-               "definition" =>
-               (case phi of
-                  AConn (AIff, [phi1 as AAtom _, phi2]) =>
-                  Definition (name, phi1, phi2)
-                | AAtom (ATerm ("c_equal", _)) =>
-                  (* Vampire's equality proxy axiom *)
-                  Inference (name, phi, map Num deps)
-                | _ => raise Fail "malformed definition")
-             | _ => Inference (name, phi, map Num deps)
-           end)
-(* Syntax: <num>. <formula> <annotation> *)
-fun parse_vampire_line pool =
-  scan_general_id --| $$ "." -- parse_formula pool -- parse_annotation true
-  >> (fn ((num, phi), deps) => Inference (Num num, phi, map Num deps))
-(* SPASS returns clause references of the form "x.y". We ignore "y", whose role
-   is not clear anyway. *)
-val parse_dot_name = scan_general_id --| $$ "." --| scan_general_id
-val parse_spass_annotations =
-  Scan.optional ($$ ":" |-- Scan.repeat (parse_dot_name
-                                         --| Scan.option ($$ ","))) []
-(* It is not clear why some literals are followed by sequences of stars and/or
-   pluses. We ignore them. *)
-fun parse_decorated_atom pool =
-  parse_atom pool --| Scan.repeat ($$ "*" || $$ "+" || $$ " ")
-fun mk_horn ([], []) = AAtom (ATerm ("c_False", []))
-  | mk_horn ([], pos_lits) = foldr1 (mk_aconn AOr) pos_lits
-  | mk_horn (neg_lits, []) = mk_anot (foldr1 (mk_aconn AAnd) neg_lits)
-  | mk_horn (neg_lits, pos_lits) =
-    mk_aconn AImplies (foldr1 (mk_aconn AAnd) neg_lits,
-                       foldr1 (mk_aconn AOr) pos_lits)
-fun parse_horn_clause pool =
-  Scan.repeat (parse_decorated_atom pool) --| $$ "|" --| $$ "|"
-    -- Scan.repeat (parse_decorated_atom pool) --| $$ "-" --| $$ ">"
-    -- Scan.repeat (parse_decorated_atom pool)
-  >> (mk_horn o apfst (op @))
-(* Syntax: <num>[0:<inference><annotations>]
-   <atoms> || <atoms> -> <atoms>. *)
-fun parse_spass_line pool =
-  scan_general_id --| $$ "[" --| $$ "0" --| $$ ":" --| Symbol.scan_id
-    -- parse_spass_annotations --| $$ "]" -- parse_horn_clause pool --| $$ "."
-  >> (fn ((num, deps), u) => Inference (Num num, u, map Num deps))
-fun parse_line pool =
-  parse_tstp_line pool || parse_vampire_line pool || parse_spass_line pool
-fun parse_lines pool = Scan.repeat1 (parse_line pool)
-fun parse_proof pool =
-  fst o Scan.finite Symbol.stopper
-            (Scan.error (!! (fn _ => raise Fail "unrecognized ATP output")
-                            (parse_lines pool)))
-  o explode o strip_spaces_except_between_ident_chars
-fun clean_up_dependencies _ [] = []
-  | clean_up_dependencies seen ((step as Definition (name, _, _)) :: steps) =
-    step :: clean_up_dependencies (name :: seen) steps
-  | clean_up_dependencies seen (Inference (name, u, deps) :: steps) =
-    Inference (name, u,
-             map_filter (fn dep => find_first (same_raw_step dep) seen) deps) ::
-    clean_up_dependencies (name :: seen) steps
 exception FO_TERM of string fo_term list
@@ -411,7 +220,7 @@
                 case strip_prefix_and_unascii schematic_var_prefix a of
                   SOME b => Var ((b, 0), T)
                 | NONE =>
-                  if is_tptp_variable a then
+                  if is_atp_variable a then
                     Var ((repair_atp_variable_name Char.toLower a, 0), T)
                     (* Skolem constants? *)
@@ -537,7 +346,7 @@
 val is_only_type_information = curry (op aconv) HOLogic.true_const
 fun replace_one_dependency (old, new) dep =
-  if raw_step_num dep = raw_step_num old then new else [dep]
+  if is_same_step (dep, old) then new else [dep]
 fun replace_dependencies_in_line _ (line as Definition _) = line
   | replace_dependencies_in_line p (Inference (name, t, deps)) =
     Inference (name, t, fold (union (op =) o replace_one_dependency p) deps [])
@@ -620,12 +429,13 @@
       | aux line (s :: rest) = aux (s :: line) rest
   in aux [] o explode end
+(* ### FIXME: Can do better *)
 (* A list consisting of the first number in each line is returned. For TSTP,
    interesting lines have the form "fof(108, axiom, ...)", where the number
    (108) is extracted. For SPASS, lines have the form "108[0:Inp] ...", where
    the first number (108) is extracted. For Vampire, we look for
    "108. ... [input]". *)
-fun used_facts_in_atp_proof axiom_names atp_proof =
+fun used_facts_in_tstplike_proof axiom_names tstplike_proof =
     val tokens_of =
       String.tokens (fn c => not (Char.isAlphaNum c) andalso c <> #"_")
@@ -648,7 +458,7 @@
            "input" => resolve_axiom axiom_names (Num num)
          | _ => [])
       | do_line _ = []
-  in atp_proof |> split_proof_lines |> maps (do_line o tokens_of) end
+  in tstplike_proof |> split_proof_lines |> maps (do_line o tokens_of) end
 val indent_size = 2
 val no_label = ("", ~1)
@@ -662,9 +472,9 @@
 fun raw_label_for_name conjecture_shape name =
   case resolve_conjecture conjecture_shape name of
     [j] => (conjecture_prefix, j)
-  | _ => case Int.fromString (raw_step_num name) of
+  | _ => case Int.fromString (step_num name) of
            SOME j => (raw_prefix, j)
-         | NONE => (raw_prefix ^ raw_step_num name, 0)
+         | NONE => (raw_prefix ^ step_num name, 0)
 fun metis_using [] = ""
   | metis_using ls =
@@ -690,14 +500,15 @@
       Markup.markup Markup.sendback command ^ "."
 fun used_facts axiom_names =
-  used_facts_in_atp_proof axiom_names
+  used_facts_in_tstplike_proof axiom_names
   #> List.partition (curry (op =) Chained o snd)
   #> pairself (sort_distinct (string_ord o pairself fst))
-fun metis_proof_text (banner, full_types, minimize_command, atp_proof,
-                      axiom_names, goal, i) =
+fun metis_proof_text (banner, full_types, minimize_command,
+                      tstplike_proof, axiom_names, goal, i) =
-    val (chained_lemmas, other_lemmas) = used_facts axiom_names atp_proof
+    val (chained_lemmas, other_lemmas) =
+      used_facts axiom_names tstplike_proof
     val n = Logic.count_prems (prop_of goal)
     (metis_line banner full_types i n (map fst other_lemmas) ^
@@ -713,16 +524,16 @@
 type label = string * int
 type facts = label list * string list
-datatype qualifier = Show | Then | Moreover | Ultimately
+datatype isar_qualifier = Show | Then | Moreover | Ultimately
-datatype step =
+datatype isar_step =
   Fix of (string * typ) list |
   Let of term * term |
   Assume of label * term |
-  Have of qualifier list * label * term * byline
+  Have of isar_qualifier list * label * term * byline
 and byline =
   ByMetis of facts |
-  CaseSplit of step list list * facts
+  CaseSplit of isar_step list list * facts
 fun smart_case_split [] facts = ByMetis facts
   | smart_case_split proofs facts = CaseSplit (proofs, facts)
@@ -743,17 +554,12 @@
           ByMetis (fold (add_fact_from_dependency conjecture_shape axiom_names)
                         deps ([], [])))
-fun raw_step_name (Definition (name, _, _)) = name
-  | raw_step_name (Inference (name, _, _)) = name
-fun proof_from_atp_proof pool ctxt full_types tfrees isar_shrink_factor
-                         atp_proof conjecture_shape axiom_names params frees =
+fun isar_proof_from_tstplike_proof pool ctxt full_types tfrees isar_shrink_factor
+        tstplike_proof conjecture_shape axiom_names params frees =
     val lines =
-      atp_proof ^ "$" (* the $ sign acts as a sentinel (FIXME: needed?) *)
-      |> parse_proof pool
-      |> sort (raw_step_name_ord o pairself raw_step_name)
-      |> clean_up_dependencies []
+      tstplike_proof
+      |> atp_proof_from_tstplike_string pool
       |> decode_lines ctxt full_types tfrees
       |> rpair [] |-> fold_rev (add_line conjecture_shape axiom_names)
       |> rpair [] |-> fold_rev add_nontrivial_line
@@ -1049,14 +855,13 @@
     and do_proof [Have (_, _, _, ByMetis _)] = ""
       | do_proof proof =
         (if i <> 1 then "prefer " ^ string_of_int i ^ "\n" else "") ^
-        do_indent 0 ^ "proof -\n" ^
-        do_steps "" "" 1 proof ^
-        do_indent 0 ^ (if n <> 1 then "next" else "qed")
+        do_indent 0 ^ "proof -\n" ^ do_steps "" "" 1 proof ^ do_indent 0 ^
+        (if n <> 1 then "next" else "qed")
   in do_proof end
 fun isar_proof_text (pool, debug, isar_shrink_factor, ctxt, conjecture_shape)
-                    (other_params as (_, full_types, _, atp_proof, axiom_names,
-                                      goal, i)) =
+                    (other_params as (_, full_types, _, tstplike_proof,
+                                      axiom_names, goal, i)) =
     val (params, hyp_ts, concl_t) = strip_subgoal goal i
     val frees = fold Term.add_frees (concl_t :: hyp_ts) []
@@ -1064,9 +869,9 @@
     val n = Logic.count_prems (prop_of goal)
     val (one_line_proof, lemma_names) = metis_proof_text other_params
     fun isar_proof_for () =
-      case proof_from_atp_proof pool ctxt full_types tfrees isar_shrink_factor
-                                atp_proof conjecture_shape axiom_names params
-                                frees
+      case isar_proof_from_tstplike_proof pool ctxt full_types tfrees
+               isar_shrink_factor tstplike_proof conjecture_shape axiom_names
+               params frees
            |> redirect_proof hyp_ts concl_t
            |> kill_duplicate_assumptions_in_proof
            |> then_chain_proof