--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_def_sugar.ML Tue Sep 09 20:51:36 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_def_sugar.ML Tue Sep 09 20:51:36 2014 +0200
@@ -1481,8 +1481,7 @@
||>> mk_Frees "R" (map (uncurry mk_pred2T) live_AsBs)
||>> yield_singleton (mk_Frees "a") fpT
||>> yield_singleton (mk_Frees "b") fpBT
- ||>> apfst HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o
- yield_singleton (mk_Frees "thesis") HOLogic.boolT;
+ ||>> apfst HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o yield_singleton (mk_Frees "thesis") HOLogic.boolT;
val map_term = mk_map live As Bs (map_of_bnf fp_bnf);
val ctrAs = map (mk_ctr As) ctrs;
val ctrBs = map (mk_ctr Bs) ctrs;
@@ -1581,370 +1580,344 @@
join_halves n half_rel_distinct_thmss other_half_rel_distinct_thmss;
val rel_eq_thms =
- map (fn th => th RS @{thm eq_False[THEN iffD2]}) rel_distinct_thms @
- map2 (fn th => fn 0 => th RS @{thm eq_True[THEN iffD2]} | _ => th)
+ map (fn thm => thm RS @{thm eq_False[THEN iffD2]}) rel_distinct_thms @
+ map2 (fn thm => fn 0 => thm RS @{thm eq_True[THEN iffD2]} | _ => thm)
rel_inject_thms ms;
- val (map_disc_iff_thms, map_sel_thms, set_sel_thms, rel_sel_thms, set_intros_thms,
- case_transfer_thms, ctr_transfer_thms, disc_transfer_thms,
- (set_cases_thms, set_cases_attrss), (rel_cases_thm, rel_cases_attrs)) =
+ val ctr_transfer_thms =
+ let
+ val goals = map2 (mk_parametricity_goal names_lthy Rs) ctrAs ctrBs;
+ in
+ Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
+ (K (mk_ctr_transfer_tac rel_intro_thms))
+ |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
+ |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
+ |> map Thm.close_derivation
+ end;
+ val (set_cases_thms, set_cases_attrss) =
- val ctr_transfer_thms =
+ fun mk_prems assms elem t ctxt =
+ (case fastype_of t of
+ Type (type_name, xs) =>
+ (case bnf_of ctxt type_name of
+ NONE => ([], ctxt)
+ | SOME bnf =>
+ apfst flat (fold_map (fn set => fn ctxt =>
+ let
+ val T = HOLogic.dest_setT (range_type (fastype_of set));
+ val new_var = not (T = fastype_of elem);
+ val (x, ctxt') =
+ if new_var then yield_singleton (mk_Frees "x") T ctxt
+ else (elem, ctxt);
+ in
+ mk_prems (mk_Trueprop_mem (x, set $ t) :: assms) elem x ctxt'
+ |>> map (if new_var then Logic.all x else I)
+ end) (map (mk_set xs) (sets_of_bnf bnf)) ctxt))
+ | T => rpair ctxt
+ (if T = fastype_of elem then [fold (curry Logic.mk_implies) assms thesis]
+ else []));
+ in
+ split_list (map (fn set =>
- val goals = map2 (mk_parametricity_goal names_lthy Rs) ctrAs ctrBs;
+ val A = HOLogic.dest_setT (range_type (fastype_of set));
+ val (elem, names_lthy) = yield_singleton (mk_Frees "e") A names_lthy;
+ val premss =
+ map (fn ctr =>
+ let
+ val (args, names_lthy) =
+ mk_Frees "z" (binder_types (fastype_of ctr)) names_lthy;
+ in
+ flat (zipper_map (fn (prev_args, arg, next_args) =>
+ let
+ val (args_with_elem, args_without_elem) =
+ if fastype_of arg = A then
+ (prev_args @ [elem] @ next_args, prev_args @ next_args)
+ else
+ `I (prev_args @ [arg] @ next_args);
+ in
+ mk_prems [mk_Trueprop_eq (ta, Term.list_comb (ctr, args_with_elem))]
+ elem arg names_lthy
+ |> fst
+ |> map (fold_rev Logic.all args_without_elem)
+ end) args)
+ end) ctrAs;
+ val goal = Logic.mk_implies (mk_Trueprop_mem (elem, set $ ta), thesis);
+ val thm =
+ Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] (flat premss) goal (fn {context = ctxt, prems} =>
+ mk_set_cases_tac ctxt (certify ctxt ta) prems exhaust set_thms)
+ |> singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
+ |> Thm.close_derivation
+ |> rotate_prems ~1;
+ val consumes_attr = Attrib.internal (K (Rule_Cases.consumes 1));
+ val cases_set_attr =
+ Attrib.internal (K (Induct.cases_pred (name_of_set set)));
- Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
- (K (mk_ctr_transfer_tac rel_intro_thms))
- |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
- |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
- |> map Thm.close_derivation
+ (* TODO: @{attributes [elim?]} *)
+ (thm, [consumes_attr, cases_set_attr])
+ end) setAs)
+ end;
+ val set_intros_thms =
+ let
+ fun mk_goals A setA ctr_args t ctxt =
+ (case fastype_of t of
+ Type (type_name, innerTs) =>
+ (case bnf_of ctxt type_name of
+ NONE => ([], ctxt)
+ | SOME bnf =>
+ apfst flat (fold_map (fn set => fn ctxt =>
+ let
+ val T = HOLogic.dest_setT (range_type (fastype_of set));
+ val (x, ctxt') = yield_singleton (mk_Frees "x") T ctxt;
+ val assm = mk_Trueprop_mem (x, set $ t);
+ in
+ apfst (map (Logic.mk_implies o pair assm))
+ (mk_goals A setA ctr_args x ctxt')
+ end) (map (mk_set innerTs) (sets_of_bnf bnf)) ctxt))
+ | T =>
+ (if T = A then [mk_Trueprop_mem (t, setA $ ctr_args)] else [], ctxt));
+ val (goals, names_lthy) =
+ apfst flat (fold_map (fn set => fn ctxt =>
+ let val A = HOLogic.dest_setT (range_type (fastype_of set)) in
+ apfst flat (fold_map (fn ctr => fn ctxt =>
+ let
+ val (args, ctxt') = mk_Frees "a" (binder_types (fastype_of ctr)) ctxt;
+ val ctr_args = Term.list_comb (ctr, args);
+ in
+ apfst flat (fold_map (mk_goals A set ctr_args) args ctxt')
+ end) ctrAs ctxt)
+ end) setAs lthy);
+ in
+ if null goals then []
+ else
+ Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
+ (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => mk_set_intros_tac ctxt set0_thms)
+ |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
+ |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
+ |> map Thm.close_derivation
+ end;
+ val rel_sel_thms =
+ let
+ val selBss = map (map (mk_disc_or_sel Bs)) selss;
+ val n = length discAs;
+ fun mk_rhs n k discA selAs discB selBs =
+ (if k = n then [] else [HOLogic.mk_eq (discA $ ta, discB $ tb)]) @
+ (case (selAs, selBs) of
+ ([], []) => []
+ | (_ :: _, _ :: _) => [Library.foldr HOLogic.mk_imp
+ (if n = 1 then [] else [discA $ ta, discB $ tb],
+ Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj (map2 (build_rel_app names_lthy Rs [])
+ (map (rapp ta) selAs) (map (rapp tb) selBs)))]);
+ val goals = if n = 0 then []
+ else [mk_Trueprop_eq
+ (build_rel_app names_lthy Rs [] ta tb,
+ Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
+ (flat (map5 (mk_rhs n) (1 upto n) discAs selAss discBs selBss)))];
+ in
+ if null goals then
+ []
+ else
+ Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
+ (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
+ mk_rel_sel_tac ctxt (certify ctxt ta) (certify ctxt tb) exhaust
+ (flat disc_thmss) (flat sel_thmss) rel_inject_thms distincts
+ rel_distinct_thms)
+ |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
+ |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
+ |> map Thm.close_derivation
+ end;
+ val (rel_cases_thm, rel_cases_attrs) =
+ let
+ val rel_Rs_a_b = list_comb (relAsBs, Rs) $ ta $ tb;
+ val ctrBs = map (mk_ctr Bs) ctrs;
+ fun mk_assms ctrA ctrB ctxt =
+ let
+ val argA_Ts = binder_types (fastype_of ctrA);
+ val argB_Ts = binder_types (fastype_of ctrB);
+ val ((argAs, argBs), names_ctxt) = ctxt
+ |> mk_Frees "x" argA_Ts
+ ||>> mk_Frees "y" argB_Ts;
+ val ctrA_args = list_comb (ctrA, argAs);
+ val ctrB_args = list_comb (ctrB, argBs);
+ in
+ (fold_rev Logic.all (argAs @ argBs) (Logic.list_implies
+ (mk_Trueprop_eq (ta, ctrA_args) ::
+ mk_Trueprop_eq (tb, ctrB_args) ::
+ map2 (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop oo build_rel_app lthy Rs []) argAs argBs,
+ thesis)),
+ names_ctxt)
- val (set_cases_thms, set_cases_attrss) =
+ val (assms, names_lthy) = fold_map2 mk_assms ctrAs ctrBs names_lthy;
+ val goal = Logic.list_implies (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop rel_Rs_a_b :: assms, thesis);
+ val thm =
+ Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
+ mk_rel_cases_tac ctxt (certify ctxt ta) (certify ctxt tb) exhaust injects
+ rel_inject_thms distincts rel_distinct_thms
+ (map rel_eq_of_bnf live_nesting_bnfs))
+ |> singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
+ |> Thm.close_derivation;
+ val ctr_names = quasi_unambiguous_case_names ((map name_of_ctr) ctrAs);
+ val case_names_attr = Attrib.internal (K (Rule_Cases.case_names ctr_names));
+ val consumes_attr = Attrib.internal (K (Rule_Cases.consumes 1));
+ val cases_pred_attr = Attrib.internal o K o Induct.cases_pred;
+ in
+ (thm, [consumes_attr, case_names_attr, cases_pred_attr ""])
+ end;
+ val case_transfer_thms =
+ let
+ val (R, names_lthy) = yield_singleton (mk_Frees "R") (mk_pred2T C1 E1) names_lthy;
+ val caseA = mk_case As C1 casex;
+ val caseB = mk_case Bs E1 casex;
+ val goal = mk_parametricity_goal names_lthy (R :: Rs) caseA caseB;
+ in
+ Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
+ mk_case_transfer_tac ctxt rel_cases_thm case_thms)
+ |> singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
+ |> Thm.close_derivation
+ end;
+ val disc_transfer_thms =
+ let val goals = map2 (mk_parametricity_goal names_lthy Rs) discAs discBs in
+ if null goals then
+ []
+ else
+ Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
+ (K (mk_disc_transfer_tac (the_single rel_sel_thms) (the_single exhaust_discs)
+ (flat (flat distinct_discsss))))
+ |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
+ |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
+ |> map Thm.close_derivation
+ end;
+ val map_disc_iff_thms =
+ let
+ val discsB = map (mk_disc_or_sel Bs) discs;
+ val discsA_t = map (fn disc1 => Term.betapply (disc1, ta)) discAs;
+ fun mk_goal (discA_t, discB) =
+ if head_of discA_t aconv HOLogic.Not orelse is_refl_bool discA_t then
+ else
+ SOME (mk_Trueprop_eq
+ (betapply (discB, (Term.list_comb (map_term, fs) $ ta)), discA_t));
+ val goals = map_filter mk_goal (discsA_t ~~ discsB);
+ in
+ if null goals then
+ []
+ else
+ Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
+ (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
+ mk_map_disc_iff_tac ctxt (certify ctxt ta) exhaust (flat disc_thmss)
+ map_thms)
+ |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
+ |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
+ |> map Thm.close_derivation
+ end;
+ val map_sel_thms =
+ let
+ fun mk_goal (discA, selA) =
- fun mk_prems assms elem t ctxt =
- (case fastype_of t of
- Type (type_name, xs) =>
- (case bnf_of ctxt type_name of
- NONE => ([], ctxt)
- | SOME bnf =>
- apfst flat (fold_map (fn set => fn ctxt =>
- let
- val X = HOLogic.dest_setT (range_type (fastype_of set));
- val new_var = not (X = fastype_of elem);
- val (x, ctxt') =
- if new_var then yield_singleton (mk_Frees "x") X ctxt
- else (elem, ctxt);
- in
- mk_prems (mk_Trueprop_mem (x, set $ t) :: assms) elem x ctxt'
- |>> map (if new_var then Logic.all x else I)
- end) (map (mk_set xs) (sets_of_bnf bnf)) ctxt))
- | T => rpair ctxt
- (if T = fastype_of elem then [fold (curry Logic.mk_implies) assms thesis]
- else []));
+ val prem = Term.betapply (discA, ta);
+ val selB = mk_disc_or_sel Bs selA;
+ val lhs = selB $ (Term.list_comb (map_term, fs) $ ta);
+ val lhsT = fastype_of lhs;
+ val map_rhsT =
+ map_atyps (perhaps (AList.lookup (op =) (map swap live_AsBs))) lhsT;
+ val map_rhs = build_map lthy []
+ (the o (AList.lookup (op =) (live_AsBs ~~ fs))) (map_rhsT, lhsT);
+ val rhs = (case map_rhs of
+ Const (@{const_name id}, _) => selA $ ta
+ | _ => map_rhs $ (selA $ ta));
+ val concl = mk_Trueprop_eq (lhs, rhs);
- split_list (map (fn set =>
- let
- val A = HOLogic.dest_setT (range_type (fastype_of set));
- val (elem, names_lthy) = yield_singleton (mk_Frees "e") A names_lthy;
- val premss =
- map (fn ctr =>
- let
- val (args, names_lthy) =
- mk_Frees "z" (binder_types (fastype_of ctr)) names_lthy;
- in
- flat (zipper_map (fn (prev_args, arg, next_args) =>
- let
- val (args_with_elem, args_without_elem) =
- if fastype_of arg = A then
- (prev_args @ [elem] @ next_args, prev_args @ next_args)
- else
- `I (prev_args @ [arg] @ next_args);
- in
- mk_prems
- [mk_Trueprop_eq (ta, Term.list_comb (ctr, args_with_elem))]
- elem arg names_lthy
- |> fst
- |> map (fold_rev Logic.all args_without_elem)
- end) args)
- end) ctrAs;
- val goal = Logic.mk_implies (mk_Trueprop_mem (elem, set $ ta), thesis);
- val thm =
- Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] (flat premss) goal
- (fn {context = ctxt, prems} =>
- mk_set_cases_tac ctxt (certify ctxt ta) prems exhaust set_thms)
- |> singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
- |> Thm.close_derivation
- |> rotate_prems ~1;
- val consumes_attr = Attrib.internal (K (Rule_Cases.consumes 1));
- val cases_set_attr =
- Attrib.internal (K (Induct.cases_pred (name_of_set set)));
- in
- (* TODO: @{attributes [elim?]} *)
- (thm, [consumes_attr, cases_set_attr])
- end) setAs)
+ if is_refl_bool prem then concl
+ else Logic.mk_implies (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop prem, concl)
- val set_intros_thms =
+ val goals = map mk_goal discAs_selAss;
+ in
+ if null goals then
+ []
+ else
+ Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
+ (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
+ mk_map_sel_tac ctxt (certify ctxt ta) exhaust (flat disc_thmss) map_thms
+ (flat sel_thmss))
+ |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
+ |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
+ |> map Thm.close_derivation
+ end;
+ val set_sel_thms =
+ let
+ fun mk_goal discA selA setA ctxt =
- fun mk_goals A setA ctr_args t ctxt =
+ val prem = Term.betapply (discA, ta);
+ val sel_rangeT = range_type (fastype_of selA);
+ val A = HOLogic.dest_setT (range_type (fastype_of setA));
+ fun travese_nested_types t ctxt =
(case fastype_of t of
Type (type_name, innerTs) =>
(case bnf_of ctxt type_name of
NONE => ([], ctxt)
| SOME bnf =>
- apfst flat (fold_map (fn set => fn ctxt =>
- let
- val X = HOLogic.dest_setT (range_type (fastype_of set));
- val (x, ctxt') = yield_singleton (mk_Frees "x") X ctxt;
- val assm = mk_Trueprop_mem (x, set $ t);
- in
- apfst (map (Logic.mk_implies o pair assm))
- (mk_goals A setA ctr_args x ctxt')
- end) (map (mk_set innerTs) (sets_of_bnf bnf)) ctxt))
+ let
+ fun seq_assm a set ctxt =
+ let
+ val T = HOLogic.dest_setT (range_type (fastype_of set));
+ val (x, ctxt') = yield_singleton (mk_Frees "x") T ctxt;
+ val assm = mk_Trueprop_mem (x, set $ a);
+ in
+ travese_nested_types x ctxt'
+ |>> map (Logic.mk_implies o pair assm)
+ end;
+ in
+ fold_map (seq_assm t o mk_set innerTs) (sets_of_bnf bnf) ctxt
+ |>> flat
+ end)
| T =>
- (if T = A then [mk_Trueprop_mem (t, setA $ ctr_args)] else [], ctxt));
+ if T = A then ([mk_Trueprop_mem (t, setA $ ta)], ctxt) else ([], ctxt));
- val (goals, names_lthy) =
- apfst flat (fold_map (fn set => fn ctxt =>
- let
- val A = HOLogic.dest_setT (range_type (fastype_of set));
- in
- apfst flat (fold_map (fn ctr => fn ctxt =>
- let
- val (args, ctxt') =
- mk_Frees "arg" (binder_types (fastype_of ctr)) ctxt;
- val ctr_args = Term.list_comb (ctr, args);
- in
- apfst flat (fold_map (mk_goals A set ctr_args) args ctxt')
- end) ctrAs ctxt)
- end) setAs lthy);
- in
- if null goals then []
- else
- Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
- (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => mk_set_intros_tac ctxt set0_thms)
- |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
- |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
- |> map Thm.close_derivation
- end;
- val rel_sel_thms =
- let
- val selBss = map (map (mk_disc_or_sel Bs)) selss;
- val n = length discAs;
- fun mk_rhs n k discA selAs discB selBs =
- (if k = n then [] else [HOLogic.mk_eq (discA $ ta, discB $ tb)]) @
- (case (selAs, selBs) of
- ([], []) => []
- | (_ :: _, _ :: _) => [Library.foldr HOLogic.mk_imp
- (if n = 1 then [] else [discA $ ta, discB $ tb],
- Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj (map2 (build_rel_app names_lthy Rs [])
- (map (rapp ta) selAs) (map (rapp tb) selBs)))]);
- val goals = if n = 0 then []
- else [mk_Trueprop_eq
- (build_rel_app names_lthy Rs [] ta tb,
- Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
- (flat (map5 (mk_rhs n) (1 upto n) discAs selAss discBs selBss)))];
+ val (concls, ctxt') =
+ if sel_rangeT = A then ([mk_Trueprop_mem (selA $ ta, setA $ ta)], ctxt)
+ else travese_nested_types (selA $ ta) ctxt;
- if null goals then
- []
- else
- Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
- (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
- mk_rel_sel_tac ctxt (certify ctxt ta) (certify ctxt tb) exhaust
- (flat disc_thmss) (flat sel_thmss) rel_inject_thms distincts
- rel_distinct_thms)
- |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
- |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
- |> map Thm.close_derivation
- end;
- val (rel_cases_thm, rel_cases_attrs) =
- let
- val rel_Rs_a_b = list_comb (relAsBs, Rs) $ ta $ tb;
- val ctrBs = map (mk_ctr Bs) ctrs;
- fun mk_assms ctrA ctrB ctxt =
- let
- val argA_Ts = binder_types (fastype_of ctrA);
- val argB_Ts = binder_types (fastype_of ctrB);
- val ((argAs, argBs), names_ctxt) = ctxt
- |> mk_Frees "x" argA_Ts
- ||>> mk_Frees "y" argB_Ts;
- val ctrA_args = list_comb (ctrA, argAs);
- val ctrB_args = list_comb (ctrB, argBs);
- in
- (fold_rev Logic.all (argAs @ argBs) (Logic.list_implies
- (mk_Trueprop_eq (ta, ctrA_args) ::
- mk_Trueprop_eq (tb, ctrB_args) ::
- map2 (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop oo build_rel_app lthy Rs [])
- argAs argBs,
- thesis)),
- names_ctxt)
- end;
- val (assms, names_lthy) = fold_map2 mk_assms ctrAs ctrBs names_lthy;
- val goal =
- Logic.list_implies (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop rel_Rs_a_b :: assms, thesis);
- val thm =
- Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
- (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
- mk_rel_cases_tac ctxt (certify ctxt ta) (certify ctxt tb) exhaust
- injects rel_inject_thms distincts rel_distinct_thms
- (map rel_eq_of_bnf live_nesting_bnfs))
- |> singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
- |> Thm.close_derivation;
- val ctr_names = quasi_unambiguous_case_names ((map name_of_ctr) ctrAs);
- val case_names_attr = Attrib.internal (K (Rule_Cases.case_names ctr_names));
- val consumes_attr = Attrib.internal (K (Rule_Cases.consumes 1));
- val cases_pred_attr = Attrib.internal o K o Induct.cases_pred;
- in
- (thm, [consumes_attr, case_names_attr, cases_pred_attr ""])
- end;
- val case_transfer_thms =
- let
- val (R, names_lthy) =
- yield_singleton (mk_Frees "R") (mk_pred2T C1 E1) names_lthy;
- val caseA = mk_case As C1 casex;
- val caseB = mk_case Bs E1 casex;
- val goal = mk_parametricity_goal names_lthy (R :: Rs) caseA caseB;
- in
- Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
- (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
- mk_case_transfer_tac ctxt rel_cases_thm case_thms)
- |> singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
- |> Thm.close_derivation
- end;
- val disc_transfer_thms =
- let
- val goals = map2 (mk_parametricity_goal names_lthy Rs) discAs discBs;
- in
- if null goals then []
+ if exists_subtype_in [A] sel_rangeT then
+ if is_refl_bool prem then
+ (concls, ctxt')
+ else
+ (map (Logic.mk_implies o pair (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop prem)) concls, ctxt')
- Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
- (K (mk_disc_transfer_tac (the_single rel_sel_thms)
- (the_single exhaust_discs) (flat (flat distinct_discsss))))
- |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
- |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
- |> map Thm.close_derivation
- end;
- val map_disc_iff_thms =
- let
- val discsB = map (mk_disc_or_sel Bs) discs;
- val discsA_t = map (fn disc1 => Term.betapply (disc1, ta)) discAs;
- fun mk_goal (discA_t, discB) =
- if head_of discA_t aconv HOLogic.Not orelse is_refl_bool discA_t then
- else
- SOME (mk_Trueprop_eq
- (betapply (discB, (Term.list_comb (map_term, fs) $ ta)), discA_t));
- val goals = map_filter mk_goal (discsA_t ~~ discsB);
- in
- if null goals then
- []
- else
- Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
- (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
- mk_map_disc_iff_tac ctxt (certify ctxt ta) exhaust (flat disc_thmss)
- map_thms)
- |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
- |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
- |> map Thm.close_derivation
- end;
- val map_sel_thms =
- let
- fun mk_goal (discA, selA) =
- let
- val prem = Term.betapply (discA, ta);
- val selB = mk_disc_or_sel Bs selA;
- val lhs = selB $ (Term.list_comb (map_term, fs) $ ta);
- val lhsT = fastype_of lhs;
- val map_rhsT =
- map_atyps (perhaps (AList.lookup (op =) (map swap live_AsBs))) lhsT;
- val map_rhs = build_map lthy []
- (the o (AList.lookup (op =) (live_AsBs ~~ fs))) (map_rhsT, lhsT);
- val rhs = (case map_rhs of
- Const (@{const_name id}, _) => selA $ ta
- | _ => map_rhs $ (selA $ ta));
- val concl = mk_Trueprop_eq (lhs, rhs);
- in
- if is_refl_bool prem then concl
- else Logic.mk_implies (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop prem, concl)
- end;
- val goals = map mk_goal discAs_selAss;
- in
- if null goals then
- []
- else
- Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
- (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
- mk_map_sel_tac ctxt (certify ctxt ta) exhaust (flat disc_thmss)
- map_thms (flat sel_thmss))
- |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
- |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
- |> map Thm.close_derivation
+ ([], ctxt)
- val set_sel_thms =
- let
- fun mk_goal discA selA setA ctxt =
- let
- val prem = Term.betapply (discA, ta);
- val sel_rangeT = range_type (fastype_of selA);
- val A = HOLogic.dest_setT (range_type (fastype_of setA));
- fun travese_nested_types t ctxt =
- (case fastype_of t of
- Type (type_name, innerTs) =>
- (case bnf_of ctxt type_name of
- NONE => ([], ctxt)
- | SOME bnf =>
- let
- fun seq_assm a set ctxt =
- let
- val X = HOLogic.dest_setT (range_type (fastype_of set));
- val (x, ctxt') = yield_singleton (mk_Frees "x") X ctxt;
- val assm = mk_Trueprop_mem (x, set $ a);
- in
- travese_nested_types x ctxt'
- |>> map (Logic.mk_implies o pair assm)
- end;
- in
- fold_map (seq_assm t o mk_set innerTs) (sets_of_bnf bnf) ctxt
- |>> flat
- end)
- | T =>
- if T = A then
- ([mk_Trueprop_mem (t, setA $ ta)], ctxt)
- else
- ([], ctxt));
- val (concls, ctxt') =
- if sel_rangeT = A then
- ([mk_Trueprop_mem (selA $ ta, setA $ ta)], ctxt)
- else
- travese_nested_types (selA $ ta) ctxt;
- in
- if exists_subtype_in [A] sel_rangeT then
- if is_refl_bool prem then
- (concls, ctxt')
- else
- (map (Logic.mk_implies o pair (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop prem)) concls,
- ctxt')
- else
- ([], ctxt)
- end;
- val (goals, names_lthy) = apfst (flat o flat) (fold_map (fn (disc, sel) =>
- fold_map (mk_goal disc sel) setAs) discAs_selAss names_lthy);
- in
- if null goals then
- []
- else
- Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
- (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
- mk_set_sel_tac ctxt (certify ctxt ta) exhaust (flat disc_thmss)
- (flat sel_thmss) set0_thms)
- |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
- |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
- |> map Thm.close_derivation
- end;
+ val (goals, names_lthy) = apfst (flat o flat) (fold_map (fn (disc, sel) =>
+ fold_map (mk_goal disc sel) setAs) discAs_selAss names_lthy);
- (map_disc_iff_thms, map_sel_thms, set_sel_thms, rel_sel_thms, set_intros_thms,
- case_transfer_thms, ctr_transfer_thms, disc_transfer_thms,
- (set_cases_thms, set_cases_attrss), (rel_cases_thm, rel_cases_attrs))
+ if null goals then
+ []
+ else
+ Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced goals)
+ (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
+ mk_set_sel_tac ctxt (certify ctxt ta) exhaust (flat disc_thmss)
+ (flat sel_thmss) set0_thms)
+ |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length goals)
+ |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy
+ |> map Thm.close_derivation
val anonymous_notes =
@@ -2076,10 +2049,10 @@
ns abs_inverses abs_inverses I ctr_defss ctr_sugars corecs corec_defs
(Proof_Context.export lthy' no_defs_lthy) lthy;
- fun distinct_prems ctxt th =
+ fun distinct_prems ctxt thm =
Goal.prove (*no sorry*) ctxt [] []
- (th |> Thm.prop_of |> Logic.strip_horn |>> distinct (op aconv) |> Logic.list_implies)
- (fn _ => HEADGOAL (cut_tac th THEN' atac) THEN ALLGOALS eq_assume_tac);
+ (thm |> Thm.prop_of |> Logic.strip_horn |>> distinct (op aconv) |> Logic.list_implies)
+ (fn _ => HEADGOAL (cut_tac thm THEN' atac) THEN ALLGOALS eq_assume_tac);
fun eq_ifIN _ [thm] = thm
| eq_ifIN ctxt (thm :: thms) =