changeset 79857 819c28a7280f
parent 78698 1b9388e6eb75
child 79864 fed0a3c60e2b
--- a/src/HOL/Complex_Analysis/Meromorphic.thy	Mon Mar 11 08:46:20 2024 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Complex_Analysis/Meromorphic.thy	Mon Mar 11 15:07:02 2024 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,66 @@
-theory Meromorphic
-  imports Laurent_Convergence Riemann_Mapping
+theory Meromorphic imports
+  "Laurent_Convergence"
+  "HOL-Analysis.Sparse_In"
+(*TODO: move to topological space? *)
+lemma eventually_nhds_conv_at:
+  "eventually P (nhds x) \<longleftrightarrow> eventually P (at x) \<and> P x"
+  unfolding eventually_at_topological eventually_nhds by fast
+(*TODO: to Complex_Singularities? *)
+lemma zorder_uminus [simp]: "zorder (\<lambda>z. -f z) z = zorder f z"
+  using zorder_cmult[of "-1" f] by (simp del: zorder_cmult)
+lemma constant_on_imp_analytic_on:
+  assumes "f constant_on A" "open A"
+  shows "f analytic_on A"
+  by (simp add: analytic_on_open assms
+      constant_on_imp_holomorphic_on)
+(*TODO: could be moved to Laurent_Convergence*)
+subsection \<open>More Laurent expansions\<close>
+lemma has_laurent_expansion_frequently_zero_iff:
+  assumes "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
+  shows   "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z = 0) (at z) \<longleftrightarrow> F = 0"
+  using assms by (simp add: frequently_def has_laurent_expansion_eventually_nonzero_iff)
+lemma has_laurent_expansion_eventually_zero_iff:
+  assumes "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
+  shows   "eventually (\<lambda>z. f z = 0) (at z) \<longleftrightarrow> F = 0"
+  using assms
+  by (metis has_laurent_expansion_frequently_zero_iff has_laurent_expansion_isolated 
+            has_laurent_expansion_not_essential laurent_expansion_def 
+            not_essential_frequently_0_imp_eventually_0 not_essential_has_laurent_expansion)
+lemma has_laurent_expansion_frequently_nonzero_iff:
+  assumes "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
+  shows   "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> 0) (at z) \<longleftrightarrow> F \<noteq> 0"
+  using assms by (metis has_laurent_expansion_eventually_zero_iff not_eventually)
+lemma has_laurent_expansion_sum_list [laurent_expansion_intros]:
+  assumes "\<And>x. x \<in> set xs \<Longrightarrow> f x has_laurent_expansion F x"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>y. \<Sum>x\<leftarrow>xs. f x y) has_laurent_expansion (\<Sum>x\<leftarrow>xs. F x)"
+  using assms by (induction xs) (auto intro!: laurent_expansion_intros)
+lemma has_laurent_expansion_prod_list [laurent_expansion_intros]:
+  assumes "\<And>x. x \<in> set xs \<Longrightarrow> f x has_laurent_expansion F x"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>y. \<Prod>x\<leftarrow>xs. f x y) has_laurent_expansion (\<Prod>x\<leftarrow>xs. F x)"
+  using assms by (induction xs) (auto intro!: laurent_expansion_intros)
+lemma has_laurent_expansion_sum_mset [laurent_expansion_intros]:
+  assumes "\<And>x. x \<in># I \<Longrightarrow> f x has_laurent_expansion F x"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>y. \<Sum>x\<in>#I. f x y) has_laurent_expansion (\<Sum>x\<in>#I. F x)"
+  using assms by (induction I) (auto intro!: laurent_expansion_intros)
+lemma has_laurent_expansion_prod_mset [laurent_expansion_intros]:
+  assumes "\<And>x. x \<in># I \<Longrightarrow> f x has_laurent_expansion F x"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>y. \<Prod>x\<in>#I. f x y) has_laurent_expansion (\<Prod>x\<in>#I. F x)"
+  using assms by (induction I) (auto intro!: laurent_expansion_intros)
+subsection \<open>Remove singular points: remove_sings\<close>
 definition remove_sings :: "(complex \<Rightarrow> complex) \<Rightarrow> complex \<Rightarrow> complex" where
   "remove_sings f z = (if \<exists>c. f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> c then Lim (at z) f else 0)"
@@ -32,7 +91,7 @@
   have "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<in> ball z r - {z}) (at z)"
     using r by (intro eventually_at_in_open) auto
   thus ?thesis
-    by eventually_elim (auto simp: remove_sings_at_analytic *)
+    by eventually_elim (auto simp: remove_sings_at_analytic * )
 lemma eventually_remove_sings_eq_nhds:
@@ -216,2101 +275,1018 @@
   assumes "not_essential f w"
   shows "remove_sings f w = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> is_pole f w \<or> f \<midarrow>w\<rightarrow> 0"
 proof (cases "is_pole f w")
-  case True
-  then show ?thesis by simp
   case False
   then obtain c where c:"f \<midarrow>w\<rightarrow> c"
     using \<open>not_essential f w\<close> unfolding not_essential_def by auto
   then show ?thesis 
     using False remove_sings_eqI by auto
-definition meromorphic_on:: "[complex \<Rightarrow> complex, complex set, complex set] \<Rightarrow> bool" 
-  ("_ (meromorphic'_on) _ _" [50,50,50]50) where 
-  "f meromorphic_on D pts \<equiv> 
-     open D \<and> pts \<subseteq> D \<and> (\<forall>z\<in>pts. isolated_singularity_at f z \<and> not_essential f z) \<and>
-     (\<forall>z\<in>D. \<not>(z islimpt pts)) \<and> (f holomorphic_on D-pts)"
+qed simp
-lemma meromorphic_imp_holomorphic: "f meromorphic_on D pts \<Longrightarrow> f holomorphic_on (D - pts)"
-  unfolding meromorphic_on_def by auto
-lemma meromorphic_imp_closedin_pts:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on D pts"
-  shows "closedin (top_of_set D) pts"
-  by (meson assms closedin_limpt meromorphic_on_def)
+subsection \<open>Meromorphicity\<close>
-lemma meromorphic_imp_open_diff':
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on D pts" "pts' \<subseteq> pts"
-  shows "open (D - pts')"
-proof -
-  have "D - pts' = D - closure pts'"
-  proof safe
-    fix x assume x: "x \<in> D" "x \<in> closure pts'" "x \<notin> pts'"
-    hence "x islimpt pts'"
-      by (subst islimpt_in_closure) auto
-    hence "x islimpt pts"
-      by (rule islimpt_subset) fact
-    with assms x show False
-      by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  qed (use closure_subset in auto)
-  then show ?thesis
-    using assms meromorphic_on_def by auto
+definition meromorphic_on :: "(complex \<Rightarrow> complex) \<Rightarrow> complex set \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  (infixl "(meromorphic'_on)" 50) where
+  "f meromorphic_on A \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>z\<in>A. \<exists>F. (\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F)"
-lemma meromorphic_imp_open_diff: "f meromorphic_on D pts \<Longrightarrow> open (D - pts)"
-  by (erule meromorphic_imp_open_diff') auto
-lemma meromorphic_pole_subset:
-  assumes merf: "f meromorphic_on D pts" 
-  shows "{x\<in>D. is_pole f x} \<subseteq> pts"
-  by (smt (verit) Diff_iff assms mem_Collect_eq meromorphic_imp_open_diff 
-      meromorphic_on_def not_is_pole_holomorphic subsetI)
+lemma meromorphic_at_iff: "f meromorphic_on {z} \<longleftrightarrow> isolated_singularity_at f z \<and> not_essential f z"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (metis has_laurent_expansion_isolated has_laurent_expansion_not_essential
+            insertI1 singletonD not_essential_has_laurent_expansion)
 named_theorems meromorphic_intros
-lemma meromorphic_on_subset:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "open B" "B \<subseteq> A" "pts' = pts \<inter> B"
-  shows   "f meromorphic_on B pts'"
-  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
-proof (intro ballI conjI)
-  fix z assume "z \<in> B"
-  show "\<not>z islimpt pts'"
-  proof
-    assume "z islimpt pts'"
-    hence "z islimpt pts"
-      by (rule islimpt_subset) (use \<open>pts' = _\<close> in auto)
-    thus False using \<open>z \<in> B\<close> \<open>B \<subseteq> A\<close> assms(1)
-      by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  qed
-qed (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
+lemma meromorphic_on_empty [simp, intro]: "f meromorphic_on {}"
+  by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
+lemma meromorphic_on_def':
+  "f meromorphic_on A \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>z\<in>A. (\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion laurent_expansion f z)"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def using laurent_expansion_eqI by blast
+lemma meromorphic_on_meromorphic_at: "f meromorphic_on A \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>x\<in>A. f meromorphic_on {x})"
+  by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-lemma meromorphic_on_superset_pts:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "pts \<subseteq> pts'" "pts' \<subseteq> A" "\<forall>x\<in>A. \<not>x islimpt pts'"
-  shows   "f meromorphic_on A pts'"
-  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
-proof (intro conjI ballI impI)
-  fix z assume "z \<in> pts'"
-  from assms(1) have holo: "f holomorphic_on A - pts" and "open A"
-    unfolding meromorphic_on_def by blast+
-  have "open (A - pts)"
-    by (intro meromorphic_imp_open_diff[OF assms(1)])
+lemma meromorphic_on_altdef:
+  "f meromorphic_on A \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>z\<in>A. isolated_singularity_at f z \<and> not_essential f z)"
+  by (subst meromorphic_on_meromorphic_at) (auto simp: meromorphic_at_iff)
-  show "isolated_singularity_at f z"
-  proof (cases "z \<in> pts")
-    case False
-    thus ?thesis
-      using \<open>open (A - pts)\<close> assms \<open>z \<in> pts'\<close>
-      by (intro isolated_singularity_at_holomorphic[of _ "A - pts"] holomorphic_on_subset[OF holo])
-         auto
-  qed (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
+lemma meromorphic_on_cong:
+  assumes "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> eventually (\<lambda>w. f w = g w) (at z)" "A = B"
+  shows   "f meromorphic_on A \<longleftrightarrow> g meromorphic_on B"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def using assms
+  by (intro ball_cong refl arg_cong[of _ _ Ex] has_laurent_expansion_cong ext)
+     (simp_all add: at_to_0' eventually_filtermap add_ac)
-  show "not_essential f z"
-  proof (cases "z \<in> pts")
-    case False
-    thus ?thesis
-      using \<open>open (A - pts)\<close> assms \<open>z \<in> pts'\<close>
-      by (intro not_essential_holomorphic[of _ "A - pts"] holomorphic_on_subset[OF holo])
-         auto
-  qed (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
-qed (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
-lemma meromorphic_on_no_singularities: "f meromorphic_on A {} \<longleftrightarrow> f holomorphic_on A \<and> open A"
+lemma meromorphic_on_subset: "f meromorphic_on A \<Longrightarrow> B \<subseteq> A \<Longrightarrow> f meromorphic_on B"
   by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-lemma holomorphic_on_imp_meromorphic_on:
-  "f holomorphic_on A \<Longrightarrow> pts \<subseteq> A \<Longrightarrow> open A \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>x\<in>A. \<not>x islimpt pts \<Longrightarrow> f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  by (rule meromorphic_on_superset_pts[where pts = "{}"])
-     (auto simp: meromorphic_on_no_singularities)
-lemma meromorphic_on_const [meromorphic_intros]: 
-  assumes "open A" "\<forall>x\<in>A. \<not>x islimpt pts" "pts \<subseteq> A"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>_. c) meromorphic_on A pts"
-  by (rule holomorphic_on_imp_meromorphic_on) (use assms in auto)
-lemma meromorphic_on_ident [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "open A" "\<forall>x\<in>A. \<not>x islimpt pts" "pts \<subseteq> A"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>x. x) meromorphic_on A pts"
-  by (rule holomorphic_on_imp_meromorphic_on) (use assms in auto)
-lemma meromorphic_on_id [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "open A" "\<forall>x\<in>A. \<not>x islimpt pts" "pts \<subseteq> A"
-  shows   "id meromorphic_on A pts"
-  using meromorphic_on_ident assms unfolding id_def .
-lemma not_essential_add [singularity_intros]:
-  assumes f_ness: "not_essential f z" and g_ness: "not_essential g z"
-  assumes f_iso: "isolated_singularity_at f z" and g_iso: "isolated_singularity_at g z"
-  shows "not_essential (\<lambda>w. f w + g w) z"
-proof -
-  have "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w) + g (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion laurent_expansion f z + laurent_expansion g z"
-    by (intro not_essential_has_laurent_expansion laurent_expansion_intros assms)
-  hence "not_essential (\<lambda>w. f (z + w) + g (z + w)) 0"
-    using has_laurent_expansion_not_essential_0 by blast
-  thus ?thesis
-    by (simp add: not_essential_shift_0)
-lemma meromorphic_on_uminus [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. -f z) meromorphic_on A pts"
-  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
-  by (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def intro!: holomorphic_intros singularity_intros\<close>)
-lemma meromorphic_on_add [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "g meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. f z + g z) meromorphic_on A pts"
-  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
-  by (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def intro!: holomorphic_intros singularity_intros\<close>)
+lemma meromorphic_on_Un:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A" "f meromorphic_on B"
+  shows   "f meromorphic_on (A \<union> B)"
+  using assms unfolding meromorphic_on_def by blast
-lemma meromorphic_on_add':
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts1" "g meromorphic_on A pts2"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. f z + g z) meromorphic_on A (pts1 \<union> pts2)"
-proof (rule meromorphic_intros)
-  show "f meromorphic_on A (pts1 \<union> pts2)"
-    by (rule meromorphic_on_superset_pts[OF assms(1)])
-       (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def islimpt_Un\<close>)
-  show "g meromorphic_on A (pts1 \<union> pts2)"
-    by (rule meromorphic_on_superset_pts[OF assms(2)])
-       (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def islimpt_Un\<close>)
-lemma meromorphic_on_add_const [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" 
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. f z + c) meromorphic_on A pts"
-  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
-  by (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def intro!: holomorphic_intros singularity_intros\<close>)
-lemma meromorphic_on_minus_const [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" 
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. f z - c) meromorphic_on A pts"
-  using meromorphic_on_add_const[OF assms,of "-c"] by simp
-lemma meromorphic_on_diff [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "g meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. f z - g z) meromorphic_on A pts"
-  using meromorphic_on_add[OF assms(1) meromorphic_on_uminus[OF assms(2)]] by simp
-lemma meromorphic_on_diff':
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts1" "g meromorphic_on A pts2"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. f z - g z) meromorphic_on A (pts1 \<union> pts2)"
-proof (rule meromorphic_intros)
-  show "f meromorphic_on A (pts1 \<union> pts2)"
-    by (rule meromorphic_on_superset_pts[OF assms(1)])
-       (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def islimpt_Un\<close>)
-  show "g meromorphic_on A (pts1 \<union> pts2)"
-    by (rule meromorphic_on_superset_pts[OF assms(2)])
-       (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def islimpt_Un\<close>)
-lemma meromorphic_on_mult [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "g meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. f z * g z) meromorphic_on A pts"
-  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
-  by (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def intro!: holomorphic_intros singularity_intros\<close>)
-lemma meromorphic_on_mult':
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts1" "g meromorphic_on A pts2"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. f z * g z) meromorphic_on A (pts1 \<union> pts2)"
-proof (rule meromorphic_intros)
-  show "f meromorphic_on A (pts1 \<union> pts2)"
-    by (rule meromorphic_on_superset_pts[OF assms(1)])
-       (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def islimpt_Un\<close>)
-  show "g meromorphic_on A (pts1 \<union> pts2)"
-    by (rule meromorphic_on_superset_pts[OF assms(2)])
-       (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def islimpt_Un\<close>)
+lemma meromorphic_on_Union:
+  assumes "\<And>A. A \<in> B \<Longrightarrow> f meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "f meromorphic_on (\<Union>B)"
+  using assms unfolding meromorphic_on_def by blast
-lemma meromorphic_on_imp_not_essential:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "z \<in> A"
-  shows   "not_essential f z"
-proof (cases "z \<in> pts")
-  case False
-  thus ?thesis
-    using not_essential_holomorphic[of f "A - pts" z] meromorphic_imp_open_diff[OF assms(1)] assms
-    by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-qed (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
-lemma meromorphic_imp_analytic: "f meromorphic_on D pts \<Longrightarrow> f analytic_on (D - pts)"
-  unfolding meromorphic_on_def 
-  apply (subst analytic_on_open)
-  using meromorphic_imp_open_diff meromorphic_on_id apply blast
-  apply auto
-  done
-lemma not_islimpt_isolated_zeros:
-  assumes mero: "f meromorphic_on A pts" and "z \<in> A"
-  shows "\<not>z islimpt {w\<in>A. isolated_zero f w}"
-  assume islimpt: "z islimpt {w\<in>A. isolated_zero f w}"
-  have holo: "f holomorphic_on A - pts" and "open A"
-    using assms by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  have open': "open (A - (pts - {z}))"
-    by (intro meromorphic_imp_open_diff'[OF mero]) auto
-  then obtain r where r: "r > 0" "ball z r \<subseteq> A - (pts - {z})"
-    using meromorphic_imp_open_diff[OF mero] \<open>z \<in> A\<close> openE by blast
-  have "not_essential f z"
-    using assms by (rule meromorphic_on_imp_not_essential)
-  then consider c where "f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> c" | "is_pole f z"
-    unfolding not_essential_def by blast
-  thus False
-  proof cases
-    assume "is_pole f z"
-    hence "eventually (\<lambda>w. f w \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
-      by (rule non_zero_neighbour_pole)
-    hence "\<not>z islimpt {w. f w = 0}"
-      by (simp add: islimpt_conv_frequently_at frequently_def)
-    moreover have "z islimpt {w. f w = 0}"
-      using islimpt by (rule islimpt_subset) (auto simp: isolated_zero_def)
-    ultimately show False by contradiction
-  next
-    fix c assume c: "f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> c"
-    define g where "g = (\<lambda>w. if w = z then c else f w)"
-    have holo': "g holomorphic_on A - (pts - {z})" unfolding g_def
-      by (intro removable_singularity holomorphic_on_subset[OF holo] open' c) auto
+lemma meromorphic_on_UN:
+  assumes "\<And>x. x \<in> X \<Longrightarrow> f meromorphic_on (A x)"
+  shows   "f meromorphic_on (\<Union>x\<in>X. A x)"
+  using assms unfolding meromorphic_on_def by blast
-    have eq_zero: "g w = 0" if "w \<in> ball z r" for w
-    proof (rule analytic_continuation[where f = g])
-      show "open (ball z r)" "connected (ball z r)" "{w\<in>ball z r. isolated_zero f w} \<subseteq> ball z r"
-        by auto
-      have "z islimpt {w\<in>A. isolated_zero f w} \<inter> ball z r"
-        using islimpt \<open>r > 0\<close> by (intro islimpt_Int_eventually eventually_at_in_open') auto
-      also have "\<dots> = {w\<in>ball z r. isolated_zero f w}"
-        using r by auto
-      finally show "z islimpt {w\<in>ball z r. isolated_zero f w}"
-        by simp
-    next
-      fix w assume w: "w \<in> {w\<in>ball z r. isolated_zero f w}"
-      show "g w = 0"
-      proof (cases "w = z")
-        case False
-        thus ?thesis using w by (auto simp: g_def isolated_zero_def)
-      next
-        case True
-        have "z islimpt {z. f z = 0}"
-          using islimpt by (rule islimpt_subset) (auto simp: isolated_zero_def)
-        thus ?thesis
-          using w by (simp add: isolated_zero_altdef True)
-      qed
-    qed (use r that in \<open>auto intro!: holomorphic_on_subset[OF holo'] simp: isolated_zero_def\<close>)
-    have "infinite ({w\<in>A. isolated_zero f w} \<inter> ball z r)"
-      using islimpt \<open>r > 0\<close> unfolding islimpt_eq_infinite_ball by blast
-    hence "{w\<in>A. isolated_zero f w} \<inter> ball z r \<noteq> {}"
-      by force
-    then obtain z0 where z0: "z0 \<in> A" "isolated_zero f z0" "z0 \<in> ball z r"
-      by blast
-    have "\<forall>\<^sub>F y in at z0. y \<in> ball z r - (if z = z0 then {} else {z}) - {z0}"
-      using r z0 by (intro eventually_at_in_open) auto
-    hence "eventually (\<lambda>w. f w = 0) (at z0)"
-    proof eventually_elim
-      case (elim w)
-      show ?case
-        using eq_zero[of w] elim by (auto simp: g_def split: if_splits)
-    qed
-    hence "eventually (\<lambda>w. f w = 0) (at z0)"
-      by (auto simp: g_def eventually_at_filter elim!: eventually_mono split: if_splits)
-    moreover from z0 have "eventually (\<lambda>w. f w \<noteq> 0) (at z0)"
-      by (simp add: isolated_zero_def)
-    ultimately have "eventually (\<lambda>_. False) (at z0)"
-      by eventually_elim auto
-    thus False
-      by simp
-  qed
-lemma closedin_isolated_zeros:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "closedin (top_of_set A) {z\<in>A. isolated_zero f z}"
-  unfolding closedin_limpt using not_islimpt_isolated_zeros[OF assms] by auto
+lemma meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A" "z \<in> A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion laurent_expansion f z"
+  using assms laurent_expansion_eqI unfolding meromorphic_on_def by blast
-lemma meromorphic_on_deriv':
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "open A"
-  assumes "\<And>x. x \<in> A - pts \<Longrightarrow> (f has_field_derivative f' x) (at x)"
-  shows   "f' meromorphic_on A pts"
-  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
-proof (intro conjI ballI)
-  have "open (A - pts)"
-    by (intro meromorphic_imp_open_diff[OF assms(1)])
-  thus "f' holomorphic_on A - pts"
-    by (rule derivative_is_holomorphic) (use assms in auto)
-  fix z assume "z \<in> pts"
-  hence "z \<in> A"
-    using assms(1) by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  from \<open>z \<in> pts\<close> obtain r where r: "r > 0" "f analytic_on ball z r - {z}"
-    using assms(1) by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def isolated_singularity_at_def)
-  have "open (ball z r \<inter> (A - (pts - {z})))"
-    by (intro open_Int assms meromorphic_imp_open_diff'[OF assms(1)]) auto
-  then obtain r' where r': "r' > 0" "ball z r' \<subseteq> ball z r \<inter> (A - (pts - {z}))"
-    using r \<open>z \<in> A\<close> by (subst (asm) open_contains_ball) fastforce
-  have "open (ball z r' - {z})"
-    by auto
-  hence "f' holomorphic_on ball z r' - {z}"
-    by (rule derivative_is_holomorphic[of _ f]) (use r' in \<open>auto intro!: assms(3)\<close>)
-  moreover have "open (ball z r' - {z})"
-    by auto
-  ultimately show "isolated_singularity_at f' z"
-    unfolding isolated_singularity_at_def using \<open>r' > 0\<close>
-    by (auto simp: analytic_on_open intro!: exI[of _ r'])
-  fix z assume z: "z \<in> pts"
-  hence z': "not_essential f z" "z \<in> A"
-    using assms by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  from z'(1) show "not_essential f' z"
-  proof (rule not_essential_deriv')
-    show "z \<in> A - (pts - {z})"
-      using \<open>z \<in> A\<close> by blast
-    show "open (A - (pts - {z}))"
-      by (intro meromorphic_imp_open_diff'[OF assms(1)]) auto
-  qed (use assms in auto)
-qed (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
-lemma meromorphic_on_deriv [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "open A"
-  shows   "deriv f meromorphic_on A pts"
-proof (intro meromorphic_on_deriv'[OF assms(1)])
-  have *: "open (A - pts)"
-    by (intro meromorphic_imp_open_diff[OF assms(1)])
-  show "(f has_field_derivative deriv f x) (at x)" if "x \<in> A - pts" for x
-    using assms(1) by (intro holomorphic_derivI[OF _ * that]) (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-qed fact
-lemma meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "z \<in> A - pts"
-  shows   "f analytic_on {z}"
-  using assms by (metis analytic_at meromorphic_imp_open_diff meromorphic_on_def)
-lemma meromorphic_compact_finite_pts:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on D pts" "compact S" "S \<subseteq> D"
-  shows "finite (S \<inter> pts)"
+lemma meromorphic_on_open_nhd:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  obtains B where "open B" "A \<subseteq> B" "f meromorphic_on B"
 proof -
-  { assume "infinite (S \<inter> pts)"
-    then obtain z where "z \<in> S" and z: "z islimpt (S \<inter> pts)"
-      using assms by (metis compact_eq_Bolzano_Weierstrass inf_le1) 
-    then have False
-        using assms by (meson in_mono inf_le2 islimpt_subset meromorphic_on_def) }
-  then show ?thesis by metis
-lemma meromorphic_imp_countable:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on D pts" 
-  shows "countable pts"
-proof -
-  obtain K :: "nat \<Rightarrow> complex set" where K: "D = (\<Union>n. K n)" "\<And>n. compact (K n)"
-    using assms unfolding meromorphic_on_def by (metis open_Union_compact_subsets)
-  then have "pts = (\<Union>n. K n \<inter> pts)"
-    using assms meromorphic_on_def by auto
-  moreover have "\<And>n. finite (K n \<inter> pts)"
-    by (metis K(1) K(2) UN_I assms image_iff meromorphic_compact_finite_pts rangeI subset_eq)
-  ultimately show ?thesis
-    by (metis countableI_type countable_UN countable_finite)
-lemma meromorphic_imp_connected_diff':
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on D pts" "connected D" "pts' \<subseteq> pts"
-  shows "connected (D - pts')"
-proof (rule connected_open_diff_countable)
-  show "countable pts'"
-    by (rule countable_subset [OF assms(3)]) (use assms(1) in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_imp_countable\<close>)
-qed (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
-lemma meromorphic_imp_connected_diff:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on D pts" "connected D"
-  shows "connected (D - pts)"
-  using meromorphic_imp_connected_diff'[OF assms order.refl] .
-lemma meromorphic_on_compose [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes f: "f meromorphic_on A pts" and g: "g holomorphic_on B"
-  assumes "open B" and "g ` B \<subseteq> A"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>x. f (g x)) meromorphic_on B (isolated_points_of (g -` pts \<inter> B))"
-  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
-proof (intro ballI conjI)
-  fix z assume z: "z \<in> isolated_points_of (g -` pts \<inter> B)"
-  hence z': "z \<in> B" "g z \<in> pts"
-    using isolated_points_of_subset by blast+
-  have g': "g analytic_on {z}"
-    using g z' \<open>open B\<close> analytic_at by blast
+  obtain F where F: "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> (\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F z"
+    using assms unfolding meromorphic_on_def by metis
+  have "\<exists>Z. open Z \<and> z \<in> Z \<and> (\<forall>w\<in>Z-{z}. eval_fls (F z) (w - z) = f w)" if z: "z \<in> A" for z
+  proof -
+    obtain Z where Z: "open Z" "0 \<in> Z" "\<And>w. w \<in> Z - {0} \<Longrightarrow> eval_fls (F z) w = f (z + w)"
+      using F[OF z] unfolding has_laurent_expansion_def eventually_at_topological by blast
+    hence "open ((+) z ` Z)" and "z \<in> (+) z ` Z"
+      using open_translation by auto
+    moreover have "eval_fls (F z) (w - z) = f w" if "w \<in> (+) z ` Z - {z}" for w
+      using Z(3)[of "w - z"] that by auto
+    ultimately show ?thesis by blast
+  qed
+  then obtain Z where Z:
+    "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> open (Z z) \<and> z \<in> Z z \<and> (\<forall>w\<in>Z z-{z}. eval_fls (F z) (w - z) = f w)"
+    by metis
-  show "isolated_singularity_at (\<lambda>x. f (g x)) z"
-    by (rule isolated_singularity_at_compose[OF _ g']) (use f z' in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
-  show "not_essential (\<lambda>x. f (g x)) z"
-    by (rule not_essential_compose[OF _ g']) (use f z' in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
-  fix z assume z: "z \<in> B"
-  hence "g z \<in> A"
-    using assms by auto
-  hence "\<not>g z islimpt pts"
-    using f by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  hence ev: "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<notin> pts) (at (g z))"
-    by (auto simp: islimpt_conv_frequently_at frequently_def)
-  have g': "g analytic_on {z}"
-    by (rule holomorphic_on_imp_analytic_at[OF g]) (use assms z in auto)
-  (* TODO: There's probably a useful lemma somewhere in here to extract... *)
-  have "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<notin> isolated_points_of (g -` pts \<inter> B)) (at z)"
-  proof (cases "isolated_zero (\<lambda>w. g w - g z) z")
-    case True
-    have "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<notin> pts) (at (g z))"
-      using ev by (auto simp: islimpt_conv_frequently_at frequently_def)
-    moreover have "g \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> g z"
-      using analytic_at_imp_isCont[OF g'] isContD by blast
-    hence lim: "filterlim g (at (g z)) (at z)"
-      using True by (auto simp: filterlim_at isolated_zero_def)
-    have "eventually (\<lambda>w. g w \<notin> pts) (at z)"
-      using ev lim by (rule eventually_compose_filterlim)
-    thus ?thesis
-      by eventually_elim (auto simp: isolated_points_of_def)
-  next
-    case False
-    have "eventually (\<lambda>w. g w - g z = 0) (nhds z)"
-      using False by (rule non_isolated_zero) (auto intro!: analytic_intros g')
-    hence "eventually (\<lambda>w. g w = g z \<and> w \<in> B) (nhds z)"
-      using eventually_nhds_in_open[OF \<open>open B\<close> \<open>z \<in> B\<close>]
-      by eventually_elim auto
-    then obtain X where X: "open X" "z \<in> X" "X \<subseteq> B" "\<forall>x\<in>X. g x = g z"
-      unfolding eventually_nhds by blast
-    have "z0 \<notin> isolated_points_of (g -` pts \<inter> B)" if "z0 \<in> X" for z0
-    proof (cases "g z \<in> pts")
-      case False
-      with that have "g z0 \<notin> pts"
-        using X by metis
-      thus ?thesis
-        by (auto simp: isolated_points_of_def)
-    next
-      case True
-      have "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<in> X) (at z0)"
-        by (intro eventually_at_in_open') fact+
-      hence "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<in> g -` pts \<inter> B) (at z0)"
-        by eventually_elim (use X True in fastforce)
-      hence "frequently (\<lambda>w. w \<in> g -` pts \<inter> B) (at z0)"
-        by (meson at_neq_bot eventually_frequently)
-      thus "z0 \<notin> isolated_points_of (g -` pts \<inter> B)"
-        unfolding isolated_points_of_def by (auto simp: frequently_def)
-    qed
-    moreover have "eventually (\<lambda>x. x \<in> X) (at z)"
-      by (intro eventually_at_in_open') fact+
-    ultimately show ?thesis
-      by (auto elim!: eventually_mono)
-  qed
-  thus "\<not>z islimpt isolated_points_of (g -` pts \<inter> B)"
-    by (auto simp: islimpt_conv_frequently_at frequently_def)
-  have "f \<circ> g analytic_on (\<Union>z\<in>B - isolated_points_of (g -` pts \<inter> B). {z})"
-    unfolding analytic_on_UN
-  proof
-    fix z assume z: "z \<in> B - isolated_points_of (g -` pts \<inter> B)"
-    hence "z \<in> B" by blast
-    have g': "g analytic_on {z}"
-      by (rule holomorphic_on_imp_analytic_at[OF g]) (use assms z in auto)
-    show "f \<circ> g analytic_on {z}"
-    proof (cases "g z \<in> pts")
-      case False
-      show ?thesis
-      proof (rule analytic_on_compose)
-        show "f analytic_on g ` {z}" using False z assms
-          by (auto intro!: meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at[OF f])
-      qed fact
-    next
-      case True
-      show ?thesis
-      proof (cases "isolated_zero (\<lambda>w. g w - g z) z")
+  define B where "B = (\<Union>z\<in>A. Z z \<inter> eball z (fls_conv_radius (F z)))"
+  show ?thesis
+  proof (rule that[of B])
+    show "open B"
+      using Z unfolding B_def by auto
+    show "A \<subseteq> B"
+      unfolding B_def using F Z by (auto simp: has_laurent_expansion_def zero_ereal_def)
+    show "f meromorphic_on B"
+      unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+    proof
+      fix z assume z: "z \<in> B"
+      show "\<exists>F. (\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
+      proof (cases "z \<in> A")
+        case True
+        thus ?thesis using F by blast
+      next
         case False
-        hence "eventually (\<lambda>w. g w - g z = 0) (nhds z)"
-          by (rule non_isolated_zero) (auto intro!: analytic_intros g')
-        hence "f \<circ> g analytic_on {z} \<longleftrightarrow> (\<lambda>_. f (g z)) analytic_on {z}"
-          by (intro analytic_at_cong) (auto elim!: eventually_mono)
-        thus ?thesis
-          by simp
-      next
-        case True
-        hence ev: "eventually (\<lambda>w. g w \<noteq> g z) (at z)"
-          by (auto simp: isolated_zero_def)
-        have "\<not>g z islimpt pts"
-          using \<open>g z \<in> pts\<close> f by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-        hence "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<notin> pts) (at (g z))"
-          by (auto simp: islimpt_conv_frequently_at frequently_def)
-        moreover have "g \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> g z"
-          using analytic_at_imp_isCont[OF g'] isContD by blast
-        with ev have "filterlim g (at (g z)) (at z)"
-          by (auto simp: filterlim_at)
-        ultimately have "eventually (\<lambda>w. g w \<notin> pts) (at z)"
-          using eventually_compose_filterlim by blast
-        hence "z \<in> isolated_points_of (g -` pts \<inter> B)"
-          using \<open>g z \<in> pts\<close> \<open>z \<in> B\<close>
-          by (auto simp: isolated_points_of_def elim!: eventually_mono)
-        with z show ?thesis by simp
+        then obtain z0 where z0: "z0 \<in> A" "z \<in> Z z0 - {z0}" "dist z0 z < fls_conv_radius (F z0)"
+          using z False Z unfolding B_def by auto
+        hence "(\<lambda>w. eval_fls (F z0) (w - z0)) analytic_on {z}"
+          by (intro analytic_on_eval_fls' analytic_intros) (auto simp: dist_norm)
+        also have "?this \<longleftrightarrow> f analytic_on {z}"
+        proof (intro analytic_at_cong refl)
+          have "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<in> Z z0 - {z0}) (nhds z)"
+            using Z[of z0] z0 by (intro eventually_nhds_in_open) auto
+          thus "\<forall>\<^sub>F x in nhds z. eval_fls (F z0) (x - z0) = f x"
+            by eventually_elim (use Z[of z0] z0 in auto)
+        qed
+        finally show ?thesis
+          using analytic_at_imp_has_fps_expansion has_fps_expansion_to_laurent by blast
-  also have "\<dots> = B - isolated_points_of (g -` pts \<inter> B)"
-    by blast
-  finally show "(\<lambda>x. f (g x)) holomorphic_on B - isolated_points_of (g -` pts \<inter> B)"
-    unfolding o_def using analytic_imp_holomorphic by blast
-qed (auto simp: isolated_points_of_def \<open>open B\<close>)
-lemma meromorphic_on_compose':
-  assumes f: "f meromorphic_on A pts" and g: "g holomorphic_on B"
-  assumes "open B" and "g ` B \<subseteq> A" and "pts' = (isolated_points_of (g -` pts \<inter> B))"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>x. f (g x)) meromorphic_on B pts'"
-  using meromorphic_on_compose[OF assms(1-4)] assms(5) by simp
-lemma meromorphic_on_inverse': "inverse meromorphic_on UNIV 0"
-  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
-  by (auto intro!: holomorphic_intros singularity_intros not_essential_inverse 
-                   isolated_singularity_at_inverse simp: islimpt_finite)
-lemma meromorphic_on_inverse [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes mero: "f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. inverse (f z)) meromorphic_on A (pts \<union> {z\<in>A. isolated_zero f z})"
-proof -
-  have "open A"
-    using mero by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  have open': "open (A - pts)"
-    by (intro meromorphic_imp_open_diff[OF mero])
-  have holo: "f holomorphic_on A - pts"
-    using assms by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  have ana: "f analytic_on A - pts"
-    using open' holo by (simp add: analytic_on_open)
-  show ?thesis
-    unfolding meromorphic_on_def
-  proof (intro conjI ballI)
-    fix z assume z: "z \<in> pts \<union> {z\<in>A. isolated_zero f z}"
-    have "isolated_singularity_at f z \<and> not_essential f z"
-    proof (cases "z \<in> pts")
-      case False
-      have "f holomorphic_on A - pts - {z}"
-        by (intro holomorphic_on_subset[OF holo]) auto
-      hence "isolated_singularity_at f z"
-        by (rule isolated_singularity_at_holomorphic)
-           (use z False in \<open>auto intro!: meromorphic_imp_open_diff[OF mero]\<close>)
-      moreover have "not_essential f z"
-        using z False
-        by (intro not_essential_holomorphic[OF holo] meromorphic_imp_open_diff[OF mero]) auto
-      ultimately show ?thesis by blast
-    qed (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
-    thus "isolated_singularity_at (\<lambda>z. inverse (f z)) z" "not_essential (\<lambda>z. inverse (f z)) z"
-      by (auto intro!: isolated_singularity_at_inverse not_essential_inverse)
-  next
-    fix z assume "z \<in> A"
-    hence "\<not> z islimpt {z\<in>A. isolated_zero f z}"
-      by (rule not_islimpt_isolated_zeros[OF mero])
-    thus "\<not> z islimpt pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z}" using \<open>z \<in> A\<close>
-      using mero by (auto simp: islimpt_Un meromorphic_on_def)
-  next
-    show "pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z} \<subseteq> A"
-      using mero by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  next
-    have "(\<lambda>z. inverse (f z)) analytic_on (\<Union>w\<in>A - (pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z}) . {w})"
-      unfolding analytic_on_UN
-    proof (intro ballI)
-      fix w assume w: "w \<in> A - (pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z})"
-      show "(\<lambda>z. inverse (f z)) analytic_on {w}"
-      proof (cases "f w = 0")
-        case False
-        thus ?thesis using w
-          by (intro analytic_intros analytic_on_subset[OF ana]) auto
-      next
-        case True
-        have "eventually (\<lambda>w. f w = 0) (nhds w)"
-          using True w by (intro non_isolated_zero analytic_on_subset[OF ana]) auto
-        hence "(\<lambda>z. inverse (f z)) analytic_on {w} \<longleftrightarrow> (\<lambda>_. 0) analytic_on {w}"
-          using w by (intro analytic_at_cong refl) auto
-        thus ?thesis
-          by simp
-      qed
-    qed
-    also have "\<dots> = A - (pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z})"
-      by blast
-    finally have "(\<lambda>z. inverse (f z)) analytic_on \<dots>" .
-    moreover have "open (A - (pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z}))"
-      using closedin_isolated_zeros[OF mero] open' \<open>open A\<close>
-      by (metis (no_types, lifting) Diff_Diff_Int Diff_Un closedin_closed open_Diff open_Int)
-    ultimately show "(\<lambda>z. inverse (f z)) holomorphic_on A - (pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z})"
-      by (subst (asm) analytic_on_open) auto
-  qed (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def islimpt_Un 
-                          intro!: holomorphic_intros singularity_intros\<close>)
-lemma meromorphic_on_inverse'' [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "{z\<in>A. f z = 0} \<subseteq> pts"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. inverse (f z)) meromorphic_on A pts"
-proof -
-  have "(\<lambda>z. inverse (f z)) meromorphic_on A (pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z})"
-    by (intro meromorphic_on_inverse assms)
-  also have "(pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z}) = pts"
-    using assms(2) by (auto simp: isolated_zero_def)
-  finally show ?thesis .
-lemma meromorphic_on_divide [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" and "g meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. f z / g z) meromorphic_on A (pts \<union> {z\<in>A. isolated_zero g z})"
-proof -
-  have mero1: "(\<lambda>z. inverse (g z)) meromorphic_on A (pts \<union> {z\<in>A. isolated_zero g z})"
-    by (intro meromorphic_intros assms)
-  have sparse: "\<forall>x\<in>A. \<not> x islimpt pts \<union> {z\<in>A. isolated_zero g z}" and "pts \<subseteq> A"
-    using mero1 by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  have mero2: "f meromorphic_on A (pts \<union> {z\<in>A. isolated_zero g z})"
-    by (rule meromorphic_on_superset_pts[OF assms(1)]) (use sparse \<open>pts \<subseteq> A\<close> in auto)
-  have "(\<lambda>z. f z * inverse (g z)) meromorphic_on A (pts \<union> {z\<in>A. isolated_zero g z})"
-    by (intro meromorphic_on_mult mero1 mero2)
-  thus ?thesis
-    by (simp add: field_simps)
-lemma meromorphic_on_divide' [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "g meromorphic_on A pts" "{z\<in>A. g z = 0} \<subseteq> pts"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. f z / g z) meromorphic_on A pts"
-proof -
-  have "(\<lambda>z. f z * inverse (g z)) meromorphic_on A pts"
-    by (intro meromorphic_intros assms)
-  thus ?thesis
-    by (simp add: field_simps)
-lemma meromorphic_on_cmult_left [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>x. c * f x) meromorphic_on A pts"
-  using assms by (intro meromorphic_intros) (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-lemma meromorphic_on_cmult_right [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>x. f x * c) meromorphic_on A pts"
-  using assms by (intro meromorphic_intros) (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-lemma meromorphic_on_scaleR [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>x. c *\<^sub>R f x) meromorphic_on A pts"
-  using assms unfolding scaleR_conv_of_real
-  by (intro meromorphic_intros) (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
+lemma meromorphic_on_not_essential:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on {z}"
+  shows   "not_essential f z"
+  using assms has_laurent_expansion_not_essential unfolding meromorphic_on_def by blast
-lemma meromorphic_on_sum [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "\<And>y. y \<in> I \<Longrightarrow> f y meromorphic_on A pts"
-  assumes "I \<noteq> {} \<or> open A \<and> pts \<subseteq> A \<and> (\<forall>x\<in>A. \<not>x islimpt pts)"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>x. \<Sum>y\<in>I. f y x) meromorphic_on A pts"
-proof -
-  have *: "open A \<and> pts \<subseteq> A \<and> (\<forall>x\<in>A. \<not>x islimpt pts)"
-    using assms(2)
-  proof
-    assume "I \<noteq> {}"
-    then obtain x where "x \<in> I"
-      by blast
-    from assms(1)[OF this] show ?thesis
-      by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  qed auto
-  show ?thesis
-    using assms(1)
-    by (induction I rule: infinite_finite_induct) (use * in \<open>auto intro!: meromorphic_intros\<close>)
-lemma meromorphic_on_prod [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "\<And>y. y \<in> I \<Longrightarrow> f y meromorphic_on A pts"
-  assumes "I \<noteq> {} \<or> open A \<and> pts \<subseteq> A \<and> (\<forall>x\<in>A. \<not>x islimpt pts)"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>x. \<Prod>y\<in>I. f y x) meromorphic_on A pts"
-proof -
-  have *: "open A \<and> pts \<subseteq> A \<and> (\<forall>x\<in>A. \<not>x islimpt pts)"
-    using assms(2)
-  proof
-    assume "I \<noteq> {}"
-    then obtain x where "x \<in> I"
-      by blast
-    from assms(1)[OF this] show ?thesis
-      by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  qed auto
-  show ?thesis
-    using assms(1)
-    by (induction I rule: infinite_finite_induct) (use * in \<open>auto intro!: meromorphic_intros\<close>)
+lemma meromorphic_on_isolated_singularity:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on {z}"
+  shows   "isolated_singularity_at f z"
+  using assms has_laurent_expansion_isolated unfolding meromorphic_on_def by blast
-lemma meromorphic_on_power [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>x. f x ^ n) meromorphic_on A pts"
-proof -
-  have "(\<lambda>x. \<Prod>i\<in>{..<n}. f x) meromorphic_on A pts"
-    by (intro meromorphic_intros assms(1)) (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
-  thus ?thesis
-    by simp
-lemma meromorphic_on_power_int [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. f z powi n) meromorphic_on A (pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z})"
+lemma meromorphic_on_imp_not_islimpt_singularities:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A" "z \<in> A"
+  shows   "\<not>z islimpt {w. \<not>f analytic_on {w}}"
 proof -
-  have inv: "(\<lambda>x. inverse (f x)) meromorphic_on A (pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z})"
-    by (intro meromorphic_intros assms)
-  have *: "f meromorphic_on A (pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z})"
-    by (intro meromorphic_on_superset_pts [OF assms(1)])
-       (use inv in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
-  show ?thesis
-  proof (cases "n \<ge> 0")
-    case True   
-    have "(\<lambda>x. f x ^ nat n) meromorphic_on A (pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z})"
-      by (intro meromorphic_intros *)
-    thus ?thesis
-      using True by (simp add: power_int_def)
-  next
-    case False
-    have "(\<lambda>x. inverse (f x) ^ nat (-n)) meromorphic_on A (pts \<union> {z \<in> A. isolated_zero f z})"
-      by (intro meromorphic_intros assms)
-    thus ?thesis
-      using False by (simp add: power_int_def)
-  qed
-lemma meromorphic_on_power_int' [meromorphic_intros]:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "n \<ge> 0 \<or> (\<forall>z\<in>A. isolated_zero f z \<longrightarrow> z \<in> pts)"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. f z powi n) meromorphic_on A pts"
-proof (cases "n \<ge> 0")
-  case True
-  have "(\<lambda>z. f z ^ nat n) meromorphic_on A pts"
-    by (intro meromorphic_intros assms)
-  thus ?thesis
-    using True by (simp add: power_int_def)
-  case False
-  have "(\<lambda>z. f z powi n) meromorphic_on A (pts \<union> {z\<in>A. isolated_zero f z})"
-    by (rule meromorphic_on_power_int) fact
-  also from assms(2) False have "pts \<union> {z\<in>A. isolated_zero f z} = pts"
-    by auto
-  finally show ?thesis .
-lemma has_laurent_expansion_on_imp_meromorphic_on:
-  assumes "open A" 
-  assumes laurent: "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>F. (\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
-  shows   "f meromorphic_on A {z\<in>A. \<not>f analytic_on {z}}"
-  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
-proof (intro conjI ballI)
-  fix z assume "z \<in> {z\<in>A. \<not>f analytic_on {z}}"
-  then obtain F where F: "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
-    using laurent[of z] by blast
-  from F show "not_essential f z" "isolated_singularity_at f z"
-    using has_laurent_expansion_not_essential has_laurent_expansion_isolated by blast+
-  fix z assume z: "z \<in> A"
+  obtain B where B: "open B" "A \<subseteq> B" "f meromorphic_on B"
+    using assms meromorphic_on_open_nhd by blast
   obtain F where F: "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
-    using laurent[of z] \<open>z \<in> A\<close> by blast
+    using B assms(2) unfolding meromorphic_on_def by blast
   from F have "isolated_singularity_at f z"
-    using has_laurent_expansion_isolated z by blast
+    using has_laurent_expansion_isolated assms(2) by blast
   then obtain r where r: "r > 0" "f analytic_on ball z r - {z}"
     unfolding isolated_singularity_at_def by blast
   have "f analytic_on {w}" if "w \<in> ball z r - {z}" for w
     by (rule analytic_on_subset[OF r(2)]) (use that in auto)
   hence "eventually (\<lambda>w. f analytic_on {w}) (at z)"
     using eventually_at_in_open[of "ball z r" z] \<open>r > 0\<close> by (auto elim!: eventually_mono)
-  hence "\<not>z islimpt {w. \<not>f analytic_on {w}}"
+  thus "\<not>z islimpt {w. \<not>f analytic_on {w}}"
     by (auto simp: islimpt_conv_frequently_at frequently_def)
-  thus "\<not>z islimpt {w\<in>A. \<not>f analytic_on {w}}"
-    using islimpt_subset[of z "{w\<in>A. \<not>f analytic_on {w}}" "{w. \<not>f analytic_on {w}}"] by blast
-  have "f analytic_on A - {w\<in>A. \<not>f analytic_on {w}}"
+lemma meromorphic_on_imp_sparse_singularities:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "{w. \<not>f analytic_on {w}} sparse_in A"
+  by (metis assms meromorphic_on_imp_not_islimpt_singularities 
+        meromorphic_on_open_nhd sparse_in_open sparse_in_subset)
+lemma meromorphic_on_imp_sparse_singularities':
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "{w\<in>A. \<not>f analytic_on {w}} sparse_in A"
+  using meromorphic_on_imp_sparse_singularities[OF assms]
+  by (rule sparse_in_subset2) auto
+lemma meromorphic_onE:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  obtains pts where "pts \<subseteq> A" "pts sparse_in A" "f analytic_on A - pts"
+    "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> not_essential f z" "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> isolated_singularity_at f z"
+proof (rule that)
+  show "{z \<in> A. \<not> f analytic_on {z}} sparse_in A"
+    using assms by (rule meromorphic_on_imp_sparse_singularities')
+  show "f analytic_on A - {z \<in> A. \<not> f analytic_on {z}}"
     by (subst analytic_on_analytic_at) auto
-  thus "f holomorphic_on A - {w\<in>A. \<not>f analytic_on {w}}"
-    by (meson analytic_imp_holomorphic)
-qed (use assms in auto)
+qed (use assms in \<open>auto intro: meromorphic_on_isolated_singularity meromorphic_on_not_essential meromorphic_on_subset\<close>)
-lemma meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "z \<in> A"
-  shows   "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion laurent_expansion f z"
-proof (cases "z \<in> pts")
-  case True
-  thus ?thesis
-    using assms by (intro not_essential_has_laurent_expansion) (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  case False
-  have "f holomorphic_on (A - pts)"
-    using assms by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  moreover have "z \<in> A - pts" "open (A - pts)"
-    using assms(2) False by (auto intro!: meromorphic_imp_open_diff[OF assms(1)])
-  ultimately have "f analytic_on {z}"
-    unfolding analytic_at by blast
-  thus ?thesis
-    using isolated_singularity_at_analytic not_essential_analytic
-          not_essential_has_laurent_expansion by blast
-  assumes "isolated_singularity_at f z" "f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> c"
-  shows   eventually_remove_sings_eq_nhds':
-            "eventually (\<lambda>w. remove_sings f w = (if w = z then c else f w)) (nhds z)"
-    and   remove_sings_analytic_at_singularity: "remove_sings f analytic_on {z}"
-proof -
-  have "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<noteq> z) (at z)"
-    by (auto simp: eventually_at_filter)
-  hence "eventually (\<lambda>w. remove_sings f w = (if w = z then c else f w)) (at z)"
-    using eventually_remove_sings_eq_at[OF assms(1)]
-    by eventually_elim auto
-  moreover have "remove_sings f z = c"
-    using assms by auto
-  ultimately show ev: "eventually (\<lambda>w. remove_sings f w = (if w = z then c else f w)) (nhds z)"
-    by (simp add: eventually_at_filter)
-  have "(\<lambda>w. if w = z then c else f w) analytic_on {z}"
-    by (intro removable_singularity' assms)
-  also have "?this \<longleftrightarrow> remove_sings f analytic_on {z}"
-    using ev by (intro analytic_at_cong) (auto simp: eq_commute)
-  finally show \<dots> .
+lemma meromorphic_onI_weak:
+  assumes "f analytic_on A - pts" "\<And>z. z \<in> pts \<Longrightarrow> not_essential f z" "pts sparse_in A"
+          "pts \<inter> frontier A = {}"
+  shows   "f meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  fix z assume z: "z \<in> A"                                    
+  show "(\<exists>F. (\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F)"
+  proof (cases "z \<in> pts")
+    case False
+    have "f analytic_on {z}"
+      using assms(1) by (rule analytic_on_subset) (use False z in auto)
+    thus ?thesis
+      using isolated_singularity_at_analytic not_essential_analytic 
+            not_essential_has_laurent_expansion by blast
+  next
+    case True
+    show ?thesis
+    proof (rule exI, rule not_essential_has_laurent_expansion)
+      show "not_essential f z"
+        using assms(2) True by blast
+    next
+      show "isolated_singularity_at f z"
+      proof (rule isolated_singularity_at_holomorphic)
+        show "open (interior A - (pts - {z}))"
+        proof (rule open_diff_sparse_pts)
+          show "pts - {z} sparse_in interior A"
+            using sparse_in_subset sparse_in_subset2 assms interior_subset Diff_subset by metis
+        qed auto
+      next
+        have "f analytic_on interior A - (pts - {z}) - {z}"
+          using assms(1) by (rule analytic_on_subset) (use interior_subset in blast)
+        thus "f holomorphic_on interior A - (pts - {z}) - {z}"
+          by (rule analytic_imp_holomorphic)
+      next
+        from assms(4) and True have "z \<in> interior A"
+          unfolding frontier_def using closure_subset z by blast
+        thus "z \<in> interior A - (pts - {z})"
+          by blast
+      qed
+    qed
+  qed
-lemma remove_sings_meromorphic_on:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "\<And>z. z \<in> pts - pts' \<Longrightarrow> \<not>is_pole f z" "pts' \<subseteq> pts"
-  shows   "remove_sings f meromorphic_on A pts'"
+lemma meromorphic_onI_open:
+  assumes "open A" "f analytic_on A - pts" "\<And>z. z \<in> pts \<Longrightarrow> not_essential f z"
+  assumes "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> \<not>z islimpt pts \<inter> A"
+  shows   "f meromorphic_on A"
+proof (rule meromorphic_onI_weak)
+  have *: "A - pts \<inter> A = A - pts"
+    by blast
+  show "f analytic_on A - pts \<inter> A"
+    unfolding * by fact
+  show "pts \<inter> A sparse_in A"
+    using assms(1,4) by (subst sparse_in_open) auto
+  show "not_essential f z" if "z \<in> pts \<inter> A" for z
+    using assms(3) that by blast
+  show "pts \<inter> A \<inter> frontier A = {}"
+    using \<open>open A\<close> frontier_disjoint_eq by blast
+lemma meromorphic_at_isCont_imp_analytic:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on {z}" "isCont f z"
+  shows   "f analytic_on {z}"
+proof -
+  have *: "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion laurent_expansion f z"
+    using assms by (auto intro: meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion)
+  from assms have "\<not>is_pole f z"
+    using is_pole_def not_tendsto_and_filterlim_at_infinity trivial_limit_at by (metis isContD)
+  with * have "fls_subdegree (laurent_expansion f z) \<ge> 0"
+    using has_laurent_expansion_imp_is_pole linorder_not_le by blast
+  hence **: "(\<lambda>w. eval_fls (laurent_expansion f z) (w - z)) analytic_on {z}"
+    by (intro analytic_intros)+ (use * in \<open>auto simp: has_laurent_expansion_def zero_ereal_def\<close>)
+  have "(\<lambda>w. eval_fls (laurent_expansion f z) (w - z)) \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> eval_fls (laurent_expansion f z) (z - z)"
+    by (intro isContD analytic_at_imp_isCont **)
+  also have "?this \<longleftrightarrow> f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> eval_fls (laurent_expansion f z) (z - z)"
+    by (intro filterlim_cong refl)
+       (use * in \<open>auto simp: has_laurent_expansion_def at_to_0' eventually_filtermap add_ac\<close>)
+  finally have "f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> eval_fls (laurent_expansion f z) 0"
+    by simp
+  moreover from assms have "f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> f z"
+    by (auto intro: isContD)
+  ultimately have ***: "eval_fls (laurent_expansion f z) 0 = f z"
+    by (rule LIM_unique)
+  have "eventually (\<lambda>w. f w = eval_fls (laurent_expansion f z) (w - z)) (at z)"
+    using * by (simp add: has_laurent_expansion_def at_to_0' eventually_filtermap add_ac eq_commute)
+  hence "eventually (\<lambda>w. f w = eval_fls (laurent_expansion f z) (w - z)) (nhds z)"
+    unfolding eventually_at_filter by eventually_elim (use *** in auto)
+  hence "f analytic_on {z} \<longleftrightarrow> (\<lambda>w. eval_fls (laurent_expansion f z) (w - z)) analytic_on {z}"
+    by (intro analytic_at_cong refl)
+  with ** show ?thesis
+    by simp
+lemma analytic_on_imp_meromorphic_on:
+  assumes "f analytic_on A"
+  shows   "f meromorphic_on A"
+  by (rule meromorphic_onI_weak[of _ _ "{}"]) (use assms in auto)
+lemma meromorphic_on_compose:
+  assumes "g meromorphic_on A" "f analytic_on B" "f ` B \<subseteq> A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. g (f w)) meromorphic_on B"
   unfolding meromorphic_on_def
 proof safe
-  have "remove_sings f analytic_on {z}" if "z \<in> A - pts'" for z
-  proof (cases "z \<in> pts")
+  fix z assume z: "z \<in> B"
+  have "f analytic_on {z}"
+    using assms(2) by (rule analytic_on_subset) (use assms(3) z in auto)
+  hence "(\<lambda>w. f w - f z) analytic_on {z}"
+    by (intro analytic_intros)
+  then obtain F where F: "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w) - f z) has_fps_expansion F"
+    using analytic_at_imp_has_fps_expansion by blast
+  from assms(3) and z have "f z \<in> A"
+    by auto
+  with assms(1) obtain G where G: "(\<lambda>w. g (f z + w)) has_laurent_expansion G"
+    using z by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
+  have "\<exists>H. ((\<lambda>w. g (f z + w)) \<circ> (\<lambda>w. f (z + w) - f z)) has_laurent_expansion H"
+  proof (cases "F = 0")
     case False
-    hence *: "f analytic_on {z}"
-      using assms meromorphic_imp_open_diff[OF assms(1)] that
-      by (force simp: meromorphic_on_def analytic_at) 
-    have "remove_sings f analytic_on {z} \<longleftrightarrow> f analytic_on {z}"
-      by (intro analytic_at_cong eventually_remove_sings_eq_nhds * refl)
-    thus ?thesis using * by simp
+    show ?thesis
+    proof (rule exI, rule has_laurent_expansion_compose)
+      show "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w) - f z) has_laurent_expansion fps_to_fls F"
+        using F by (rule has_laurent_expansion_fps)
+      show "fps_nth F 0 = 0"
+        using has_fps_expansion_imp_0_eq_fps_nth_0[OF F] by simp
+    qed fact+
     case True
-    have isol: "isolated_singularity_at f z"
-      using True using assms by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-    from assms(1) have "not_essential f z"
-      using True by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-    with assms(2) True that obtain c where "f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> c"
-      by (auto simp: not_essential_def)
-    thus "remove_sings f analytic_on {z}"
-      by (intro remove_sings_analytic_at_singularity isol)
+    have "(\<lambda>w. g (f z)) has_laurent_expansion fls_const (g (f z))"
+      by auto
+    also have "?this \<longleftrightarrow> (\<lambda>w. ((\<lambda>w. g (f z + w)) \<circ> (\<lambda>w. f (z + w) - f z)) w) 
+                           has_laurent_expansion fls_const (g (f z))"
+    proof (rule has_laurent_expansion_cong, goal_cases)
+      case 1
+      from F and True have "eventually (\<lambda>w. f (z + w) - f z = 0) (nhds 0)"
+        by (simp add: has_fps_expansion_0_iff)
+      hence "eventually (\<lambda>w. f (z + w) - f z = 0) (at 0)"
+        by (simp add: eventually_nhds_conv_at)
+      thus ?case
+        by eventually_elim auto
+    qed auto
+    finally show ?thesis
+      by blast
-  hence "remove_sings f analytic_on A - pts'"
-    by (subst analytic_on_analytic_at) auto
-  thus "remove_sings f holomorphic_on A - pts'"
-    using meromorphic_imp_open_diff'[OF assms(1,3)] by (subst (asm) analytic_on_open)
-qed (use assms islimpt_subset[OF _ assms(3)] in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
+  thus "\<exists>H. (\<lambda>w. g (f (z + w))) has_laurent_expansion H"
+    by (simp add: o_def)
+lemma constant_on_imp_meromorphic_on:
+  assumes "f constant_on A" "open A"
+  shows "f meromorphic_on A"
+  using assms analytic_on_imp_meromorphic_on 
+    constant_on_imp_analytic_on 
+  by blast
+subsection \<open>Nice meromorphicity\<close>
-lemma remove_sings_holomorphic_on:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "\<And>z. z \<in> pts \<Longrightarrow> \<not>is_pole f z"
-  shows   "remove_sings f holomorphic_on A"
-  using remove_sings_meromorphic_on[OF assms(1), of "{}"] assms(2)
-  by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_no_singularities)
+text \<open>
+  This is probably very non-standard, but we call a function ``nicely meromorphic'' if it is
+  meromorphic and has no removable singularities. That means that the only singularities are
+  poles.
+definition nicely_meromorphic_on :: "(complex \<Rightarrow> complex) \<Rightarrow> complex set \<Rightarrow> bool"
+    (infixl "(nicely'_meromorphic'_on)" 50)
+    where "f nicely_meromorphic_on A \<longleftrightarrow> f meromorphic_on A 
+        \<and> (\<forall>z\<in>A. (is_pole f z \<and> f z=0) \<or> f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> f z)"
+lemma constant_on_imp_nicely_meromorphic_on:
+  assumes "f constant_on A" "open A"
+  shows "f nicely_meromorphic_on A"
+  by (meson analytic_at_imp_isCont assms
+      constant_on_imp_holomorphic_on 
+      constant_on_imp_meromorphic_on 
+      holomorphic_on_imp_analytic_at isCont_def 
+      nicely_meromorphic_on_def)
-lemma meromorphic_on_Ex_iff:
-  "(\<exists>pts. f meromorphic_on A pts) \<longleftrightarrow>
-     open A \<and> (\<forall>z\<in>A. \<exists>F. (\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F)"
+lemma nicely_meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at:
+  assumes "f nicely_meromorphic_on A" "z \<in> A" "\<not>is_pole f z"
+  shows   "f analytic_on {z}"
+proof (rule meromorphic_at_isCont_imp_analytic)
+  show "f meromorphic_on {z}"
+    by (rule meromorphic_on_subset[of _ A]) (use assms in \<open>auto simp: nicely_meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
+  from assms have "f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> f z"
+    by (auto simp: nicely_meromorphic_on_def)
+  thus "isCont f z"
+    by (auto simp: isCont_def)
+lemma remove_sings_meromorphic [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "remove_sings f meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
 proof safe
-  fix pts assume *: "f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  from * show "open A"
-    by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  show "\<exists>F. (\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F" if "z \<in> A" for z
-    using that *
-    by (intro exI[of _ "laurent_expansion f z"] meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion)
-qed (blast intro!: has_laurent_expansion_on_imp_meromorphic_on)
+  fix z assume z: "z \<in> A"
+  show "\<exists>F. (\<lambda>w. remove_sings f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
+    using assms meromorphic_on_isolated_singularity meromorphic_on_not_essential
+          not_essential_has_laurent_expansion z meromorphic_on_subset by blast
-lemma is_pole_inverse_holomorphic_pts:
-  fixes pts::"complex set" and f::"complex \<Rightarrow> complex"
-  defines "g \<equiv> \<lambda>x. (if x\<in>pts then 0 else inverse (f x))"
-  assumes mer: "f meromorphic_on D pts"
-    and non_z: "\<And>z. z \<in> D - pts \<Longrightarrow> f z \<noteq> 0"
-    and all_poles:"\<forall>x. is_pole f x \<longleftrightarrow> x\<in>pts"
-  shows "g holomorphic_on D"
+lemma remove_sings_nicely_meromorphic:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "remove_sings f nicely_meromorphic_on A"
 proof -
-  have "open D" and f_holo: "f holomorphic_on (D-pts)" 
-    using mer by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  have "\<exists>r. r>0 \<and> f analytic_on ball z r - {z} 
-            \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> ball z r - {z}. f x\<noteq>0)" if "z\<in>pts" for z 
+  have "remove_sings f meromorphic_on A"
+    by (simp add: assms remove_sings_meromorphic)
+  moreover have "is_pole (remove_sings f) z 
+        \<and> remove_sings f z = 0 \<or>
+            remove_sings f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> remove_sings f z"
+    if "z\<in>A" for z
+  proof (cases "\<exists>c. f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> c")
+    case True
+    then have "remove_sings f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> remove_sings f z"
+      by (metis remove_sings_eqI tendsto_remove_sings_iff
+          assms meromorphic_onE that)
+    then show ?thesis by simp
+  next
+    case False
+    then have "is_pole (remove_sings f) z 
+        \<and> remove_sings f z = 0"
+      by (meson is_pole_remove_sings_iff remove_sings_def 
+            remove_sings_eq_0_iff assms meromorphic_onE that)
+    then show ?thesis by simp
+  qed
+  ultimately show ?thesis 
+    unfolding nicely_meromorphic_on_def by simp
+text \<open>
+  A nicely meromorphic function that frequently takes the same value in the neighbourhood of some
+  point is constant.
+lemma frequently_eq_meromorphic_imp_constant:
+  assumes "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z = c) (at z)"
+  assumes "f nicely_meromorphic_on A" "open A" "connected A" "z \<in> A"
+  shows   "\<And>w. w \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> f w = c"
+proof -
+  from assms(2) have mero: "f meromorphic_on A"
+    by (auto simp: nicely_meromorphic_on_def)
+  have sparse: "{z. is_pole f z} sparse_in A"
+    using assms(2) mero
+    by (meson assms(3) meromorphic_on_isolated_singularity meromorphic_on_meromorphic_at not_islimpt_poles sparse_in_open)
+  have eq: "f w = c" if w: "w \<in> A" "\<not>is_pole f w" for w
   proof -
-    have "isolated_singularity_at f z" "is_pole f z"
-      using mer meromorphic_on_def that all_poles by blast+
-    then obtain r1 where "r1>0" and fan: "f analytic_on ball z r1 - {z}"
-      by (meson isolated_singularity_at_def)
-    obtain r2 where "r2>0" "\<forall>x \<in> ball z r2 - {z}. f x\<noteq>0"
-      using non_zero_neighbour_pole[OF \<open>is_pole f z\<close>] 
-      unfolding eventually_at by (metis Diff_iff UNIV_I dist_commute insertI1 mem_ball)
-    define r where "r = min r1 r2"
-    have "r>0" by (simp add: \<open>0 < r2\<close> \<open>r1>0\<close> r_def)
-    moreover have "f analytic_on ball z r - {z}"
-      using r_def by (force intro: analytic_on_subset [OF fan])
-    moreover have "\<forall>x \<in> ball z r - {z}. f x\<noteq>0"
-      by (simp add: \<open>\<forall>x\<in>ball z r2 - {z}. f x \<noteq> 0\<close> r_def)
-    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
+    have "f w - c = 0"
+    proof (rule analytic_continuation[of "\<lambda>w. f w - c"])
+      show "(\<lambda>w. f w - c) holomorphic_on {z\<in>A. \<not>is_pole f z}" using assms(2)
+        by (intro holomorphic_intros)
+           (metis (mono_tags, lifting) analytic_imp_holomorphic analytic_on_analytic_at 
+              mem_Collect_eq nicely_meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at)
+    next
+      from sparse and assms(3) have "open (A - {z. is_pole f z})"
+        by (simp add: open_diff_sparse_pts)
+      also have "A - {z. is_pole f z} = {z\<in>A. \<not>is_pole f z}"
+        by blast
+      finally show "open \<dots>" .
+    next
+      from sparse have "connected (A - {z. is_pole f z})"
+        using assms(3,4) by (intro sparse_imp_connected) auto
+      also have "A - {z. is_pole f z} = {z\<in>A. \<not>is_pole f z}"
+        by blast
+      finally show "connected \<dots>" .
+    next
+      have "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<in> A) (at z)"
+        using assms by (intro eventually_at_in_open') auto
+      moreover have "eventually (\<lambda>w. \<not>is_pole f w) (at z)" using mero
+        by (metis assms(5) eventually_not_pole meromorphic_onE)
+      ultimately have ev: "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<in> A \<and> \<not>is_pole f w) (at z)"
+        by eventually_elim auto
+      show "z islimpt {z\<in>A. \<not>is_pole f z \<and> f z = c}"
+        using frequently_eventually_frequently[OF assms(1) ev]
+        unfolding islimpt_conv_frequently_at by (rule frequently_elim1) auto
+    next
+      from assms(1) have "\<not>is_pole f z"
+        by (simp add: frequently_const_imp_not_is_pole)
+      with \<open>z \<in> A\<close> show "z \<in> {z \<in> A. \<not> is_pole f z}"
+        by auto
+    qed (use w in auto)
+    thus "f w = c"
+      by simp
-  then obtain get_r where r_pos:"get_r z>0" 
-      and r_ana:"f analytic_on ball z (get_r z) - {z}"
-      and r_nz:"\<forall>x \<in> ball z (get_r z) - {z}. f x\<noteq>0"
-    if "z\<in>pts" for z
-    by metis
-  define p_balls where "p_balls \<equiv> \<Union>z\<in>pts. ball z (get_r z)"
-  have g_ball:"g holomorphic_on ball z (get_r z)" if "z\<in>pts" for z
+  have not_pole: "\<not>is_pole f w" if w: "w \<in> A" for w
   proof -
-    have "(\<lambda>x. if x = z then 0 else inverse (f x)) holomorphic_on ball z (get_r z)"
-    proof (rule is_pole_inverse_holomorphic)
-      show "f holomorphic_on ball z (get_r z) - {z}"
-        using analytic_imp_holomorphic r_ana that by blast
-      show "is_pole f z"
-        using mer meromorphic_on_def that all_poles by force
-      show "\<forall>x\<in>ball z (get_r z) - {z}. f x \<noteq> 0"
-        using r_nz that by metis
-    qed auto
-    then show ?thesis unfolding g_def
-      by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Diff_iff Elementary_Metric_Spaces.open_ball
-          all_poles analytic_imp_holomorphic empty_iff 
-          holomorphic_transform insert_iff not_is_pole_holomorphic 
-          open_delete r_ana that)
+    have "eventually (\<lambda>w. \<not>is_pole f w) (at w)"
+      using mero by (metis eventually_not_pole meromorphic_onE that)
+    moreover have "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<in> A) (at w)"
+      using w \<open>open A\<close> by (intro eventually_at_in_open')
+    ultimately have "eventually (\<lambda>w. f w = c) (at w)"
+      by eventually_elim (auto simp: eq)
+    hence "is_pole f w \<longleftrightarrow> is_pole (\<lambda>_. c) w"
+      by (intro is_pole_cong refl)
+    thus ?thesis
+      by simp
-  then have "g holomorphic_on p_balls" 
-  proof -
-    have "g analytic_on p_balls"
-      unfolding p_balls_def analytic_on_UN
-      using g_ball by (simp add: analytic_on_open)
-    moreover have "open p_balls" using p_balls_def by blast
-    ultimately show ?thesis 
-      by (simp add: analytic_imp_holomorphic)
-  qed
-  moreover have "g holomorphic_on D-pts" 
-  proof -
-    have "(\<lambda>z. inverse (f z)) holomorphic_on D - pts"
-      using f_holo holomorphic_on_inverse non_z by blast
-    then show ?thesis
-      by (metis DiffD2 g_def holomorphic_transform) 
-  qed
-  moreover have "open p_balls" 
-    using p_balls_def by blast
-  ultimately have "g holomorphic_on (p_balls \<union> (D-pts))"
-    by (simp add: holomorphic_on_Un meromorphic_imp_open_diff[OF mer])
-  moreover have "D \<subseteq> p_balls \<union> (D-pts)"
-    unfolding p_balls_def using \<open>\<And>z. z \<in> pts \<Longrightarrow> 0 < get_r z\<close> by force
-  ultimately show "g holomorphic_on D" by (meson holomorphic_on_subset)
+  show "f w = c" if w: "w \<in> A" for w
+    using eq[OF w not_pole[OF w]] .
-lemma meromorphic_imp_analytic_on:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on D pts"
-  shows "f analytic_on (D - pts)"
-  by (metis assms analytic_on_open meromorphic_imp_open_diff meromorphic_on_def)
+subsection \<open>Closure properties and proofs for individual functions\<close>
+lemma meromorphic_on_const [intro, meromorphic_intros]: "(\<lambda>_. c) meromorphic_on A"
+  by (rule analytic_on_imp_meromorphic_on) auto
+lemma meromorphic_on_id [intro, meromorphic_intros]: "(\<lambda>w. w) meromorphic_on A"
+  by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def intro!: exI laurent_expansion_intros)
+lemma meromorphic_on_id' [intro, meromorphic_intros]: "id meromorphic_on A"
+  by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def intro!: exI laurent_expansion_intros)
+lemma meromorphic_on_add [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A" "g meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. f w + g w) meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (rule laurent_expansion_intros exI ballI
+           assms[THEN meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion] | assumption)+
+lemma meromorphic_on_uminus [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. -f w) meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (rule laurent_expansion_intros exI ballI
+           assms[THEN meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion] | assumption)+
+lemma meromorphic_on_diff [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A" "g meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. f w - g w) meromorphic_on A"
+  using meromorphic_on_add[OF assms(1) meromorphic_on_uminus[OF assms(2)]] by simp
+lemma meromorphic_on_mult [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A" "g meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. f w * g w) meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (rule laurent_expansion_intros exI ballI
+           assms[THEN meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion] | assumption)+
+lemma meromorphic_on_power [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. f w ^ n) meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (rule laurent_expansion_intros exI ballI
+           assms[THEN meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion] | assumption)+
+lemma meromorphic_on_powi [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. f w powi n) meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (rule laurent_expansion_intros exI ballI
+           assms[THEN meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion] | assumption)+
-lemma meromorphic_imp_constant_on:
-  assumes merf: "f meromorphic_on D pts" 
-      and "f constant_on (D - pts)"
-      and "\<forall>x\<in>pts. is_pole f x"
-    shows "f constant_on D"
-proof -
-  obtain c where c:"\<And>z. z \<in> D-pts \<Longrightarrow> f z = c"
-    by (meson assms constant_on_def)
+lemma meromorphic_on_scaleR [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. scaleR x (f w)) meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (rule laurent_expansion_intros exI ballI
+           assms[THEN meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion] | assumption)+
+lemma meromorphic_on_inverse [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. inverse (f w)) meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (rule laurent_expansion_intros exI ballI
+           assms[THEN meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion] | assumption)+
+lemma meromorphic_on_divide [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A" "g meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. f w / g w) meromorphic_on A"
+  using meromorphic_on_mult[OF assms(1) meromorphic_on_inverse[OF assms(2)]]
+  by (simp add: field_simps)
+lemma meromorphic_on_sum [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "\<And>i. i \<in> I \<Longrightarrow> f i meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. \<Sum>i\<in>I. f i w) meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (rule laurent_expansion_intros exI ballI
+           assms[THEN meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion] | assumption)+
+lemma meromorphic_on_sum_list [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "\<And>i. i \<in> set fs \<Longrightarrow> f i meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. \<Sum>i\<leftarrow>fs. f i w) meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (rule laurent_expansion_intros exI ballI
+           assms[THEN meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion] | assumption)+
+lemma meromorphic_on_sum_mset [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "\<And>i. i \<in># I \<Longrightarrow> f i meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. \<Sum>i\<in>#I. f i w) meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (rule laurent_expansion_intros exI ballI
+           assms[THEN meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion] | assumption)+
+lemma meromorphic_on_prod [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "\<And>i. i \<in> I \<Longrightarrow> f i meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. \<Prod>i\<in>I. f i w) meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (rule laurent_expansion_intros exI ballI
+           assms[THEN meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion] | assumption)+
+lemma meromorphic_on_prod_list [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "\<And>i. i \<in> set fs \<Longrightarrow> f i meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. \<Prod>i\<leftarrow>fs. f i w) meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (rule laurent_expansion_intros exI ballI
+           assms[THEN meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion] | assumption)+
-  have "f z = c" if "z \<in> D" for z
-  proof (cases "is_pole f z")
-    case True
-    then obtain r0 where "r0 > 0" and r0: "f analytic_on ball z r0 - {z}" and pol: "is_pole f z"
-      using merf unfolding meromorphic_on_def isolated_singularity_at_def 
-      by (metis \<open>z \<in> D\<close> insert_Diff insert_Diff_if insert_iff merf 
-          meromorphic_imp_open_diff not_is_pole_holomorphic)
-    have "open D"
-      using merf meromorphic_on_def by auto
-    then obtain r where "r > 0" "ball z r \<subseteq> D" "r \<le> r0"
-      by (smt (verit, best) \<open>0 < r0\<close> \<open>z \<in> D\<close> openE order_subst2 subset_ball)
-    have r: "f analytic_on ball z r - {z}"
-      by (meson Diff_mono \<open>r \<le> r0\<close> analytic_on_subset order_refl r0 subset_ball)
-    have "ball z r - {z} \<subseteq> -pts"
-      using merf r unfolding meromorphic_on_def
-      by (meson ComplI Elementary_Metric_Spaces.open_ball 
-          analytic_imp_holomorphic assms(3) not_is_pole_holomorphic open_delete subsetI)
-    with \<open>ball z r \<subseteq> D\<close> have "ball z r - {z} \<subseteq> D-pts"
-      by fastforce
-    with c have c': "\<And>u. u \<in> ball z r - {z} \<Longrightarrow> f u = c"
-      by blast    
-    have False if "\<forall>\<^sub>F x in at z. cmod c + 1 \<le> cmod (f x)"
-    proof -
-      have "\<forall>\<^sub>F x in at z within ball z r - {z}. cmod c + 1 \<le> cmod (f x)"
-        by (smt (verit, best) Diff_UNIV Diff_eq_empty_iff eventually_at_topological insert_subset that)
-      with \<open>r > 0\<close> show ?thesis
-        apply (simp add: c' eventually_at_filter topological_space_class.eventually_nhds open_dist)
-        by (metis dist_commute min_less_iff_conj perfect_choose_dist)
-    qed
-    with pol show ?thesis
-      by (auto simp: is_pole_def filterlim_at_infinity_conv_norm_at_top filterlim_at_top)
+lemma meromorphic_on_prod_mset [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "\<And>i. i \<in># I \<Longrightarrow> f i meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. \<Prod>i\<in>#I. f i w) meromorphic_on A"
+  unfolding meromorphic_on_def
+  by (rule laurent_expansion_intros exI ballI
+           assms[THEN meromorphic_on_imp_has_laurent_expansion] | assumption)+
+lemma meromorphic_on_If [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A" "g meromorphic_on B"
+  assumes "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> z \<in> B \<Longrightarrow> f z = g z" "open A" "open B" "C \<subseteq> A \<union> B"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>z. if z \<in> A then f z else g z) meromorphic_on C"
+proof (rule meromorphic_on_subset)
+  show "(\<lambda>z. if z \<in> A then f z else g z) meromorphic_on (A \<union> B)"
+  proof (rule meromorphic_on_Un)
+    have "(\<lambda>z. if z \<in> A then f z else g z) meromorphic_on A \<longleftrightarrow> f meromorphic_on A"
+    proof (rule meromorphic_on_cong)
+      fix z assume "z \<in> A"
+      hence "eventually (\<lambda>z. z \<in> A) (at z)"
+        using \<open>open A\<close> by (intro eventually_at_in_open') auto
+      thus "\<forall>\<^sub>F w in at z. (if w \<in> A then f w else g w) = f w"
+        by eventually_elim auto
+    qed auto
+    with assms(1) show "(\<lambda>z. if z \<in> A then f z else g z) meromorphic_on A"
+      by blast
-    case False
-    then show ?thesis by (meson DiffI assms(3) c that)
-  qed 
-  then show ?thesis
-    by (simp add: constant_on_def)
+    have "(\<lambda>z. if z \<in> A then f z else g z) meromorphic_on B \<longleftrightarrow> g meromorphic_on B"
+    proof (rule meromorphic_on_cong)
+      fix z assume "z \<in> B"
+      hence "eventually (\<lambda>z. z \<in> B) (at z)"
+        using \<open>open B\<close> by (intro eventually_at_in_open') auto
+      thus "\<forall>\<^sub>F w in at z. (if w \<in> A then f w else g w) = g w"
+        by eventually_elim (use assms(3) in auto)
+    qed auto
+    with assms(2) show "(\<lambda>z. if z \<in> A then f z else g z) meromorphic_on B"
+      by blast
+  qed
+qed fact
+lemma meromorphic_on_deriv [meromorphic_intros]:
+  "f meromorphic_on A \<Longrightarrow> deriv f meromorphic_on A"
+  by (metis meromorphic_on_def isolated_singularity_at_deriv meromorphic_on_isolated_singularity 
+            meromorphic_on_meromorphic_at meromorphic_on_not_essential not_essential_deriv
+            not_essential_has_laurent_expansion)
+lemma meromorphic_on_higher_deriv [meromorphic_intros]:
+  "f meromorphic_on A \<Longrightarrow> (deriv ^^ n) f meromorphic_on A"
+  by (induction n) (auto intro!: meromorphic_intros)
+lemma analytic_on_eval_fps [analytic_intros]:
+  assumes "f analytic_on A"
+  assumes "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> norm (f z) < fps_conv_radius F"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. eval_fps F (f w)) analytic_on A"
+  by (rule analytic_on_compose[OF assms(1) analytic_on_eval_fps, unfolded o_def])
+     (use assms(2) in auto)
+lemma meromorphic_on_eval_fps [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "f analytic_on A"
+  assumes "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> norm (f z) < fps_conv_radius F"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. eval_fps F (f w)) meromorphic_on A"
+  by (rule analytic_on_imp_meromorphic_on analytic_intros analytic_on_eval_fps assms)+
+lemma meromorphic_on_eval_fls [meromorphic_intros]:
+  assumes "f analytic_on A"
+  assumes "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> norm (f z) < fls_conv_radius F"
+  shows   "(\<lambda>w. eval_fls F (f w)) meromorphic_on A"
+proof (cases "fls_conv_radius F > 0")
+  case False
+  with assms(2) have "A = {}"
+    by (metis all_not_in_conv ereal_less(2) norm_eq_zero order.strict_trans 
+              zero_ereal_def zero_less_norm_iff)
+  thus ?thesis
+    by auto
+  case True
+  have F: "eval_fls F has_laurent_expansion F"
+    using True by (rule eval_fls_has_laurent_expansion)
+  show ?thesis
+  proof (rule meromorphic_on_compose[OF _ assms(1)])
+    show "eval_fls F meromorphic_on eball 0 (fls_conv_radius F)"
+    proof (rule meromorphic_onI_open)
+      show "eval_fls F analytic_on eball 0 (fls_conv_radius F) - {0}"
+        by (rule analytic_on_eval_fls) auto
+      show "not_essential (eval_fls F) z" if "z \<in> {0}" for z
+        using that F has_laurent_expansion_not_essential_0 by blast
+    qed (auto simp: islimpt_finite)
+  qed (use assms(2) in auto)
+lemma meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_cosparse:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "eventually (\<lambda>z. f analytic_on {z}) (cosparse A)"
+  unfolding eventually_cosparse using assms meromorphic_on_imp_sparse_singularities by auto
+lemma meromorphic_on_imp_not_pole_cosparse:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "eventually (\<lambda>z. \<not>is_pole f z) (cosparse A)"
+proof -
+  have "eventually (\<lambda>z. f analytic_on {z}) (cosparse A)"
+    by (rule meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_cosparse) fact
+  thus ?thesis
+    by eventually_elim (blast dest: analytic_at_imp_no_pole)
+lemma eventually_remove_sings_eq:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on A"
+  shows   "eventually (\<lambda>z. remove_sings f z = f z) (cosparse A)"
+proof -
+  have "eventually (\<lambda>z. f analytic_on {z}) (cosparse A)"
+    using assms by (rule meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_cosparse)
+  thus ?thesis
+    by eventually_elim auto
-lemma meromorphic_isolated:
-  assumes merf: "f meromorphic_on D pts" and "p\<in>pts"
-  obtains r where "r>0" "ball p r \<subseteq> D" "ball p r \<inter> pts = {p}"
+text \<open>
+  A meromorphic function on a connected domain takes any given value either almost everywhere
+  or almost nowhere.
+lemma meromorphic_imp_constant_or_avoid:
+  assumes mero: "f meromorphic_on A" and A: "open A" "connected A"
+  shows   "eventually (\<lambda>z. f z = c) (cosparse A) \<or> eventually (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> c) (cosparse A)"
 proof -
-  have "\<forall>z\<in>D. \<exists>e>0. finite (pts \<inter> ball z e)" 
-    using merf unfolding meromorphic_on_def islimpt_eq_infinite_ball
-    by auto
-  then obtain r0 where r0:"r0>0" "finite (pts \<inter> ball p r0)"
-    by (metis assms(2) in_mono merf meromorphic_on_def)
-  moreover define pts' where "pts' = pts \<inter> ball p r0 - {p}"
-  ultimately have "finite pts'"
-    by simp
-  define r1 where "r1=(if pts'={} then r0 else 
-                          min (Min {dist p' p |p'. p'\<in>pts'}/2) r0)"
-  have "r1>0 \<and> pts \<inter> ball p r1 - {p} = {}"
-  proof (cases "pts'={}")
-    case True
-    then show ?thesis 
-      using pts'_def r0(1) r1_def by presburger
-  next
-    case False
-    define S where "S={dist p' p |p'. p'\<in>pts'}"
-    have nempty:"S \<noteq> {}"
-      using False S_def by blast
-    have finite:"finite S"
-      using \<open>finite pts'\<close> S_def by simp
+  have "eventually (\<lambda>z. f z = c) (cosparse A)" if freq: "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z = c) (cosparse A)"
+  proof -
+  let ?f = "remove_sings f"
+    have ev: "eventually (\<lambda>z. ?f z = f z) (cosparse A)"
+      by (rule eventually_remove_sings_eq) fact
+    have "frequently (\<lambda>z. ?f z = c) (cosparse A)"
+      using frequently_eventually_frequently[OF freq ev] by (rule frequently_elim1) auto
+    then obtain z0 where z0: "z0 \<in> A" "frequently (\<lambda>z. ?f z = c) (at z0)"
+      using A by (auto simp: eventually_cosparse_open_eq frequently_def)
+    have mero': "?f nicely_meromorphic_on A"
+      using mero remove_sings_nicely_meromorphic by blast
+    have eq: "?f w = c" if w: "w \<in> A" for w
+      using frequently_eq_meromorphic_imp_constant[OF z0(2) mero'] A z0(1) w by blast
+    have "eventually (\<lambda>z. z \<in> A) (cosparse A)"
+      by (rule eventually_in_cosparse) (use A in auto)
+    thus "eventually (\<lambda>z. f z = c) (cosparse A)"
+      using ev by eventually_elim (use eq in auto)
+  qed
+  thus ?thesis
+    by (auto simp: frequently_def)
-    have "r1>0"
-    proof -
-      have "r1=min (Min S/2) r0"
-        using False unfolding S_def r1_def by auto
-      moreover have "Min S\<in>S"
-        using \<open>S\<noteq>{}\<close> \<open>finite S\<close>  Min_in by auto
-      then have "Min S>0" unfolding S_def 
-        using pts'_def by force
-      ultimately show ?thesis using \<open>r0>0\<close> by auto
-    qed
-    moreover have "pts \<inter> ball p r1 - {p} = {}"
-    proof (rule ccontr)
-      assume "pts \<inter> ball p r1 - {p} \<noteq> {}"
-      then obtain p' where "p'\<in>pts \<inter> ball p r1 - {p}" by blast
-      moreover have "r1\<le>r0" using r1_def by auto
-      ultimately have "p'\<in>pts'" unfolding pts'_def 
+lemma nicely_meromorphic_imp_constant_or_avoid:
+  assumes "f nicely_meromorphic_on A" "open A" "connected A"
+  shows "(\<forall>x\<in>A. f x = c) \<or> (\<forall>\<^sub>\<approx>x\<in>A. f x \<noteq> c)"
+proof -
+  have "(\<forall>\<^sub>\<approx>x\<in>A. f x = c) \<or> (\<forall>\<^sub>\<approx>x\<in>A. f x \<noteq> c)"
+    by (intro meromorphic_imp_constant_or_avoid)
+       (use assms in \<open>auto simp: nicely_meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
+  thus ?thesis
+  proof
+    assume ev: "\<forall>\<^sub>\<approx>x\<in>A. f x = c"
+    have "\<forall>x\<in>A. f x = c "
+    proof
+      fix x assume x: "x \<in> A"
+      have "not_essential f x"
+        using assms x unfolding nicely_meromorphic_on_def by blast
+      moreover have "is_pole f x \<longleftrightarrow> is_pole (\<lambda>_. c) x"
+        by (intro is_pole_cong) (use ev x in \<open>auto simp: eventually_cosparse_open_eq assms\<close>)
+      hence "\<not>is_pole f x"
         by auto
-      then have "dist p' p\<ge>Min S" 
-        using S_def eq_Min_iff local.finite by blast
-      moreover have "dist p' p < Min S"
-        using \<open>p'\<in>pts \<inter> ball p r1 - {p}\<close> False unfolding r1_def
-        apply (fold S_def)
-        by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) DiffD1 Int_iff dist_commute 
-            dist_triangle_half_l mem_ball)
-      ultimately show False by auto
+      ultimately have "f analytic_on {x}"
+        using assms(1) nicely_meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at x by blast
+      hence "f \<midarrow>x\<rightarrow> f x"
+        by (intro isContD analytic_at_imp_isCont)
+      also have "?this \<longleftrightarrow> (\<lambda>_. c) \<midarrow>x\<rightarrow> f x"
+        by (intro tendsto_cong) (use ev x in \<open>auto simp: eventually_cosparse_open_eq assms\<close>)
+      finally have "(\<lambda>_. c) \<midarrow>x\<rightarrow> f x" .
+      moreover have "(\<lambda>_. c) \<midarrow>x\<rightarrow> c"
+        by simp
+      ultimately show "f x = c"
+        using LIM_unique by blast
-    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
-  qed
-  then have "r1>0" and r1_pts:"pts \<inter> ball p r1 - {p} = {}" by auto
+    thus ?thesis
+      by blast
+  qed blast
-  obtain r2 where "r2>0" "ball p r2 \<subseteq> D"
-    by (metis assms(2) merf meromorphic_on_def openE subset_eq)
-  define r where "r=min r1 r2"
-  have "r > 0" unfolding r_def 
-    by (simp add: \<open>0 < r1\<close> \<open>0 < r2\<close>)
-  moreover have "ball p r \<subseteq> D" 
-    using \<open>ball p r2 \<subseteq> D\<close> r_def by auto
-  moreover have "ball p r \<inter> pts = {p}"
-    using assms(2) \<open>r>0\<close> r1_pts
-    unfolding r_def by auto
+lemma nicely_meromorphic_onE:
+  assumes "f nicely_meromorphic_on A"
+  obtains pts where "pts \<subseteq> A" "pts sparse_in A" 
+    "f analytic_on A - pts"
+    "\<And>z. z \<in> pts \<Longrightarrow> is_pole f z \<and> f z=0"
+proof -
+  define pts where "pts = {z \<in> A. \<not> f analytic_on {z}}"
+  have "pts \<subseteq> A" "pts sparse_in A" 
+    using assms unfolding pts_def nicely_meromorphic_on_def
+    by (auto intro:meromorphic_on_imp_sparse_singularities')
+  moreover have "f analytic_on A - pts" unfolding pts_def
+    by (subst analytic_on_analytic_at) auto
+  moreover have "\<And>z. z \<in> pts \<Longrightarrow> is_pole f z \<and> f z=0"
+    by (metis (no_types, lifting) remove_sings_eqI 
+        remove_sings_eq_0_iff assms is_pole_imp_not_essential 
+        mem_Collect_eq nicely_meromorphic_on_def 
+        nicely_meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at pts_def)
   ultimately show ?thesis using that by auto
-lemma meromorphic_pts_closure:
-  assumes merf: "f meromorphic_on D pts" 
-  shows "pts \<subseteq> closure (D - pts)"
-proof -
-  have "p islimpt (D - pts)" if "p\<in>pts" for p 
-  proof -
-    obtain r where "r>0" "ball p r \<subseteq> D" "ball p r \<inter> pts = {p}"
-      using meromorphic_isolated[OF merf \<open>p\<in>pts\<close>] by auto
-    from \<open>r>0\<close>
-    have "p islimpt ball p r - {p}"
-      by (meson open_ball ball_subset_cball in_mono islimpt_ball 
-          islimpt_punctured le_less open_contains_ball_eq)
-    moreover have " ball p r - {p} \<subseteq> D - pts"
-      using \<open>ball p r \<inter> pts = {p}\<close> \<open>ball p r \<subseteq> D\<close> by fastforce
-    ultimately show ?thesis 
-      using islimpt_subset by auto
-  qed
-  then show ?thesis by (simp add: islimpt_in_closure subset_eq)
-lemma nconst_imp_nzero_neighbour:
-  assumes merf: "f meromorphic_on D pts" 
-    and f_nconst:"\<not>(\<forall>w\<in>D-pts. f w=0)"
-    and "z\<in>D" and "connected D"
-  shows "(\<forall>\<^sub>F w in at z. f w \<noteq> 0 \<and> w \<in> D - pts)"
+lemma nicely_meromorphic_onI_open:
+  assumes "open A" and
+    analytic:"f analytic_on A - pts" and
+    pole:"\<And>x. x\<in>pts \<Longrightarrow> is_pole f x \<and> f x = 0" and 
+    isolated:"\<And>x. x\<in>A \<Longrightarrow> isolated_singularity_at f x"
+  shows "f nicely_meromorphic_on A"
 proof -
-  obtain \<beta> where \<beta>:"\<beta> \<in> D - pts" "f \<beta>\<noteq>0"
-    using f_nconst by auto
-  have ?thesis if "z\<notin>pts" 
-  proof -
-    have "\<forall>\<^sub>F w in at z. f w \<noteq> 0 \<and> w \<in> D - pts"
-      apply (rule non_zero_neighbour_alt[of f "D-pts" z  \<beta>])
-      subgoal using merf meromorphic_on_def by blast
-      subgoal using merf meromorphic_imp_open_diff by auto
-      subgoal using assms(4) merf meromorphic_imp_connected_diff by blast
-      subgoal by (simp add: assms(3) that)
-      using \<beta> by auto
-    then show ?thesis by (auto elim:eventually_mono)
-  qed
-  moreover have ?thesis if "z\<in>pts" "\<not> f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> 0" 
-  proof -
-    have "\<forall>\<^sub>F w in at z. w \<in> D - pts"
-      using merf[unfolded meromorphic_on_def islimpt_iff_eventually] \<open>z\<in>D\<close>
-      using eventually_at_in_open' eventually_elim2 by fastforce
-    moreover have "\<forall>\<^sub>F w in at z. f w \<noteq> 0" 
-    proof (cases  "is_pole f z")
-      case True
-      then show ?thesis using non_zero_neighbour_pole by auto
-    next
-      case False
-      moreover have "not_essential f z"
-        using merf meromorphic_on_def that(1) by fastforce
-      ultimately obtain c where "c\<noteq>0" "f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> c"
-        by (metis \<open>\<not> f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> 0\<close> not_essential_def)
-      then show ?thesis 
-        using tendsto_imp_eventually_ne by auto
-    qed
-    ultimately show ?thesis by eventually_elim auto
-  qed
-  moreover have ?thesis if "z\<in>pts" "f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> 0" 
-  proof -
-    define ff where "ff=(\<lambda>x. if x=z then 0 else f x)"
-    define A where "A=D - (pts - {z})"
-    have "f holomorphic_on A - {z}"
-      by (metis A_def Diff_insert analytic_imp_holomorphic 
-            insert_Diff merf meromorphic_imp_analytic_on that(1))
-    moreover have "open A"  
-      using A_def merf meromorphic_imp_open_diff' by force
-    ultimately have "ff holomorphic_on A" 
-      using \<open>f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> 0\<close> unfolding ff_def
-      by (rule removable_singularity)
-    moreover have "connected A"
-    proof -
-      have "connected (D - pts)" 
-        using assms(4) merf meromorphic_imp_connected_diff by auto
-      moreover have "D - pts \<subseteq> A"
-        unfolding A_def by auto
-      moreover have "A \<subseteq> closure (D - pts)" unfolding A_def
-        by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Diff_empty Diff_insert 
-            closure_subset insert_Diff_single insert_absorb 
-            insert_subset merf meromorphic_pts_closure that(1))
-      ultimately show ?thesis using connected_intermediate_closure 
-        by auto
-    qed
-    moreover have "z \<in> A" using A_def assms(3) by blast
-    moreover have "ff z = 0" unfolding ff_def by auto
-    moreover have "\<beta> \<in> A " using A_def \<beta>(1) by blast
-    moreover have "ff \<beta> \<noteq> 0" using \<beta>(1) \<beta>(2) ff_def that(1) by auto
-    ultimately obtain r where "0 < r" 
-        "ball z r \<subseteq> A" "\<And>x. x \<in> ball z r - {z} \<Longrightarrow> ff x \<noteq> 0"
-      using \<open>open A\<close> isolated_zeros[of ff A z \<beta>] by auto
-    then show ?thesis unfolding eventually_at ff_def
-      by (intro exI[of _ r]) (auto simp: A_def dist_commute ball_def)
-  qed
-  ultimately show ?thesis by auto
+  have "f meromorphic_on A"
+  proof (rule meromorphic_onI_open)
+    show "\<And>z. z \<in> pts \<Longrightarrow> not_essential f z"
+      using pole unfolding not_essential_def by auto
+    show "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> \<not> z islimpt pts \<inter> A"
+      by (metis assms(3) assms(4) inf_commute inf_le2
+            islimpt_subset mem_Collect_eq not_islimpt_poles subsetI)
+  qed fact+ 
+  moreover have "(\<forall>z\<in>A. (is_pole f z \<and> f z=0) \<or> f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> f z)"
+    by (meson DiffI analytic analytic_at_imp_isCont 
+        analytic_on_analytic_at assms(3) isContD)
+  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding nicely_meromorphic_on_def
+    by auto
-lemma nconst_imp_nzero_neighbour':
-  assumes merf: "f meromorphic_on D pts" 
-    and f_nconst:"\<not>(\<forall>w\<in>D-pts. f w=0)"
-    and "z\<in>D" and "connected D"
-  shows "\<forall>\<^sub>F w in at z. f w \<noteq> 0"
-  using nconst_imp_nzero_neighbour[OF assms]
-  by (auto elim:eventually_mono)
+lemma nicely_meromorphic_without_singularities:
+  assumes "f nicely_meromorphic_on A" "\<forall>z\<in>A. \<not> is_pole f z"
+  shows "f analytic_on A"
+  by (meson analytic_on_analytic_at assms
+        nicely_meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at)
-lemma meromorphic_compact_finite_zeros:
-  assumes merf:"f meromorphic_on D pts" 
-    and "compact S" "S \<subseteq> D" "connected D"
-    and f_nconst:"\<not>(\<forall>w\<in>D-pts. f w=0)"
-  shows "finite ({x\<in>S. f x=0})"
-proof -
-  have "finite ({x\<in>S. f x=0 \<and> x \<notin> pts})" 
-  proof (rule ccontr)
-    assume "infinite {x \<in> S. f x = 0 \<and> x \<notin> pts}"
-    then obtain z where "z\<in>S" and z_lim:"z islimpt {x \<in> S. f x = 0
-                                              \<and> x \<notin> pts}"
-      using \<open>compact S\<close> unfolding compact_eq_Bolzano_Weierstrass
-      by auto
-    from z_lim
-    have "\<exists>\<^sub>F x in at z. f x = 0 \<and> x \<in> S \<and> x \<notin> pts"
-      unfolding islimpt_iff_eventually not_eventually by simp
-    moreover have "\<forall>\<^sub>F w in at z. f w \<noteq> 0 \<and> w \<in> D - pts"
-      using nconst_imp_nzero_neighbour[OF merf f_nconst _ \<open>connected D\<close>]
-        \<open>z\<in>S\<close> \<open>S \<subseteq> D\<close>
-      by auto
-    ultimately have "\<exists>\<^sub>F x in at z. False"
-      by (simp add: eventually_mono frequently_def)
-    then show False by auto
-  qed
-  moreover have "finite (S \<inter> pts)" 
-    using meromorphic_compact_finite_pts[OF merf \<open>compact S\<close> \<open>S \<subseteq> D\<close>] .
-  ultimately have "finite ({x\<in>S. f x=0 \<and> x \<notin> pts} \<union> (S \<inter> pts))"
-    unfolding finite_Un by auto 
-  then show ?thesis by (elim rev_finite_subset) auto
+lemma meromorphic_on_cong':
+  assumes "eventually (\<lambda>z. f z = g z) (cosparse A)" "A = B"
+  shows   "f meromorphic_on A \<longleftrightarrow> g meromorphic_on B"
+  unfolding assms(2)[symmetric]
+  by (rule meromorphic_on_cong eventually_cosparse_imp_eventually_at assms)+ auto
-lemma meromorphic_onI [intro?]:
-  assumes "open A" "pts \<subseteq> A"
-  assumes "f holomorphic_on A - pts" "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> \<not>z islimpt pts"
-  assumes "\<And>z. z \<in> pts \<Longrightarrow> isolated_singularity_at f z"
-  assumes "\<And>z. z \<in> pts \<Longrightarrow> not_essential f z"
-  shows   "f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  using assms unfolding meromorphic_on_def by blast
-lemma Polygamma_plus_of_nat:
-  assumes "\<forall>k<m. z \<noteq> -of_nat k"
-  shows   "Polygamma n (z + of_nat m) =
-             Polygamma n z + (-1) ^ n * fact n * (\<Sum>k<m. 1 / (z + of_nat k) ^ Suc n)"
-  using assms
-proof (induction m)
-  case (Suc m)
-  have "Polygamma n (z + of_nat (Suc m)) = Polygamma n (z + of_nat m + 1)"
-    by (simp add: add_ac)
-  also have "\<dots> = Polygamma n (z + of_nat m) + (-1) ^ n * fact n * (1 / ((z + of_nat m) ^ Suc n))"
-    using Suc.prems by (subst Polygamma_plus1) (auto simp: add_eq_0_iff2)
-  also have "Polygamma n (z + of_nat m) =
-               Polygamma n z + (-1) ^ n * (\<Sum>k<m. 1 / (z + of_nat k) ^ Suc n) * fact n"
-    using Suc.prems by (subst Suc.IH) auto
-  finally show ?case
-    by (simp add: algebra_simps)
-qed auto
+subsection \<open>Meromorphic functions and zorder\<close>
-lemma tendsto_Gamma [tendsto_intros]:
-  assumes "(f \<longlongrightarrow> c) F" "c \<notin> \<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0"
-  shows   "((\<lambda>z. Gamma (f z)) \<longlongrightarrow> Gamma c) F"
-  by (intro isCont_tendsto_compose[OF _ assms(1)] continuous_intros assms)
-lemma tendsto_Polygamma [tendsto_intros]:
-  fixes f :: "_ \<Rightarrow> 'a :: {real_normed_field,euclidean_space}"
-  assumes "(f \<longlongrightarrow> c) F" "c \<notin> \<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0"
-  shows   "((\<lambda>z. Polygamma n (f z)) \<longlongrightarrow> Polygamma n c) F"
-  by (intro isCont_tendsto_compose[OF _ assms(1)] continuous_intros assms)
-lemma analytic_on_Gamma' [analytic_intros]:
-  assumes "f analytic_on A" "\<forall>x\<in>A. f x \<notin> \<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0" 
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. Gamma (f z)) analytic_on A"
-  using analytic_on_compose_gen[OF assms(1) analytic_Gamma[of "f ` A"]] assms(2)
-  by (auto simp: o_def)
-lemma analytic_on_Polygamma' [analytic_intros]:
-  assumes "f analytic_on A" "\<forall>x\<in>A. f x \<notin> \<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0" 
-  shows   "(\<lambda>z. Polygamma n (f z)) analytic_on A"
-  using analytic_on_compose_gen[OF assms(1) analytic_on_Polygamma[of "f ` A" n]] assms(2)
-  by (auto simp: o_def)
-  shows is_pole_Polygamma: "is_pole (Polygamma n) (-of_nat m :: complex)"
-  and   zorder_Polygamma:  "zorder (Polygamma n) (-of_nat m) = -int (Suc n)"
-  and   residue_Polygamma: "residue (Polygamma n) (-of_nat m) = (if n = 0 then -1 else 0)"
+lemma zorder_power_int:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  shows   "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z powi n) z = n * zorder f z"
 proof -
-  define g1 :: "complex \<Rightarrow> complex" where
-    "g1 = (\<lambda>z. Polygamma n (z + of_nat (Suc m)) +
-              (-1) ^ Suc n * fact n * (\<Sum>k<m. 1 / (z + of_nat k) ^ Suc n))"
-  define g :: "complex \<Rightarrow> complex" where
-    "g = (\<lambda>z. g1 z + (-1) ^ Suc n * fact n / (z + of_nat m) ^ Suc n)"
-  define F where "F = fps_to_fls (fps_expansion g1 (-of_nat m)) + fls_const ((-1) ^ Suc n * fact n) / fls_X ^ Suc n"
-  have F_altdef: "F = fps_to_fls (fps_expansion g1 (-of_nat m)) + fls_shift (n+1) (fls_const ((-1) ^ Suc n * fact n))"
-    by (simp add: F_def del: power_Suc)
-  have "\<not>(-of_nat m) islimpt (\<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0 :: complex set)"
-    by (intro discrete_imp_not_islimpt[where e = 1])
-       (auto elim!: nonpos_Ints_cases simp: dist_of_int)
-  hence "eventually (\<lambda>z::complex. z \<notin> \<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0) (at (-of_nat m))"
-    by (auto simp: islimpt_conv_frequently_at frequently_def)
-  hence ev: "eventually (\<lambda>z. Polygamma n z = g z) (at (-of_nat m))"
-  proof eventually_elim
-    case (elim z)
-    hence *: "\<forall>k<Suc m. z \<noteq> - of_nat k"
-      by auto
-    thus ?case
-      using Polygamma_plus_of_nat[of "Suc m" z n, OF *]
-      by (auto simp: g_def g1_def algebra_simps)
-  qed
-  have "(\<lambda>w. g (-of_nat m + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
-    unfolding g_def F_def
-    by (intro laurent_expansion_intros has_laurent_expansion_fps analytic_at_imp_has_fps_expansion)
-       (auto simp: g1_def intro!: laurent_expansion_intros analytic_intros)
-  also have "?this \<longleftrightarrow> (\<lambda>w. Polygamma n (-of_nat m + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
-    using ev by (intro has_laurent_expansion_cong refl)
-                (simp_all add: eq_commute at_to_0' eventually_filtermap)
-  finally have *: "(\<lambda>w. Polygamma n (-of_nat m + w)) has_laurent_expansion F" .
-  have subdegree: "fls_subdegree F = -int (Suc n)" unfolding F_def
-    by (subst fls_subdegree_add_eq2) (simp_all add: fls_subdegree_fls_to_fps fls_divide_subdegree)
-  have [simp]: "F \<noteq> 0"
-    using subdegree by auto
-  show "is_pole (Polygamma n) (-of_nat m :: complex)"
-    using * by (rule has_laurent_expansion_imp_is_pole) (auto simp: subdegree)
-  show "zorder (Polygamma n) (-of_nat m :: complex) = -int (Suc n)"
-    by (subst has_laurent_expansion_zorder[OF *]) (auto simp: subdegree)
-  show "residue (Polygamma n) (-of_nat m :: complex) = (if n = 0 then -1 else 0)"
-    by (subst has_laurent_expansion_residue[OF *]) (auto simp: F_altdef)
+  from assms(1) obtain L where L: "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion L"
+    by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
+  from assms(2) and L have [simp]: "L \<noteq> 0"
+    by (metis assms(1) has_laurent_expansion_eventually_nonzero_iff meromorphic_at_iff
+          not_essential_frequently_0_imp_eventually_0 not_eventually not_frequently)
+  from L have L': "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w) powi n) has_laurent_expansion L powi n"
+    by (intro laurent_expansion_intros)
+  have "zorder f z = fls_subdegree L"
+    using L assms(2) \<open>L \<noteq> 0\<close> by (simp add: has_laurent_expansion_zorder)
+  moreover have "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z powi n) z = fls_subdegree (L powi n)"
+    using L' assms(2) \<open>L \<noteq> 0\<close> by (simp add: has_laurent_expansion_zorder)
+  moreover have "fls_subdegree (L powi n) = n * fls_subdegree L"
+    by simp
+  ultimately show ?thesis
+    by simp
-lemma Gamma_meromorphic_on [meromorphic_intros]: "Gamma meromorphic_on UNIV \<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0"
-  show "\<not>z islimpt \<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0" for z :: complex
-    by (intro discrete_imp_not_islimpt[of 1]) (auto elim!: nonpos_Ints_cases simp: dist_of_int)
-  fix z :: complex assume z: "z \<in> \<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0"
-  then obtain n where n: "z = -of_nat n"
-    by (elim nonpos_Ints_cases')
-  show "not_essential Gamma z"
-    by (auto simp: n intro!: is_pole_imp_not_essential is_pole_Gamma)
-  have *: "open (-(\<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0 - {z}))"
-    by (intro open_Compl discrete_imp_closed[of 1]) (auto elim!: nonpos_Ints_cases simp: dist_of_int)
-  have "Gamma holomorphic_on -(\<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0 - {z}) - {z}"
-    by (intro holomorphic_intros) auto
-  thus "isolated_singularity_at Gamma z"
-    by (rule isolated_singularity_at_holomorphic) (use z * in auto)
-qed (auto intro!: holomorphic_intros)
+lemma zorder_power:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  shows   "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z ^ n) z = n * zorder f z"
+  using zorder_power_int[OF assms, of "int n"] by simp
-lemma Polygamma_meromorphic_on [meromorphic_intros]: "Polygamma n meromorphic_on UNIV \<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0"
-  show "\<not>z islimpt \<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0" for z :: complex
-    by (intro discrete_imp_not_islimpt[of 1]) (auto elim!: nonpos_Ints_cases simp: dist_of_int)
-  fix z :: complex assume z: "z \<in> \<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0"
-  then obtain m where n: "z = -of_nat m"
-    by (elim nonpos_Ints_cases')
-  show "not_essential (Polygamma n) z"
-    by (auto simp: n intro!: is_pole_imp_not_essential is_pole_Polygamma)
-  have *: "open (-(\<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0 - {z}))"
-    by (intro open_Compl discrete_imp_closed[of 1]) (auto elim!: nonpos_Ints_cases simp: dist_of_int)
-  have "Polygamma n holomorphic_on -(\<int>\<^sub>\<le>\<^sub>0 - {z}) - {z}"
-    by (intro holomorphic_intros) auto
-  thus "isolated_singularity_at (Polygamma n) z"
-    by (rule isolated_singularity_at_holomorphic) (use z * in auto)
-qed (auto intro!: holomorphic_intros)
+lemma zorder_add1:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "g meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. g z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "zorder f z < zorder g z"
+  shows   "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z + g z) z = zorder f z"
+proof -
+  from assms(1) obtain F where F: "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
+    by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
+  from assms(3) obtain G where G: "(\<lambda>w. g (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion G"
+    by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
+  have [simp]: "F \<noteq> 0" "G \<noteq> 0"
+    by (metis assms has_laurent_expansion_eventually_nonzero_iff meromorphic_at_iff
+          not_essential_frequently_0_imp_eventually_0 not_eventually not_frequently F G)+
+  have *: "zorder f z = fls_subdegree F" "zorder g z = fls_subdegree G"
+    using F G assms by (simp_all add: has_laurent_expansion_zorder)
+  from assms * have "F \<noteq> -G"
+    by auto
+  hence [simp]: "F + G \<noteq> 0"
+    by (simp add: add_eq_0_iff2)
+  moreover have "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z + g z) z = fls_subdegree (F + G)"
+    using has_laurent_expansion_zorder[OF has_laurent_expansion_add[OF F G]] \<open>F \<noteq> -G\<close> by simp
+  moreover have "fls_subdegree (F + G) = fls_subdegree F"
+    using assms by (simp add: * fls_subdegree_add_eq1)
+  ultimately show ?thesis
+    by (simp add: *)
+lemma zorder_add2:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "g meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. g z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "zorder f z > zorder g z"
+  shows   "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z + g z) z = zorder g z"
+  using zorder_add1[OF assms(3,4) assms(1,2)] assms(5-) by (simp add: add.commute)
-theorem argument_principle':
-  fixes f::"complex \<Rightarrow> complex" and poles s:: "complex set"
-  \<comment> \<open>\<^term>\<open>pz\<close> is the set of non-essential singularities and zeros\<close>
-  defines "pz \<equiv> {w\<in>s. f w = 0 \<or> w \<in> poles}"
-  assumes "open s" and
-          "connected s" and
-          f_holo:"f holomorphic_on s-poles" and
-          h_holo:"h holomorphic_on s" and
-          "valid_path g" and
-          loop:"pathfinish g = pathstart g" and
-          path_img:"path_image g \<subseteq> s - pz" and
-          homo:"\<forall>z. (z \<notin> s) \<longrightarrow> winding_number g z = 0" and
-          finite:"finite pz" and
-          poles:"\<forall>p\<in>s\<inter>poles. not_essential f p"
-  shows "contour_integral g (\<lambda>x. deriv f x * h x / f x) = 2 * pi * \<i> *
-          (\<Sum>p\<in>pz. winding_number g p * h p * zorder f p)"
+lemma zorder_add_ge:
+  fixes f g :: "complex \<Rightarrow> complex"
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "g meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. g z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z + g z \<noteq> 0) (at z)" "zorder f z \<ge> c" "zorder g z \<ge> c"
+  shows   "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z + g z) z \<ge> c"
 proof -
-  define ff where "ff = remove_sings f"
-  have finite':"finite (s \<inter> poles)"  
-    using finite unfolding pz_def by (auto elim:rev_finite_subset)
-  have isolated:"isolated_singularity_at f z" if "z\<in>s" for z 
-  proof (rule isolated_singularity_at_holomorphic)
-    show "f holomorphic_on (s-(poles-{z})) - {z}" 
-      by (metis Diff_empty Diff_insert Diff_insert0 Diff_subset 
-          f_holo holomorphic_on_subset insert_Diff)
-    show "open (s - (poles - {z}))" 
-      by (metis Diff_Diff_Int Int_Diff assms(2) finite' finite_Diff 
-          finite_imp_closed inf.idem open_Diff)
-    show "z \<in> s - (poles - {z})" 
-      using assms(4) that by auto
-  qed
-  have not_ess:"not_essential f w" if "w\<in>s" for w 
-    by (metis Diff_Diff_Int Diff_iff Int_Diff Int_absorb assms(2) 
-        f_holo finite' finite_imp_closed not_essential_holomorphic 
-        open_Diff poles that)
-  have nzero:"\<forall>\<^sub>F x in at w. f x \<noteq> 0" if "w\<in>s" for w
-  proof (rule ccontr) 
-    assume "\<not> (\<forall>\<^sub>F x in at w. f x \<noteq> 0)"
-    then have "\<exists>\<^sub>F x in at w. f x = 0" 
-      unfolding not_eventually by simp
-    moreover have "\<forall>\<^sub>F x in at w. x\<in>s" 
-      by (simp add: assms(2) eventually_at_in_open' that)
-    ultimately have "\<exists>\<^sub>F x in at w. x\<in>{w\<in>s. f w = 0}" 
-      apply (elim frequently_rev_mp)
-      by (auto elim:eventually_mono)
-    from frequently_at_imp_islimpt[OF this] 
-    have "w islimpt {w \<in> s. f w = 0}" .
-    then have "infinite({w \<in> s. f w = 0} \<inter> ball w 1)"
-      unfolding islimpt_eq_infinite_ball by auto
-    then have "infinite({w \<in> s. f w = 0})"
-      by auto
-    then have "infinite pz" unfolding pz_def 
-      by (smt (verit) Collect_mono_iff rev_finite_subset)
-    then show False using finite by auto
-  qed
-  obtain pts' where pts':"pts' \<subseteq> s \<inter> poles" 
-    "finite pts'" "ff holomorphic_on s - pts'" "\<forall>x\<in>pts'. is_pole ff x"
-    apply (elim get_all_poles_from_remove_sings
-        [of f,folded ff_def,rotated -1])
-    subgoal using f_holo by fastforce
-    using \<open>open s\<close> poles finite' by auto
+  from assms(1) obtain F where F: "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
+    by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
+  from assms(3) obtain G where G: "(\<lambda>w. g (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion G"
+    by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
+  have [simp]: "F \<noteq> 0" "G \<noteq> 0"
+    using assms F G has_laurent_expansion_frequently_nonzero_iff by blast+
+  have FG: "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w) + g (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F + G"
+    by (intro laurent_expansion_intros F G)
+  have [simp]: "F + G \<noteq> 0"
+    using assms(5) has_laurent_expansion_frequently_nonzero_iff[OF FG] by blast    
-  have pts'_sub_pz:"{w \<in> s. ff w = 0 \<or> w \<in> pts'} \<subseteq> pz"
-  proof -
-    have "w\<in>poles" if "w\<in>s" "w\<in>pts'" for w 
-      by (meson in_mono le_infE pts'(1) that(2))
-    moreover have "f w=0" if" w\<in>s" "w\<notin>poles" "ff w=0" for w
-    proof -
-      have "\<not> is_pole f w"
-        by (metis DiffI Diff_Diff_Int Diff_subset assms(2) f_holo 
-            finite' finite_imp_closed inf.absorb_iff2 
-            not_is_pole_holomorphic open_Diff that(1) that(2))
-      then have "f \<midarrow>w\<rightarrow> 0" 
-        using remove_sings_eq_0_iff[OF not_ess[OF \<open>w\<in>s\<close>]] \<open>ff w=0\<close>
-        unfolding ff_def by auto
-      moreover have "f analytic_on {w}" 
-        using that(1,2) finite' f_holo assms(2)
-        by (metis Diff_Diff_Int Diff_empty Diff_iff Diff_subset 
-            double_diff finite_imp_closed 
-            holomorphic_on_imp_analytic_at open_Diff)
-      ultimately show ?thesis 
-        using ff_def remove_sings_at_analytic that(3) by presburger
-    qed
-    ultimately show ?thesis unfolding pz_def by auto
-  qed
-  have "contour_integral g (\<lambda>x. deriv f x * h x / f x)
-          = contour_integral g (\<lambda>x. deriv ff x * h x / ff x)"
-  proof (rule contour_integral_eq)
-    fix x assume "x \<in> path_image g" 
-    have "f analytic_on {x}"
-    proof (rule holomorphic_on_imp_analytic_at[of _ "s-poles"])
-      from finite' 
-      show "open (s - poles)" 
-        using \<open>open s\<close> 
-        by (metis Diff_Compl Diff_Diff_Int Diff_eq finite_imp_closed 
-            open_Diff)
-      show "x \<in> s - poles"
-        using path_img \<open>x \<in> path_image g\<close> unfolding pz_def by auto
-    qed (use f_holo in simp)
-    then show "deriv f x * h x / f x = deriv ff x * h x / ff x"
-      unfolding ff_def by auto
-  qed
-  also have "... = complex_of_real (2 * pi) * \<i> *
-                      (\<Sum>p\<in>{w \<in> s. ff w = 0 \<or> w \<in> pts'}. 
-                        winding_number g p * h p * of_int (zorder ff p))"
-  proof (rule argument_principle[OF \<open>open s\<close> \<open>connected s\<close>, of ff pts' h g])
-    show "path_image g \<subseteq> s - {w \<in> s. ff w = 0 \<or> w \<in> pts'}"
-      using path_img pts'_sub_pz  by auto
-    show "finite {w \<in> s. ff w = 0 \<or> w \<in> pts'}" 
-      using pts'_sub_pz finite 
-      using rev_finite_subset by blast  
-  qed (use pts' assms in auto)
-  also have "... = 2 * pi * \<i> *
-          (\<Sum>p\<in>pz. winding_number g p * h p * zorder f p)"
-  proof -
-    have "(\<Sum>p\<in>{w \<in> s. ff w = 0 \<or> w \<in> pts'}.
-       winding_number g p * h p * of_int (zorder ff p)) =
-      (\<Sum>p\<in>pz. winding_number g p * h p * of_int (zorder f p))"
-    proof (rule sum.mono_neutral_cong_left)
-      have "zorder f w = 0" 
-        if "w\<in>s" " f w = 0 \<or> w \<in> poles" "ff w \<noteq> 0" " w \<notin> pts'"
-        for w
-      proof -
-        define F where "F=laurent_expansion f w"
-        have has_l:"(\<lambda>x. f (w + x)) has_laurent_expansion F"
-          unfolding F_def
-          apply (rule not_essential_has_laurent_expansion)
-          using isolated not_ess \<open>w\<in>s\<close> by auto
-        from has_laurent_expansion_eventually_nonzero_iff[OF this]
-        have "F \<noteq>0"
-          using nzero \<open>w\<in>s\<close> by auto
-        from tendsto_0_subdegree_iff[OF has_l this] 
-        have "f \<midarrow>w\<rightarrow> 0 = (0 < fls_subdegree F)" .
-        moreover have "\<not> (is_pole f w \<or> f \<midarrow>w\<rightarrow> 0)"
-          using remove_sings_eq_0_iff[OF not_ess[OF \<open>w\<in>s\<close>]] \<open>ff w \<noteq> 0\<close>
-          unfolding ff_def by auto
-        moreover have "is_pole f w = (fls_subdegree F < 0)"
-          using is_pole_fls_subdegree_iff[OF has_l] .
-        ultimately have "fls_subdegree F = 0" by auto
-        then show ?thesis
-          using has_laurent_expansion_zorder[OF has_l \<open>F\<noteq>0\<close>] by auto
-      qed
-      then show "\<forall>i\<in>pz - {w \<in> s. ff w = 0 \<or> w \<in> pts'}.
-        winding_number g i * h i * of_int (zorder f i) = 0" 
-        unfolding pz_def by auto
-      show "\<And>x. x \<in> {w \<in> s. ff w = 0 \<or> w \<in> pts'} \<Longrightarrow>
-         winding_number g x * h x * of_int (zorder ff x) =
-         winding_number g x * h x * of_int (zorder f x)"
-        using isolated zorder_remove_sings[of f,folded ff_def] by auto
-    qed (use pts'_sub_pz finite in auto)
-    then show ?thesis by auto
-  qed
-  finally show ?thesis .
+  have *: "zorder f z = fls_subdegree F" "zorder g z = fls_subdegree G"
+          "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z + g z) z = fls_subdegree (F + G)"
+    using F G FG has_laurent_expansion_zorder by simp_all
+  moreover have "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z + g z) z = fls_subdegree (F + G)"
+    using has_laurent_expansion_zorder[OF has_laurent_expansion_add[OF F G]] by simp
+  moreover have "fls_subdegree (F + G) \<ge> min (fls_subdegree F) (fls_subdegree G)"
+    by (intro fls_plus_subdegree) simp
+  ultimately show ?thesis
+    using assms(6,7) unfolding * by linarith
-lemma meromorphic_on_imp_isolated_singularity:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on D pts" "z \<in> D"
-  shows   "isolated_singularity_at f z"
-  by (meson DiffI assms(1) assms(2) holomorphic_on_imp_analytic_at isolated_singularity_at_analytic 
-        meromorphic_imp_open_diff meromorphic_on_def)
-lemma meromorphic_imp_not_is_pole:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on D pts" "z \<in> D - pts"
-  shows   "\<not>is_pole f z"
-proof -
-  from assms have "f analytic_on {z}"
-    using meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at by blast
+lemma zorder_diff_ge:
+  fixes f g :: "complex \<Rightarrow> complex"
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "g meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. g z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> g z) (at z)" "zorder f z \<ge> c" "zorder g z \<ge> c"
+  shows   "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z - g z) z \<ge> c"
+proof  -
+  have "(\<lambda>z. - g z) meromorphic_on {z}"
+    by (auto intro: meromorphic_intros assms)
   thus ?thesis
-    using analytic_at not_is_pole_holomorphic by blast
+    using zorder_add_ge[of f z "\<lambda>z. -g z" c] assms by simp
-lemma meromorphic_all_poles_iff_empty [simp]: "f meromorphic_on pts pts \<longleftrightarrow> pts = {}"
-  by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def holomorphic_on_def open_imp_islimpt)
-lemma meromorphic_imp_nonsingular_point_exists:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "A \<noteq> {}"
-  obtains x where "x \<in> A - pts"
+lemma zorder_diff1:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "g meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. g z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "zorder f z < zorder g z"
+  shows   "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z - g z) z = zorder f z"
 proof -
-  have "A \<noteq> pts"
-    using assms by auto
-  moreover have "pts \<subseteq> A"
-    using assms by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  ultimately show ?thesis
-    using that by blast
-lemma meromorphic_frequently_const_imp_const:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "connected A"
-  assumes "frequently (\<lambda>w. f w = c) (at z)"
-  assumes "z \<in> A - pts"
-  assumes "w \<in> A - pts"
-  shows   "f w = c"
-proof -
-  have "f w - c = 0"
-  proof (rule analytic_continuation[where f = "\<lambda>z. f z - c"])
-    show "(\<lambda>z. f z - c) holomorphic_on (A - pts)"
-      by (intro holomorphic_intros meromorphic_imp_holomorphic[OF assms(1)])
-    show [intro]: "open (A - pts)"
-      using assms meromorphic_imp_open_diff by blast
-    show "connected (A - pts)"
-      using assms meromorphic_imp_connected_diff by blast
-    show "{z\<in>A-pts. f z = c} \<subseteq> A - pts"
-      by blast
-    have "eventually (\<lambda>z. z \<in> A - pts) (at z)"
-      using assms by (intro eventually_at_in_open') auto
-    hence "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z = c \<and> z \<in> A - pts) (at z)"
-      by (intro frequently_eventually_frequently assms)
-    thus "z islimpt {z\<in>A-pts. f z = c}"
-      by (simp add: islimpt_conv_frequently_at conj_commute)
-  qed (use assms in auto)
+  have "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z + (-g z)) z = zorder f z"
+    by (intro zorder_add1 meromorphic_intros assms) (use assms in auto)
   thus ?thesis
     by simp
-lemma meromorphic_imp_eventually_neq:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "connected A" "\<not>f constant_on A - pts"
-  assumes "z \<in> A - pts"
-  shows   "eventually (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> c) (at z)"
-proof (rule ccontr)
-  assume "\<not>eventually (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> c) (at z)"
-  hence *: "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z = c) (at z)"
-    by (auto simp: frequently_def)
-  have "\<forall>w\<in>A-pts. f w = c"
-    using meromorphic_frequently_const_imp_const [OF assms(1,2) * assms(4)] by blast
-  hence "f constant_on A - pts"
-    by (auto simp: constant_on_def)
-  thus False
-    using assms(3) by contradiction
-lemma meromorphic_frequently_const_imp_const':
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "connected A" "\<forall>w\<in>pts. is_pole f w"
-  assumes "frequently (\<lambda>w. f w = c) (at z)"
-  assumes "z \<in> A"
-  assumes "w \<in> A"
-  shows   "f w = c"
+lemma zorder_diff2:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "g meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. g z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "zorder f z > zorder g z"
+  shows   "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z - g z) z = zorder g z"
 proof -
-  have "\<not>is_pole f z"
-    using frequently_const_imp_not_is_pole[OF assms(4)] .
-  with assms have z: "z \<in> A - pts"
-    by auto
-  have *: "f w = c" if "w \<in> A - pts" for w
-    using that meromorphic_frequently_const_imp_const [OF assms(1,2,4) z] by auto
-  have "\<not>is_pole f u" if "u \<in> A" for u
-  proof -
-    have "is_pole f u \<longleftrightarrow> is_pole (\<lambda>_. c) u"
-    proof (rule is_pole_cong)
-      have "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<in> A - (pts - {u}) - {u}) (at u)"
-        by (intro eventually_at_in_open meromorphic_imp_open_diff' [OF assms(1)]) (use that in auto)
-      thus "eventually (\<lambda>w. f w = c) (at u)"
-        by eventually_elim (use * in auto)
-    qed auto
-    thus ?thesis
-      by auto
-  qed
-  moreover have "pts \<subseteq> A"
-    using assms(1) by (simp add: meromorphic_on_def)
-  ultimately have "pts = {}"
-    using assms(3) by auto
-  with * and \<open>w \<in> A\<close> show ?thesis
-    by blast
+  have "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z + (-g z)) z = zorder (\<lambda>z. -g z) z"
+    by (intro zorder_add2 meromorphic_intros assms) (use assms in auto)
+  thus ?thesis
+    by simp
-lemma meromorphic_imp_eventually_neq':
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "connected A" "\<forall>w\<in>pts. is_pole f w" "\<not>f constant_on A"
-  assumes "z \<in> A"
-  shows   "eventually (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> c) (at z)"
-proof (rule ccontr)
-  assume "\<not>eventually (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> c) (at z)"
-  hence *: "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z = c) (at z)"
-    by (auto simp: frequently_def)
-  have "\<forall>w\<in>A. f w = c"
-    using meromorphic_frequently_const_imp_const' [OF assms(1,2,3) * assms(5)] by blast
-  hence "f constant_on A"
-    by (auto simp: constant_on_def)
-  thus False
-    using assms(4) by contradiction
-lemma zorder_eq_0_iff_meromorphic:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "\<forall>z\<in>pts. is_pole f z" "z \<in> A"
-  assumes "eventually (\<lambda>x. f x \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
-  shows   "zorder f z = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> \<not>is_pole f z \<and> f z \<noteq> 0"
-proof (cases "z \<in> pts")
-  case True
-  from assms obtain F where F: "(\<lambda>x. f (z + x)) has_laurent_expansion F"
-    by (metis True meromorphic_on_def not_essential_has_laurent_expansion) (* TODO: better lemmas *)
-  from F and assms(4) have [simp]: "F \<noteq> 0"
-    using has_laurent_expansion_eventually_nonzero_iff by blast
-  show ?thesis using True assms(2)
-    using is_pole_fls_subdegree_iff [OF F] has_laurent_expansion_zorder [OF F]
-    by auto
-  case False
-  have ana: "f analytic_on {z}"
-    using meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at False assms by blast
-  hence "\<not>is_pole f z"
-    using analytic_at not_is_pole_holomorphic by blast
-  moreover have "frequently (\<lambda>w. f w \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
-    using assms(4) by (intro eventually_frequently) auto
-  ultimately show ?thesis using zorder_eq_0_iff[OF ana] False
-    by auto
-lemma zorder_pos_iff_meromorphic:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "\<forall>z\<in>pts. is_pole f z" "z \<in> A"
-  assumes "eventually (\<lambda>x. f x \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
-  shows   "zorder f z > 0 \<longleftrightarrow> \<not>is_pole f z \<and> f z = 0"
-proof (cases "z \<in> pts")
-  case True
-  from assms obtain F where F: "(\<lambda>x. f (z + x)) has_laurent_expansion F"
-    by (metis True meromorphic_on_def not_essential_has_laurent_expansion) (* TODO: better lemmas *)
-  from F and assms(4) have [simp]: "F \<noteq> 0"
-    using has_laurent_expansion_eventually_nonzero_iff by blast
-  show ?thesis using True assms(2)
-    using is_pole_fls_subdegree_iff [OF F] has_laurent_expansion_zorder [OF F]
-    by auto
-  case False
-  have ana: "f analytic_on {z}"
-    using meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at False assms by blast
-  hence "\<not>is_pole f z"
-    using analytic_at not_is_pole_holomorphic by blast
-  moreover have "frequently (\<lambda>w. f w \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
-    using assms(4) by (intro eventually_frequently) auto
-  ultimately show ?thesis using zorder_pos_iff'[OF ana] False
-    by auto
-lemma zorder_neg_iff_meromorphic:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "\<forall>z\<in>pts. is_pole f z" "z \<in> A"
-  assumes "eventually (\<lambda>x. f x \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
-  shows   "zorder f z < 0 \<longleftrightarrow> is_pole f z"
+lemma zorder_mult:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "g meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. g z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  shows   "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z * g z) z = zorder f z + zorder g z"
 proof -
-  have "frequently (\<lambda>x. f x \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
-    using assms by (intro eventually_frequently) auto
-  moreover from assms have "isolated_singularity_at f z" "not_essential f z"
-    using meromorphic_on_imp_isolated_singularity meromorphic_on_imp_not_essential by blast+
+  from assms(1) obtain F where F: "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
+    by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
+  from assms(3) obtain G where G: "(\<lambda>w. g (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion G"
+    by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
+  have [simp]: "F \<noteq> 0" "G \<noteq> 0"
+    by (metis assms has_laurent_expansion_eventually_nonzero_iff meromorphic_at_iff
+          not_essential_frequently_0_imp_eventually_0 not_eventually not_frequently F G)+
+  have *: "zorder f z = fls_subdegree F" "zorder g z = fls_subdegree G"
+    using F G assms by (simp_all add: has_laurent_expansion_zorder)
+  moreover have "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z * g z) z = fls_subdegree (F * G)"
+    using has_laurent_expansion_zorder[OF has_laurent_expansion_mult[OF F G]] by simp
+  moreover have "fls_subdegree (F * G) = fls_subdegree F + fls_subdegree G"
+    using assms by simp
   ultimately show ?thesis
-    using isolated_pole_imp_neg_zorder neg_zorder_imp_is_pole by blast
+    by (simp add: *)
-lemma meromorphic_on_imp_discrete:
-  assumes mero:"f meromorphic_on S pts" and "connected S" 
-    and nconst:"\<not> (\<forall>w\<in>S - pts. f w = c)"
-  shows "discrete {x\<in>S. f x=c}" 
+lemma zorder_divide:
+  assumes "f meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  assumes "g meromorphic_on {z}" "frequently (\<lambda>z. g z \<noteq> 0) (at z)"
+  shows   "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z / g z) z = zorder f z - zorder g z"
 proof -
-  define g where "g=(\<lambda>x. f x - c)"
-  have "\<forall>\<^sub>F w in at z. g w \<noteq> 0" if "z \<in> S" for z
-  proof (rule nconst_imp_nzero_neighbour'[of g S pts z])
-    show "g meromorphic_on S pts" using mero unfolding g_def
-      by (auto intro:meromorphic_intros)
-    show "\<not> (\<forall>w\<in>S - pts. g w = 0)" using nconst unfolding g_def by auto
-  qed fact+
-  then show ?thesis 
-    unfolding discrete_altdef g_def 
-    using eventually_mono by fastforce
+  from assms(1) obtain F where F: "(\<lambda>w. f (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion F"
+    by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
+  from assms(3) obtain G where G: "(\<lambda>w. g (z + w)) has_laurent_expansion G"
+    by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
+  have [simp]: "F \<noteq> 0" "G \<noteq> 0"
+    by (metis assms has_laurent_expansion_eventually_nonzero_iff meromorphic_at_iff
+          not_essential_frequently_0_imp_eventually_0 not_eventually not_frequently F G)+
+  have *: "zorder f z = fls_subdegree F" "zorder g z = fls_subdegree G"
+    using F G assms by (simp_all add: has_laurent_expansion_zorder)
+  moreover have "zorder (\<lambda>z. f z / g z) z = fls_subdegree (F / G)"
+    using has_laurent_expansion_zorder[OF has_laurent_expansion_divide[OF F G]] by simp
+  moreover have "fls_subdegree (F / G) = fls_subdegree F - fls_subdegree G"
+    using assms by (simp add: fls_divide_subdegree)
+  ultimately show ?thesis
+    by (simp add: *)
-lemma meromorphic_isolated_in:
-  assumes merf: "f meromorphic_on D pts" "p\<in>pts"
-  shows "p isolated_in pts"
-  by (meson assms isolated_in_islimpt_iff meromorphic_on_def subsetD)
-lemma remove_sings_constant_on:
-  assumes merf: "f meromorphic_on D pts" and "connected D"
-      and const:"f constant_on (D - pts)"
-    shows "(remove_sings f) constant_on D"
+lemma constant_on_extend_nicely_meromorphic_on:
+  assumes "f nicely_meromorphic_on B" "f constant_on A" 
+  assumes "open A" "open B" "connected B" "A \<noteq> {}" "A \<subseteq> B"
+  shows   "f constant_on B"
 proof -
-  have remove_sings_const: "remove_sings f constant_on D - pts" 
-    using const
-    by (metis constant_onE merf meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at remove_sings_at_analytic)
-  have ?thesis if "D = {}"
-    using that unfolding constant_on_def by auto
-  moreover have ?thesis if "D\<noteq>{}" "{x\<in>pts. is_pole f x} = {}"
-  proof -
-    obtain \<xi> where "\<xi> \<in> (D - pts)" "\<xi> islimpt (D - pts)"
-    proof -
-      have "open (D - pts)"
-        using meromorphic_imp_open_diff[OF merf] .
-      moreover have "(D - pts) \<noteq> {}" using \<open>D\<noteq>{}\<close>
-        by (metis Diff_empty closure_empty merf 
-            meromorphic_pts_closure subset_empty)
-      ultimately show ?thesis using open_imp_islimpt that by auto
-    qed
-    moreover have "remove_sings f holomorphic_on D"
-      using remove_sings_holomorphic_on[OF merf] that by auto
-    moreover note remove_sings_const
-    moreover have "open D" 
-      using assms(1) meromorphic_on_def by blast
-    ultimately show ?thesis
-      using Conformal_Mappings.analytic_continuation'
-              [of "remove_sings f" D "D-pts" \<xi>] \<open>connected D\<close>
-      by auto
-  qed
-  moreover have ?thesis if "D\<noteq>{}" "{x\<in>pts. is_pole f x} \<noteq> {}"
-  proof -
-    define PP where "PP={x\<in>D. is_pole f x}"
-    have "remove_sings f meromorphic_on D PP"
-      using merf unfolding PP_def
-      apply (elim remove_sings_meromorphic_on)
-      subgoal using assms(1) meromorphic_on_def by force
-      subgoal using meromorphic_pole_subset merf by auto
-      done
-    moreover have "remove_sings f constant_on D - PP"
-    proof -
-      obtain \<xi> where "\<xi> \<in> f ` (D - pts)" 
-        by (metis Diff_empty Diff_eq_empty_iff \<open>D \<noteq> {}\<close> assms(1) 
-            closure_empty ex_in_conv imageI meromorphic_pts_closure)
-      have \<xi>:"\<forall>x\<in>D - pts. f x = \<xi>"    
-        by (metis \<open>\<xi> \<in> f ` (D - pts)\<close> assms(3) constant_on_def image_iff)
+  from assms obtain c where c: "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> f z = c"
+    by (auto simp: constant_on_def)
+  have "eventually (\<lambda>z. z \<in> A) (cosparse A)"
+    by (intro eventually_in_cosparse assms order.refl)
+  hence "eventually (\<lambda>z. f z = c) (cosparse A)"
+    by eventually_elim (use c in auto)
+  hence freq: "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z = c) (cosparse A)"
+    by (intro eventually_frequently) (use assms in auto)
+  then obtain z0 where z0: "z0 \<in> A" "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z = c) (at z0)"
+    using assms by (auto simp: frequently_def eventually_cosparse_open_eq)
-      have "remove_sings f x = \<xi>" if "x\<in>D - PP" for x
-      proof (cases "x\<in>pts")
-        case True
-        then have"x isolated_in pts" 
-          using meromorphic_isolated_in[OF merf] by auto
-        then obtain T0 where T0:"open T0" "T0 \<inter> pts = {x}"
-          unfolding isolated_in_def by auto
-        obtain T1 where T1:"open T1" "x\<in>T1" "T1 \<subseteq> D"
-          using merf unfolding meromorphic_on_def 
-          using True by blast
-        define T2 where "T2 = T1 \<inter> T0"
-        have "open T2" "x\<in>T2" "T2 - {x} \<subseteq> D - pts"
-          using T0 T1 unfolding T2_def by auto
-        then have "\<forall>w\<in>T2. w\<noteq>x \<longrightarrow> f w =\<xi>"
-          using \<xi> by auto
-        then have "\<forall>\<^sub>F x in at x. f x = \<xi>" 
-          unfolding eventually_at_topological
-          using \<open>open T2\<close> \<open>x\<in>T2\<close> by auto
-        then have "f \<midarrow>x\<rightarrow> \<xi>" 
-          using tendsto_eventually by auto
-        then show ?thesis by blast
-      next
-        case False
-        then show ?thesis 
-          using \<open>\<forall>x\<in>D - pts. f x = \<xi>\<close> assms(1) 
-            meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at that by auto
-      qed
-      then show ?thesis unfolding constant_on_def by auto
-    qed
-    moreover have "is_pole (remove_sings f) x" if "x\<in>PP" for x
-    proof -
-      have "isolated_singularity_at f x"
-        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) DiffI PP_def assms(1) 
-            isolated_singularity_at_analytic mem_Collect_eq 
-            meromorphic_on_def meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at that)
-      then show ?thesis using that unfolding PP_def by simp
-    qed
-    ultimately show ?thesis
-      using meromorphic_imp_constant_on
-            [of "remove_sings f" D PP]
-      by auto
-  qed
-  ultimately show ?thesis by auto
-lemma meromorphic_eq_meromorphic_extend:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts1" "g meromorphic_on A pts1" "\<not>z islimpt pts2"
-  assumes "\<And>z. z \<in> A - pts2 \<Longrightarrow> f z = g z" "pts1 \<subseteq> pts2" "z \<in> A - pts1"
-  shows   "f z = g z"
-proof -
-  have "g analytic_on {z}"
-    using assms by (intro meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at[OF assms(2)]) auto
-  hence "g \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> g z"
-    using analytic_at_imp_isCont isContD by blast
-  also have "?this \<longleftrightarrow> f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> g z"
-  proof (intro filterlim_cong)
-    have "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<notin> pts2) (at z)"
-      using assms by (auto simp: islimpt_conv_frequently_at frequently_def)
-    moreover have "eventually (\<lambda>w. w \<in> A) (at z)"
-      using assms by (intro eventually_at_in_open') (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-    ultimately show "\<forall>\<^sub>F x in at z. g x = f x"
-      by eventually_elim (use assms in auto)
-  qed auto
-  finally have "f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> g z" .
-  moreover have "f analytic_on {z}"
-    using assms by (intro meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at[OF assms(1)]) auto
-  hence "f \<midarrow>z\<rightarrow> f z"
-    using analytic_at_imp_isCont isContD by blast
-  ultimately show ?thesis
-    using tendsto_unique by force
-lemma meromorphic_constant_on_extend:
-  assumes "f constant_on A - pts1" "f meromorphic_on A pts1" "f meromorphic_on A pts2" "pts2 \<subseteq> pts1"
-  shows   "f constant_on A - pts2"
-proof -
-  from assms(1) obtain c where c: "\<And>z. z \<in> A - pts1 \<Longrightarrow> f z = c"
-    unfolding constant_on_def by auto
-  have "f z = c" if "z \<in> A - pts2" for z
-    using assms(3)
-  proof (rule meromorphic_eq_meromorphic_extend[where z = z])
-    show "(\<lambda>a. c) meromorphic_on A pts2"
-      by (intro meromorphic_on_const) (use assms in \<open>auto simp: meromorphic_on_def\<close>)
-    show "\<not>z islimpt pts1"
-      using that assms by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  qed (use assms c that in auto)
-  thus ?thesis
+  have "f z = c" if "z \<in> B" for z
+  proof (rule frequently_eq_meromorphic_imp_constant[OF _ assms(1)])
+    show "z0 \<in> B" "frequently (\<lambda>z. f z = c) (at z0)"
+      using z0 assms by auto
+  qed (use assms that in auto)
+  thus "f constant_on B"
     by (auto simp: constant_on_def)
-lemma meromorphic_remove_sings_constant_on_imp_constant_on:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  assumes "remove_sings f constant_on A"
-  shows   "f constant_on A - pts"
-proof -
-  from assms(2) obtain c where c: "\<And>z. z \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> remove_sings f z = c"
-    by (auto simp: constant_on_def)
-  have "f z = c" if "z \<in> A - pts" for z
-    using meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at[OF assms(1) that] c[of z] that
-    by auto
-  thus ?thesis
-    by (auto simp: constant_on_def)
-definition singularities_on :: "complex set \<Rightarrow> (complex \<Rightarrow> complex) \<Rightarrow> complex set" where
-  "singularities_on A f =
-     {z\<in>A. isolated_singularity_at f z \<and> not_essential f z \<and> \<not>f analytic_on {z}}"
-lemma singularities_on_subset: "singularities_on A f \<subseteq> A"
-  by (auto simp: singularities_on_def)
-lemma pole_in_singularities_on:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "z \<in> A" "is_pole f z"
-  shows   "z \<in> singularities_on A f"
-  unfolding singularities_on_def not_essential_def using assms
-  using analytic_at_imp_no_pole meromorphic_on_imp_isolated_singularity by force
-lemma meromorphic_on_subset_pts:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts" "pts' \<subseteq> pts" "f analytic_on pts - pts'"
-  shows   "f meromorphic_on A pts'"
-  show "open A" "pts' \<subseteq> A"
-    using assms by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  show "isolated_singularity_at f z" "not_essential f z" if "z \<in> pts'" for z
-    using assms that by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  show "\<not>z islimpt pts'" if "z \<in> A" for z
-    using assms that islimpt_subset unfolding meromorphic_on_def by blast
-  have "f analytic_on A - pts"
-    using assms(1) meromorphic_imp_analytic by blast
-  with assms have "f analytic_on (A - pts) \<union> (pts - pts')"
-    by (subst analytic_on_Un) auto
-  also have "(A - pts) \<union> (pts - pts') = A - pts'"
-    using assms by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  finally show "f holomorphic_on A - pts'"
-    using analytic_imp_holomorphic by blast
-lemma meromorphic_on_imp_superset_singularities_on:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "singularities_on A f \<subseteq> pts"
-  fix z assume "z \<in> singularities_on A f"
-  hence "z \<in> A" "\<not>f analytic_on {z}"
-    by (auto simp: singularities_on_def)
-  with assms show "z \<in> pts"
-    by (meson DiffI meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at)
-lemma meromorphic_on_singularities_on:
-  assumes "f meromorphic_on A pts"
-  shows   "f meromorphic_on A (singularities_on A f)"
-  using assms meromorphic_on_imp_superset_singularities_on[OF assms]
-proof (rule meromorphic_on_subset_pts)
-  have "f analytic_on {z}" if "z \<in> pts - singularities_on A f" for z
-    using that assms by (auto simp: singularities_on_def meromorphic_on_def)
-  thus "f analytic_on pts - singularities_on A f"
-    using analytic_on_analytic_at by blast
-theorem Residue_theorem_inside:
-  assumes f: "f meromorphic_on s pts"
-             "simply_connected s"
-  assumes g: "valid_path g"
-             "pathfinish g = pathstart g"
-             "path_image g \<subseteq> s - pts"
-  defines "pts1 \<equiv> pts \<inter> inside (path_image g)"
-  shows "finite pts1"
-    and "contour_integral g f = 2 * pi * \<i> * (\<Sum>p\<in>pts1. winding_number g p * residue f p)"
-proof - 
-  note [dest] = valid_path_imp_path
-  have cl_g [intro]: "closed (path_image g)"
-    using g by (auto intro!: closed_path_image)
-  have "open s"
-    using f(1) by (auto simp: meromorphic_on_def)
-  define pts2 where "pts2 = pts - pts1"
-  define A where "A = path_image g \<union> inside (path_image g)"
-  have "closed A"
-    unfolding A_def using g by (intro closed_path_image_Un_inside) auto
-  moreover have "bounded A"
-    unfolding A_def using g by (auto intro!: bounded_path_image bounded_inside)
-  ultimately have 1: "compact A"
-    using compact_eq_bounded_closed by blast
-  have 2: "open (s - pts2)"
-    using f by (auto intro!: meromorphic_imp_open_diff' [OF f(1)] simp: pts2_def)
-  have 3: "A \<subseteq> s - pts2"
-    unfolding A_def pts2_def pts1_def
-    using f(2) g(3) 2 subset_simply_connected_imp_inside_subset[of s "path_image g"] \<open>open s\<close>
-    by auto
-  obtain \<epsilon> where \<epsilon>: "\<epsilon> > 0" "(\<Union>x\<in>A. ball x \<epsilon>) \<subseteq> s - pts2"
-    using compact_subset_open_imp_ball_epsilon_subset[OF 1 2 3] by blast
-  define B where "B = (\<Union>x\<in>A. ball x \<epsilon>)"
-  have "finite (A \<inter> pts)"
-    using 1 3 by (intro meromorphic_compact_finite_pts[OF f(1)]) auto
-  also have "A \<inter> pts = pts1"
-    unfolding pts1_def using g by (auto simp: A_def)
-  finally show fin: "finite pts1" .
-  show "contour_integral g f = 2 * pi * \<i> * (\<Sum>p\<in>pts1. winding_number g p * residue f p)"
-  proof (rule Residue_theorem)
-    show "open B"
-      by (auto simp: B_def)
-  next
-    have "connected A"
-      unfolding A_def using g
-      by (intro connected_with_inside closed_path_image connected_path_image) auto
-    hence "connected (A \<union> B)"
-      unfolding B_def using g \<open>\<epsilon> > 0\<close> f(2)
-      by (intro connected_Un_UN connected_path_image valid_path_imp_path)
-         (auto simp: simply_connected_imp_connected)
-    also have "A \<union> B = B"
-      using \<epsilon>(1) by (auto simp: B_def)
-    finally show "connected B" .
-  next
-    have "f holomorphic_on (s - pts)"
-      by (intro meromorphic_imp_holomorphic f)
-    moreover have "B - pts1 \<subseteq> s - pts"
-      using \<epsilon> unfolding B_def by (auto simp: pts1_def pts2_def)
-    ultimately show "f holomorphic_on (B - pts1)"
-      by (rule holomorphic_on_subset)
-  next
-    have "path_image g \<subseteq> A - pts1"
-      using g unfolding pts1_def by (auto simp: A_def)
-    also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> B - pts1"
-      unfolding B_def using \<epsilon>(1) by auto
-    finally show "path_image g \<subseteq> B - pts1" .
-  next
-    show "\<forall>z. z \<notin> B \<longrightarrow> winding_number g z = 0"
-    proof safe
-      fix z assume z: "z \<notin> B"
-      hence "z \<notin> A"
-        using \<epsilon>(1) by (auto simp: B_def)
-      hence "z \<in> outside (path_image g)"
-        unfolding A_def by (simp add: union_with_inside)
-      thus "winding_number g z = 0"
-        using g by (intro winding_number_zero_in_outside) auto
-    qed
-  qed (use g fin in auto)
-theorem Residue_theorem':
-  assumes f: "f meromorphic_on s pts"
-             "simply_connected s"
-  assumes g: "valid_path g" 
-             "pathfinish g = pathstart g"
-             "path_image g \<subseteq> s - pts"
-  assumes pts': "finite pts'"
-                "pts' \<subseteq> s"
-                "\<And>z. z \<in> pts - pts' \<Longrightarrow> winding_number g z = 0"
-  shows "contour_integral g f = 2 * pi * \<i> * (\<Sum>p\<in>pts'. winding_number g p * residue f p)"
-proof -
-  note [dest] = valid_path_imp_path
-  define pts1 where "pts1 = pts \<inter> inside (path_image g)"
-  have "contour_integral g f = 2 * pi * \<i> * (\<Sum>p\<in>pts1. winding_number g p * residue f p)"
-    unfolding pts1_def by (intro Residue_theorem_inside[OF f g])
-  also have "(\<Sum>p\<in>pts1. winding_number g p * residue f p) =
-             (\<Sum>p\<in>pts'. winding_number g p * residue f p)"
-  proof (intro sum.mono_neutral_cong refl)
-    show "finite pts1"
-      unfolding pts1_def by (intro Residue_theorem_inside[OF f g])
-    show "finite pts'"
-      by fact
-  next
-    fix z assume z: "z \<in> pts' - pts1"
-    show "winding_number g z * residue f z = 0"
-    proof (cases "z \<in> pts")
-      case True
-      with z have "z \<notin> path_image g \<union> inside (path_image g)"
-        using g(3) by (auto simp: pts1_def)
-      hence "z \<in> outside (path_image g)"
-        by (simp add: union_with_inside)
-      hence "winding_number g z = 0"
-        using g by (intro winding_number_zero_in_outside) auto
-      thus ?thesis
-        by simp
-    next
-      case False
-      with z pts' have "z \<in> s - pts"
-        by auto
-      with f(1) have "f analytic_on {z}"
-        by (intro meromorphic_on_imp_analytic_at)
-      hence "residue f z = 0"
-        using analytic_at residue_holo by blast
-      thus ?thesis
-        by simp
-    qed
-  next
-    fix z assume z: "z \<in> pts1 - pts'"
-    hence "winding_number g z = 0"
-      using pts' by (auto simp: pts1_def)
-    thus "winding_number g z * residue f z = 0"
-      by simp
-  qed
-  finally show ?thesis .