changeset 59202 711c2446dc9d
parent 57044 042d6e58cb40
child 59218 eadd82d440b0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Graphview/graph_panel.scala	Tue Dec 30 14:11:06 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+/*  Title:      Tools/Graphview/graph_panel.scala
+    Author:     Markus Kaiser, TU Muenchen
+Graphview Java2D drawing panel.
+package isabelle.graphview
+import isabelle._
+import java.awt.{Dimension, Graphics2D, Point, Rectangle}
+import java.awt.geom.{AffineTransform, Point2D}
+import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
+import javax.swing.{JScrollPane, JComponent}
+import scala.swing.{Panel, ScrollPane}
+import scala.swing.event._
+class Graph_Panel(
+    val visualizer: Visualizer,
+    make_tooltip: (JComponent, Int, Int, XML.Body) => String)
+  extends ScrollPane
+  panel =>
+  tooltip = ""
+  override lazy val peer: JScrollPane = new JScrollPane with SuperMixin {
+    override def getToolTipText(event: java.awt.event.MouseEvent): String =
+      node(Transform.pane_to_graph_coordinates(event.getPoint)) match {
+        case Some(name) =>
+          visualizer.model.complete.get_node(name).content match {
+            case Nil => null
+            case content => make_tooltip(panel.peer, event.getX, event.getY, content)
+          }
+        case None => null
+      }
+  }
+  peer.setWheelScrollingEnabled(false)
+  focusable = true
+  requestFocus()
+  horizontalScrollBarPolicy = ScrollPane.BarPolicy.Always
+  verticalScrollBarPolicy = ScrollPane.BarPolicy.Always
+  def node(at: Point2D): Option[String] =
+    visualizer.model.visible_nodes_iterator
+      .find(name => visualizer.Drawer.shape(visualizer.gfx, Some(name)).contains(at))
+  def refresh()
+  {
+    if (paint_panel != null) {
+      paint_panel.set_preferred_size()
+      paint_panel.repaint()
+    }
+  }
+  def fit_to_window() = {
+    Transform.fit_to_window()
+    refresh()
+  }
+  val zoom = new GUI.Zoom_Box { def changed = rescale(0.01 * factor) }
+  def rescale(s: Double)
+  {
+    Transform.scale = s
+    if (zoom != null) zoom.set_item((Transform.scale_discrete * 100).round.toInt)
+    refresh()
+  }
+  def apply_layout() = visualizer.Coordinates.update_layout()
+  private class Paint_Panel extends Panel {
+    def set_preferred_size() {
+        val (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) = visualizer.Coordinates.bounds()
+        val s = Transform.scale_discrete
+        val (px, py) = Transform.padding
+        preferredSize = new Dimension((math.abs(maxX - minX + px) * s).toInt,
+                                      (math.abs(maxY - minY + py) * s).toInt)
+        revalidate()
+      }
+    override def paint(g: Graphics2D) {
+      super.paintComponent(g)
+      g.transform(Transform())
+      visualizer.Drawer.paint_all_visible(g, true)
+    }
+  }
+  private val paint_panel = new Paint_Panel
+  contents = paint_panel
+  listenTo(keys)
+  listenTo(mouse.moves)
+  listenTo(mouse.clicks)
+  listenTo(mouse.wheel)
+  reactions += Interaction.Mouse.react
+  reactions += Interaction.Keyboard.react
+  reactions += {
+      case KeyTyped(_, _, _, _) => {repaint(); requestFocus()}
+      case MousePressed(_, _, _, _, _) => {repaint(); requestFocus()}
+      case MouseDragged(_, _, _) => {repaint(); requestFocus()}
+      case MouseWheelMoved(_, _, _, _) => {repaint(); requestFocus()}
+      case MouseClicked(_, _, _, _, _) => {repaint(); requestFocus()}
+      case MouseMoved(_, _, _) => repaint()
+    }
+ += { case _ => repaint() }
+ += { case _ => repaint() }
+  apply_layout()
+  rescale(1.0)
+  private object Transform
+  {
+    val padding = (100, 40)
+    private var _scale: Double = 1.0
+    def scale: Double = _scale
+    def scale_=(s: Double)
+    {
+      _scale = (s min 10) max 0.1
+    }
+    def scale_discrete: Double =
+      (_scale * visualizer.font_size).round.toDouble / visualizer.font_size
+    def apply() = {
+      val (minX, minY, _, _) = visualizer.Coordinates.bounds()
+      val at = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scale_discrete, scale_discrete)
+      at.translate(-minX + padding._1 / 2, -minY + padding._2 / 2)
+      at
+    }
+    def fit_to_window() {
+      if (visualizer.model.visible_nodes_iterator.isEmpty)
+        rescale(1.0)
+      else {
+        val (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) = visualizer.Coordinates.bounds()
+        val (dx, dy) = (maxX - minX + padding._1, maxY - minY + padding._2)
+        val (sx, sy) = (1.0 * size.width / dx, 1.0 * size.height / dy)
+        rescale(sx min sy)
+      }
+    }
+    def pane_to_graph_coordinates(at: Point2D): Point2D = {
+      val s = Transform.scale_discrete
+      val p = Transform().inverseTransform(peer.getViewport.getViewPosition, null)
+      p.setLocation(p.getX + at.getX / s, p.getY + at.getY / s)
+      p
+    }
+  }
+  object Interaction {
+    object Keyboard {
+      import scala.swing.event.Key._
+      val react: PartialFunction[Event, Unit] = {
+        case KeyTyped(_, c, m, _) => typed(c, m)
+      }
+      def typed(c: Char, m: Modifiers) =
+        (c, m) match {
+          case ('+', _) => rescale(Transform.scale * 5.0/4)
+          case ('-', _) => rescale(Transform.scale * 4.0/5)
+          case ('0', _) => Transform.fit_to_window()
+          case ('1', _) => visualizer.Coordinates.update_layout()
+          case ('2', _) => Transform.fit_to_window()
+          case _ =>
+        }
+    }
+    object Mouse {
+      import scala.swing.event.Key.Modifier._
+      type Modifiers = Int
+      type Dummy = ((String, String), Int)
+      private var draginfo: (Point, Iterable[String], Iterable[Dummy]) = null
+      val react: PartialFunction[Event, Unit] = {
+        case MousePressed(_, p, _, _, _) => pressed(p)
+        case MouseDragged(_, to, _) => {
+            drag(draginfo, to)
+            val (_, p, d) = draginfo
+            draginfo = (to, p, d)
+          }
+        case MouseWheelMoved(_, p, _, r) => wheel(r, p)
+        case e@MouseClicked(_, p, m, n, _) => click(p, m, n, e)
+      }
+      def dummy(at: Point2D): Option[Dummy] =
+            i => visualizer.Coordinates(i), _))
+          }).flatten.find({
+            case (_, ((x, y), _)) =>
+              visualizer.Drawer.shape(visualizer.gfx, None).contains(at.getX() - x, at.getY() - y)
+          }) match {
+            case None => None
+            case Some((name, (_, index))) => Some((name, index))
+          }
+      def pressed(at: Point) {
+        val c = Transform.pane_to_graph_coordinates(at)
+        val l = node(c) match {
+          case Some(l) =>
+            if (visualizer.Selection(l)) visualizer.Selection() else List(l)
+          case None => Nil
+        }
+        val d = l match {
+          case Nil => dummy(c) match {
+              case Some(d) => List(d)
+              case None => Nil
+          }
+          case _ => Nil
+        }
+        draginfo = (at, l, d)
+      }
+      def click(at: Point, m: Modifiers, clicks: Int, e: MouseEvent) {
+        import javax.swing.SwingUtilities
+        val c = Transform.pane_to_graph_coordinates(at)
+        val p = node(c)
+        def left_click() {
+          (p, m) match {
+            case (Some(l), Control) => visualizer.Selection.add(l)
+            case (None, Control) =>
+            case (Some(l), Shift) => visualizer.Selection.add(l)
+            case (None, Shift) =>
+            case (Some(l), _) => visualizer.Selection.set(List(l))
+            case (None, _) => visualizer.Selection.clear
+          }
+        }
+        def right_click() {
+          val menu = Popups(panel, p, visualizer.Selection())
+, at.x, at.y)
+        }
+        if (clicks < 2) {
+          if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(e.peer)) right_click()
+          else left_click()
+        }
+      }
+      def drag(draginfo: (Point, Iterable[String], Iterable[Dummy]), to: Point) {
+        val (from, p, d) = draginfo
+        val s = Transform.scale_discrete
+        val (dx, dy) = (to.x - from.x, to.y - from.y)
+        (p, d) match {
+          case (Nil, Nil) => {
+            val r = panel.peer.getViewport.getViewRect
+            r.translate(-dx, -dy)
+            paint_panel.peer.scrollRectToVisible(r)
+          }
+          case (Nil, ds) =>
+            ds.foreach(d => visualizer.Coordinates.translate(d, (dx / s, dy / s)))
+          case (ls, _) =>
+            ls.foreach(l => visualizer.Coordinates.translate(l, (dx / s, dy / s)))
+        }
+      }
+      def wheel(rotation: Int, at: Point) {
+        val at2 = Transform.pane_to_graph_coordinates(at)
+        // > 0 -> up
+        rescale(Transform.scale * (if (rotation > 0) 4.0/5 else 5.0/4))
+        // move mouseposition to center
+        Transform().transform(at2, at2)
+        val r = panel.peer.getViewport.getViewRect
+        val (width, height) = (r.getWidth, r.getHeight)
+        paint_panel.peer.scrollRectToVisible(
+          new Rectangle((at2.getX() - width / 2).toInt,
+                        (at2.getY() - height / 2).toInt,
+                        width.toInt,
+                        height.toInt)
+        )
+      }
+    }
+  }