changeset 48975 7f79f94a432c
child 48980 debfa361f648
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Codatatype/Examples/TreeFsetI.thy	Tue Aug 28 17:16:00 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+(*  Title:      Codatatype_Examples/TreeFsetI.thy
+    Author:     Dmitriy Traytel, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Andrei Popescu, TU Muenchen
+    Copyright   2012
+Finitely branching possibly infinite trees, with sets of children.
+header {* Finitely Branching Possibly Infinite Trees, with Sets of Children *}
+theory TreeFsetI
+imports "../Codatatype/Codatatype"
+definition pair_fun (infixr "\<odot>" 50) where
+  "f \<odot> g \<equiv> \<lambda>x. (f x, g x)"
+bnf_codata treeFsetI: 't = "'a \<times> 't fset"
+(* selectors for trees *)
+definition "lab t \<equiv> fst (treeFsetI_unf t)"
+definition "sub t \<equiv> snd (treeFsetI_unf t)"
+lemma unf[simp]: "treeFsetI_unf t = (lab t, sub t)"
+unfolding lab_def sub_def by simp
+lemma coiter_pair_fun_lab: "lab (treeFsetI_coiter (f \<odot> g) t) = f t"
+unfolding lab_def pair_fun_def treeFsetI.coiter treeFsetIBNF_map_def by simp
+lemma coiter_pair_fun_sub: "sub (treeFsetI_coiter (f \<odot> g) t) = map_fset (treeFsetI_coiter (f \<odot> g)) (g t)"
+unfolding sub_def pair_fun_def treeFsetI.coiter treeFsetIBNF_map_def by simp
+(* tree map (contrived example): *)
+definition "tmap f \<equiv> treeFsetI_coiter (f o lab \<odot> sub)"
+lemma tmap_simps1[simp]: "lab (tmap f t) = f (lab t)"
+unfolding tmap_def by (simp add: coiter_pair_fun_lab)
+lemma trev_simps2[simp]: "sub (tmap f t) = map_fset (tmap f) (sub t)"
+unfolding tmap_def by (simp add: coiter_pair_fun_sub)
+lemma treeFsetIBNF_pred[simp]: "treeFsetIBNF_pred R1 R2 a b = (R1 (fst a) (fst b) \<and>
+  (\<forall>t \<in> fset (snd a). (\<exists>u \<in> fset (snd b). R2 t u)) \<and>
+  (\<forall>t \<in> fset (snd b). (\<exists>u \<in> fset (snd a). R2 u t)))"
+apply (cases a)
+apply (cases b)
+apply (simp add: treeFsetIBNF.pred_unfold)
+lemmas treeFsetI_coind = mp[OF treeFsetI.pred_coinduct]
+lemma "tmap (f o g) x = tmap f (tmap g x)"
+by (intro treeFsetI_coind[where phi="%x1 x2. \<exists>x. x1 = tmap (f o g) x \<and> x2 = tmap f (tmap g x)"])
+   force+