changeset 3807 82a99b090d9d
child 6255 db63752140c7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/TLA/Memory/MemoryImplementation.thy	Wed Oct 08 11:50:33 1997 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+    File:        MemoryImplementation.thy
+    Author:      Stephan Merz
+    Copyright:   1997 University of Munich
+    Theory Name: MemoryImplementation
+    Logic Image: TLA
+    RPC-Memory example: Memory implementation
+MemoryImplementation = Memory + RPC + MemClerk + MIParameters +
+  histType  = "(PrIds => histState) stfun"     (* the type of the history variable *)
+  (* the specification *)
+     (* channel (external) *)
+  memCh         :: "memChType"
+     (* internal variables *)
+  mem           :: "memType"
+  resbar        :: "histType => resType"        (* defined by refinement mapping *)
+  (* the state variables of the implementation *)
+     (* channels *)
+  (* same interface channel memCh *)
+  crCh          :: "rpcSndChType"
+  rmCh          :: "rpcRcvChType"
+     (* internal variables *)
+  (* identity refinement mapping for mem -- simply reused *)
+  rst           :: "rpcStType"
+  cst           :: "mClkStType"
+  ires          :: "resType"
+(* the history variable : not defined as a constant
+  rmhist        :: "histType"
+  (* the environment action *)
+  ENext         :: "PrIds => action"
+  (* specification of the history variable *)
+  HInit         :: "histType => PrIds => stpred"
+  HNext         :: "histType => PrIds => action"
+  HistP         :: "histType => PrIds => temporal"
+  Hist          :: "histType => temporal"
+  (* the implementation *)
+  ImpInit        :: "PrIds => stpred"
+  ImpNext        :: "PrIds => action"
+  ImpLive        :: "PrIds => temporal"
+  IPImp          :: "PrIds => temporal"
+  Implementation :: "temporal"
+  ImpInv         :: "histType => PrIds => stpred"
+  (* tuples of state functions changed by the various components *)
+  e             :: "PrIds => (bit * memArgType) stfun"
+  c             :: "PrIds => (mClkState * (bit * Vals) * (bit * rpcArgType)) stfun"
+  r             :: "PrIds => (rpcState * (bit * Vals) * (bit * memArgType)) stfun"
+  m             :: "PrIds => ((bit * Vals) * Vals) stfun"
+  (* the predicate S describes the states of the implementation.
+     slight simplification: two "histState" parameters instead of a (one- or
+     two-element) set. *)
+  S             :: "histType => bool => bool => bool => mClkState => rpcState => histState => histState => PrIds => stpred"
+  (* predicates S1 -- S6 define special instances of S *)
+  S1            :: "histType => PrIds => stpred"
+  S2            :: "histType => PrIds => stpred"
+  S3            :: "histType => PrIds => stpred"
+  S4            :: "histType => PrIds => stpred"
+  S5            :: "histType => PrIds => stpred"
+  S6            :: "histType => PrIds => stpred"
+  (* auxiliary predicates *)
+  MVOKBARF      :: "Vals => bool"
+  MVOKBA        :: "Vals => bool"
+  MVNROKBA      :: "Vals => bool"
+  MVOKBARF_def  "MVOKBARF v == (MemVal v) | (v = OK) | (v = BadArg) | (v = RPCFailure)"
+  MVOKBA_def    "MVOKBA v   == (MemVal v) | (v = OK) | (v = BadArg)"
+  MVNROKBA_def  "MVNROKBA v == (MemVal v) | (v = NotAResult) | (v = OK) | (v = BadArg)"
+  (* the "base" variables: everything except resbar and hist (for any index) *)
+  MI_base       "base_var <caller memCh @ p, rtrner memCh @ p, 
+                           caller crCh @ p, rtrner crCh @ p,
+                           caller rmCh @ p, rtrner rmCh @ p,
+                           rst@p, cst@p, mem@l, ires@p>"
+  (* Environment's next-state relation *)
+  ENext_def     "ENext p == REX l. #(MemLoc l) .& Call memCh p (#(Inl (read,l)))"
+  (* Specification of the history variable used in the proof *)
+  HInit_def     "$(HInit rmhist p) .= ($(rmhist@p) .= #histA)"
+  HNext_def     "HNext rmhist p == 
+                   (rmhist@p)$ .=
+                     (.if (MemReturn rmCh ires p .| RPCFail crCh rmCh rst p)
+                      .then #histB
+                      .else .if (MClkReply memCh crCh cst p)
+                            .then #histA
+                            .else $(rmhist@p))"
+  HistP_def     "HistP rmhist p == 
+                    Init($(HInit rmhist p))
+                    .& [][HNext rmhist p]_<c p,r p,m p, rmhist@p>"
+  Hist_def      "Hist rmhist == RALL p. HistP rmhist p"
+  (* definitions of e,c,r,m *)
+  e_def         "e p == caller memCh @ p"
+  c_def         "c p == <cst@p, rtrner memCh @ p, caller crCh @ p>"
+  r_def         "r p == <rst@p, rtrner crCh @ p, caller rmCh @ p>"
+  m_def         "m p == <rtrner rmCh @ p, ires@p>"
+  (* definition of the implementation (without the history variable) *)
+  IPImp_def     "IPImp p ==    Init(.~ $(Calling memCh p)) .& [][ENext p]_(e p)
+			           .& MClkIPSpec memCh crCh cst p
+			           .& RPCIPSpec crCh rmCh rst p
+			           .& RPSpec rmCh mem ires p 
+			           .& (RALL l. #(MemLoc l) .-> MSpec rmCh mem ires l)"
+  ImpInit_def   "$(ImpInit p) .= (   .~ $(Calling memCh p)    \
+\		                  .& $(MClkInit crCh cst p)   \
+\		                  .& $(RPCInit rmCh rst p)   \
+\		                  .& $(PInit ires p))"
+  ImpNext_def   "ImpNext p ==   [ENext p]_(e p) 
+                             .& [MClkNext memCh crCh cst p]_(c p)
+                             .& [RPCNext crCh rmCh rst p]_(r p) 
+                             .& [RNext rmCh mem ires p]_(m p)"
+  ImpLive_def  "ImpLive p ==   WF(MClkFwd memCh crCh cst p)_(c p) 
+			    .& SF(MClkReply memCh crCh cst p)_(c p)
+			    .& WF(RPCNext crCh rmCh rst p)_(r p) 
+			    .& WF(RNext rmCh mem ires p)_(m p)
+			    .& WF(MemReturn rmCh ires p)_(m p)"
+  Impl_def   "Implementation ==    (RALL p. Init(.~ $(Calling memCh p)) .& [][ENext p]_(e p))
+                                .& MClkISpec memCh crCh cst
+                                .& RPCISpec crCh rmCh rst
+                                .& IRSpec rmCh mem ires"
+  ImpInv_def "$(ImpInv rmhist p) .= ($(S1 rmhist p) .| $(S2 rmhist p) .| $(S3 rmhist p) .| 
+                                     $(S4 rmhist p) .| $(S5 rmhist p) .| $(S6 rmhist p))"
+  (* Definition of predicate S.
+     NB: The second conjunct of the definition in the paper is taken care of by
+     the type definitions. The last conjunct is asserted separately as the memory
+     invariant MemInv, proved in Memory.ML. *)
+  S_def    "$(S rmhist ecalling ccalling rcalling cs rs hs1 hs2 p) .=
+              (  ($(Calling memCh p) .= # ecalling)
+              .& ($(Calling crCh p) .= # ccalling)
+              .& (# ccalling .-> (arg[ $(crCh@p)] .= MClkRelayArg[ arg[$(memCh@p)] ]))
+              .& ((.~ # ccalling .& ($(cst@p) .= # clkB)) .-> MVOKBARF[ res[$(crCh@p)] ])
+              .& ($(Calling rmCh p) .= # rcalling)
+              .& (# rcalling .-> (arg[ $(rmCh@p)] .= RPCRelayArg[ arg[$(crCh@p)] ]))
+              .& (.~ # rcalling .-> ($(ires@p) .= # NotAResult))
+              .& ((.~ # rcalling .& ($(rst@p) .= # rpcB)) .-> MVOKBA[ res[$(rmCh@p)] ])
+              .& ($(cst@p) .= # cs)
+              .& ($(rst@p) .= # rs)
+              .& (($(rmhist@p) .= #hs1) .| ($(rmhist@p) .= #hs2))
+              .& (MVNROKBA[ $(ires@p)]))"
+  S1_def   "$(S1 rmhist p) .= $(S rmhist False False False clkA rpcA histA histA p)"
+  S2_def   "$(S2 rmhist p) .= $(S rmhist True False False clkA rpcA histA histA p)"
+  S3_def   "$(S3 rmhist p) .= $(S rmhist True True False clkB rpcA histA histB p)"
+  S4_def   "$(S4 rmhist p) .= $(S rmhist True True True clkB rpcB histA histB p)"
+  S5_def   "$(S5 rmhist p) .= $(S rmhist True True False clkB rpcB histB histB p)"
+  S6_def   "$(S6 rmhist p) .= $(S rmhist True False False clkB rpcA histB histB p)"
+  (* Definition of the refinement mapping resbar for result *)
+  resbar_def   "$((resbar rmhist) @ p) .=
+                  (.if ($(S1 rmhist p) .| $(S2 rmhist p))
+                   .then $(ires@p)
+                   .else .if $(S3 rmhist p)
+                   .then .if $(rmhist@p) .= #histA 
+                         .then $(ires@p) .else # MemFailure
+                   .else .if $(S4 rmhist p)
+                   .then .if ($(rmhist@p) .= #histB) .& ($(ires@p) .= # NotAResult)
+                         .then #MemFailure .else $(ires@p)
+                   .else .if $(S5 rmhist p)
+                   .then res[$(rmCh@p)]
+                   .else .if $(S6 rmhist p)
+                   .then .if res[$(crCh@p)] .= #RPCFailure
+                         .then #MemFailure .else res[$(crCh@p)]
+                   .else #NotAResult)" (* dummy value *)