changeset 35444 73f645fdd4ff
child 35445 593c184977a4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_constructors.ML	Wed Feb 24 16:15:03 2010 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+(*  Title:      HOLCF/Tools/domain/domain_constructors.ML
+    Author:     Brian Huffman
+Defines constructor functions for a given domain isomorphism
+and proves related theorems.
+  val add_domain_constructors :
+      string
+      -> typ * (binding * (bool * binding option * typ) list * mixfix) list
+      -> term * term
+      -> thm * thm
+      -> theory
+      -> { con_consts : term list,
+           con_defs : thm list }
+         * theory;
+structure Domain_Constructors :> DOMAIN_CONSTRUCTORS =
+(************************** building types and terms **************************)
+(*** Continuous function space ***)
+(* ->> is taken from holcf_logic.ML *)
+fun mk_cfunT (T, U) = Type(@{type_name "->"}, [T, U]);
+infixr 6 ->>; val (op ->>) = mk_cfunT;
+fun dest_cfunT (Type(@{type_name "->"}, [T, U])) = (T, U)
+  | dest_cfunT T = raise TYPE ("dest_cfunT", [T], []);
+fun capply_const (S, T) =
+  Const(@{const_name Rep_CFun}, (S ->> T) --> (S --> T));
+fun cabs_const (S, T) =
+  Const(@{const_name Abs_CFun}, (S --> T) --> (S ->> T));
+fun mk_cabs t =
+  let val T = Term.fastype_of t
+  in cabs_const (Term.domain_type T, Term.range_type T) $ t end
+(* builds the expression (LAM v. rhs) *)
+fun big_lambda v rhs =
+  cabs_const (Term.fastype_of v, Term.fastype_of rhs) $ Term.lambda v rhs;
+(* builds the expression (LAM v1 v2 .. vn. rhs) *)
+fun big_lambdas [] rhs = rhs
+  | big_lambdas (v::vs) rhs = big_lambda v (big_lambdas vs rhs);
+fun mk_capply (t, u) =
+  let val (S, T) =
+    case Term.fastype_of t of
+        Type(@{type_name "->"}, [S, T]) => (S, T)
+      | _ => raise TERM ("mk_capply " ^ ML_Syntax.print_list ML_Syntax.print_term [t, u], [t, u]);
+  in capply_const (S, T) $ t $ u end;
+infix 9 ` ; val (op `) = mk_capply;
+(*** Product type ***)
+fun mk_tupleT [] = HOLogic.unitT
+  | mk_tupleT [T] = T
+  | mk_tupleT (T :: Ts) = HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, mk_tupleT Ts);
+(* builds the expression (v1,v2,..,vn) *)
+fun mk_tuple [] = HOLogic.unit
+  | mk_tuple (t::[]) = t
+  | mk_tuple (t::ts) = HOLogic.mk_prod (t, mk_tuple ts);
+(* builds the expression (%(v1,v2,..,vn). rhs) *)
+fun lambda_tuple [] rhs = Term.lambda (Free("unit", HOLogic.unitT)) rhs
+  | lambda_tuple (v::[]) rhs = Term.lambda v rhs
+  | lambda_tuple (v::vs) rhs =
+      HOLogic.mk_split (Term.lambda v (lambda_tuple vs rhs));
+(*** Lifted cpo type ***)
+fun mk_upT T = Type(@{type_name "u"}, [T]);
+fun up_const T = Const(@{const_name up}, T ->> mk_upT T);
+fun mk_up t = up_const (Term.fastype_of t) ` t;
+(*** Strict product type ***)
+val oneT = @{typ "one"};
+fun mk_sprodT (T, U) = Type(@{type_name "**"}, [T, U]);
+fun spair_const (T, U) =
+  Const(@{const_name spair}, T ->> U ->> mk_sprodT (T, U));
+(* builds the expression (:t, u:) *)
+fun mk_spair (t, u) =
+  spair_const (Term.fastype_of t, Term.fastype_of u) ` t ` u;
+(* builds the expression (:t1,t2,..,tn:) *)
+fun mk_stuple [] = @{term "ONE"}
+  | mk_stuple (t::[]) = t
+  | mk_stuple (t::ts) = mk_spair (t, mk_stuple ts);
+(*** Strict sum type ***)
+fun mk_ssumT (T, U) = Type(@{type_name "++"}, [T, U]);
+fun dest_ssumT (Type(@{type_name "++"}, [T, U])) = (T, U)
+  | dest_ssumT T = raise TYPE ("dest_ssumT", [T], []);
+fun sinl_const (T, U) = Const(@{const_name sinl}, T ->> mk_ssumT (T, U));
+fun sinr_const (T, U) = Const(@{const_name sinr}, U ->> mk_ssumT (T, U));
+(* builds the list [sinl(t1), sinl(sinr(t2)), ... sinr(...sinr(tn))] *)
+fun mk_sinjects ts =
+  let
+    val Ts = map Term.fastype_of ts;
+    fun combine (t, T) (us, U) =
+      let
+        val v = sinl_const (T, U) ` t;
+        val vs = map (fn u => sinr_const (T, U) ` u) us;
+      in
+        (v::vs, mk_ssumT (T, U))
+      end
+    fun inj [] = error "mk_sinjects: empty list"
+      | inj ((t, T)::[]) = ([t], T)
+      | inj ((t, T)::ts) = combine (t, T) (inj ts);
+  in
+    fst (inj (ts ~~ Ts))
+  end;
+(*** miscellaneous constructions ***)
+val trT = @{typ "tr"};
+val deflT = @{typ "udom alg_defl"};
+fun mapT T =
+  let
+    fun argTs (Type (_, Ts)) = Ts | argTs _ = [];
+    fun auto T = T ->> T;
+  in
+    Library.foldr mk_cfunT (map auto (argTs T), auto T)
+  end;
+val mk_equals = Logic.mk_equals;
+val mk_eq = HOLogic.mk_eq;
+val mk_trp = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop;
+val mk_fst = HOLogic.mk_fst;
+val mk_snd = HOLogic.mk_snd;
+fun mk_cont t =
+  let val T = Term.fastype_of t
+  in Const(@{const_name cont}, T --> HOLogic.boolT) $ t end;
+fun mk_fix t =
+  let val (T, _) = dest_cfunT (Term.fastype_of t)
+  in mk_capply (Const(@{const_name fix}, (T ->> T) ->> T), t) end;
+fun ID_const T = Const (@{const_name ID}, T ->> T);
+fun cfcomp_const (T, U, V) =
+  Const (@{const_name cfcomp}, (U ->> V) ->> (T ->> U) ->> (T ->> V));
+fun mk_cfcomp (f, g) =
+  let
+    val (U, V) = dest_cfunT (Term.fastype_of f);
+    val (T, U') = dest_cfunT (Term.fastype_of g);
+  in
+    if U = U'
+    then mk_capply (mk_capply (cfcomp_const (T, U, V), f), g)
+    else raise TYPE ("mk_cfcomp", [U, U'], [f, g])
+  end;
+fun mk_Rep_of T =
+  Const (@{const_name Rep_of}, Term.itselfT T --> deflT) $ Logic.mk_type T;
+fun coerce_const T = Const (@{const_name coerce}, T);
+fun isodefl_const T =
+  Const (@{const_name isodefl}, (T ->> T) --> deflT --> HOLogic.boolT);
+(* splits a cterm into the right and lefthand sides of equality *)
+fun dest_eqs t = HOLogic.dest_eq (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop t);
+fun mk_eqs (t, u) = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (t, u));
+(*** miscellaneous ***)
+fun declare_consts
+    (decls : (binding * typ * mixfix) list)
+    (thy : theory)
+    : term list * theory =
+  let
+    fun con (b, T, mx) = Const (Sign.full_name thy b, T);
+    val thy = Cont_Consts.add_consts decls thy;
+  in
+    (map con decls, thy)
+  end;
+fun define_consts
+    (specs : (binding * term * mixfix) list)
+    (thy : theory)
+    : (term list * thm list) * theory =
+  let
+    fun mk_decl (b, t, mx) = (b, Term.fastype_of t, mx);
+    val decls = map mk_decl specs;
+    val thy = Cont_Consts.add_consts decls thy;
+    fun mk_const (b, T, mx) = Const (Sign.full_name thy b, T);
+    val consts = map mk_const decls;
+    fun mk_def c (b, t, mx) =
+      (Binding.suffix_name "_def" b, Logic.mk_equals (c, t));
+    val defs = map2 mk_def consts specs;
+    val (def_thms, thy) =
+      PureThy.add_defs false (map Thm.no_attributes defs) thy;
+  in
+    ((consts, def_thms), thy)
+  end;
+(*** argument preprocessing ***)
+type arg = (bool * binding option * typ) * string;
+(******************************* main function ********************************)
+fun add_domain_constructors
+    (dname : string)
+    (lhsT : typ,
+     cons : (binding * (bool * binding option * typ) list * mixfix) list)
+    (rep_const : term, abs_const : term)
+    (rep_iso_thm : thm, abs_iso_thm : thm)
+    (thy : theory) =
+  let
+    (* TODO: re-enable this *)
+    (* val thy = Sign.add_path dname thy; *)
+    (* define constructor functions *)
+    val ((con_consts, con_def_thms), thy) =
+      let
+        fun prep_con (bind, args, mx) =
+          (bind, args ~~ Datatype_Prop.make_tnames (map #3 args), mx);
+        fun var_of ((lazy, sel, T), name) = Free (name, T);
+        fun is_lazy ((lazy, sel, T), name) = lazy;
+        val cons' = map prep_con cons;
+        fun one_arg arg = (if is_lazy arg then mk_up else I) (var_of arg);
+        fun one_con (bind, args, mx) = mk_stuple (map one_arg args);
+        fun mk_abs t = abs_const ` t;
+        val rhss = map mk_abs (mk_sinjects (map one_con cons'));
+        fun mk_def (bind, args, mx) rhs =
+          (bind, big_lambdas (map var_of args) rhs, mx);
+      in
+        define_consts (map2 mk_def cons' rhss) thy
+      end;
+    (* TODO: re-enable this *)
+    (* val thy = Sign.parent_path thy; *)
+    val result =
+      { con_consts = con_consts,
+        con_defs = con_def_thms };
+  in
+    (result, thy)
+  end;