changeset 3807 82a99b090d9d
child 6255 db63752140c7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/TLA/Memory/Memory.thy	Wed Oct 08 11:50:33 1997 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+    File:        Memory.thy
+    Author:      Stephan Merz
+    Copyright:   1997 University of Munich
+    Theory Name: Memory
+    Logic Image: TLA
+    RPC-Memory example: Memory specification
+Memory = MemoryParameters + ProcedureInterface +
+  memChType  = "(memArgType,Vals) channel"
+  memType = "(Locs => Vals) stfun"      (* intention: MemLocs => MemVals *)
+  resType = "(PrIds => Vals) stfun"
+  (* state predicates *)
+  MInit      :: "memType => Locs => stpred"
+  PInit      :: "resType => PrIds => stpred"
+  (* auxiliary predicates: is there a pending read/write request for
+     some process id and location/value? *)
+  RdRequest  :: "memChType => PrIds => Locs => stpred"
+  WrRequest  :: "memChType => PrIds => Locs => Vals => stpred"
+  (* actions *)
+  GoodRead   :: "memType => resType => PrIds => Locs => action"
+  BadRead    :: "memType => resType => PrIds => Locs => action"
+  ReadInner  :: "memChType => memType => resType => PrIds => Locs => action"
+  Read       :: "memChType => memType => resType => PrIds => action"
+  GoodWrite  :: "memType => resType => PrIds => Locs => Vals => action"
+  BadWrite   :: "memType => resType => PrIds => Locs => Vals => action"
+  WriteInner :: "memChType => memType => resType => PrIds => Locs => Vals => action"
+  Write      :: "memChType => memType => resType => PrIds => Locs => action"
+  MemReturn  :: "memChType => resType => PrIds => action"
+  MemFail    :: "memChType => resType => PrIds => action"
+  RNext      :: "memChType => memType => resType => PrIds => action"
+  UNext      :: "memChType => memType => resType => PrIds => action"
+  (* temporal formulas *)
+  RPSpec     :: "memChType => memType => resType => PrIds => temporal"
+  UPSpec     :: "memChType => memType => resType => PrIds => temporal"
+  MSpec      :: "memChType => memType => resType => Locs => temporal"
+  IRSpec     :: "memChType => memType => resType => temporal"
+  IUSpec     :: "memChType => memType => resType => temporal"
+  RSpec      :: "memChType => resType => temporal"
+  USpec      :: "memChType => temporal"
+  (* memory invariant: in the paper, the invariant is hidden in the definition of
+     the predicate S used in the implementation proof, but it is easier to verify 
+     at this level. *)
+  MemInv    :: "memType => Locs => stpred"
+  MInit_def         "$(MInit mm l) .= ($(mm@l) .= # InitVal)"
+  PInit_def         "$(PInit rs p) .= ($(rs@p) .= # NotAResult)"
+  RdRequest_def     "$(RdRequest ch p l) .= 
+                         ($(Calling ch p) .& (arg[$(ch@p)] .= #(Inl (read,l))))"
+  WrRequest_def     "$(WrRequest ch p l v) .=
+                         ($(Calling ch p) .& (arg[$(ch@p)] .= #(Inr (write,l,v))))"
+  (* a read that doesn't raise BadArg *)
+  GoodRead_def      "GoodRead mm rs p l ==
+                        #(MemLoc l) .& (rs@p)$ .= $(mm@l)"
+  (* a read that raises BadArg *)
+  BadRead_def       "BadRead mm rs p l ==
+                        .~ #(MemLoc l) .& (rs@p)$ .= #BadArg"
+  (* the read action with l visible *)
+  ReadInner_def     "ReadInner ch mm rs p l ==
+                         $(RdRequest ch p l)
+                         .& (GoodRead mm rs p l  .|  BadRead mm rs p l)
+                         .& unchanged (rtrner ch @ p)"
+  (* the read action with l quantified *)
+  Read_def          "Read ch mm rs p == REX l. ReadInner ch mm rs p l"
+  (* similar definitions for the write action *)
+  GoodWrite_def     "GoodWrite mm rs p l v ==
+                        #(MemLoc l) .& #(MemVal v) 
+                        .& (mm@l)$ .= #v .& (rs@p)$ .= #OK"
+  BadWrite_def      "BadWrite mm rs p l v ==
+                        .~ (#(MemLoc l) .& #(MemVal v))
+                        .& (rs@p)$ .= #BadArg .& unchanged (mm@l)"
+  WriteInner_def    "WriteInner ch mm rs p l v ==
+                        $(WrRequest ch p l v)
+                        .& (GoodWrite mm rs p l v  .|  BadWrite mm rs p l v)
+                        .& unchanged (rtrner ch @ p)"
+  Write_def         "Write ch mm rs p l == REX v. WriteInner ch mm rs p l v"
+  (* the return action *)
+  MemReturn_def     "MemReturn ch rs p ==
+                        $(rs@p) .~= #NotAResult
+                        .& (rs@p)$ .= #NotAResult
+                        .& Return ch p ($(rs@p))"
+  (* the failure action of the unreliable memory *)
+  MemFail_def       "MemFail ch rs p ==
+                        $(Calling ch p)
+                        .& (rs@p)$ .= #MemFailure
+                        .& unchanged (rtrner ch @ p)"
+  RNext_def         "RNext ch mm rs p ==
+                        Read ch mm rs p
+                        .| (REX l. Write ch mm rs p l)
+                        .| MemReturn ch rs p"
+  UNext_def         "UNext ch mm rs p ==
+                        RNext ch mm rs p .| MemFail ch rs p"
+  RPSpec_def        "RPSpec ch mm rs p ==
+                        Init($(PInit rs p))
+                        .& [][ RNext ch mm rs p ]_<rtrner ch @ p, rs@p>
+                        .& WF(RNext ch mm rs p)_<rtrner ch @ p, rs@p>
+                        .& WF(MemReturn ch rs p)_<rtrner ch @ p, rs@p>"
+  UPSpec_def        "UPSpec ch mm rs p ==
+                        Init($(PInit rs p))
+                        .& [][ UNext ch mm rs p ]_<rtrner ch @ p, rs@p>
+                        .& WF(RNext ch mm rs p)_<rtrner ch @ p, rs@p>
+                        .& WF(MemReturn ch rs p)_<rtrner ch @ p, rs@p>"
+  MSpec_def         "MSpec ch mm rs l ==
+                        Init($(MInit mm l))
+                        .& [][ REX p. Write ch mm rs p l ]_(mm@l)"
+  IRSpec_def        "IRSpec ch mm rs ==
+                        (RALL p. RPSpec ch mm rs p)
+                        .& (RALL l. #(MemLoc l) .-> MSpec ch mm rs l)"
+  IUSpec_def        "IUSpec ch mm rs ==
+                        (RALL p. UPSpec ch mm rs p)
+                        .& (RALL l. #(MemLoc l) .-> MSpec ch mm rs l)"
+  RSpec_def         "RSpec ch rs == EEX mm. IRSpec ch mm rs"
+  USpec_def         "USpec ch == EEX mm rs. IUSpec ch mm rs"
+  MemInv_def        "$(MemInv mm l) .=
+                        (#(MemLoc l) .-> MemVal[ $(mm@l)])"