changeset 55202 824c48a539c9
parent 55201 1ee776da8da7
child 55205 8450622db0c5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_minimize.ML	Fri Jan 31 10:23:32 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_minimize.ML
+    Author:     Philipp Meyer, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
+Minimization of fact list for Metis using external provers.
+  type stature = ATP_Problem_Generate.stature
+  type reconstructor = Sledgehammer_Reconstructor.reconstructor
+  type play_outcome = Sledgehammer_Reconstructor.play_outcome
+  type mode = Sledgehammer_Prover.mode
+  type params = Sledgehammer_Prover.params
+  type prover = Sledgehammer_Prover.prover
+  val binary_min_facts : int Config.T
+  val auto_minimize_min_facts : int Config.T
+  val auto_minimize_max_time : real Config.T
+  val minimize_facts : (thm list -> unit) -> string -> params -> bool -> int -> int ->
+    Proof.state -> thm -> (reconstructor * play_outcome) Lazy.lazy option ->
+    ((string * stature) * thm list) list ->
+    ((string * stature) * thm list) list option
+    * ((reconstructor * play_outcome) Lazy.lazy * ((reconstructor * play_outcome) -> string)
+       * string)
+  val get_minimizing_prover : Proof.context -> mode -> (thm list -> unit) -> string -> prover
+  val run_minimize : params -> (thm list -> unit) -> int -> (Facts.ref * Attrib.src list) list ->
+    Proof.state -> unit
+structure Sledgehammer_Prover_Minimize : SLEDGEHAMMER_PROVER_MINIMIZE =
+open ATP_Util
+open ATP_Proof
+open ATP_Problem_Generate
+open ATP_Systems
+open Sledgehammer_Util
+open Sledgehammer_Fact
+open Sledgehammer_Reconstructor
+open Sledgehammer_Isar
+open Sledgehammer_Prover
+(* wrapper for calling external prover *)
+fun n_facts names =
+  let val n = length names in
+    string_of_int n ^ " fact" ^ plural_s n ^
+    (if n > 0 then
+       ": " ^ (names |> map fst |> sort string_ord |> space_implode " ")
+     else
+       "")
+  end
+fun print silent f = if silent then () else Output.urgent_message (f ())
+fun test_facts ({debug, verbose, overlord, spy, provers, max_mono_iters, max_new_mono_instances,
+      type_enc, strict, lam_trans, uncurried_aliases, isar_proofs, compress_isar, try0_isar,
+      preplay_timeout, ...} : params)
+    silent (prover : prover) timeout i n state goal facts =
+  let
+    val _ =
+      print silent (fn () =>
+        "Testing " ^ n_facts (map fst facts) ^
+        (if verbose then " (timeout: " ^ string_of_time timeout ^ ")" else "") ^ "...")
+    val facts = facts |> maps (fn (n, ths) => map (pair n) ths)
+    val params =
+      {debug = debug, verbose = verbose, overlord = overlord, spy = spy, blocking = true,
+       provers = provers, type_enc = type_enc, strict = strict, lam_trans = lam_trans,
+       uncurried_aliases = uncurried_aliases, learn = false, fact_filter = NONE,
+       max_facts = SOME (length facts), fact_thresholds = (1.01, 1.01),
+       max_mono_iters = max_mono_iters, max_new_mono_instances = max_new_mono_instances,
+       isar_proofs = isar_proofs, compress_isar = compress_isar, try0_isar = try0_isar,
+       slice = false, minimize = SOME false, timeout = timeout, preplay_timeout = preplay_timeout,
+       expect = ""}
+    val problem =
+      {comment = "", state = state, goal = goal, subgoal = i, subgoal_count = n,
+       factss = [("", facts)]}
+    val result as {outcome, used_facts, run_time, ...} =
+      prover params (K (K (K ""))) problem
+  in
+    print silent (fn () =>
+      (case outcome of
+        SOME failure => string_of_atp_failure failure
+      | NONE =>
+        "Found proof" ^
+         (if length used_facts = length facts then "" else " with " ^ n_facts used_facts) ^
+         " (" ^ string_of_time run_time ^ ")."));
+    result
+  end
+(* minimalization of facts *)
+(* Give the external prover some slack. The ATP gets further slack because the
+   Sledgehammer preprocessing time is included in the estimate below but isn't
+   part of the timeout. *)
+val slack_msecs = 200
+fun new_timeout timeout run_time =
+  Int.min (Time.toMilliseconds timeout, Time.toMilliseconds run_time + slack_msecs)
+  |> Time.fromMilliseconds
+(* The linear algorithm usually outperforms the binary algorithm when over 60%
+   of the facts are actually needed. The binary algorithm is much more
+   appropriate for provers that cannot return the list of used facts and hence
+   returns all facts as used. Since we cannot know in advance how many facts are
+   actually needed, we heuristically set the threshold to 10 facts. *)
+val binary_min_facts =
+  Attrib.setup_config_int @{binding sledgehammer_minimize_binary_min_facts} (K 20)
+val auto_minimize_min_facts =
+  Attrib.setup_config_int @{binding sledgehammer_auto_minimize_min_facts}
+      (fn generic => Config.get_generic generic binary_min_facts)
+val auto_minimize_max_time =
+  Attrib.setup_config_real @{binding sledgehammer_auto_minimize_max_time} (K 5.0)
+fun linear_minimize test timeout result xs =
+  let
+    fun min _ [] p = p
+      | min timeout (x :: xs) (seen, result) =
+        (case test timeout (xs @ seen) of
+          result as {outcome = NONE, used_facts, run_time, ...} : prover_result =>
+          min (new_timeout timeout run_time) (filter_used_facts true used_facts xs)
+            (filter_used_facts false used_facts seen, result)
+        | _ => min timeout xs (x :: seen, result))
+  in
+    min timeout xs ([], result)
+  end
+fun binary_minimize test timeout result xs =
+  let
+    fun min depth (result as {run_time, ...} : prover_result) sup (xs as _ :: _ :: _) =
+        let
+          val (l0, r0) = chop (length xs div 2) xs
+          val _ = warning (replicate_string depth " " ^ "{ " ^ "sup: " ^ n_facts (map fst sup))
+          val _ = warning (replicate_string depth " " ^ " " ^ "xs: " ^ n_facts (map fst xs))
+          val _ = warning (replicate_string depth " " ^ " " ^ "l0: " ^ n_facts (map fst l0))
+          val _ = warning (replicate_string depth " " ^ " " ^ "r0: " ^ n_facts (map fst r0))
+          val depth = depth + 1
+          val timeout = new_timeout timeout run_time
+        in
+          (case test timeout (sup @ l0) of
+            result as {outcome = NONE, used_facts, ...} =>
+            min depth result (filter_used_facts true used_facts sup)
+                      (filter_used_facts true used_facts l0)
+          | _ =>
+            (case test timeout (sup @ r0) of
+              result as {outcome = NONE, used_facts, ...} =>
+              min depth result (filter_used_facts true used_facts sup)
+                        (filter_used_facts true used_facts r0)
+            | _ =>
+              let
+                val (sup_r0, (l, result)) = min depth result (sup @ r0) l0
+                val (sup, r0) = (sup, r0) |> pairself (filter_used_facts true (map fst sup_r0))
+                val (sup_l, (r, result)) = min depth result (sup @ l) r0
+                val sup = sup |> filter_used_facts true (map fst sup_l)
+              in (sup, (l @ r, result)) end))
+        end
+        |> tap (fn _ => warning (replicate_string depth " " ^ "}"))
+      | min _ result sup xs = (sup, (xs, result))
+  in
+    (case snd (min 0 result [] xs) of
+      ([x], result as {run_time, ...}) =>
+      (case test (new_timeout timeout run_time) [] of
+        result as {outcome = NONE, ...} => ([], result)
+      | _ => ([x], result))
+    | p => p)
+  end
+fun minimize_facts do_learn prover_name (params as {learn, timeout, ...}) silent i n state goal
+    preplay0 facts =
+  let
+    val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
+    val prover = get_prover ctxt (if silent then Auto_Minimize else Minimize) prover_name
+    fun test timeout = test_facts params silent prover timeout i n state goal
+    val (chained, non_chained) = List.partition is_fact_chained facts
+    (* Push chained facts to the back, so that they are less likely to be
+       kicked out by the linear minimization algorithm. *)
+    val facts = non_chained @ chained
+  in
+    (print silent (fn () => "Sledgehammer minimizer: " ^ quote prover_name ^ ".");
+     (case test timeout facts of
+       result as {outcome = NONE, used_facts, run_time, ...} =>
+       let
+         val facts = filter_used_facts true used_facts facts
+         val min =
+           if length facts >= Config.get ctxt binary_min_facts then binary_minimize
+           else linear_minimize
+         val (min_facts, {preplay, message, message_tail, ...}) =
+           min test (new_timeout timeout run_time) result facts
+       in
+         print silent (fn () => cat_lines
+             ["Minimized to " ^ n_facts (map fst min_facts)] ^
+              (case min_facts |> filter is_fact_chained |> length of
+                 0 => ""
+               | n => "\n(including " ^ string_of_int n ^ " chained)") ^ ".");
+         (if learn then do_learn (maps snd min_facts) else ());
+         (SOME min_facts,
+          (if is_some preplay0 andalso length min_facts = length facts then the preplay0
+           else preplay,
+           message, message_tail))
+       end
+     | {outcome = SOME TimedOut, preplay, ...} =>
+       (NONE, (preplay, fn _ =>
+          "Timeout: You can increase the time limit using the \"timeout\" option (e.g., \
+          \timeout = " ^ string_of_int (10 + Time.toMilliseconds timeout div 1000) ^ "\").", ""))
+     | {preplay, message, ...} => (NONE, (preplay, prefix "Prover error: " o message, ""))))
+    handle ERROR msg => (NONE, (Lazy.value (plain_metis, Play_Failed), fn _ => "Error: " ^ msg, ""))
+  end
+fun adjust_reconstructor_params override_params
+    ({debug, verbose, overlord, spy, blocking, provers, type_enc, strict, lam_trans,
+      uncurried_aliases, learn, fact_filter, max_facts, fact_thresholds, max_mono_iters,
+      max_new_mono_instances, isar_proofs, compress_isar, try0_isar, slice, minimize, timeout,
+      preplay_timeout, expect} : params) =
+  let
+    fun lookup_override name default_value =
+      (case AList.lookup (op =) override_params name of
+        SOME [s] => SOME s
+      | _ => default_value)
+    (* Only those options that reconstructors are interested in are considered here. *)
+    val type_enc = lookup_override "type_enc" type_enc
+    val lam_trans = lookup_override "lam_trans" lam_trans
+  in
+    {debug = debug, verbose = verbose, overlord = overlord, spy = spy, blocking = blocking,
+     provers = provers, type_enc = type_enc, strict = strict, lam_trans = lam_trans,
+     uncurried_aliases = uncurried_aliases, learn = learn, fact_filter = fact_filter,
+     max_facts = max_facts, fact_thresholds = fact_thresholds, max_mono_iters = max_mono_iters,
+     max_new_mono_instances = max_new_mono_instances, isar_proofs = isar_proofs,
+     compress_isar = compress_isar, try0_isar = try0_isar, slice = slice, minimize = minimize,
+     timeout = timeout, preplay_timeout = preplay_timeout, expect = expect}
+  end
+fun maybe_minimize ctxt mode do_learn name
+        (params as {verbose, isar_proofs, minimize, ...})
+        ({state, goal, subgoal, subgoal_count, ...} : prover_problem)
+        (result as {outcome, used_facts, used_from, run_time, preplay, message,
+                    message_tail} : prover_result) =
+  if is_some outcome orelse null used_facts then
+    result
+  else
+    let
+      val num_facts = length used_facts
+      val ((perhaps_minimize, (minimize_name, params)), preplay) =
+        if mode = Normal then
+          if num_facts >= Config.get ctxt auto_minimize_min_facts then
+            ((true, (name, params)), preplay)
+          else
+            let
+              fun can_min_fast_enough time =
+                0.001
+                * Real.fromInt ((num_facts + 1) * Time.toMilliseconds time)
+                <= Config.get ctxt auto_minimize_max_time
+              fun prover_fast_enough () = can_min_fast_enough run_time
+            in
+              (case Lazy.force preplay of
+                 (reconstr as Metis _, Played timeout) =>
+                 if isar_proofs = SOME true then
+                   (* Cheat: Assume the selected ATP is as fast as "metis" for the goal it proved
+                      itself. *)
+                   (can_min_fast_enough timeout, (isar_proof_reconstructor ctxt name, params))
+                 else if can_min_fast_enough timeout then
+                   (true, extract_reconstructor params reconstr
+                          ||> (fn override_params =>
+                                  adjust_reconstructor_params override_params params))
+                 else
+                   (prover_fast_enough (), (name, params))
+               | (SMT, Played timeout) =>
+                 (* Cheat: Assume the original prover is as fast as "smt" for the goal it proved
+                    itself. *)
+                 (can_min_fast_enough timeout, (name, params))
+               | _ => (prover_fast_enough (), (name, params)),
+               preplay)
+            end
+        else
+          ((false, (name, params)), preplay)
+      val minimize = minimize |> the_default perhaps_minimize
+      val (used_facts, (preplay, message, _)) =
+        if minimize then
+          minimize_facts do_learn minimize_name params
+            (not verbose orelse (mode <> Normal andalso mode <> MaSh)) subgoal subgoal_count state
+            goal (SOME preplay) (filter_used_facts true used_facts (map (apsnd single) used_from))
+          |>> (map fst)
+        else
+          (SOME used_facts, (preplay, message, ""))
+    in
+      (case used_facts of
+        SOME used_facts =>
+        {outcome = NONE, used_facts = used_facts, used_from = used_from, run_time = run_time,
+         preplay = preplay, message = message, message_tail = message_tail}
+      | NONE => result)
+    end
+fun get_minimizing_prover ctxt mode do_learn name params minimize_command
+                          problem =
+  get_prover ctxt mode name params minimize_command problem
+  |> maybe_minimize ctxt mode do_learn name params problem
+fun run_minimize (params as {provers, ...}) do_learn i refs state =
+  let
+    val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
+    val {goal, facts = chained_ths, ...} = Proof.goal state
+    val reserved = reserved_isar_keyword_table ()
+    val css = clasimpset_rule_table_of ctxt
+    val facts = refs |> maps (map (apsnd single) o fact_of_ref ctxt reserved chained_ths css)
+  in
+    (case subgoal_count state of
+      0 => Output.urgent_message "No subgoal!"
+    | n => (case provers of
+             [] => error "No prover is set."
+           | prover :: _ =>
+             (kill_provers ();
+              minimize_facts do_learn prover params false i n state goal NONE facts
+              |> (fn (_, (preplay, message, message_tail)) =>
+                     message (Lazy.force preplay) ^ message_tail
+                     |> Output.urgent_message))))
+  end